D. Village of 0 13in m or A .1 i LIVERY sushi mummy. wartime. horse. on I! m Dd BRIAN BUNIGAI. ’2 7. 4 M “QQQ Egvg S 5. ~? â€:3 ~‘* rm \3\ vertlsemanta. 81050' 250- 25c- ‘F MARIPOSA‘ . sly upon the body of the people, articular-1y upon the taming populs~ We; say there Is not s shadow or '31“ the conservatives will elect 5 wt! of the next leglelemre. They do Enact that there will be my such fromtha content. The ï¬rst duty of bunny, therelore, Is to tsxe care that laxity of liberals are egsln sent beck Women: to support s government has always been prudent, but slwsye re, atweys economics], but sel- mmrdly, end always ready to 90 the bath at publlc senulment in reform- I‘iï¬nltnolllylxm. the lone, smaller-lazing audition o! the messes or theipeople, ‘ - buttegnleung the professions, " it the power and ckonmscrlblng M98“ or corporations, on: main- " eflre: and pmmount duty the " W1 Rood flnenclel repute or the ’3 SALE IN T )AKWOOD.â€"The ... '- ha: desirable prove!" :d now occupied by ‘ :1 framehonsewlth -* ‘3‘ ouzbulmlngs. The†land attached. on mmenced to bear. - “ lottonthelot. T» ' icniargaggzysw'rno, ' WET, . ‘ nod. S wt- 4» 1393- ‘ 1,.“Jun‘fl JOHN J ELLING Tom n-‘ It Kent. M Feed Sun- 0‘ come '0‘." â€a“ to n 000‘ - m min-$- ION GALVIN. 1" swung“; -Th3 Id “1 Concept. d 1 :alnlnl 1W :- r6880“ 1; 3mm": Ives :- 90111611199 P085. V, Mlcbli class of the popnleuon. In many thus meea the average nte of interest 10 to 12 per «116., end 813 the best that can be secured. I: in not too to My that: the farmers are the chief , me thxt there they hsve learned m1 experience the: government is e am in an eminent degree requires and trelnlpg, they “getter: wyl‘po‘t lxmvm The person who “temp“ go â€to mangmce o! the Mow“ m o! :2: “eminent cor autuencleu but hold. I l LD ‘0 public derision. N at. m. at head of the diluent proving?“ debt u .... ... ï¬rm Columbin. mum“ â€......†.... Dominion o! C‘mmln... . .. Mao-oat 0! â€Debt. bpfnenu as its threstened in Ontario, the reunite have been din-trons to ta. wouldbeaflected‘ittast, :1: my good old mother ; urged me to try Ayer’l ' 13-, Sarsaparilla. I took three .- 1 bottles, the sores healed. "* and I have not been troubled since. Only the scars remain, and the memory or the past, to remind me o! the good â€an; sarsaparina. has doneme. I now “5.53, two hundred and twenty pounds, and 1m 5;] the best of health: I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed ‘yer's Susaparilra advertised in all parts 3,-3.3 United States, and always take pleas- m m telling what good it did for me.†for the cure of all diseases originating In â€pure blood, the best remedy ls ESSAY. FRIDAY. JUNE 15, “ï¬n-nut! we Rabatâ€"made magi-7"; int 3:11;" done our duty. We on“ Would 113?? which It was most Drop“ ““0 m be: the purpose. The money it, ma crown lands d m- Mu“ "PM! we have not half!†2"“ II stay where it I: placed, and that umpno punish numb! Institutions hippie comonuons by merely ven- Imctments which! slyâ€: reagtu wed by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mus. AYER’S Sarsaparilla Non 300“ ures others, will cure you ’he Mummy; gust. POLITICAL POIJVTERS. My the Sears Remain. 113ng me many testimonials which I , regard to certain medicines patio-rm- ares, cleansing the blood, etc.,†wriies 3‘. Ecpsox, of the James Smith Wooien Machinegy 00., Philadelphia, Pa... “none impress me more than my owncase. Twenty years ago. at the age 0! 18 years, I had swelling: come on my legs, which broke and 1791’s Remedies my legs, which broke and became running sores. ourmmuyphyslciancould do me no good, and Rim feared that the ,bones 8 6.00 For some time the matter received no more than passing notice, popular opinion being that the party who ï¬red the weapon had no evil intentions further than that they aimed at some object and missed. Investigation. however. proved otherwise, and on the information of Indian Agent McPhee, of Rama. Constable Clarke. Black and Cotton were assigud the task of arresting Christopher ‘ who at the time or the shooting con noted a hotel at Waehago. and who, the authori- ties say, is the 9 who unsuccessfully attempted to take nman life. The trio or Ornliapfl‘icgrs drove to Washago to and â€"Euly mt spring Willinm Ingeuou. an Indian from Runs. while out on 3 ï¬shing expedition at Wuhngo. mind nn ugly wound in the left: arm caused by a. ball from n rifle ï¬red Apo son}; one on shore. .n_-.I _- the bird had flown. â€"On Saturday morning burghrs blew open the onto 0! T. J. Gould and Bros.’ prlvuo bank at Uxbrld 011%., Ind got aw†with $4,000. No no. here by the villege eqnere, en' oneet I oeught e tempin. Yes, eir, e reel live turtle-beck terrepin en’ he wee e dendy. I never eeed hie like efore or eiuoe. He hed gille onto him like e hole mede in the gronn' to ley gee-pip“ with; en' en ier hie eoelee, they wee so big en’ eo heevy we boye bored holee inter them en' mede quoite Out of 'em. Whet’e that ye any i Terrepine don't heve no mile! Nor no eeelee neither 7 Weel. who eeid they gen’relly did heve? Thet wee the etrordinery thing ebout thie here terreuin I’m e-epeeking oi ebout. He had: He wern’t no ord’nery terreuiu like meet 0' them you boye ketchee with e hook en' line. No, eirree. He wee e 'riginel ‘ tempin. the likee 0’ which, no I eeid, ’ein't never been eeen beiore nor einoe. No, I een't preve nothiu’ 'bout him; en’ why not ? mebbe ye'il eek. Well. I'll tell ye why not. There ein't none 0’ the boye ee helped me keteh him livln' now. Bill Jonee he died 0’ the ooucertine, or eomethlng elee. I do’ know whet. end the rent of 'em iollered. I'm th' only men livln’ ee remembere thet neh. Big ween't no term t’ epply to him. Bill J onee. eoou'e I leuded him. eeye. whet'e th’ nee o’ killin'nim? Breek him to hernese. He'e big enough to pull e hoee- cer. Thet’e whet Bill eeye. An' I eeye no doubt, B ll. but whet'e the noon 0' breekin' him in for e hon-oer hate when their ein’t no hoer-eere in town? True. eeye Bill; let'e meke meek-turtle eoup of him. So we did. Thet‘ll ehow ye how big he wee. It took three yeere to get thet terre in boiled down, en’ then eiter thet the hu town hed mock-turtle eonp for tour eere more and that one terrepin. I hie eheii en’ hired e ionr-horee teem to oerry it home, en’ I kep' it i’er ten years. nein' it ineteed of e summer-house out on the green-pint there. I useter go down there enmmer nights with e rockin' cheir end rock ineide o’ thet terrepin eheli for hours. reedin' my nooeepener. en’ livin’ 'long he»! I! e bird. Eb? Whet’e thet ye eey, Tommie? There ein’r. no pend. no: no river, nor no etreem of any kind down by the villege equerei Well, who eeid there wee? I'eint never said nothin’ o’ the kind. Ye don’t eee how I could catch tempin then? Ho ll Whet iguoremneee you boye ie. Ain’t there no piece t’ kelch terrepin ’eeptin’ in mill; ponds? Ye do’ know wheteher telkin oi ebont. Ever hed terrepin home? Well, then. did ye get ’em out of e mill-pond. or e oceen, or e river runnin‘ through yer beck yard? No'l Well, I gueee yer right there. I kuowe mighty well ye didn’t. Ye got ’em et the ï¬sh etore; en’ thet’e where I ketched thie oneâ€"st the ilsh etore down on the villege equere. You boye ie gettin eeeey. doubtin' en’ old men like. me en 1’ don't like it. Get elong out o here en, don’t ye come back egeiu till yer good en reddy.â€â€"[From Herper'e Young People. neâ€"en-nâ€"eâ€"uâ€"uâ€"eâ€"A “_ . Han MIDLAND DISTRICT NO TEE. 01d Juan’s Tannin. "thin’ round hon?" aid on Jnck. "Well, not much now. Thor’ ante: be hull lots of it. We hatched common. n’ treats, an' sardines by the million down “Mr. Meredith edlnite we have no power over separate schools. tint whatever rights they bed so the time of conï¬den- tion are beyond our power, the: the B. N. A. not given no jurisdiction regarding it.†--.., --'-v- W- I E‘Mr. Meredith compieined because we lwould not insist upon e compulsory bciiot system for the concrete schooir. Whnt we here done is to give repe- rete school supporters the option of the ballot in "zoom way . public school supporters heve the op of the heilot. They ere precisely on the come footing in tint reflect. No one would thinkl of imposin e compulsory hellot upon public sohco supporters. It lsnot to be wondered thst the beilot for separste schools will be opposed when it comes from the uni Catholic party. Preetioelly the only reason given for it is we no told that the leity ere coerced by their priest. Is it ‘ eny wonder that Cetholics combine ageinet l epgqoosition girth-t sorï¬" " * " “Wo floated the ballot 3mm tram Enabnd and politicians than no Ill squad “1" “I 1! 3 perfectly secret ballot.†‘ * ‘ M'- M‘Rdlth oomnlnlnnd Mun- .- onld in tweehouid gothuolhehoï¬ier 0:11 (11:13:- gouropnonen eeveryyeu- w o mutter oi comfortâ€"we owned it u o motto:- ot duty. Om- dniy is not merely to of win!!- oonvenient for no, but whohiein the public interest And to do what the public interest uquh'ee. Our only reason for doing so we: 3 lease at Daub-13.9 dugyo†i i i Sunlight Soap: :9: ’tyé no]. rune! Pueel mm“. Brmoxs-Meleture; Intense nouns end Mamas: etnlght: "WWW. It madmanflnuetumontorm. unbeaten .bleed and nleente. Meaning very sue Swnnn's Omr slope the noun: end bleedlna, heals uloentlen. end In mute-eel removeethetumore. At drummotbynnll. tot-50mm. Dr. Sumac Son. Philadelphia I Hey. that's my umbrella! I know it by the blue tell in it. Well, I hope you won‘t chin: penu, 15:0; lortheybnvetheweklndol e mug, men. â€"Aaenflamununder 40 you: «I harm“ Winn-hammbmn memo! k:13:Barnum-Jinan:cixummlu nu hou- wax-enact! to tantamount. And evenmm lanthanum.“ than I! you would know tor sure her :30 Ask not her-cl! or mother; Just me : quiet p Unto her little brother. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap- ./ Liie is too show to get Iqum. Bud-one tenant. Samoan-nee mush“! blotch“. pimple. or cello w opaque shin. deem†the unmanne- ot manna lectures. In all men ell. Scott'- Emnldonwmmuduvthemtem Ind impart manual and beauty. Lutweekhe felttoo warmsnd put His tunnel things uny. The tunenl service will beheld At Must two to-day. A Good 5390!“. Aiwsys scoompsnlel good hesith end an sheenoe or sppetiie is no indication oi some- thing wrong. The loss of s rotionnl desire to: food is soon followed by look at strength. to: when the supply of fuel is out 03 the ï¬re burns low. The system guts into s. low ma end is liable to severe stacks et diresss. The universnl antimony mm by those who have used Hood's Ssrso .- to i. gres: merits in restoring and sharpening the appetite. in promoting hesithy notion o! the digestive organs sod es s puriï¬er o: the blood. oonstitutes the strongest recommendotion the: on he urged (or soy medicine. Those who hove new used Hood's Ssrsspu-iiis should surely do so this The king can do no wrong without anybody knowing it. » Loxnox June nunâ€"Mn. wuuun hauler. of 21 Eudld- ave. London south for the put an nun bun table.“ to ill-h an. m treated. by doctors In Ind Dobro“. mom. sud by three Manta huh {nude}. No 0:10:15. wcould cure sing-gut wane-uh. on using Dad Pmu. Since numb-um no u n . '1‘ d aha up wt:- “3033.41,†duo ton dinosaur. I he! Men the noun! who tuned no: we: assoc:w vex-ed u: oonuqmtl! that W: wumvun. In. waumn Lunacy Wu Subject to '1‘th tor the Yuri-MEI Ill- noy Pull. Which nova: You rum. Cu“ nor. Tho homes-ore the some. the occupstlou on tho some. the month or birth 1. the IIIIIO, the doy or the month or birth In tho tune and the you of birth In the song. And yet they no warm llvu. On I: 5 Non Saotlsn and to still living; the other WA: on Onurlo merohuat, who and in 1891. A Carton. con-mum. The following curiou- oolnoxdonoo of nuns: ond data mutate: some inure-t- !ng features thnt occur In the Mouton and abut-non of 11:0 "ounce Ibflntloc. One the books of tho csnsdo Lilo Aunt- nnoe Cc. no two policies. tho putteulm of which no no follow: WILLIAI REID, WILLIAM mm), Mnemr meumr, Born 22nd Inch, 1840. Born 22nd Inch. 13w. To-doy. Floro’u mother declares Doom"- ly that Lactoted Food and he: bnby’s life; the is enthulutlc In its probe. ond manna: It to on her (Honda who hove A on. Mothm who bun wank. mu Ind sickly how; should derive comfort and hope the: tending of mu. Plan'- can. nuanced Food «thinly “Sam Bsbu.’ Lives." Adamo 1n bub, Finn’s diet It: immedhaly made ad in s tow dun I hum ohm go was observed. Thom became bright", the Mk Mould robin Md dlgou some nourishment. 3nd sweet uoep named to we now strength. All medicine: were “ï¬led.“ Lmutod Food used tognlnly. In the W um. bsby Finn m s hwy]. hum child. brig!“ and cheerful.“- Joytqovu-y magnberot thy nmuy. The inxlohi 756656? iii in!“ ___-.°d one dny tint pal-1b}: Fiat-3’- diet had much to dowithhulioknou; the My who made this negation st the um time noon- mondod 3 kid oi Lmtuod Food. which she Ind mod her-cu with and mum in: he; hbies. V rnE'e'véif :- We? to: the would beneï¬t 01 mothers who hove bebies to one let. Beby Flareâ€"i- now eix month: old end belongs to e well-ec-do univer- eelly Impacted in the 33m. For men: week- the child '3?» expected to live; medicine ccemed to aggravate the egg end node the little one week. The following cue, while It In in mm my: wonderful and rem-rhino, does not ï¬nish mogul“: «lanthanum-up maggots In â€muons! mam looktor. F she does. see that the wash is made Easy and Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP. which dew away with “1° terrors of wash-d33- THE MOTHER MAKES A POSITIVE DE- GUIRATIOII. Bsby l'lora’n Ono 0qu Much 1'11]: and Snrpriu. Her brow u like the snowdrm, Her cheeks like the bout 0! n moo. And chum-In wind- now m drmlnz Little tree 0: mm he: no... AN EVENT IN OTTAWA. THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY. ammo. FRIDAY. JUNE 15 1894 HERE AND rm. NO MORE FITS. Judgment. mm mam, um. BILL STU", m and WOOD, “momm- KENNEDY, 0/! ws (2 saw “Ea-ah ï¬gs-"II! I annuities-gun's... lokgsldi 38 5888158 I!- aaialo icon†‘0‘ a. 3:! .30; I.Z°BE°°.:I :DD I |-n-.|a.||n.n.l: All Kinds of LUMBER. THE LINDSAY GREEN HOUSE. mu. lama-scum and M ma u: 11-!!!- P :1 m U. WW1 W Ans-5. F5 '- “$25233. minced-and: buyuuw any wan-ox f: P. S.â€"I mm! on): to: In! 0mm noun. mam. Fob. 1o. â€BLâ€"82. EDWARD nnxsox. nun-1.5m: mt. mâ€"u. unnammonnm The non 0:3“..de The Borlanmnmd PM The Gerhud.Hdntxm Pluto. or But not st 10 so: cent; or Live:- cent. less mammal-undone:- (oz-this mime"!- no Managua gogthuobestgndanthopflm nwhlchlneu. I msnpplyschupercnde ï¬ï¬Ã©rii’ei-‘If Mun-ed. ' UHGIIIS and I’M/I08 mm 0' ma u-ua. Kennedy, Davina Son. FIORAL ass/ale a specialty. EORGE DOUGLASS. Hm Liana. J. LoROY, Commâ€"Inna: â€WWW" uwgmwmmrchndmot 'hschlmueqmlnud. IWWWEDO‘ mwmmmmmmfl dem Mumm- mammmm-hiehm WMWMWWONW. from comm Cal on. Na Dirt, â€0 Heat In the Kitchen. “53:33:“, OIL GAS 000K STDVE \ manna“ MAKES AND BURKS 1T8 OWN GAS “mnnmmmm- dim. mm Whitman: mumwm" THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD â€"-wnnnlmor-â€" THE OOBIEY FOUIOBY 00.. [T0, TORONTO. For Sale by W. 0. WOODS, LIA/08A Y.- mm b Dr. Samuel Pitcher-'3 pmcrlptiou for mom - and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for moxie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ItisPleannt. Itegunrantoo is thirty yea-rule by Millions «Mothers. Castorindestroys Worms undone,- Merlahnels. Custom prevents vomiting Sour Curd. emu Diarrhoea and Wind Cong Custom relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Canton-la assimilates the food. regulates the stomach E. Harlem. and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cu- torla in the Children’s Panacea-tho Mother's blend. Show. Ar' Ann c. Sun. 321.. n. m company, ‘17 Murray Strut. New You-k (My. §3 LAM E BAGKéan at Manufacturer's Lowest Prices. Castoria. WHEN-V“ THE < TBS OXFOID HEUMLSMMMSY.$CIITICR AID RHEUHAIISM DIJJim “mun“ The Game; Foundrz Go. E'smï¬'gï¬m wan) EVERY TiME D. aL‘I manmm PLASTER wï¬'ï¬w J. J. Wothorup. Pain 1mm- What is J'. J. WETEERUP- : IIgIo’I Hui-g Futon. Cubridgut. lumber, coal, Wood. shingles. Lath. - - lecandfllc. - - JOS. MAUNDER â€"nnu:n Uâ€" Doors. Sash, tau/dings and latched Lumber and all Inside laterlal; TO INTENDING BUILDERS. mmytumm [mm The man-mm Plum “mammalian. Wobber.Chlckedn “laminarâ€. [Jaseâ€".853 gluonâ€"858333385“. 053,. 808096930.â€th- BELn-aaatlaaiieoa .30 g 0»...â€" ~18 ob £9553 van grgaalï¬luflbo: autumnal-Windha- momma: “Win'fllwmmu am will an ROUGH WOOD ad GOAL Bxfnrfl Graduate mun. Eu m W Oven. nArwa'smvx. \ II BMW!“ Jam 113 under. Uxm Boa-nu. m m. GEORGE INGLE. Georg; Iggla E. A. ml. n. i!!So.0:totd8.MI.l.Y. Castoria. i. w. m. 2; ILL-3.? LINDSAY FOUNDRY 8 ‘5 8.33153va iPooPILZGou g‘ cause uca WAY u â€ma-DON POINT Lindsay amd Bobcaygwn T R E N '1‘ VALLEY NAVIGATION CODA)†(bum ’ 0:: â€UNIT? W-mn than in lure noon-ed uummr SMAaunhuol minimum.“ a [use pu- vimou. vhtch h noel IOI’ dancing and other purpoou. white cook hon-n, hot and ice water for the con- mnhoco at examining. muting hon-u. amp, mama-cue.“ an. More 5nd bush-ll and; «a. Our hm psvimon. which â€modde- or m Mina-o! Maori-0mm.“ [.mm'.lll I‘M (IMO! the 00“ that may. by all to Budtord, Album. Burk. 0mm. Bavar- m or Jackson a Pointbflm by {he bonuutu! Sumner in to awmmorplnudmou MOI-noon «W3. Steamer, “ORILLI A,†Uni-v IA! III. Intâ€"10 Ian-u hum Chaim. NJ and Roch *9; Rap. 6 so a 11.13 1: IL. arrival 1 a D.. emu. ward“. win luv.- Chubaa, EL. 6.†3: am. arriving to I I. Go . tour. henna-Io undo and†iron cm: o! m “tn-n. sawing Cobou Port llopo l. p I. ll Mum-y Wodnoodny at WM menthol-no Wodnodly sud r‘rtduv u» u fl 7 ‘ LIE; Pur'. Hope 1H!) m.. M’Ol‘k dnyu. u~ flung Chulolwu‘urt 0‘ Who'd") 2.80 p m.. except londlv, when swam-r lava Oobouw lo: m.. Pon "0;; 2.30 p m.. striving W10†(Port Rochonmr) 7‘ pm. STR. NORTH KING szmtho‘l'hflm. â€"hkcl:ï¬ MML .MPa-ry ! «Imam-mum. polnuot [nun-c; For puru- cuhu .pply to W. MUS I 00.. In new. murmur-B's... Wham-flow Arm» ; J IATCII". nukm. -8(.7 THE EXCURSION arm JOHN MAKINS. EXCURSIONS. STRAWBERRY IILANDo ’ AK]! OETARIO BAY OF QUINTE J mAIBouco. urn. assume- um..- Assurance Company, ISTAILIUKBD. . - l84 willmlxonrdow-Mavmontho THE CANADA lIFE COLUMBIAN, mmummmm "ad-av. In! mg m: - [a mum I! am Hum" 8m Port Hope ovary Suntan - - 10 momma. “ Sundlyy- - - 8. PM " " - - 6. [tum " “ - - ~ 10. Ill“! LIKES $8180!“ l894: .10.! MY. m: THE NEW [0" PRESbL‘REâ€" SAILING NORTH. PLYINO BETWEEN l'. 0. IAYLOB. “out. Namatlon. 1'. C. Taylor. B. I. GILDEBSLEIVE. Goa W. KW SllLING SOUTH. WM 80 um 090“"; 11'an couMlxmsa or: raw“, .H'sn 1n, ESTHRION all uvallsble CUBSYONS (mu .1. my and contorublo ms fut, roomvund J on Katina but 1°90! mum ‘) wool IM‘I. JOHN mums: H. HULLIGA N. mu. IndSonthlmlf who! “Codi! m- ,mzzoodurq: .J-Jlém: “glans made of mum-cu. um much. Inst may MI“. W by the town was: cultured: Bu 01 wmmt: will be sold In M 1); ch Ins about Chm mung. «mum: in '80“ m- est-atom nub-oh- The Patrick cannor Farm. “bdrm ninthez’chcomotOp-ag m- about a mum tram mm. A elm-ME ___ ___ Counties of Victoria, Durhul und Huliburhon. Valuable PROPERTIES ï¬n undersigned Inn for do I lam umber of Grain and Stock Farms Ia!" DHAIWT. mm elfoomfl v4": or m node-oceans. Four onus of proï¬t- v. 00 â€layman. For wruouhndnumh I". C. um Amt for Mud»! and mag. MS FOR SALE. F“ _ mu: oompsny. The new.» 0! la- mumubad. This renames-um of uhh mm a: "to-11 than W h momma u minnzosu. It. mat “to manure. m I a the Worm. '10 mm Aoou'miiiiéb'i'diéi‘.’ '.'. m’ ml lowed in Candis ........ m Rum sud ominmu so low “â€03â€.- u Scum homo: m Have been In: very hundoomc h at two I“. helm In» um amiable In (own The Andrew Wilson Faun. not mad 80nd: hqltof Lot u‘quz. VALUABLE Pf tun their mum is the strut 1 wall.“ of mom who dour. I It“! tum. for mu Manama apply to J. I. â€lower-ox, Ur l‘. C. Ann-11' 8:311!!! -â€" The Lindsal‘ oeiog the h ‘h( by my bit can at the Head†' At the World's Fair in Ohio.“ the m Manufacturing Company mound Th9 Ban nan m1. THE SINGER 414:! Mama“ "“1 ' ""1‘2"? “m “a: o owmv :o. cacao" up or San. balms who at I-Itd us lo. 7.11: mm Concessionottham IND of Emily. Tozmn rz-Mmble. 1mm . Apply to MORGAN O'NEILL. What; or to WILLIAM O'NEILL U . Klan What, Am um. I“ i i 5 3...“... "“' u?“ «EV â€â€˜i.%. ‘2...“ "‘ t W". m†coax-uncut the ammo: mm M. M! bum; Mum Bq Colt. then: m old: one white hind toot.w1:h mu The owner on have the an. by a we! and using :1! expo-nu mo CAIN. Klnmounr. Juuv m. -â€"133. Lind-y. Ila. hfln‘vm FREE é‘Ef: Vii E PIPEB Eon. Ool wry-Jim ‘HE ASTURE.â€"Lot N Oil. m land‘s-dun machine comp-nus. Tho ma mums am. mm! (833: We! the Ohm-1 â€"R. J. an mucmumm. MM‘L†, _qr?ï¬rlmmi JOHN MORE. General mt. OFFICEâ€"No. Kant-m. nâ€"oo.‘ 54 FIRST AWARDS- nuinbor receivi FREE SERVICES. FOR [E LlVERl’Ut AND GLOBE IN ARM FOR TRAYED COL'I FIRE Brown Filly New Ad vertzaomen u. KANEâ€"C The Fitzgerald Farm. 70 tom; r}: ggrgaou. FOR SALE J. H. SOOTHERAM a: V Terms. nu? Maximal. o; It! '. 1'. BROAD. It number of crud: ohm r. and more that double ch. rod by all the gather sewing . CH ITTICK. \LE.â€"Will 3011 at: I u a vainnmu tam u u no. contain!" (I). III.- nbdms who mum! Macedon at the M m rep-mug 1mm 5â€"6“ cult an all. Ff“. L AND LONDON PROPERTY .0 LIFE. n the mum-not works Comm hedonhm on: W :toaood' hot-nu and In .1qu N 33.] P. 0.. I street use of It. sure co m ANCE COMPANY John EM u all H K! mum. 1., oppodte Ibo - be one o! the not ’eséde'ncc NG MACHINE I". both Mid but rum-bu. Apply†"1W m gm um. F. C. TAYLOI. ibove innly a m a! 79