â€"Iu Peterboro on Tuesday a huge dose! the mastiff breed attacked the ten yeerold son or Mr. Wm. Gibbs, o! Ashburnhem. sank his teeth Into his thigh, and pulled him cï¬â€˜the heck of a. delivery wagon. A number or these useless brute: roam the streets of Lindsay, but “Cute,†3 recent writer In these columns, holds that they shOu‘d be pretecaed and allowed to In- mouse. â€"Peterboro people haven’t yet grown accustomed to the novelty of electric cm, or else the interval between passing cars is so great that they icrgot their existence. The other night the bus cf the Grand Qantml house collided with a car on Mariette-2st“ with results disastrous alike to both cm' and bus. The Review says “the passenggrs ix; the letter yere shaken up a van... â€"wâ€"... ___7 V â€" J A. la V , 7 , man named Foster was thrown at the by: Window and had his head y hurt. Nothing is said as to the tote of the street car managersâ€"if there were any. nut. Fitzgerald, tne Peterboro ï¬shery Inspector, spent. a portion of last week In Bobcaygeon and neighborhood, and inflict- ed one ï¬ne or $5. The Independent, In “Unit the circumstance. adds : The inspector might well organize a s .0351 ““4 “Pen Emfly Creek and Pigeon not. There Is no: me slightest doubt that illegal ï¬shing [810276158 mica on :3 3 very â€Re extent. me you: ago e '88 3:“ around these aflm::flw'uma:g nets. 9 can. on c105“? tau? tor several seasons other there were scarcely any museum of the low. ““th absence at any petrol. the Imu- snces have been renewed. w. 334 “Other thorough aid is anon needed._ ._ â€"On Tuesday last Mr. Richard Miller, of Cross Creeks, prepared a large quantity of seed potatoes for planting, and put them in an onthouse for use next day. During the night some parties visited the premises and walked of with the market basket or tsters. Mr. Miller blames some of the campers. and intends giving such visitors 3 warm reception in future. â€"The Union bank of Newfoundland is defunct, but a rather ahabbily dressed stranger tendered a $10 bill of that insti- tution in payment tor a ï¬ve cent drink to a town bartender, and received $9.95 in Canadian money. As there may be more of these bank notes around, it would be well to carefully examine all money received tram strangers. passengers in the latter were mason up and badlyrtyghtonod. gm? 9 comma-c131 , - __l.__L ;I.- â€"Mr. Wilmot, of the Newcastle ï¬sh hatchery, took out aoooo “linen tn!“ the mama-day 3nd glued-tum '3 L90. In they tgwn Elation. Ember- â€"Mr. R. E. Southby. of Halibut-ton, has been in this vicinity and abontBobeaygeon for the past week buying cattle. He recently ï¬uxchased the Daniel Gertie term, about two miles from Heliburbon village, saidto be one cf the beat in that section, and Intends going into stock raising on a somewhat large scale. -Mr. Hm Corby, M. P.. will offer a silver cup cf the value of 8150 for compe- tition a: the Dominion rifle matches in the month of September. The cup will be very ornate. and will be surmounted by the ï¬gure of erlflemanflc will be 30 inches high. 31:. Pleasant. ..........................n-....... 34 DaisyD...... u... ...-...... n..........-...... 40 ........: .. 60 fleatwood .......................... The buyers present were Messrs. Clux- ton. Wrighton, Cook, Fitzgerald and Gray. Mr. Cook bid 6 cents rcr selections, but the offer was refused, as was a. subsequent oxrzr by him 01 65c. for the product of several faczcries. The factor-men cannot account for the depression in the price of cheese, as meat. and other products are ranging comparatively high. The board adjourned for one week without she tec- tcrymen; being given permission to sell. â€"[Examiner. IBome t3 ï¬ning hetero iu‘s'liéht, And stay sill twelve o’clock as night.†Jones said, “I get along rl ht: well, And to you the secret I w' 1 tell, OE how my business thus doth swell And how my goods will always sell. “ t is not by staying late at night, No: yet by early rising; ' Io’s because I read THE DAILY POST And do some advartislng.†Smith said to Jones one day, “I cannot make_my_bqaine_s§ 29y: he Manama gm. “ea-'3 Pills the Bat Fundy Phys“. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral venl earsngo. Ican taunt-ace] aï¬ded with a terrible co8h that allow me no test. either an? 01' RM. The doc- tors pronounced mycasehopeless. Arden learning of my trouble. sent me a bottle Arar'aehzragesxa: mmmd 0 com 6 335m. and I believe it sued m ll!e?"â€"Va. H. Wm, 8 Qulmby Ava, Lowe Mass. ixxnsu. FRIDAY. my 31; 1896. Pombm can... land. There wax-a 2,515 boxes 0! cheats boarded Puerboro on Traced†“hex-noon from .\ wallowing factories: AYEB’S FEEWA'L Biggest Award- ut World's Mr. A L!FE SAVED 3mm sad to Jones. Local Broncos. CHERRY Inclodngwawm add that Although gresbmulmmmoflmexpemdfrom theworklngaoftho Unlonthmmonly atewtodothewodr._ year :0 the man In the camps. Then as anmbarot otherdopntlnenta of W.C.T.U. wt to which we will rate: at. some future date. We have, as no doubt every person knows, a department or work called the Franchise Department. While we desire and advocate the further entranchieement or women. we endeavor to persuade all women whose names appear on the voters’ lists to use the franchise which they al- ready possess. Sometimes we are credited with doing harm to the temperance cause by interfering in municipal matters, butas White Ribboners we have no timetolisten to or reason away any such statements while there are indiflerent ones toeducate. inspire and influence. Another deptrt- ment of our work which has been receiv- ingocneiderahie attention Is the Lamher Camp Department. Large parcels of literstnto. We: with comtcrthsce out tainimz many useful little articles, euehns bottom, spools, needles, etc., are senteaeh A committee appointed by our Union, and known as the Jail Committee, ha been very faithful in violtingthoprlsoners, and acocrilng to reports and letters re- ceived by tho Union, a vast amount of good has been nooompllshed by those ladies. Our efforts in organizing and training the young have not been crowned with the success for which we hoped, owing to the difï¬culty in securing a suitable place for meeting. The Union, in order to be able to secure good articles on the difl'erent phases of our many sided reform, has subscribed for many of the best temperance journals in the province. It has also, like a good hon- est citizen,contributed to the support 01 all the local papers by subscribing to «chard paying subscriptions in advance. The best temperance lecturers possible fer us to secure have been at various times engaged to address our public meet- ings. And. knowlrg that "As a man reads he is very apt to think," “attempt- ed to supply a column in each at our local papers with good temperance articles, and as no objections have been raised against any of our contributions, we conclude the eflcrt has been a success. The Union has been educating public sentiment up to the standard of total eb- salnence by means of two eganclemnamely, â€"the platform and the press. To answer the question fully would be a somewhat difï¬cult task, but briefly and in the simplest manner we will endeavor to maze known to the public what we are doing. ' First, and above an, the members cf the W.C.T.U. have been during a period of over ten years praying for the suppression of the liquor trsmc, for those suffering from the consequences of the drink habit, and for the deluded beings who engage in the business of selling intoxicating liquors. [Written for the W.C.T.U. Coluan Very often members at our local Union are asked the question, What are you doing? and as often is the reply, We are doing a. little good work, modestly giver. â€"The complete novel in the J one issue of Lippincoti‘s is “The Battle of Sale- manea," a stirrinz tale cf the Napoleonic wars, from the Spanish cf Benito Perez Gsldas, an author (.f high repute in his own country, but hitherto too littloknown in America. It: is followed by a brief ac- count of “Galdos and his Novels," by the translator, Rollo Ogden. William Thom son, a pioneer cf the days when the C i- iornis trail was new, relates a. wild western adventure of long ago, “Beset in Aravaipa Canon.†The other stories of the number are. “As a day in J one,†by Mav D. Hatch, and “interwoven Strains," by J. Percival sllard. Book Nobelâ€. Harper's 33213: for M4 18th will we sent a very eltgent rummer toilette in black silk. It used to be an axiom that no gentlewomen's wardrobe was furnlehed for every occasion unless she had a good black silk gown, and this nreperad her for nearly all emergencies. Many lovely little designs are given for children, and some cf the mothers will be glad to know how to promote their babies from lon to short clothes. Alice Wellinzton 'Roll 3 has a. clever paper on women’s on It is called "A Thousand Word-n." J unius Henri Brown dlscusaae “The Style of New Ycr‘: Women." Katherlne de Forest writes of varnishing day at the Paris Salon. â€"The Grand Trunk Railway smashed all previous records of tilt runs of live stock from Chioaao to Bum-lo. .A train of eight ears of horses iota Chicago at 6.30 p.m., eastern standard time. Thursd and arrived in Buffalo at: 9.55 a.m., idâ€. making the run of 500 miles in 15 hours and 23 minutes. The train ran from Chi- cago to Port Huron in S hours and 10 minutes. and from tho i‘ ‘cadian side of the tunnel to 31117an in 6 hours and 35 minutes. The one hour and 40 minutes was due to car and customs impaction at for; Enron and Bridgoburg (International â€"At the May quarterly mac oi the Methodist church, Haliburtcn, 31-150mm†waspaswd gratitudconthc partotthe omieuhrthenithiul work that the pastor, Rev. W. G. Hodgine. had performed. The 1' showed an in- creaeeotaiinthemem p. TheSab- bath school is in a p ercue condition. Meetings were held atall e appointments. and neari enough cash and cuhecriptione were reoe vedto pay of! the entire church debt. The pastor declined an invitation to return the third . II he thought a yonngcr man woul be better able to per- form the work. -0n Wsdnssdsy s Grsnd Trunk dstso- flvs srrsstsd s lad mmsd Edwsrd Myers, oh with driving a spike in the metals whi m ht_hsvs thrown s train 08‘ ii it had not on discovered. The lad was tsksn to Barrie for trial. M Seton. â€"Ray. Father Sweeney the energetic pariah {flesh of Victorle'Roed, In con- templa. in building an addition to flu Catholic arch there. Aromas!†menu. The MontredGazetteeays: Itlsnnold claim that the udvertlsementsarenotthe east readable o! the contents of a good I newspaper, and that the proper use 0! the columns set apart for them is an advent, age to themerchinantasweilllllï¬etothe‘: newspaper reader shown 13130 fortunes some advertisers have made, and I and in the cstablkhment and retention 101' I years of large and proï¬table connections ‘ of customers by others. -It ls an almost- lnvnrleble rule that the most sncoesstull merchants of a city or town are the most extensive advertisers. 0;: July 9th. .111. Linda: cantata-s haw written Seaetaryflendmofm’mb- wm ytha 0. C. Gnome“: am 3:†mate 5, the ï¬rst to be played}, 0511113 3.1!“, NO“ “For God, and Home and Native Land." Warn Ransom WELT WE ARE WING. fully. Do you wish We Wuhan-manu- nasaunitr'otflogtom! Thenhuehtdeon Lmud thndyouwm hpnymbahyeoolng. hummdcmunhddldulmg. Feedltonwrood, and mm mmmtyounmoou In worthyot sanitation. Do you des’ro yourhabytoberobuuud stronguutommthodmmun wreaths:- brings! Thelma; one. with new Food, and your desire- wfll ha mama Beu- in mind that such babies are brought up on Located Food. wémdion have warm bub! pained mdndmlrodbyyouh-iendfl Do you admire might, heath: Indgood. neared babies! MUTHEBS AND BABIES. In Imam. [The {allowing vex-nu on the death «His: Annie Poachin, hnvo boon composed by Miss Richardson, of Creaswell.) . "rm but a. summer ago she me, With hnppy. cheerlul hoe, And every movomenz 0! her form Was adorned with childish grace. Chrlbel....“Wo'd Boner Bldeu‘Wco"....Voul 8010 (ll:- M. Donnâ€"Ace Alia M. Mcflnxh.) . Nahum"... ....' Columhmu")... ...... Inn. Solo m 1!. mm) Boockel......’ The 'lng 1a Coming"......Vocll Solo (Mia B Grow ) Pug-mini-Wdhco . . . . "Wltcheu' Rance". . . .Inn. 8010 (Miss M. McHugh.) LI. â€autumn..."................Instmmenm (Pinon. M. Connolly. M, Taylor, )1. Henna-y. M. B . M. Duly E. Brady - victim. I Donn HWHmonn,'Muur R. 'Spnn; mdollm'. mu Cunpbon. Min 1'. Mncdonnld; organ. M. Kemp.) Lambulottae...."0 Quin Dfloctaâ€....SoloLndChoms (Solo, Mrs. Lynchâ€"Ace. Miss M. Bsker.) "God Suva tho Queen." Moon. ...."Youx;ï¬ mama. .I..Solonnd Chem (8010.311;- Donnâ€"Aoo. ’1‘. Would) mar u. Millardâ€"“u..." “A" MW. ........Voal Solo (Kn- Lynch.) Verdi......... ..."1‘rov.atoro". ..... ..... Inn. Due“ (Pano- M. Connolly, Ll. 03mm 11.110121» 7, >___ 9121le paws Mr. ï¬cï¬ugh, Mr. Devlin, and others. thanking the children and teachers for the rich mueicel treat, and the relatives and friend: for the nod attention. Father Laurent announced that other module would be given to those who reached e eumclenu degree of ilcienoy to enable them to pen e encc’legutul exuninetion. The eflmmedeusee would utter-ward: be entitled to compete for gold module which ore to be ven by Rio Lordship Bishop O'Connor eryBev. Father bureau and others. This no doubt. will prove e greet incentive to further excl-ts on the pm of the young indiee who are undying music at one convent. Swift. 80d clunic wu her step, Though pallid was but check, 11 But there was a lustre in hex- eyeâ€" Gentlo was she, tad meek. Weltendor!......" Hdplnx lunm"......\'ood Solo (Ella Emuâ€"Am. 31.3 ) Mendelssohn. .. Songs Wimom \\ 1 “No“ 16 23. (Min Cunpbfll.) _ _ Bdh........ (Pinon. K IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. TRUTHF UL ANSWERS. ' (Alla Duck.) Claflbol........â€rnko Back tho Hmâ€...... ..Dnon (Violin. an. x Dom ; phno. Jun '1'. Madonna ) Duo........--s_u_yunou- d_Â¥ogogyf........0hom Simpllcln.... ......"Gmtlua 0100'... .. (01m -Aoo. .m- mama.) Mrs. Lynch, Miss Gross and was Daren, which were beautifully and artistically rendered. The little ones acquitted them- selves with much credit. and the instru- mental solo: by the older pupils ehowed caretcl teaching, been of patient practice, and no email musical talent. The essay read by Miss Duck was a thonghtiul 1g:- dnctdcn, and endeavored to show i t music was indeed the crowned queen of theflne arts. L3 Marseillaise on planes, violins, organ and mandollns, was agrand closing to a most sneeeeslui recital. At the conclusion speeches were made by Very Rev. Father Laurent, Rev. Father SmmILoV-htpsr 83m Dr: LIPâ€: i ThelergennemblyremnoiSt. Joseph’s Convent wee densely med Thuedny evening 0! last week by ehighly appreciative audience c! friend: and mum at the ‘3“. who were to take put in the . The Inn-in clue occupied sent: on the stage, which wee tastefully decanted with flowers, bulging beekete. antennae: of bcqnete. and pot- ted plants in bloom. At either end cf the ategewerelnmensesgrotneelyflfledwith flowers, the whole, wit the bright bees and graceful toilets o: the young mam. presentingâ€"as one at the audience remark- ted-â€"a. pictura‘het mntymngot noon to be argetten. e a ow programme, though lonn,wns exceedingly well done. ggeeini mention being mnde oi_ the sales of __. 3 For she is "n10 within the ï¬le.†From are: end trill: tree. Needing on her Slvionr‘l w, Through m “unity. Then let us live am we any meet With Annie over there, Where God will wipe may each tetrâ€" ‘There'u be no sorrow there." In Lindsay's pretty cemetery, They kid he: tom any, By Ileeplnz httle Cello’e side, To unit the Judgment day. She won their tutâ€"their only child; The darling of eech hurt; But God. who loved her better um. Hod ï¬lled tho! they should put. 'Tla hsrd to give up thoee we loveâ€" 'Tls hhrd to see them so; But oh! 'tle herder hr to nee Theo: Inner here below. We hope the sorrowlng potent- will put Their trust In God eech dey. And murmur not become He took Their only chlld any. Ho spared her yet n ma. while, Than in His Inï¬nite love, He took her tron: this world 0! pun To her happy homo above, He xxx-wand hex: “My Annie dear. I would it but. I could, But everything 1.: being done Thu: cm be, (or your good." Her mother stood baldo hat bed And cried in mah‘wfld. "Oh, Lord. in thy glut mercy, wilt Thou Spun my curling child.†Her 1mm- eune. Ho knelt by her. A sadâ€"g mm) mm: ' 0h, pap. dear. I was: so, Please help me I! you an! ' Slowly she flied sway. We grieved Thu help was all in valu; On I couch m Auntlo I home Iho lay, Her loan convulud ln pin. She comes againâ€"she’s Inilcr now, Her cheek has lost. its glow; And gone the lustre in her eye, He: step it is but. slow. The autumn winds iron blowing cold When Annie went away, With ruddier cheeks than when the cane. A happy child rmd gay. We noticed the great chums in her, But little did we think Th1: ’ere another month had pusod She’d sand upon Dcazh'a brink. Among the children on the strut. Engaged in childish phy, ' Little Annie Poachin's 1m Was the happiest. {ace you'd see. “Chiâ€"Ax. u. M) henna Girl“... ...... .lnstnunnnh 013mm! dmxomm) PART I. ..............Iulc .Chom mmunudmum NATHAN DAY. â€NOT 922.0 (7996). dqwlod my. 16 Mt: uellh'». 1865113; faded Inch â€Lb. mo; Imported 1888: bred by h. Frucoh eoumu. .Comunn. o1 emu. cuton of The". damn: 0! Gun: got by Producuur. 4280 (68) am print winner “more“ mum} shove! Prunes. ms at unawciou Rim» Pcmhmuno. 1884. Fun who than a an» Porchoron Ham Shaw. Ch . 1886. run vim: u Bufldo Inmuuo Expo-mu. do 3;: $27." ‘anmxt 31......“ m "A 7 to “Wm-mmmiomwl. a5 I i1 5 V E 1 " ' dlnï¬Jinm-um Emu . 3m, mmmhhwm 1568 to: night my. will proud to he noon. mammogram" homo. 0m, taught. rm. '11le John 8-K 0% hr noon. mama to lech'l hotel. Lind-y. ad null: null Sunni-y st 2 o'clock; mo beau. V Tho ibon mat. in: b. cow-nod during an Ion-on d 18%,huthudm pot-um. noaummpmud w mum mm:- ny. for noon, mono. :0 15mm! Why}. Lot 12. Con. 5, Opt. for tho nigh; WM, win ptosaod to Clutch. Downy- vmo. (at noon. thence to Joseph lahn'o. Inh- $3211; n. m o! 3"!†DAY. “BID- mw tum." MM wmnakethomolWSIllonon: m†It! “I. will him his own mu. â€mm" fun." Fonda. mmwmnn'. houl‘ Gummy. Ind nun-1n until tho following 'm' 'zynmboumgniéra}m Soldonly in pickets Grooen. Nod mun: JANE EPPS a: 90 ._Ltd.._nopoo_opuhlcm 9‘3, 3 motorist knowkdgo of the mum! In- which gown: tho opal-sumo! ‘ on my“ non, 1nd by t wan! uppuauon the in: proper- ues of wen-aelccm 00cm, Ir. Ep hu prodded demand: flsvond (or our breaths: and inpper a new which an un nan bony doom!- bm! tnbytho udldonl moo such would diet. an: s commuuon m be gndnuly built up until mam: enough to ruin em tendency w dine-u. Hundreds olnnbtlo uni-dies as ï¬nding uound :5" mdytouackwhuvm mtg-L371 point. e u escape may-hm : :- ourselves waif lowed with pun Mica a: s . Wuouriuhedhmo.’ Cn'nSnncIGm , ___‘.. _..‘. hm-.. h...- .- mm. mm MI' 7 BE FRENCH NORMAN-PERCE- EBON STALIJOX, no, â€new. oh. MP“ " nerd!!- d the mm In “h ‘9‘- “ MWaEmmhmM mmmmflm mummuhm Food, '11.,“ â€man them Winnmumdnnwm. II :Katomebngoodco'urwjhflm nun mm?“ Symonâ€"Human; inhuman [taking and stinging, me at night; we!" â€1 scratching. nwowedï¬omflnum -8nmon’a Gummy-«twat! CmpCmulnpu-tdamd. Pacino Mmmmtmtynnonlym Child- ran love It. Sold by A. Hakim, m '8! you. SWAnu’s Ona- mmmxmmmm ulmflonnndlnmhmmum tuna-I. Atdngglmorbymmw cents. Dr. Sam Son. Phnndalphll. mmacm. Moms-I. Whole-Ila imwhlchotten FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. ERATEFULâ€"conmonrme. alt-mm. Scrotnhctunuhamltnllln only In: 3:31qu 1:1an fHEcoox’s B_E§TAI_7_R_|_END “FINOT.†New Ad ver.1’semonts. BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Menthol lintâ€: E no: my; mufï¬n sofa. Rimmimdi $5! GREGHBY’S BM SM. 11W]. â€PIC" Iâ€. WATERPROOF GOODS. Tents, Awnings, Sai TheMillineryRoomminfull bhlhnndourMillineu uni-opt hustling night and duy to keep up to the my ordexswhichkeep pouring in. Cell and inspect our stock for style and prices. We could quote hundred: of prices but space end time will not permit; however, for real genuine bargeins, we .0." giving them. ‘51]??? U." 6‘5“ . A feeling of Bath-II HATS. STRAW .HATS. FELT HATS. g; .u an amount: at. mu can-mo. cum». P. MGARTHUR CO. We’ll be heartily glad to have you come and see us, even if buying is not your errand. You’ll serve us just as much, perhaps, by looking, and you’ll find the looking a pleasant pastime. ‘ Our Motto (asâ€"Bargain and Bargainsâ€"it a com to be for the rest of the season. We are giving special bargains in Su_mmer_ Dress Goods. Family Groceries or Provisicns, Crockery, Glassware or Delf, THAN WE OFFER YOU FROM OUR STOCK. To our oft-repeated statement that meurc in Lindsay will you ï¬nd - Better or Cheaper BARGAINS ow that the cold mphahont over, Sumner goodswill boindemmd,mdwem pnpued with one of the ï¬nost assortmentuofSummerGoodswbeseeninthetnde,togive thebiggelthrgï¬nsoï¬â€˜emdintown. J. .7. Tuner a: Sons; , -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"WITH_.__.â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"' FLY PAPER ADHESIVENESS Our Men’s Fine Straws at 25c. 35c, and 506. are surprising ala Our Men’s Black and Colored Fedoras at $1.00 are a Bonanza. Stacks of Children’s from 50. up. E. Gregor:- See our 606. Corsets, regular price $1. 00. MILLINE BY- 303. 'WE STICK ARGH. HAMPBELL, FAMILY GROCER. Leader Chutes. Dmdy Ohms. Walling Machines. lest WWI. may Supplies. All kinds mm Dry m Bold] hiked hints Maxine, mm M White. landed Mm at VanL'IHP S, 0m“! Yap-1.3! ,‘2‘. mun, BEINGLII. um. BILL BTU". an ad WOOD. All Kinds of LUMBER. GEORGE BRYAN, (mums and mm Knnedy, Davis Son. Kennedy. D371; .9 Son. 10mm PRICES. â€"PIJCI m m mâ€" mm: a! Bebe.) ml. 112 "If 818137. P. HcArthur a Go. F. Van 0mg: George am. y New Advertisements. what. White Lawns and Muslins. White Embroideries, etc. Light Summer Prints. Delaines (all colors). Gloves and Hosiery. dud ‘30. Omit-AWOISLW M"â€" M 7010! um KAI-I0" mm “BRYAN! 0F IUSIC Ir. J. Parnell Morris, BWOBNRENT. F° ,,-â€" __ MUSIC. '1‘ PUB l .â€" noon 1‘0 H“ ....,..‘;.E...'3:.".:'m.§¥ mmmwmmammtm «W. N. Y.,udcolborno,0-t.â€"munah whmmmwtnwm- punt-worm“ '“m «Immummuo x Dun um go, which M. :95 46-" #_ LANING MILL FOB. BALLâ€"AI I tuned M9“ 9! gig Phant_mqunc_-. BARGAINS I". All“ 1th. 1“.â€".. | REELâ€"Two brick how. on York-u. mun-u- 9m â€"IB mm nompm musk»; my; m 16! In. ninth C. CHI T1708 . 142313?!