Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Jun 1893, p. 2

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n‘ M M M3716; minds”. CNN! ‘0 “WWW butane! tho-Mme, mum. on Maud mt, which was and mmuwm- - . - lumen-ll. Kenna: all present aunt 0!: m at Mr. Wanna. council mourned until 10 o’clock Sand”. Min-mung. annaoo’ologk, mandala m, Wnsox._ mu m sum 01 81.00 be mated bythlloounofl to be expended on ”mmmboutaudmtho mmmamdsmdhddm'. sped-l grease! $50 on .the en: boundnry o! Feudal: end the tuneup qt Ope..the Inge 09 be eupplemented by 825 61.011 from the town-hips of One end Fandcn, endtheo thimflonberetenedtotheehnding mm on reeds and bum-Curl“. Moved by Mr. Lunuw, seconded by Movedby Mr. Swnzmueondedbym. ADAMS. that. vote of thanks be tendered bMWelltottheplemntutpto radon Full! on Thundey, end elector the mu. he took In making It «donut.â€" thank-1n unable terms. mu. m cams. m by m. WW, mended by m uonm IMPROVEMENTS. Moved by Mr. Wums, seconded by Mr. Barron. flat the attending committee on county property be instructed to teke into confidential the deeinbmty 0: intro. duoha the voter tram the town mum to! noon theoourthoneeendonthe Moved by Dr. WOOD, seconded by Mr. Mom, thst the council great five dollars to sssist in repairing spproeohee to the Islhot river bridge on the boundery line between the counties of Victoria and om, end that the mover be e commit siooer toexpendthessme, sndthstthis motion be referred to the shading com. mittee on road end bridgee.â€"Csrried. oms. mtionery. . ._ But a Ridden. :tationery.. . But Ridden, illumineted resol Review Printing Co.. registry omee book . . .. .. 15 00 Review Printing Co , blanks for treasurer 2 00 Hutlliddell, Lama's process book..... 2 00 Your committee would recommend tint one y o! Dmond’s Index to Municipfl Law of Ontndo purchased (tom the Gel-swell Co. for the office 0! the clerk nud ere-emu, the price of which is 83.00. 1):.thde mm at Hmd, udvonlsing....................... . Stem.ndvertlsing......... ...... ...... C. Sum,tdvem:lng...... ........ ...... Snmflughesndvenisine ..... . ........ ...... sun Hughes, mxgistnta’ bbnh.... .. ......_ Sun Hughes. miscellaneous printing. etc- _.. Wilson Wilson. mvorusing....... .......... “fiber: 5; Wilson. Post tylo-........ ....._.... J05. Cooper, advenlsing....-.â€"-............. Jo: Cooper, three vols. Wawhm, bound .... G. A.ytflmlgaionery..........-...._...... 3: PW?! Ni .3.Emnixel_.pom.l..-........ mdyMuwmu‘admdm- If. yotgo. deaffllilllgit. . .. .. . . . . . Your committee have ccmldcrod tho rccolutiou of council rclotivc to the introduction 0! mtcr from the town rptom. ior use in the court home And ground- nud be: to noommcnd an: no action be ukou In the MIC?- SHORT OF THE PRINTING COMMITTEE. On motion oi Mr. menm. Icocndcd by Mr. mm, the report oi the shading commute. on printing wu received ond root! out! odopto‘, .1 follows: fl Your commtéo h-ve examined the (chewing u:- countp and beg to recommend payment 0! the tune, “fifiéfini‘. NEWS Jhaiib'gmxik .u neces- nrv death. an 5 put 0! this report. smart or coux'nr 230nm? COMMI'H“ On notion of Mr. KYLIE. mended by Mr. Wanna. the report. of the etnndlng. committee on county wne lnmdueed nnd wowed u fallen: __ _ ‘ "CHINE AND BUBNINE (Continued from first page) from 82 40 to $2 50 : end Dlgby. from 32,15 co :2 50. Your committee recommend mu the 11:0 per note In the one o! :be township of Lonxtord be reduced from 80 cent- eo 60 cents, an the ground um the council 0! bbe municlpchty 02 which this township form- n pert. nev- reduced the nine to the Inter amount. on an upped by the owners supported by mom mu. monv. Your committee recommend the: the equellzed nine or the village 0! Fonclon Fella be reduced to 8161.000.00. end mm. the cqunuxed vsluo of we vllluxe olpobuygeon 3" mm w_8§19.ooo.90. “ We mama gust. bummg. scaly, Inuayvu. r._, ' , and blood diseases, with loss of hair, and scalp point to I speedy, pennant, and cm. ‘ . _-__â€"â€"â€"-â€" ‘ I. here. Price, Cancun. 75c : Son, 35¢; 33mm“. 31.50. Prepued by the Pom- m DRUG can 023mm Comm-nos, Boston. [3"‘How to Cure Skm Diseases." 64 8868.50 ‘ s, mailed $200. BABY’S 5%‘253 LINDSAY. finmn’. JUNE 23, VICTCRIA CC UNTY COUNCIL. You and mu. Cancun m ______ _._. _. .......v. and um 1 {col like A VOTE 01? THANKS. InllIv nu- --__-__ Of {exudes instantly relieved b am t, at! lnfalllble Anti ale 00 Pain, In! animation, and \Veakneu, Caucus And-Pun PW. Skin Ind ............... uswu. yang diseases, with; loss of hair, and cute. permanem, and ”anemia-1' at to the vote of 65332:: ‘, bound .... ...._.-..-â€" N UNOWN’QWMQNWWO ...-.4 ...... VIM 85883888888888885 ....----..- Ltion.Duflus 6 book 15 00 mum”... 200 mun..." 200 end thst one [Aw of Onurlo 50: d9 akin (”393599) ....83 99 Wumfimmwgmmfi The reeve o! Loxton has informed your committee the: some dun-5e h-u keen done to one or the ebut- menu of the I‘m-Lend bridge. Your committee re- commend the: the new a! Lexton be euthorlzed to me the required repainuengotggalgbe empowered to have the painting 0 ..- completed. Your committee recommend“ the clerk be in- ?itructed tornado: on ”auntie I! Bile O'Bdu 'tor the nine 0! the chin etteched to the Nor-lend bridge. Mot which he: been remand by him. nth“- ont permlsion and the remainder lost through his Aturther. voneber let the m “89.00 he been euhmittedtoyour committee tngW.l.-m deputy tone anaemia 1891 on expenditure on~the stage med but you. Yonreomlnitteo "commandant the .m‘ hemmed gnu: form-dun mom“ Delta; hm;unoendn¢tomw.henwud.' '1. ‘ "- You-mm hevemminedthe‘tepottol Ir Wm. Kenn-enmdwmym , needed "purl-to mum. Mhdm_ .3.“- Bob bddgo.....' ..................... A.B._H_ CuLpuumgupnoficn. Norlud it"; Biwanwops and Fenoloix. Your committee recommend poyment o! tho lol- lowing mounts, mmely: Willing >Ke‘nqody. inspection and work, Little _ 4. Thu the sum of 825.00 be muted ton-silt the township 0! Somervillo in npslflng the hue of the approaches to the bridgoncrou Crego crook on the Monet mud. sud an: the nave sud dopuzy run of Somervillo be commissioners. 5. tho: no notion be token rent!" to the proposed eongitioml gym: fox: Q10 inaprovunont o! the bound- 3. Thu. the sum 01850.00 be granted ton-isttho council of the _t.ownship 01 Bulayin muting much needed repairs on the hue line in nun: town-hip, sad that. the reevo of Bexley be commlmiqner. Your committee have considered the molutlons of council submitted to them, proposing comm gum. and aupditumrmd beg to report no follow": ,,.n ...... L____-L-_-_U.--l,,. 1. 1'5» the reeve of Penelon be tunnel-ind to hue the bridge a: Roeedele rephnked. 2. mm the sum of $5.00 be mated to mitt in npdrlng the approaches to the Tulbot river bridge LAA_.--â€" ¢L_ _-___-_--_ -. ”LAA ., AND BRIDGES. On motion of Mr. Cnmaxns, seconded by Mr. Ema, the report of the standing committee on roads md bridga wu rad and “looted, with mendmems, u follows: onr the "boundii’y between the counties 0! Vidofii md Onmio.and flat the my. 01 Eldon be com- missioner. _ ”A A, _ _ _, Your cannula-ea beg lave to introduce l by-hw to provide for the levying md collecting of certain sums no form I. pan of the public school fund (or we county. REPORT OF THE COMMIT!“ ON ROADS chh reterence to the memorinl to the legishtive essembly transmitted by the clerk of the county 0! York taking that all school trustees be supplied with copies of the laws renting to schools, tree of charge or It cost. your commttee recommend the: no action be token; Your committee have considered the resolution 0! the council of the county 0! antennc, which proposes that the legislative grunt to public schools should be increased end that the mount uppro- printed by the legislsture should be divided equnlly among the schools end dcpsrtmente of schools throughout the province. The principle embodied innhe resolution commends itself to your committee, they would. neverthelem. momend the: the question of memorializing the legislative enembly be deferred until the nex_t session o!_the council. Your committee have duly considered the reports of inspectors of schools tor East and West Victoria, respectively. These documents ere of unusunl nine and importance. especislly that of the inspector tor the west division in in reierence to the necessity tor the re-estnblishrnent of the filth chat in ell public schools. Your committee recommend that the reports be printed in the minutes of the council end that the county clerk be instructed to order 500 eeperate copies {or distribution to All the county councils in the roviuce. the public school inspectors and the men: rs of the legislative Assembly of the province. end to any other bodies or public men whose interest it gray be deeirnhle to e 7 .,,.:x...; Ami _-_-‘_u__ -n a...“ e, u... ...-.- -. .. w... -_ W I There have been laid beiore your committee copies ‘ or bill! introduced et the recent union 0! the lemnin- tive mommy reintive to ditches end “amour-nee. the dreinege inwe end the Meat net.“ Then bills have been tnnmitted to the council (or the purpose 0: obtnining expressions of opinion I: to the provin- ions contuned in them. Your committee recommend tint e committee compoeed oi the wnrden. the new of Omemee end the first deputy-move oi linripoen be appointed to examine the bills one report their View: at the next meeting of the council. REPORT OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE On motion 0! Dr. Woon, seconded by Mr. Mc Minus, the report of the etendina committee on education was introduced end reed as follows; upon. 5. Your committee He planed to be tblo to upon. am the oxnoomlon or the wanton with mud to m expendnurea o! the You being I0 “mind a to pro- vide {or 3 Inga roducuon o! the deficit without Inga-inc tho; gummy rm. 1? }lkoly to be refilled ‘A- _ _-n.l-_ L- I...“ vulva"; .- llvlumv.‘ '5. Tan Lh mummy givon b the recent unend- monu to the munlclpnl wt, rem. n 1.0 m duuucuon of tons um um other mid animals. not to b. tau-d nuyuâ€"w‘ u... ‘vwv‘ .....I ._ -._- Your committee momma that . petltlon be intro- duced to tho councll "have to the crossing 0! public rows by runway: in the term 0! the petition trans mitted by the clerk_ of the county 0! York. . t .,A. _-.._ -A.._:u-- Mud-- Imu- 3 Thet with retard to the emendmentc to the mnnicipel ect reletive to the book: to be kept by the treuurer. thet ieeve be given for the Introduction 01 e by-iew to provide thet nub eectien 8 o! eection 260A be declered not to be in tomenhet the word "d v~ book" be cub-muted (or the word “cub-book“ n cub-lection 1; the; the word"dey-book” be cubetituted (or the word"ceeb-booh" in cub-action 2; tnet tor the purpoee oi eub-ecction 2. reletins to the exhibition at the cache by the treuurer et meeting: 0! the council, when no directed. it eheu be “ancient to chat the totele oi ell the rcoelpte end neymentl up to the dev on which the meeting eheli be held end toecceunt (or the emount et the credit 0! the manic! lty b the production at the bent pea booh end 0 ceeh n the treeeurer'e hende; end thet the pmvieicne oi cub-eco- tien 1 ehell not eppiy to the receipt: on account oi non-rentdent texee end percontegee. which the tree:- urer ebeu be et liberty to enter in the tiny-book peri- odic-1w ~.:ao~w!9ra,, 1..-- L.. n.‘ unne green-1.. W0. Wolnmummmmbnfl tho was” with .- “mod-Iv pad be m . . ‘no tmnmhunhnM-d (or him a! your commune I c-vmpunun ms, m use malpu and “ammun- {or 1891. an animal! {orlmwmmmmtorlh mucus: uno- Wtwmumoguâ€" at mum. monument! M mac-unmi- u- prhtdvimthunpon. mutton-obtuse cumutyunnwbunm lull: Manama mhviuolmw nonun- reopen-d mat gallon. The mounmll nod. Inching“. WV. 1! Your aluminum than: ordcr mu lawman mama o! the ya: (or s gradual reduction of thoddalt. tho nonfatal. your 1898M2§ uni-on the donuonho equals-uh..- nwmmonnmmnamuommmmnqoo Plan the hue: unonnt h to be «1.1mm me! .6100. the unount to b. aloud to the town 0! Lind- on mm o! the county pone. try, making the a» mm o! “8.90. Your committee begun." to introduce. th tor the famous of levying md collecting dunner m. “d or we Iunher purpolo o! lowing the to the up «municipalities mole tor the pnym-uu o! the tbenturee. Your committee heve considered the eppueetion 0! Miss lug-net chugh. housekeeper At the court house. tor en increue at an", end to recon:- mend that the sum of 875.00 per ennnm ndded w the preeentunonnt, to undersea endetter 1! July ensuing. Your commitme would uk lave to introduce e by-hw to give elect to thin recommenda- tion. On the appuention o! the Llnduy [Aw Amchtion {or a. WP“?- your ‘committee recommend that the sum -;A A,_._ -n .L- 1-..”... eh. In!" luau-J party or the countzâ€"t‘ovgroâ€"vida moh'oy for ion- ponry uu forearms: purposes. “amp“ to know thzt the mum In proving convomnmd mummy tdvupagoom to the county as I. whole And ,. , .,_un__ u_Lu- 1..â€" AL- mum-n2 r n K‘ nuv, iv..- v-â€"â€"--..-----_..____ , IO 7 , 01825.00!» paid on theteme olthe letterof the m. . Your commxttee hnve considered the resolution of council relofive to the request tor old in euppoxt o! the provincinl ploughing match. which l: is proponed to hold in the gouty ot Vietorie during the present A .. , ,r-__ AAMMM w uvw u. iuv vvuv --w-.â€" _____ l v- ' u '77 - year, end would recommend thet the mm of 3100.00 be tedior thee pupa-o. . . . . - , _ our committee recommend thet in eccordenoe with the resolution or council submitted, the sum of 9200.00 be mated to eech electorel division articul- turnl society in the county. in ell the sum of “00.00, the great: to be paid to the treeeuren on the order at their presidents on or before the let September next. A statement of the iegei end other expenees incurr- ed in connection with obtaining the order in council reietive to the inveetment oi the reilwey sinking fund has been submitted. The totei emount in 397.2% Your committee recommend peyment o; the eemc, to be chm-god to the fund. Your committee recommend peyment oi the ioilow- ing eccounts, namely : Lindeey Cemetery 00.. greve iete J. C. Hunter 8 3 50 B Gunigle, livery, bridge committeee........ 2 50 Geo. Smith. county engineer, eervicee re eur- vey. pert lot 30, con. 2. Verniem. to be chemodtoreiiwey einkingiund.......... 24 75 Your committee heve given eerneet ettention to the peregrephe oi the werdeu'e eddnee reierred to them ror conudention. end beg to recommend ee (0110“:â€" 1. It in gretii in: to know thet the indebtedneee oi the county oi iburton on eccount oi edminietn- tion oijuetice ie being greaueliv redu end thet there i e p t oi the emount overdue ing iully (ii-churned wit e reeeonebie riod. 2. Then by-lew be introdu oonierring euthorlty upon the werden to execute diechergee oi mortgexee held by the county. the emounte of which heve been o.--â€"..-c-~n....¢....~o.-~oo rnpol Kuwapuau liable {or the want As with every other young animd, the food given is of parsmount importance, and after experimenting with verious sorts I find there is nothing more whole- some or more scoeptsble than egg~bresd broken in a pan of sweet milk, and sllow- ed to stand on the stone till it simmers 3 little and then dries out. This seems to touch the hungry spot exactly. fills the aching little voids, and hashes the insis- teut “peep, peep" which every poultry- keeper knows so well. This is, given five times a day till the chick is A week old, after which each sltemte med may con- sist of whole round wheat boiled .to ‘ bursting Cooked what is mother of their speoisl fsvorites, sfl'ordlng us it does ‘ ill msterisl necessary tonpid end hellfi- venuvess well useureof , pes, however, not m p snyto spe 9f“!!! hock. has beenuiovpdtoo new «9k. thstmidiohspesthunorfonsd Moved by Mr. Cannon, seconded by Dr. CORNWALL. that this council hae learned with regret that Capt. Bottom, more of Bobcemeon. has decided to with- drew from the council. While regretting the loss of so worthy airiend and colleague it ie gratifying to know thet in retirinn hie doing so will be e personal advantage to himeeIL-Carrlod. Alter e by-law had been peeled appoint- ing a epeolel committee nominated by the roed and bridge committee to control, on behalf of this county. the neoeeeary expen- ditures for repairs of the brdlgee under the joint control of Victoria and Petorboro. Sms,â€"My little chicks this spring are growing 03 so healthy snd strong thst I would like to tell beginners in the poul- try business something shout the my they are managed, for the "entrestment,” as the darkeys say, that the little fellows get the first week or two of their lives determines toagreat extent the question of life or death. m June union wu brought to 3 clone. Dr. W001). in 5 (er ieiieitioue words, ex- pressed the high eeteem in which Mr. Batzum wee held by his colleagues in the county council. end their regret at hie decision. Wow-MM“ nub-t «mm i 0n monon or Dr..Woon. seconded by Mr. Lowssaaoucn. Mr. J une- Fitzgerald wee granted 3 free license to peddle in the county of Vlowrle. on account 01 his Inability to do mental lehor. Mr. Bonus: eddressed the council in feeling terms. end stead that he would not. sssintskessest in theolumberonsc- count or his purpose to retire trcm ihe position of resve ct Bobceygeou, sud expressed the greet regret it gore him to sever his connection wish his colleagues in the county council. mmmn 03m. MoMbyDuWoon, mun. Omantlocnurmoc-wboudo go repulrthe anthhmun- must-Eula. mum tho-lunch! I 'm‘ '"Bfizia'vanam a: no' ' . Youtmm mood that Ibo Mmuwwmmt V In conjunction with such com-hm um I.- .4 o the conflict mooqnvol www.1- Y our committee Inving completed tholr dune. be: to be dictum. enormm . On motion at Mr. Run, eeeonded by Mr. WALTEBB. the second new. at m IMIK committee on connunill’w ensued end adoptedee tailor-e: chrcomnimebegtoreccmneulneynenici the following eccouncn. namely: .- . J. Bomhdmmmccuutorregirtrym. .81 50 J.J.'hylo:,tilneendexpeua opening” 10 16 John Kelli. repein ml wells..."_......._-39 395: John Keus. fence end repelrl. court honee. .. 64 77 John J. Finney. coder, court houee.. .. Poul May. ginning chhnneye, court house Joe. flounder. wood for court house; .......... u 00 Coneumen' Gen 00.. Jennerytolhyineluivo" 28 85 F Budynvork, court house" .......... 8 00 R Wilkinson work, court house around; ..... 1 50 Rom. Kenneay. ceanr. court hence..- ........ 8 g: 5 s 22 Peul Godfre' ; cleening' chlmne’e: geol- ...... 1 Johnetsonmcm man. boot- ior 3...... no Alex k r. mm o .. ........ Alex. Skinner. peinting nult. judge‘l ehnmbere 2 50 Chen Broe. 00.. shrubs (or pol grounds ...... lo 00 888 the neoedtyior'e dninrrom the lumen-int):- buement oi the court house, And they would recom- mend thet the chnlrmsn be euthortzed to have n sufficient outlet made for the Inter thnt in likely to eocumuinu. Your committee recommend tint the chnirmnn be authorized to have the requisite imprevementemede on the ground« eround the registry oiiioe, 3 new elde- wnlk oi plnnk kid to the door of the realm olioe tram the etreet; end the court house and yud. end the flex-std! "minted iron the ere-trees to the ground. Your committee recommend thet the chairmen be requested to no]: tenders from ell dedere in cod in the the town of Lindsey ior e Ieeeon'e eupply of cool (or the pol, end nnrd oontrect tor the me. _ A we or SALARY; On motion of. Dr. CORNWALL, seconded by Mr. Canon, thet the house-keeper o! the court honee receive e eelery o! 8425.â€" Carried. upon or SPBCIAL BRIDGE ooumml. Moved by Dr. CORNWALL. sounded by Mr. 130mm. the flue! report o! the Pigeon Crook flouting bridge: tom ox ndnun . ......... ON? 72 Pnynblo by torborouxh m... m 40 ” ‘° Victorln -.... ..... .. 284 32 M7 32 Your committee hm no report an a: “pond!- tum hnvo been pold. nnd .u am in. boon lulled between the counties. The ungnnti to; which 0.9 éilwuie'Br'éébéiymn " """" u 'nfiponu' tale to m county at “9pm hu n9: yet: bogn pud. . . n .‘ ,c, n A:.A;h, £51m cask bridge: wu Introduced ud .6ch a follow: Your oommluoo to submit the “flowing um- mont. o! the con: on. to bndgon ln question And the grape porno..- punble respocunly by mm“. 0! Mom and Pourborough :â€" l‘oruc noun brldgo: total oxâ€" pondltun.............. .. 821303! Doduct mm 0! coat. 0! “down mm. by village 0! Doha:- AA l'l I’mbleby Vlctorll ..... ....... " " Pourborough ...... alumna expand sum-Guru um mom. mus-3177mm icon THE CANAIAAN POST, LtNDgAY, ONTARIO. Raising the Chicks. A CHARITABLE ACT. 8156718 ' 63289 803957 It"s for min ' ls ‘ust entenng' womanhoogg fgr Swami: who have strong, and those who want to be made wel_l. It bgilds up, invigor- need Dr. Piano’s Favorite Prescri tionâ€"those who want to be mtg Unltod antu mu. The following In: ot'Unmod Sam potash mum Cumin Inventor. Mu. 23:11.18”. in mud hr Juno- Boncom'. lanolin: at not“ and expo“ In patent com. Bomb. New York. U. 8. A:â€"nu1non Bantu. onion": ct one-hut to J. H. Home. Barrie. Canons. ammun- mum: coupling" Wiuhm Bub on. male Briton. menu 0: one-wt to H. A. Mom Woflo land. Coons. “locum: t3: mowers; Chg-loo C. D.vlo_on._‘llooouo9._ in raising ten on: of every twelve chicks hatched, end thnt, I think, in an excellent avenge. If nnypoultry-keeper, meteor : or professions], cnn rhow I better record, taking one eeuon from enother, I shall be glnd to beer from them. We can ell lean from one]: other, end if there in my easier or more eucceuful way than my own, I went to edopt iLâ€"[A farmer 3 daughter in Country Gentleman. blood imam out WA: drum 0 one-mun at” mundout. MMitmtomo, ithhogddflLmnbumntfl undo-labia Weeonoending for umubud any. other: doom-mg magma: hen no; brood mould bole: dripping. The boiled when I continue an the chicks no grownâ€"ant is, if I an get the whatâ€"uni dno boil for than every day Iomo cane-ground corn or homlny, which mm tasks: 5 good nub. stituae for corn brad. When a month old,whut-meningl my bo given,though I never allow than a full meal of nw "U'Uâ€"‘mr .â€"vâ€"~ ' fathered. Our new?" eoedium 31 minus every young “IDS. 'W “'4' inn-into. :- the nun-hue. It :- netnte’e great life-gimme! life-pm. I hue eeen one bright deg «teeny are» the live- of e thOd o! dmoping little chicks; And when in ecldition toils euehlne we can give them 3 judiciou- ‘uneent' of examining!“ '50109“? may '- vmâ€"v nu, why. the [macâ€"fdhvi unnotholp but live snag-ow And set may and them carefully, and If ueoeaury repeat the opention. Duet bath the little ouee muet duo have, sud it in surprising how soon they will leeru to make uee of them. After a week or two, can breed undo up with nod. und buttermilk (though I senor-Ally put in on egg or two if I hnve them to opera) my be given the young ohloke, together with table scape of oil hiuds, let-039d with prep: of'meet end m. ‘ Ineverreelized before whet e conven- ienee‘egerdot‘modentemcenbeior telling chicke. Mine hitherto heve hed unruttioted range, and when e shower threatened much time end lebo: were required to get them under ehelter. Now in my new yerd, which is about helf en ecre inextent, 1 euppoee. they erenever out of tench of their coope or the poultry- houee, end generelly eeck protection of their own eccord. After the chicks ere weaned they me, no where they will, but now, while they ere little end I hero to ettendtothezn, I went toknowwhereto find them. Feeding coop- ere eleo e greet eeving of lebot. The watchful mothen eoon leern your resale: vieitetione, end ere on hend promptly. Some of the coope ere smell and othen lerger; so they may be edepted to the growth end size of the - .- ,. u,,L_____ u... ‘lzeel- brogd. Coops for sheltering the little ones should be well ventilsted and ruin- proof, and I prefer them with floors. es theshortgrassordryeuth isbestindry weether. end during time of rain it is but the work of s few minutes to improvise s floor of dry hosrds. This srrengement lnsures grater cleanliness, for the coop: srellght enough to be lifted easily toe fresh plsoe or turned over to be purified by the sunshine end fresh sir, thus pre- venting the secuumlstlon of filth snd vermin. 1f grsvel or pounded oyster shells cen- not be hed, Igive the chicks crumbled egg shells when they sre little, end brok- en crockery lster on. Fresh clesn water they here in plenty, end milk whenever there is my to spore. 0n tsking ofl‘s brood in wsrm westher one should elwsys ruhedroportwo of 13rd on theheedof esch chick, _snd seversl drops on.rhe.hesd ond wound the neck and comb of the mother. A four day! {fut-ward enmino TWO KINDS OF ”WOMEN Cfifod hr in thin yny I anally luqqogd World’s Dmpensary. :ively'. ' ‘ ' â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_-___-_‘_â€"-â€"â€"____‘ Returning. lam Chulotte at n: l " :xoept Mx_u9q§n.n.. udSm satin; 4% Onandaficryuay ls: will have Cohen: 91 3=°° into PM u 945 u... daily. oils-NI] 3! G. T. R. rains. Except Mo.- gayfg: 13:30 9.93. and 153° p.m., {espec- NORTH 7*: KING 1 ’TURGION POINT. P tt Will m u (allow; ml! rumba-nodes: U lunnobuymu Gammudxlon. Animus“: " 9.00 ' u _ Locum “ 11.30 .. .. .. Pg 3 Art-lunches!" " 1.“ .. u . B: an wmmommu ' leave WWJWotbuumg ‘ONB J upon min! at Jamaica-013. My. luck! 1..â€" * Shannon's bum mung Manama”: l. W mmummnymmm Pobtafignungg‘nmaomu. Blade 2 mBobaymndsnm ”PointhMnmuoka-wmh. CL‘ anon: mm at mane-d rm- aa to newnl‘u'fifé’f "m" ”3°” Glam!- Bud 1 Amniuhufioouvwm magnum august. flan” 1 N 9' gpuggmmwamrvm. , â€" , I . your farm and: Insured at DAILY FOR Rocl-IEBTER. .. Lake Qntario Steamboat co’y. ' Em] “my,“ Before WW your supplies you should givea Lindsay and Bobcaygeon , ' call fmd 9“ ”W I” ' “we. man my u Nails, far and Bat/ding Paper, Paints, (Ii/84 1893. TIME-TABLE. 1893. Suiâ€"Ina»: 35.0 «5398538.. gtkguofiaasafiuofla 85 3:8 :3. 8.33 an 25 3.53 2: iggkgaoai Btggaoinflgi €338 IBIS. 2: .583: 3’13. '1')? i 91:: not u “35%: kindle! mafia-kmuhndu JOS. RIGGS’ m awn-fir 16:30:“ It 38 m? in the tdkecdonsudthw“ ) an ”tel-J Icy LA“!!! ES TURION W 0 (wt: PRIDE OF 0: BICYCLES. saw, rm. AND zmcrmc-ucnm. no! Goods Beam mm. mm. Aux-n Ia. lat-54. [nib-i. 301.136..» iii iw'u. “fidâ€" .. ow lu'n. tom. m Cum. 1:1 T” R”?! adies' and Gen tlemen’s cements ox murmur. THE sums ATNewm moments. “mum-among“...- :ENT VALLEY NAVIGATION OOXPANY. (Lax-rm) V0 THOROUGH-BRED BOARS (with W) ’03 SERVICE. ETEAM ER Na Vlga. flan. Jon. Bugs. 'UNE 23 1393; - scan 5‘5 am 5*533‘IBU l LDERS.‘ Cmu !. gflzaraugbbred and Farm took Insured at very Low Rates. CLOVEJR SE ED Otovcr 8nd wanted, for which the HIGH PRICE will be Paid. HUGHAN 80., Watchmakers and J ewe} _Th “"17 “6‘. C' \‘ or gu- my ruched 013M dud ad any thcuund4 A an 1009“! 1mm "1‘ N mane Sand-Y I" be: Wk 100 keel belo'. YOU OWE IT to yourself, no matter uhethc have been dealing with a iri â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" whether you think you haw' % ing your Goods cheap or dear, whether you are rich or poor, e ughan c 00’; Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. also the; _ Baby Carriages which we have Just received from Chicago, a::' large assortment of Sporting Goods which 15 now being e: '" at our store, ¢5 K ant-31., Lindsay. Who has a coming 1. Twitter. and thou ....m, h. 1- mm zeel. W MIS S MITCHE . dongsâ€"2:585 .5..558§.<8§£§p 3268858598888..ng is: 5.3 8533.8 =§=u~ar Lining-ts «238.. 38 :88 H ban :2 00. YOU OWE IT £233:er WALKING. VISITING and EVENING GUSTO. YOU OWE lT to yourself, no matter \xhethc havye been dealing with a fricr. â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" whether you think you has: etting your Goods cheap or dear. whether you_ are rich or poor“ éHASE EANBORN, nos'ron. . nox'rnmn. Clilcu M in M Goods. In 9!. Avril! 137181â€"33. , 7, 1- mm- IO .3 m anal-r wont” mm: connacr. %’JM),EM:6$ GRAND SUMMER MILLINERY OPENING. XONB DOOR 1481' BENSON HOUSE. Putty, Locks, Hinges, etcg, etc. "ONTARIO MUTUAL LIVE ST! PARIS GREEN-41w Genuine Englishâ€"at BIGINBOTEAM’S DRUG STORE. Chad and Subaru. .1839;er tn. t-â€"-â€" um" "Ilii‘fil. altâ€"Q Miss latency. Insurance Company. “Err-i4 Jig-o; 86w rian Lagef: umnr a 00" Stu-him: 'Iey. ~Bollnthble tenures 01 15!! Wed: have bl tic gains we. the r be gomment In believed LUIS illlll JUW MI. ‘5 ma. my. 7“ 6.30 Ffldsy evel Jan-- and Robert Cook ‘flmm.tgod I 3! I TATE w’ 0'0“de raptor; w” thin "WIP'I‘ W colds and «(I M a 1,4110"!va â€"1‘nnu was dmdlul no: on Wednoeasy of he: 1 1 person 102:. them .1' into 3 ben lead of I item were crushed 3nd ohocklnaly msimed.‘ -l W wedding hm ct Christie church, St without arms being “so register. ‘ -Clou to the shore of :1: him Ian-mouth, the N “St: John Mncdomld cu m hung ‘ swim. diocov h ma 3 number of on m Quakers, ten sud five II! ulna or over $1an won â€"Bonry Sun. the color! ht robber. is (umunéol “Clock. shout twenty I m I. T" the undu'a ho! in (Canadian -â€"W. 0. Reid 0! Forum bu IGudoll to: magma to p at of counterfeit money 90!: d the 110.000 Cb few Sum only run In . «names with the Gen hula; dad or 31m- ' 815.1130 II the motive. S m. the posse number "I My; conceal-spout!“ V , who gnu m- mm: m gnd udmltud air-"1‘32: am; at dlunkenneu. ‘1 In York on Suurdsy. sand-cousin of 11n81|01 ‘5' land been vultlna ln‘ '- on his WI! 5°!“- â€"'nu Sue: and. with d continuum «paint. (a w. 0! this sum $30. h hm”. commlulonr. ‘fi and bsd mmmemeni D. a tame of non! My. nod it mun be h “mane the Oi “an tux-ouch 1‘ ‘° ‘50 Puma ooom. -A new nbmsdne van 1 m.“ Gil-ave Ze} V‘Ihlon on Thundu. ‘ Mine vessel mt howl-mung o! a vhd . “than towed Into “u..- win he npldn Gut-u zm will. u u “it! “It“! m by the dissolution. ~11! tho house of common W. in reply to a quell In those would be no | M the coo-Mon or the 1:: Duke 0! York with the Pl “NWCthim (Rainbow. he. ‘pVIITISING BL u. ¢__-n _ 7;." Harvey/1m 00d and Hypophosphit‘ Krupp" “mt gun work: I 1.686 W of cod Ind on .1. Calm,”- Germ.ny' "a m pmo wth “'10 51: John Abbot's hum: WILSOK- 5' MM .6va flanks. when wanted. I: {g debt nnoa) 81.00 cub ”do“. 11 more than 0! Hmmmweu pl amount to max-chum a by the you or I WM known on ID” '11.”! a wmou. Pr ff Publxshezs’ Noz _____________:_’: [E CANADIAN mu ha a comm I. Twitter, and 1110‘ dd, he 1. mm feet. on noun-u tutti-31X “1‘ WV IS OF 1111: : um FOREIGN 1 INTEREST. ULSI and imp.“ Em 11151‘ "Mr ms Mill. St on A Baum 'ulrr Wmvn'nm in works ”It-d1 rim

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