€15“ man who int: to drink was “You can People who stein thehahltot crossing nndyouan’t.†It shut off the up, but the Atlantic will be pleasedtoheuum the matter of ocean ncing between the knockdontthebungflotthoglmsctho . . . “greyhounds†of rival compute. is likely upuuhlhtuhedthopafluthobung, 0 me. “In I 11d md'onnightthoplctmbodnnot “.38.,†d Wummmmmm mmmdrghrm‘dnmg mending an efï¬cient enforceth by them of their own laws. It remained for Mr. Mont to come to the rescue, and to the chagrin of Mr. Meredith, the Mont government passed the legislation which the Dominion government declined to pass. The temperance people of Ontario must never forget that in no province of the Dominion was the; responsibility of enforcing the Scott act assumed by e provincial government, except in the province of Ontario. If its enforcement was not rigid and succeflul, the fault lies with the conflicting authori- fla and the refuel of Mr. Meredith and hi: 0th“ friends to participate by legislative notion. Then we hove the new bill. More hybrid legislation uneverpropoeed. Itlreply to the The Scott: Act, it iswell known, was a dominion measure. As such, Mr. Mere- dith should have insisted upon its proper enforcement by his party friends at. Otta- wa. Not he, however. He was content that chaos should reign rather than em- barrass the Ottawa government by de- On the 7th of February, 1876, when the Mowat government proposed to re- duce the number of licenses, Mr. Mere- dith moved an amendment postponing for a whole year the government resolu- tion limiting the maximum number of tavern licenses to be granted. Why, pray, should a moral beneï¬t he kept from the people for one whole year. The demand was unanimous that the control of the liquor traï¬ic should be withdrawn from the municipalities. Mr. Meredith agreed, but, in 1877, he supported Mr. Merrick's amendment to restore the con- trol of licenses to the municipalities, and this vicious expedient he favored in his Toronto speech of 1882 and again in the house on 24th January, 1883. cause of prohibition will receive a. set- back not to be counted by years should Meredith succeed Mowat at this critical period in the history of prohibition. JUNE WEDDINGS ‘goroundtothe bum. Meredith sup-l §\ EE E? \I M ported this 1M“, which'gntbl-od Am go JUNE liquor to be doled out ingut-3:11:13:o 1:: close 235 ateadofbytheglus. In 0 er . . “the u WEDDINGS -_- ...... mum cat s nail-full 3nd dutn- i in comet! Wt one thought and one endâ€"the moral well-being of the community. No great moral good was ever ye: accomplished without stability of purpose. Stability is one of the primary virtues in the laws prescribed for right doing. Lack of stability in- duces wrong-doing. Harm to the common wealth follows quickly upon the footsteps of the waverer, and because of this the IOWA. '3 M 5‘ inmates. After all, differences, rather than issues, divide the two parties in provin- cial politics. Even the policy of railway aid, which resulted in the downfall of the Sandï¬eld Macdonald government, was strictly a matter of administration, though, if course, it involved a depar- ture from an underlying principle of the reform partyâ€"that the people’s represen- tatives should control the expenditure of the people’s money. Yet, by comparison, the result of accomplishing ends, be the opposing opinion right or wrong, is not no marked for weal or woe as in the case of federal politics, where issues, more than differences, divide, or ought to divide, the two great parties. But, except as to extent of territory, and numerically as to population, the grand cause of prohibition is as important at Toronto as at Ottawa, and the exception is perhaps more than counterbalanced by the result for good or evil of the example â€TURN F5338. gsprnuc, 8' â€on. ) mmvan. Bunsen-1h. r noosomtn. ) was. Vernon. 1, s loom) sw, Prince Albaxt, I, s canny. A Home Seekers’ Excfu‘sions Tickets to the Dominion set them by the legisla- lature at Toronto. No one can deny that temperance is a moral question, lzence to perfect temperance is to perfect morals. W ï¬lm @nnafliau £05k Lindaav. {gig :_________â€"â€"â€"â€" LIXDSAY. FRIDAY. JUNE 8 1894. IA!!!“ 9 June. chats now on sale at the Express Oï¬â€˜ice, Lindsay. :. J" Matchett, Agent, Lindsay Jute 1232:. good gm August 1122:. " 19th. " “ 18 D. " 26th, “ " 25th .I'nlv 17th. " Sept. 16th. " 26th, July 17th. You can g“ “1° MARRIAGE LICENSE for $2 00 at 1 REED) TH AND PRO HIBITION. 1894. 13. Hon. C. F. Fraser has resigned the ofï¬ce of oommissoner of public works for Ontario. and has been succeeded, as was expected. by Mr. Barty, member for Kingston. Mr Frazer wi likely be appointed inanector or s oflees and ha v ï¬gmtgï¬ghtomoeum ps be 8‘ en By an overwhelmning vote the British house of commons has decided that henceforth oflicial charges in connection with all parliamentary elections shall be defrayed by pmthe state. The execution of McWhexrell, the Port. Credit murderer. who was to have suffered the extreme penalty Friday last, has been postponed until October let. The Warder preserves a skillfully designed silence on the subject of the patron vote. It has the information, also possessed by THE Post, that tory patrons are “to talk†patron, but “to vote†tery. It is scared to death lest this fact get out and reform patrons in consequence stand by Mowat. The Warder, therefore, is as dumb as a dead oyster. the w...â€" tht follows next? Mr. Mont refers to the supreme court the question of provincial rights on the subject of prohibition, and adds, if the province he the power, and it is so decided, he will at once introduce prohibitory legislation. Mr. Meredith opposes this. These are Mr. Mowst’s words : "We have had lately a very important moral question before the communityâ€"that tremen- dous evil of intempersnce. which every feel; has been occupying public attention in a. special way. No evil thstzafl‘lcts the commu nity or this day exceeds in magnitude that of intempcrsnce. We all admit that. and the only question is as to what means can be adopted for 1 those evils. You all know that I have announced my conviction that the time had come when the great experi- trled in this ment of prohibition should be ‘- 7 J Aâ€"_Innan \ “an mnv adopted tor lessenulx wow u... _-, know that I have announced my conviction that the time had come when the great experi- ment of prohibition should be tried in this country. (Loud applause.) There ma);vi be despair of ï¬nding a way of con uering them. I have announced Lha ed and as far as concerns those who in matter may follow me or whom I may in- fluence. we repose. provided the privy coun- cildecidcis to - ch 1 _( la ) propose. say. passsn a aw app use â€" and I know that m passing such it we will have and in our efforts to eniorce the moral support of the women of this cons; try as well as of a large portion of the men this country. (Applause.)" . ‘ll "7"_ LIAN Wyn-u, - \â€",,_-, 7, , Let us turn to and'contrast Mr. Mere- dith's words : ."If it shall be determined that there injurin- dlction in the local legislature to deal with thls question of the liquor trnflic, then it will be the dut of any vernment whlch is in ower in ntario to ring inn. blllend peeing: any such law as that should be an effective low. and should have no result that would be dxsast-ous to the interests of temperance throughout the country. and. therefore I think that it would be dezidedly in the interest of the whole commun'ty that any measure such as that, before it should become law, should be again submitted to the people in order that they should have an ouportunity of pronounc- ing yea. or nay upon it." “‘ ‘ ‘ 14â€" LL- m5 .e- .. ...., ,,,,,, He is not yet satisï¬ed. and when the courts decide (if they do) in favor of provincial jurisdiction, then Mr. Meredith further requires still another plebiscite as a mandate for prohibitory legislstion, thus gaining time and efl'ording opportu- nity of thwarting the already expressed opinion of the people of the province. ‘11 EDITORIA L NO TBS. aihaglus if they ukedforit instance. The terrible risk to was pointed out by Mr. Mowat, emier’s wise and prompt oppo- nch dangerous legislation wu applauded. Drinking by I01 «0 a.» I E g .392... ........ .:....I.. .5: was. “In as i............ 2.. moan nu gang»... moon. avoca- A1333. «8:3 9°33. 53¢ 68. - SE For Egghoehwunnu canons? 95.5858. .96... 5.. g2:.z.::.:.:t .... tngg. ï¬gs. E a ‘E id. 3 9g. iloaoooc!auooooolu v8... I 6384 §.§§ 5% Exâ€" . wagï¬lnuï¬n..dulhn â€NH 10: 139 E. HE- S... g. a 8â€" vainâ€"lazy. one: ..:.. .0...onllol.lil'ool:uooous E 3 E .a E E E 3 0.0000000... nnnnn Conl- 0!... "won-2.50:5 158â€"3883. 208 I... ........ t......|...:: EFEiRNfl-u’zf.‘ ii]"€ztxt i aflgigé .E.....8.8..D.co.c 3"â€.- 1! every memberot the Immature were a farmer it In difï¬cult to nnderetand what more could be undertaken in the lntereete of agriculture than ha- been done under Sir Onyer'e administration. who makee no 1dlebenetwhen heeeeerte that Nate the true farmera' party. 0n the one hand we have the there! record In thle regard on the other the he: that Mr. Meredith otlatelgnoredauretereneetolt. Elton], agdenltnral pouey te to do away with the repreeontatlve o! the farmer! In the cabinet. - Ia nddition to the work outlined ebove. the minieter oi agriculture Innke- it hie business to mingle ne much u poeeible with the mmere, leeru their nine end dimeultiee end inspire them to continued eitorta; to guerd their unme- eo in u legislation is concerned; to deliver eddree- eee on egrieulturel oovieeend bear-nee their interest- by every menu- the: my name Ito-11 19 In ecii'OPM- . ed meetin et 154 diirerent pointe in Oahuio. here ere 96 eleetorei dietriet .- eooietiee end357 townehipeocletiee in the province receiving en mu great at $765!!) ennnelly. The iineneee ot ell eeeoeietione receiving government eid ere eudited ennuelly by the depertment end their work enpervieed. The Ooterio earlonltnrei college hee treined e let-go number oi iermere’ none in improved 1 egrionltore, end iteexperimentel work he. bten the beeie oi men] yelueble bulletin end reports. But to Hemlinbrydenbeloneethe oredittor devieing new end originel meene tor the improvement oi enrienltnre. Then the tnvelling deiry wee ormenieed to improve the butter product. e eoeoiel deiry eohool to give inetrnotion in the ieteet methode to menegere of cheese end better factories. end eleo e specie! enmmer tehooi to eneble teeohere to give inetrnotion in mdimentery egrionltnre. Experimentel trait etetioneere now being eetebiiehed in verione eeetione ot the province with the view oi etimnleting thet greet gadgetry. _.._... "_"' z- The eeeond meene employed In by ins eld to euoo'euone. ete. ed ve In theerohereeter. In 1893, e um great o! needy 820,000 wee mede to ten eeeoeletlou hevlng tor their object W o! int-â€culture In lte ve hrenchre. ermere' Institutes were preeueeuy the creation or the government. Their object 1e tn enehle fer-mere to nee! together end dlacuee their work. There ere 85 inmates In the province. eech receiving en ennml create! 825. For the Jenner: mange of the preeent yeer 31 epeekere were mid“ b! wademznuhq 34¢?! peOplein muddotchndty.ol educationm the administntlonotjusdee. and in other ways. sud o! the Wee not emu: shove or below ground could my that a. dollar 1nd been spent compuy. â€"London Advertiserz-“Dr. Byerson. while superintendent of education in the province. advised the legiahtm to plnoe the management of the (10th in the hands of a. minister responsible to the heavy log. and is breaking up. She Ind over 264 head at cattle on bond, and LIN sheep, besides 15 miscellaneous - Th0 ,LAI- _-_n manhï¬l‘ nfl thfl nDDel' wk “d The Hamilton Herald, an independent conservative journal, sayszâ€""It is a comparatively easy task to detend the Mowat administration and a rather m- cul; one to attack it on its merits. Its sin-s have been iew. when all is said and done, and its virtues man . In a number atturall these years no of corrup- tion and dishonesty can sustained against it. In an age of corruption and dishonest government this is certainly something to be proucl at.†Shonld it be Wed. Undoubtedly the foundedon Industry of Owed. le mlonlture. Two thirds of the people of the greatest provlnee o! the Dominion ere dlrectly Interested in It. When lt 1e depreeeed Another Mosul“ hnznleh; when it ï¬ouriehee ell othere mane: endlnoreue. Intheeedeyeot keen competition the hope or the tuner In to being more ekllml then his eompetlton in other lends. He cen etteln this edmoed pm Mon only by the epouoetlon o! the not epnroved methods. ‘ - 74‘ _n AI.- The bureau of industries in the etetiatical bunch of the department. II publishes a report upon the quantitiee or tann produete. their market valnea. the value of farm, a labor report and a re t deal- ing with loan companies, e1 Inert. amen, etc. Afterbur- yeara oi work. the municipal report. dealing with municipal “gooâ€. “go' M’. ,-,,_j n- L- _._a nu put dam-ad shalt yomnolou nun 1,436,800 bulletins dealing with s gnu variety or subj zeta have been Issued. :1 mum to the bulletin. dxm upon. were blind In 13. mung non-1y mama.â€- o! pruned nutter. and s to“! o! 1 .940 copies were dhtrlbulod to me unborn o! tumm’ Institute- Illd other mono. Thu sdnnoement the depuunent seeks to teoompnlh by seven! noun. .1“ men Intonation u will he 0! mac sanctum“ In his «lung. During -t.»_- . V , While the other deputmente ot the Ontario government ere conned In the control ot the venous bunchee 0! public bmdnell entrusted to their core by the people. the position of the depertment o! earlonltnre leeomewhot dlflerentâ€"lt exist- orlmeflly 1n the latex-eon o! e one: o! the community, homely. the lumen Every- thing thet tend: to their welt-re comet within the scope of in week. end "edunee Agriculture†might well he token u in Mum-Io o-“I ' and the cargo 8‘ 31881â€) “Dr. Byerson. qua «up 2m unannq mmwmwwm Lmnmwmmmmmw MM MN mm mm â€mm? m mm“ mmmmmmmmfl W q. . wummmm _ .mmm m m Mm m m "u m . o o n u n . a mu... cococoo-o on...- no. 0-0... 0... 0 one... .M A _ gunmanuwmmun bulb...... .....-......... .............. ......l 0 0 O O O 0 0 7 I 6 0 u-o. on .c 00 c 00-. O...- .......... ...... G ...-.._ ».v|. ...... 0 I m 0 can... 0-...- o IDYSIIVIII’988€I_ mmsflumflmwmmmmmww amo maumuammammmm ,99’9â€"’,9“" 10...".- .n... 0......- O (I manuuflw an“ .A .... .... 6 ID ...._...... .. .... 0 fl (II on N a N a (I) N O I) M 18 i as]. 1.95.. nuno...noooooo~ wflflnoum mnnmmuumcamflmmm mmmmmcnmchMMMfl 165mm... ..... . .......... Il‘f Mm “WM memmmmm mmmmmmm WM â€Mm mm“ â€WM“? M â€mmï¬ï¬ Em“. :3 :3“. _ Wm MMEWWMHMMM mammmmmimmmmmm .M 3m MM “memmm mum, mmmm. m3: m} “Mmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm “me Ema†mm: .MMmM. wwwmwwwmm ï¬g “mm mama “My mm mmmmm. .mwmm Wm Mme ma m w wmmL mummmn. Am mfmwmmwmmw c . mm. .o. a... mum.“ Wm%Mï¬gmï¬m N1.- mmï¬â€˜mm chew and mauwuaiamhmflm “Mancunianâ€"Minna mu. owned-to. an" .11qu WamwwflOwh .Aouuu enema-[wash noonoomwuluu wan enough. but then u may Gena-d (or other man. Luna- ma mono-Ohm: m.“8§3_‘2‘! It is the erfection of the well matured p ant properly cured by expert growers. Mild flavored, bright and of match- less quality; Mastiff Plug Cut pleases the most fastidious. - _ Quality. MW and choice of 5 diluent grades of m. alooMoalandCIum. G. E. MARTIN, Proprietor «um m! x U4mm._§ua.mw..m SATISIAOHOI cum-run We «one you to can and compare our Cloth and Prices with what you have beenuudtopatholu- - - when. - - E. ARMITAGE SUIT . . “VINO! DEW. “mammal-L nmummmmd. I. 04;pr run up, - 81.500.000 llnlu. - ' ““09†â€Mamas-.Maarm N. H. C 0 W D RY, SEED 3001:9354 1', If YOU All mo 0! 030nm: A DOMINION BANK. om- h .II. WM Int-n. mp: ML)!“ 8th. IDLâ€"u DommJon Bank. 2. Arminâ€. 71 Kant Mt 08 A '10! rm 0! N. H. Cowdry: PANTS We are showing a ï¬ne double-(old Serge at 13?“? also a wide dOuble-fold Tweed Effect 1:35.. regular price 35c. We are also chafing out several lines of Dress Goods wh' are enuinejurgains. and if you are thinking of buying a Dress we can surprise you as at as nee goes Our Gloves, Hosiery, ies' Vests, etc, are the talk of the town. See them. 7 In this ' eat we have bad: very successful season. Our show room is still full of the most Stylesand Patterns to be had in the trade, and our pm;es are acknowledged the lowest. . .5 88> .83 u out our 89M .83 .9 rudm a 3n. a? newâ€"In I334. :25 -. ofl .- 253 0.3 rrg NE 81325 30mm About Buying Nice Summer at ofthe cold and W won we ï¬nd we are going to be Wu. 3018. end to avoid this we have cut them down to a pace that Will m. In the ï¬rst place. we have sucqeeded in purchasmg a Complete saunteonthes. which wearegomg to clear out at a prim, by can give you a Parasol at less than_ \yholesale cost. This is a me “£1.33, high-priced Pansolat a ridiculously low ï¬gure. We m we put in print, and for a Parasol we can discount anything You the mun. Come at once, as we have hundreds to select from.“ J noob’s Island Hotel ’l‘lo Hussy Walnuts Gunny J. I. KIWI. u f. 6. 25m Hug-L!» Na. nagâ€"n. and-name» UM [did My chow-Io d his†mum. mu, uni no... JmmuunLâ€"um.’ â€"mrc:â€" FREE SERVICE PIPER um. Elia-THE. (oiâ€"nu." TRAYED.â€"Cano Into tho coolant. o! FREE SERVICES. TRAYED oonmâ€"sm into the New A durtuoznon ts. RENEâ€"A hon-o on Wilma-It. ‘. WHITE. r. z, w. roam choice. LINDSAY'B LEADER 01' LOW 0488 PRICE DRY GOODS HOUSE muuumnx sun â€alumnâ€"Etyles never beru Prices never closer ; in fact bought to advantageously that we I: not linking I. {antic 05011: to “Sell ct Cost." Our price“: lower shun those Madly of. o. hrgedisoonnt 032 We Law bought than good: right. INSPECT ! Nothin will convince you like personal inspection that {daemon GOTHING in yMen' 8, Boys’ and Youths' we cor n th deg rtment we ask 'you to inspect before you buy. hove never 9.been undemld In this depertment. DRESS GOODS as close as uybody can sell an bon article. See Pris-day's Buck Goods before you buy _ dmu. Their Tnde Btu-k: All good: rolled on vamim with “Priestley" amped on the and (1' board :12!“ :umflERPBIN‘I‘Sâ€"Plenty ofthem; very 1a ' Examination will show that our stock of SILK and K1] GLOVES we upocinfly ctmng in miety and style. We 1m Ladies Black Silk Glovesâ€"pun silkâ€"for 20c. 9. pair, worth ll See them ! Buy them I In OILOLOTHS and CARPE'I‘S we are selling goods, bought right at prices a clone to the jobber-3' ï¬gure can make them end’live. Nobody undo more. Most wox well. But no miter shout thet. The hct stands that we This Season has been rather disastrous to sale of summer Goods. The result is Ba; 9am for all comers. E. E. W. MCGAFFEY MILLINER': apd >MANTLES.â€"Scyles [3mm Goods Cheap. â€I 0'“ I Tuesday. June (loud! chamber. in the Home, Ilium: my â€" - “aw â€" in the l Alli-7' - N 'm ANTED. the County or W 1 00-. no unassigned nul- lawman:- gnu-I‘m m m it; won Yong-t5! OR SALE tho but W. 'V also. W ASTUREâ€"Lot K 00:. m Ind-Ila Wan nun-d A130,] PM numb!“ M.â€"x'o-u. , R SALEâ€"V5031“ lot 3 w.- nnm-m Aha. 1 Pam IRVANT GIRL WANTED. ’_ pm I. B. MCLAL'GBLLV Now Advertisemen: OUSE T0 RENTâ€"No 81. 50 250 250 ugh-gumm- G Icha- may I: We. “Hover plain-Cochise ukhmcu to the bum. she to Int stemmed linkehickon the brad 50de ev flhwm‘u'e In Ind from her It HM- Ind cl ththdrtuwmi: I-Iytrloudu of! .vlthdeepmgrc ‘5‘,““300 Idamlhn. A humming: ‘w. Theyounl lflhewha. ’X unclean-Roma GRAND TR Uta: «42...! “6.10 m mm."- mm... 10 '.8 I 0m. Inna Sun! M; Port Pan-1- .; automateâ€"Mn. I lâ€"John net-on. MclENNA fa lint-sh fl ulna-l as m- Bluec. 0c ' PC' Ionâ€"0.114). IDSLY.FBIDA1 WN AND {8‘8 HERE AN Nun. M m. uoe at Poarzn's 8: mm. Linden; y. 7m low m x_ m; A I'm Cl! @anadin Patarboro McLean; outu- y mm.“ [nonvol- N Scran‘ Sprin U0! In.“ ADJUST ’OI' WINDO rres PORTLA DOW “All