Hats, m 8012178281I frimmed Haï¬ ï¬iï¬cial Fluid is in Trimmlni «kit mun lndaay end » " .; yet niprzcd their Ianou'd cw! and seem, nra purf‘hnï¬il‘fl 0m“ PRICES RIGHT. WENBEKG RIG STGRB“: WNGE'. DEPARWT uwed a: m: f. BA is and Trim Ipecial prices. *1“ a mi .imfionery Store. n: 0.. 9-3. Kort-st . I.“ infra". 23"». :s1)l.-59-1y. and! Hardy LRDWOOD!‘ G20? G33 {arch 219' Basswood Le, Birch, and doth“ unlock. Tamar“ es, Pine and alts, delivered 1“? ndsay, or on m this district- ’1“ One or 'mm'o h. Mew/dings and â€at rma L .‘i 'nside Materi: v Special 3mâ€: 'lps and 33be mum BA .pared to give {arch 2rd. 1“: » not. or the 3 VII lO‘h. “KWâ€"805, G 5:3 A. UN†“2 ir )IéZl Yard} Plaster F 1d Cement r: O’Brzon. r Milli ginbatha 80L? Hrglzzbotham. ‘. A. L1 ttle. old, Ra t1: run Coâ€™ï¬ (I F LADI mon Bank. , 1891.â€" .: hmheat nu azrequxref. ahaud the Stock . Back and Static LIT'I' 1 to gave Barns. an (1 Wall PI new: :ralion and leave :3 for I ggle. {~33 IN G t -82. 303m 1:!sz 1 among my a: all times , Cambri BUILDE .IUR GARDEN [- ARMITAGE KWWKXIH. WHOLE NO. 1806 m rrs ronnm m3. P and Steel Garden Bakes,- Lawn Rakes, Garden Lines, ml Set..s, Hedge Shears, Pruning Shears and Saws, Pt. Tree Pmners, Hoes, Spades and Shovels, Spadinz :ks, I'ence Wire, Poultry Nott- Lowest Prices. Finest Quality. IT GUARANTEED ing, 24 to 60 inches wide. she:- Hose Couplings, Etc» American Green Wire 010th. Etc, Etc. EARDEN TOOLs 12.00 Suitlbgs Men 0! Hardware. 1'03» 3% liter, Cements. 011-. m", Ito. In“. April 20m. ESLâ€"79- -â€"We can mention to our- 6. Edwards 81 Co. BR’f-OWN'S BOTANIC .‘ to..- “d II ade to Order ’- AM 20th, mas-eons. '. Armltage. 5O FACTS 5O SPRING OVERIZOATS9 with the freshness and sprightliness of a city tailor made garment. All shades and weights, all sizes and styles. Your Spring ï¬xing up can’t be done better than at our stores, for we’ve FURNISHINGS, HATS and CAPS as well. THE Wï¬ï¬‚ï¬ERFUL CHEAP MEN, System clears out the goods, brings on a rush of .buyers, depletes the piles, makes room for new stock. They have been at it hard this spring. Everyone knows of it. The wholesaler, the competitor, the wearer, all know about what has been done. Each has felt Goughs’ work in his pocket. Have you boys to clothe 3’ Think of a choice of nearly 5,000 suits! Remember that the prices begin at 89c. and bring up at $3.75. Fancy the chances to select in between these limits. Their Stock! wheoï¬aw Their Clothing! Their System! ‘/ V Their Prices! AND MEN’S SUITSâ€"rare things these at the prices, starting down low and bringinor up at something under a $10 bill. Twenty sets of prices in between. Which set will you make your limit ? System is the Key-note. System enables Gough Bros. to buy the right goods, at the right time, at the right prices. Hap-hazard work won’t do. It’s system rules and Goughs rule by system. - â€"-A‘l'â€" “Alvvavs Good at GOUGH’S Gough Bros. BITTERS, “jutting the Tel Accounu of Messrs. DALY, GRANGE a: CO Napaneg. April 18th. 1894.â€"806-2. FIRST WEEK IN MAY, THE EINDSAY GREEN HOUSE. â€" -â€"_A_ 5... “‘Am MEMORIAL CARDSâ€"A very choic selection at: Tm: Posr Printing Oflice Cal and see them. This popular Ranch is still held by me. and only a. limited number of cattle will be tnken, u I am determined in the future, as in the t. that patmnizers will receive good value for th r money. Careful man in charge: stock suited regnhrly; an abundance of pure spring water and plenty of grass. I will pay the value 01 any animals when token i! strayed or stolen. TERMS AS USUAL. All accidents at the risk of owners. Stock received and delivered at Lindsay in the fell iree of extra charge. THOMAS ADAI. Lindsay, April 6th. 1894.-805-3. PASTU RE. E’ALBOT 1:1 VER RANCH. L‘ __ In the Matter of the Guardianship of GEORGE NEWTON J. HOOVER, SOORATES HOOVER and OWEN H UGO HOOVER, infant children of the late George Hoover and Jane Bacon Foster. Application will be made by Joshua Galloway. of me City of Paterson. 1n the state of New , _. .3- 17....“ 9mm: of mom. I) NOTICE. of the City or rlwuuu. u. w- -7.-- _- , , J Preey. one o! the United States of Americana; Presbyterian clergyman. the uncle of the infants, to the s to 00an of the County of Victorâ€. before the Judxein chambers. at the Court House in Lindsey. after the expiration of twenty doys from the ï¬rst publication hereof. for an order onpointing the acid Joshua Galloway gnu-dim of the we intents. We Newton J. Hoover. Socntoe Hoover and Owen Hugo Hoover. JOSHUA GALLAWAY, By MCINTYRE 8c STEWART. his solicitors. Detgd ot Lindsey. this 12th day or April, 1894. “The Fort†RaHChe, of E£n% Inâ€. ‘ld Stock) Ml, Attention! The undersigned no to axe In Cattle Ind Horses at the following rates: Horses, all ages. 81 00 per month. Cattle. all ages, 50 cts. per month. Wstor, salt and shade summed. Cums to handed in I out, loam», ball mam . A wri Mann of who!†Manda-woe. Orna- rkk all Incidents. m to ho mid when nook no lined. No W, no cattle- No entire home. or 1mm!!! m was. an. Nam“!- Call and see our Green Houses. Undaay. FLO/Mi DESIGNS a specialty. New Advertisements. 'm Fort.“ R. W. \V. DALY will be m uniâ€"1503A non: the PASTURE -â€"â€"__-v -‘ , EDWARD nuxsom. :3 Buzzing Basra". Gilt ï¬nd Bedding Pun“. Apr!) 17th. 1393â€"41. Would fail to do justice to ABOUT @Iljm @mmhmn 9911211 Brothers: Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, - - $1,400,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at Most current ntefl. 80 notice at withdrawal required. ROBERT ROSS. REE vou INSURED? R. G. Cornell wishes to inform the public the: he has succeeded to tne business at the less 8. Cornell. end is brewed to do s Reuerel Insur- enee business in the tolloiwng nest-elem Fire Ineursnce companies:â€" The Alliance, the (old) Hartford, the London “W60 “Mr-$10!. Policies issued in the ofliee while you wait- Rleks token against damage by wind-storms- Any business summed £0 .me wlll recalve prompt 3nd careful attention. . n. G- 0031mm [JINDBAY AGENCY SEASON OF 1894. to: on from All point! connecting with the G r. w- . vim-Pm Perry. unduly. Fouelon . cannon. new, nannllatermodluo Dolmen as ’3 Island Roadale Stu eoannt obca Ball Lake, Jacobjs laud. Chemona ark Buckhorn. . ur h. eta. or our! excursions tram one runny to another. “man u Intern of v-â€" .v the But Wad of the Town of him ruling Pu’k Lot No. 10, W. t. George-m, 3} lens, having built th a nest I! cont-ï¬ning nix room; with outbundlnal‘ DIM III! .. .__n .4...- .m. WMINION BANK. COLUMBIAN agar. New A dvertisemen ts. 0R E PALATIAL EXCURSION- STEM Dommzon Bank;- MONEY T0 LOAN. B. G. Gomez]. in; s, want-sun. LINDSAY AND PETERBORO. TINT W -50“; LINDSAY ONT. FRIDAY APRIL 20 1894. «mammal-2.x. maul-mums. Mmmmo [u' SETTLERS TRAINS 0:118qu Péciflc Railway N CRT-WEST :80. your nmflmd Lang-nag»; “Free Facts, Farms and SleepefSI†T. 0. MA TGHETT, 496M. MANITOBA 3, 31-1 tton Bros. An 11mm: â€on. Commerce-nous nu) mom-s â€" run omen or rows pursxcux vecm- none nears FOB rm: ITEIITS. A regnler meetinsoi the town tethere wee held Mondey evening evening in the oonnoil ohember. The bttendenee oi ren- peyere wee emell end the prooeedinm Ren- erelly were oi the temeec. The members preeent were Meyer H. Walters. Been Kylie. Dem-neon Grendel! end Johnston. end Conan. Bryene. Tonehbnrn. Killeby. Anderson. O'Helloren, Robineon end Steples. The minutes of the lee: meeting were reed by the clerk end on motion were con- From Mr. H. Sluon, «king for unide- wulk on William-3L, tooth or Calhoun-It. Return-ed no “not and bridge â€Ingram. II“... n. Yak-I It.l?-â€"l-M â€" Fmfli Dr; Jab-I u.xr..â€":'~‘-aum o- wrun- drewn. end the: the expeneee connected :hfodcoet or printing himâ€"Received end y . From J. J. Wethernp. treeenrer of we Centrei Cherity committee, eekinz for e arent or $200 to my outezending dehte, end promising to eubmit eeeounue inter.â€" ierred to the iinence committee. From R. Sutton. eexinz council to build heir of e fence running between hie pro- party end e town ionâ€"Reierred to town prover-1y committee. with power to ect. From G. W. Neee 8: Co.. Montreel. with reference to e ï¬re eierm eyetem, end en- clceina teetimcniele trom Eat Toronto end Buggeâ€"Reierred to tire end weter com-, m c. From A. S. Mchnell. eekinn the ecuncih to consider tevcrebly the eppliceticn for exemption on polee end wiree mede by the Bell Telechone Co ...... Some little dlecue- eicn took piece upon the subject, when it wee decided to £er the ccmmnniceticn. From A._Mc;Arth_nr_._ on blehelt ct Mre. _ _ 4L- _-__ IILSOI 'll.80l. - PROPRIETOBS. G. E. Wnaox. r w. Wm ‘nv-n â€" Jorden, oi Feneion Fella. asking the coun- cil to my 82 per month rent for 3 hence occupied by 3 person who in being eup- ported by the Centre! Clarity committee. â€"Beierred to ï¬nence committee. An emunt item the Conenmere' Gee Co. for $76 % for querter ending April let wee reed, end reierred to the anenoe commit- "vilEPOBT OF THE POLICE COMMITTEE. Conn. Axnxnsox, oneirmen. reported the: the police eeoonnte tor Mex-oh had been exemined end tonnd meat. It wee ello recommended the: the eeeieuent policemen receive $25 toprocnre e new unit. or eiothee. Conn. KILLABY numbed thee e like enm be given w Chief Boil. end the eheit- men eeid he [Led no_objectione to doing eo, , 7* -_e__‘ 1-- AL- only thet oflioer bed not naked to: the grant. The report wee mooted. the mount tor clothing being changed to $50. was nw men noxm. Moved by Dem-new CBLNDELL. eeeond- ed by Conn. Ronmsox. the: e committee comprieina Coons. Blob. O’Hnlloren. end Tonohbnro. representing the did’erent wade, be npvointed to loeete the eight new letter boxes canted by the 900th- M’ -cWe Eh: (vanadium; gust. ed b Reeve Rum. ucondod by mï¬puxg. am the council Instruct the , 7,-LA_- L- _.__l.l-_ gL- Eons water commitâ€"93370 consider the “viability of hsvinz u few more “not Helm 1:1de indm‘omt pub of the town. loaded. mmmmmynu tn)“. hamyuhon.zondolu gliding m deep W Manama-u. an Mu° “I“! mum cube mm MM‘ www.mwouotmmaubyhb W;uflodoul book and n gloriou- unblea- cmoruudtomrosrofloo‘ndw I “P“ numberbdomtheymtulon Moved by Conn. Stuns. seconded by Conn. Axnnasox. thu ln tutu. no mom- bar ot_ mg 90an Hull have “thorny to A_I.,.L__ ____-A LL- mwâ€"MWwV- 33:51: the town solicitorâ€"iioibi' the Inner mama! thedunoooom- Dog-roan Osman pointad out tint they" oiroody a by-iow covering the m . Mont Warns inquired of Conn. Sioploo who the nation mountâ€"uh» mommihmiouookinaoohommom the mi: method i Conn. Smumnoiiodm he ind boon informed tho! I rm loving: plight PP miiuo. mutton mummy eunuch Gamma-dub- Ably mu; exhibits mm through munch ï¬gcud bfâ€"eiitnï¬uliz' the habit of council- lot‘l '50 My 9'? Qua“ on ““9? , n .u.. I.--â€" AVID "“w_â€"-'â€" v _ _ ,7- 7 mucu- Ho (Shula) Ind she been in- tormod by n prominent lune: oLtho town that main momherlottheoonndl ob- tslnod odvloa In mute nutter- ot the of the town. Mont Warns told he would be brood comma motion ontotonlor. Dan-roan Cmnxu. thought then m not tho ought-t truth In the Intel-motion “991M Conn. Shulaâ€"ht, no! one. Ind more continues In tho‘ member: or the mum magnum-unman- nnl nod also. «one Journos add that wan- ho ho Mt WomMph-nnlnmmmd mmuMthu-smw' mmphotofltphic rum-In- KW 5mm,mmmmdwmflww mum o! . wondering road: Imam" mmmmm‘mw thousandth-knack. dam in Gain-I LI NDBA Y TO WE GO UN GIL. 10 cm DOWN uw xxpxxsns. TEB WORLD'S FAIR. OOMMUMOATIOXS. A TINY MOTION. Dr. Bunnows wss noted his opinion. end he advised the: Mewe be turned out at the home and the police be instructed to lmmedinhelr take him before the meals- true end hove him committed to cool. when he would be well token one oi, end this oonree wee decided upon. WY MATTERS AND THE MECHANICS, 1881111788. On motion permission woo accorded Col. Deeoon end S. Irwin to eddreee the coun- _flmmW‘o§g§ tune. He hed eleo been uhed byennm- beret citizens wall the eitention of the council no the condition of the eidewelk ouuide of the corporeticn leedinz to the Rivet-aide cemetery. It wee e hvorite wclk iorrtheicownapeople in Ehe evenings W, _n.n_,__ Dcp. «can 03mm acid it the council my. to commit 3 mm to Incl they would become “Laughing-cm" for the whole community ; it would be necessary to turn the old man out at tho homo and then the police oiilccrc would uncut him and com- mit him to __guol u u "grout. _MIy 6r WIlurIâ€"“Aro we going to turn him out Ind let him wander the urea without I home 9" Sâ€"Ia‘w; 'm' am nu n... "â€" ukod to type" before the council with Mr. Irwin 3nd at themembon Io nuke the nun! ngnuul gap: t9 the Mgchmica‘ inatt- J L7____. w..- A!!- u... -v --â€"_'--,.- and on Sand-n. cut! my of our cltiuns who bud loved ones buried there valued the cemetery trequontly to cttccd to the gnu-I. The 17.1: w in u dangerou- condlflon. und 1! the council would grunt humane-mm Iopluccltlurcpdr he under-mood an! the cemetery compuuy would contribute the bcluucc. Ho Also felt it Incumbent upon hlm to rater to the ccudluouctjhc 014 â€pageâ€. out of the 7; â€"â€" a‘_‘ upon leernlnu the tech ofthe cue m the lulle- c! the General Cherlhy commit.- tce. However. ehe old men wu flesh end blood aka the reel of them. Poverty we. heal-uncut“ weeecmumeeverylnccn- unlenx. sod he would connect the: he be pleoedlneome hoopla! where he wulbe well cared tor. It won pointed out that he could not be placed In 5:. Joeeph’e hcepltel. Pemboro. a he wee not on Invalld. Conn. Bwu connected the: he be com- mitted to gecl, wherehe would be well taken core of. Conn. Stunts did not thunk the council 1h Wanna-"It :- .11 mm win: more flay “new; tho mold m 8: wollto dowlth mulm '- â€"- -- vv_-V_7 town. which required tencinu. Some you: ago he had euocooded in obtaining n grunt to: that purpose, but it was ngcin in n dilnpuineod condition, nnd nnimnle room- od ct will won the guns of Lindsay’- nns comets. e thought the council could coolly obbnin control of the property. it oho right eiepc were token. Boon Kurt, scandal by Conn. Bum. then moved the: the council gun: $100 to the Linden! Mochnnice’ institute, the motiontohe referred to the ï¬nence com- Mnyor Warm culled “tendon to the one of GomMoweuvho wo- nov “the Roma not the Aged. but would Inn to be removed. a he gnu too much trouble. and the oooommodguon wo- sloo ill-amount. Den-icon Jomwron mint-ken ihot'ho Mlbepn tngrly ‘fpypgoflzodj ghe othqday flaunts-w nunâ€"B â€"â€"-â€",.. -_- '__- , owing to the estebushmens of seva other llbrsrles in the town. Members of the bond list! some shout sown h» In head soliciting people sojoln. with dinn- polnslng results. Only (or the llhersl geyergmegt aunt. supplemented by county Anil.-- _-_I.I h-“ 5.4! On “Uvuum-wâ€"q -â€" _ old. the iuetitution would heve hed to suspend long ego. He hoped the council would nee lit to grant the emount noted. no to let the luetitutlon no down would be e eerioue reflection upon the intelligence of the town. The motion wee then put and curried without n distention voice. 'ro LID TE] BAND. Mr. Wm. Veltch. secretory of the Citi- zen- bree- hend. wee then head in enp port oi the communications cent in by the hendnt loot meetinc coking the council for nanntoi m to help my n hnndmeetet end to ourohnoo new lnetrumente. It the uncut we- not forthcoming they would hove to diehond. on $500 were required nnnnnlly to pey expeneee. end the members could nothoulbly nine over $30. lleyor urnsoeld‘thnt pen-goodly h! L903? 01' m name: comm Conn. 81121.3, churn-n. pro-cow! tho mt. winch mutated psynunt o: momma mu: 1.)“;an ................. 8 9g. Wlllu Ill! ....... v... v--_ Mayor Warns eeid am My he wee inhvor of keeping up the bend. However. I committee hed gone enoni town lee: unmet soliciting eubecripxione. end spawn beg! notvet beenpreeented; , L.) L-..“ ‘LA-e h- Ill“ .Iwws- u.- -v- .v- v--_ um: am noon ma urea? ihom no: would noï¬ Inpport linking a grunt ...... Ic m maxed :23.th committee would ,7- IA- _-_-.L -5 -‘-' Iult h m pad on that u m may-Mhnludnnun. Conn. Btu-us sou-000M Mao: Warns and than was six-My s by-bw m the point “M. â€M." quatly Conn. Sm’ motion '" 0'“ °t mm mm mt . II that. N no: . uy-bw. u be . he (ll-m Wuhan) would 59010312: to ï¬rst gondo- TOWK PBOPM NOT DBPBICIL'HNG. Hand by‘ Don-rave Cmnnn. wounded I! Conn. 8033113013. an: the clerk be , , ,___‘-_p_ .1-» 0.- 13! com 01’ REVISIOR. TERMS_;_$1.00 PER YEAR. PERKINS DRUG 81‘0“, Nudity. 25m.aBox. me aaKldueyA catamaran!» momma. I DR- LLOYD’ KIDNEY PILLS _ Iqu pointed out tint the familial re- ferred :0 would not call In the town phi-I- chn It my nu. Flnnlly the dlflerent unendment: m ‘umdfuwn with the ops-en; of maven and ..--- x0 mrw cur ms nun. Reeve Kym thought the: Den-me J obneoon’e motion we: the better one. Conn. GILLOGLY geld the condition in his wtotthe town was very â€done. adiab- thefln hed broken out In three lemma um clone Moths. __ I Den-mere Omani. congested then the hwlicetione be referred eo e committee ‘> comprising the mayor and the three reevee. Conn. Toucnnmm was in iovor oi mk- ion the â€continent oi once. ee eeverel eerioue ceeee were uniting (regiment. Cone. 81'an moved the the none of Dr. Herrimen be 1:1er in the hy-lew no town physician ...... When uhed it he knew the: Dr. Herrimen would not he ed- miteedthethe hed onlyheeneoldec by e third pony. Dep.-reeve J aimsron cold the: in moh- ina eopoinumenue without knowing tor cereein the! the nominee would act wee o bed preciioe, eometimes melting in the port] “getting beck" e: the council tether eherply. I'hecocncil should here the ep- plicesione in head. end then nuke their eeleccion. ï¬xing the eeleryet e deï¬nite Inn: to cover ell emdenoe. Conn. GILDOGLY, moved. seconded by Conn. O'BALLORAN, the: Dr. P. P. Bur- rowe be ennoineed town physician e: e of $150. eeid remoneretion Iooover eoet oi medicine end enendence upon in- flections dieeeeee. Conn. STAPLES moved on unendinent to the emendment. thee Dr. Eerrimen be ep- polnted ee_e «leap! $190. ‘_ . __ Moved by Reeve KYLIE. eeaonded by Conn. Toucnnm. that me charm of the ï¬re and wear commmee be empower- ed to__ pqrcheee ‘22..â€â€œ2‘ sprinkler hon: _eAA .. L__- bl.- .uaolï¬dnou econ 5 333 auto 9537? can 33. 8 31 and gamma acoflnom .uua \\|!1!}v|? E)I|\. I) ’9 Spofllnx noun. â€"The Independents of Cobourz have organized «them Theyexpoonocnrn outdmm â€Mameuumouhnyou. â€"Bobcsnreon bicyclists have cranked I club. with W. Read. an“. and Dr. Bake: mm Tummmeichtwheolunuw vmnce.mdothonhsvebeenorderod. â€"0nluch8t.hlut.on the Victornmm ushnoetï¬ohshoueumedmwuhm lbsnvmoveredthreemuainaabmm world'smfltorthndmoemhlchmw. â€"m mum of 1m 91-yar- odled to: FMennlnstldnou-ufltm theta-ma- A nmcu. scum Moved hy Den-move James-mu. mand- ed by Conn. Toucanm, can the clerk be mounted tons: tor Applications for the position of town plum. Some mus (ll-canton wok plus a to the [acuity of the proposition. but It won may! um ghergonnclrl_ nu; the porn 09 ready. appuesuona It may in not Movedbmeoreen (Mm-ocul- byOmenmrnnnmm-mot m mam mud-macho tho udovnlk Indus to the 3mm. mammmtmodwtho â€commu- Minuteman)â€. . ‘11 '1 11 :1k4 . «Sign». Ranâ€"Boa 05 338800535 38.1.3 9.35.390“ Gag-«auhfltlfla.g .3 885cm 3.. 8 «52!. 2:555: Egg-8613:13- uunuo =0 380:0 0533330528859 0 on a. 05 coon. yo ha? 0553535: 283... igniaauaigflâ€"Ju BBSBEBaIBIoaoAa doggone 83%.. 8.33.323: 3305635381 agg.ia¢5u§okl $392305 oflggoBuStuEQSES-‘ol :36 95 no .333 058454353303. 9253 283 .1 Bangâ€"33$ {Gaol â€Dadaoa 98 s5 (imam to much. councillnmdodm ‘Iuno hudlyhlr teamwhohadg ‘tlwrtuueulylnm auto-mm mandala.“ um vim â€Rm. Gunny-dd «’3. no. www.mmmmmm mm mnmnomn or 11mm Moved hymn-non Cmm.uocond- ed by ComO‘mmemhuflnmd mcofssobemndowmhwdotm wmvlnomulaxm Conn. SIAM mood!» know win: Incidental-them Indtopuy. Mr.S.Irwlnexnhlnodthu-smutund wwforthepuchuootdhtnbcâ€" hat-Jar burying dead mums, on.“ thongs werdor‘onmouldu-lng suspicion E a mumâ€"w“ ._-- 3nd Young’a Point look In communal by $6 max-lo government! Alto why lock-co 'I chased it Peterboto am: no: 3: Your. Point. 3: Burlelsh And not st Wei: 2 ummmnmmmm‘h mummmum.uwm ammmflumuhout.dflmbiw . , L__._._ m-ï¬-IԠ-.wwâ€"a vvâ€"v* Iâ€. ' «museum mm wont. Mm W W m mmau.homer.mmhl consents-ind!» gosh-mmâ€- Tie council than sdjonrnod. ______ , ,, mm" maï¬a: dam mddï¬n- Den-non Cum) in sum-t (I III- 9M._nl¢_l mxé'fï¬â€™mu. dum- Ind rmum’ rawâ€"517m â€".