umbmg nomical. ‘JA y, 1897, etter qualicy prepared for onomical to nutiful thin IIE sued to the Secretary an 2‘. Mum: m hai! the: b-ve BERS whineâ€, lachines township \V A It“ I 3M1 “bind so! vions 1»: g m'd flunk: can, unty of 0! melon : mu do), iii“ Rxszwsu. â€"It is Always but to renew two weeks before the date on your wrapper expires in order to insure uninterrupted service Cruse: or Amazes â€"â€"Alwsys give both your old end your new Post Ofï¬ce when you ask us to change your address ; the name of the town and the state or province you live in should always follow your own name when writing tothis oflice We cannot readily and your name on our books unless this ls done, a many names are alike .HEC every; Scascalmoxs may commence with my zssne. alumnus should always be made in the safest tanner. Post. Oxï¬ce 1nd Express noney Orders sre always safe uud may be sent. n. cur own risk. Register yourlectars whenyou remit by flash. ‘l‘en Cents per line (solid type) Sonpzriel. ï¬rst maertion, 5c each subs quenc insertion. Reading notices in local c lumns lOcperline ï¬rst menion. 5c each sunsequent insertion :Sunll condensed ndverusements such as strayed cattle. teachurs wanted, farms tor ale 0! six or eight lines 31 cash (or three or tour inscrlions. I! more than eight lines In additional propa'tiombe charge Libéral discounts to merchants (or business adver- mements by the yen or (or s shone: tima. Batu made known on Ipplication. THAT INVESTIGATION GDBS OVER 11E AGO‘NY IS OVER. Parliament Was Prorogued in Due Form Last Night. Slr Oliver flown: Explnluod Matters to the Sallvsfncllon of Salt Mackenzie Bowen. and the Members are 'lhus AI- lowed lo Go llomeâ€" Speech From the Throne, ing being taken, and then the InL'RLaunc was sent forward to the Senate. After this came the Railway Subsidy bill. which was amended by Mr. Blair‘s suggestion so as to deï¬ne the manner in which payments over $3200 per mile are to be made. The basis at payment at the increased subsidy is to be on an expenditure amounting to over $15,000 per mile. This is Mr. Blair’s amendâ€" ment. deï¬ned to be the actual necessary and reasonable cost or construction. and shall include the amount expended on any bridge up to but not exceeding 5%,000, forming rt or the linen! the railway subsidiz , but not to include the cost at equipping the railway, nor the cost at terminals or right or way in any city or incorporated town. _The amendment was adopted and the bill reported. .Then the Crow's_ Nest Pass subsidy bill was read the third time. no one d13- wranglingwhen it adjourned at 1 o’clock this morning. ‘MELMulock was not in 13“..-- nnllad afâ€" 37h? Ganaaiau East. oftcndrugstomc. It is the reluctant tu- timon of 40,000 W that goat’s Emulsion is the standard of the world. Andim’t the kind all othastrvto range up to,thc kind foryggfqbuy? Emulsion†wrangling wucu .. .....-___-_ mis morning. Mr. Mulock was not in the House, and Mr. Foster called at- tention to the fact that the Postmaster- General ought to be there to give-ex- planations. “0h, we'll try and Satisfy the hon. gentlemen,†said Sir Ricband conxingly. “Let us try and put it through." Thu committee made rapid progress with the bill, Sir Richnyd conseutfinw to irxosmr. FRIDAY. JULY, the withdrawal Just as the {in} put to thv men tho chamber Ottawa. “Just as Good wruugu. T e committee made rapid progress with tho; bill, Sir Richard consenting to the wixlulmwal of tWU obnoxious chluï¬es. Just as the ï¬nishing touvhus were bomg put to thu measure Mr. Mulnck entered tlw chamber and was gym-ted with choors' and laughter from both sides. [Iv soon h-nrm-ul what was in progress. :m-i ‘w-‘l; :hn 11mm in :U":H" in fnv'n' of the bill. He admim-d the force 01; 01% .vl‘l".ll||l “’3 â€52°... (-rmtrm-H without tcndo‘r, and was wm in; to nun-t the objections by accupzing any amendment that Mr. Foster might fool disposed to offer. If. howvver. it was it'll to be better to allow this pro- \‘isinn to go over until next session th'm 1m would not question it. â€"- h . _I__-__-,a. u [p 0113‘ L'l";l uI' nuunu u-u. .‘ ....... ._ ,,_ ’l'lxei'i-upnn Mr. Foster observed: “It Won't spoil by keeping,“ and Mr. “11-1 lm-k gran-fully gave way. The bill in its changed form was ac‘ cor-liugly read the third time. Mr. Mnlock then remarked: “I have got the Civil Service bill, which goes with it. Let ‘us put that through.†31:. Foster (in a weary tone of voice): We are dead tired._ l Mr. Mulock (coaxingly): It won‘t take onz. Minister and (ax-Minister then got. to- gether, and while the _House waited they discussed the provisxons of the bill. Having arrived at an agreement the bill was passed. A somewhat unusual motion was that which Major Sutherland, as chairman of the Railway Committee, next sub- mitted to the House. It was to the fol- lowing effect: That all proceedings held in this House on Bill No. 53, to revive and further amend the acts respecting the Saskatchewan Railway Min- ing 00., and to change the name to the Saskntchewan 8: Paciï¬c Rail- wa Mjmng 00., be declared null He said his object in moving this motion was that_the usual fee for pn- vate bill legislahon had in this case been paid by cheque. wl'n cheque had been dishonored at the bank. He 33 v ehnf mflm ‘ - __. “On ev.'ery‘_I-‘riday. The subscription mics Vtte bill legislation had in this case been paid by cheque, which cheque had been dishonored . at the bank. He thought it was dxsgracefnl that railway overs should be gullty 0; such con- uct. and, it only as a wean; tor the tutuxe to those interested gn pnnï¬ bin mmflon. such a~resoluhon sh he Sco tt’s Emuluon. Youhearitin nine out (3011111) 81 00 PER YEAR. Publuhen’ Notice. again wu “opted Dr. Montague called at: Twoï¬mwcï¬andï¬m. 533.1315}: POST 1. published Lï¬on._" Wéï¬Ã©h 3-: ADVERTI SING RATES. 'AYABLB IN ADVASCB. J1me - muons m mm :9. 4Spocial.)--The mons nurh- short Work of 1' this morning. The ï¬rst of Wm thu- supply list, stage and tho.- third read- :u, and then the measure an! to the Senate. nme the Railway Subsidy WILSON 5'. WILSON. Proprietors. atiendoxLLtbe 2:. _i_n g‘dmum - 11::anqu 1mm! mgul ml was wxll 9. 1897. u It influent min m was me mur- nay mining regions. People were 3111- term: t inconvenience from it. The ostmaster-General said that .he expected Chief Insgcto. :- Sweetnagn would return from ntiah Columbia with a full report in a few: days. He fully realized that the servnce was not what it ought to be. He contemplated many extensions durin the year, which would cost oonaiderabe money, but it was quite impossible to: him to reach any estimate as to the coat and con- sequently he had not at in an eat:- mate. Charges were normally high, but he ho before very long to ,or- ganize s_u a mail aemce as would give satisfaction to everybody. The House then adjourned. At the afternoon session Mr. Blair announced that the total amount 02 railway subsidies voted amounted .to $336,000, on a_ bails of $8200 per tulle. ' A? 6' 'd’éioéi {hé ’ï¬Ã©uéé i'ésdméd’.’ Much the Speaker stated that prorogation wquld take plug-e at 78 9’9locg. 0n reassembling at eight the S aker informed the House jzhat the nnte had passed certain buls. Then there was a. wait for Black 394. .Dr. Sproule, noticing Mr. S'ttnn in In: lace, said he undersgood the hon. gen eman had been to Winn'peg to ï¬n- ally settle the school question. The House would hke to know how he had succeeded. Mr: Sitton: I have pleasure in in- torxmng the hon. entleman that 1h_e prtmpects for the w eat crop in Mam- toba are very good. [Laughten] I may also say that I ascertained that the rumor that there is considerable trouble gmong the Indians is without any foun- ation. - Dr. Sproule: The hon. gentleman, 13h his colleagues, has the faculty or own! ing_ the__que_stxon. [_Lpugh§ey.] Yul s M‘ H“- ‘1 -------- luâ€"""'clâ€"""l Stir. Henderson said as this was Jubi- lee year Her Majesty might certainly be congratulated for the great Liberal- xsm manifested 13% the Government In votipg supplies to er Majesty. [Laugh scan; There was another wait. during which time Mr. Logan sang "Annie Laurie.†Then Black Rod arrived and summoned the faithful Commoucrs tn the Upper Ho_u_se, whe_re they_ hgugg the s \ LLVU§C. n 1-2;: mg: “\u.u .. , The members of both Houses were de- lighted at the sgssign clgslng tQLdgy. _11 xé‘questionnblo warmer um m m mittov could haw carriud on its work. as tin-re was a bare quorum of member! of the upper Huuw in tnwn. and the tum} number of commoners in attend- ance in the House toâ€"‘day was1ess um: ' Ur Sir Louis Davies left for England, via. New York, this :iftcrnuon. He has been sent for to aid Sir Wilfrid in pressing the Canadian case for exclusion or this country from the operation of the moat favored nation claus_es. . -. ., ï¬_._l__.l Ottawa, June 29.â€"-(Specinl.)â€"The Speaker of the Senate announced this morning that he had received the my ply bill. It was introduced and read the ï¬rst time. On motion for the second reading Sir Mackenzie Bowell enquired whether it was the intention of the Government to bring down the Crow's Nest Puss Rail- way hill and the bill now before the Lower ouse for subsidies to railways, as won as another important bill, reliev- in}; the Government at the responsxbility of disposing of moneys or which they were the custodians, (or educntionnl purposes in Manitoba. Sir Oliver {Iowa} said: “It is intended __. n--- 5." gm! luV'H't'u uuuuu Lluuova- Sir A. P. Caron also left for England to-day on mining lgusigess. 77.. -_ n--....l (U‘Uil: vu mount-5 uu ........ His Excellency the Governor-General leavos for Cascapedia to-morrow for a. tow weeks’ ï¬shing. He will be in Tor- 02.?†at the time of the meeting of *he British Association, and in Montreal when the British Medical Association meets there. A youm: man named Joseph Sauve kl] into 40 feet of water. between two barre: at Hull to-day. and was drowned bf‘t'nrv assistance could reach bin}. Mr. Siftou returned from Winnipeg to- day. it is admitted that his vistt to tlzn l'ruirie Capital was in connection with Catholic representation on the Pro- vincial Education Boa rd. â€" IN THE SENA TE. After nu Explanation by sn- 0|lver . Slr flaekcnzle Agrees to Post- punt-met“. mr qucr sauna... mu... .......... to pass the Crow’s Nest Pass bill and bring it to this House. It will probably be down to-day. The same with regard to the subsidies. With reference to the educational fund bill I shall probably be able to answer that question when we met this afternoon. 1 have had no recentrmnversnlion nhom it.“ ,#,_‘_2_ _-5‘Aâ€" Sir Oliver went on to explain marten in regard to the Drummond Raï¬lw and the I. C. R. extension to Montrea He favored the investigation. but urged that the object of it would be better attained next session than now. He stated that in the meantime no agree- ment binding on the Government or the country would he made. Sir Mackenzie Bowel] agreed to the proposa, on the assurances given by the Minister of Justice. _ During the afternoon sessxon. on the second reading of the supply bill, Sen- ator Scott explained that the total th' ear ms 545, men!!! ““9325“,"...5h s46.124.926 amount asxeu wr mm 4»... .._._ V , 1.28.442, as compared with 546124326 lust your. Thert was quite a long du- cmsion [More the bill was ï¬nally passed. Sir Mackenzie Bowel! and Senator Ferguson criticize the action of the Go:- ornn-ent in increasing the annual expen- diture of the country from , , , to something over $50,000,000. in the face of their ante-election pledges of economy. “nil-m and Samuel Burner Went Bali- Inx Sunday Morning Ild.B€III: Un- able to swim. Lou Their llvel. Uxbridge, July 4.â€"One of the sad- dest drowning accidents that have hair pened here for many years occurred to-day at about 11.30 am. when Wil- liam and Samuel Barber. brothers. aged mspectjvcly 22 and 24. were drowned in what is commonly known as Weir's pond, but latterly culled “Brookdale.†This pond is about two miles south of here, and is owned by a syndicate 02 Toronto gentlemen. composed of Dr. Adam “flight and. others, and is kept ,1 5-.‘Iif If nlm.L1’3 Adm "nan; M vâ€"-‘â€"_, , for breeding speckled truut. It aupey’s that the young men, \Villiam. wno works for his uncle, Levi Barber on the 7th concession or Bunch. own- ship, and Samuel. who works for George Hart, noughy, went to the ml. in company thh others to bathe. Villuun got undreSSed ï¬rst. waded out and got beypnd his depth. Samuel, who 2L- __A-M_A rumba! m 80‘ WJULDU Ina Wm. ~_v-. was not quite undressed. rushed in utter his brother, to save him, and. as neither could swim, both went . down together and never came up ahve. The alarm was quickly given and I. luxge party began the work of drug- gmg tor the bodies. which were found near where they went down. The young men were sons of Mr. Henry Barber of _the 6th concession 0: Brock, and boys this morning, and had only left them a ehort time previous to their go- ingâ€"toï¬the pond- Drowned In Ion: Pond. Highland Falls. N.Y.. July 4.â€"1 party at West Pointers. consisting or Charles Mlckeh his why; 3mg ggpghters.| Mrs. doltz pan â€".«â€" n.â€" In Tnno nnrl his wne auu uuuxuwm. a.-. ..-..._ _.._ Adam Mt-lsell, were rowing In Long Pond ï¬nd†when the boat capsized and Mrs. Mickel and child Were drowned. Flrst Ser- ant Anthony Brechbell. of Co. E. Battal- on of Engineers. swam out to the rescue. And he, too, was drowned. Thedford. July 4,â€"Isaac James or Wat- tord was drowned at Port Franks. : sum- mer Enron. and slx we. resort on Lake from Thedford. st 10 o'clock thh mornln Th2 body was recqzerueQJbout 2 o'cl TWO BROTHERS DRUWNBD. Walton! 3|“ â€NV-0". lino Childre- [mfg f6 â€Ã©xprlrain _{m}_tten an, 131:0 flown THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY: ONT- The Trouble in India As; a Serious ASLGCt. MUHAHMBDAN PANATICS ARE UGLY though the em In lee- lupus-ed In the lam-e new in 3‘. Scene!" I â€"Iuw II Danger of lei-x .‘alu'ealed or Killed I! They (:0 0|“. Bombay. July zâ€"The assassins or Lieut. Ayerst ot the commlssariat corps. who was shot and killed by concealed natives while 'euvlng the Governor's reception at Ganesh- kind on the evening of June 2 (Jubilee Day). l’lugue Commissioner Rand being dangerously wounded at the same time. are still at large. The aggressive attitude or the natives prior to the shootings was remarked. There were whispering: or. impending disaster to Europeans. and it is thought that the whole native community. including the police. had foreknowledge that something was go- ing to happen. 0n Jubilee night a de luyed anonymous letter arrived at Commis- sioner Rand's bun glow, saying : “lou will die t y. and the Queen will die two days after. Many others will tol- low. and the soldiers _will all be kllled.’_" A GRAVE SITUATION Calcutta. July 2.â€"The noun; has ended. a compromise on the plague measures hav- lug been arranged betwwn the authorities and the floters, whereupon the disturb- :nu-cs have Immediutcly ceased. The absence or rain is causing the gren- cst anxiety throughout India. r us c wuuseu u... _.. _- ___- IV" u I.“ - Threatening letters have been received by other Europeans. Durliï¬nthe progress at the plague romlnent docs made vio- lent accuse. on: against the Brltlsh sol- diers. charging them with robblng. ravish- lng and lll-treutlng all who-came 1!: contact wlth them. The nllegatlons that the Brahmlns are respunslble (or the murders which have l'ct'vlltly occurred are repudiated vigorous- ly. 'l‘ht- whole matter ls causing the gruv~ cat disquiet in otl'iclul clrcles. Calcutta. July LLâ€"Tlie rioting arose out uf the gmwiug practice or the Mohamme- dnus o! mixing and ratusin: to pay rent for vermin Sn culled mosques. built wutmry lo, the 'eueb o: the Mohammedan religion on ground [wit-2min: to inxillcls. The demolition 01 a mud but. I. ao-calied mosqur, lnl in tin- outbreak. The rioter: '-\'t‘:‘e (‘cutluuat'v reinforced. in respons: m telegrams sent up the Country, in which they appealed to all true Mohammedan: to come to the aid of their co-religinuists. For is bCl-rs llm [(lico and military were re eutedly obliged Q0 cieur the streets. De- ached parties of Mohammedan: stoned Eu- ropeans. “bu-ever tin-v found them. in 51'!!!“ ('aN's dragging them from their glu- l†«'5 All telegraph lines Wore int and the build- ings containing Europeans were ht-sleged. There wen.- ulany narrow escunvs. l‘ho l‘mlcis Fh'illtell war crlvs and \‘ilc vpithets und grossly lnsultcd the European Women. Enron-“m H.“ .n [nu-nu. In several parts of Calcutta it is still dan- uk'l‘nl‘s l’ur buxom-ans to 1:0 about. and it ml" “main so. owing to the nature of the comprumiso by which the riot Was brought to :m cm]. Tln- trouble is roatly increas:~d by tho ab- sence ut the his er onicials. most of whom are now in the hills. Those who remained lu-hiud hositntcd to unit-nuke the responsi- bility of extreme measures. Thu result was that the two 3 Wen- uot allowed to tire nr in inkc t e om-nsivc. even when ex- posml to every kind or indignity and insult. l‘m-lr i-ullalVIUl‘ mu] sl-lf-rvslru. at under the virI-umsmnu-s wivn- udmimhlo. it is “adv-r- dowl that the compromise is imam] upon the um-omluionul wrumlcr of thc- land. but It is b-liovml that this cam-salon will rave :1 >tznullu: munam- to tln- salon“ of inm- ppnns, as m.- riutors will Cub-lint;- .iiw \'|"- tury lhxouuhout all India. In spite of the cussutlun nt tho lint“. tiw situnlinn I“ It“ vlrl‘lxmslnnvos wm‘u udmlruhlo. It Is IlnaPr- «mu that me cummomlsu is imam] upon the llill'1)1|lhl10u:|l wn-«mlcr of thv lund. but It is b-liovml that this cum-salon will rove :l standing: m-unm- to “m salon" of inm- pvnns. as â€no riutm‘s \vlll cvlr-hrni: .llw \-l'-- Lory thxouzhout nil India. In spite of the cvssutlun n! lilo lintm tiu- slimlilnn I" r"- gnrdcd as (-xlrvmolv grave. and It is felt llm' unlc-‘s s-nnn- oiTlc:ul is Inn-sin! with pin-nary 'll\\\'1'i‘.~l during the :lbsonu- of ill!- governing authorities. European citizens will [w cumpellc-d tn am on tin-Ir own 1'"- svoumbluty. London New-nape" A nxlonu. London. July 2.â€"Tl)e newspapers of this cltv ox ross anxiety at the occurrence- in lndiu. ntlmutlng that thl- mass of the natives there un- less content under Brit- ish rule than was generally believed. and that a rebellion of un icnsant proportion- may be threatening.e nstnnt communlcl- tions are passing tween the lndinu 1nd Home Governments. Many Policemen Were Injured. Calcutta. July 2.â€"Iu the ï¬ghting which took place yesterday in the In urb o! Chinpore between the police and the riot- ers. during which the former were com- pelled to ï¬re on the latter. many police- men were injured. A party of 24 member! of the native police was surrounded b I mob and so roughly handled that ll of them are ex ected to die of the injuries they receive The rioters sulrered heav- ily. but they carried oi! their dead end wounded. lo bled Along-Me Illa c. P. I. Truck .8 Clare-tout and Coroner halved Wants to Know Illa Identity. Clarcmont. 0nt.. July Lâ€"An old all: dressed above the average tramp, dl alongside the C.P.R. track about thna miles east of here to-day. The canae of death was apparently aunatrokc or heart failure. He was 5 feet 10 inches in height. Weighed about 160 pounds and apparently about 60 year: of age. There Ina nothing on his person to make out his Identity. Ha apparently came tram the West and was a. mason by trade. having informed acme at the aectlon men shortly before he died that he aoid hia trowel In Guelph a few daya ago. He was clean ahaven. ex t a grey moustache. grey eyea. round ca. which was very much treckled. as were allo hia hands: checked tweed anit. black and grey, black fedora hat. xaiter boots. whlch had been halt soled. grey flannel ahlrt. un- dershirt and drawers on. ll ht atrlped neck- tie. His pockets contain a razor. b soap and small glass. a line. apparentlty a mason's. pearl-handled jackknifc. a two- oot rule and a piece of chewing tobacco. He had an Ottawa Morning Journal of June 25. Communicate any information to Coroner Eastwood. Ciaremont. On t. A Genuine ( use In c worn! by the lulled Benin: one". Montreal, July 3.â€"A ease or what is supposed to be smallpox has been dis- covered in Montreal. . A patient at the Home Hospital, a private hospital for merly known as Strong's, who had re- cently been admitted from Point St. Charles showed symptoms “of that disn ease. br. Labcrge, the City Medical Health examination and gave it as his opinion that the disease was not smallpox. To make cer Dr. Roddick, M.P., Dr. James Stewart and other well-known physicians were called in, and all agreed that it was a genuine case of smallpox. . The patient is now isolated at the CIVIC Hospital. "Ingram othloodpuflflenndhmrm SKIN DISEASES WHO "'15 THIS MAN? 831.4 LLI‘ flow the 'I'i‘oublv .Lrosr. The klollu: [ml-1!. "ox 1 \' HONTREAL- Cuticura. m the “It I.“ I'll! mitt I wm In. a Ina-of Mou- mm Condition 0! (I. In Who In: Lulu Wags -‘l'hc Olin Quiet. Pittsburg. July 3.â€"The coal miner: 01 the Pittsburg district, in deleting convention here to-day. decided unm- will lay down their took tomorrow In“ C“ “W“ v». '00- _-_ wmwhlch promisestobeoneot the longest and9 most bitterly contested ï¬ghts ever known in the Inbor world. delefmmu to the convention kit for their omen or the strike len- timent, etch mu promising n comp snspennion or work in the mine: he re- presented. The minen' omdnls have arranged .. ....... _ The minm' omcids have granted for a series of mu meetlngg to,be held throughout the entire dun-wt. and it is believed the eflect or these poet- inzs will be to bring out every 6 r in the district, those who are “1:55: ironclad ext-cement: as well u the others. _.. .. -14.-..â€" The minen‘ oincinls claim that a con- servative estimate ï¬xes the number 0: men who will 60 on strike in Penn- sylunia, West irzinin, Ohio, Indian: 9nd Illinois at $0.000. They. hope to increase this number as the strike senti- ment grows. .Pittsburg, PL, July 3.â€"The skilled tm flute workers ldeptiï¬ed with the Ann gunned Ammuon of Iraq and Steel Worker: scored a decisive nctory 00â€"day. They secured an advance In wages and a. R'mtecdve clause that tinned plate mi will not manufaeture sheet iron. The workers are juhxlant mdnlqok ‘upon’ the future with hope. _ ____- .L- .3":-. n! e}.- m. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND [BK OUT MINERS HAVE QUIT And the Great Struggle Has Been Inaugurated. :uitlvg-chm'rfléd Tie BEBE; ,0: the 'ré- maining scale: of the association is but a question or time. . Illcn' Hum Conn“... Brazil, Ind. July â€"The cod min- motthisysu-icgqgiggngumeet- A GA-“ in; W. Pregdentw or tgeJ United MKin n?%orherf Association, sddreued them. scribed the condition or the miners du him]. and sdmonished them all tn oin in the strike. The proposition to sun nd work was put to the meeting carried unanimously. 3mm Pittsburg, July 3.â€"The largest eon- vention of coal miner: ever held In thin district began here st 10 o'clock yester- day morning to nke :ction on the strike circular sent out by the genenJ once“ a. few days ago. Nothing had been dam when the __con_v_cntiog adjourned for I _‘ ,‘AJ 5!.-. Wueu Lu: \vu - ‘._..v.. __. ______ lunch. but President Nola stated that the Committee on Resolutions land nub- mittod a report favoring a strike. Thin will he [vi-(«outed this afternoon. The fw‘lin: among tho dologntos. he said. was strongly in favor of a strike. and tho rosolutions would probably be adopt- ('1‘. In mm- a ntriku nmom: the coal minors in the Pittsburg district is do- rlzll'ml at tho convvution today 21.000 minors Will) be conNmml in the mult. Many or how. howm‘or. have not been “an-kin: tognlnrly for some time. In â€in (‘lvnrï¬uld dintx- -t 2000 minors are mnplnywl when tho lino: nre running. and him-iv: Prosido - Nolan says the wlmlv district will also no out. The numlwr of men in othor Statm who m mnvornvri in the prom-at ntriko. no :N mm lw r-utimntcd. 1.:0 as Villa“: Ohio 25.000 men. Illinois 40.00!) men. ln-limm 0000 and in \th Virginia about 22.0“". 11 total of 142.000 all told. Wurkln'; I'qumny fln- ('lt'nrï¬t‘m diflh' mmnluyml whon mo mnl Didrit‘f Prrsii wlmh- district will number of men in ‘ mnvornvd ln 3‘10.†Columbus. 0.. July 4.â€"To)omms net-Iv- od by l'ru-sldvnt Rntchfonl of tho United Minn Worm-rs toâ€"dny lndlmh- tint the or- dc-r for n anon] strike of 'hc mlnms b†[won comp led with cam-n!" Huron-:lmm . . “44... .0 .ml. InMnn-L ll. boon compum Wlul um..." W tho mlnlnz district! at dbl-1. lndlmm. ll- lluols and Wetter!) Penmvlrnnln and In Motion: of West Virginia Ind Kentucky. It will tnko several am hc\(\‘or. to de- trrmlno wlth any degree of accurug’I the numbor of men Involved. Pmldont tob- ford roughly atlmatn the number It 200.- 000. but this In regarded as very libel-u. New York. July Lâ€"‘l‘he Joann! u the cool strike about to be lnnun ls protracted until September 1. In M {Mr to be. the loss to men and 0 will roach nearly 850,000,000. I: show the following able: Annie'- foal to Kept. I. Loss to 350.000 menâ€"50 dun work at 90 cents per «Juana? Loss to operatorsâ€"two monthl' output. 10300.0“) tons. It l'l'lllll proï¬t r ton 1.0 [Aims to ralroadsâ€"trolzbt on two mnuths‘ output It sou-nu 001' ton .. .................... Ina-8 to coal compnnlos' Moron- amount spent by 330.000 min. on. 73 cent; per day 18.] Loss to the publicâ€"lncmnsed prlco on two months' con- sumption. gramme tons. at 25 4.8 'J‘pwl .......... .._r, The fun-going cgumnte has been formed by n curt-ml comparison of the present mndluons with the cost of the big strike. at forum-r years. It Is based. as m-ll. upon Hn- Government statistics 0! coal produc- tion. and in all canes represent.- the most conservative ï¬xnrcn. Thue â€on Wonhlppod In the San. un- Ice. has Brotherly Lon Did Not Conn-lo» Dallas. Texas. June 28.â€"One of the moat Iorsaxbnal taxed!“ ever enacted In North Texas took plncc In the Methodist Epiuco- pal Church In Plenum Volley. Dunn County, 22 mile. north of this city. In the course 0! the services Sunday. A. a renal: Augum Gnu-Jon and Funk Jones nro dad and Thoma- Joncl prohnbly nuuy wound- 1n: V-t-uwvâ€" ,, among the moat pr minont planters in thin secllou or Tvm They own adjoining plantations and have bvon on the best so- via] n-lntlons tor many years. August Gar- rison was it married man and had I daugh- ter 16 years old named Lola. The Jones brothers were Ilnxle. Frank Jone. for a your or more Ind bcen very pa in hit attention. to Garrison'- daughter. Recently the girl charged him with hnvlnï¬ ruined her under promise of marriage. arriaon swore he would have the lite or the bet!!!- er 0‘ ll. daughter. Mutual friends Incredi- ed in keeping the men apnrt until yester- dny. when the ï¬rst meeting between them tool: place. Garrison and e Jones family “onhip at the name church. Just an the pneucher had taken his text after prayer. and the singing or a hymn. Garrison, who in: a scat near the door. Itcnped to the duvr. it is believed. to get lame fresh Mr. :13 the atmosphere in the building was ap- px'trive. He had no more than named the doorwny. when the congrega'lon “are startled by a tnsilade of pistol shots. Nearly a dozen Wore tired in about as man ne- coniis' time. When the ï¬ring Marci An- guet Gnrrison and Funk Jone. were .ylnx dead in front of the church Hen! and 'rhonu Jones was stretched on the lawn n by. One hand clawed on his ht fl: and in his left be had a pistol. a rig thigh bong. in front was shatter-ed by i calibre D toi ball that tore its In] domwnrd. mutilnti the ilesh for a die- tnnqe o: nix inches. h Jones on: snot thretimenoneeintheregionotthehurt. mm in the right side and one In the be“. On ’ received hot one bullet and that pie Ld his henrt. heither m llrcd m gh to quite realise his ate. cents D" Tptnl . . . The {01113; The Btuu: ('o-venuo- on Record. Th0 damn Th0 order Gem-n!" (they'd. SHOOTING m A CHURCH. flu Plau Workers Score [ongoing caumate ‘ “1‘1.qu comparison nm with â€I,“ 909.1 o fut? lave U'JJ ‘N‘ hr £00m Gnrrlson 1nd Jone: {amulet u! 7- -_ onl- “‘hnl the ï¬â€˜ï¬‚l‘f ton Lâ€"Tolomzn- res": mac Joann! an: t to be Inaugurated :embor 1. as It bid- 0 men and owner: 10.000. n uhown by I'll. 8.000.w0 843375.000 4.800.000 The well“ .nown ban-timer, h. Q... Ma.- dock, died mm: m in Gum Hospinl in dd: «3' 0:: â€Wu afternoon be m m :91: to the hoopltm. snflerin‘ from n wound in the eye. nhich he had ruqu durum the previous evening in u uunuly tench; bout with umbrella whilst i4 ’thc Caes- Howell HoteL A ï¬ostoniéitém was held yesteadny_:t- temoon and u: hum-st at an: uoupxul "J‘mta The Well-Know. Toronto lawn-r It: “on. of a. Accidental “cum! lea-Ind I. l‘lu‘. The only mark or violence on mm was that on lie left no. u!‘ more - tel; between the (Age-bull and the eye brow. The attendant. .zaml nut it was badly swollm} \\ hen the body was taken g9 age {lospylnt - . A. A l, .â€"- - -v â€"‘ -_-. Dr. P. J. Stralhy doused that b imam! the wound in un- eye. \Vhen he saw deceased un- latter had and. air; of what had happened and Mr. C le- Mead had told him that deacon ed and Frank Lockwood had been tene in; with umbrellas and Lockwood" “D bnelln badgonc» into Ihcpyc 9t damned. Charles Mead swore that. in company with Dr. Stuth , he had found in the User Howell otel Frank Lockwood. Killnll . Robert-on nnd deceased. They went to n room nnd he heard deceased say to Lockwood: “Are you any good nt fencing? you are not much good 2' .1 - thing else. Stand upun your feet." Logâ€" wood did so and accused mnde n tort of hinge at Lockwood with his umbrelln. Tlu- latter put up his umbulln to foil the flirust and deceased ran into It catch- in: it in the eye. The Coroner: Did Mr. Murdoch lone his balance and tall upon the umbrella? “'itncss: Yes; he lunged too tar, and fell over. Lancuter, Pa†July Lâ€"Jouau Dulu- ey, employed as a butler u the Tum Mile Tavern. on the Columbia turnpike, west or this city. met with a terribh u \U' '_ ~â€" death end: this morning. when he wu shut and insuntly leed by E. L. Ban:- bright, proprietor or the hotel. who mil- lwk him for I that. Pigeon shoots are frequently held 1: the hotel, and liambright than has a large number of pigeons on hnud._ They are kept la a. large coop elonwdc or the ham. Sewn! times recently Hambriglu has 1’3““ troubled by thien-I. who stole pigeons. This morning at 1 o'clock he w..- nwnkened by his daughter†who mid there was somebody at the ï¬ne†houoe trying to shed. Hambri; t Went to the balcony nnd could hear the buds. but they soon qmeted down. and he was propel-ed to team: to bed when he heard mocha noise In the meantime Bushey‘ had been twekened h: Mn. llnmbnxhg he walked out o: the rear door of house end to the pigeon coop. He was carrying.“ Unlxghbed lantern. but none of tun“; saw huh leave the house. A: the noise con- uhuea Hunbrkht put shells in double-bunks! (an end sum-d out the L_‘_I __4I than to. n... v-‘.. Frank Lockwood m next Iworn. He lmd mot deceased at the Cur-Howell Bowling Club about 5.45 pm. on Tue.- «Buy. [Moorland cllrllvnzvd mm to I "same of bowls. He accepted, and, the 0 ground being wet. may only played a. few minutes. Each W? 3 Same, the]: witness had Won the na. he scone! being Mr. Klllall'y. Monro. Robertson and Mend Were in the club room when llu' players went in. Deceased said to witness. “You can't howl: can you fence?" Witnm bud objected. but to pod on the shoulder he arose and bed up his umbrella to defend himself. De- ceased had made n forward movement and had received wlmeneo' umbrella In the eye. Continulnl. witnm remarked Ilznt ho had npologlxed Io deoeaged. but the latter had uld. “That'a all right. It was my fault.†Decenï¬'d net-med nober. but was ln a fun v mood. Everyone ';: the arty wan on yer also. ' The nquest was adjourned tlll next luml III Ill-rd In. for a “lets-d not Inn be“ Find In the Dark. HOTBLKEEPER’S mu. MISTAKE. some one w nest. lie tin-d the contents of WI steer calling to the perm,» stop. There wss no wply, snd tin . although the night was vel’i ant-k. he saw .s man walking towards him. He uggun celled to the mun to halt. but receiving no reply hr- f‘fl‘d the second barrel when the suppose-d thief was not more thsn 12 feet tron: hunt then heard s cry: “My God. Hambnght. don't shoot me.’ sud he knew that had injured some one. A light was pro- cured_nnd the hostler wu tound lying dead in the "dam. The entire we and shot had ent his abdomen. tenn- inf s tremendous hole in the body. t wss found that the ï¬rst land had struck Bmhe‘i in the hand snd luck. the glass in e lantern. Still tiu- hust- [or made no outcry until utter he had been shot s second time. (Lit-one! Shank went out from town sad at «not held sn inquest. in which no blame wss ttsched to Hambtight. Buslmy wss 7 year! at nfe. sud came from Berks county orlgtnnl . slthough he has trav- eled oil over the world sud tor a num- her of nets was a nnilur. [L- wnu of s vet? niet disgoodtiou and morally liked it e neigh (hood. He ad been st work for Bambnght for nlmust two Charla 1m..- A-Iuhod bv a toward In “nail-8|.- I’ark. file-ago. Chicago. July 2.~Wbile Charla Nel- qon. a atenogrnpher, sat on a head: In Washington Park last night with Na companion on a bicycle ride, Mina Mar caret Staples. or 1557 Mich a-avenllc. at him from the corner of a mac bush. A bullet entered Ndlon’a body near tho heart. another pierced his neck and flirt; or the leg. Nelson was immedia tak- ,_ .- an- ‘m-nflnl. when (he 9];th LY, JULY 9. 18! gasâ€"I'â€" DEATH’ï¬Fâ€"W} MUBDUCH. Dodd’: Nadia (no C2 1m! mn "I: SHOOT, Toronto. J 1.â€"Jouiah Bub- l‘ 'Eiaoirum am on sum-x. in unnomh “autumnal-com. Wotan-sud clout... doc ï¬n. urge stable. and .u noon-"y out- bulldlncl. “to“: “PC; Inn be "1:15“ mud W. or am We! apply to was T308. “SWAN-65 8mm. Eâ€"me’ an: 0! Lot Number on in than: cocoa-ion o! the towmh'p of .u Iumm. m. house and wood-bod, hm hum. W!“- on bone- wd no con. Mp â€It.“ And driving-dud, with we val-3mm WWW? mum. E vnlormflmgvouhyspplying to DAVID BAG , 3.83.001 rue-1.; Number i6, Hth.-ll-u-w. J. J. Wethérup. ORGANS. PIANOS AND SEWING MACHINES. lucorponud under [tn-ind sum: 01 Onudo. Head Ofluâ€"Hlnllwu'l Block. Had-y, [any to tau n (2th m mm. mm gr mm. m may. Qua-any «a new; The Victoria Loan and Savings Company. FARM FOR SALE or T0 RENT.- ‘l‘ho North Rd! _o! Lot giant)? 718, Agency Donn-uncut. loony- lumd sud Inbred Collocbd [or print. punks. A , ,, n4... W â€muâ€"10 to 8 a" slam!- good Mon. â€but wt. Input. bloodmmotnh. 4mm!†m,mn«mm. mm wwhngoodbloodbwhko Hood'- mm’ m medicine puma, u- Wudnflchuthobhotud“ til-mu of but]: and My! inaugural and that. I: can. 3 good mm, [in- mm: M sad cun- thlt tint! tooling. Mamba, one. and Residence Cor. Bun-ox sâ€"nd Pool-cu“ Box 115. Linda! W In prcpurcd in two degrees of «ten . No. for ordinu-y cases is by far the beâ€: dolla- medicine kngown No. for a 1d cuesâ€"Io degreel strongerâ€"gold y druggis 0 be _4 - 1?in Dom " 7- - ;_... kn--. nmmâ€"Wmewrmmm No. x, or No. : price 3nd two 3" cuu: ulvu .u-, .â€"., w HOOd’S Pills uke. any housing ion rmzmr-sxvsn runs. Hood’s‘ lawddpuonnsï¬mdouwut Enriueen. Lud‘ Low and Immune. Axum. Honey to Mum-25:06 per com. Orion by null noerlnc motive prompt “mum. ionu ‘quorcu'l 0609:??an Block. ltd-lg: Suva, Orllun. mum “Mâ€: Dunn's Eakzng Po wan. 'OR SALE OR TO LETâ€"Put uh;- D. J. Maui, KM, “a.“ 0M ‘0 mt. Kant-ct... Mad-y. c, I. mum. a... .m New Advenzsezggnu. Eood’s Susannah- H. HOPKINS, . Bgrgbtog. cmuuu a WATSON ' C. RAY, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE . ucnxsn’g. cmuY. â€"67 VetémlfLQEM‘; J. LoROY, Concernâ€"Inner d â€(or m County 0! Vim I. W†m. “.401â€- Sarsaparilla :‘s Cotton Root 09mm}!!! ANY MAKE DESIRED. it. BROAD. 8cm mmoqt. Bum ton. Is the on! safe. reliable 'monthly In icine on which Indies cu: depend in the hour and time of need. ,0 3-cént swaps. ‘I'm 00°“ 29'9992‘2 â€"â€"Ofâ€" cure Lint nu; my†JOHN MAGWQOE lily-1:18 to 9 on 8am 331nm i. woman. Land amoral! naught. m, _So- EORVEYANCER, commssmuan 11.04; W . numexnnm or on. an MOI 40m. â€to. w. M but am m N Pnsmmmrund-umm General Accountant. MI W Lat, do. Oh OPERA HOUSE BHOCK. LINDSAY 9 Eldon-It... Llnduy. Bum ma DE Kong». Mounts 0. 85. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialistâ€"1 Warsaw Accounmr, 0mm g REM 7â€"374" and-nu of Trinity Univonlty. Tomb. Illa sndmu o! the Ron! Conan of Donal Baton. at. OFFICE-9| Kent-3L. opp. the P. yvuâ€" w-.. - _ --_ gona- (omo;l;"30cup[od 5y rW‘wâ€"u-m Ill-â€â€˜5 '0 U PETER BEOWN. ammo a: ram» antï¬um nay-loan: of beam sumo», piggyâ€"m: m 131;; E. A. TgTTEN. nzxmr. 7 DR. F. A. WALTERS. Honor Grain-h at Toronto mum-105;“ 4 All the m nod Improved bunch.- oi curdu! Esau-mod. Chun- nodal-I“. OF! C â€"0voerory’n 0mg Stan amt. Kant Md Wfllhn-mâ€"fn-l yr. ‘ J aw. H. 0R08§d Dentist. WWII ‘1an an. uwâ€"-â€".â€". _. __ 'r ‘7 W to ‘17 penan- without an W Dr. nodal?“- tho but Ion! Puln om nmumodmhpdou. PIC-"00M P0“ and won min. on.» neck! owe-futi- “F“ noun. LM'L______ VL‘II‘ -â€"-‘- vâ€" â€"â€"-- T__' v â€" M loan- .1 FIVE mm cfl'r. on My 9 murky. Term 01 mom to unit tho Wot. ' Iona-co- mammal. noon a ucnox. I Eon! Bun-coon and But-coon to WWW". m m: want-42w!“ H zusm , 8.1.:qu to rm- mail-lug loan- on hm 01' '0‘"! mt, madman-unmet: byopplyingw ICSWEYN ANDERSOI. .mm W-. m. but†mysbhmï¬mw wither-rant. Aho- unount o trust funds to loan on «imminent-i Manger R all 0011.†DEM-5373503- . . . Ontu'lo. . . . Ooodlunludmnlounutbonnmm tomundnculzy. Summon-tenant“ inw-ndwlndwn'b'm““‘ 5â€â€ mam. lofts-cu 0‘5““an IOUUGW . chmo mm “A. â€â€œ03â€â€œ- Opp. thch‘l flout. nun-v Beautiful Artiï¬cial Teeth. )3. G. 8. RYmON, OOULIS!’ and JURIST The under-1‘.“ h mndwlonmqonm chubmorpmductivewnmu PBOIKSSORY MO N EVto LOAN Arrangements have been made by the undersigned to lend Real Estate security at m otintereettrom5to7per cent very large sums at 45 per the mortgagee taken for any not 6x00061118 ten years. and interest payable 7651'le tonic box-mower- Pnncipd :Muoodbyinstdment. ' â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"f* MONEY LENT Comments! 3nd fluid»! I“ mull swat. Lindny, 0mm. as wamcg Tel-phat 2‘ nus BOWES. A UCTIONEEB FORGE McBUGH, R. SIMPSON, P31810118. m a uumogrmny 00M}. [ONIY T0 LOAN. :13an mm A! m: your com um R. HART, DENTIST, - Lindsay. R. F. BLAKOHABD. 00 0011030 8m. mm ammo“ N015: with ngmnd com au- ooulhd I'- rouonu lo nun. V. O'GONNOR. B.A. Barrister. ate. OFFICES om l. J Cam's «on. Unduy. mmcuit and cinema. bum LEM 999191 DENTIST, - Lindsay. MCPHADEN, L. mm.x_._n.. g. E AG LESON. KEY TO LOAN. .8 names; A UOTIONBEB. m. www. LINDSA r. O’BOYLE, 0911:}; or m SIDNEY 2 HOBBY to 119m pup-Rd to make lmonmntndm onduurprim or lowing†whoa-ind. la mono! Map um W,dmlpodsl van-now Wan without. tau-cue lama! In“ and {mullnonts pnylbla us our Hintonâ€. Den tug!4 a“.-. , McINTYRE STEWART. n,_,,__ l hul- I'l- ! norm, “-22: etc.. Linda} on. Lindsay ’; \. smut f: