Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Jun 1894, p. 7

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can JOB EMT! "CHI am ' not, we r beauty AI WOOL DBLQ 373. We hm wn H8 mp3, Ribbons,» It?” cola-r 3'50 0/553 90/163” ilk rm GR '1". in vmm ‘3 E mâ€"HMO“ O>§~ afitauoofizca. w_ :mfim Co" William Eorccnn- awn-w.- m. w . nuon‘l'ho £101! and Well-Mo um new to Bear Their Fair mre .1 the Bauhaus. _ gaming Sir Willi“! Heroourt’e get, hit. Fowler in a recent speech : The situeiion of the ceee ie this: Our ndiiun next rear-Holmium M ay devoted to local eutharitiee, which .my millionsâ€"tho expenditure for the . nietntion oi the defence end the c of the country will cost 95;. 1111111011.. .texetion of the country at the 9mg monument ll reduce 5’1 millions and therefor. : ”“35: “2 endeflcit oi 43, millione which on I .providtd. There is only one way of am it. You meet reiee the moneyâ€" mum on W » A ‘ s CM my“ on . Megâ€"you must levy iroeh texee. We “‘1 “”3“" . m, and I should think any reeponeihle I‘OST will - -- , men: or whetover perty would "$231: 30%.. e. to borrow the money. We eey ‘:i'«‘:\y.'C‘BM . expenditure is needed (or the purpoeee ;" "‘6“ I" my!“ ‘Sf’xo believe it ie our duty to film a m‘ “a we acne" it ie the deeire oi the .-_ H... mm“ .01 um countryâ€"e deeire which we ‘n-wuwly- A ‘ eimro â€":het there ehell be no uni-nub: on to the eupreneoy oi mint: navel power. We ere deter- imc our nevy up to e point which nueupromoey beyond ell queetion. mm we deplore. he I euppoee _ , h ‘et ‘ .. muizdepiore; thinned rivelryot -i‘*‘m"r 9 w‘ . -m which in the current Europe It govmfi‘ mm: mm- mans-which n im- l.,.}mree . _ {on its renources and euieebllua peer. we nevertheloae will not lea ma, W 9 cenuo: piey with the intereete am: an empire no cure. end we ere " ‘ mined to do our duty to the people of country in reference to the new. { ,lmm Tao money hes to be round, musfifio md by taxation. Sir Wil- mem hs‘! submitted three modes .. gm: money. First. he he pro- â€"- agree: incraaeein the deeth duties. amen: thus duties are complicated levied on variedprinciplee. We pro- !hei they should be simplified into duties-x1) a duiy upon all property , amen dies possessed of; end (2) e levied upon the pereon who receivee heed: or Eexecy under that men’s will my estalemant, levied according to SELLING?!) . we: ROM. ‘ Prod 8108. ' mount to “I“ ~ '0 IA main"- sw. 13:13:55. M ‘ 'Az'u "J V'"' ‘ ”gtOOwnaM 91‘ won 20-530”; 7 MARI n.1, «H in to the men who has gone. mesa that there aheu be equality oi mntlou from all classes of property. ment, if you have money, you pey ;r:riookm3“‘e,"" to duty; it you have lead, you do no‘ 35123?” it. (“55.1mm”) If a. men hes £100,000 1033:3353ng , maybe pnya probate duty of £4000; 35}; fjo‘f Man £100_000 in lend. he does not pay nu 2” ”a” 'l g. (Shame) We propose to put {ed nee. , ginam ' " ' property upon the name footing as . property. If a man by hie will -- his children property. under the ) WAN” “"“115WJhnt property in 1:3er, but it , pail! makes a settlement, or e settlement jfl/J ‘ ’ nude upon 1115 marine, his children V:70 lie children oi his wife, supposing it her money, succeed to the property, \here is no duty churned. We say “Manny passing by death. wheth- hiyill er nettlemenc, must 9}]. _ We no m. I S003: munch“ enm. We eey we the: up to £25,000. but he who .000 end up to £50.000 ehould. “we 33‘ M M M Me. In "no mmooo o to h a ’6” £1 t. . me e m 00' WNW we propoee’. e0 2:. oan D"cent"(“0111515000007 percent: ' “WI between £6000” end £10”.- ll “2%: but it he reeohee 81. 000 Mum thle the: ell the «fiche! ““0 Doe! peo le who ere won! money ehoul pe 8 per cent- - tdmlt the principle of evading duty. than we soy-the: which in perhepe an: or the whole eituetionâ€"thet ell not pay at the lone rote. who heve meet mnet my the (Chute) At the preeent time it :I die worth £10,000, hle eeteto Dem w Bey enother per 000%- ‘Wme £50000 en goee up to ‘\ \hlnk he ehonld go up to 5 ‘l‘l‘. heer.) If he tome £75.- Wmo £100,000. we propoee um I! .35 per can or It more ‘mmm now. It e not robbery oouzor cooneoetioo. Bot ee! 50.000. eh end on thle ohet the ohdeo- blll ere elweye founded-W0 tex will he don e. We eon- ' "f! fell-Winn end moan-00 e eonelder thet the wit thoulder should any the ”W.“ I ”malleooeomlete end aneteteteeueo. "I end we heve the hlgheet lather!!! “that at we heve the dellhenh '5 Mt d . "a. thet lhe principle which“ E a 55 5?; snug 3g; 5 E E: $5 of e lite. pe rel-e til the In “in people who. I! not leevlnn tome oi the beet thinken 0‘ role of tendonâ€"vi I. the Morin ‘ tqul g"It-"thee every ooeehohld U ‘ “111! end him out In to “tel! e of the pteeent budget. Th“. ooey. We heve to “03m. ere en a. little Twenty-four am“ of beet Y to eddltion .mp3. no I! peony. That. i at Sr; 5') g? 8' i" i 3 ‘A Bri_ght__.'-".1‘.'a NER’S Sarsaparilla [19E Emmaizm gust THE BRITISH BUDGET. Tm’sn, FRIDAY. JUNE 8, 1894. 399 others, will cure you a,” of age, but who declines to give m to the public, makes this authorized, enual statement to us: wasone ear olmmymammadl giggption. he doctor said that :ould soon die and all our neighbors a; mat even 1! I did not me 1 would be able to walk. beoause i was so and puny. A gathenng formed and under my agm. I hurt_mynn rand med and 1:.rew out preces 0 bone. art myself so as to break the skin, it 1:9 to become arming sore. I had a lots of medlclne, bu nothing has ne so much good as Ayn-’3 Sarsapa- 1: has made me well and strong. ’â€" m, Norcatur, Kans. _ a g by Dr. J. C. Aye: a: 00., Lowell. Man. gasccurt’l Adjunct! Soul -The Rich and Well-x co to Bear Their rm Slim 1: than!- r3 Remedies The Frrzer river has now reached the highest point touched in 1882. the year oi a great flood, and it is still rising. Miles and miles of the C. P. R. track have been washed away between Ruby Creek and Mission. and no trains or telegrams have reached British Columbia by this route for eight days, and there is little prospect ior mails or communication by telegraph for another ten days. At Katalio Prairie the washout is a thirdct a mile in length and so deep that piles cannot be obtained long enough to trestle the break. Almost all the bridges in the flooded district have collapsed and the large mission bridge is expected to go every hour. At Maria Island the waves are six feet hinh and are washing over the track for 500 yards. Besides these five or six smaller washouts are reported. NUMBERS mourn) Dacwxnn. The Canadian Pacific has 1.0!!) men at work night and day and the government has steamers plying the river incessantly,- rescuing the ranchers and their cattle. In spite of every precaution being taken a number of peopleare reported drowned, Among them are R. McTavish. a C. P. R. ofl‘lcial, and a'. child of Peter Brown at Langley. Numerous Indians have lost their lives. Dlsconeolateltarmers and half dazed ranchers are constantly arriving by steamers, but low particulars can be ob- tained from them. In answer to all ques- tions they say : “I am ruined. It's awful; I have lost everything." AN Isuzu) wasmm away. Every warehouse along the water-front at Westminster City has been stripped of its contents. The water is now ripping An blend. end Two Vinecee Gene-Rescue Steemers floor to Chimneys end Pier poles-A Number or retention Bo- ported. Vancouver,- B. 0.. Msy 31 (vie Sen Fren- ciscc, Cob, June 1.â€"Devestetion end ruin ere the only words to express the ewtui celsmity in the ansr;River velley coun- ‘try. “Still rising" is the momentous ex- j clemetion heerd on every bend, tor the j turbulent swollen weter oi the Frener river heve icr six woery deys end nights been slowly sweeping ewey the results oi yeers oi erduous toil end herdship. One hundred miles of country here been devn- teted end the end is not yet. Sniell mountein streams here chenged, es ii by megic. to roerins torrents. bringing down upon their bosoms thoueends of tons oi snow to edd to the destroying elements slrsedy included in the Jugserneut-like Journey oi the debris. The eppeerenee oi the entire Frersr velley is che'nnsd. Where prosperous rencher ettend his nooks end herds, and where rich ilel oi nrein nodded to the piecid weters beyond the dykes. the seme weter ere now region inricusiy in rushing torrents. presenting en eppellinz penoreme oi ruin. Hun dreds oi trees ere ere piled up with e med- ley c! other debris. such es henoocps. out- housee. bridges end isneee. end es one dotting mess glides by enother slips into eight. Bleeted bodies of thousends oi ‘ sheep end swine twirl in the med current. iollowed by upturned beets or e aissntio tree with chickens roosting in its breach- es. keleidcscopic views of hundreds of homes. broken bridges end destroyed terms. so meme on menus FOR monr nuts. LOSS BY FLOODS IN BRITISH COL UJIBIA. erethoaewhoownlendor homes. or who heveemellineomee. Thepersonwhoowne lend le tsxed the green velue ot the lend; without.eny deduction for the cost oi meinteneneeol thelend in such eeonditlon eewill eneble him to not rent. We eey thetieunieir.end ell the street iinenciere: edmitthet; end weeey. "Wewillellow e1 deduction of one-tenth; we will only to: you on nine-tenthe." There no people resent who know the cost oi 3 e Bouseinrepeir; endweeeyltis not tio meko you pey on the whole emonnt. Some houseeerewcrth e hnndred ponnde. but you cannot get e hundred pounde out them ; end we say, "We will ellow on elxth of it,” which in ebout 16 per con which we consider just to thet oleee property. Then we come to thet cleee of persons on whom the texeticn ielle the heevieetâ€"the person who gets e weekly wage and ere earning e yeerly income. The persons who pey the heevlestere thoee ‘ who get between £200 end £5!) e oer, end just e little enove thet. They the full burden or local texetion upon erticlee of consumption, end then; it they here to pay income tax in eddition, there must he 5 depriveticn in hcueeholds like thet of some disdnctlve cherecter. or e little leee enjoyment in the course 01! the yeer. What we propose is thet no men ehell pey on £160. which clears the £3 e week wege. Then with regerd to the incomes up to £400, which covers e lerge cless oi clerks end other people, we at thet it you have £400 e year you shall on pay on £240, end persons who eern £500 will only 9" on £400. It would require ehout a. million end in querter to make up the deductions men- t oned, but those ere the proposele which the government think fair to the smell, tax peyere in this country. (Beer. heer.) My own belief is thet not only the libersl party but the conseretive nerty believe in the greet reform which hee pieced Sir William Esreourt’e neme emonget those of the most distinguished flnenciers oi the preeent day. (Beer. heer.) H R?- R SYmesâ€"MoBturo: mm woman an: «Indus; most at night: worn by mm. It showed to oonttnno tumor. form. which one: bleed sud nloento. W van Ice Swnnn’s Omm'r stop: the Itching um bloodline, heals donation. 3nd in man can remove: the tumors. A: drum, or by null. tot-5O cents. Dr. 5mm 8:. Son. Philadelphi- o: lappiness; the basic 0! forgotflng mun un- luminous. 0! beauty; not that mum In 3091! to on nomad Qua-tuna. Itmubewonmm Scout'- maul-ton not: u. toodnaweflunmodldnfibnmmupmo wanted than“ and tutoring porteo‘ balm after waning (our. Honor“! Card]; Some handsome lines o: memorial on“ now In shook at romnobio wiooo for onoond two dozen lots. CA1! Md mine or write for samples to mu om I! You Smoke I Fun cent Cisu. Ind“ Upon Having the "le31." “El Palm" and "LI Elan” [W] II. the Bocognizod Stand-ta 10 out up“. â€"Mrr. Hume: A. Mable. at 1’0me N.Y.. van (or mun! you. A mwno 0M0. And never found sunk: to flu nor um um: tampon-u! mu: uu the n to an ”an Pulo. line. which the In. on in the onjoymon: of pox-toot health. or virtue: not u» n a: my do. but. what u do. not was to do. A Good ADMIN Alwm nowmpnlu good health um u: “some 0! Income 1. u: Indication of home. thing wrong. The loan of n anon-l «an no: food“ noon bllomd by not of am. to: when the supply or fuel II on: on the In hum low. The an em mm um a low um Ind ll male to unto mum of about. The. hem! mum th w h. 33.4 Hood's gm" “‘3: In?“ “I: In mum“ no ohm in. tho “and... In man's 3223..., ““ $.WW" thawmfiremmwk humane. Thou who Imam 303.. Wood‘s-nu uhhhould Inn!) done 35.: was: not whnlshumtmbm Ila-Utm- not munch 0! ohm: not how (I u M! bu: how hunky you mambo: 1!. «ply yo I, boxes or the pm; an the boy 'iaktna them. Before the uni: box was ho was cum. It doesn't mm: whatnot the action: In young or old. the pm- wm 0mm 3 cm otuykldno din-u or at mm min: from and kidnm. A I“ Who Red accentuated?!“ nu Childhood cured by noun- lla- ney run-~11. mod! the: lever ruled. Mclmn. out.. June {flu-The you: eon or Huahhmentot Mpuoeheebeenumeted with dro tromlnl‘eney. Hewbloecedend swollen over. HI- pereute wee It their Mt! end to and acne can for him when nae: teed 9t Doddjefildqg Page.“ My. 14mm“ gag pix â€". â€"â€"â€"_-â€"- â€"___ 7,, m towed. Tho hath-alumna out to: eight don loft hero to-doy. 2,0(0 nmmxs 502151.398. It In outltnotod that over 2.000 tomfllol no homolou, sud o ptoporty lo- ot 83.- 000.000 ha bsou Inflated. Stamens tron the river ond Punt Sound mum being pressed Into the work of rescue. Though no more lino hove been lost during tho put two do", there hove boon nanny mow coupon and thrilling ex col. Muny families have been drlvou mm um: houm. Ono steamer brought”? oottlon from Westminster last night. Amgthon mathefomllyo! u anchor hon noon Lungloy. Tho mun had built I strong 2:53 upon which he took his entire bully 10 blooded home. They were mouod In mldqu-eun, utter hsylng boon mm tor AFFLICTE’D FROM INFANC’Y. 10 hours. having and n5 "“111.“ mi tune mumnmomumgm manual-1e. m'rm mums am. And so the report- continue to come in. Tho novunmont in linking hacnlan 033m Mum um and property, manning .11 the Canadian PAclflc nuvlpuan but In the rescuing mice. The “thermo- ny the mar will nohbeglntoneodoflu the full dd! qn 59nd”. 99d mayo appgu: t?! list-nan: a m. saunas 1:20 or to 0mm“. Mom. Jane 1 -F neon hundred m othndunweot by the floods. m m tying up to an china”- o! tho you manna omen and ӣ91de volnnmu In male with. ban. from the roots of hon-u. Fm! unme- m mined. mom To A ruarou. LANGLEY. June 1.â€"'1'ho mo um lsmooudwtheflmpolootame The peoplommkednkeurdmulntho houses in (no high put of the city. N am- ber! of wealthy finch!!! m Adam?“ O! : good comnde: howâ€"much you enjoy biking to no m 0! dignity; never to target younell. Pu“! P1100! Item PAC. THE CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY. ONTARIO. FRIDAY.- JUNE 8 1894 ERR] AND rm. u 1; Meet, but tint. It may! Has proved by its enormous sale that it is The Ball Own The Berlin 0m! The Godard. Hon: ER E UHGAMS’ and HANDS sunnnmsnl Imuummmw. an. lmnnMNdmdb m “mummqucEMjI-of on us 600K SIOVE“: ms nu) BM!!! own on NO Dirt, ”0 that In the (Imam. Morin is Dr. Samuel Pitchers prescription for mm. and Children. It contains neither Opium. Morphine not otheerotic substance. It 1531131111133me for We. Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL Itulet. Itsgumntoo is thirty yearl’lllo by Millions «Mothers. Castorindestroys Womandanul feverish!“ Custom pmvents vomiting Sour Curd. cure. What and Wind Colic. mm venom toethlng troubles, cures constipation and Malena. been“ APPucATIONSJIIonolmuLv Removes at Manufacturer’s Castoria. III 08'0” for an a A. manna-Inn Lula: mar. ' n. I. um‘ .. ARM”); The GE ocnm.u' Mamba. Company, 1'! Hurray Shoot, New York aw. S. ban: a: Son. J. J. Withorug Infl-Dudrmfi What is 0'” $0118. I. WETHERUP- m“ firm, a Lowest Prices. axiom Grafluam Castoria. or a: m Warping! 1'? will run lchr-lou- tron uw muon on the I.IIII5'.QDQW QM“ tho ‘5'“ Qifliu Wilton which mod-u- ..J- -_ ....A Aâ€"nohu (- Steamer, “0 R I LLI A." atth 9.... W loud". mm In Oobouux .Pon 1-” " Jm¢ml3w£§nfi m “a MMMM m mm, 8TB. NORTH KING '63“?! ‘4” P . Lindsay and Bobcaygeon TEE EXCURSION STEAMER 657”“ Ii“! cuuxo men wn n .TURGIION POINT E5383. 1 will qua-5:- . .2»! g 01- BEguups- 9851â€" 8 3:3 33 cola-I. .- . ugh-.SBES. 3.52.52: ma 391501.! 80' we." a hiddmlow. m I. (Juliana-'3 Show hols, LINDSAY FOUNDRY w HI!” “3.00.. .3. w. mun-r. '1‘“ 13 WHAT YOU WANT. Private Sale of Top Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, Lumber Wagons, Etc. R E N T COIPAN um In Wm. tatâ€"1M COLUMBIAN, EXCUR-IONU. I'I'BA WBEBBY IILAND. AKIONTARIO t BAY OF QUINTE I museum. urn. 000m. (bum) wan: m u ans-u mug. snow. non. W" ' «'807 MEPAEIQQE WM LIKES SEASON 0F l894; To the Trade. ”08.3. OUfiIIIGEAM. SSAILING NORTH. "I m DOW Milli! mm. HINAY. Na vma tlon. FLYING BETWEEN VA LLEY NAVIGATION Managua.” I W. . WU! 00.. W Babe-1m. II. II. GILDIL'RILIL'I 00a. Hannah a nu}: mouth vastly-chl- moan nava- dnbaufll Mot Museum-n1. SHIN: SOUTH u: 3" Sun ”.31.!” III. M“ ESTURION I. “II. M) wool: 0 so has. nnd inform flop. John launc- menu or v. Inn: 151 10-90 MI \‘H (l‘ofl Amo- M with a with” Want... Fountain «m m” pouqhomn. Mammal-mum» l'. O. TAMI. Amt for Undo-v and VM‘G’; Grain and Stock Farms Counties of WW Dun-hull md Wharton. u: vaicm’oon AND 1.0800! mm mum: 1152111360: 001mm FIRE AND LIFE. (M 7,4 WBA WI/VES‘, VALUABLE PROPERTY ! Invo boon Ira-true vary handsome brick I 0‘ two u mum mm. In um. w “M“ In town; u- coins the h hoot number oy any a bar. sud mt number :00de by .11 machine con: mun-I w.un.umuuudcnnnmolnn lam ouch-urn. R. J. a: I H. vanadium. Burl-nu. om. m: block um. Low 83:51:91;â€" BASEBALL and LACROSSE G90”. Brick. out l‘dt‘ of Linda: st. Unduy. Eu bro!) within the. last war remodelled. MM . saws" “2...“ ". 331mm ”0...... coon y. III on his lone wh ch but about three {mm In December next Good oh and-n: Inkling. womb! an to The Patrick Connor’s Farm Valuable PROPERTIES “Vuodtg whore! UHH Wall Paper, At {an World Human SPORTING GOODS GEORGE A. LITTLE Wines H HULLIGAN. The Nomi Miro! hot 8. u munmmumflflfl- JAS. SHANNON, Opposite Bum: a mu. um. am In. [ULâ€"1Lâ€" Mad-,9!!! ‘HE SINGER SEWING MACHINE In: the h hoot number of awn-d: obtained '53:: cxh wt. sud more than double on number :00de by all them “In: mmhlno computer no 3mm”. OWN “on“: Canon! 0 OILâ€"No: Kent-nu. mm nanny. finch In I “a IARMS FOR SALE. who Banmn Hotel. 54 FIRST AWARDS clout-7W. ”complete.“ mum-tum»: Amman Book and stationery Store. 0». run once, loam, Lindsay. .1111 New Advertmmentl. Summer Residue: fifé Andrew Wilton Farm. Lager Beer, in mm Boflkd. Salvador Lager, flu: best made. Munich Ho]. Brau of cmutonalflam 1.!" mum. HTS o! "gamma pnfiii: oruu «mum to mama-I. om.- by Tom... 'The Fitzgerald Farm. and qu Maryann-19¢” V. F. BROAD. . R. Shannon ans 'arminommsm udnaCompnnymoelvod at the Bond C. CHITTICK. In. 30012111449) d Liquors. moo. Bond boun- 'n mu- ind tho 25' um!) orwlmh MI I modenco m LITTLE y Ir. John lad ton-ll bl moo And mun“. Kant-IL. ammo“. an ‘ - In the 10010010! dos mm on In”. bl LII“? no

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