ETTLEEIEN 1'. y barn in Emily W I m an adjacent farm. .0 iusted to my " :cque for the amountd that I am highly pm mptness of the insuï¬ï¬‚d‘ fomotc their on M r. Cornea. i L31 Here, aselsewhere, lze truth. we have Ila ,- a; , >/te7zer than we have .. ‘ a very large [stoclg :rm deal more ibera ~ Se equalled outside £133.32! in Cambray, and have 1113* the ‘. ery best factories in ‘ furnisI 1 us AK!) EITHER WflGLLEH [300E FhoIesaIe Prices. We hang next Handcock’s HoteL 'ill be prepared to pay thev .7 all the Wool that 0 I 87.11 ‘ .n: must have been a bargain day Q 1111‘, Grocero uito netting,†said John, in a â€castle, teasing way, as he came ffl â€IP11? 3’1 “313- :0 dinner this afternoon. after not- fresh decorations of his chamber AND 1‘ u-room windows. 5 ,I am not foolish enough to .. to convince John or the reader me most ingenious housekeepers JPERS 50 I’atter,"s ‘ can envolvo any artistic effects , to mgaudy-colored, “cottony†netting ri ht. Fir . mo“ {11‘9 “new Class .. market, ul' that it is in any way ’ guaranm ..:to well-titted screen doors and - 1" ° N. .n. But I did assure John that if . ,. “A lttle Bn ' Mbeen an ample supply of the faking. left over from last year's “bar- ""' â€M‘ hunting" 1 should certainly have _ - on another expedition, as it was - .. the wisest economies and greatest u the season. - m 'g several years of life in hired n large number of ndjustsble __A_ E i ‘5' S 1: screens had accumulated, but I 1 never brin; myself to tacitly acknow- su kinds of Outing mad I ' e ' ‘ ' ' 3,. cm" mums up magnetism the n.casnty o. econonnztng by m ; mosquito netting. And so, as these k “for sale cheap. Apply to s can only be adjusted in width, ‘are are many days and nights when [GEN MAKINS, or: cannot be openedâ€"especially ‘1'; W1 mu- . 1115.“ r ‘ ' topâ€"enough to adsmt one, much we spent in driving out flies and 'toes, not to mention the work of m, Site: them. gaff/bge War ' I‘ I have at. length conquered that , and when I last year found that, from the expense (no inconsidernble than an entire house is to be sup- ._:Kssslramc. A}! k . . Hunter nna 518:1 “7,33%“ 5‘ Hinged Window screens must be """â€" nude of the wmdows where there 1â€" Go My. mail. VIP, gire us a call ï¬rgtï¬' :ey in your pocket, and} 2 dollar, as are others 1 {NIT CHE and UNDERT outside blinds, I at once boughta. - of mosquito- netting (cost sixty cen ts) tit large enough to hem all around it inside the upper half of the chem- “I other windows of this kind, and ‘ it with four-ounce tacks between utters and sash. ' i made hangings for some of the ‘» doors, putting weights in the hems, lith adjustable screws tor the lower of windows and screen doors, no "Joe was had from either flies or Woes. The ticks were not driven ., but not a. screen was loosened ' - though the house is on s hill and -' to stronz winds Of course they 1 no addition to the looks of the 'P-Iteriorly, but neither are the best hid-wood screens, and they afford- ' as much protection at hslf the that would have been required for ï¬ndow screen. This netting comes - blue, green, yellow and white, and 'hich will harmonize best with the of the house should be chosen. my reader is similarly circumstanc- her try this plan. Get a. suitable cut them in proper sizes, hem them (though they need only bssting). lhem across the top and sides of " casing inside the blinds, end see Much freedom from core and work M of mind they aï¬'ord, and if it ’ more than you ever secured before 6. am outlay, your experience is mine. eWise there are various weye of test place in town for Puma. out. .matce furnished. 3nd charge. :hizg my numerous customers for mi ~ G. D. DRIIV'KAL . )nk.Aprillgth.1393.-51~8. Pno .. 'zzce (f: 00 in Cambray, and have made ‘1‘ x v .- - ' . run. :5.) best factories m V ’ w"... ., ‘ lusush.) lib 5.940 WHEB WBOLLEH £0005, holcsaic Prices. We have? â€next Handcock’s Hotel ..« = 111 be prepared to pay the . ‘ all the Wool that Could? when Exchaazgea'. w Wool to L4,... 0‘ ssware hne, ,aipz'ng upon the MP PBELL ’quallecl outside flié ESL. ‘ in: and killing flies. but 111 are " Mass ï¬lthy 5nd disgusting, as well ï¬ppoiming. Indeed, this is one of [flu where prevention is many time: h “13!! cure, but for ridding a home “9-0 which will insinuate themulvu N0 of all our efforts, long-handled "' brushes (made by tying long stn'p- ““18 paper to a. light hmdlosbont :' feet long) wielded systematically i'ig'muslv by two persons are the ““9“?“ weapons I hue found. urvy, Humors, Itch emia: Indigestion 'mples, lotches nd Carbuncles ~ ingworm, Rashes ,pure Blood . anguidness, Dropsy Jver Complaint 1! cured by 1""9081' lhy 29 b. -11: Archie Rand. Nam.» wu n on an. Ma‘ at m. 53"? may triendl believed us one g MM‘W “tiling “fan‘um Protection against Flies. WULTURAL. {Jar best remedy for Wsipelas, Catarrh Lheumaï¬sm, and erkal “Rheum, Sore Eyes mscesses, Tumors â€ï¬ning Sores arsaparilla mt. FRIDAY, JUNE so, was [by Dr. J. C. Aycr 8: Co.. Lowell, Mass. dlDruggiszs. Price 3:; six 1:02:15. 35. 5 others, win cure you Canadian gem. "on syn-.1:- no... KATHERINE '3. 30138013 Sarsaparilia Remedies allâ€"d. one orange, or a gill of current; or strawberry juice may be added instead of latter; turn into the freezer and freeze. Lauox Sroxax. â€" Cova- oue box of gelatine with a. cupful of cold Inter and soak for an hour; pour over t. quart of boiling water and a cupful of sugar and stir until dissolved; strain into a basin Lnnox \VATER Ice. â€"Evan on our cool island there were hot days when we welcomed this confection. Boil a. quart of water with a pound and a quarter of sugar, th yellow rind from three lemons and from one orange if you have it. for ï¬ve minutes; then stand away to cool. Squeeze into this the juice of four lemon- a double boiler; add the yolks of four eggs and two tableepoonfuln of sugar; stir for two minutes, flavor to taste and remove from the tire. and set on ice, stirring occasionally until cold, when add the ihitee of eight eggs whipped to a. broth; turn into a pudding mold to set and serve with a sauce mode of one pint of milk, brought to a. boil in as for using them in the ureetest variety of delicious ways. As fruit on this islnnd was scarce, my lemons were a. valuable substitute. Among the recepits success- fully tried were these: LEMON Bunnn.â€"â€" Best together the yolks of ï¬ve eggs, one pound of powdered sugar and “four ounces of butter, until very light; stir in the whipped whites of four; pour into a. double boiler and stir until it thickens, when add the juice of three lemons end the grated rind of one. Turn into a bowl to cool, or put up in tiny jars. Delicious with thin breed and butter for sftemoon tee. LEMON (Jannaâ€"Sift a teblespoonful of flour into a bowl, add the yolks of ï¬ve eggs, one at a time. beating on you add each, then butter the size of half an egg. melted, then the grated rind and juice of one large lemon, 3 cupful of sugar, and by degrees three cupsful of sweet milk, stirring constantly. Bake in two pie dishes lined with crust; beat the whites with three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar to a stiff froth, and spread over the top when nearly done; return to the oven to color a. pale brown. nausea. Persons living in M81 coun- tries keep of the dreaded disuse by drinking hot lemonade every morning before they leave their rooms. Many a sore throat is nipped in the bud by eating a. lemon baked with brown sugar or molasses, and almost every one knows that a. hot lemonade, taken at bed time; with an extra allowance of covering after? wards, will break up a cold that has not been of long duration. Lemonade made with boiling water is’ better than that made with cold, and its medicinal value is increased by the use of the rinds. Pare off the thin, yellow rind, reject the white skin and seeds, and pour over bailing water. When cold, sweeten and use. Last summer it was my fate to be oon- eiderably more than “ten miles from a lemon,†or from anything else in fact, as I summered on an island in Narragansett Bay where Providence was the nearest point of supplies. Consequently when a visiting friend brought me a~ hundred ï¬ne 181110118, 1 valued the gift and took every means for preserving them, as well Lmrox PUDDING.â€" Beat a cupfnl of butter to a cream, adding gradually the yelks of ten eggs, two whole eggs and the iuice and grated rind of three lemons, one cupful of ï¬nely chopped almonds, one cuplul of sugar and lastly the whites of the eggs whipped stifl‘; line a large dish with rlch crust, pour in the mixture and bake one hour, or bake in two one- quart pudding dishes. The full value of this fruit in not yet generally appreciated. AI 3 care for rheumatism and preventive of may it forms a part of the stores ofeverydï¬p. In fevers it is invalueble, cooling the Another. â€"A quarter of a. pound of} stale sponge cake crumbled into bits, the juice of four lemons, the grated rind of two, one and a. half cupfuls of sugar, 3 pint of cream, the yolks of six eggs and whites of three. Bake in two pudding dishes lined with crust for half an hour. LEMON Simonâ€"This is an srticle to make when lemons are twenty-ï¬ve cents. Grate the rind of sixteen lsrge lemons over eight pounds of granulated sugar;- add the juice and two quarts of boiling water: stir until the sugar is dissolved, eggs to s cram, addthegrstedpeelsnd ‘iuiee of one ï¬ne, large lemon; put belt I s tablespoonful of butter over the ï¬re in ‘2. small ssucepsn, and when melted add the yolks and lemon juice; stir to s creamy thickness, remove from the ï¬re, and when cold mix with one cupful of the mixture, cover with a nun crust mu bake inn medium oven. This in midi- clout pie if rightly nude. ‘ Luox 03w CAnâ€" Stir togethot golf a cnpful of butts: and one of mg“; add the juice and gained rind along ,7‘2_ sprinkle Lemons in Summer. e beaten egg; line at plate with sh over with the white of an‘ tie with ï¬ne crumbs, put in :e. cover with a thin crust and t THE éANAmAN. Eroszr, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 30 1393. lemons plentifnlly, en excellnt e-enoe my be nude 3t the olighteet cost. Put the grated rind of 3 dozen lemons into 3 pint of alcohol, add a teupoonful of lemon oil, bottle and cor]: tightly and net in s warm place; shake every day for two weeks, when it will be reedy for nee. LEMON Bmcm.â€" Beet the yolks of nine eggs with the weight of the eggs in powered sugar; edd the juice of two lemons and the gated rind of one; then, a. little at a time, the weight of the egg! in sifted flour, end lastly the whipped whites. Bike in small gem pens. - To keep lemons. cover them with fresh, cold water, and change every week. They ripen and become more juicy, and Receipts might be multiplied indeï¬nite- ly. Lemon juice is superior to vinegar for ranking e meyonneiee. Iced tee in summer with a. slice of lemon in a. most refreshing drink, and. will prevent the loan of sleep that is some timee eeueed by too intemperste use of tee taken in the son the doflclt In the acumen: pm- on anoo. The harvest in Santa [I now under mu headway. and there are ï¬ne yields of when; buloy and cm. A good crop 0! winter barley and rye flu pa poured. 4 AI. _ -IAI) elven v -u -- Acoording to Dornbuech’e'i‘rede Circuler. only heli orope of one end berley ere «x- peeted in Ftenoe. In southern Ruseie the yield at hey is neeriy double the acne! emonnt, but the rates oi height demended prohibit ite export. In Belgium when. rye, end oebe ere eni- iering tron drought. In the Denubien provinces wheet, berley end corn ere growing well. In Egypt the quenlity end qneliiy oi the when will be excellent. There will be e acod quentity ct berley, but the quelity will be only medium. In Germany moderete yields of what end rye ere promieed. In Auetrie end Hungery ell the erope ,. l-_L If the hands be rubbed with a cut lemon every time after washing, particularly when one is engaged in any work which stains them, they will keep white and mp on crop Prune“. As yet no cfï¬ciei estimates oi the Euro- Desn yield of cereals th'e year in obteineble. Beii'e Meeeengermne oi the lending British earicnlturel papers. any: the: 3 "cent eat!- mute oi the French wheat crop, which pieced ihe yield It 3,675,000 qnmeumnder- eteted the quenmy that would he produetd Bell's Meeeenger buee its Itetement on the tech that the promise ol 3 iine yield in Britten: and Normendy and the eeetern end northern depuzmenu more then off. uâ€".--, â€" Reporgs Join/vitslyr Ihow tint the yield at what will be good. but tint straw will be sauce. 7 In England 3 hundred dsys of drought hss wrought hsvoc with all the craps (1' cent wheat. which Is not now lsrgely grown. The hey crop is Absolutely ruined. The vegetable and fruit crops ere the worst known in many yeerl. Over wide areas pototocs and pens wlll barely no: the coat of harvesting them. The Dublin Formere’ Gazette seys thst the crop prospects in Itelend ore more lev- oureble then they ore In E aglend. The out crop to good. the condltlon o! potstoes is for shove the avenge, .nd wheat promises well. An excellent genersl harvest ls in View. The only complelnto o! drought are from the north of belong.» â€"- - n.,-_I-_ _._'.l _, my be kept in this way for several months. ' m below the oondido; 5! than 0! lat you. remove from the ï¬re. When cake-ma ï¬lling are cold, spread this between the “I. Lanna-I .- w-_v_ , tribune! of nrbltrntlon Sir Richard Web- ster. o: counsel to: Grant Bdtnin, submitt- ed to the tribune! 3 mice of regulntione comprising eight clone“ which Greet Britnin poke the tribunnl to ndept. The chiet tutnree of these propoeed regain- tione m thnt vessels ensued in pelagic ted hunting Innet obtnin linen-en et either Victoria or Vnnoouvet, or Part Tomend, or San anchoo. L'oeneee ehnli be grated to sealing vessels. Ssnling e} .u niwnn be nbeolntely prohibited within twenty miles of the Pribylofl ielnndr. A close union for pelnaio outing ehnll be eat-blinked, end it shell be extended hon: Somewhat 15 to July 1. No mice or net- L77Aâ€"â€"â€" An fatten minute- in $ doth!» bond; add u generous lump of butter, the juice and gated rind ofalemop {1nd thaydhot ehell be used by peleglc hunters All vessels engeged in pol-sic seelinx shell carry e dietingniehsd neg. All mestsrs of such vessels shell record in their log books the time ct their hunting, the pieces where they hunted, the number 0! seels cenaht end the sex of eeeh enixnel matured. The licensee shell he lieble to iorieilnre in the event oi the breech oi eny oi them: regnletions. Mr. C. Robinson, at British counsel. spoke on the question at result tions. end defended Cenede's intervention in the negotiations thst took piece between Mr. Blelne. then America sscreiery o: stete, end Lord Selishnry. then British prime m'mieter. Mr. Rabinson closed his eddrese by stetina thet while the 7-- ,Lee‘L At Tuesuy’a 15-31;!“ of the Baht-1n: us ’- “VAL Lmoxs Ewanâ€"When one in mint! I-v- uâ€"vnâ€" v-"wâ€" ._v 7 , the doflclt In the sénthorn mm of M'Cl' cen eensihly obeerves thtt “when you ‘10 into the country this drummer don’t monkey with nil the pretty talents you my nod nloug the weyside. Bimini)? ovoid n twining three-leeved pleat you may and growing mnnd the hose oi trace. etone welle end old ienoet Ln nttreotlve plent. Juet the kind oi glossy glitter to its bright green leevee II impels one to Just take e little oi it home with you. Don't do it unieee you no one at those few the: my with impunity handle Bhue iox. Thnt's the botcnionl neme oi the pint. thst ismilinriy known In poieon ivy. hse ceused so much trouble to mmy. The correspondent nicer describing the ey mptams end intolerable itching. goes on to ens: “I propose now to tell you oi the cure. It in eimple. it ie effective. Procure item the drug or other etoree where they are eold a small bottle of little auger pills lebelled "Rhue tax". A "heir oi the dog thet bit you†will earn you. Toke six at the little pille nt one doee. icur doeee the first dayâ€"morning, noon. evening end bad time. The next day the itching will be molliflcd 5 degree. The second end third day take three dose: of six pills each dose. You will, by thin time, be eo iree irom irritation that you mey csreleseiy into n iew pills until nnture heels up the eores. So soon he the healing begins, be very chuy oi teking meny oi the pill-.ns they will. in excees oi requirement. produce en intolerable. though hermlcsr. itching over the whole body. guano" woro manly locum. no admitted the W at keedoxn of flu “but Med 9013““ Issuan- an shut. mquntly I: m menu. It. Pulp. extouad the diploma! '0! Lord Sslhbury, who invuubly conceded Imy- thing America and tar when he wu not mounted by the madman of the 0mm: Remnant. In commonung upon this effective luminance. Mr. Phelpl Initially enquired which was the empire -G:ent Brit-In or Canada The writer. polsonod on u: IVOMO ct four to 3!: Union I. your. ï¬nds this remedy n permanent check on the am npposunco o! poisoning umptomu. ‘l‘o Invndo nu 031M Int“. TOROXTO. 081‘ . June Emuâ€"Another In‘ nmcexnunt or Intern-unmade by The Doda’u Modlomo Comp-ny. mm. 0! un- city. to the elect In: thu have doddod so oat-bun: a mom MIC muons. 5‘ Bulbâ€. N. Y.. In order tom ply tho crowing dew-and to: band'- Kidney PA 1- In the Unlud But». This remedy bu qgvpr you}: gavel-1.13911 orpxwod on ulo In A AL- _-‘_n-_a._ A. 0|.- "UV" um “0'00...†v- ‘wvâ€" nu , V- -o , , the United Steven. but the mower": or the remedy end tho noun or in enoceuoe in CM! quickly ruched me people 0! the neighboring republic ood order-e hue poured in. auctioned from every Stow in we Union. '1 he oepoeicy of (he Toronto factory is and to Inpply the Owodion morn: nod. the atonement 1 met they can- only do justice to both foreign and home demand: by invading the Uni ed Butc- end estebiiohing a. depot and (Actors numb 91‘0th 01min. am of m nodal cum qua-um m: be involved. but they were merely holdu- w. The Lune rated on?“ 0110 tugs-flea “'a quuvnuâ€"wâ€"w'ir 7 ‘,,r,,,, â€"Hwo m CM“ “the tight to POIIOI I". A correspondent to tho Saggn§1fle Amer!- ii? MARK T HIS WELL Proï¬ts in the Grocery business are small nowadays, and competi- tion is keenâ€"more so. perhaps than you are aware of. One great diaculty the progressive merchant has to contend with is the slowness of buyers to recognize the advantage of buying their goodsfreshâ€"buying from a stock that is being constantly replenished Stale and inferior goods are sold over grocery counters as well as in the dry goods business, and the proï¬t upon them is large. ~ __-'I__' _ .1. Ln‘ m fliE HOT SEASON Is HERE. Is one of the greatest comforts lmeglooble. Those who have tried one would not be without this comfort-giving orticle, it double the price. WE SELL TE: 3381'. Is an economical purchaseâ€"it kups the butter had and nice. the milk sweet. and in a hundred ways enact: a saving and con- fers satisfaction WE SELL THE BEST. W. (1'. WOODS, - Lindsay. Hod-Iv. .an1: 1. HOUSEKEEPERS! avgâ€"5176111†have repeatedly told as d “a good (fleet upon that: children.“ "eastern is tho best remedy for children of whichlumaoquninmd. Ihopothodnyisnot Lu- disxanc whenmouicxs wiiiooizsider the m1 Wdflnirdfldm And use Canada. in- smad of the various quack mun-h m decaying their loved ones. by torcinzopium, morphine. soothing syrup and other inn-mil agent: down their throats. thereby sending mwmmvs." DI. J. F. mm “Custom. mm amnent munch? for c}!!- For Summer Use a Goal 011 or Gas Stove Castoria. is Dr. Samuel Pitcher‘s prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine no: other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregorie, Drops. Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and alleys feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Diarrhoea. and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuleney. 7'11. and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Gas tozia is the Children’s Panaceaâ€"the Mother’s Friend. I return my most sincere thanks to the Ladies of Lindsay and country for their kind response to my invitation to attend my Mil- linery Opening. and am grateful for the orders left with me on those days Those who were unable to call will, I trust. (to so before making their purchase of a S M Hat or Bonnet. My Stock is small but select, an is sure to please. A nice Assortment of Trimming Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Ferthers, Jet Ornaments, etc no Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City. THE LADIES: Castoria. REFRIGERATOR spam ELLEN. 1743311157 ‘Gnoonns. DLG.C.Ouaoon. Miss O’Brien. What is 1V. G, Woods. 088 tons, MISS O’BRIEN. LuanmflBon-oanonu â€58?!"ng in...» E rub: nu 3min». influenasmflosooumgnganvo Banangggï¬sgflï¬v 942. £89 F: Uxm Emu m mm“. Castoria iiyRLisith OFI'ICE and YARD No.8 WILLIN emu-81'. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. Um. Nov. :1. mâ€"a. UNIGAL’S LIV'ERY STABLE, York Street, Undo". Comfornblo ou- vonnccl and good home! on hire at Mus m BRIAN GL NIGAL. .IJ Eutwmxuu 55. 5c. 57. Non-mat King staudSonthotQuoon-at. Agenda's-I house. well. cellar. goon barn: uco crohud and Metros. An MR.JACK30N. am. or MRSLMARA Am O'CONNOR. 39 um- A commissionâ€"w eel! 8am Sew w‘ ounuundconeeunshoConnw otV sud awn-1cmApvb to :08! Boat. great. (oflieel’tn m‘l Block) 1W. 3- nanâ€"cs r. U I “LUV l vunvuun hâ€"uâ€" ' ' Man-Mae coasts {or the m . vxoéun. Ammanâ€"man. Mummm m.“ tea. nommmum I, :1me painting ofloe. Gonna mu! receive our P087 for year nsxt win thoroughly attuned “Madman-.10. I. Good Dry Hardwood â€"I have crw cu but: a. lame m ‘ cxnxcnrnxn BRICK. which! 39!.“- WOOD, run: or doxher‘ni' Giuliani: or Woo". stations: control. For oo‘cr sad Mum? nuke of Brick cannot . q a WAKEIIN. Pannimn. Whamâ€"Qt!» Order Your WOOD AND GOAL R. KENNEDY, hunlosmw whom-cumin†best quality. Order: left a J. P. BYLII'I flatmates-evil bent-0mm smug. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE 00qu The hunt rite tame Com: I m Worn. LII-aw â€"u Vivâ€"w- â€" â€"v~~ â€"â€". - .7-- _v mum company. The settlement or 1†proth And “bad. The resource! tad of this company word those insured In pea-toot â€UNI Rm M8. LIFE DIPABMT. Assurance effected with or without and“. Modems mm. mnnb- at mum a 0011c: holders. For Mount-of rm apply a l'. 0. ram; Agent for many and VINO. PETERBOROUGE “ and Tamaulm Factor! mamcsomm Waterproof Goo‘s. none and “Vacuum up Rm , 011 and Rubber m Mltu. Glova. etc. Tools. A 8 my doom-mum made to order. Tenn no But. - -- - 7â€"- - u." nun-a A â€"_ __ nu"... w CWLUUW lu-uu w v-u-a- -â€"â€"- .v _-_, English sud American oaumNnvy. UM Sum Navy. mac». Cork “to Baum Ute 3m. â€3 Ind 283} aumm Puma Mono Cl! RIM“ 8.8.01120' no Oran Bram by In: to HENDERE N. Y.. C WCHOR LINE thanâ€. limb to. m-u-m, Grain and took Farms mm 0’ mm mm. mhm. ONT. J OS. KILLAB‘E mud-u. Amp. nanâ€"so }l0. BRYAN 80H, commas All! Bum El!- mug-ad uremlnnglgu lo! sumo-ch!» 'oB rnlmmq of .u 9% OTS FOR SALEâ€"Four 7191', 1! UTLDERS, ATTENTION. â€"At tho > on musmo’ urge: yardâ€"pnlbuahod In I. .TOOD AND GOAL. EORGE DOUGLASS. GENTS WAKTEDâ€"On inns FOR SALE. Gusgow vb. Londonderry. WTI-kmndundnm mac-991.90. Storm-«WW ,_-1‘ 6450. Bryan a Son Marriage Licenses. J. LeROY, ConoooxLâ€"hnu d C. mm; ..... . ...... Agumqlgug magnum.-. wag DD, LUMBER, 831N613†LATE and LIME, m. 731“.†w SW tron new 10:: may am It? FIRE AND LIFE, Humbnndthohnenmkd Miscellaneous. R. Kennedy. I‘. C. '11?ng a