01mm. be the I the HMS. [I what ‘r store :6 price ofl’ in- VANNED 2' daily baking ‘5: pos- lav ‘to the ying to ; or he inferior gained. latiun. requi- been bcc "“Jl H mm SILI- Ivan.â€" “ in Hanoi: thisvweek. They have ggigiSsed several meetings in his in- }m' William Paterson of. Brant-ford N “has the gleam-3 3:: 3m 1.253? E1‘"-"’:z-sa:20n of N. Clarke w - 1.0-: bursa. by the Grand Orange to??? ‘5, Proving a. knock-down blow £22; “‘3 LY‘A'ernment. They appear to want?“ the Orangemen, who generâ€" m-L at»; Conservative. but who, as a “11.1,, f C’Mmsed to the Remedial Bill. “‘4 uc found as usual supporting the (‘ rOT-servataw m..n.._-_. â€L h goi '. ZRAL NOTES. LA. _ m I" for \\ :51: Ontario ~32 ‘1 K “om be he 1d at Stout:- -- Lvming of June 2nd. , and Franklnnd, the can- 3‘1-31‘ :3}; ridings, will be there. Run, «ax-ALP fur Frontenac, : chative has expressed his - I ... a change or Government :1qu and is supporting the Lib- Ema. h;- flit WWEMENI READ IN ONTARIO rn Ha bu ¢ . in. august “mum in l’ako mm". «a “mum“; to hum-Ne: “upon“- huu: â€" A ’l‘wuhlmmc um» Hen a: Pane. lsnuglu w Conn-ou- cr Wcoal'o .umnuou- Mr. Laurie;- will begin a series mugs m Ontario on the 3m of ‘1‘:th cvenmg he will be in 14m:- HL wul b: accompanied by SW . .‘uuu‘al. Tile demonstrathn Lu one of the greatest ev=r . (“L- pxovmcc. It Will b6 the L L.:.5 dunng the preacmrchm- _. .. ;. .‘LII'. Laurlcr and Sir Ullycr .;,5. LL. together. The rollowmg LIA-urn of meetings which Mr. L: M1}; hold: ;.u ,. .:r.y, June 3rd, at 8 p.m., Lon- 7!: r a am that n M22055 I,H::5R..\L MEETINGS ‘ ;;1 .7 {'1 1: he will spï¬ak ., ' L yer. ï¬xed. .1 V speak at Oak- ‘.' cm . on Tues day. I 111. I101. George ‘V. I ’, 42.:1ft021\\est N01“ :1 1w \day June â€I10, at “nah“ n r1ding on June L- with Mr. Lauri-er at With Sir Richard ‘ .. 5:11-31; at, Streetsvxlle on . a 11mm Hon. John Dryden 1 3.; Bobcaya "eon on Wednes- 1 m» nu: FrHDAYfaï¬Nï¬.‘ 54 3: was read in the Ro- w Udurch. at Almome, On~ ;.;;.~, and the faithful were .1 \JL: 0-;1y for those who .; :anedial Legisiation. .7 ;L, n appeaxs, is intended a- well as Quebec Those , -..: Aixnonte cannot, how- lbnaznond. the Conser- ..1Lc, us he was one o! . i A agains: Remedial as the other candidate 1: zemedialiut, it means m CJthOIiCS ole orth La- \Oue (a: all. 559715: 33 a Addresséd by Mr. Law mar aï¬a éar CIWGF. a1 5;: 1' mpcyceptiblehealth can'3 be bullt up 1n a day. For this Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourish- ment. food rather than ... medicine, food prepared for 15:01 and weak d1gest1ons. HE A««'-:.-\f-%D'AN P9§T is pubmed 'T‘k - _‘.L ; . muting, Hon. John Hag- : u: Railways and Canals. responsxbility for the ‘90. Shirk’s Island, and . connectiun with his de- ,L;:;g that he was only the U." oi zh=; department, and 1) Raw: what was going " on with the contracts. howewr, for having pm: a. large sum in the Inter-colonial Railway. 1.; claim the credt, but ..,- rcsponsibility. A nice : Z 2 at the head of a. large :axtment of the Govern- tr: 5"" . - Emulswn of cod- ver oil m For this reason we 9:1: up a Soc. size, which 1-5 enough for an ordinary Cough or cold or useful as a’ 31211 for babies and children. In omer conditions gain must be slow, sometimes] ungrz'r's CLAIMS, $1.00 PER YEAR, EBnditions é‘zzmmaers’ No tzcreï¬. mm he snhlwsned: PANAMA)" POST 1N DAMEN T. June 4th. at 1.3‘ Bowxa, Chemists, In some conditions the Lin from the use of Scott’s 5th, at 5th. at .> manna o! the remitter Pout omen 1 me) omers are always sale and may , l wu wk. Register your letter: when \' DE; 1: 3‘ always mm to renew two weeks - ‘ :2 _\'um' wrapper expires in order to n-I service ’Scottgimmq _we cannot undertake to supply r to make good omissions caused by y a It takes two weeks to chnnwo «.r subscriptinn is renewed. Th6 ' Enlicatcn when your paper wilt prvmptly renewed may mix: always be inade in the mam! o! the remitter Pout \ Orders are alwavs sale n «s may: give both your old nu when )ou alK us to change nme u! the town and the auto or ‘ <huu‘d always follow your own v... (hi: â€ï¬ne We cannot readily nur hunks unless this is done, as Lu. m um: 15 ADVAXCZ. 81h, , who generâ€" ’ It who, as a £32k}: emedial Bill. ‘ .pporting the DI Lt. The deâ€" St. Wallace and Wills' it they were mated ISL W’ms’ ‘ dament, Mr. ported‘ ' in the Pro- brother >een holding the fat ,rious parts ks as it he larger sup- .5319" when the the Na , The peoâ€" toâ€"day z and more. the 1'91 choc] ques- but fou an in mane o. 5 t Mr. W north c 3 Mr. Walâ€" 'French neyhave.ada.wh mush)â€" messre rBranttord (38394118 LBW “1‘1“ 1'“ k, \ t S p.m., “'indsor. Ezen , a: '. p.211, Am- place commence with my issue‘ The subscriptiox; 3)er is Printing House Lindsay. on Strat- ada, where they will remain until bus- iness resumes: Many of the heads or £23me have invested their savings In Canadian farms and will now go to them for the summer. the remaining departments will run but four days a week. The closing or No. 5 throws 500 spinners and wear. em out of work‘ and the early trams n‘orth carried a. large numbe‘r or the French employee on the way t‘q_ gan- Salem, Mass, June Lâ€"Mm No. 5 of tlie Naumkeag Cotton Co. 31mg down toâ€"day to; _an indeï¬nite period, While A9,_-_A._.-..A, _:n- _, _-â€"-_ â€"â€"~ -â€"â€"_ “um-.5“ w wms paembes on Saturday. It is“ re- ported that the victim and his elder brothers set ï¬re to some straw with the fatal result. ; St. Gatherines, June Lâ€"Wlmam Wills' youngest son, aged 4, was cre- mategmghebampttgchedtom. 7 it 13 reported that rebel bands at. tacked the town of San Antonio; de Los Banos, but were repulsed. f I Mr.wnmm Bonding mm From me In- juries Ho Received on Sunday. Clifford, Ont., June 1.â€"- A fatal acci- dent happened here yesterday. As Peter Donaldson of Drew was driving J .to Clifford to church the horse took I fright at a. pile of lumber on the road, 5 and becoming unmanageable, ran I away. 1119 rig containing Mr, and ;' Mrs. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. \Vllliam i Reading, was upset, throwing the occu- lpants into the creek; there was a. i small dam in the creek and' Mrs. Don- 3‘ aldson and Mr. Reading were thrown gagainst this. The former had her, ; thigh bone badly fractured, and other : injuries. but is expected to recover. The latter received internal injuries, which resulted in his death to-day. ln Sunday's Engzlgemenls the Rebels Eon Fifteen Menâ€"Dynamite In Use. Havana, June 1.~â€"A summary of. yes- terday’s engagements shows that the rebels lost 15 wounded. The troops had three killed and six wounded. The rebels have destroyed with dynamfte a culvert near Bolondron, Province of. Matanzas. The train gent to repair the damage was attacked by the reb- A Scheme Now on foot to Organize a Munlclp-l System of Lines. Milwaukee; June 1.â€"The striking street railway men and electricians held a monster picnic and parade yes- terday. W. D. Manon, National Preâ€" sident of the Men’s Street Railway Union, in a. speech, said the ï¬ght against the railway company had only begun. The organization of a. street railway, in which the citizens of Mil- waukee sham own a. majority of the stock, was urged as a. means of bring. ing the electric railway and light ‘ 1 company to terms. A committee ap~ pointed for the purpose has prepared articles for such a company, to be known as_ the Municipal Street Rail- THE way and Light Co., aid-fit Viswclainieâ€"d by the strikers mat the project will receive the endorsement of a. majority of the council. Dir-ed In In: Eater’s Barn. THE GREAT MILWAUKEE STRIKE. , _.. u. cug- ucvn I"? m" a; lenu Emma}: #1:: â€bags Dam; w want in madman mnï¬muénoy. bu! admit: that he new by no mews am ‘ e} walkuver. The declamuon 0: ma ConservatiVe candidate. Mr. Mamas am, that he will apnoea Ramada! Leg- gauon, has made him a. hard man to at. I: is learned tag.†that John Mao- doncll, Liberal Midas for Selkirk. is about to retire. This 18 not becaun be Is discouraged, for there an two Coming Mk :0 Cainda. THE KILLING IN CUBA. Winn} eg, May aâ€"(Bpeeia1)â€"Evew eflurt is emg put forth by the 99mm bees at Messrsz‘Maédehad and Mama. and mummy is being m: themghz 1y amassed; .‘I‘Be Martmues. It I: Hi! wï¬Ã©d. he»; {orwmw’ a. pmsm m: mane» :9 9mm: .Waflaee. as'm hm: w aadrsgss meeimgs‘ new. while ls: we: mm: that £1961: m: Mensa: 15:3: mu 9:: aékpg :9 am Mr: Miami: 4 : M“. “WERE held Dig mama†'4! WWIâ€) tucday. Hr hm A 3889.1 by the Queen ’"â€"° form leade'r. . Mr. Haggart will b a John Ferguson, 3. McCanhyite, and the 1 Liberals will give h The latest name 3 nection ,with ‘the pontlca 1 contest in West Toronto is that 01' Hon . Lyman M. {011425. president or the Massey .- o v â€" nun “W“ the evening the 1 e and same what mad-red "me ï¬lled about 300 ladies belt the 3341:)? Mr. W. M; H}; taming} ‘ M. Cajun“ In Halon. NA â€.4 1' WAS IA TAL. 1m TIONAL POLIcr I‘m run In Mum»... MR? B. W. R.“ snm '. the Libel-uh u (mun on I31 “f I. ll. Cook. __-.v. ' UL enter actively into agn'__T°'§3Â¥ he go m a meeting 12? die: '- Clarke. the Liberal 2 been held. 11 attended. :he Last two waged in arr-ï¬ns on 111155 have 111190th isday even- dience was candidate, tit-warden ; hwho was 94. and by : snug. Drganlze a les. aft-:L'Knor vm~.m._.A.A. Cook. tered th â€0 meetings Wm the and use to-day In “19 heartily. E! Drlnci 3.1 w_ Gray, 0] Icon 8.113 evening Dropriat. G‘ W“ Ross, 011- Gross 01 ucation. The at- but ra‘ 10011 meeting Was ‘ f auditogi W88 speech. ha'vnA A A mu (7D. flax-1y connected wlth his name, which may b9 said to be a household word of corruption. Nor has he, like hls‘ Late chlet, succeeded in conxmmlng the people that except when he 13 doing the dirty work or a. political party his hands are clean; or that. If he gov- erned the nation, its honor, whlle it might be in danger from such er, scandal, “.3332: the aunt d p- i we seem: ee I er own. 31.: name 183W '. he menu“ new: us Opllkl or Mr Charla Tipper u I:- prcued In 189]. “Of the system, which Mr. Blake de- pletes, Sir Charles Tapper has notori- opsly been the clue: agent; an ‘that a worst in it and has tended most to glebgse the 3:101:31 character is fam- _frhé ht- The speaker then took up the na- tional debt, and_ pointed out the extra- vagance in contracts and pension funds, reading a long list or items or pensions. What Canada wanted was a higher grade of politics. He scath- ingly alluded to Sir Charles Tupper as Premier of this Canada, standing be- fore an audience in Winnipeg promls' ing the electors of that city he would grant a subsidy of four and a. halt million dollars to the Hudson Bay Railway, as a. bribe to return his can- didates. Imagine Lord Salisbury tell‘ ing the people at Manchester it they supported his party he would grant them a. large sum of money to defray , the expenses of building their canal! What a howl would ring through all 7 England. and it would not be amiss' telling you here that Her Majesty! would cancel his commission beforel the next day. After thanking those present for their kind attention. he plause. ‘ . THE TWO-SIDED HAIL. across the Heights at Queenston and Lundy's Lane, and If there was one thing he admired in the late Sir John Macdonald it was his powers of con- ciliation, and he cited the case 01 Nova. Scotia, when Sh- Chatles Tupper want- ed to coerce that province into the Con- federation. Sir John took the ï¬rst train for Halifax and within 24 hours after his arrival there, Nova. Scotla was one of the prov}nces _ot our fair Dominion. if you cannot withdraw that griev- ance,†and waited a. while to see what they would do, instead of rushing at Manitoba, commanding them to re- store the schools to the ma.- Jority. He claimed that the Remedal bill was totally unfltted for the purpose [or which it was in- tended. The Government had been trifling with this question. He said it was claimed that there were 34 Govâ€" ernment candidates in Ontario pledged against the Remedial Billâ€"that the party were whistling‘on both sides of their mouths. “We believe in provin- cial autonomy; We take the ground that Manitoba should have been ap- p.0ached and conciliation used instead ‘ 9r coercion.†Coercion failed with Pharaoh, and so'it would with the modern Pharaoh, Sir Charles lupper, as it did when the Americans tried to. coeme Canndarinto the Union, when -__ _. - ..â€".- lies had suffered a grievance. The grievance was caused by Manitoba and it was to the Goverynent of that pro- vince they should have gone and told them that the Privy Council has said. “ You have inflicted a. grievance; see He then took up the Manitoba school question, and claimed the worst of all the Government's on'ences was the fact of allowing the question to enter the arena of Federal politics. No one dis- puted the element of justice. The Privy Council had decided the Roman Catho- The ï¬rst issue he took up was the trade policy or the Conservative party. He said he would deal with the queeâ€" tions as the Conservatives promised them in 1878. He claimed the National Policy had not givm the pimple of Canada employment. as they said it would. It did not even keep them at home. He claimed there were a quar- ; ter 0: a million more Canadian. in the United States in 1890 than there were in “so; There was a greater mum her 9: failures in Canada. in in†than iiiet‘e Were in 1318; The Nii’i EMU: mega Promised the farmers hi er Mess or term produce; its shove M insures that prim; Were lewer now than ever betcha, tie said the 09w mtivee beaeted ewe their loyalty to the old flag. but had thrown; meniau: letiens decreased the implant: tram amt minim teem sixty million (lair lama in am to thirty millions last year while the imperial tram the Unite States had mama. 3 pa- iioy at the Lihmie should be mm! for revenue. all 8:53.“ to so into the pub. the raw metal-ml free. He believed in the valley of Sir Robert Peel and Hon. W. E. Gludomno Why should the implements be higher than Jewelry and silverware ? He claimed that one-half the manufacturers were L’berals, and they would adjust the tax-m to prevent the forming of combines and not cause any violent change to interfere with any industry or 'men working in fac- inrles. “dime which desire Mil be disappointed. cal lender been no: sum combines, honesty. in every case to he cannot bimbo: for his political economy. make the "’7 “I!!! Nuance. it in to in W duty of! wool. Give to the artisan of â€"0 Will be “mm, real. in new England tree raw material end Mr. E. B. Oeier, one of the mulling candidates for We: to Miami, leaving games Ciatk.‘ the Liberal was the first speaker. foil William of The Globe, 'l‘i Cit-Hand, M.L.A. {or Die Hon. (3. W. Ross, ration, each of whom audience on the v licns at the tiny. candidate owed by J. 8 nouto; June: North Grey. anc‘ Minister of Exi- addressed the nrioua political ques< ilk. LI'RIISR l.\‘ â€KHAN". "e rum «in known». mu Nu turn at Unic- Aulnunln. l! linn. Mr; imurier could divide him: sell‘ min seVeml liet‘lluhs lie wuum amroeiy be 6‘â€! to meet the deummln tur'liip lil‘enulwe at imliiieal insulin†in Omanâ€, llu 0cm only duvets nimui mi aim» to thin province. and men! wen-anon will Seldom Man A Baillie more highly rel-pooled. O “to“ t 'Doronto, is m Ned Clerk. to ï¬ght Mr. Lowell to faithfully represent the people of the County or Welland he took up the political, issues, and han- dled them to the satisfaction or his auditors. who frequently cheered as he scored the late Government. Mr. Hon. Mr. Rose was then intréduced, and received a. grand ovation. After alluding t9 the honesty of character of we auuxence cheered both or them heartily. The chairman, Mr Alex. Gray. opened the meeting with an ap- propriate speech, followed by Mr. Gross or Welland, who made a short but rattling and witty political speech. Mr. Lowell. who followed, re- ceived a. grand ovation. and made a good speech, giving a. resume of the! session of Parliament of last winter,‘ pointing out the conspiracy that I brought out the present Premier as the leader or the Conservative party. I Nlagm Falls, Ont. May nâ€"The leerals ï¬red thelr ï¬rst gun in the County or Welland here this evening. The meeting‘was largely attended, the principal speaker being Hon. G. W. Ross, Ontario Mlnlster of Education. The Town Hall was ï¬lled to the doors All the prominent local Retormers‘ were on the platform, and when the Liberal candidate. Mr. James A. Lowell, en- tered the hall with the Hon. Mr. Ross the audience cheered both of them no link“! of lid-cune- In M lan- tme Shows How the Nana-n ' Policy In Pulled 80 MI“ What Was from w 81113th a storm of a? HOUSING MEEHNG AT THE FALLS FIrOS‘ the ‘the First Shot In Welland Campaign. Manny HONTCTW“. ROSS, w icloua com 1! the se 'ulybemuaded that the only safe count for the country :- to obtain such eon- atitntlonu reforms as shah m1. 1: to abolish the Senate school system root and branch. and to introduce the sane and wholesome principles which “A GROSS INEQUALITY." Mall. 16th April. 1890: “ The cam- paign against Separate schools in On- tario and Manitoba. is simply an at- ttmpt on the part of those pollticians who are dependent upon the Roman t Catholic Church for votes or for omoe to remove a gross inequality. Why 'slxouid the Catholic Church and she felone be allowed to propagate here re- ,llglous doctrines in the schools It the ‘ ;expense of the general ntepoyer? And ; what dinereace in principle in there i between granting Government aid (or the propagation of a. eel-tun form at ! religious belief in the schools and granting lt tor the vmmtion or the some tom of belief from u. pulpit? ' ' ‘ ' What has the Roman Catholic 'Church ever done to; Public education ‘ here or elsewhere. that the State should i V 'l ‘I VKDW‘I I i l I contribute to school: one whloh such ecclesiasticu as Dr. Clary of Kingston late to hove obsolnte control, according [to their own new pretensions?" toabc mm†u use: East York is bein thoro m - ““1“ at?" vassed on behalf. 0? Mr. g‘ranm ‘gg‘mnï¬gpg my: and every precaution has been taken to amndm-beu LthOâ€" prevent personation, which prevailed has a. good D The so freely at the last election. Those Mr- 145W? and who resort to this plan are likely to On Saturday. pro- regret it. A harassed to buy up Qt the interest 1 Tapper. Let1 prominent Lil they will lhl‘O‘ a! candidate. ( Sir Hi‘bbert. through their eraiiy bonused succeed. The story thi ed in East El lie has no in! told THE CHANGE-ABOUT MALL. 5851:; Mail. 2nd August. 1892: “Let there -iev- be no mistake about the Judgment or :hat the Judicial Committee in the Mani- , 8‘ tabs. school case or about the conse- ’ re- quenoes or that Judment upon the edu- ‘aid They have made their appeal, they “111 be the me: :9: have received their answer; and they A number 0 in the Manitot iron is to retire straight party the shall now abide by the result. It is of idle to talk of a. reversal, through the in- intervention or the Dominion Parlia- the Liberal cm ind ment. of the interpretation the high. wisht-i to with w- est court has set upon the charter oi ‘9 â€main in 1 and ' the pmVinge as inscribed on the sin» 33%;?!ng 3‘ he tute book. The English-speaking peo- 591; msms on‘ er, pie are long-suturing and tolerant. 5350,“). in “vi to. But our French-Canadian friends may from 500 to 1m en as well understand at once that good 9.1:st to doubt :1!) nature has its limit and that in the There mu 3 n: rid case of British Canada the limit will ENNIS 1?“ 1-3?- 09 be far exceeded when the attempt is ,“4. ‘0. inn; "“ m made to subvert the constitution and '33:; $3,111,243.1g I 9;; to override the will of a province tor »."2'hc~]'.;'1§ll 15.35:: V:- the sake of a. race or a church. The “,3: 1;“ Ix. M: 3- tribunal or last resort has pronounc- ;; Pulling 1881 r in 0:! Manitoba. tree: and free that pro~ uhmh litre rca .=r Vince shall be it“ the English popular . f-ir- M36301“ W Hon. Mr. Costigan is to meet with vassed on behalf or Mr. Frankland. to“, o sition. La. m: is the if; and every precaution has been taken to :mdm-bega- or the Liberals and o_ prevent personation, which prevailed has a good 91089th 01 BM Hon. he sohrreely at the last election. Those Masahaug‘ier visited the constituency woresorttothispianareiiknlyto on W!“ Y‘ :3 mm at. tween tmnmm O ' up ee : lid THE CHANGE-ABOUT HAIL the interest o: 31: Charles Hlbbert n; Mail, 2nd August. 1892: “ Let the" Tapper. Letters have been sent to , - be no mistake about the 1 it the Judicial Committee in the Manl- u toba school case or about the conse- ,_ quenoes or that Judgment upon the edu- L. cational policy oi: the Western Pro- e Vince. The French. a or the Manitobans to - dorn upon the school question, declared that they would appeal to Caesar. They have made their appeal; they have received their answer; and they shall now abide by the result. It is idle to talk or a reversal, through the intervention or the Dominion Par-liar- ment. of. the interpretation the high. est court has set upon the charter oi the province as inscribed on the sta- tute book. The English-speaking peo- ple are long-suffering and tolerant. But our French-Canadian friends may ' as well understand at once that good nature has its limit and that in the {I l l E 1 case or British Canada the limit will Li be far exceeded when the attempt is made to subvert the constitution and to override the will or a province for the sake of a. race or a church. The tribunal or last resort has pronounc- 0:! Manitoba tree: and tree that proâ€" vince shall be it the English popula- tion has any voice in this country. ‘ " Upon no possible grounds can the solicited interference or the Dominion Government and Parliament in the io- cnl educational attairs or the Manito. I bans be def‘ndcd." But The Mail now advocates interfer- ence. ' udtment 01 prominent Liberals. stating that In {hr mill: :~: 20:2 to“); xvlac; in Nurtlmws: inst tzltziit in the Clarke vised .‘.lr. “Hollow and ECCUSVJ hi'n at having broken his pltdge lo tlt~ (it-:- tors. it they will throw Dr. Forbes. the Liber- al candidate, overboard, and work tor Sir Hibbert. the coast line railway through their constituency will be lib- erally bonused. The attempt did not i succeed. The story that Dr. Wilson hon retlr~ ed in East Eigin is a baretaced lze. He has no intention or retiring. and will be the next 31.1). for the riding. A number of changes are announced in the Manitoba candidates. Tim 1‘“- iron is to retire in Lisgar. leaving it a straight party light. Mr. Macdmull, the Liberal candidate in Selkirk. \x-lm n'isht-l to withdraw. has LL11) until to remain in the lield. and has can :Eilted to do so. Mr. Mellinahi. the Conservative nominee in line: .‘tr‘einl- bola. insists on routing. .‘slr. Mergin's majority in “'ixmili‘g l:- t’Sl-37241ltd a: from 500 in 1000. No 0hr swun. s l.‘ curly to doubt that he a There v.- Xi†lu- li"L':(' 3. us a rattling; ( I liar: 'l‘.i.-:::t laerals last lligil and t \\. 5 ‘3 int to bring out a camigzz _ luavc- Ulc mid to Slum-.2 ('LJ': and 1‘: uhcrimn. 'i‘ht- least Yuilt CJil‘npzilg' ; i-t l’ui‘.’ {£ng lZvily. Mi. \\'. F. . z: i‘li'i'Ullg last night in ‘ who!) intro “'3: .‘i leigo :. :lr. Mnelczm rut-rite? l:"-€ covrciou rl’ :- cn to n {ruttctivtâ€" p .1 i". A large mcvtiig or \Vi's'. erk (-l »;~- ’i'o 'vn'n interest of .Iir. N. Dr. R. 1*. (In 0.12?» r ~u“: u 1' .’ 11.. '7. L.-- 22 “’allam. , 7 H- _----. II-uu new shall now abide by the result. It is idle to talk or a reversal, through the intervention or the Dominion Parlia- ment. or the Interpretation the high. .est court has set upon the charter o! the province as inscribed on the sta- tute book. ‘ The English-speaking peo- ple are long-suturing and tolerant. But our French-Canadian friends may as well understand at once that good nature has its limit and that in the case of British Canada the limit will be far exceeded when the attempt is ‘ trade to subvert the constitution and ‘ to override the will of a province tor the sake of a. race or a church. The tribunal or last resort has pronounc- es! Manitoba. tree: and free that pro~ vince shall be if the English DODUUI‘ {ion has any voiCe_in this country. ,__v-, and VL use m candidates tor Wes: momma. to “In; does not mean that. Mr. Gala-'13 by any means sure or deacon. West Toronto will very probably be represented In the next Parliament by a member on uuL‘Eu me speaker; or the evening. Jame: Cinrk.‘ the Liberal candidue. was the ï¬rst speaker. foiirm-ed by J. 8. William: of The Globe. Tmumo: June. Ciuiiand. ELLA. {or North Grey. and the Hon. (3. W. Rosa. Minister of Ed- ration, each of whom addressed the audience on the var-ion. political ques. iicns of the dar. lit. butler "or, lie} I. Dena-d- Wa-Ied In Every hr: of the Pro- ! Vinceâ€"The Two-faced lull ' Further Show. It»- Campaig- Sun. l Owen Sound. Ont. May 29,â€"lrhé Lib- erals a: North Grey held a mass-meet- ing here to-night 1n the Town Hall. which was very largely attended. Quite a. number of ladies were present and prominent Retormu‘ of the town and vicinity occupied “are: on the platform. The meeting was opened by J. M. Kllbourne. chairman, who introâ€" duced the speakers or the evening. James Clark.‘ the Liberal undidnte. Was the ï¬rst speaker. fnllnn-np‘ i... v n l MILWILUSDN ONE OF THE SPEAKERS Hon. 0. w. Ross and Party at Owen Sound. - _,,ev- .-vâ€"-- w HUB} the Inauguration of violence .4: ruptlon unredeemed by my tru: den: or statesmanshm; it would {or a disruption or the munny and for a moral civil w The Mall, June 9th, 1891. Tu Man now use: the elecn vote for the "disruption of the BEECH" and {or "a. more! Mvfl ‘ -_â€"â€"â€"--vâ€"~ winâ€"q." l“ w inc! 1: the sentence of sum I In the Onderdoak con cue next. ‘ mum: about: be W the Dominion. another sinister "inaction '11.! be moaned to mind. ° F ' It I- too evi- dent what sort 0: e scene would be opened by his accession to power. He is the prince or nautical cm no doubt; but we cannot guard to Purchase ability even of so rue n kind as such a Drice an n." A. M--.» - as such a prlée lav 7.1;.th "c I. ma and Increased deznox‘anzaimmunizing“3 The appointment at such a. man It the head 0: the state would be not metal; the Inauguration nf vuu---~ . for North Grey. and Ross, Minister of Ed- whom addressed the varioug political ques- “7 “â€868 the electors to 25315;?an of the com- Imimwolfldh Secession to power. a, hopta and)â€: we help they .9 m of Dolmen I'l'w cm: we mam needJnHoodaSu-upndlh. ltfnn- F‘ yevenotloruenkma Mathew strength by pad, :e 88 t f . . . . . . m aemomm‘uaz?m°°“9"3°‘3 tying, vztahzmg and ennching the j b In u at at am a m u q. blood, ma thus builds up the new "’" cs, [In 19 wonh-I 3.4 _-. _ woum be the During his flying visit to Manitoba. Mr. McCarthy held twelva meetings. 1! energy and perseverance can accom~ push anything, the Third Patty should guise their influence tel: in the elec- ans. "n mt» In a Gnu-u "out the rural" N-m“ Inn-to. The Conservative lenders are not run whethrr or not lt to who to bring alr Charles 'I‘uppcr to Tomato at £1! dur- tnu the campaign. They are utuld that on accyulu tr the untrcoerclou reeling, wh.ch u no strong la the clty. a want may “all“ tn mun: harm than good. Thcy are now comlderlnx whe- ther lt la better to brlnx htm on or not. and t: it I: decided la the smrmuuw. what form the recepmn than take. Slr Mackenxlc Bowen, who la la Entr- Lzmd, does not appear to be any we sangulne or the success or the party \\ hlch he lately led. It be can be and:- ed by lntetvlcws reported tn the news- papers. lie scents to tear the «tied at the school question on the Merton and that hls party may be deleatud by Dodda’ Héé cine Go. â€A “K m QUNMIO. mu. um humour. mo: "un In "to darken «mm on "M mammal m. r u! Norm Autumn." ‘3' a mum opmvan or the Provinc- at 0409000 m- alpMud “pow Wm atubum chum- u I: up the agape:- mm; m we WOW 0. m M... .I I .“IIIII Aha-1 nu- _. ..-- wu lull.- use. “Won't-o a wnnldmbk wutcnl humor gm! «we. lilo Io keep tho two have. umrh The immune whom. In em: mm hnrmruh ° ° ° In mow um M I. n dlmt butler to flu- PN- myu or odumucm.“ It It was dull-nu. to Abolish Sepy rate ochoola me and branch In 1890. \‘ in; “mu“. ““3 It? IHY‘CPd Upon ‘n “I. “1‘qu pun-Inm- In “996? A BAHIHER TU EDUCATION. Mull. 2911. November. IRIS: “The De!- Uen In the Northwut Ten-Moria are deep In the «llcuulnn or the Separate achooi â€mum. (inmate about: and the dun! language n-Mvm ure ‘url and unreal of the Ul‘lluk‘ law I t 9 Torr!- ohen. the umctuAugg 0A um Inna: “I.-- Ik“.-.A-â€"â€" ._ ,_ lmVe unï¬t-d In S Ea ï¬nluru to make the mum; republic what It rt cuily, prom T Hood’s Pills Macaw. m Jul WW “I m: to who Hood’l Gunman; I, m no down, and I had the grip. AM tint, my hurt and nervous system m mama, to that I could not do my on work. Our phyuichn (no me Como help, but did not can. I decided to try Hood’o Snap-ruin. Soon I could downym housework. 1h". (than III -IIUIU- In 5 dlmt ’ lam-m to m- p or eduvnuon.“ the Hall I. new luur ldwmunl N «Icahn-I u Mum Io cama- Cure CE tones the launch and modules thé whole-Mm. Readthia: ‘ Sarsapari‘lla In msgar. leaving 1: a J 0. ï¬ght. Mr. Macduwu. . 1.] “date In Srlklrk. who raw. has bun urgul RA; 9 ï¬eld, and 112.3 cm: Mr. Mo'Dmnhl. thu “1-3“ mince m ling: Assim. E0 ‘etlrizxg. Mr. Maram's G . ‘ 1211):, h L‘Sl-XTHiu'd .1: No one Sm'.‘t‘.~ s x: [8802‘ :n: he “‘1'†[no IIt~L‘I(‘3. uhâ€: ( r Buy: 'J‘unntt) -â€"â€"â€"" t and .l \\;5 .3 can; a can:i.du., 1.1: 1. .‘hL‘fl'F. um.- .~ 1:1. on 10! 35111115315" : l~= ‘ \\'. F. ‘14.? .- 1 ‘glzt in 3'. .1 Baum :: t‘ :3 75.1203. MON} runs} uh" ( "Silh‘n r Max‘iuln .;':d his will :clh'c p' (1'. mmâ€. or West Yt-rk elr-r- mum Nurthvuos: ’J‘orontn interest or ,Mr. N. Dr. R. H. Orr cliti- "â€"'â€"' and accusal him a! phage to th- c-kc- MC Art-moments havoboenmado by the undersigned to land on Baal Estate security at rates ofintomtn'omï¬to'Iper cont. (Tiff. -' BMGPEB â€summation Mom TO LOAN tomb). on mm to «m. ban-cum; 1110 n mount 0 mm. (and: to low on lav-amnion G. I 30m. Bun-oer mannaâ€, Ont. Lu 1m 5: PM: â€in 08:31. 55'“??? locality 17cm: or ymout to sun the be: Iona-ce- «you; . MOORE a JACKSON M ONEY LENT on MSW“. 3 low- “ PIPE PER mar-r m. .... Vacancy Surgeon. dmofOntaio Venetian) Colmroronto. Burrow-0d member at the Ohm-ï¬e Venetian-y Auocnuon. omen 5nd mtdenco. Pool a. two door: out o! Sslnuon my hunch Ind two door-M o! Curling Rink. All out: tailor vw promptly mended to. Chute moderate. -14- ,1 .Mn to “ p w 10!: on [arm md town [)1 my Lawn: cannu- um. I (f; EORGE McHUGH, In)“. An 0.“. .- _..x. L____4,A, .. mm or nu: L0! uoumu "NIP“. ONT- ' c. RAY, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE . ucsxsschuann'Par. 019123730 nous. doney to L03, 8 to 6 PER CENT. , v vvv'vvw'" -"\‘“ V: v. “11m noon-co lo: the County 0! Victor“ r, 350:. 1890.-16 lyr. 010d tin-“inn! 1n n m lam-II a um comma) mum: W to. none}: DOUGLASS, .vyuu- -- onouavyo'llh ‘ml‘l‘lil‘u N'ï¬d’nn» .0... â€I“: lnwalad tn mm........... M ‘u' â€N .V. The autism-M a! Ion- pt “a “bum. R: h m, ‘0‘ “In-11nd“. M and... M._1‘_ _.__._ A . '03 1‘ WINTY-BIX YEARS THEQQQKS HES [ï¬râ€"ENE Dunn’s Balizgg Po wdar. '. 0. Tim Ann! for “May 5nd Vim Oo DUNNS BAKING EQWDER Harman incense: Va terms 17 S lagoons. m I“ M . JOII IMWOOD Via-Mal - W. InlCl-AIII. I. h. DOOM." . W. I. I‘I‘IVIIC. I. I. BARRON STEEBS. vguln‘m loan Mamas cu "unm- - w. mm"! 3. n. honor Guam M’l‘omnto van-mtg: loom . w. I. nuns. n A. "W' “" 'M M'- M (’35:.me Macho- “ {mum * “3" arm “‘0'" MI. W I“ .‘m mnwhma‘bw Maw...“ um u... “M "flu-MI- -m (Imam. II. Hm. III I) 01.. I: - "*4“ Into Manila Mum". to.“ "i", “R. NEEL‘NDI mymn‘m .AJA Jmm umwmm ï¬lmy A. [And Atom 011m: Ea 1’0 won and 3 an, P Sun-yon I 132%?“ than. V “1.0qu a per cm. mm“; M '0‘." gaunt SAL: nu bum 1r. BROAD; Money to 'L'oan. mu am». May- am. Jam; _-â€"v- 'â€" and lo 1 e um; nmxv Real Estate 300011!sz mnnJFD an. IlNIh-flohunuu. humu- a lo- Eon uu‘ on m a? "TM on :z'mé'JJ: an Wing": 3mm I‘m-d:- nla I.» a M. We or limit-n nun. Mono“: Inna-u 1:1. Jase. min I. cux Hobo-5m 0r. M d. 0w. I“. “WI M'- Raul, nun-y, BARE CHA NCE FOR PARTIES Mom: m 13an Omen. Straight CEKT. on “ï¬duciary £9 jug! Ugo borrower. mt I [00d “5,W._ â€" is?“ «M J. 8.7 mourn; Plus]: 350“, GEORGE rosma. 1.10an AUCTION!!!» lam T0 mu m LOWEST mas h .' “ â€gluon: I)", . "'0. MM .4 "' " n. I mm. o lo- gum 10W and Note: collected as Had-y. Ann-t 7th. 195.4443. F. O’BOYLE, CLERK OF TE]! 0 MUNICIPALITY OF OPS. 13803.: no: new I'll-chime an Accident. but Om. our? 20 no“. Prints Ind other Fund: at Lowest Rum. Moooununc. Res! Emu Amt, etc. Omen. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. LINDSAY V V . ctpmcy of ImfAthééliy iBQQESe. lone, to loan on urn: Ind town propenyntc per cent†â€".__.___.___#7 , . ,v,,...._..., v..." U woo! Univemic of Trinity College, Tomato. Member of College 0 Physician and Samoa. Onun'o; law Physichn to Bockwood Asylum. Kinmon. Gnnd Trunk Surgeon, Lindny Diana. 0mm- And residence, Russell-38.. second door west 01 York at. Oflce hours, 0 to 10.30 I m., 130 w 8 p m.: god 7 to 8 p.111. Lindsay. April 8.1891.â€"8L1v7 A U 0' 11' ON HER. Residence, Wellingtop 7.1.. LINDSA r. member , fl... _, v.â€".. “Av" Momwthe swam Immune Comm. Surgoon to the Crud Trunk Bunny one. ad residence. Ridouwm 11m door out of Lind-y“ om noun from 8 to 10 um" um 12 w 2.80pm. Md 7 to 9 9.111. ‘nelephone eonmunicuion. , , Lus BOWES. A UOTIONEER Coflm‘ Trinity UnliwnTcgfollow of Member at Colleen of Summons, Ont-do. onceâ€"Medial Lind-y, R. svnnows, gram. 3: mm College. 1806. one. home to 10 um. noon 4 to 6 pm. Telephone connection. Lind-1y. July 10 lmâ€"ls 1y. )3. G. s. RYnBsoï¬, 00U_L_I81' and 4012152. _ _-â€"-'-â€" R, WHDEE, Clerk of the Mral. .SIMPSON. PHYSICIAN, :91- A, 7' .6. ..._.u_ n - . Beautiful Aniï¬cm'reeth Bulges: Cards. ‘. WHITE. on. r. A. WALTEITS. DENTIST, , KB. 08053. H... DENTIST. LINDSAY MquBoTaâ€"owq Dam 0mm 0! Muno- 0! lb.) ’n'» OFFICE W! D. 0. ermns, “MIMI-Inf... â€minnow m“. D JOHN ICBWEYN. mm.- M .. summon n;m,gqrg__um Mlhnul ml. I... n:- DENTIST, B. Kc. one. Jim-um... ;._0_ppodu Blpultchmch. u 5’ WELLINGTON «ST. â€Q91! IO. ‘3. cLAUGHLIN ’oIN'r my 8131mm: w. ywam. kinda.“ ...... _.. 0mm DONALD B. gnu. Trinity nods; Pbydcinm ud Hui, Cobooonk. momma» Lindsay. games: r. mwm '.',Juui M