Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Jun 1892, p. 7

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in Farm Lmily was huntâ€" I at farm. On the‘ r satisfaction, an! amount of my d ighly pleased with he insurance comp own interests by s 1333!: application for 3 position in the machinery iron edncstion department of Ontuio his which we have . .. on rose like a saidlitx powder, refitted ‘them With 7-59 - hedenled the chase in a dozen wan. yle. “e 3379 pram had been pressed tomtnlnepobiâ€" long “patience '0 " 5 in the education dopntznent. ond {Whean mesa” muunen's inquiry as to whether “I t 9 country. . were under the head oi "Julio” was regarded notoo wild and an- 9 G. ought to Lindsay, A large and well » 1h. . trial. Also a. fine may down in pna. ' let cash price for v“ wool to sell should N BROS- ... msslight lncreuoinhia tombsto- ‘, and indignation, sud proportionately v vehemenee in the notation of his - an the smoke sad times than the n matters and appointments of uddecluimed against the toll of the only to soch o depth tho: he could -44 -1 u. doing... Mundane llyauq w cunn- _ "'r-â€" linear remain a port 0! it without grievous bodily harm to his con- 9. And truly it must hsve been a degenerate depth. In looking down his giddy height upon the nine of Sr Mowat. he saw the Archbishop at todictatinz and deciding the Appoint- oi ajudge in the province of Ontario. iii not occur to Mr. Hughes that Judges Dominion appointments. but it did to John Thompson, sud nn ex over his placid countenance that of his siiencing “the: will do.” Mr. continued with his memoirs. tell- nhhe many friends who hsd mod is accept provincial appointments, d the visions of teninns and billions warned him ayay._ Then in a flow of LIâ€" _ __-I. LIYE 5' Pa”!!- 30m: REHINISCKNCIB. no midnight feature 0! Thunders on the gerrymender bill wee e .1 reminiscence o! the distinguish- meer of Major Sun Hughes. given morn authority and in extenution whet he ngsrded ee ettecke on his tar as e genera politician. He having beetrode ewhite horeeon amnion oi the proceeeion in honour we return of Sir Olive: Mount from ‘ ad, and claimed not to heve hed my ition with e horee on thet day, hie connection with the pmceeeion‘heving when he came out to the fence to ”nit. But with the remembrenee o! remarks of Dr. Meodonald of Enron, insurance co n interests by ’ MITCHELL FAST LOW nonu1 was bunt Wmamu. JUNE 17. lane. /’________._,â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€". OM m CAPITAL. moss FR m: mm mm). Sitklchud Cutwrlfiht has given notice “sales of thin-um questions which M11 Ink in the house on Walnut!"- hl-ll hove to do with the toe-mild 0‘ h We“. vouchers, And other now. Mes ha 90! his heel in the mn- Iaos eye, figuratively of course. and In through with that rev. gentleman Ilfled :0 North Vlcmrh and told how Imhssed : newspaper sud m elected ‘lmoervstlvo by a reasonable Marl”. Pam. yho takes sngcul carom party _ _. L- AI-A JV'I wuv up." Uv‘vâ€"vâ€" v? V Hie in aabec in order to rec-fa the Ifldonce 100.; during the recent deflection, Used the floor and proceeded to 1.! down New moot emphaticnlly to Mr. Bo . “Mme: trial to: men like Mr. Anyot lb: Mr. Hughes 310' mm with ill! the: wine. rwhiwnmgms me UUm itimlUN, 1V in‘’ or 3932“” rfncmim m “19.11 other eruptions anthem Sow By ALL DRUGGISTS. , In mu ”1.133;: 2.13:1"an t use as “‘35! the governor-gone“! to the" “menu, whethe: Sir Adolvho 0"” 'm9 In! explanutlon to Lord Shale! :3 ”fitment nboutaueh of the 10 h Wupnmruo be “and '1 £3”; Whethar Slr Adolphe a ‘50 “thank!” a: an ammun- Manda ousting notion 1W“ mmthe newspaper that PW“ “'9 Wes; um may. when; :6!!- - Wham}: mama 3 . rd 5"“...“22 be moist-9 ‘0 in 1"" _ _- .‘VA-n I- Wrecenfly in Toronto, reopectinz ‘filvendltnre of more then $112,000 in “How Q xebeo constituencies during 'manl elections 0! 1887 in me mtegat "‘0 conservative mm the fin: oi the fund on whom the We were mode being Mr. Thomas ENVY. then member for Walt Quebec- ’Rlchud will ask it the government in ”WI“ theee documents. if “that”. "‘mthepeomeozm Dominicans: ‘MDt we: mode talent! ogre“ “to: oonautuenciel to: the savan- E‘M 3nd corruption. Ind M the Price: 50cts. a! In!“ the common, erumeut would ebundou that section of theredletrlbutlcubm. The object of the We: woe to induce Mr. Edwude to cbendcn the field to the torlee, but in the twcvlgoroue epeechee thethemede he convinced the government tint the Mue- tlce would elmply nuke him fight to e finish, cud that hleoppoueut would be broughttccureethedeywhen Mr. Hea- atrt “4%“er @2233. 22! uâ€"v -’â€"â€"v_ V 0.0., furnishes it. The point was the in- eompetenoy oi pseliement under the eon- stitution to readjust the bonudsries ot constituencies in e memo: redistribu- tion oisests. Theoplnion of Mr. Meo- dougell on current political events would not perhsps exert an influence st this dete, but on one of the tether: ot confeder- stionwhosssieted intrsmingthe sotot ooniedention which terms our constitu- tion, his opinion on the intention of the framers oi thst set curries some weight. In s letter to the Free Press. signed “one oithe Fathers." the hon. gentlemen sen: LA_.L. 1.5-4. ex- VI. m - â€"._..__ “You: correspondent eubmlte that the obvious meenlnz end pm of the trem- ere of the Btltieh North'Amerlcen Act, 1867, wee to provlde e specie} ‘emhorlty’ outside of. peruement for the decennial reedjuetment of the repreeentetlon. They hed heetd of thet deteetehle trend, the gerrymander. end desired to exclude lt it possible from our new Dominion. The moo intended by the words, “Shell be reedjnst- ed by such euthorley, in each mennexI end from such time es the parliament of hocking They have cenitnleted to the eeeenlte mulch, Mr. Devlincn the cedemotthe dividing Ottewe county. and heve decided to run the dividing line north end-cnth. ineteed oi theipropoeed nnnetnrni line cut and west. Thumppoeition hcye elreedy scored two vie for decent led-lotion, end etood out encceeeiuiiy for the intro! the people of et least two 1mm conntiee. rm: 6mm“? uncommonm Aconetitntionel queetion in mud to which Hon. David Mills. Hon. L. 3. Device end Mr. Delton MeCuthy ere nngedontlnone eide'wouid eeem to he p‘retty well settled, but i! moron-needed the opinion of Hon. Wiiiilln Mound], AL_ or anyot thorn. and whether he silage. thesaidlettersto ms ' ‘ Whether-the s'aid‘postlnaster-general. incasehedenies the authenticity otthe saidietters.hsetaben,g°proposrstotake any s to prosecute Toronto Globe tor pn documents which he alleges to be rm! Whether in view of the above state menu. the government have node enquiry at any or the several nth: persons whose names appeer as signatories oi the said documents. and whether they admit, or deny. he authenticity of the nine! Whether the government}.d in view of ti:‘ facts now made public, may the circumstances that those documents. if authentic. prove that upwards of $112.- CDO were expended in twenty-tour constit- uencies, with the knowledge and approval oi several members of the cabinet. and of my members of parliament. intend to cause a committee of this house tobe appointed to investlgete into the said matters. and particularly toascerhin-hom, and by whom the said funds were supplied to the said Ron. Thomas MeGreevy. rwo menus rstnm The plucky fight for county rights made by the member for Russell county has forced the government to the conclusion that the object oi gerrymandering the township oi Clarence into Prescott would isiLandonSatnrdaytheflrstxninister in- !ormedone of his supporters that the gov- Muwmmmmwm mmswhnrdtw monument. mummm=- Whozhei the wim“m‘lnhtur, I: the Worth; can! can mambo: «them mom the man- ducthhmumtothoquflaflonot maximum and mum contend with his Money as to the, mandala!!!“ “fifth-dd human nrouus In, . -........-.,, _, , ‘ _ 'msnner" nor mm: the ‘thne.’ bu: msy Ignore the lundsmentsl low sud usury the function for itself, Is an Insult to their in- aelllgenoe end a. dishonor so their memory." an. - -_Llâ€"An -nn In melon flu Fdd" Thompeon Is not correct. eoneutndonel t refined by Mr.- Davies, eminent lest! “thorny reepee the bill, us well eeehe ettltnde of Independent eoneervntlvee end bicker- ing among their followers. ere eeld to be neh worry Iteanbessfel remedy 11'” 8° migion 7 _f y asserted ulckl mpt with Km 81 5 Every province ‘1 all: its wonderful efle .. d wfl mm 1%»ch ms mm m mammal. mm, ‘ A ”$51133 so nick] mp: mun nwor mu gfwbation in nu hke Harvard Bron- and women ask for! and will aha no other; and dramas find it: to their adm- tags to keep it in snack, so great 13th:: demand- A 7â€" â€".. n... :1th saysâ€"“Our “other another as» u. ..... . _ __ V 7 , t cough and cold tamed I ever sold. All my customers a of is, an recommend it to thvir friends.” A Winni druggist writesâ€"“mud son wawm among Six-310mm CAI-lam has given notice Schumann. m 77â€"“ met wllih tutor [Sk- '~~ ”wk,“ ago tienlindin tho 'M of I certain Capt. Fontqn. ,1th m; 1. an unnvihle notoqe- fiityinhis ' mu. , boring comma ‘ urposely provokodn. mm]. The meeting, £3 marl; aver! bungee, ended disastrou- ‘ lyfor In: opponent. " " Atthtt time 3:23" happened to be a line 1'03th static in the nughbonn‘ ‘ g town 9I‘Qdyny. _A(_'Japt. Fontgn ya on terms 9f o? good-fellowship which 'usunlly char-Aur- ius Inch eaten-mama. ' > About lix‘monthl site: its nrrivnl in Gd- wny the refiznno was joined by a junior ‘Inhdkm. , runners hdmbdng still 311153311151; yetbyglnnooonau he was a. e, or y youn ow. 0, ve eve {main of making Enplendid 0‘86}. and? cw week: suficed to utnbfinh him :1 3 But. flu! only I Ihort time oh bo- forcvho hnd the misfortnnrto foul of Capt; antog. A_c_hnllengu m given sud took place in the aspect of strain. A "3‘31 firm! m9, Pde '94. has“ When the first "x m of' ‘f was over, the you mm hinged: from the corpse. 1' en, in s voioe hnlf choked by emotion, he uttered s. solemn vow to take spew vengeance upon his brother’s els. er ith this object in view he re- tired from the s utment, and instantly despetched s. eh: lease to Capt. Fenton. The oficers endenvored to dissuade him from such 3 rash step, inting out that instead of nvenging the s sin he was him- self sure to fall 3 victim to his opponent’s skill. But remonstrenee w‘es in vein. To ’one end ell he replied, nying, “My brother is dead; I do not csre to live.” Under these circumstances it seemed hopeless to prevent this second d‘g‘el. Some, ,A ns_ racks, sad the co was conve ed thither without delay. he sfi'sir won doubtless hsVe caused s profound sensation, but (or obvious ressons those engsged in it were careful to let ss few puticulsrs ss possible leek out. But on the third day s stsrtling ehsnge took place in the sspectpf sfl‘sirs. A xoung rived in town. He proceeded .E' once to the barracks and ennounced himself u the brother of the deceased. He vee conducted to the room in which the body we: laid. They any the scene which followed wee of the most heutrending description. The strenger flung himself upon the corpee, and as he lay_there his whole frame was shaken he never opened them gain in this world I Hi- adverts-fa bull posted light through his butt. A. stretcher m fetched from the hu- racks, And the c0934: ‘23.! convey‘ed tyithex- bygonvfukivg nabs. It quickly trnnapired thet the brother- hed» been left orphans when mere lode. They were the only children of the hmily, and through boyhood hed clung to each other. feeling that they were slam in the world. Their love was like that which brought Devid and J onnthnn together. It con, therefore. be scarcely conceived with whet feelin‘ of dismy the elder heard of the death 9 the younger. acéegtod. The nfi'uir wulcpt a: seem an pom la, and at the appoinud time the meeting took‘ bee in the corner of 3 mudow about llf a mile from the bar- The combatant. were plead, :50 pietole loaded sad the eeeonde retired. The young ofieer stood with the full front of his bodv to his opponew. He we- I. novice in we]: nfieire, poor boy! It j: even {aid flag st the {95in monient of firing ho involun- ' cloudhigoyu. ngghwggthque mhmyi " ' with 'som. of tho «ii-id. md, thongh‘fmitom being a. general Morita, is got “(manly occugrpd (is! he dfinod st indeed, thought of appealing to Capt. Fen- tan in order to pennade him if poesible into refusing the challenge. But none were very eager to undertake such an un- leaaant duty, especially as there appeared little likelihood of :heir efi'ortl being crowned 12th success. Nevertheless, there was one who ventur- ed egonflie disagreeable taak. This was nl~_.:_ _..L- no elderly entlemnn, A Mr. Martin, resided m t e neighlgoghogd. “ALI-IV“ ._ __J v --V -_ fact, his one aim and object in life seemed to be the welfnro of his flock: Ind herds. But in the preset“ instance, huing loun- od some particulars re ding the lute tragedy, he determinedi possible, to re- vent. apparition .of Eh: and event. ith , u-) _.___ fi-..‘ MVL um uâ€"-â€"-â€". -v--- snowy whiteness descended from his westher- -besten countenance. His vener- able appearsnce would In all probably Five ven considerable weight to xs arguments ghd he to deal with one who respected grey hairs. But, as it was, Capt. Fenton lie'texi- ed to him with ill-concealed contempt. In newer to the old man’s roman-truce- re- garding the result of the recent duel, hie reply invariably wa- thet “it served the young 99b rjght.” __.___‘-1 m... 4.. "Hand-h the me- on guestmghu. But whenever he was present :1: at of reatnint pervaded themembl Thedmnermsuotobon dull-aux mddnya lacked-die tone n anna- {Ann-Minn 'h‘n‘l nan-"v nhanno‘L resided in the nei hbornooa. He was gene y looked upon as u quiet. unassuming old entlemnn, rho never in- terfered in any: at er. people’nbusineu. In 191, ~A~__) 'w' I- .V‘Ivuv-vâ€" -â€" â€"_V 7 this object in view he called upon Capt. Fenlan. Though he had turned three-score yum, Mr. Martin was still halo and hearty. Like the patriarch of old, “his eye was not/dim, nor his natural force 9b:te<i_.”_ A beard‘of Uuub nun . .5â€" Mr. Martin entreated him to relinquish his intention of fighting the sunnving brother. The intercession was so persis- tent that,” might have been nnticipted, the Ca tsin lost his temper. Turning upon his visitor he abruptly ordered him to loan the houseâ€"adding that “he would ' not do} low an old bullock driver to interfere in his' nfiisire of honor.” . “Sir,” returned Mr. Martin, quietey, ‘29: 1233 melted me l “and,” contfnued the old man, in the rune calm tones. “I demand immediate hiisfactliog Busmcowu. “With all my heart I" responded C: t. Femon. leughing at the absurdity of t e ides . "Moreover, as you have been guilty of such ungentlemunly conduct.” said Mr. Martin, “I insist. the: my claim shall have preference over all other ”engagements.” "Oh, certainly,” re H the Cuptaiu, with mock gravity. “ o-morrow morn’ 3, if you wish it. I am engaged to me‘e‘ he young fellow in whom you tulle such a. vast amount of interest in the corner of the big meadow ut 8 o’clock. Be there a. little be- fore that hour, but. don’t be lute, for I mt to dispou of both efl'uirl end return here in tipe for broaden.” .,,A___1 .1... all uul- .v. v- â€"â€"____. I!“ “I shall be unctual, returned the old endemm ;n without flying more he cit. the house. Hewuugoodu his word. A3130; m. he wu on the ground, “tended by his non-d. (bps. Fenm engaging-talc! scoope- wyuxw ..... nter an the putty was joined by the brother of the deceased snbdterfi, with whom was one of the otficgn from the bunch. 0 did his even from his robber’l mm. ,9th the pistol: .were being 19.4- ed: Mr. M’- second whispered to him : “Don’s loco s-mqlqont when the signal in 1, ,L__-- ’I "um um"... . van. Aimlovnitil dung? re yea the iii" 311:, bully; “1' Ihdlltfiko MW.” ‘- fimé known Mg 35'1“?“ «11m ommt’aan aid 111531113 INot m‘ucp tip. was loaf in_pr§pm§i9n_s. HIS LAST DUEL u In W- a junior ling still as was a. ive eve Ir. and? him u 3 mm iven Ind WM 5' m AND rm A MbIMdod.mlmflâ€"the mosquito. Unfinunoumm H W man no .m‘lmm It In . m "Use .Guuonl mm Inmbotfla It” centsâ€"174:. As to Mr. Mertin, hilfllne “emb- mn soon greed for end pride. People were ex gly caution! m whet they said And how they acted towude the old gentlemen. None ventured to Rifle with one who we- known to be “A dead shot.”â€" Beck-lobe la conned by nick Hanan. Dodd’e Kidney Pllle will remove lt. Br tholr peculia- eotlon on the kidneys they import activity end benefit the mtem by blue the blood. You moot heve pure wlth amused kldnen: heeltb'e existence depende upon their actual oondltlon: they no the governors of the ”Item. oootlnuel dleorder result- ln ham consump- tion. whloh la Bright'- cumâ€"m l. "PERSIAN LOTION” is doddoiy iho but freon-scion Known to: whitening the complex- on. input-tine or meaning in my hue. or removing tackles, the inn! And other not on tho skin and to: removing pimple. Ind Ni other eruptionsâ€"104. Why is I pr'umoto like In unmih?â€"Beetuac s the touch of an upring it opens. ‘ A M: mm.‘ 8911“ sumo. mmwumimwwm mmmmmmmm www.mm his all! to be 0cm grape root (3 m_metiy_h_thom , .-g We.” â€"31 tcizlruld th to light It with. 17 “”8 no In: The «use of his lining «coped uninjur- ed in so nun duels was now gull explain- ed. - He lug evidently proud himself with V this defense from the old enno which his mansion contained. Thong doubtless not pertoctly bullet. proof, yet in nineooeroutofunobdlwu elmoetente to glence orthinetyor‘k' of. steel. True F113. wwu I mu â€"--v “Yum, Dull u I3. 1‘ “sued shit. 1.5. mm n. dead. The bullet had penetnted the left temple. Ho nested their mange in removing the y. This they readily spaced, but. Mr. Monin and his young friend held aloof. A: the other: mind the dead man they noticed t poculiu' budget: and amine“ about the body. 0:: mung o n the gu- ments of the deceased I» cry 0 horror and age broke from them. They found conceal- ecti beneath his clothing 3 tight-fitting cost 0 mail. ignol {of given and, finest immun- eoully. the two report- '0" hand. For 5 few seconds the amok? prevented the‘speo- tutor: from MS the result, but. u it slowly race they I" Old‘Mr. Mex-tin standing erect end firm. whde Cept. Fen- tonuzis Itretched in“ length upon the to . g Both-the eoeondl hutened towards their principdl. The twomen .fi'Orn thebuhch also run to Mr. Mmin’l dde, Md eagerly in aired if he was hurt. Tfiv found the 013 gentlemin bleedm tly u the neck. but he weleuly myhed the blood any with the book of In: hand. Then turnmg withokindly. we! towud the {outhrwhom he hld raked his life to an, 0 add, mp1! : “I don’t think IAhId guy other my 0! “mum’s-law Wtéuuphili lozwithoutafoct. Cox ream did'nothkolli “I don’t. think I had my other my of mounting this poor boy from sharing the no of his brother.” Capt. F_enu_on’| ”and now danced, 3nd mmmmwnwwmfi mmmgammmmmm mummmmwm Mummmnnmm lemmas or vouua oLn ’MOBBHUDL NO 11313 on sum-L. L JORRHUOL is~ much W ‘ wagon In mun than Oodnmoll batman: Consumed!!! Bronchitis. mans». Puu In tho Chut- ‘ sow ll Pnuusor 100 m m or WHICH IS mum. to A mm. on. mun-r. a rpo_ m9"? Luva. 'lIl' anwâ€"vv â€"vaâ€".â€" Um cum. museum in Candi. Pawn Whole-10 of LYM AN. sous coo. MomuL ‘H‘IRAGTED FROM C00 LIVER 01L] New Advertmemenfi SANTALIM'PYfif-Q-E in: mm Am animus SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS; J-T ammm OWOTflUTS .' â€"ouand§étpficesfor . Mails, Tar and Buildlhg Paper, Paints, Oils, Glass, } New Advertisements. Do you want a Buggy, Carriage or Wagon I have now in my Show-room finnmber of Superior-made Side- bar Buggies, Gladstonos, To Carriages. Open Geniuses and Single and Doublelthtons of the test styles; also Reed Carts and term Wagons. II'he public myhely upon it that these vehicles stemsde of the very best materiel. Prices reasonsble. Cell and examme. PTOâ€"EST. STEâ€"NCEST. 3m: Bu form. u: an uty. For m in lo Wing-mum an. Lance hum mumomundm Before buying your supplies you should give me a m T 3.33 WANTED. If BUILDERS. [1pm.uuch24 1891-9" J‘va-vv --.v v 7 Wm that'we would bepleased to see any or all of our old customers, and will pay the highest Lindsay prices either in cash or trade for any quantity of Wool delivered at our store, Cambrag. We keep all kinds of goods. Yams. Slugle and Double Flannels. Mods, Meetings. Blankets; also Gnu; eral DRYGOODS, GBOC'ERIEN. CBOCKERY. HARD- WARE, 31-0., to sell or mkauge for pruduoe. Partles sending Wool to us by railroad can direct to Meagasusualaudltwulbe. galls-Medians vegetmost of ourgoodulu'ouglr' m. " WSW/r57. 24“ It'll/W” Ira o/zlz'IA’A/YI Jam /: rIIxVIMaU/alay ”(#13127 may. we all): 74.57! (M? 07174773. 17-01044“ an“: 031/647sz 1178/6 307:. 725.; 17/7)? 0127: 1017130“. In do by an Badman-tons â€"7ott. Una-s7. April 14th. 1891â€"1. ONE DOOR EAST BENSON HOUSE. Putt , Locks, Hinges, etc., etc. L-( Wallace 3: (Iaâ€"Cambray WALLAGE 00., ' L. O’Connor. J. P. Ryley. SEASON ? E. GREGORY ’S, our Baku-’1 um 31¢ db! 0! ~46). munch Mn Ir. 0"“ William out . 1892. man be mu In It in It. mad-y. mun than. .mun unsold JOHN A. BARRON. R. J. WUGHLIN. man-madm- thoAnnull mm- flu In 1898 no WEDNESDAY Ind THURS- DAY. m and 29:! 8mm nut. requested ammonium mm WMWMMOIJWM By order at the president. ' PURE AND RELIABLE rambled» sticky Flu Paper, Poison Fly Paper, Fly Felts, Etc. POISONS con. Knu- um mums-rs. yin-u. Juno 9. tauâ€"ms. JOHN F. CUNNINGB. 8mm: W. Juno 9 1891â€"11341. W PURE PARIS GREEN. INSECT POWDER.- HELLEBORE. ,ISSOLUTION 0F PARTNfiBSMP. mt youniaqrequiro during the comm: season. A R I P O S A AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. Theplautogetthm lacoIIaneo us. OWY. -IS AT- Street FIRE AND 11m. mmmmmfl. “I“ Newest and. Best Selected domain-Mom. Y Qnmmeâ€"J-mrql J.IaRO m R. M Ann “unmanne- J. R. SHAIM'UII, To rm: PUBLIC. than in wt of First-cla- Wines, Whiskies, Ales, Porters, Etc.; GEORGE DOUGLASS. lyl mafia-35“ "IO-.02 - tthmbywflouht POO!- 5w luvs m on CHOICE RED BRICK. which win-ell a: a Wood“ ”Judging: I'm-educational? mammals-nu. a 11111011 CREDIT P3013611“ ENTION m I FOR SALE. 80000083333103. 19 Kent-st, opp. Hurley Brady's, mutant. my. on Lung. not. In. tauâ€"n. { S. PORTER, 188013101" IABBIAGB 1.1013838. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. U_ILDERS, AflEN'l'ION. â€"At th- ’ oldnlhhlo’ asylum-Winn. -__ _____ .a... .5 man’s ,,IM! {31% IO. BRYAN 808. Geo. Bryan a Son. memmuamon J. R. Shannon. Miscellaneous. mun-u:- ran roanâ€"Pang L100”... DEE? â€"§i

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