Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Feb 1891, p. 6

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OMEMEF. Docs Poxsom-m â€"Last week while out fox huntin Mr. Jas. Magee of Emily had two fine ounds poisoned. Mr. Magee would not take 3-30 for them. There is a. heavy penal: for setting out poison. and o advise e parties to go whim and settle, if not it wzll likely cos: several hund _,,a . ‘- rod so his than 1:53! 11 Among-ti; TORONTO. Imam Lxelsunox.â€"A tamper nee deputntlon wdud on the Ontario ”ornament Tuesday and asked for the flowing amendments: (1) Tha prohibition [the we of liquor. to pcroona under 21 ”BMW; (2) the “13730:; of the Nova. coda system of pmhlbicznz drinking at In. by which the truths: Nystem In its was form may be practically abolished; ) the giving of power to tha v-lectora in a Mach-division, by n m.-.j -rity petition, ‘ nm: the Issue of Been»- -«. to take mac: I such polling onbdlns'Toz; (5) the Ileana a and inspecting of all_l:o:.ezz3 and eating n...- _L_-L-_ “A, , ho- nkan home And viz-5606 to by Bart and Bhutan. Tb; fracture W0. 1! to be high an be».~ the hip joint. anchor. excl-nod then- .211! In 3.th burdock!“ the limb and the Infarct Mumforablevpomlblo. Every HI. Wed at tlh- and necunencs. We M to my my Mr. Kane 1- doing as .- mnlo be expect]; an: is vuln- amino-ad an an a maids-lot mzm Mayan adore ha will belublo Lin-uh bed. thppqxp 3 china soon lariposa. for the month of January.- B‘ourth Sr.â€"] Wesley Rich; 2 Mal-ens Webber; 3, Clare Pedlar. 7-‘onrth Jr.â€"l. i‘lorence Dames; 2, Phoebe Copplestone; 3 Ubert Webster. Third Sr. 1 Lthel Dames; ’ Cecil Prouse; 3. Mabel Webster. Third r.â€"l. George Gardner; 2 Fred Jefl‘ery; 3. idward Rich. Second I M be! Parkin- on;2 Willie Tate; 3. John Copplestone. iecond part of lst.â€"l, Frank Jefl‘rey; 2, lectrioe Webber Tablet classâ€"l, Katie 'ennelly; 2. Percy Prouse: 3 Ross Pedlar. Amen; Suvz-mwoon, teacher. halides sustaining ngzmsny sex-mus bruises. Remover: In donbnul. I“ limits, snd Saturday PTOIJIDR had s now sscsps from imam; 5 15h. While used in the stable s have suddenly you up his heels. snd struck Whivo in v month. knocking on? all his flout teeth I cutting his lip. He was: home for dies] sttendsncs. . . . Mr. J». Kingaboro vasyhssbssn antenna . a this win~ . It is only s short: time nines be sad from s seven is!- Mm a sua- ck,'snd now he in brough' Looms from n the: slum: vita his fade snd hood Iiy cut. Be wn- drawing ‘ags with his II. and in descending s s‘vep hill, the Rb slowed to th! aids and pitched him when no wss dragged same: distance, be clung to the lines :0 «n and stop the ._ A -L-_-s__-_ L , , ,V V n -, _____ -.. “w n.v A chopper who haw.» md to honour It to thotovoltbo hm to was the other kg min: down, and Re‘tlng uni-t pended Knuth-mo to rbc nhmty. He ”v marina, and no Vary serious at: m expound. [Ic’legendenL PORT HOPE. WILL PROBABLY 121-2531.:- lunar.â€" Hn. btmmcns, aged exgmy, was walking tom the house so the damn; shad when do slipped end to)! down a mm: of steps Ind struck with terrible force on the ice below. She lay uneasy-clone at. the fool. of the steps, end when ni-ed from this )oeltion it was found that she had new tuned tenlbze injuries. Blocd was oozing hem her mouth and care and she had Muted her_ genes-Done in three pieces g-_-n, axons Aocmm -On Friday In: Mr. Home; pone-v magistra'c. met with n no Iceman, ohlch will «use him : M2. S coming down from a a to rho “do-wk. which was quoted loo. he fell ma broke hfs leg. He was .” takqn‘bome and attudod to by wants-rs m was Cumâ€"Mr. James lite of South Vacuum: has .,. en workina me little time a: MCIJtOAh'B camp, in z‘i't'l lumbeflgz operatkma, on the lCo'funo-denoo of m, Post.) _ 'chggx. REPORT.-Repo_r_t of g s_ l\o. 19, 1... AL A ELMDA LE. [Correspondence 0! The Poet.) SCHOOL REPORT-The following is the honor list 0! the pupils of s. s No. 12, Emily, for the month of January. Sr. IV. â€"lst, John Scull : 2nd, Lizzie Scully. Jr. IV.â€"lst, Dani J. Winn: 2nd, Magzie Income: 3111, Rose Minoy. III. Class lat. Joseph Scully;2nd. Katie O'Connell: 3rd. Wilhe Scully. II. Clasxâ€"Ist Robert Winn; 2nd. Katie Meagher; 3rd. Dennis weagher. n. Ptâ€"lst, Morgan O’Conm-H; 2nd, Ellen Teresa Winn; 3rd, Jane McCabe. Foxxs Klanâ€"On Wednesday Jan. MLMcssrs William and George Jordan med between the 7th and 12th eonsot Infly four red foxes and one fine y fox hey were only out four hours. 6 would kc to hear who can beat this insucha Iort ulnaâ€"[Herald LOCAL N EWS-LLETTERS 4| 1"..." .3. i592. mam-mama .55 $.53... 2. 3 p- 8 «3:3 For. facing Cuban. fflawmad: LINDSAY, FRIDAY. FEB. 13, 11. “@2181 33mg Po wdep @112 manahian iauzt. 04R?” POWQER counma no ‘ ALI)“. AMMONIA. LIME. PHOSPHATES. any law- materials. 0 O". z. w. GILLETT. ’ “43:2??00.“ roast. nuancesr, out. h’h «Quantum ECYAZ. TEAS! unl- WW8mphasb‘mmdinmy 8‘ A __.~ ! L.-.“ “In-arr. an CANNINHTUN BOBC'A YG in UN. Miscellanea as. 04x W001). nth animal not M,l,_., WWWâ€"u mm at: gang: A: mm of even 3}. Horn", on the m boundary 0! 3:33:33 . Magya‘oxaloded Ind t 91:23 wnr.u_orgrghoqm:§hoanqahom ONTARIO COUNTY. A NARROW ESCAPE. â€"It ever a man had a narrow escapr from death, that man was Mr. E. E Stickney of Manchester. His daughter and daughter-in law were return- ing from a drive, and while going down a hill the hold~hacks broke. In an instant the horse dashed away, leaving the ladies floundering in a. snow drift, happily unin- jured, but most woeiully shaken up. Being within a short distance of home, everything was seen by Mr. Stxckney, who rushed out, halloing at the top of his voice to the now frightened animal to stop. On it camelike a whirlwind. and before friend Stickney could get out of its way, one of the shafts ‘ went clear through his coat within an inch of his breast. Quicker than thought he was carried for several rods in this precari one position. Then the horse slipped. falling on our friend’s legs and pinning him to the ground. With the timely as- sistance of friends he was with dimculty exzricated and carried into the house. For tuuayely no bones were broken; but we don’t think Mr. Stickney will ever forget that exciting ride on the end of a shaft. In that line of horsemanshin he is without a doubt the champion.- [Chronicle A Man Suoors Emanu- Tnnonon m Run â€"The residents of Pickering were startled on Monday morning by the news that Andrew Douglas had been found dead in his brozher George’s barn on the lake shore. Mr. Douglas was unmarried, and was 63 years of age. He was considered to be pretty well of, and when found had some $250 on his person. He was in the ; city on Saturday and while there purchas- ed a 38 calibre revolver. He had evidently contemplated the rash act on Saturday, as a note was found on his person, dated Saturday 31st, in which he stated that he did not expect toseehis relatives again, and leaving instructions as tohis property. His nephew met him a: the station, sqthu a postponement was necessary. Bowen-r, Monday morning uttered an opportunity, at? therhunforgnnate man availed tor the t. ere no reason apparent rash deed. neither washeoousideredstsll insaneâ€"[Pickering News. wvrwâ€"NU -___A hill-sinned-.. Pnnsonu.â€"Rov. Mr. Gilchrist, our de- voted and ever vigilant pastor-.15 away takinza two weeka’ holiday. All join in i wishing him abundant recreation... ..Miee McNabb of Toronto was visiting at Mr. Young’s last Week ...... Mr. Andrew Me Nabb, blacksmith or this place, is doing a rustling business in the iine or horseshoe- ing and repairs this winter. Mr. McNebb’e long eetabliahed reputationae a blacksmith gives him the precedence in this line, and all may confidently entrust him with any jobwork. will be an Improvement to our Already thriving village, and wlll be a great boon to the villagers and farmers of thin vicinity, a . they can purchase at home lee of just as good a quality and at a much lower price than that which they formerly had to pur- chase a: Orlllln, besides saving a shipment of some alxceen mlles. The Odlllnns will have to find some other market. for their net during the gaming eugmner. night above" 'W" T m“â€" if; Bantamâ€"ME 'E' T. H. Hennicgfifim keeper of this place Is erecting a. large ice- hqgae in congestion with his store. This SE21 B RIGHT. [Correspondence of The Post.) SICKNESS â€" Mumps, whooping cough sad colds sre very prevdent around here ‘ this winter, and a number of deaths among the young folks have dread! occur- red. while others are sex-lonely m. Doctors Galen-ht of own. and Doherty of West Sebrlgot hue been kept hustling for a number of weeks sud sre um to be seen passing snd reposelnz our 1mm almost every day. All credit is due to Dr. Gilchrist for the euccrse which he has had In the ‘ trauma-n: of logs: (Licensee ground here. 1 Coom Oman LODGE-The annml meeting of the county orange lodge or Haliburton was held in the village or Hali- bnrton. where there was an unusually large attendance. It was decided that the next celebration of the battle of the Bonn should take place at Mlnden, and Kin- mount was selected as ihe place where the ‘ next annual meeting shall be held. A vote of sympathy with the family of the late Bro. Alexander McDonald was recorded by a standing vote, a copy of which was ordered to be forwarded to his widow. A considerable amount of business was trans- acted. and the following oficers elected: â€" ‘ Bro. James Mortimer, county mneter; Bro. Jae. Er~kin9, deputy county master Bro. J, H. Delamere, chaplain; Bro. A. J. Scott. secretary; Bro. M. Brown, treasurer; Bro. W. Hattie, (int-cue: of ceremonies; Bro. â€" Swirznr, lecturer; Bros. R. H. Baker and F. Gibson, deputy lecturers. Monday morning last. Mr. McDonald was a popular and highly respected citizan. He was for many years assessor of the municipality in which he resided, and dis- charged his duties faithfully and well. He was a member of the Loyal Orange associ. tion, and the members of his lodge and many others followed hls remains to their last resting place on Wednesday. He leaves a wife and a family of small children to mourn his sudden demise. HALIB URTON. Darnâ€"Mr Alexander McDonald of the township of Dy earn was taken suddenly m with inflammation of the bowels last week 99d - "00°de '9 the- malty 99 ZIONâ€"MANPOSA. [Correspondence at The Post.) I All!) Drums Swarm-On Thursday evening. Feb. 5th. the third meeting of the literery society wee held in the church.with the president in the choir. After the usuel opening exercises the gen- ersl business wee proceeded with. A new 9mm committee wee elected for fear weeks. Severe! members were proposed end scoepted. It wee decided thet the society should heve e dehete next Thurs- .dey. As the program committee hed not much time to prepere e program it wee somewhat short, but the quelity wee not looking. After the progrem wee excellent ‘ 1y rendered the meeting sdiourned. ‘ Sonoor. Normâ€"Fingerboard school re~ port for Feb. 6 h, giving in order thenemes of the three who steed highest in each close: Senior fourthâ€"1 Ulysses E. Fey, 2 M. Ferguson, 3 Neil McKinnon. Senior thirdol E. Fey. A. Moese. R. King, cone); 2 Wm. Bnecroft, 3 D. McKinnon. Junior thirdâ€"l E. Prise, 2 M Thorbnrn,3 Eve Dawson. A. Fosrxn, teecher. W. E. H b; I. um- I. 8.. 1w. LBW,B. s. Valiant). , 0., W_m._ll!cMunr; 1100:1122. Wu; and. wéiklniho'ivcddu. ”m""”vm" ’ 11w3fi’ilu‘7'io‘m"" that Albert Keys. who Ind his too- amputated human-m.qu when: andhu can. to h!- !omu in Ben- Woax m an Wows-Au m 0:? hm, but during out amber and - woogl.‘ Ithuuobrboon shown“: 10! IMDDO W. [Woo of The Post. an shaman-I think tho Landau corn-pond»: must be dud m w. Mn not heard o: 1:. Thou ban Bun no “can in Tu Pm tron boddow M s has In». In Imam-Tho WI- ol m- ploco Inland hordlm their and :0. 1:39:13: on Tao-19y. 24th)», gut. ._ . I”. U. Willa"; m L nun-1m noun-mm m" w"?! bohdduUdcn. HARTLEY. (Mug-dual mm Cuzco: or urnâ€"Owing to the more mun Harm mtowloam hambu- hummkmmmi‘kmm COBOCUNK. (Correspondence of The Poet.) Conantâ€"A conerrt wee held lest week under the auspices of the Merhodlet church in the Oddfellowe' hell in aid of the per eonsxe fund. Among those who contribut- ed to the evening'sentertalnm- m. were the Fvneion Fells brass bend, R v. N. H S rike of Norlsnd, Miss Etts K-ye-e, Mr. Dxiuksll end Others. A pleasant even in wes spent end about $26 realized. wa Pmoluen Jim B C. Gel-butt ienow occupying the new personage. Its ‘ completeness is mainly due to bin per-sever 1 lug elfom in the: direction. He is now enj 1‘ inc the rewards of his lsbors. Osmanâ€"We ere sorry so state the: Mrs. G. Romney deoerted this life on the eyenlng oi Setnrdey. 31st J enuery, otter e 1003 illness. borne with Chflulien petienee end fortitude. The family heva the sincere sympathy ot ell. By her deeth the family hes lost e tend mother end the community s good neighbor. She was interred in the N urlsnd ”9:03,,R‘h" AfnnBeIa-l senior-r being oondnctr y v hefl‘es M. A101$: com?’ o P ' MY‘ emu. A8]: or am.â€" Hr. Mehefley of Janetviile, who is vlsi his sons-ln-lewl,’ the Messrs. Smithson r ,_ _ “.v. .vuv Acuutrc 'u 7- b on. SCHOOL Moanâ€"The following is the standing of the 11m: close In the Cameron school for the month of J anunry. The marks were determined by written tents, 'and the names are in order of merit: Ellen Cook, M. Condol,S 10mm, Fred. Mann- do}? A. McNebb. D. Copeland, J. Comp- ha _ OBITUABY.-Mr3. Janet McDonnell, who for a long time has been sufl’erimz from cancer in the breast, died on Sunday, 1st inst. Dsc~ased was born in the county of Lanark, and at an early age came to this county with her brother. Mr. John Cum- mings, eettllnz at the village of Oakwood. Some time afterwards she married Alex. 1 McDougall and went to live at Woodvllle. Her husband died some twanty years ago. and she being ambitious and economical set to work to do for herself. and soon made herself comfortable. She has one son. John McDonnell, merchant at Ed- monton, N.W.T. film she accompanied to Edmonton some at ht or nine years ago, but finding that the lmate did not anree withhershe settled in Cameron village. where she llwd till her death. Mrs. Mc- Donnell was a great sufferer, but she bore her emlclion with Christian resignation and fortltnde. She died in a full and co taln hog; of a glo'r‘l-ouereeurrection. r cmnnv nâ€"Aâ€"â€" _ _- _ ---- wl WI. PERSONALâ€"Mr. Wm. Fall of So ervllle has come to live amongst us and has taken up his abode in Mr. Bryaon'e house. We welcome hlm and hope he may proaper. . . . Mrs. Copeland still continues to anfi'er from the cancer with whlch she has long been ofllcted. Some have hopes of her getting better" . .Mre. Penin, gem. in very lll. and there is but little probablllty of her recov- -_l_ .. CAMERogl'Vl; P [Correspondence of a on] BADLY Kmxnnâ€"Mr. D. McIntvre or this vicinity am one at his horse: kicked boil}, bur we 1:311:32...“ igggttlpg better. Hymanâ€"Miss Emma Oldfield of Cartwright and Mr. Miller of Oshawa were tied securely on Wednesday, 4'1: inet,Rev. Mr. Kenna: officiating. Gneate were numerous and presents lovely. Congratulations. “comesâ€"Mr. Carr in moving from the Cowen term to the Scott farm. . . .The fu-mersmlaying in a stock of ice which is very fine this year. Nomnmxn. PERSONALâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Eli Fania, from Edingbum. Dakota. are visiting relatives mum in Cartwright. They 1001: well sitar an shes-ace of seven or eight years ...... Miss Emma. Jackson of Emiston is visiting blends around here ...... Ids Vale of be. Charles, 111., is Visiting at her uncle’a. wa Bums-Mr. James Malcolm and Mr. James Gordon are building new barns this coming name: with stone work ungemmm. NESTLETONâ€"C’A RT WRIGHT. [Correspondence of The PoetJ New Posr Omenâ€"This ie the name of a. new poet omce started on Feb. 2nd in the northern part of Cartwright, and is kept by A. H. Veale, blacksmith. Tbie will be a great convenience to a large number of farmers, etc.. as a number had to go from three to eix miles to an oflice before, and now it is making many in this vicinity Slafii to see the Burr-line running over a y. ‘ Impnovme.-We are glad to any that John Gordon’e foot is improving nicely. Some time ago he bed the misfortune to let a tree fall on it and prgieed i_gb;d_ly_.‘_ n__-__._ I- RncovmxaQâ€"We are pleased to learn that our worthy postmaster, Mr. James Cameron. is slowly recovering from his serious illness. BAND CARNIVALâ€"We understand that the Benverton Citizens’ band intend hold- ing 5 carnival at on early date. about. seventy five in costume. The you and beauty of Lindsay, Orlllla and ‘ Cannington were all well represented. PERSONAL-M183 McSweyn of Lindsay attended the carnival on Friday evening. Mr Harry Cameron of 0mm spent Friday In town ...... Mr. George Gray of Goldwater was in town on Friday and attended the carnival ...... W. J. Ritchie and Wm. Bruce of Lindsay were home over Sunday ...... Mr. Fred Tlsdale of Klrkfleld was In town last week ..... .Mr. W. Cave of Orlllla was in town for a few days last week. [Correspondence of The Post] anmrox on Ionâ€"The second carni- val of the season was held on the Twin Bros. rink on Friday evening last, and was in_ever_y respect a. decided success, th_e_re Tm: Monaâ€"Quite a flurry wee unused among our lead politicians when the news oi the dissolution of purlisment was made public. mema.â€"Mr. Gordon is doing s Isms lumber business this season it we my judge by the June number of logs the: are being hauled to the min this winter. [Care-ocean“ e! The Poet. Fm Puncnm.â€"Mr. Hush chcn boo bo bi the form now occupied by . Henry cachet-d for o hendaome azure. Omens. â€"Mr. William Stew-rs he: moved into the house recently occupied b Mr. Brunt, cud Mr. Brunt hoe mov into the house formerly occupied by Mr. Funkich. Imnovxmmâ€"Mr. Glendinning is napalm: to veneer with red brick his house on Pork-st" end has already a large ugcuntgi meteriol 09 tile gronpd. Rep. Win! an: Bun Seemâ€"The nowhere e! the Method!» church. Lizard. {we e lock! on Pride: evening. 6th Inst. m: the eeelel e ehelee pmnn wee rendered In the Temomnee hell by loeel meet. Prooeede. 843. noiliitun 6n FEM. "Snug __ ' thoâ€"18th um. but_ on Friday owning. : 3mm._ OAK 37:01). W Pat. Epcounoatu. Maternavdgnl’om. 31 noon 0! Monaco tor tho othodm chu . will punch out Soh- both. 15th ma. In tho Mothodllt church In Onkwood, a man man. No doubt under hvonhlo dmmncnnm than will he a lam “dunno. as Dr. Potts In an. or the no“ oloqmt puuhm o! tho day. m autumn POST; ‘1‘ al' ‘7 VIM/o gotten-flu; vamm will BEA VERTON. BUNDERLAND. LIFFORD. All orders lofl at R. BRYM’S Shoe Store coal receive prompt aneuuon. w‘rn' _. m m rmâ€"vm Amanda!” m. a." I, Du- 1740' M Importer of the best grades of Scranton Goal. Positigue 3’ he very best, delivered to any part .of the town at lowest prices. COAL, COAL, COAL. 6 minute an: mm onotho Mrs. Pawnâ€"Y... my a“. I! â€".-. .u. "n.â€" huabfia'flii'l: painted to macâ€"r; do you good. Sold by m WE”; Rightnowls moanâ€"o tonne-good blood Durilylngmedloino. Immune In m I bottle of. D_r. Canon's Stomach Bitten It will cowswmmu "iv- __ â€"vâ€"v'w "v ““9040“. from the nostrils, slope the poisonous droppings into the throat end lungs, sod makes the use: feel that s new lease of liie has been given him. This greet ostanh remedy is on sale with oil desiere, or will be sent on receipt of priceâ€"50 on. for small and $1 00 ior is size homesâ€" 3’ :dggezsing Fuiiord , Broekvme, n â€" . ~ New Clerkâ€"Ara you : customer of can sir? Tho. finerâ€"Welt! :11on my to Why. I owe you on: Btbrmdchwonvehormm mmmwhnmmmmcum Balm, which ig'reéblzzix'ud tron; c3. Adan- uc to the Pacific an the only certain cure to: thisLdlseuo, “In regionaphe acumen. The Pace is too hut. "Lite is sweet” is an old saying, end just sstrueasitisold. No one in his or her right senses courts death; all wish to prolongliie to the utmost limit, and yet. in spite of this universal desire to live the alloted three floors veers and ten-sud even longerâ€"thousands upon thousands of people through carelessness end neglect, arehsstening the time when they must stand tees to taco with the grim reaper, ‘ end mske the plunge alone into “the dsrh volley of the shadow oi desth.” No disease on this continent claims so many victims ss consumption. sud reliable ‘ statistics prove that fully two-thirds of the deaths occurring irom consumption had their origin in catsrrh. Nothing but negligence censed this last disease to develop into consumption, and the person who neglects to promptly and persistently treat catsrrh until all traces ere eradicated, is simply hestening the coming of desth. Even should ostarrh not develop into consumption. it nevertheless shortens life, as every breath the patient inhales passes over poisonous secretions and thus sflecte the whole system. For the cure of cetarrh no remedy ever discovered cqusls Nasal 13-1.... _I.n-s_s _,H, . yr: LINDSAny 0.1m.“ mfimvmm, 1,591- -~ tin. léti’FeFeTon"run.TE7v-Efiw;a: 31'5- sevmlcanot mac-m for the Cin- cinnati (Ohio) man-hat. This armahInned. nvo mloadawthemoplaoonthemm o‘rOwdedoutlaatweckl -* *~*'*" ' _~__v..__-_ “V“ "‘ "' m. to ricknptheirmand uthouzh asyetthe augmenting done has been confined to the street corners. and around stoveeinhsckshope. both parties mlooklngtorward withlntenest for the oomingof the representativesotthe two parties. ' The result oteourse is a. foregone con- clusion, as it is believed Mr. Barron ‘ will go in wig: 3 rs. HnWSN w Ansâ€"Business fox-the past weekhnsbeenrsthrr dnll in thevlilnge. but after the mace become more gambled!“ t5? areatpresent phereisno oubtthings l brighten perceptibly. The heavy snow storms of the last few days had the efl'ect of partially blocking many roads. It is reported tint the farther north one travels the snow keeps getting deeper and deeper. Notwiths this it has 1onlybeen neeesea tortheGT wrung snow plow from they to Hellburton once thgswmter, thattrlpbelngmedeonl‘ueeduot this week. Snow-Sac: CLUEâ€"Ind! mums: Fenden Fells willboestotesnovshoe club betnreit men: days older. the emulation be Moors. . E JmkinsndRJ. tsllofwhomnrevery enthusisstloonthesnow shoe question On a. reeenttmmponeotths hsdthegood look to get out of his nt solely by his own eflorte and olive. Tm: Porno Tana-Mr. Henry Austin of the pogt'gfln‘n ot MeDoosgll. Bgundon a: Ans- done. _ ANKWMILLâ€"Why,“ course we winhavo 2t Mr John A. Ems left Thursday m {3’ “3”“ ”W m: ”Mm e necessary on new m Emotionsâ€"Now that there in noun-that doubt Is to the date of the Dominion elections politicians in tyia neighborhood are beginning .A‘d‘l- __al.-_--_, ,__I -IAL-__L -4 n“. .- iii ' “Bani-513535 are mi atmookoy. Dick Cruo. was the only on. out m1:- oIE tron ”"1: 'h."v1n¢”“m" khan}; wner gum in two noon a but! the midortuno hove his lung ans-bod. 3% and would have dost . Afternoon m: “‘%.*P"i"“s:: mmmm o v. r. or. 0 it. hndit not been for the Durst meann- adoptod by the Rev. Mr. Parker Etna-old. The hull mused by the salvation army. And a. flrohadboon llghnedeorl bathe afternoon in onion- to warm ittorthonizbt. By some menu the woodyork neu- tbo stove on care, but was exungniahed hetero much was :-_A 1 b Noble lam. Hum anon £3311: _yOog()a. ul‘otwhom “10W h. .l , bulim- men uh hold 0! W I“ u wgn‘boa 1309.: It If... I “I: .u mute-l "Inflow“ ‘OCIDMQ'. broth-r Wflllun m M“ but]: when Wfllum'm! MIT. Levi in tho mm. making which mu by am up to" Mar J. MAUNDER, tomâ€"‘1‘" at Fain vagk-rm’oén flux-max; VARIETIES. FBNELON (A LLB. I, A. Slocum’s Remedy Joseph Ma under. Wedding Rings always kept onhand. Qumy Guaranteed. mamummtumn. A mammwmmx mm most at mm. and autumn-kc. Jewelery and Electropldtédl waro ; also_Toy_s and Fancy WWW!!!“ Watch, Black or Elecnunlate Line. l. WHITESMITH’S, REMEMBER 250 at HIGINBOTHAM’S B‘roncht’t‘isiwil‘woz} W at ma, And all Th’mae and Troubles. Linda-v, NM 10!“. f] wfllbonldulowm mt at 0mm mm Christmas and New You: Oates made and dworated to order, a. specialty. I W111 tesmLtp, 1131:1113. Wuhan; m by tho «an crashes. NWBYTHEPMTEOIIIWSM. White _Pin_e Balsam, 'l. WHITESMITH. “an non-19mm d FRESH OYSTERS ESTABLISHED 1887. Una-mm 11433-31. , “first QEIMW§ _ ‘ Keenan'- Radar. Feb. 4th. BBL-94. Itwillpay you tocall 1t We also quot. mu- In m DAIRY CAI-'1' unacnmmmuummm CLEAN. GOARBE SALT [1 MAN ILLA. SALT, “writ??â€" W 1’le WANTED. 7 Igw amusements. mu um ram â€"1‘n Gun Rum)! Fonâ€" 1901-me buxom AT m nouns. .â€"ln “maul I“ A!%.WJ A. EIgInbOtpam. Mrs B. F. Jwett; 1mm fibmmflqd 11:13 34mm! co. $“REhY £6 CURED QAMQO. Colds, floursgness, M88. 8. F. JEWEIT. Mitt. SAL; J. H. HARVEY. SALT, The Best 700/ in the World for 8tarting Wild Oats, 7 ares and Mustard to grow after harvest. Finest, Choicest and Cheapest lines of Family Groceries. Good Bargains and Satisfaction Guaranteed. P. d. MAGH ER. A Boy 1mm two horses can cultivate from Eight- to Tm Ames per day. H. Oorby’s Flue Old Family Proof Whiskey, Gooderham Warts. and Joseph Seam-am’s “0M Times” Whis- key. All Brands of Whiskey Bought in Bond. MY. D”. 4‘ 1m -3). W3333331333333 333333333 3333 lativo Wines, Part, Claret, Runs, Brandy, W and Irish Whiskey. The proper way to keep the cold and wind out and the heat mu to fit your houses with Storm Bash and Doors. We make a modality of this work. better fit. It’s cold work taking measurements ache-hilt; mercury“ “awayout of sight, ” and the job is likely to be hurried. Don’t wait till the snow fills up the crannies about the doors and windows before: you decide to see IN 0 LE e BYLEY about proper protection in the shape of storm 15‘3” agd D-oors. _ p0 it gwwyyut the result will likely be_ a Lind-31,1013. ll. tun-23. STUIMI SASH AND 000198. BETTER THAN A GANG- PLOW. ADAM DORAN, withhutlllitflehopoofrelief; “0.13%“ mg” ' tmmymw' p-y mania. Although now-eventy-ninoyeul ofnngc-nenjoy medauwolluever. mdmygeunl isgood. Inmwell known In this section of Cumin, having lived here fifty-um yuan; and youhnve lihertytoule my name in moonmendsfion‘ gt your View Duoomg, which has} wunblotouwfoodwhm‘rer; t Wank-ad :mylimhawmno- hntotwioothdrngtnnl 33%.? of m mom :1 ex- Wmuwféen 113m! anmt’s Vacuum Dwoovnn! having‘ Raw *9 190.1 tried - bottle} wilumhlotouomj J I uédvu-ion- m . . to lgtnoaivodnqbonefit. B P 0 . - demanding-ads Mama duh. mmtmvodmm B t! my maple named the fem! of 1 manual 01m, eritee: “_I:3thMI_hlsu_toboh_nubbd 1H. HIALTH 0" ON! 3mm omuus A Medical Triumph! VEGETABLE *3 Remarkable Glamor Draw and A Chunk of Seasonable Advice. CALL AND SEE IT. {WE-i? SAME PREMISES. NORTH R0? 8: LYMAN’S ‘ IKPOBTBR OF ALL BRANDS 0P LIQUORS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN INGLE 8: RYLEY, WAS RESTORE. 811mm Bras. m 60., gl‘jndsay Planing Factory. Sylvegtrer Bros. Man’tg Go. TRY OUR m NEW PATENT - CUTAWAY E DISC HAHHUW, Wxifiogmo 1M1!!!” Adam Duran. -:-f0r lggle a; Ryley. DISUWERY N 0121111109 LYMAN Co. TORONTO, PROPRIE‘I‘ORS. mytroublocitflh ' Hamish.- m uhonldetcwncao .Hntlflloog Iwonld vetoquit work umber. medidnepvemcmmfillgmaboeflcd Nam: a». me': Vietnam: Discov- m,whichpvcmonlief. Iconfinnedusilg themedieiner-y Ihadhkafiuecbofliu, wheanupex-fectlywefl. Ioonsideritin- vdubleuacureforDyspepfis. Iknovof sever-g1 peg-Bogs who have med itwithfln lame bmfit." Mn. W. J. Dunn. ngham, cum andbuilder,writes: “Threeyeanagoln flymublotTVifl: ' mm ' ho- myuhonldercwncao £11.th Dyspepsia Had to Go. nJmJW.%M-7fih€ Am '11“; "Two bottle-of)!» rumor rm’s View“ Dlaoovm curedmonylpoplil- mum‘b‘d dehndkiodamhu-ofotbup"; ficmwfihoutgetfingmyhenofitfiomthm' A Very.‘ Bad Case! 0mm VMQUISH-a 4- Purifier->- '° BIOOd nee ench e provision into his work? Whet the pundlte oi Ottewe my hove coy upon thie queetion I know not. I tor many years et the feet of British Men who were perfectly informed on nerypoint o! conetitutionel right, end who. even If they had poeees ed on equivo- -I,power knewy how in their exerctee at I,” keep their ambition under the con- fide! their day to the country. Whet- In might be the precise opinione oi theee men as to the constitutions! ceneee hdieeolutlon, eure I em that not one of In would have thought of coking the m to extsrclne the preroketive. With Iteonetitntionel ceuee. ea n more move in mgeme. I my edd with equel that whatever they did they would never hove told their eovereign 0'1 button no nn'rnth. menu-miss! mesons. no roe-on eeeigned (or the dissolution Ifleonly one of the (our ministers who Med to touch the subject wee so may neitioue the: he scarcely I lie-date hevc peid pub'ic morelity hh-egeeven of en ettempt et decep- b. He eeid Lh‘t he and hie colleague “mo-rum to make overtures through «Inlet-«ion to the government et Week- Iflm for the exteoeion of trade relations. I thee they could not do this with Image unleee they hed n treehly elect l ”lenient et their books. Their hhnentee to the encouragement held Inn am .... us two: of rodpmctty “en-m (0m. 0 the polls. MAIL!“ ‘Nuw, ‘.. (outudeMIW an“ n v. Mr: um keeping. minim-y ., m. cum-nononeoeuuytomy ‘31., «I'm wvomment 3: Washing- : P‘fllllccun ‘Anu profound mthVO a a r.‘ .1 .-...fm{gnpcwerreqnind ll .3. amp .umtee for the diplo- Iosc n n ,4..u government stun, h- och g manhood: ”MI 3» ~1 c «I: embody Manure *' ermwmotthevoonle- ”ma" 3200:1189 mm :30!“- I »c‘»LoM cad m. ““3“”; It. Bulue. But, eetdnz that aside. I lumen-n the bee to tell no that the slum unVa-tument cannot enter adven- my two nuofleflm with a. foreign I ah ml. e comments! met] or any Itn'jrcv at bout am dimlving per- m“ Have they not themeehee been «mo summation. with Frence ‘89. In and own» menu-lee for commer- flute or commune“! memento m kvud, m ham eve:- thinking or e #30 r I TI-o‘ myetery in which their Hun u' . ulflng indulgent ye- . . W In the Ceuedlen people. In the doctrine to be accepted thet 3 Mt holds its life, no: tor the term I' which“, has beenelected by the people, In during the plenum or en unecrupuloue me In unprlnclpled ambition to be Med uofteuuelte endecuube m by snapping e nation! verdict to huge the country lute all the contusion, Mace of trade. expense sud excite- mt o! passions. scarcely lees mllguout ha those of civil war. which attend upon met-d election? [a the communlty to be llvuleed as often as It sum 3. polltlcnl Illhlettothnowhio diet! In the prero- Lfiveotdieeolntion to be used. no it has In on thi- oooeeion, tor the purpose of wanting public opinion from ripening I. went question. and thne securing the notion of e puliement which ehnil belie no genuine sentiment o! the people? Valid any egne (tamer: 9‘- a constitution In. c u It) «If ltlgnud,thom: ¢!hr Um rllo'dm “mm, .9“ chun- -f a. mytwhlch the ’msnr. FRIDAY. mm 13. 1891. THE DOMINION CONTEST. [Tome Editorot'l‘hellail.) . 33,â€"!!th the opeechot the mini:- not jmflmwho to the gnu-dun of mutations! tunnel-1n thoseothiethnee mounted!” on ettempttojusury no flolencedonctothc constitution by e hooluuon of pullout before the legal an and without constitutional come. The ministerseeem toteelthetthey «acutely ample on constitutional principle, secure who Wet-coco to public fight which e as oouno of government by corruption I! the frenzy of out! combined hove Q 0 “warned bytnoucKln- whatnot”: beam omen “mede post- 0' .17.". Inn-re withregu-d to the Sufit',“ 1:»:an fisgly contradicted “fluentâ€"Popular Opinion favoring mum-sum: Up Ana-unen- cnn roomâ€"m Comm of 81:- Chat. ".58" O“ “Y BONES “mutton- A POUND A DAY. I (mums-r55 mmvuxno aux.” WI Emulsion is put up on]: in Salmon color mppou. Sold by all Drum at . ( SCOTT 6' BOWNE, .Bdlem'lle. n) 0-.- m.‘ . mmMOdM‘fl“ h r n a ("or of reduced”. .V .w- uncouwmmlybo 1a.» .. swoops"! In?“ nummnxsuow'm flaunt of Pure ”gm gull-l ypo_p_ho_sph ___ _itgsof am Iii-ks lads. I fly Rent. All)!“ VIGOROUS ENOUGHTOTAKI mus 1 CAN LAY Hymns on; Eh: 617mm: firm; EMULSION m o *0.“ I" m 'V ‘_‘ "' 'Q‘hdwltm. E? POLITICAL GAMBLER TEROWING HIS DICE. ll; mmtoec-mu the summon-9mm Scotfifgizmuluon. N‘o‘r 6mm 'cum In! iifikm 301‘ 8011? If mental holding tho! by 13', and 1 their comm! hold them d1 collagen” 1 their Iona! used poall “Made In moot whit non of s not the quench tom: the! dams I the hope of know can ed mambo (and to In: The M the people ought not: of that m reasons. a tin of :he: conceive. 1 Pundit, In will ltnpng eon-titans new b! A Thin” Gavel! noc' Vonly GOLD ‘ prosaic! than he ‘ his com: ”and I Canndu have not but we I ofli‘nhmd not um ”pinch Brlush policlcsl onto. 1! Tanner’s rt 8min! He come verdict c to keep I Much!“ baton. I from the his (flew mbe dhll “loner! it is M perfectl‘ this all Minna 3mm: came a lite w! politic iowem pollflt avian policy mm: which at, It of she but u hind- uncle dale org: an:

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