GK '3 T gas 188. ii Toronto, J‘ ter of QM: at Sundï¬dfl‘. men! â€19¢“? {mudiug a. n vicinity. A few week dridzt‘ and ca. ers of the din ouxna 4 ..... r“, separate charges 0 fraud. Hunter is well known in this city. He was tried recently at Clifton on a charge of fraud. but was acquitted. Cuiiâ€"‘CAS. The Atomey-General’s Department was crmmunicated with and Detective Greer was given charge of the case. By a neat ruse Hunter was induced to return to Sundridge. where he was arrested. He was arraigned before Messrs. Gib buns and Duke,J.P.’s,an ucom nitted to Burk's Falls jail for trial on five cents per line (solid typo non ï¬rst magiâ€; ave cents each “qu2 know Radian notices in loot! columns. 10¢. per line ï¬rst attic. when mud. am (or ale (o! It: or eight mm) 31 ml: {or three or {our inaction. I! more my: eight lines on additional proportiomte chute I nude. Liberal discOunt to merchant; for busing-advert!“- mnm by the year or (or 8 shorts: time. Estes nude known on nppliation. WICW.W The Prince's Yacht Won on Time Allowâ€" anuâ€"Sm‘n Victory. London, J nne 10.â€"The Royal Yacht Club rezntta was sailed from Dover to- day. The course for the large raters was irom Dover Buy. around the Varnc buoy and the South Goodwin lightship, thence to the flu: boat in Dover Bay, twice around. a distance of 44 miles. The Ailsa nuzl Britannia crossed the line before the starting sirnal was given, and were re- :nlied. At the firing of the gun the boats got away a second time. the Ailsa Crossâ€" in: at 12.02.10 and the Britannia at 12.03.10. Both boats carried mainsails, jurkyard tnpsuils, foresails and jib topâ€" s:-.il.~‘. Item-hint out for the Varne buoy but!) set their «pinnnkers. The Prince of \\';:I.-.<, the Duke ui‘ Yurk and General 1.1311 Svymuur were aboard the Britan- i:..:..\ii.<u. led Britannia at the end of tin- first round by one minute and three " Timeâ€".flilsa, 2.19.18; Britannia, Sm’unhs. u: Alleged Toronto bonds and securities $50,000. wore stoicn last. There is no cl: “1.165“, nanny. JUNE 14, THE fUANADlAN POST. . “Hour-“Inn. â€"â€"_D A". Ehc Gaundiau gust. Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Loss of Flesh, Emaciatlon, Weak Babies. Growing Children, Poor Mothers’ Milk, Scrofula, Anaemia; ~ in fact, for all conditions ca11-. ing for a quick and eï¬ective muffs/zmtflf. Smdfor PWhlel. FREE. ScottaBowne. Balcvillo- All Mist. 50c. 53:. nï¬â€˜vnuox Week Can’t Wash """"’T hem Out! I! No other method of home dyemg 5"†Colors one-half so fast and beautiful“ All the colors marked “FAST" g5" “21' blight, and handsome coloxs that sunlight '1“ not fade nor soapsuds wash _out, 137031119850! that are not true of the infm um Diamond Dyes. ’Do your Dyeing at [-10de the Original and Reliable Diamond Dyes- Som everywhere. mu M and m maple. otcolotodclothtree. .nll 'f be cream of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, is for Coughs. .. Colds, » Sore Thtoat, crackod a Safe 1 oveEI, 110.. June 1_0.â€" mu]. few weeks ago Hunter visited Sun- dzl- and called a meeting 0! the fann- ul the district. He claimed to be umber-man and agreed to market all forest produce of farmers who would lnkntt‘l' to pay him a per capita rate $2 per month for three months. About farmers entered iubo the arrange‘ at. and an organization was formed which Hunter was elected secretary I Mr. Prters. u. Sundridgc merchant, s named as treasurer. Mr. Peters :KHll' suspicious of the bonn. fidcs of ntvr. however. and declined to have :tlziuz tn do with the matter. hum-r succeeded in inducing the fann- H utc h I lkutlmOl’L'; cimuti .. .. .. . 000000112â€" 4 12 6 Etimom .. .. .... 210330400â€"13 15 0 (roman. Syies; Hemmiug. Clark. Slclanglnln munzuea. few York, June 11.-At the meeting the Police Board. Inspector McLaughâ€" . who was convicted of extortion last “1- mm dismissed from thejorce. _,-w v- vv-v- vâ€" v~~ WmaWCo.. nomad. PD- ï¬nsan 3â€.“ “mum lend Toronto Cheat Lodged I. an n Sundrldze. alto. June ' 11. -- W. H. . Hun- of this city was art-081ml :xdrid'zt‘. on Saturday by Govern- thoctiw Greer on a charge of de- n: a number of farmers in that T’ublmnez-s’ Nouce. er succeeded in induct“: I hand over to him 12 ‘ road ties, posts. etc., 31 mod to Toronto. sold for c llcged pocketed the procee‘ for an accounting by the med that he had sold. -.he 0. but declined to name t Scott's 3m 11131011. Emulsion BRITANNIA BEATS ADVETISING nuns. was dismisse DIAMOND DYES. \aflonal lenzm‘ safe in 000050000â€"5 10 .. . ()00003001â€"4 9 Griffith. Kittredge. Safe fur 3550.000 10.â€"It has just leaked in the store of James 41-301 and cash. stocks. Lies to the amount 0! Leu on Thursday night clu: to the thieves. clu: to (7001110004â€"5' 14 3 mzzoonwoâ€"Q 1.2 i133: 13y the farmers 1d sold. .he aroduce to name the pur- . tiw 000009000â€"0 5 000000400â€"4 5 Kennedy, Grim 000012040â€"7 000000000â€"0 w, H. . Hun- '35 art-081ml my by Govern- L charge of de- Lnncrs in th1 :oufl!‘ F. W. WEED! .ll ISA Zimmer‘ Ga nzel uvn uuu vu..--_vâ€" â€" -_-v .. tions open to settlement; He was told that some of them were under lease, but that that would «be no harm his selection of one of them. Mr. Fleming selected the quarter section named and afterwards made through inadvertence an affidavit that there were no improvement: on the Exported to Britain as Cana- dlan. liberals Wu- The. nu The! Arc m the Medan-lull Wu a. mm 1." u Amus- teredâ€"low Paula mu m “he“ Ottawa, June ILâ€"‘An important mbicct m brought to the Government’s attan- tion yesterday in the Home by the mem- ber for Peel (Mr. Fguthqrstqn).h A A1- nv. -vv. \_.- â€"â€"â€"~-_e_e , The Government by. the luxity o! the Department of Agriculture, having been instrumental in scheduling Canadian cat- tle in Great Britain, seem likely now Ito allow the sheep trade to be injured in the same way. Against such a calamity th_e OppOsitiou held out a. warning. ‘1 ‘1-â€" EOVEBNMENT “ANTON“ IHAGTIVE But before that question arose Mr. Mar tin brought forward a motion which ex- poses the method of conducting business in the Interior Department. It was in relation to a motion which he made for papers in regard to the homsetead entry 01 William Fleming of Carberry {or the northeast quarter of section 16, in town- ship 9, range 14 west of the first prin- cipal meridian, for correspondence with Nathaniel Boyd, MP" as to the section, Mr. Boyd's lease of the land and for the regulations as to leasing land, and as to homesteading leased lands. m . ,, 77L- Mr. Martin said that Mr. Fleming, who was desirous of obtainin .a homestead, went to the Dominion Ian office in Bran- don and obtained 9. list of_quarter peg; BISEASEDCUTSfSHEEâ€"P’! land. gun... It turned out afterwards that there were improvements on the land, where- upon the Interior Department wrote to Mr. Fleming, charging him with having been guilty of perjury, and informing him that unless he withdrew his home- stend entry to this quarter section he would be prosecuted. Instead of prose- cuting Mr. Fleming the Department sent this blnckmailing letter with the object of frightening him into submiason, but he had defied the De rtment. Mr. Boyd, the member for lEarquette. had obtained a. grazing lease of the land from the Department. and. while the lease gave no right to cultivate the land, Mr. Boyd had raised wheat upon it. The fact that the land had been broken constituted the improvements. It was to enable in Government supporter to obtain the land that the Department bud attempted to blackmail n poor man who desired a homestead in Manitoba. given to )1: application desired it DA U1) In. Mr. Boyd explained his connection with the transaction. He said that the land in question, which lay between Carbon-y and the Assiniboine River, was unfit for cultivation, excepting in a few isolated portions. He had grown crops there, not for sale, but to provide feed for his stock. Mr. Martin had brought the matter up, not to rectify a wrong, but to make an attack upon a member oi the House. The selection oi a site for the new Gov.- ernment building in Portage la Prairie was the subject of a criticism offered by Mr. Martin against the Public Works Department. 0i the three sites con- sidered by the Government, one had been 7-7-7 __ -1 ‘1.» ruuuxvu VJ -. “aâ€.-- settled in deï¬ance of the wishes of the citizens and business men at the west- ern limit of the town. Mr. Boyd said that there was keen rivalry between the east and west ends of Portage la Prairie, and Mr. Martin’s personal interest was with the east end. When he was Attorney‘- ' “ ‘ A_-_:..A:n‘l ‘. 1‘, U unal- cuu. nu-.. _. I." N,†General of Manitoba, all the provincial public buildings were erected in the east end, and that the Land Titles Oli- I lice and Home for Incurables had been purchased from him. When an influential deputatino had waited upon him to ask I that the Land Titles Ojiice be erected elsewhere, he had told it to go to the father of all lies, he Would put it where he chose. Mr. Martin, with considerable warmth. declared that the statement was untrue, whereupon the Speaker arose and asked that he withdraw the words, as being un- parliamentary. Mr. Martin protested, and the Speaker threatened to name him if he did not take it back. Finally, Mr. Martin withdrew the expression. Mr. Boyd said that Mr. Martin had no right to interfere with his patronage, and de- fended the selection of a site that had been made. When M‘r. Martin denied the statement of Mr. Boyd. that provincial buildings had been erected on property, owned by him, the member for Marquette withdrew it. Mr. Featlierston moved for papers re- lating to the shipment of Canadian sheep to Great Britain alleged to have been diseased; He said that 121,304 sheep'g sent to England last year were reported 3 as' being the product of the Domin- ion of Canada, but as a. matter of fact about 30.000 American sheep were sent over from Canadian ports. This year a large number of American , animals were being transported through . Canada to Montreal and there shipped | for Great Britain. Mr. Featherston em- phasized the importance of taking steps to prevent the contamination of Canadian Sheep by association ,with sheep from the United States. Dr. Montague suggested that the Bri- tish authorities would probably make an effort to protect their own farmers against the importation of sheep from Canada by finding some disease upon which to hang an embargo, as they had done in regard to Canadian cattle. Mr. McMullen reminded the House that, while the Minister had expressed the desire of the Depaartment of Agriculture to protect the purity of Canadian sheep. the Government by its neglect had ‘ brought about the scheduling of Cana- dian cattle. Continuing after recess, Mr. MeMullen expressed his. suprise that the country had not to preside over the important Department of Agriculture. 3. practical. extensively experienced farmer. They had a. Minister of Agricul- ; ture who was no more ac- quainted with the ‘ wants and interests of the farmers than he was with the in- salely and comfortably ensconced in the Senate. Neither was the man who was deputed by the Government to speak for him in this House a. practical farmer, but a doctor. He warned the Govern? ment that the farmers were alive to this contrast between their attitude toward the manufacturing and ngricultral inter- ests, and the Government having been responsible for the scheduling or, they Would be held strictly to account to: any injury to the sheep trade which.should result from negligence at this time. Sir Adolphe Caron made the challenge- that Mr. Angers had done more for the [armors than any of his Liberal prede- cessors in his oliice. _ Dr. Landerkin said it was by the Mac:- ï¬lowed Canadian cattle would not had of the hrmere eonld question him and preeent their View: to him. He won Genera mt the present Miniatu- o: 'Agrieuitnre had than for the formers? One thing he had done, he had, inconjnno- tion with the Premier, given n enheidy to a. steamship line which was bringing beef, mutton and mutton from the Antipodee to compete keenly with. the Canadian farmers in their own market. He had seen . the other day, where a shipment o! butter hnd come from Austrab lie. to Sudbnry, Ontario. This was what the Government had done, while they were pretending to keep the trade by Exit? the farmers 20 cents a. pound for u r. [Inc lumber?- Ipeccl a: the WI! 0' the luna- Parliamentâ€"Amnesty to Pontlcd "boners. Rome, June 10.-The new Parliament was opened to-day with more than us- ual display of ceremony. The King and Queen upon their arrival were- enthus- iastically received and loudly cheered by the immense crowd assembled in the Plaza. All the ministers and a. large number of other ofï¬cials with the en- tire diplomatic corps were present. and a strong force of troops was confined in the barracks to preserve order, should it become necessary; 370 deputies pre- sented themselves to take the oath. Sip:- nor Cavalott and the other Socialist members were absent, in accordance with their previous announcement. uva~n vu‘.. .v.-- .__,, The Speech lrom the. Throne appealed to the patriotism of the members of all parties to assist in expediting the bud- get. The financial situation, the speech declared, had already been sensibly ame- liorated. The Government also {pro- mised such judicial reforms and laws as would enable a better defence of social order. It might become necessary for the Government to have recourse to force in order to preserve the re- quired degree of order, but the King preferred the pursuit of human methods always, and believed in a. policy of love before force. Aiter a few inrther. ream-ks from Mr. Featherston, the {gmlgtipn -. , J__-IA -U‘IUuVl-ivu, "Iv nv-v-â€"â€"v_ ‘7 , The statue 0! Sir John Mscdonsld, which is to be erected on Parliament Hill shortly, arrived here today. It is the work 01 the French-Canadian sculp- tor Phil Hebert. Your correspondent had an opportunity 0! examining the bronse this morning and has no hesita- tion in affirming that when placed in position it will be commended as a true likeness of the great chiuttain o! the ammnme party. The bronze figure 0! “Canada.†which is to be placed at the base of the granite pedestal has also arrived. tilt: is Vexpected that the case of Hen. derahott and Welter will be considered by the Cabinet to-momw. The total imports from Australia since June 30 last are valued-Ant $53,012. - t- A --.. 1-,A,3_A Bev. Manly Benson, formerly of Toronto. is to be examined before the Public Ac- counts Committee to-morrow in refer- enoe to his “draw†01 $1110 an immigra- gnaw um... This passage in His Majesty's speech is understood to forecast a large mea- sure of amnesty, and was vehemently applauded. The speech also announced officially the coming marriage of the Duke of Aosta to Princess Helene oi Orleans, and the participation of the Italian squa- dron in the ceremonies at Kiel upon the occasion oi the opening of the Baltic- North Sea. Canal. His Majesty also made allusion to the friendship existing between Italy and England, to the victories won by the Italians, and to the anniversary of the Liberation of Rome. The speech, as a whole, made an excellent impression. One particular passage has been com- mented upon. After referring to the part to be taken by Italy in the Kiel celebration, His Majesty said: “We shall render our cordial greetings Ito England and show our close connection with ,the English navy." Pursuing the subject, he expressed thanks to the Gov- ernment of Great Britain for having given a new proof of the sympathy of England with Italy, by prohibiting the importation of arms into Africa, to the detriment of the undertakings of Italy on the frontiers of Abyssinia. These ut- terances are interpreted in diplomatic circles as disclosing an agreement be- tween Italy and England for common and concerted action in Africa. Melanoma. newnnotom in this flow, when the rgprugptativeg tion lecturer. .. “ï¬e’vgaï¬gvolâ€"iï¬o. . f vmlitery' district, London, has been postponed for one week. It will commence on June 25. Milwaukee Azaln Milwaukee, Wis., June 10.â€"Fire in the centre of the lumber and tannery dis- trict, and only eight blocks from the business centre of the city, did $750,- 000 damage. Forester and Ihrig’s lum- ber yards, Gallnp’s tannery, the steam barge Raleigh and the steam barge Lucy Graham were destroyed. The Schlitz brewery hadAa narrow escape from be- ing burned. Other shipping was dam- aged, as was, considerable other pro- perty in the neighborhood. Sixteen horses in the stables of the Forester Lumber Company were cre- mated. All the wagon sheds of the com- pany were destroyed. The excellent work of the firemen prevented a. further spread of the flames. Intense excitement prevailed in the city. Sm’oking In a llnymow Started ltâ€"‘l‘wo Firemen Killed. Cameron, W. Va... June 10.â€"The ï¬re last night burned itself out at 5 o’clock this morning. The entire loss is esti- mated at $200,000. The ï¬re started in a. hay mow in which gamblers had been playing, and burned practically every- thing in the town. One hundred people are homeless. 'A train with a. ï¬re en- gine from Wheeling en route to render aid went down an embankment, and two men were killed. Buds. Pesth, June 11.â€"News has been received of the destruction of a portion of the town of Mereny, Hungary; 300 houses were burned and several per- sons were killed. Fem! Destruction by n Cloudbm: Near “lennn. ‘ Vienna,June 11,â€"Advices received from Wiener, Neustadt, state that the recent cloud-burst in that section washed away a. great number of bridges and houses in the Communes of Schwarzenhach, Sch- lntten and Hochwoltersdcrf, in some in- stances ‘carrying away buildings the entire length of streets and snbmerging large :tracts of territory. Twelve r- sons were drowned in the town of h- warzenbach alone, and it is believed that the total loss of life is very great. The damage done in these places, which pecuniarily is over 300,000 florins, can- not be repaired for years. man's m." W111â€! BRITAIN. Killed by an Alligator“: run-y Sound. Parry Sound, June 10.â€"Angus Mc- Eachern was killed a iay or two ago ployed by the Hardy Lumber Co. as engineer on an alligatcr tug. He was alone at the time, and was portaging a. boom of logs. The alligator was (as- tened to a. tree by a. chain. which broke, and the tug flying back buried McEach- em beneath it. He was: formerly Post- master at Nipisslng. Waubauehene, June 10.â€" Bames was carrying 9. rev: accidentallyï¬ischarged. th trating to the back near the Barnes is carrying a bullet which cannot be found, the accident of the same mstur! â€'3“ 1, 4. ..:._-;_.;J._.‘_ LUMBER AND SHIPPING BURIED. CANADIA}! WHOLE STREETS WASH†AWAY. BURKE!) EVERYTHING IN TOWN 300 Home: Burned. Shot Himself Twice: 'Idischargec‘l. the ball pene- ne back near the waist. Mr. urying a bullet in his body at be round, the result of an the same mnure some time :aln Visited by . Dunn-on: Connazrauon. 11.â€"-News has bgen 10.â€"â€"While Wm. revolver it way mutual, Qua. June 10. â€" La ma- em, controlled by Sir Adolphe P. Caron. shows its teeth to-dsy regard- ing the action of the Department of Railways and Canals in its dealing with Emanuel St. Louis. the Curran bridge contractor. Mr. St. Louis. says theoidFmachToryommisinafsir way of becoming a victim to a persons-i persecution at the hands of the Rail- ways and Canals Department. and sev- eralareaskingifthepersistenceinthis case merits the title of Justice. and if Sir Charles Hibbert Topper is not al- lowing himseli to be drum too is: in his laudable ambition to do what I: right. La Minerve adds that the De- partment had all the time and latitude required to bring the strongest possible proof against Mr. St. Louis. and the accused was obliged to defend himself before the Public AccOunts Committee. the Exchequer Court. and finally before the police magistrate. and on each 0c. casion he came 01! free. although he Zhad to pay enormous costs. It is not possible to suppose that before the Parliamentary Committee, heiore the Exchequer Court and before the police magistrate there could have been a miscarriage of justice. In all this the Department of Railways and Canals has given proof of its desire to and out and punish the person who appeared to be the most guilty. Would it not be opportune now to direct the prosecution against other parties whose acts would no doubt be easily incriminated‘! Our friends desire that Justice shall be done and dishonesty severely punished, but they also have the right to exact that the limit which separates the cold and impartial action of the law from vio- lence and persecution. shall not be crossed. no 1hr: Om- W‘ "° mu“ " ‘l'oo “Pennies! ad In: June: III '0‘ .Wodâ€"m A" m m can: :- loamy F08 PERSEBUTIIB II. ST. lOIIIS Sir Alexander Lacmte gave judgment to-day allowing the Department oi Jm~ tice through its repreeemï¬ve, Mr. John s. Hall. to lay an indictment against Emanuel St. Louis. The case will therefore go before the grand jury the day after to-morrow. The Lieut.-Govemor of Ontario and Mr. E. B. Osler won! in the city to-day attending the regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway direc- SIRâ€"TUPPER ASSAILED Caron's Organ. La Minerva. Pitches Into Hlm. suddenly, and an inqu norlou: [nitric (mun ttnwa. June 10.â€"Charles W. Lauder. shoemaker. aged 63‘. died Sunday rune: mvrldpnlv, and an inquest will be held. torate‘ Oshawa, Ont... June 11.- ton. father of Mr. L. K. town, divd hex-e suddenly morning in his 8411: year. tlcd in Oshawa_5'.‘._year.3 Hamilton; June 10,â€"Mr3. Yv’. Mulhol land, 18 Hill-street. AatAz:mpt»:d su.cld‘ i;__ The Ides of Accepting Germany'- Invin- lhn lo Kiel In bedded], Moxie-I. Paris, June 10.â€"M. Millemnd, Social- ist, interpellnteJ the Government in the Chamber of Deputies to-dny in reg'ird to the policy of France in the East, and the acceptance of the invitation ol Ger- many to take part in the ceremonies at Kiel, on the occasion of the opening 'the Baltic Sea Canal, declaring that the latter indicated A change in the French policy. M. Hanotnux, Minister of Foreign A!- " -,. -l (Inn- mun, Av -o-.- -_- v V V. by taking red precipitate. powder, a mercurial salt. Saturday. A doctor pumped her out. p0.ic_y. M. Hanotaux, Minister of Foreign A!- iairs, denied that the acceptance 0! Ger- many‘s invitation furnished evidence 0! any change of policy whatever on the part of France. The acceptance 0! Ger- many": invitation was merely an act 0! politeness. The French sailors who would go to Kiel would represent free and strong France, (caring no comparison with the sailors of any power. Disavow- ing any feeling of resentment respecting ___ : .a 1:..- out. “m. poutencas. ADI: L‘scmu ........... go to Kiel would rep’rcscnt free and strong France, (caring no comparison with the sailors of any power. Disavow- ing any feeling of resentment respecting the East, M. Hanotnux said France was unwilling to leave Russia to struggle atom: with difficulties which might in- timace the general policy of thelrepuh- ' - I _‘..i..:..... Inioh- he": 33mm, "be due lured, Eu! t6 her allies. Bu: to Her uni-w. hY. Floureus said that in return {or French support of Russia in the East, ‘rauce ought to have obtained a gnaw antee that when the question of the an; nexcd provinces (Aimee-Lorraine) came bdore Europe, Rmmia would give her moral and material support. Further; more, Russia ought to hcip France in Egypt in return tor her services to Bul- sia m the Armenian question. Ext-Premier Goblet declared that the action of the Government in sending French warships to Kiel wounded the national sentiment of FranCe. The en- tente euterel into with Russia had cont- inual-ed French gratitude, but. new it seemed that it was not sulficieul for effective action. If a genuine olli> once existed between France and Ennis let M. Hauotanx 1:13inly say so. Germany: he said. had not hesitated to publish the fact and terms 01 the IZ-reibuud and France certainly had no reason to lac-ashamed oi having established an alliance with Russia. He (Goblet) was not animated by any leeling of revenge. but the Japan- tion of Alsace-Lorraine from France con- stituted a just reasoa for displeasure. and until that question was settled France would remain neither courteous nor cow ciliatory. _-_ ‘ u u ‘ 1: Ma "‘ A “It†Barnstable, Mass. J Ledtke, a German. :1: killed Lizzie Coleman, daughter 0! William A ville, on her way to s and fired two shot: 31 was with her. Be an ,himself. Ledtke was a and worked as a. 1m is the sunnooed cause cuxu LUIJ . Premier 11th said that France had united her interests with those 0! Russia for the meet-ration o! the peace 0! Europe, and this alliance had made both countries styonggy. __L_J ...t:).â€"... {a "ï¬e Chamber’then the Government. 3‘3 Insane Jealqu! Took Poison But Dld So! on NUMBERED I â€IltL 0’ ll Sudden III-nth at 0mm“. FRENCH!!!“ LIB 8038. ble, Mass. June 10. â€" Henry b German. shot and instantly uic Colemn, aged 14. only 0! William A. Coleman of Omar- her way to school this morning two shots at her brother, who her. He then shot and killed Dedtke was about 40 year! old ed as :1 km laborer. Jealousy “med cause 0! the W. [only or I liked an. [Soul-ll.- Suicide. '{l‘aén voted confidence in . 362 to 105. ---d , , 51. remained hiith- Fain Killer. function- of elm: ux. without III! u:- wanna. M! m: WP“. Symptomâ€"Wm; Incense Itching sud maligned“ nbhumby munching. unlovedtomtlnnom tun. which on†blood mad men. becoming very name. Svunm‘l Om mmumnmmdmm wuw.mdlnmutmnm the tumors. Atdnggbumt by null. for 50 out. Dr. 8mm Son. yhuidolphh. ‘Vlaofll W n baa-0 dub. mull-lentil. Sanctummonnuotmemmwn nowlnswokstmwlo W 10'0“ nadmdonn lob. Odludcnmmor write to: an!!!" ‘0 "1“ “5°" A Shattered Nervous System Built Up and Strengthened By Paine’s Celery Compound. It in in the combined perfection et un- utien. motion, intelligence end speech net men excels ell evened enimelr. The brein. tint pend centre at mention end pempuon. end the whole W hepptneee end very lime depend upon their canditlon at neelth. STRONG DRINK The hnlnm bum nnd the nervous system become Impound. sutured nnd htnkan down In various ways. leeu living. has hnblts nnd over-Indulgnncen, when minced In, and cantlnnod tor n length 7 -_J j--." sh “I wish to upon my gratitude l r the post good uooompiished in my one by your Palm's Color! Compound. I had oommouc (1 using strong drink when quite young, with the result tho? my whole mum wos run-down and shuttered. i was under the we of seven! (locum-9. but they did not seem to undmond my cue. nnd could do nothing to me. I com. mouood using yaur Puine‘o Celery Com- pound. sad i: noonmadomou new mun. Hy nervous nymm is compioueiy built up. my oppotiu in natural nnd henithy' My nervous system is completely uuuu. up, my upped“ ls noun-s! nod holiday. and I feel hotter and stronger thou ever baton. Pm} Celery Compound hu dons than wondtn tor 1:19.de moot thunk \ on nflcicnflyf' Animal-mus m unnu- oi Omn'l Pï¬l‘G‘E‘Zgï¬â€"T'Sjivtv '0 60% En en a: on: PILL Ali-ran urine msunu apop Digestion Dodd’a 10:11am. 00 .Sonlccu. Terrible Etfects. 748132738. :3 Que: and doom the 57mg: ward n- 81.180 â€woldâ€- w m Mr. J. Parnell Morris, Farms for Rent. TIMBER FOR SALE. ocxiou. ARM FOR SALE am? or W HE Ll up u Owlul............ .- Accumuhud tund- . luv-2nd In M vo-uvâ€" ' U rut-u. “mun. FARMS for SALE. -- â€"-â€"$â€"â€"viir 7 V Mm............ .. ........fl0.M.M Axum had had ........... w,†[In-Cu: Emanu...†mm hmwdpcmimlulowuw m Input- Menu: y mmumtdlmuwpl and “but no name.- pod walnut um company ,,,4-_ _._a‘.. h... Autumn dread wither without M“ '0" gunman. mammal Mud I'M " Pd“! m Formula-o1 Mum!!!“ A. emu ETEdmi’ty’cm-n A out o! a» Palm. um-ymnu on» our a... hum ran Saul. U- Td-JIJaJO-mho Bank. loans aim nun.A70floe.No. 6. Who-a... nub. l" moan-n! l ucxsom. â€" I 80“de one. 0M mum-a... Lind-y: Ema-y. on -:5. .l ' mas mun. now-ho. «me. our Gum-so Bunk. Kama... Lind-y. a: gmï¬. 9.81. 28... use!“ §.Oa§9 bgaogooalon-uoo 32. Ringo-2.983.955.8853; :35. no? 2‘ $3.]? swans. mucusâ€. m . “'98.! and IIIIUOU I'LL“. limuay Oï¬oc : Baker's Block. Kan-St. ““3 Iowan. nun d intend. on or chute! mcurlty. on aim In! and to sun. bot-mm umuw MOORE JACKSON (Sum to . KUDSPm a7 JAcxsoxr._â€" Baum. 'ï¬umnt. son are; and con- nmmnu u: w. c. J. OFFICES: North Wat Corner of Kent and York mu. LINDSAY. 10m to Lou» Money lave-ad. For A «on me I will be innposiUou to procure [lo-motâ€. Ind upm- on Pam Md Town PM when lb. who in unqueuuomhlo. It tho 0! proroonv. per mourn. humus-8.13m!» pk! but mfly moduopd dw‘mhmduflu m a! vow With-Mu names in main 7 man Iillhoe'm. Q E i" i "mï¬iuwmt nun.‘ ' Mot _ - math-utmborm. WM, loontucnox. OFFICEâ€"Nu W nun; Banana. Wilh- ¢_ my. Juan. lagâ€"may. n. J. lama. QC- a 1'0 6 mm our. m." LID cap-rm n MONEY TO LOAN M Lem u “to. M A†L090 Lara o' guy can: not invading mm months ouuttvnuoolonl'mtluo It“. â€exam-mm form! TO LOAN mm â€andâ€, In Jul-Cw. J. H. SOOTHERAN, f. D. IOOII. JOHN lam. DONALD R. MEMO! '30- 00". "frâ€"gm 7 â€All A! m! “In! ovum urn. RESSMAKING AKRON £5 STEERS. (Solicigoq for Now Adulfliw NOTES DISCOUNTED [oSWEYN ANDE H. mm... ~ AND GU)“ mm a s'rnwmr. Buys LLAN S. MACDONELL. CLAUGHLIN £3 MCDIARMID, om 1‘0 LOU. brunt Lauren Mons-gag. 8mm m oom’vmu OFIIISIC P. oxvnm. Batman 893.;- HORN“!!! CRAIG! D. FIRE A?» LIFE. a HOPKINS. mayo». _So 1: ii. manuanm. W. cum-MW. a M. a. MCLAUGQLIN; u VERHML AND Lgxoon Bantamâ€. Etc. IVS! YTIH‘O cxw. Honey to Lang Lll’l Dunâ€. 1'. 0. sum Aunt lo: Mud-try sud “dork Co Rafaâ€"Axes comm“ mu: at mm 139‘?†‘ n wpodoct. annuity adult mi H. RICAZIN. Win-Mini?“ .5353. In . 5E9... ‘- inâ€" . do. :3. 5 unison-Io at . scab 32.3 a. “CK!†Aux. Jun-on. who!" ’OIIIII ‘l'. STEWABT. m; "IX-Jug; mi. :6. Ianâ€"u. 3mm“? summon. m N... 1mm. mom Vogd-q_ â€" v-â€" .v..-._., -"___‘ Jamil-7834!...hIâ€"im Eomko immummom Allan. an or “lg-mph pug-apt}; w to. M an over rmw c Co's. 8m m- cum: loom". room- lm may R NEEDANDS EXTRACTS need: without. pun hr GAS. and VITALIZED AIR. minim-Iona by him t r so ,wur- wml â€an. moo... flu undid tho run under D: Cullon. of New York. Ibo 0!le a! Cu [or Err-cunt Tull: Dr. Canon cram Dr NMMlIdI am he hut clvfll them to 1:14.611 pol-van. withw In use dos-It. Dr. Noel- wd- m:- xhc Inn-L mu mm Ob'undom ‘ Beautiful Artiï¬cial Teeth Mm Mufl"'l’. noun. Mod-v All Manchu-o! dmimy, including the mum and dunhlo Crown sud dego Work. and tho mum um»: 83mm. woos-milky numbed by Ir. . Mupnorurundor-otolgoodmtor . Pun cu m “win-1 Mr tor adula- 0 on. the when mam: mm no unwind. 0m THIRTY YEARS “variance. noon ovu- W Stan opposit- the Dmnmim Bum. Kama-t. m w." .cuoss. L. n. 8. DEN TIST. LINDSAY. - - ONT. transact: ud Sumac. U7 Oollqe. :8“. 02365 bonus m to to" noon. 4 m o p m. Tchphm connection. “May. July 16. [892,â€"16 1,. :Vuhc's. :2. ohm "dam Gull?“ . II .ovpodu Bxptm u Mn] an. o. Ianâ€"9’3 1y. †0mm 0 Tomato University In“: Mty Illa Guam 0! Trinity Univoulty. Tomato. uni lumbar ol Coil-to o! Physician MSW- Oanflo. OFHCL-Llndny-w. next home to the m JliSfl.-B~1yr. “R. BURROWS. “radium U Ramadan sundud locum Comply. 8m to the Grand Trunk Rainy. 0m and "dance. mdouwt... am. door out o! Hod-y It. OGoenountron 81» 10mm. ma l:to:.80p.n.ud 7 co 9 pan. Telephone commutation. J “not Univonit at Trinity College, Toronto. [ember 01 College Phyutcinm and SW, Ontario; m don w Bockwood Asylum, King-ton. (land at Surgeon. Linda, nun-u. Ofloe Ind Incidence. Rum-u" noond door wont of York a. one: noun, on 10.30 A m.. 1.80 to: p In; Mad 7 '08 p.ln. Linduy. April 3. 1.91.4444; LW. J DtGRASSI. 11.9.. mum, at 'm'uhomy pom hm mud to" mommy-molten“. W . 35817:; w Iota on WV In“ mum «I tomato OutWyndlnplOollco ’ 0mm! Smut. OFFICE-N0. â€" Kant“ mu [mummy camp-‘06 M Tekuw OJ.-â€"fl-lfl.i# A: Luna: pol-bu In... A"!!! nun sown. W W . xvmcrmnm or 0P8. muz- LIOI “I"! m In". ad mm but Win. lost! 10 m. Prints sud other Fund- a. Lowest Batu. Omen! Aooounnnt. Rod Bum Amt, do. 0600. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. LINDSAY PETER 3125mm 1210.! HOTEL (or Sue or to but. ‘.n the VIII-n d Willa. A number at um for Sula; 1% Wu); Lou gnnypodvulo (or Halo: Liam oodtor ale. thnru, 3 Wm: mm 0' “m5“ noun“ m on. i 0080! DOWGLASS, Mvood. M. 1. 18“.-9§-ll. -Iimsm iiéfllIIEEII.§I WWI-IT" nun-o. Lind-3y. Aug. 4, 1898.â€"63â€"!y. Vetorinry Surgeon and Dentist. Toleohdm OCULIST and JURIST, W, Wellington-IL. LINDSA Y. R. J. P. LEMON. 70:0!ng 5221119115; ‘R. JEFFEBS, a. «va. g.L_.s_.. n4 bouillon ,, A -, ;.__ _ -_ 3. WM. mm. 0. 3L. nylon. 3. G. s. RYEBSON, nus BOWES, .4 U 011 ONEEB. RS. DEGRASSI 45‘: OGDEN . EORGE McBUGH, A U0 TI ON BER. Residence and ,Sgrggrx _â€" Mace. 80M. LINDSAY. lug-{go bloom“. mm. L. n. 8., DEN TIST. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Victoria. MONEY TO LOAN “ SIMPSON. PHYSICIAN. (Endu- L. HERMAN, M; 1).. 131. ADDRESS. OAK WOOD P. O. ,. CHAMBERS, OAKWOODS . WHITE. R. wan, our}: of fly 31m!- r. o'Bpxg. cyagg or m E. A. TU'I‘TEN. DENTIST. W. 1‘. BROAD. Wéï¬ingwn and 5 “mean Gard; 28 WELLINGTON-ST. autumn no. a. 7 ,Go-l. Surgeon J. SMITH. Physzcunl. Dan :13 8'7. 1m 4, Baton. Sun iugery -- comer Gunman-m. J. OGDEX. I. B, L‘!‘ P Ind 8.. Ont. (Inc of 2 . ronw) Speck! attention to :Mmlory “:62onqu- of omen: over un'ex- oenenoe in brand» 1 man: cud the Stupoon uf M00111