Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Feb 1899, p. 10

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over) proto Fm Cl” 3h wu Th 1': bk (Correspondence to The Post.) A very pretty wedding took place in the English church at this plaw on Feb. let, the principals on the happy occasion were Miss Carr 0 Cap}: and Mr. Charlie Bepburn, of Lindsay, who were united in matrimony by Rev. Mr. Marsh, of Lmdsay..1‘.he wedding march was played by Miss Clara. Sy- monds The bride was given away by her father. She presented an attrac- tive appearance, being gowned in cream cashmere with satin trimmings. and were a bridal veil. She was attended by Miss Lillie Cook, her sister, The groom Wassisted by Mr. Wes. Wilâ€" son, of Lindday. After the‘w'utdm all the invited: guests draws to Kr. geeks father of the bride, and perm: of the good Wrowided far we min. ‘ The w m mm” seventy-five guests. oompris‘mgre tiom and intimate friends. Among we invited m. may Our enterprising farmer. Mr. G. .W. Hardy, :3 reported as having a. yield of five- bushels per acre of al- séke c'Eover. 10 Quite a number of our young peo- ple attended the basket social held at the residence of Mr. D. A. Allan-son on Friday last, and report a jolly Misses Susie and Bertie Osborne were vis: ting friends at Port Perry last week. Miss Edie Wxigit has just returned from a two weeks' visit. with friends Castorla [yon mus Mel-‘9 Liver Bud‘s u‘ducy 3 Boxeo {01' Dr. Williams’ P _ PENIEL. (Correspondence to The Post) On account of quarterly meeting be- ing held at the Salem appointment on Sunday last, our Sabbath school con- Vened at ’2.-'0 p m. It 'ooked rather (o;- apicuous at first. for the lack attach- era, but finally the gaps were filled up, our worthy teacher. It‘s; A. White, assuming one clas_s. Ber soothing. op- timistic expianations to the young es- tablished her reputation as a teacher. By the way, our respective teachers of SS. No. 3 and 9 are reported to possess more than ordinary ability. Our friend MT. Weatherilt l3 spoken offlags a_rnusical genius. LIST medicameutnm 5 Battle. for n White Pine Balsam Indian Root Pius Nailsâ€"J. G. Edwards. Four Callsâ€"NV. H. Shaw. Savant Wanted-24 Mill-st. ' flh‘snscontinemal Routeâ€"61,12. Clothingâ€"E. E. W. McGaftey. St. Valentines Dayâ€"R. 5. Porter. Silver and Plated Wareâ€"Briton Bros. Hotel Property for filoâ€"Mn. Hon”. Pants to Orderâ€"Dundas .d‘: .Fhvello Bros. Farms for Sale or To Rentâ€"“7. J. Blay- lock - Tenders fur (‘ordwooi-County of Nictoria. Muslin Underwear Flavelle Bro; Mrs. McWatters. LLndsay. is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Milligan. Miss Mabel Staples as visiting friends in_ Lmdsa y UNDEAY, FBJDAY, FEB. 10. The annual meeting of the Fleet- wood cheese factory was held in the Temperance hall on Wednesday, the let. The followmg' officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: W. Hannah. preabJ A. Wood..;sec G.W.Sason.. directors. The whey was dispose d of toJ. A. W003. Mr. yWood lowered the price of making the cheese froch‘ .cper pound to 1 3l4c. Mr. J. Sutton, of Carman, Man" is visiting" friends here. (Correspondence to the But.) .We have to chronicle this week the death of an old. friend and neighbor â€" Mrs Thos. Robinsonâ€"En her 92nd year. She was one of the early pioneers. She- had been living with her daughter lbs. Thee. Shea. of 'late....Also the wife of Jacob Hart, at. has passed away. MT. Hart. is slowly recovering. i 00 A L NEWS-LETTERS (Congnondenoe to The Pant.) Grand sleighing. but many (armors. a well as cit-129115, are unable to take advantage of it owing to the h. grippe. Miss Sadie McDonald was visitiwher (fiends an Uphill and Horncastle last week. ‘ _ . . . Ac I\-..6-M Dru-d, Do not mm: the hit of‘tho‘a'ea‘éoaâ€" a basket socialâ€"under the auspices of the Victoria Road Division Nov 24 at S. S of T., on the evening of Feb. 15th.‘ in Cnvmh’s ball. A good! (mgram is being prepared by the members of the lodge, and dainty baskets are being made. to be furn‘shed with delicious pie, cake, etc. Admission fee for those not bringing baskets. 10c. . M15 Bella Grant is at present visit- ingi friends in Beaver-ton. LIPPORD. (Correspondence to The Put) The Manvers Temperance Society was re-organized on Friday evening, when the following Voffioem were eleébed: F. Staples, 9:05.; Miss L.. Wetherilt, vice-pres; J. W. Dundas, 9942.; E. A. Atkinson, treats; E. Wet!!- ilt, E. Mitchell, Misses Wetherilt ,and At_k_inson, mqnaging committee. mat weex. Miss L. Cuthbert. of Portage Bond. was visiti friends here last week. Mr. and rs. W. Hoyle were visit.- ing friends at Gelert last week. We are looking forward for a tan n [11m Paint the 17th or Fog. nun». We are at [am 1: 3M 111:. John Bnmhaw is very low with WW- The Weelgjylost: 3 Boxes for a bun:- for OF NEWADVE‘TISEM ENTS: BALSAM. LAKE (correspondence to 1:114 Nut to the 94151“: HIGINBOTHAM; - $3M GAMERON. FLE ETNVOO D. a Pink mm 5 LIST; Pills Pflls to the Pat) Snleâ€"Dundas 8r. 0n! Pm» Our Pr‘co 50c 800 85c 50c 30c 250 236 $1.00 25c iMr JR. Phillips hag completed his new drab factory and is now turning on:1y thousands of beautiful butter pats dg‘ .' E'Kl The piling grounds :1er the star, tion am 'dly being fillqd with undred cords be” _. 3,, 3 ‘ Mlfiugu. whom Mod unoxpec to ly, was “toggling! the or- mummmmmim 31“» The social held. on Friday evening of last week for the benefit of Mrs Fer- guson. of Norland, who was a sufferer tram loss by fire recently, was a. grand success, thirty -four dollars be- realized. We yunderstand other aocials are to follow in the homes of well wishers 01 the distressed. \Ve hope for all the heartiest support at the Make _ COBOOONK. (Correspondence to The Post) The following are the names of the pupils in the senior division of our school, arranged in order of stand- ‘ ing, for the month of January Fifth Classâ€"Lesley Richman, Wesley Shing- ler.Mabel Clifford. Fourth Class. Part I, â€"Walter Avery, Pearl Fockler, C. Dayman, Cecil Birchard, Willie Revel! John Finlay. Fourth. Pert 2,â€"J. D. Hall. Allie Wilkinson, Pearl W ikinson, Katie befatt, Milton Hum, Alfred Ball. Ethel Forster, Herbert Forster Karl E ymere, Etta Waffle. Fourth. Fourth Part 3â€"Stella Harvey, Mabel Milli gan, Bertha. Richman, Birdie Waffle, Harry Holland. Third Class. -â€"Percy Blrchard. Lloy d Wilkinson, Fred Arbuckle, Laura yGunn. Robert Graham, Minnie Graham. M1“- mmuwu, us Wmv-v ,' and mm. Hall. a! 0mm; 3:. Mrs. Ellsworth. o! ”hora; Maud Mn. Hoary. of Ops: Reeve snd Mrs. Hopkins. of Ops. {rho preunts were numerous and. many of them vnlmble. We am glad to see Miss Annie Mc- u_,.;. h... visitim under the parenul "WEE; cm to be m Nnbb home Vvisitinc and" roof. 109mg; yell. -A_-_-~a I. (WWW an. Smâ€"Tflblfl [or 190; Cotton. WM Funneleyae. vzgs 7° 1-- night. . , tr. Don Stacey Is makxng sour. im- provemenu} in his brother store. 39;; is not afraid to turn his hand to a god aot wherever he {thy be.- Mfins Dora BoblnEOn is visiting the MSW Brown, Fleety‘mac {ad Man ‘- Atkua and Mr. Robmson. 0: Hope, are 11qu 0Q}: short visit. 7 ‘ being ended, the happy young couple took the train at Manilla Junction amid showers of rice and the good wishes of their many friends. FLEmwou, (Correspondence to ’1.“ Post) Sickness is very prev L’ent m- grippe in nearly every how can oyster supper this Friday boast was proposed to the parents of the bride, and was responded to by the bride's iather. A toast to the mother of the groom. was ably respond- 9dx_to by {my algae; son. Richard. This Mr Ede-d Follis, of this pin . ,, hired with MT “’11:. McKee. 01pm! “‘d for the summer. - '.to mad about the 15t‘1‘f‘1‘fm‘rhgomto Dean's farm. as 9“ . BACK” “a it rented for 1' car of h to the Pete ': ' “m!” ”Pm" “7'. W0 ‘3‘! have :1 packimhouee. 033. ' - rboo wedding In the springâ€"there Deena Mrs. J. Robinson. an .old lady of 't° 1” an attraction over on th‘.’ 25d ‘0' - comma! our young people. 92 years. was buried here on Monday. Some of the farmers we I . Min out of their crmriee end on yet have MANILLA. - failed to explein the dineppeerenot, (Correspondence to The Put) On morning one of the (amen on the 11th went out to his born. and who On Wednesday. February lat. a very trap-door he .their daughter :1 '6 was united m the grand anticipation of finding the The bride was becomingly attired in thief. and just. *nacmed' 1" M. him - - - - g by the neck. When he stepped inside blue cloth trimmed With white silk and . lol d _. tl w tl lar turkey 1 r1 trimmings. The bridesmaid I , . . . figs ery ilta - was gobbier help“ himself from a. bin 0! w A" a r of trndbtrrnmed oats. This ought to be a turning to farmers to keep their grain. locked up. Query-What lady got her finger. also dressed in blue serge with white velvet, while the groom was ably supported by his brother Frank. After the wedding march was very frozen in church Sunday night? . . appropriately played by Mia Evelyn ' Mp Phaden, of Woodfille. {3e gemmony PLEASANfi P015 ’1'. was new by V- - . Dean. (Correspondence to the Poet) of Sunderland. After-partaking otthe? The grim reaper is fast removing beautiful ”Pa“ prowded 9‘ Wt V83 the landmarks of our section. We have 9mm by MT- D8“ t“ “*5 ”Nev lhinweektochmnicletthe deethottwo and W33???“ “.33 the $51?“ A of our oldest settlers. Mr. Samuel ' W “mm “3 P’°‘ Endicott and Mr. Robert Poole. Mal posed and responded to by the rooms- - m: m in order .ot .P’mginsa e Efiwtmlmugh3191593322“.mI (Correspondence to The Post) , j and a: Mr. Jae. Boyd, who has been continent...“ to tha hour. ’0" general week; Owing to “firm a crushed foot, is. we are pleased to 4 1 note, able to be out among h’a friends ‘ will“; «88ft?- Inga Lu. Almost every person in the vicinity has been. visited b that dread disease. grip and althoug great. tinny .nre fairly well again. th a apatients are stil numerous. Mir. Thos. Jones is verv Yaw, “1d ow- “LA-â€"â€" nu..- m“ uuunnvuw. Mn". Thos. Jones is very iaw. ma aw- ing to his extremes age (being ovu- so) very little hope of his recoury is‘on. tertained by his friends. . . Miss Mabel Stinson, of Jauetville. :3 Mrs. '1‘. visiting with her sister, Mfills. ; -- u..u LALâ€" nit-l n";0flt‘ There is a good deal or sickness around here Just now. La. grippe seems to be the chief trouble. . .VVm Imho ooyhl n horse use» w for An etfort was made last week to get up a bee to get some wool for Mrs. Brabazon. Nearly eVeryone turned out ‘ and a. large pile o! wnol is the result. 1 The official meet'ug o! the quarterly ‘ board in connection with the Sunder- land circuit was held here on Moods]. The state of the finances is encourag- ing; enforce the churches and per- 1 aonaee property is concerned this eir- cult is entirely free from debt. m flan-dammdmmiQfiODO to-do farmer, and respected by all who had the pleasure of towing him. He m74yoursofag~ehndhadboan§n poor hoolth for about amt. Hi; to- maine were followed to the E Iish church cemetery, CaVanViJJe. by a re» coneoume of mourning friends and rolstives. 'A family of thnoe daugh- gorsand'oae son is left town the (the 811996 i5 very! bad have at prea- l t° 5“" a!" eat. every family having a me arm 3' "8 fl 1 MT- G- A- Quigg shipped two cars of )lr. Tb“- stock from here this: week. one being a. - h“ "“3er fine W 0‘ 11083. to the Peterboro ' Du!” 11m: packim house. , ~ . woddug 111 Mrs. J. Robinson. an .old lady of 't° b° an “1' 92 Years. was buried here on Monday. ”no.0! 0‘“ PINEDALE. (Correspondence 4° The Post) Revival meeting are still being held mmgtqp‘ gcormpondonoo to the Post) FENELON FAJEJS‘ a- Iouerage is reparing to house in east ameron and. gram is drawing the stone adnt'on. Who wjll be .the I. Iv adv _., in George '3 case? deal of sickness :§W% istobc I "v-.. arrived ‘, of son. Fourth Seniorâ€"E'lu May Brein Wilfred Hum. Fourth Junorâ€" \V'. lfred Hare. Fourth Jun or â€" MI. Brei n Oswald Gilson, David Endioott. Edie Kennedy. Wilbert Irwin. Third Seniorâ€"Gilbert Hora, Fred Thurston. Mable Sampson, Harry Endicott, Wil- fred Endicott, ie «Sampson Millie Brain, Sarah A. ion. Third Junior â€"Minnio Endicott, Lizzie Robertson, Tommy Endicott. Second Classâ€"Mil- fiat-$160? Willie Robfimtflnéeziolet u 11, one Hardy’ 10râ€" Wesley Irwin, Johnny mien, Willie Flynn. Addison (also; Sarah Samp- son. Pt II Juniorâ€"Albert Greer, Eva; Greer, Lottio Endieott, Jennie Bore First Somora-Lixkié Bodied“. “Wfllié 311' “:24 ()m' FlraWJunior-i Ellyn", ‘ ”‘W'A. “morn; Min Jennie slain. or anntk. mdim of”? GI” with hot fl" in. Biz-chard. . _ The family 0! Mr. George Bichmn no undergoing a. scour ot- mumps. 'M’r. Bonanm'm Wric t and wife. spent a part of last week tbs guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips. Roport of standing of pupils of Pleasant Point school for the month of January. Filth Class â€"' Willem Wagsgaft, Willie Greer. \Villie Jack- $50516. "yho [as his strength slowly failed and. he ’passed peacefully away on Monday E evening. Both had lived in thisneigh- borhood for may years, having come here when their farms were but little cleared and had by hard work made comfortable homes for them- selves. Mr. Endicott’s funeral was held Monday to myerside cemetery. while Mr. Poole’s took place on Wednesday :0 she Presbyterian cemetery Duns- or . There is still agrest deal of sickness in our midst. Ls. grippe is very pre- valent and very few have escaped a visit from it. .We hope that those who at present are under its effects may soon recover. . excellent 3! wood ur {so There will be quite a number at new buildings mud in this section next summer. to judge by the amount of building milerml being hauled at iting (fiend. in Eden. . Mics Alice niche is visiting (fiends in Derry'ville. While engaged. in cutting ice at the foot of the 2nd concession on Sutur- day last. Robert Thompson. the :01 of Mr. Geo. Thompeon, bed a very nar- row escape from drowning. He step- d accidentally on a. lame No.1: of iceand was immediately thrown into the water. Angus Cameron. who working beside him at the time. came promptly to the rescue and succeeded in‘grupi him baton he sank. He was imm iately taken home. and we are pleased to leern that he is none the women for his cold dip in “Simeoc'e qperkling wave." . I £737"; 2%" Igem“Hawaiian hero in St. an '3 um '01: Char'io Noioe. of mink! 138t- mater maili staIy yod for 92:39; Mdmj’ him in ms. Sedmc rs. [presented their husbands w?”°°*, 1 boys Tuesday last. J‘fiarl B. Quibell. infant mot - . ibeu. aged 3 months 19 dayx‘ dyed 30th. His mother died a short 1 GELM. I(Cort'wpondenm to The Post) Master Cecil Dawson. aged 15., died The deceased had been tiling (or some time with. an attack of In grippe. and “seed peacefully away to meet his Ԥ( on Menday night.-Juz‘._ 30th. L- W0 37' nite‘inâ€"i‘ympafh for the be- reaved 113.11,, who ha and a double share of trot-Mgr in seeing both father and_non called any inside of three i PLEASANI: Pom 1'. (Correspondence to the Poet) i The grim reaper is fast removing the landmarks of our section. We have this week to chronicle the death of two of our oldest settlers. Mr. Samuel Endicott and Mr. Robert Poole. Mr. Endicott. although at the advanced age of 84. , had until very recently been quite active. About two weeks ago he was forced to take his bed and gradual- ly sank until death intervened on Sun- day last. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Riverside cemetery. Mr. Poole several years-ago received a seven paralytic stroke which rendered him partially helpless. It is thought that this tell he reeeived another stroke highs Ella. McElwniu. teacher of 8.8. MLutgerworch. upon: Saturdayand Wm. WM: Igor pct-ants. Mr. md Mrs. Hm mm, of any village. grippe. but'W 13 land up with In- her WYG'XL‘ hope soon to hear of (Correspondence t: Th) weather durins us than somewhat mi Fnrners are makins roelleu, slashing “1 Mr. H. M10012. principal echooL who had a very neg-Ions glimmering. and intends. if poui “’ ‘ mu: his brother to his SIBERIA â€"- PALE-9....“ ~ (Correspondence to The P05», 1... grippo is atip playinz Invoc hon pix. A_rc.h. McPhuJ. who has been very m. mu; It, {a maxi? under the aural treatment of Dr. '005 ud un- “Ii“ ”If: 3 mughtor-in-llv, m J . v - DOM“- WW“. the WV“? mqu not-on cold, -but u 1 amt m- Mr. R. Muhaod lost a “law. “1‘ last week. Our V. S. It. Wm. fimthghu, in W bu” then m “an: sick homo and cattle. In. Neil McLeod has mtnmd no... allot a. prom visit with friends a Onk Orchard. One morning while Nastu- Rob" Buck was feeding out: to the norm, one of them bocune unruly md crud: ed him mint the wall. We no cud to henrlthat be m not so btdlyhnrt a. was at first anticipated. Mr. Thou. Black is buy tnkiw out I“- ....____v_ ___ ; run. WEEKLY, {a boon-Tait} Vilh e a numb.” ot'new | this section next by the annount of beinc hauled at minder. in nuliug the Pout. past )‘ .iluro of the grain, week inhiivgve‘e'ka“ “um“ “Nu“ mm W 'W - ' Mrs. D..Gillespie of Beaverton. has ‘1'“: m W 13 Jun bemvilit triemh'ho d ri the LAWSON.-0n tum. in , vm,m“'.¢ . .. m u “8' : mmsm.umafizgfl: Mk. :Wn. ram spent Thursday 01.701“ It“ I : mama-um“: tumm- f-llia A. Inthiugn. )0! Tmnto.‘-? ’Egun 1“: W :00“ “311% Mics Rose my.“ Pleasant Point. was visiting friends here Mrs. D. Gillespie or Banal-ton Ins “31% friends hem during the «Our. public “about” huubegz‘i El: moms some 1 emu: n ahapo of storm wmd' mm This will add much to the warmth and comfort of the achooL coat or'cuit you wifl'iakrfiieiy Vilnâ€" KéY a; pm Woodvillo.â€"wt1. woonvmns. l ' '0“- .Wo «bellows In “Hot in m 0° %§’?’4.§ In in film E. 5::‘£‘n?;$'m2;°2.9‘1k“fm§“fi mamâ€"m mm. ... Sarah the rush and bustle of e ht tailoring 5:1" 5‘11- the m 0‘ W. J. .Bernee. establishment in towns and cities in- ‘ eon. _ terior work often mannatioed; it’e BARNETT.â€"In Land-y, .on Xendey. not so with us; in style. tit end (in- Feb .6th, 19. the “to at F. G. ieh. every gamut is perfect. It you Burnett. GJ-R. of e daughter. leaye your; order for a winter over- -.--.--_. to sinners." His preaching isâ€"Jéry plain and pointed. Csrnsbf flint-tan. of Emily.is dsnsorously i l with congestion at the [um o an. 3.. (In. m1 mother) has "‘“w‘ D' ' thfl" h a liveâ€"Tu; been ill. but under the skilled mat- :21“ 3533‘ “mfg: the mornings meat of Dr. Clark, of Lindsay. is in they‘h’ed «3': (in advanced that. ‘afairvnyotreoove ., . - to themed”: Mr. Gilbert Whitman of Mr. Wm. wdhout “gm: 3“? .e‘t'fzcte. Them White. of Dnnnfiord, is musty ill m 91?"! ”f ‘ “canoe 1. u» m- with mflammtory them ism. Santa. “”00 ~mule end 8100 Masts. Howard White and Thee. Mooncutacordo’loeduwoodinw p .. 'h- minute... This but. m. John Ever- WM“ ‘8“ S‘W‘h“‘%':fer ' son eon, who chapped two and a hell cords IWeatlakf. ‘3“! 88: died 4 in two hour. and forty-five minutes. ~ M” ”159900 m than "11" . - The genie“ of the Rev. Mr. Mitchell Mr. Duncu 8010:. 80: con. Eldon, . - , aboutOO. Heliudoverheueoentu pthePrupytmmchnrchtmcm inEIdonghecamtromtheldnnqil me more unsung every evening. Tuesday his diuoouree m “_God'§ mercy 921m!) Seetlmd. A- _9_ ; , # II â€"- ___â€" '--mvâ€"‘ 1--â€" l Our old friend, Kr. Peter fiance. spent lut Hominy in Dnnatord. and lloft tor his home in Kirkfiold early MW- Pbtor in slway s s lmloome visitor at Duncan-d. “May his shadow new crow has.” all. and Hrs.“ Jan. Graham. of Burnt Biior. no Vining at Mr. D. Sheriff's. S..(Hn. Grshm's mother) has been ill. but with: the skilled treat- ment of Dr. Clark. of Lindsay. is in a fair way of moovory. . Mr. Gilbert White. non of £1:an White. of Duoqtord, is musty ill with inflammatory rhenma ism. Meats. Howard White and Theo. Moon cutscordo’tooduwoodinlS minutes. This but; It. John Ever- son. who chqopod two and a hslf cords “than“ Ind: v ' . rmxleubom‘. G ”dimming-0071;: tutu-o theme! Nah. mmhmmm k. Accon mnmcwd'uoxpectod. ‘m in OnwoMy. an. m. the rennin: = °f I: Ebert. Polo um interred in E â€"‘ â€"- -‘~- "vw 1.”er 3°!“ churchyard. the luneral 50% conducted by a” 3 CW. In. Dan! was a grammar «mm M m doc] to bx!!! ”9mm , p ’ , "inaAV'Q r uAnnur‘. CLOTHIER- THE WONDERFUL CMN. ‘ EGOUGH Corner Kent and William-Sts, Lindsay. LINDSAY'S LEADING CLOTHIER. fiction. What the peOpIe sour on is have been Ticketed with Half-price to read and hear of Clearing Sales tags. If you have any speculation in at cost at certain stores, and when you, lay in a stock for present or future hey go there find out that prices use. It will pay you a good fat are the same as before. dividend. “Always Good at Gough’s.” \“Wummu “mm“. s $§W What the people want is factsâ€"not l____.__' underwear ana rumlsnlngs, wuncu CLEAN That's the talk all over our store yet now. We have bigger business need, and our preparations for an erly spring trade are on a larger scale thn' ever before. Winter Goods can- nc be held any longer. We need mre room and our need is your oportunity. This is Business,. Not Buneomhe... I hm cut-ham "at ! rs. Rpm on. be won present... ..On the remains of In. New~ interned in St. ammo, FEBRUARY 10. 1899 éden. ol Esrtley. weak in aodville, 7km“ In. S. m. . has not at secured much in Wwdvi \ Vin-go council hold the {int 399% on Jun. am the m: Reeve Dania man. A. Adam. C. G. a. Bytes. W. T. Nichol. m present. and deposit- deolsntiou with the mung-inc to 828-“ max “3.8. PQRYIS¢¥hLEmâ€"At u WHITEâ€"On Snturdny. Fobmry- 4th. . 18?, to Dr. and In. J. 'A. White, polo-my," s'éotliid. iii the rut of the bully. She is still lie-rings“e with it hemmlly. . The Dawn. of’ Calif watchman!e m “the Fmbm oh on th morning. md In. Glut. at .“Mgthodjlt church. panicked in the the bride ,7 -7 tone m rec. IUD. attached to the clark do or cutt- bolonginc to cox-panama A Ferguson 3nd A. Gannt\ m' ”polit- od nuditom. The mm: he gnu! pit. which was in diam!» ~ the conning. and Ir. Diamond. can - ed. "\rtfl Mi-Tmy-Gtmtnotwith u‘ i- dont while on her my to church fibbgth; the fell on the icy sidenl ‘ Indbmbohorum. butduntfllmt on to church and. bnvoly at through- out the service and want hm mm Take Them With You For alums. BIRTHS J. Gemâ€":11» Glamor. GENT. The Jubilee Hardware Emporium ii". 7?“ “Remember the Maine” Newest, Ghoiwst, Freshest Gannad GM mu mm. Pan. mum-mm mm.lhadlm Chloe “mm Choice lam Ola-Chm In. Our CmandehgeTxuun Com'illpmetlm hfimtothao'hthhepn-ernfiouofthefullsmm Mmmmm kind of Hardware. Ask to see our Stoves and 519‘ the prices we are quoting. Our sale of Gmlteware is going on and it is m worth your careful consideration. We’ are ofi'ering a great reduction in Lama. Mo:- Lam '. r _ Kitchen Lampl- "“2 we strive for is to please our customers This '9 In». done and can do. You can do nothing better than call on us when you nut Slag}: Bells. Carpenters’ Tools. or an! tobahdinthouflet. Wohvcsfclla-orlnent in ever-1M line, Wfikth-usd mummmwmm ”dame! Conle- Pineuppla, Peerle- Bn-dof Penn, Fine Mummy.“ Choice Ltkeport Winter Apple. i133. itwillpayyouagoodtat dividend. “Always Good at Gough’s.” for Ken and Boys, Odd Pants, Hats, Underwear and Furnishings. which have been Ticketed with Half-price tags. If you have any speculation in you, lay in a stock for pment or future You never find us talking business in our ads. andtreatyoum bnnoombe in our store. That’s very poor policy, and if you are the least bit shrewd you won’t be taken in by such flim-flams. Stock-taking has turned up lots of Winter Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters, m LEDSAY 1'0 GET THE TH OS. BRADY, W Bin$ Tuned-lute! Bane-Bonn.

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