Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 May 1893, p. 5

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OW zttems to fuss Stock aranteed. tore. ma! job preperly .MPHOR STONE, . TS. ' OUR ’ flXiflfll anuan nding $1.00 ‘e Britaii INT féé'érharo Easiness Sea the Henryâ€"White Cotton! ' ‘ ' :{hNXh‘L‘i 5: Co’s. Prices. 5a.. 7c. 1:11.\... EM F1152 318.8: Dentistry It 5801““ Bonzllul Gold and Porceloln menl inflated Teeth painlessly oxtmo:ed.â€"-91-tt. /â€" ulna. Ghana. The mat mmua Renew order. oooulned tho followingâ€"19:11. West Durham, Battalion 0! Manny. 0.â€".\'a. 4 Compony. moansâ€"Tobe ind lleutenufl. provisiondly. John 0mm Bentlem o. in succession to Lieutonult John Honey. ttllmua. No. 5001119313. Omemoo- To be 221:! llenaenont. provision ly. Serum: nun Ran. vxce Fxodoxlok Armstrong. let: Div“ Res. “99 â€"vI-â€" v_.._.. - On the 13: of May Mr. J. J. Duly. tho well- known horseman. round (tom the proprieta- ahlp ot the Buy house. and his brother Edwnd assumed control. The lute: need- nolntroduo- TISDSKY, h‘uqu‘gC. in}! 32 aux-ms HERE AND Tfim The Adjourned lnqueet. The adjourned coroner's inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death 0! Josiah Bowen. noted inst week. was held Friday even- ing in the police court chamber. Several new humuee was elicited from their evidence to wow any itch: upon the and occurrence. The Jury aim-words returned the following verdict: -"Tha: the body or the lots Jooi‘h Bowen was found dead or the Decent chemo-“donut Tue-«y. May 23o. Mum mix of water upon the body Mtg“ W an elevated portion of me ”to! that the {mud condition of the dominant: the marks and bruiooe upon the bdrm be manned for by the position referred to, bus Index- what nix-comm the should come to be immersed in thew-cor wooro mniolo hwmbodoomcd neon-In: that on at not“ Galen-to- from m the diam: nub-ml 01 account, uhnn'fi b. mount. TI. Will “'1' of busing». will be in Mm WI“ I'Hhfl All to or and final momma“ M We mun-o mint?” which will m. M. I”. me count) on Jun. men an! um um. atom: 0: v3.31 chum?!“ to: the bosom of c a 5 mu m a fin shove mentioned. has: {5.0 Mal '91 m" an cult that not i N mum co“ m nu u a 1:3 p. It «m I. I con-H mm .Mmm 3.“ r kruwu AND 00UNTY2 imam This month we will show the greatest value on record in WhiteJGoods of every Sash-Nets. Curtain Muslins. Flouncings. Victoria Lawns. Swiss Muslins. Satin Check Muslins. India Muslins. Spot-Muslins. . Embroideries. may. M312. WHITE G 0 0195 We have a splendid range of the above men- tioned lines imported direct from Europe for this season’s trade, and we can confidently guarantee, besides giving an excellent choice, to give you values second to none on , this continent. \Ve are at present showing great values in Ladies’ Cashmere, Delaine and Muslin Blouses. New stuff and very cheap. M. W. KENNEDY CO. I. e’ umulvifi $61.“: Botol ““80- .â€"}Vn r. W. Kennedy. description. nolnu-oduc- tourism. 110380 '35 accident. m III I ‘ favored 1:! 2:33 3 If the north Victor“ ID to the old gnu-tar I want: mâ€" Mum’s wu jerk sud :10 BE Erwin“ a win-a Mt fights mg as B: m .kmm gamma a sweat us gumâ€"st “NEW; i ,wgu ma am a “388% mgsagisgnp gu‘g mm W“ a: denfii «its: new; $39 if. 1 9'qiack Mt- 4mm Gamphai uiammwmmm 3 WWW: Cold mm- mat mm a mat u mam accident. While waning the await: wwma ten: trii elem: dca oi on 3% “a mess; Wm ‘i‘m Mu? “ ° W2: joint. bsdiy silent? th “queen admitting cut top name third and diit e u on. “Me Alp inc and i noie were on edain". and qtteud d to the injuriea. Cam pheii is u son of the law. 8. Campb ball at Kinmonnt. end an a. wile and family in that villa tea. The scoi oidcnt will one! him the been part 0 the season ’a mix): Uncle Tom'e Cabin. At the Academy at Music. on Monday night next. Swtacn'e Uncle Tom's Cabin. with a double hand and orchestra. grand new aonal and choruses. end a grand production of thin excellent performancemlll o near. The Weak:- lngton Sunday Star aeya:~â€" he cut is a strong one. In the third act. the landing at the boat. "R. E. Lee." the has? darken working on the lev and the chi? va’a tearful precipitation into 0 river and her rescue by Tom. wae a life picture. Between the acts Sxeuon'e uniform Mood-y mangeâ€"lost Mr. Jones Hutton.‘ teemter. happened with o somewhet serious ecoldent. He was one of the men enmed cox-tin the refuse from the streetstothe low nroun opposite Mr. Msunder’s residenoeson Vtotorle avenue; end while rotor-ulna about A quarter to twelve hls team took fright noer Muuh's flour mm end no away. Mr. Hutton was Jerked over the dashboard to the ground end two wheels of the heavy wagon used over his thlah end lower port of the e omen. He was plohed up a tow mlnuteqleter end oon- ve ed to his home, where Dr. Wusou ottended to hJurlee. The horses continued thelr wild rsee along too eveuue and tuned dowu Kent- st.. causing e lively scatter. esthe street wee avenged with vehloleesndpedestflenl Saver-d unsuccessful attempts were made to catch them. - -- -Aâ€" m.__ 1:...- man-uh!!! In Arrest- but finally Mr. Tar-Hayes snoooede‘d V mg their wlid weer ow consumable risk to 1mm â€"m-. nae. Comm. «at-Gum Tenn. 1- homo oa-vmnohllmozher.flnE. Manon“ 'J.A.Bunonot3amawumton -â€" n- 1 n. .â€" --, ‘ â€"x:a. J. A. Bucknell or sauna-w :- m w-.. vjdnng her man. Mr. sud In- J. B. knowlm. â€"Dr. 3nd Milo Kempt. win! that: nut. mu Showman“: and” an m In“ with Hamilton trundl- ~Krvluu [1111000th Hove. 3mm councillor at! «land citizen. I. mm: 5 low .t m mwii'finfisz max Psi???) {mu-mu flaw mm mos. Mr 1682m- 43-“. nnuuny Loom."- hummmm «WM .mgoodlstout n W. A. 3W mum-53. -m.pmmmG.T.RllO‘-wmfl' www.mmam-n. _w. no comma! to mama!!! an vaginal-1m ”Macon: w mamaâ€"58. Aim-r 1a: m Arnol- m. No nor-l trou-Dhnflnfl took pm but Individual claw:- I'll-mu: â€"---- â€"â€"-.-7,, , mm afloatâ€"no. per nusâ€"6M. â€"Muflom are now in (auburn. um whoolohfldmudofiuu Madurai“: , A AL- _..A. u- n-Oh“ l-mm nofloo. Order! may bolottu'floonu' an: no mm matchâ€"67. â€"Ir.ruoh¢ofmmlhwudhnmum mien- to hulld ohm mum-ohm o houooo Dorm-Ila Sonoot m m- hl II My on tho you . Nata...“ |“¢mll.odd":udlllro ' 5 'u' "305' f: Pomhoro on. 0mm loll: not. '1'» “all took plooo u tho 0. P. 3. much. â€"'rho woo woolhor ot mt woo! oouood I o- r.” in lune: oloohluu our-doll. Ind lo I o maul muoh o! the rerun piled up lo hoop. wu momma by hot-Io- and nhlolu. â€""Tho Ooun man 00." oppoorod In tho And of M Wound? o to u m on loooo. Hour! 8. w ooholl. so old a: tum-m. wu tho nomad wu vary well "pool-rod. an. Albon Jowolt ll now lax-option: of tho won-known Warns-n llvory noble. hula: bought out Mr. Juno: 8. Ram. Ho 1- on or pounced llvory-mou. oud the public any roly upon NI hoopla: cood homo no vehicles. -Mr. and Mn. 8'. J. Duly out! Mloo Croft were called owo‘ito Powhoro Saturday lot by no" of Mr. Pun-lot Crolt or that town. brother of Mn Duly. Deco-lad won shout to you! of no out! lot: 3 wlto Ind two children. -. w-.. n. In.- 1â€" man‘- {Wu v. I..- â€". -V" _ -'l‘ho wont window of Ken- a: 00'. good: store hu_ “:1:qu much “tendon d an the fl __ .- .-.. -OOnnrl-A and immun- awn nu nun-um um... _---_._-_ , mt. week owlnl to the unmet!" and humon- loul manna-in which It is dressed Mourning goods_ulono are duplued. glad the muse- mon: u very clever. â€"A. Conn Doylo'l new novel. "The Ram- mel.” now mum in flu-pet'- Murulno. u nth-noun; much “nation on both olden or the Adam». The Publishen' Ghoul“. Landau. , -_ - -1 .LA a-.. “flu (“mu-fulfille- Anus sum» luv r on": “I In ono of the tow mu! snooeutui “(lei um. huvo appeared since the day- ot Soon. _ -- L .z.. \..-....â€"n‘ Ell-I uuvu U'vvâ€"vâ€" -___, _ -'l‘he younc India! or Uxbrld a bun termed an anti-slang society. and a vi 3 code of b) - luvs no now being prepared. the enter-come“ of which will be entrusted ta I. vigilance oom- mlttee. Undo.) young mm might. do like W â€"Mr. R. Rloh or Oskwood shipped one on- loul of mixed cattle to Toronto on Wedneedny. He utlll holds llve excellent fat onlmele 1:0me for u change in the oxvort regulators the: he may obteln 3 suitable mica“ ..Mr. John S - dan rt Oakwood elao shipped e oorloed or outdo to Toronto Wednesday- , , n , -n--- AL- nnklln 10 luruuxu n wum- â€"Da!plte the ehnru notice given the public Meeere. Peterson 5: Co. to 0': the: their hue!- neee on Saturday lest. the r cvenlng any. wle away beyond .11 ex condone. The clock Is now in shin-shape con Mon. and I lugs cone! - men! at new goods {me no every hit of null; 1e shelf-room In the lame store. _ u .4.-_|._.._ _-_Innnn- Bumv-ruum Au luv -â€"...- _V, , â€"Mr. Simpson. at the Ben telophono 0x10311350. report: that. peikht uddltlonn’ a ”one: 7 be added to the servloo. brinnln th ennm be: very clogs m that required for the nautnuon of :21 31' night: service Among the canon bars are Messrs. Paternal: (30.. . Loam ELBx-yanm Alf. Lisle and Fund!) In bux- Bern mu Greek . . ghowm n . . ‘ 3'19!) gig: Mars c t"? is; 30 P mu to act leot the love mitten and mnauct 0th at bu â€"A flourishing lodzaq aim mug :Tempm‘ bu xeoeuuv been organ! z me‘m berahip is 3:?de as 3! {31: 2 “Mind" il fluid; «Fifztratmtiifat- inOX’OBB‘o‘ 00%” a!!!" nLinduy th 521% n Inc 8with it the awe. of Rev '1‘.dl!.am%bol°j: Rev. New tonal“. Dr. Wilson and any at The cannon meat! on the am not third Tue- da evening 0: «ohm Month lathe Pumice Boyo' but! ‘ -â€"'l‘hore warm to be u wmitv o! modinm ~ .M. -.... n-Inor‘ hnngm in town (or rantingâ€"tn .â€"â€". v v.â€" -â€"'l‘her6 seam- to be 3 were!” or meaxuur sized and priced tunnel in town for rentingâ€"tn notwitnenudin the: qnlee e number of new one were built out same. Although Linda! is not or 05 inc any remukebie boom. the town in ateedi y forging them. Every eii'on eheu'd be put [0th to induce menuteotnrm to locate - - ,, -_ “2-. that tho mini: mny be Inela- «TRâ€"6:0 1 CANADIAN POST. LINDSAY, iw§mnrkoa maul-mi! door a ran Peltâ€"57¢. -mmon'rtont an no: lb. 3: Sam“ run all nun maxâ€"57. .157 Autumn's. an: you 0:10.. for to. m and menu «nuâ€"57. â€"Bsmu. 35o p0! dam: an amnion. Ho ouch. n ma rum lung-57. -5 my. won-and lunch .3 Quantum. an: our! to: m o! our gun“ btulsggbgo’u. tho Ill-1:0: In ma our man in Mylarâ€"53. , L A- x__ -m.‘ an! n ,Iw meeting with very good Inooen. judging from mememmukehomemr on one:- noon'e 09°“- â€"Wenroploued to know the: Hr. Thoma Mstehezt. the enemtlo “on: of the C. P. B . hu so for reoovemd from MI reoeno severe illness on to be INC to look otter busineee o portion of cool: an. â€"Mr. P. B. Memo-rate uh! three can of very fine cattle to Montreal of humor. They ore inwndeo tor the ex t undo. moon: the In! .1: n lhne-yt-u' o dibon_ weigh!“ 3.200, lot wee 3 three- not on non Wuugunu‘ ....... bnn‘ht from Mr. men! Catt: 0! One. â€"8etmdu lest we: on exceptional: good buelneee day for our metohentl. Then ween large crowd in town. not! ell come intent noon bnyln: eomethtn . Advertiser! in Tan POST. 11 never. xecelv the 110an were of the tune. -â€"‘1‘o promote end to Introduce the culture of tobecooe to Census. 1:. J. M. Porno: o! lion- numb wellinown duet mennlectnrer. bee lmnot mm mutton ot Bonn- tobacco 1). which he or n! a two: to no: one who eon _ win 7 at: now It. Wt to for a temple. - - . ...x Ln: nun MAL-L mm“ u 3." F'v l’e‘. to: ., c «W ‘kzfim fifi‘wfiffiifimfi .x‘ ' nztceto. “1‘11““ ’1‘ tnalu‘de u: 11:. :1; mg I. snowmen. be: "m u go a u emberflauflsgngudunéu bum up w the “none on t e u o ulna we the I oouoern "NI- -8etu:doÂ¥ eveolnc 1m oboe: 12 'olock e bro“ occurred n Perktn'e eleoulo ht eta Vernon ace. A we holdlna the guano poamoo tell one. enema: t on to rev. one u: cosine "tee ever." Too high eoecd seem emu-bed u eonxle ot plaice eed bone ecfote the engineer cool Imp m meohlnerr. None of thelemoe on the new wen burned out. but to: shout ten eeconde the ordleer‘ m endle- gown wee matured Into ebout .000. end In dunno: We! blinding. â€"0e Suede: "some lent. bolero we Rev. '1‘. M. Comabell commenced Me eermon. be me am the mute: ot prohlbmen bed been hung]: up in nu: leeel house. but bench e mane: It wee Impotelble to tskeeny «aloe. Union!» had did he wee In 1mm“! w! h the tutelage- ‘ htbmon movement. no woe not “mead mu ‘ hie vemment bed pom-r to pus ouch on not the navy council bed given in decision on . Ilâ€" mmnhall uld mg “mp. It wu immune w u"... “w." _, ,, , had mid he was In I mpuuy I! h the Iotupro- htbmou movemem. m. wu not named an his vemmont bud pom-r to pus Inch u: not nntl the navy cannon hud given in doohiooon the question. Mr. Onmpboll um um ump- hoat In the our balm 5nd an mu :- now Decatur, :- «new. per-lawns won oxalate pm of the amp- momma, nnnaeot props-m, u. ...... _--- , _ morbid tutu for the Indecent. Mun: instructed a an to destroy the hub. but the job wan oompetod be 1!» cannula! to withdraw mm. s; the town bud no b1 4"! to cover such non-o annual-atom would b: unbl- In 3 Ink for dam-us! onurod by the thou veopio. It manly“! to mammal the Acnduny to auto that but they known before tbo. wan-not Ind been ant-nod Into tho rho-o: nnpertbh oonIpnu thn m' meat team not hue been In a. but bong uteronmtotboy wmmunndtouundun. -‘l'ho entonnlnxncnt given In St. Paul's church Bunny-noun! mu Edd-y ovum E?!“ Q inc-l sumac. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 12 1393. any n Bom'l. Our new lines 0/ these Goods for Spring and Summer are worthy of the attention 0/ every lady in this community, and we earnest- § eclipse all 'precious eiorts of manufacturers in this direction. 3 3 lg request that you will make no purchases before seeing our beau- tiful and unique attractions. We are fully stocked with a 2 complete assortment of the Latest and Most Popular Goods, and g our Prices are all the closest buyer could desire. ________________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"--_._. Wlu'te Cluck Muslim, Vic- Sflk. Gloves; Black and Colored Silk 33 Kent BM Wu cm Baum. Houn- WV: think we are justified in saying I‘m.‘ “musâ€"n. '2'" aided in Lindsay. Inspection z considered, our Pnl 49% 40 Kent-fits and I and?! York- Siga of Golden Lian. H. w. rcaaflay. B. J- Carter. " M. J. GARTER. Keg! a; Go. we ate showing t/w Hezbomcst- and Most l W41 J3!!!

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