in for weeks. When the minister d.-.- A CHANGE PASSED ovn ram, their conntennnces became ashen, and as Rev. Mr. Spence read a few selections from the scriptures to them they sobbed most piteously, and wringing their hands frantically, they cried “on nun, on DEAR.†A: 6.35 breakfast was brought in, but though temptingly prepared neither of the condemned men had any disposition to pzrcake of feed, although they eagerly drank the nourishing cortee. At 7.30 the 21 doors were opened and the spectators and reparters were admitted. ‘ ‘t 3413 all was in readiness and the orc- £$ STARTED FOR THE GLLLOWS. The maanings o: the condemned men were frightful; Header-shows cries were so loud and so full of anguish that: strong men who heard him shuddered. When the orccession appeared at the door leading into the 330] yard in was seen that T58 DOOMBD HEN MADE NO: CONFISSION OF GUILT. Their Moans and Cries were Pitiful. BOTH MEN “'ALKED FIBMLY wichout assistance. On arrival at the scazl‘ald hangman Radcliffe quickly strap- ped each man‘s legs together. They were then asked if they hed anything to say, but they replied In the negative, where- \YELTER AND HENDER- SHOTT HANGED AT ST. THOMAS. uhon THE BLACK CAP was drawn over the culprits, Welter being attended to ï¬rst. Welter bade the clergy- man and the others about him good-bye and stood ï¬rmly awaiting the end. Just before the drop {all he said, “Hove mercy sod compession." iiendorahott was very nervous while the hongmon was busy with him. and his voice quivered while he 311d. “Have mercy. Oh Lord, have mercy." The mp; bola; in position the noose: were placcd about the neck: of m: noomen MIN, whemupon Rev. Mr. Spence began to re- cite the Lord‘s payer. As he reached the words “Daiivor as iron: evil." the lever was pulled and Weiss: and Hondmhot: Passed into choralâ€. iï¬â€˜a’msm PENALTY. Summer Slaughter of Innocents. The slaughtor of innocent. will loan be- 8121. The hot. cumulus yeah†of mu!- 'ummer will quickly 1:? ow til. you: bsbca who are weak. puny Ind sickly. As this time than u hop. and alumni for ever: we»: ma sickly and. Th. m. ‘DR 0! life Is not momplllhod by medium; the work 1- mummy don. by m tho 1}“ on pm and mum“ W and. When Lxctaeed Food In and II n d!» MI "“8 Mon. bablu mp0 .11 the m _°t dim-hm. «Imam: an! about! 13h?- lec (tantalum gust. t'1'1'1. Rubles whan fat! on muted F006: thrive and flout-h II wall In tho 139° Wutheru a: my othor M Then- unds o! mocha: have given tut!!!†that their lube: liver was and by L10- “MFaodtJr-hmsnhmum nouriahcs. It does more for weak 3.;biss and Growing Children than 33v other kind of nourishment. It szréngthens Weak Mothers and re- stores health to all suï¬ering from Emciation and General Debility. For Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat. Bron. chitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption. Blood ciseases and Loss of Flesh. museum. Befleville. All new. 50:43:81. F6} .29 _Yeat§ 5:0st FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1395. roman 0m. mint-:04 on . 0.110... plublzshers’ Notice. ECMM Emulsion male. for linking Scott‘s on has been endorsed by ans of the wholeworld. No [bout it. Thisis one of its st endorsements. But the 5r. endorsement possible is vital sfrtngtk it gives. for JANADLAN POST. was ushered into the The chairman then introduced Mr. Kelec. who. he said. stopped over on his way to lrcndale. where he was going to investigate Information that he had re- ceived regarding some incorrigible chil- dren. Mr. Keleo. on coming forward. was heartily received. He said it was a pieasure‘for him to be presentâ€"that he was much interested in the report of the secretary. as well as the remarks made by other speakers, and it was a pleasure for him to in any manner increase the inter- est in the society and give such counsel in the several cases of destitution cited as was in his power. He said that the laws applying to such cases were almost per- fect, the machinery simple, many im- provements having been added in the last session of the legislature. The speaker took up each of the cases cited by the local society and pointed out their power and duty in the matter. He was explicit in the valuable information given regard- ing the power of the society, and his remarks cannot fail of good results. He cited many cases of reformation by the aid of the society that came under his juris. diction. without resorting to harsh meas- ures. In Brantford, where the society is very active. as many as ten heads of fam- ilies have been summoned at one sitting before the P. M. tor not exercising proper influence over their children. The par- ents were subjected to a wholesome lec- ture, with a warning to do their duty in the future, and this course never failed to bear good results. He further said that nearly half of the wayward children that came under their charge in Toronto was caused by fathers deserting them and the obdnrate treatment or others by stepmoth- ers. Those desarters could be arrested wherever round in the Dominion,and their names should be forwarded to the proper oï¬ï¬csr. He said he was satisï¬ed that there was a home, and a happy home, for ever homeless child in the country. The sociatv should have power to appoint a paid agent for this town and county, and should keep a standing advertisement in the papers giving the names of the ofï¬cers and such other information as was neces- sary for outsiders. He had been in the work for eight years, and that was the age of the society. Had it been crgsnized earlier it is possible some of the mould- ceot endowments that were made to estab- lish homes for English outcasts would have been given for the beneï¬t cf Canadian children, such as the Bernardo home, Peterboro, donated by Get. A. Cox, as well as large endowments by Gooderham and others, of Toronto. He, however. had no tears but that money would be always forthcoming to carry on the good work, and let no delays be made on ac- count or the scarelty of funds. ‘ Mr. KNIGHT then referred to the Groves funny, of Evelina ease recently brought to his notice. He said there were ï¬ve children deserted by their parents; three of the children had temporary homes with far mere, and the two younger ones, tour and 2 years of age. were kept in the house or John Lynn, Omemee. Groves, the father. had come to ask him to have thelatter tWU sent to the house of refuge, but as yet he had taken no steps in the matter, as he had learned by enquiry from Rev. McCann that Groves had property and could be made responsible for the children's sustenance. Mr. Knight. continuing. re- ferred to the ease of the girl,anie Oakea and said he understood she had returned to her parents' home at Bethany. Mr. Contour spoke about the Welsh family. but he said the parents did not want to part with the children. and that he though it was better not to take any steps in the matter at present. eoeiety met in St. Paul's eohool noun last evening. end we! addreuid by Mr. J. J. Keno. oi Tmnto, provincial unpain- tendeno oi the homeless children 0! 0n- corio. Onthepintiormwere Mr. D. Rey. president; Dr. Herrimon. «mm; Mr. J. a. Knight. county Inspector of schools, and we nouoed in the endlenoe Rove. Shot-0y. Hoghoon end Mr. Potter Col. Deacon, Meson. John MeSweyn, A. P. McDonnell. Connolly. Bore end Kerr; and among the ladies were Mrs. Weldon. Mn. Sharp, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Ametmng. Mrs. Whiteslde, Mrs. Scenes and Miss Twnmley. 7 and 9years, but they had not secured homes forthem as yet. They had taken charge 0! e weak-minded girl of 16years and had her placed in the asylum at Orillla for the children of her class. There were a number of other children that the society had under their surveillance, and were doing all they possibly could to induce the parents and guardians to bring them under a. proper christian influence. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Potter, after which Mr. Ray, chair- men, stated the object of the meetingend called on Dr. Ben-1mm, secretary, to make a. report of what the society had done. The secretary said that the society held monthly meetings, and while they had not donen great deal, he was satisï¬ed that the work was only in its infancy and good re- sults would emanate iron the united work of the society. They had res- cued two ohlldren between the ages of nunâ€"u v- â€"â€".- --._‘, At this juncture Mr. McSwnm narrated an instance to quality the remarks of the speaker. He said that recently he had drawn a will for a party who wee not noted hr his philanthropic gift: (he would not mention names), and one of the bequests was one of five hundred dollars to the Children‘s Aid Society of the county of Victoria. Col. Ducox was called for by the chair, and gave some valuablc hints as to his experience In hu ofï¬cial enmity in dealing with ncglecuod and dopendcnb childrcn. On motion of Mr. McSwnnt and 001. Duoox. a vote of thanks wn tenant-0d to Mr. Keno for his oxcollonb Ind luau-noun address. whloh wu duly “knowlodsod by that summon. nd tho mung woo brought to I close. AM o! we: count! [mm In lam: an n nun-non- um. Amu. Immu. Juno 17.â€"A‘my Inter- esting one or mover: tron I compliant! tom ct kidney trenbh ha 933:: plus L ,n-.. here, and the deteile ere granny being made public. The euxterer wee Miee M. T. Laomii, who to: 3 long time bu teen I vioum'aeevere pains in m pox-Be oi the body. She consulted e number at doctor! end. wu meted i.r a green uriebyd oun- pltliniaeL the diagnosis on proving unity. g,;- I_-j A-Lâ€"“AJ"- yuan-w, W- ._V, u M: math tho dommméd to m Dodd'n Kidney Pills, 1: Mn; read and haul! much at their annoy udtc and bar uncomm- juumod In a oomph“ mm. cmnzms up socmrr. AN ILLINOIS SINBA TION. THE CANADIAN “It was a terrible time.†she said. “We had been told again and again that nothing could be done to save Sophie. and I had almost been forest“. by appearances to believe it. I have now to say that but for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills she would have been in her grave instead of attend- ing school every day the liveliest of the lively. It began like this: the poor girl was coming to me two or three times a day exclaiming, ‘Oh, me, I have such a terrible headache. I cannot stand the pain of it.‘ This went on for a long time, weeks in fact, until we began to look at it in avery serious light. We had almost every French doctor in the city called in, but with no result. Sophie got worse and worse. Her face was small and yellow, while her lips were as white as your collar. She was listless and apathetic, and so weak she could not raise her hand to her head. A leading doctor forced her to take a certain kind of powders, which seemed to be taking the flesh from her bones. Her skin became hot and parch- ed, her eyes sank into her head and she lay on that counch as one dead, taking no interest whatever in the things going on around her. Then it was that we became conhrmed to the popular belief that she was going to die. It was agonizing to look at her, but we became partially resigned to the fate that appeared to be overtaking us. She was watched day and night, but we could detect no change unless for the worse. All hope had gone. I had read of the cures by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and about this time I noticed adescription published in the Free Press somewhat similar to Sophie's case. Some- . thing seemed to urge me to give. them a trial, and now I thank God I did. I sent: for some and began giving them to her} one at a time, Before long we saw an improvement, and gradually increased the , dose from one to two and then to three at ‘ regular intervals. It was incredible to note the change. Her color came back, a different look‘ in her eyes, her general health and appearance gave us all new interest in her. Before the fourth box was gone Sophie was able to be up and around again. and a further use of them fully restored her to health. or rather snatched her from the brink of the grave. To Dr. Williams Pink Pills is due all the credit for we had stopped doctor's medi- cine and simply gave her these, follow- ;ing the directions around the box. My ‘daughter's life was saved by Pink Pills ‘and no one knows better than her mother. I wish to tell everyone of the cure, as it is almost impossible to believe that the poor thing that laythergand the happy rosy-checked girl who goes regularly to herclasses, are cneandths same person in such a marvellccsly short space of time, and youmybesurelam advising ailing neighbors to me this wonderrul medicine. in still hope. denote. She lay on a couch like one dying. She is a student under the nuns in St. J on Baptiste school on Primrose hill. Over twa years ego she fell sick and rapidly wested swsy. The neture of her disease eppesred to be e profoundrnystery to the physicisns ss they were celled in one sfter the other. Despsir seized the femily ss they looked upon the once beautiful, spirited girl, laying dsy in end day out, weeks end months on her couch, simply slowly vsnishing end they power- less even to rsise e smile to her wen lips. Esch succeeding medlcel men gnvely told the parents to prepsre for the worst. However. Mrs. Belsnger is not one of women chub give up in despsir while there is still hope. as her own words will am trove a me lever. From the Ottawa Free PM A personal paragraph in the Free Press some time ego simply stating that Miss Sophie Belanger, 428 Cooper street. Ottawa, had recovered from a serious illness caused by anaemia and general debility, has apparently awakened more than usual interest and pleasure among her relatives and acquaintances. So much so. indeed. thata reporter of the paper found it extremely interesting to visit the family and enjoy a chat with Mrs. Bebnger on the recovery of her daughter after she had for two years been considered irreeoverably a victim of this terribly enervating and dangerous disease. Mrs. Belsnger is a very intelligent French- Cansdian, wife of Mr; Joseph Belanger, whose wall paper and paint and glass establishment is at 146 Bank street. Miss Sophie Belanger, the whilom invalid, vas- cillitating between death and life, is a promising young lady of seventeen years. REBATES HOW HER DAUGH- TBR'B LIFE W48 34 VII). J net er the reporter wee leeving Mile Belenger returned from eohool. She wee the picture of greoe, heelthy end heeuty. her lithe phyeique denoted heelth in every movement, while her feee enowed the werrn, ruddy glow of heelth. She oorroboreted ell her mother hed eeld he- eidee edding eonne new teetimony. Hep- plneee now ehideth in thet home where mieery held Iwey too long. and Mn. Belenger 1'er her feith in Dr. Willieme Pink Pun. which will do far other week end elling girle whet they did for ht! delight-r. . LINDSAY. ONT.. FRIDAY. JUNE 21. 1 [Corrupondenoo oi 'i‘uI Pom} Fxsama hue commenced here in enrneei; quite e largo crowd ouue in iron: Toronto on the Saturday express to vieit the ï¬sh- ing grounde around here. Intending tourists oennot do better then pay these parts a vleit; e'very eoeommodetion et the Queen‘s end Pettle‘e home. soon end pleasure boats for hire on reuoneble terms. nod good livery rise It you eervloe et eny hour. All that n tourist needs in the way of provisions, sporting goods. eta. camp beds and chain. also ounp tables. tcr enle or hire. anxsxsaâ€"H. Doughty has removed his goods opposite the Queen's hotel and keeps a full line of groceries and provisions. flour and food, etc ...... Carl and son. "chse of all Nations," are pushing goods tor cash away down ...... W. C. Shields is always 01 hand with right goods and' prices. ...... John Ham is making things hum in the way of general store, etc ...... C. W. Switzar is working night and day to keep up with orders, having had toengsgehelp. C. W. S. is a good blacksmith, and a first- class shoot, and the public knows it. ...'l’ho carriage workers are kept busy. G.T.D. has no time to sell any organs now. but will be out again in a short time ninngthc country with music ...... Mr. Atchinson, miller, is building a house near the mill. Farmers can get the chopping done any hourâ€"charges light. DOMINION Damâ€"Lock out for the sports here on July 1st; a great day expected. CJmo and bring your best girl. 13st,whllaMr.Cx-anll,otthemplace, ganaverylonlysmd 0010, 1711101: no wallrooolvodbynllmt. Come min. gentlemen, andwe will give you. hurt! welcome. [Correspondence oi 'l‘ul Poet. Scaoor. napalmâ€"The allowing in the stendingctthc pupils c!e.s.Nc6,Gln- morgen:-Jr.III.â€"Adn Billings. Sr. 111. â€"Weiter Hickecn. '. ILâ€"Emnn Winn. Eel-Inn Winn. Mel-y Billings. Pent II.â€" Child Billings, George Piokene. Sr. Pert Lâ€"Celie Billings, Joe Rough, Jcehnn Pic- kens. Jr. Perl: I.-George BillingI. Sr. Iainâ€"John Billings. Jr. Teb.â€"Alice Bili- iuge, Nellie Billings, Fred Billings. .Mumun'r Evens, teacher. Piazzaâ€"Beer Leke nnicn ennnei picnic istoboheldhereoanly lst. Prizes will be given tor eli kind. at eporte .ench ee boetreces, running. j nmping. high kick- ing end dencing. Mr. Jceeph Smith. of White Likenvm been the grounds end furnish music with his beg-pipes. An invitetion in extended to ell. Panamaâ€"Mr. end Mn. Alecp ere visit- ingin Delrylneple ...... HmWilliemAieon of Monk wed. in visiting her old home et Guamâ€"The «on. in the vicinity m looking um wail. Bmwxm. â€"Mr. John MoConnnii. o! Monk Road, in â€wound to have n old Mme alum of n new house on Thu-Id†next. age. Thlenuvery sudden blow to the (may. end they hsve the â€DPS"!!! 0‘ a†entire community. ILLâ€"Ween veryem '0 learn "I" 3 daughter of Mr. Rune'l. inst M64138 in†wammhood, who he: been dot to: some tingle no: [mun-om m tut. Three doctors have visited her. but don't 8‘" very mueh encouragement. We ell how for the best. Canes Normâ€"Mr. Gould. of Uxbfldse. occupied the pulpit on Secntdey evening Mr Moflatt is of opinion that all hi- suffering: and troubles bod their origin in liver complaint. a terribly dangerous malady that is dnsalna may 3 man And womatothognvo. Thin diummybo acute or chronic. In the notice (on: than no violenb burning pains conveyed to tho ohouldoro and right arm. Ihorc cough- tem. irroguiu' bowoio Ind omiipotioo. In the chronic tom of liver oompinint thou no my morbid oondihitiou. moi: M’memm aid Mu. Stephan Kettle. at Bar Lake. visited Lindsay Saturdavlut. The Joyful Exclamation of Mr. Alex- ander Moï¬att, of Millbrook, Ont. iW“ m "“1 0m.â€"Dlod.ouSInd-! “0““va 1““ Anus mum». on 01 3°“ mum. at Brock. Ho '33 “MW“ °° Thursday. but took “dam, down with W 01mm Homlhontflmfl an): I non-shin: mun undu- the supervision at our “mum Mr. 1)st an. W. 31:. PW Cdmc. our you: which“. in proving hlmselt worthy of the nation of!!! oholoo and andmvared to thebouot NI ability to mine I: pleasant tan-mould- ran; all went homelaunaltwugoodto b: there. u “argument. totalling. than... an! dogma-Anon. The symptoms m. “who In numb. ï¬stulaâ€. mum. bluou vomiting. 10a :1 .ppotlte. thine. whit. nddrytomomltmmm I hate! 0th.: ulna-sun conditions. Paine’s Celery Compound Victorious After the Doctors Failed. - Long kin-Iona h“ tnuy proud um mum om Compound 1: tho 081’ In.“ am that on “MI!!! arml- If“? the M about ot um oomphlnt. Honest one! oblodootonmodvuuthok pouonutomobmothlu'om Compound. term Wm.“ my LOCAL NEWS'LE’I'I‘ERS. TAm Permanently Cured.†SAIJV TFIELD‘ BEAR LAKE. OUBOCUNK. OMBHSB'. @311: K11)». 3':: no em- a: 3m- nm. . tho I . MnJohnEqunowownor of tho pro- “d' arty (our thonouoh umdm)um was. I bolongodtotho became! which he no only 3 o mombzt. Trtï¬mm' other bond- 3 Inst. in won at n 1t "1 i anctlon many on Hondnyplut.’bnt Imp then won no blades. as the ado woo 3 “1° nutter 0! tom In ode! to cable Mr. . Ellis to got a logo! clue. ‘Iho sow-mm was 1 burned September 0! lost your. an! the J“ } ohmgle mm woo land not long ‘80 by â€paint. W. 8. Shannon. whom: It In o ' thmugb mm of re 3nd 1: now run- â€:inmgu. The other ulldlngloonslstdo ‘° lhrgohmodwdunghouuandthmor _ , - A-LI-_ -_J .L.‘. [ï¬g-agin- four buns. 3 Falls Gazette. ne Suzie: convention. The seventy-seventh annual meeting of the Whitby end Lindsey evocation of the Bsptiet churches commenced e three dm' session in the Baptist church, Cambrian- 3.1511â€! am. It 1: expected thus there will be seventy-ave dalemm pm- ene. Following In the program for this “@9099: 2.00:1?3mmgeflng. Rgv. W. ,A.n-_ . u... ml m: mustn't. Symonâ€"mum: W tubing :34 um. M " “uh“ m 1†meaning. nmumflnu-m m which out: bleed Ind M. baoomlnl "I? “I" Swarm Onn' MIWMIMMWM m.mmmmmm W tum â€W“ â€Y '“u' “â€0 cents. Dr. 871150 Son. PW†Lymn.SonIOo.. Mantra“. Whm A890“- ï¬fmï¬fufzao. eucub'h at oom- 2mm: 2.45, lnuodnotlon of new pm and viewers; 3.00, selection of piece 0: meet and election of pregame oom- mmee or 1896; 3.15. Menlwbe abalone. Rev. J emes Buyer: 4 (I), linemen. Even- ing Sessionâ€"7.30. devotions! exercises. Rev. M. E. Slple: 8.00. none! eermon. Rev. ARLWhlteLBm, foreign mbslone. Rev. m-mmnubvlmhhm mu know or no other modiclno tho: aim onoh prompt and efl'ootlvo mulls. Tho om o! Mr. Mcmtt amply prove- ovory ammo mode In favor o! PMno'o Colon Com- pound. 3nd clou-ly dommtnm tho tact that when the phmclul tail to on" notun'o modlolm 1- our. todothogood work. Mr. Mon’ott trim than :â€" “Hovloghoonooomur to! â€on m Wpuoolntho oidmhokondhuut. oouood. I lmly hollows. by o amid: umJucolndtho mount 01m play-loam. ndwuooupollodoowou-o Moo-o loam Mouton I wood-o "Rubi him: it!" WILL SURE YOU rm“: DON’T DESPAIR Dodd’t lgdlclno Co s v- â€"---7- L. A. Slim-I a co.. ammupvemm maid! p91â€. 1y mused by PERRY DAVIS’ “It.“ Toronto. TORONTO (“SENATOR MHUSIC M'Tï¬sâ€"ioâ€"luï¬â€™ï¬m. «42.0w. one- our 0mm sum. W. many. 1). J. ucm'rrns. cc. 1. mwm. mmmmmmwummm WMWWWMMW mm; u¢. a MMï¬w MW†mum. vow: nu) wow! Farms for Rent. TIMBER FOR SALE. Lu ' acmm new. m. 060., William-d... Way‘ 1'. mm Mr. J. Parnell Morris, 5.. ’6113131. saintyicion Amity M o: the Pace. Had-v.0“. one. overlan- M's um. I.» it. (: H. HOPKD‘B. Barri-m, etc, So- u [Idiot tot an Ont-Ho Bunk. Honey†10.. u lom nun. Ofloo. No. a, William-n... comb. Lind-y. 0m.â€"‘ R J an. E. Mcuuem, W Eta. Marc Block. Kent-n... Unanimous-to. Alumnuountolmayto Ion almmammmmmmzm may. Sept. u. lat-i sum-mu, acumen. I“ . â€MA! I“ [mum rams. Iindaay Oï¬cc : WI Block. Kent-St. FARMS for SALE. Fr'my“ "WON‘T WEgIâ€"uiauo‘nï¬fmï¬ 5% the “nominal-Hy ow w room. pot noun. u Ir ulinwxbo pad bl! van-1y sud new!“ not Wimhmduflu the odd ray-n. Wlmsmuwndmh um um Math ggvlluu will be “M. M‘ ‘i‘uzmm. maï¬a-rot In con- W at w. o. a. OFFICES : North Wat Corner of Ken! and York mu. LINDSAY. [om no Loan- Honey Invested. For t Imamelfluuinupoduon to procun Law: 0! 83.0†9nd Igpwsydl on M and Tan ..... LI- -‘ .L‘ J. mmVWâ€"l-ur d mwudeM nu. ma. antâ€"u ur- MOORE a JACKSON (Sacco-oak) acosrm a “01:80;st _â€" Bani-an, d W uncut-5‘ Km noon a J anon. M"m‘"‘u‘m†e mm. to «my borrow. M°TL§¢¥£§D °N m- We! ‘0“:mmwwmhfl Moan-odo- “In!“ M '9‘.- mom T0 LOAN runways mung! “$113133. MONEY TO LOAN or say u: not M; who no nun an. $00M.“ 0: '“U’I' “I. lou- “I. I“ In Iona-‘- 5‘ m -Saaiaafluhfl as £86.35}... giaubcofl. itgtopoflo. .3. ii... 3.52:... viii-cola}. .§3§§3a§8 gagsagtéuu J; H. Soorasm, MI brunt Wunnwdwflfl- JOHN ldWEYN. DONALD 8- â€370388030 .unu r03 SALE in ï¬rm: :mwx. ijOBfll DOUGLABS. mm or “III†m 10mm DOLE. mm Al’ my ID"! cm “1-. I 0 TBS DISOOUHTE‘D sob A“ AKRON swans. _ (Salinity-q go: knssmxma. (us-A LLAN S. MACDONELL, “tel. cm a srnwn'r. mags 'oswnx a mums. CLAUGHLIN MCDIARMH). ONEY LEE '1‘ on Mortgage. 8mm [I mvsuéoon AND manor LSD GLOBE DIEM! OOIPLNT. HORTGAGM CHANGED. P. Dim. manna. BOLI- - . m 4 1mm 417D LIFE. Barman. Ito. H0119] to L0“. m. . . C‘ m‘.‘ V“- ... . . o n m I. - n m I. ' ' I!“ II I.“ :u- - ll IV‘BY‘I'IIIG m. mcmnngzudemco nu an: at Int-l. 01 1M. H. BEAZIN. 1’†0H 1'. I. O. fAm‘. mums-vb†mm 0 I'm» University [edict Funny. I100 Guam 0! Trinity University. Toronto. tad mm o! Conn. cl Phydchm mam. Gnu-lo. OFFICEâ€"Myst. non hon-I to tho Brian. Julim.â€"nlyr. . mm, LD. 3., DENTIST. Ono: our tm c on. 93mm. Guam 1! mm Unlunity nanny-[College at Daub! Bug-om. OFFICEâ€"Hmâ€" Kant". mlmlyooouplodb} Telephone (LLâ€"$91!? B. NEELANDS EXTRACTS hood: without m by 6A8. sud VITALIZED LIB. “minimum-â€or u yun with New name» launder Dr. Canon. «Now York. the «RIM 0! 0-- lot W M Dr. Gamma-Imxmmm Madman“ to 13.617 pot-om vtthou: on mount. Dr. Nul- ndnuuflubm locdhanbtunduu. a.“ coup-.97. 01300 may I V uninco- runk Runny. out o! msw103.m..m12w2.)p.yln. Bun-[mum m. 0M noun 7 to 9 pan. Won. continuumâ€. b3. 1a.; TgTTEN. nnns'r. "w DENTIST. LINDSAY. ' ' OI .mo. ombibounswmsm noon mound-Ion. Lhduflulyu. stool Unlvonit. of Why (30qu Toronto. “Collage Physician and 8m. ado: we Phylum to Bookwood Asylum. . Gnnd Trunk Surgeon. Lind-yuan“. wand ,Mm.“ door mo! ~ Muhwn9w1030u.m.l.ߢo8pn.; 71.08 I. Lin .Aprll 8.1891.â€"84.‘ly. 8;: ï¬g E p mu! summon. m tb- omflo V. at. d Ont-ll III-abut noun. Llndi'v‘ M418 1!. New York Pout-(Mum Indus! College. mu Univ. Ind. may. Victori- Unlwmcy. Ont. 00M OFFICE locum)“: J 8m. oppo- du Duly Bonn â€"oo-lyr â€" mm and Surgery â€" Om Wellington 3nd Cambridge-m. LWJJJIGRASSL 1.0.. .v. ocnnx. n. 3.. u: r And 8. Ont-.Md'l‘o LC.P.8..0nL Sur- mwlb ll doom (con to :00“. 80W mama: no Din-nut to 0.1.3... Coronet. I Womanwmz) van-5's:- Telephone 9. mono. In and“. mulch Undny Hun-Wk“! ‘. I “n, ,V m 0mm: lion- Bloch Jun. 25. 1 4".“- MW‘G I Mutants-Ico- n W. H. 63088. LILS. DENTIST. W KNEE! o olpdltyollnn tolounon Isl-mud» GEORGE M030 .4 U021 W. Walla: ELIAS BOWES, W . Wham??? '6T’on. mu:- m mm nu. w. m “can. not mm so m. cm Prim and m Fund- u w but. W Accountant. Raul Emu Aunt, m. 030.. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. LINDSAY (.1 um momma ADDRESS. OAKWOOD P. O. u- m a m WI: an M mum“ W Beautiful Artiï¬cial Teeth: ï¬â€˜mn B_R_OWN. WIN-w- - v" ' A. :. arm Voodvmo. 03mm mom's. Lind-y. lurch. lamâ€"m. , WMLw.â€"“~fl. Lind-y. Act. A. tenâ€"«my. mm L. 80mm“. gâ€) IAGLBOR, _A.__-_ _ .1 -m.._n OCULISI' and AURIBT, ,3. JEFFEBS, es WELLEGTON-BI'. mm I0. L n. G. s. RYEBSON, awn. 1mm 0.94.. MIPICAL R. SIMPSON. mangle, gm;- m-nvnnows, Magh__of mam RS. DEGRASSI OGDEN . B. J. P. LEMON. a. J. J. BROAD, um HOTEL. 0000!ng Veteran?! 5M EOBGI McEUGH, A U011 ON HER. G, 01va 3198:. all pedals: A U 011 ON BER. mama. Banana. LINDSA r. HONEY T0 LOAN hiâ€"nswnti' m. an. $91?" ,. CHAMBERS, OAKWOOD- . WHITE. i; 030nm, ogmx 0g 13 names: OOLLIGI-BTu â€30m. Jo SMITH! GRADUATE Phnzczuu. Dentistry. Wautqngton-ot. LINDSA Y. Eaton.