Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Feb 1899, p. 9

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Iemly [19in- iolent Bull- liter- tool- but. 931th APubncIootmgfioldtodi-e‘utho THE MIT ”UH cum PETERNRO ANXIOUS TO HAVE; THE WORK COMPLETED. At a mom of Puberboro citizens hold on handily. Jan. 26th, Trent Vol- 10! (53.1%” mrc very fun" 4118- cm HT- 08106810 made a. very in- teresting addm in support of sspeedy conica- of the canal. from wmch we make the following extracts. each of some dozen o; townships were this outlet provided for their mm- port, and the taking out and manu- facture of which. would call for the employment of an immense amount of labor for years to come. The late Mr. Bathbun. of Deeeronto; expressed the opinion that if. the work can be accomplished for an expenditure of $19,000,000 it would not be a bad investment for the general in- terest: of the country; that it would be a cheap way of getting coal back through the district; that it would resolute to I. certain ex- tent the freight charges on all the grain raised through the section; that it would open up a large field for individual enterprise "in a. smell With regard to the resources and requirements of this hrgo districts Hr. Boyd, of Bobcaygeon. estimated that tron two to (our miflion tom of tor- ut products alone an be taken £80m day: Valid that it wofild attract great numbers of tourists from the other side. who would make Anserfjt}; a. LINDSAY. FRIDAY, FEB.» 10. 1899. means of getting to the back lakes with yachts. pleasure boats. etc., who would, before many years. expend hundreds of thousands of dollars in the country every year; that there is not now and never will be neces- sible to railways, and that in his opin- ion Lhe canal will bring move facilities for transportation to 3 Inner area of country than would be the case if the some amount that would be required for the completion of the canal were expended in extending the railways no matter where you might locate them. He also attachesAgreatjmport- “vâ€" . anoe to the- influence which the canal would exert as a government work in regulating the heightsâ€"there being periods or occasions when all the mean of transportation combined are insufficient to meet the demands. And to which M r. Rathbun might have add- ed that at such times non-competing points have always to stand aside un- til thn competiqg pqinte are served. Here, too. in this district along the shores of this watertay we have the county towns of Peterborough, Lind- say and Barrie, the towns of Port Perry and 0mm, and. the incorpgrat- ed villages of Hastings, Ashburnham, Lakefield, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls. Beer-rum nnl Holland Landing, and all 0' wh‘ch wili have water communi- cat on with each other as soon as the two ril’r's'ons now under way are com- Pletorl. a line of water communication of about 180 miles in length. wh'ch only requires the construction of about eleven miles of canal and the canalization of about eight miles of river to give it connections with Mont- real, and the construction of about an-- other 1311?. miles of canal to complete. it to the Georgian Ba . What such a connection with Mon real would mean to the people of the whole district and more than three tines what it does manufacturing interests may be im- agined when it is stated that it now costs fifty per cent more to carry a bushel of wheat from any of our' county towns to Montreal than itdoes from Chicago to the same point, and more than three times what it deco from Buffalo to points on the canal or to New York; that in 1891 coarse Irieghts were carried from New fork to Buffalo and intermediate points at SIBK HEADAGHE Positively cured by these Little PM They also relieve Distressfmm Misfit. Indigestion and T00 Hasty Eating. A per- m xzxnedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowi gag? g «a and?“ has. g GEMS. Jam «5 a flu Swab 380.532 2: azahma .98.. Substitution the fraud of the day. See you get Carta"s, Ask for Carter’s, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver £13. small Pm. ”Ila-w-v ...__ .â€" -V- â€"- 1:015 400. to 70:. per folâ€"{mi xenon! aeronautics at from 50c. to 81 per ton, while itynowjostg S? p. ton to '- L,A The Weekly Pas; No.1:ndNo.2|oldin Lind-qty ,Oook'scottmnootcunpom Einan Price. Email Dose. We are Indebted tonic Former for the Latter. 8mm 1:: Mtg” mâ€" node's Kidney magnum-mm! Prom Death -mr. Gnu-le- Dan’s ous man a comwuu" 7 . Proof of this Inf,- has been given by thousands of at}; 1118 cures, by Dodd’e Kidney Pills, cases that the best 1. Von up.,’ Physicians 1r , 81 _ _ . The late‘ eudenoe :11 this cnty comes from s Charles Dean, an employee at the ity Hotel. . Dean suffered for. three yea:a w" terrible palm in his back. Ho could get no relief from any of the my medicine! he used. One d3 :3. friend advued him to try Dodd’e ‘dney Pills. He did so. a result he is now as Itmng andnyell as he ever was. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, be my: are worth their weight In gold. 80 they are to victims of Kidney D15- South American Kidney (June is doing every day for hundreds what it did for this steamboat man out in Linoom County. Through exptsure while sail; Lug he contracted kidney disease and :n a short while dropby developed, so that 11's legs swfllei as large as stoveplpes. Doctors"held out. no hop‘ .‘o' h‘s «covery. He was recomme’nde , to use 1:]: 3 great kidney Specuflc, {b ths rcsu t (but in a. few wwksifl ark went. he was able to resum9‘f we ‘1' again a curei man, fee' {3 tong- and hearticr than [he nad orjyfi’rs‘ So‘d by A. 33th am and 1' ‘ °" 00. Pm I'M-M 7 _ Imdon, Feb. 8.-At Manson, m‘ everybody one meets is complaining of “The Grip,” “Backache,” or some other similar complaint, it names as a relief to know that there are some disease: from whi ch people off: (fee themselves at very slight expense. and scarcely any trouble. . .V {When we find that this diseases have for centuries been looked upon an incurable, and have carried hundreds of thousands to untimely graves. we have reason to ho thankful to 3c #1100 and its votaries, who have given us the means to free ourselves from this hot: riblo nightmare of Death. "‘ j._ n_ “2 _-An.‘- As everyone knows Kidney Diseases have, until less than 10 years ago, been looked on as utterably incurable. Hua- dredfl at thousands have died of glazin- Until lately there was no 11144161110 known to man that would weer 1" lieve or come them. , fro-day. thanks to th'wondergul medicine known thronggjlt the ow- ilized world as Dodd’y ldney Pvlls, Kidney Diseases are 1° more danger- ous than a conunozy“o - Proof of this (if: has been given by them ds f t 1118 Kidneyn 95%;} cases may. the best Physicians 1y .A"glven 3,9“ . ' “- ‘m "I I. (Olf' mm; go by the loner routs bywayorTo- route or by the shorter, by way d Mid- land and Peterboro. 'noronto has al- reacw made an attempt to make the trade stream run up hill, and if she persists in’t‘he present one she 133 meet with as signal a failure as did with her narrow gauge railway mine years ago, whereby she 11 p to make Ioronto the t ' ' pointofthewholeottheprovmoe Ontario. L . A, . Il‘he sooner Toronto‘ realizes thaefie is not the whole province, and - ‘ at. no cry of Ontario! Ontario! 5.5% in;- zto hoodwink the people 1 ‘ Midland district into support” schemes which, as Mr. Bathhunpm out. will prove inadequate for our purposes. and also that the route from And particularly that the route from thegneat lakestotheseaboardinmt by way of mm but to Midland and thence by either rail or water, and in all probabilitybgery soon by both, to Montreal is natural one the better it will he tor all concerned If Toronto's eitisels. instead of running away to land Bay for trade would look nearer home and inform themelves as to the resources and character of the country thro h which a waterway of 180 miles may said to be already completed and com- mencing almost at their own doors, they would not be long in realizing that the trade of this district is of infinitely more value than the simple tmmhipping of several millions of bushels of grain, and that although they may as well make up their minds- first as last to the loss of a considerable portion of its present and: prospective trade, yet the increased population which will speedily find a home Within tis borders. combined with that of those already there, will so increase; now enjoy for them. Le., if their city can serve for the people of the Hide land district as well as those of Mon- ‘ “1'1“va. i? (EBâ€"'17:“ n it not. to Montreal. A: for Tomato-Geor- gian Bay scheme it is very nest); on a. par with the one last mentioned. Granted. asI dotreelygrmt. that the Georgian Bay ports. and eepecislly Midland, are the pro r calling plaou for the greig trade . the West, \yet‘if 17 L4L__ L- L Au.â€" .â€" â€"â€""_ , bytmmfiomflperoent. I observe that both Toronto and Montreal aspire to becoming the Bat- hloottheStLewrenoe route.“ treel my beeomeao, but if‘ehe does it will only be by bringing the Trent water route up to one a. state of perfection that the combined rates of freight between western points and prevailing at the some time from the some points to Buffalo. , So far, however, as Toronto is con- any line of. water communication. 1 If vessels from the west come through the Welland canal they are not going to stop midway down Lake Ontario to transfer their cage to another hie vessel at Toronto; but will certainly LUI mo 6“. u...“ -â€" at any of the“ points takes to the rails it will stay there until it reach“ its destination, wherever that may be on this side of the Atlantic, whether it .n hv thn lam:- route if! way. or To- inc up water mun-Mu- w... Montreal would be to m prone-t rates of might}? and frost that point SCIENCE AND LIFE water count-bum wit! Licenses Pills , and if she me she Wm flux» 15 the .1139 railway y she 11 trans}: ' obvious. Grain in care at Midland can be haul- ed: vih. Lindsay at Port Hope, or via Linthay and Peterboro‘ to Bellevilleâ€" the more likely placeâ€"about as cheaply as it can be hauled from Owen Sound or Coilingwood to Toronto ; and when at Belleville it is so much farther east- town-ch its destination. ‘ . I: the grain via Georgian Bay in so: mg to take water, will it not 5° It: Belleville. thence down the St. ‘13“ renoe ? It will it the elevator 49d nd facilities are provided at Bellevani't“ as i! the Grand Trunk will 081‘de ? cheaply. which it can and “6:10.013" If it it o be a “national [Midl d 1 the Gg'and trunk has it m. to 381:; vm Lindsay and Peter, if you will,or ville. thergtq ta}: ‘33]. This is the w‘“ ' Midland and Pat uua “.3 3“? more gummtm; ny elontorn as they have 11“.“; y will have them in ten yearsâ€"’0 . when they have double- track/<1 mum’s/to the eastâ€"as they winnaveâ€"the similarity will be more {THE GB]!!! MUTE. lt will be extremely difficult, it not imposible. upon the principles that have hitherto determined gogwpment aid to nilmyaâ€"either Provnncul or Dominionâ€"to make out a case {or I?" emment subsidy town-d3 prondmg aur- line railways from my Georgian Bay port to Toronto. I! ample elevntor facilities axe provided at Toronto and at Collincwood or Owen Sound the im- provement of the nilway portage must be left to the railways themselves. with Inch loeel aid as our bonns-vexeitowne and counties any be likely m‘give, wfich would not'be much. v Mr. Rogers and Mr. Kemp are soo- graphically astray in their Austen” dre'am for making their beloved city “the Bulgallo of the_ business." By If the required elevator‘hcil provided at the place: name? the grain trade flow: thatwu the rail- way: may surely be depended upon to mokotheir line-equal to thenew'deâ€" not upon them. , memeâ€"W "ES'GEoâ€" Eff ' Pd: and than obntod‘tbrgéduâ€"B-gxd this grain take to the water again at To- ronto? That, I take it, is the min hope and inspiration of Toronto's new enfâ€"I'flfim this matter. But when Toronto papers and oven presidents of the :l'oronno bond of trade advocate the improvement of the railways from Georgian Bay ports to Toronto practically at the public ex- pense, on the ground that it is u “nu:- tional undertaking " and that their; is the‘ national route." an issuo of 3 mt. ferent had is raised. at”... nun uuq and on‘y “national" route via Linda-Ly nn’i Be lev‘ile wll be, quadruped in 1900. Mr. Hays has dec‘ured that he intends to stand by and develop the Midland-Lindsay'route, and that is the ‘ natural and wise policy for the Grand‘ .Trunk. , As “Viator” in his very able review of the question in The Gobe demon- strates, time and return reights are very important factors in the profitable working of the big lake freighter; As to time, a big freighter from Chicago or Duluth can make Midland. diaclurge 1 her cameo ofgrain, andplgnoet get back ,,~|4_ The Dominion government may with propriety make such harbor improve- ments in Geominn Bay ports as my for local and general considerations be deemed advisable. viue. that”? t0 MIG W138]. This is the 1‘ on by "“1 to ”9%.: easiest. one to shortest route “Kn Bay to Montreal, 8:1“- 120m (396: it is double-tracked. 3n» “h r2? 9? Midland is beyond all uestign ,Ec deepest, most capacious (alud m accessible on Georgian Bay. The gait: could tie up against the ne ,€!eva!or there. Build more cle- ,,.Krs at M'diand and at Montreal next fear and the graiu__tra.de by_ th'e. true __ j-“â€" is an encouraging indication that the country is willing and anxious to tote practical measuree to‘ secure it. pro- per allure of the enormous volume of this carrying trade. that has hitherto cone mainly by way of Buffalo. To secure this share we must pro- vide on the largest scale the very best and latest elevator and other terminal facilities at Georgian Bay ports. et Toronto, at Montreal. and other «stern ports. A‘s part of a general plan the coun- try will no doubt cordially apprm of liberal expenditure in harbor improve- ments at Toronto, but one condition should be sternly imposed. If the Dominion government improves the harbor and buy the city should no change its sewage system that the waters of the boy would be clenr and limpid._ . The retiring president and the in- coming preeident of the Toronto board of trade refer to this all-important queetion. and exprenthe opinion that Toronto should be the “Buffalo" of On- tario in handling the thronsh grain trade. That is natural and proper; but in Toronto enterprise moody-with Toronto capital to provident once a. dozen or halt dozen of the latest and la grain elevators, similar to thooe hr: fl Buffalo! 7 A $115991 must simpl quadruple its Wmity and ipping accou- m and as the energetic minis- ter d rpublic wm'ks. Mr. Tara, is Egg“ tandaoglgfileto meal-kw r rovemen ran: rea- son beget. that Montreal capital and entaprin will do its share in provid- ing elevator‘ and ache; (militias. or Goon-go Ludhw. Monte Globa. Jan. sous.) The- With and deep interest bkgn in the discussion of the best grain routes from the‘Georginn Bay to the mm TORONTO CAN NEVER BIOOHI THE BUFFALO OF ONTARIO. “v. V..- to her staytlng port before asimilar vessel lenvmg Chicago or Duluth can get to Buffalo and discharge. That must be at very important factor as to lake navxsatxon. It will enable the Midland-boupd vessel to make nearly six trig: while the Buffalo-bound vessel is manna tlnjee. It nearly doubles the freight-cagrymgyopaeity o! the Kid- A‘ 1.1.- land-bound vessel in the season. Or the Midland-bound vessel can afford to run fight puff. or all of the return trip. from Chmmgo they can and do take up iron on cargoes at Ema!» or other northern Euchre“: port- to: (him no Globonrocently called out for “I. John Booth to_ rise up sad put”! lite end View "Ito TFOF‘E‘LF‘QF‘" projec’b- "801' mm '1' In ,A ”not nor like cuter]! % r “22‘“ land are 8“? wuss. So much for the actual hots as to the government‘s policy. The calmn- nien that have been so freely dissemin- ated regarding the character and custom! of these people may be sately left to die a natural death is time proree their utter lack of substance. All reports since their arrival/more then verify the good character giVen them at first. and even those most antagonistic'now admit that allow lot of foreigners never landed on Oan- ‘ adian soil. The latest horrible discov- ‘ery, that their marriage rite ia‘ un- attended by any ceremony, beyond the public mutual acceptance of eachotber by! the principals. in raising a perfect bowl of virtfins indignation. bet _it may .00 wanted. eenubihties of our ultra- ' trientb to earn that thin in exact counterpart in this province, with“. have ensur- od for her a commanding position in the lineal human of the most highly I voted and most proupgrous province Ion this cantinont. Bo dnod broken 3nd . discou d in uolitary (undem- on the shores o Balm Lake Be wu too sanguine. too enterprising; he mu; I about of hi; time, U .31 pauper, ewe!)- muwim m the company upon its dul- theoa of acuity are saved on A. o matter of fact. onathio ha been mitonhod time and the again, the deportmem. in doing vey little more for tho Doukhobon the it and its Mrs have has doing for may you: put in tbepnronaaoo of the policy formulated b the govern- lentofSir-Tahn Mould, and con- tinued by moosediu salami-W} A wt 01 this policy ha slmyn ban:I tooflorabonudfictobooxuh pom: our mmhvhde tiqkohtokuropekg‘m unim‘ spin companies, and this bu boot: 9“: “the monetary unistance given, u‘ xnunignnta themselm being W alter on their urrinlJo the ex“. of bging met by interpreter. and En- dflcuh qualified to reads: thede oral assistance in their “f““flidod “-Lâ€"-_ ____,_, , ‘ But George Leidlnr is not forgotten. 80-. time after his death the Toronto Bond of Trade resolved to place in their rotunda. a marble memoriel of the man who had done so much to pro- note the city's Inge-t interests. Has that been done! or the encoungeâ€" pent of the future Leidhwe it would be mtereetinc to have none mun-nee of the [not over the signature of tho Pre- udent of the Boerd of Inde. end if it has not been done Toronto nu! well deeem to have the legend, “nice-track- ed because she wee man and for- getful,” written over 6 era“ 0! her main gateways. ' LINNAY. Tho uxivnl of the first contingent of Donkhobon has mvindtbo flood of mbâ€"ststoment and partial! unda- city moting the policy of be worn- montmdthowtiouothenepart- aunt of the Interior in connection with than people. In spite of wasted ex- pluutiom and definite attemepts o! a» mutants undo bgtbo Marn- mt in their habit. oppcition {wen persist in; deliberately chin-inc that the government has awaken the ex- Denditure of mt sums obnblio monies tobfiwthontocnmguhdhow, {and and clothe them ndl the grins. hidhwgooomtothormue. Inn droid Toronto does not offer much on- couragunent for the Booth: and Laid- hw- o! the (uture. George Laidlaw nadmnoftho bootyearlolhis ’ in mblb-Bpiriud exertions intbo foundation of rail“! eaten-prim thnt have laid broad and deep the fonndu tiono of Toronto's Wot_supremcy c. LINDSAX. .ou'tm , FEBRUARY_1_O,/1899 01 law rlguL-uvus ww' -â€" ""'* land and elsewhere. and 5601! W- riages have always been recognised by the state and W by the mun-1 Lindsay szs. OANADA’S m “mm; pnpd ‘ 101:. another Ge'orge A CARD. hb hon..- Shal) I Dutgbguxemem’ I 36;. I And :3 5.0,. .991”. :5... a, mt" “more tom. 5.: . “I don't 5--.. TM.” 4.: a right to on My. We should cited a matigggbtl; onmplu. tut. I should my lite and ac- tion: is not “I up dothis and it doow‘t. hurt me." but can [do this and got hurt my brotho wade dual! 1 r.” A sixâ€"footer an strum five leet doop without. an: tronbb. but his five-foot brag»; cap't.‘ A “mentor can “It ;9__ I.-:-Iu§ .“If f.- in“ “ulna-tr; w w, , Habit ia a crest hattlenent. We form habita unconsciously often. and the great place of their formation is the home. The home should he sacred, and anythinc that tends to weaken the home is a damerous thing. Aspiration. a higher ideal of lite. its enother great bottlenent. We have too low a view of life. The speaker graphically sketched the men "of the earth. earthly.” grovelling here for riches. tone or social position. Let us look up. “Snblimity is in your blood; £3513 the children of the King." the on man my still aspire. Silver lost and trampled in the mod is silver? yet. Let ~us aspire. . t the greatest Patience is one o battlements. Time is slipping away. We can’t use the past. There is so much to be done. we grow ‘mpatient at our pace arid”: UIUIV auu --â€"â€" -_ ' dependent in thought and W in life. and will have power in temptation and difficulty to spy “You" or “Na" L-L§I-_‘n§ Libo Elidu'n serum my ciriob- inn- havo the torn: and lock u» ‘Pll‘it- There is nothing in the for:- to plane God. Chum founded no coflege. but "fight. Bis disciple. by mph ling them "'1 Bi: up int. The story .I also 3 beiutifnl picturu o! the rmrrutior‘l ond mocha new“ prayer madam”.° should Mm more, If we ”Midis"; God is a King md prayer ”'35; too mad. because of I- lay, “It in well. " The amt lâ€"ur of Nation by which we km church we! homeland connect: a: to Go! u: Unable. We and.“ the Indian of“. but may each be our mm prune and. take our trouble directly .10 UV Father. _ A Pox-hm the heaviest thunderbolt 0‘! (tie! conceivable is the data at u: only child. It in a beautiful Xenon a! laid: gm; even than could this moth“ â€"â€"'â€" ‘1 â€"'-'"â€"' fie morning lesson was the Ill-7 d wanna: son. The straw “1: upon is. the hut. in Kins: 6, 23. "I: dun be well." We cannot live in our own strength. Prus- pority and silt; tad mm: lend to (or- dottincGodbntwhentI-ialcomwo cannot exut without the Divine Be :- and the heart. criu {or a living Go u “90?; '1'" m: Scrum by 3.7. n. o. not act 1A.. 1.1.3.. or 7mm. Bountiful weather. hm cw tionn. ubb urnons. fine singing and good collectian. clumtoriud the u:- ninmry union in St. Andmv'l church Sunday. 397. D. C. M ILA" LL.B., Toronto. wu the much" at the m and. BMW MI 19- puhtion u n nun of gmt pubit Ibu- it!-1‘sll.portly, of florid couploxion. 3' NEW in innppumoe.the Quadum Henry Wad Beecher. and in h'u Demons he has much of Miner's ‘ style. both in thought sad in delivery. 11:. Boa-wk preached two very able m Sunday, of which n. (in the morning one in brie! tad. thou.- i.l!_ one in pxtendcd synopsis. our pace In“ .Iv .-..r--_ , little wrong here and tbxre lo-perfoct our work. Yet that must not be. It Anglo-Saxon. ~'~charucteristic, and through it God has blessed that race and the world. Waterloo proved the patience of Wellington's troops and won the day. and saved Europe. "All thins! come to him who waits." says the old proverb, and with much truth. ill-working of ”ITO All tmiy (not {men of the worl '3 history have this ‘ religion lpirit. or spirit of sell-utm- m uy sometimes that religion is torddwmmdmnsc 'dnmbnu xterm-no Rob-o; hr ry ST. A NDREW’S (‘H URCH Lot INTERESTING ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ON SUNDAY. .â€"â€"w a: idea 0! Me. is lament. W0 1“" me. The speaker I the men "0! a” is aligninc 21.13;: ”angina-1w» â€"-‘-â€"- *- v: and an: FM." bntfe said did do mthout {39 00‘: um man in and him be my tut” 0092‘“ I put about WP?“ .n’a btilliut VII-n... â€"- 7 ,,_ at gnaw-Janeenuumur- inn-ilmnndttthomtiou and” other pawns. agents 11 Wald“: Allen supp! urge gum o! whis- key and o r mtoxicating than to moths! of electors M to pro; mow the election of the said William John Allen. and to other {forum a. 'd electoral on?!“ who were oppaed tottha’ mid Wfl'ian John Allen from voting at “Tint at. the poUing' station int Brimater. W.‘B. Miller, the deputy M returning officer. Frank J. ‘ ,4 --‘ “- flnrnor. o! dd nan. was very low (run n um attack of rheumatism.» Hi: physicist; sound (he {may would never In” hi. bod dive. A “friend took I bottle of South Amman Bhoumtic Cum to him. A few days but am receiving a rim: from the doctor. he nu urn-t the room, mdp plalujlym ad- ministered : )wwty kick. ‘ lam Luv. Bu Bod Ann.” 8.14 the Doomâ€"lath m Me Our. Do. chalk-uh. Ir. Granville Height. of Spats. 03L, up his father who is a very ”Religion magma“ for every: no in your tact mammals the love! 0! Jaagmvbo diodtouwallmenfmm .tbeirsin. . r” " a": > the fireside. His {3° “rm-1% by the Palms. and W"? cemeri incthnmgh It." “Too words. “Igt d arise, let ”3 rhyuhtu? ‘ tint Iln “I: o u on u: nu ma Qatar “2.9;" an. smut mates: tempt-tiny is ' e, w 'ng- ship. was pressed upon him everywhere throughout his lire. rang out the old P-Jn. “Let AGod arise. let his enemies be sutured." any?!“ clou; he nonfat“ ‘r 0,4 but with u re! t Cmmu was bro “9 Pulnl of Dunn km ‘3“. the world-‘Tfl‘ k- .5. u...‘ claimed pong If you .unor Iron «Ir-pew. m0" wion‘ Coutipttion. Sick Stu,”h uoruyothersmwhfl'um mum, nae Dow- Dump-is Tab- ” 11:0!“ch Mundyandu 1m 3m... memos; munch: Adkins. Itiswinh- in my reach agony! nun tnd wanna in the may. And its min mDD'S Dyamsu TABLETS. If you mile! from mm M‘ mm Constipation. Sick 539"" You wouldn't think areas would cutter the tortures of Dyspepsiz. I" digestion, Constantino not Bean-'4’" ilhe mmtmmlaur’w‘ medicine that will our“ W mu. :8 We“, .8 water win quench the thirst! mttmolaanthnndl_ WH‘SKEY IN A MAIL When You are hid Up with Stomach Trouble. gKl CKED HIS PHYSICIAN. mmmmutomlmtm USE YOUR NATIVE CflMMflN SENSE. N all the world no dqctor or tnsuu restored so many "weak men MEDICAL CONPANY of Buffalo. N This ts due to the fact that some inventions and discoveries In the whole realm of medical science. So much deception has been pracuoed tn advertising that this % grand old company now makes this startling offer. m “ ‘ AL-t- man-smut: Naughevofldmd‘." t up but had 5'? Wt! «n- Manuela” 3mm Followiu We give the math obtaini- od by pupils of St. Jooeph'a convent during the loath at January; 3310: Fourthâ€"ML 1100: Anna M 80; Hattie Power. 830; EU. M. 816; lary ConJon. M; Ella» had". 788; Jo. Fleming. 766; Earth Bot . 757: male Diane“. 724:148850 floafl‘hluyr my. out; laughing mm. 648, undo Cdru. 5’1; lury Hurley, 511; Lil. letterhelct'e than Sorry. Too and publicity «not be given tethemrniwgiven by Dr. RH. Bryce, Ontario’s exceptionally effic- ient Health Officer. in his quarter-Ix report but leaned. in which he an: “SI-311m: in min present in this province, while its prevalence in sut- ronnding eaten, with its appearance among minute from a European port. and its mace in Quebec. Mon- ztohn end Brim Gels-Ibis cell for the pronptection otthelocal boardsottbe pminoe in preparing to: its approach. by at once taking steps for a general min-lion of our people. who have neglected this mution since the mantra! 0:1th in 1895." w, a”, -nâ€"â€" ___777 , Donn. 831° Annie Int-play. $0- Bun- dins Prime. 850. Base paid}. . Tamas y. 814; Juln film-pm. 804 ' m 0 as; Teresa flatten. ' O'Ngi ' Annie Jordnn. 235“” .29. amnuryo'nmm; AmGimx. ”hLix’ Dwyor.fi0;looretum Jennie mu. 239 Inc Each. 234; I“! Scan! 222 . Florence Wane: ad enjoy it and m comfortable af- ter it. is the ell any, everyday mild the indignation patient. Adviceâ€"Eat. ell whole.“ t ' don't worry. and tube Dr. Von Stu. Pineapple Teblou to aid Nature in doing the stomach? work. They're a mild tonic. act gently, on the bagels. they pneventpnd relieve distress. Flaunt and positive. 35 com Sold by A. Higinbotham and v. Iowan. . ,! d” 0' the Mite Organs. The! '01". x" ‘5' ‘01! Mble wayâ€"by mâ€" : ”It the «no of the d-‘caue. ‘ m Wham» elm, grew «and by inverted digestion. My. Dyspepsia 'hbleu make the digestion; m end perlect by digesting the While they am doing this, Dodd'e M hbht‘ fl“. “;Mfllcfn and m the LiVer and Digestive 0n- ”udputthen incondjtion toll. thn work Wkly. ' mtt ‘11 than» $9.. I. ‘M the MN. m of Dodd's Dn- m Mich. Try than» ’Ihey'll convinci- M by caring you. M's m Tablets Ire sold bx. ell m. at Kitty cents a bond: Wusdrinkolcold who: bani-human curindiuoudfiemceotivo Organ. and tho Liver, boy won't cane tooth- acho nor diam man, 155:3.‘33 ‘. '111.

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