.5 v in uâ€" - . ..... â€" ha a.“ Equmly’ good for Man‘s.w°¢=°3" m‘ xeanï¬dv. “'4 ‘- ~ v.51â€... No blackinx brush .mmnmmmmm‘m‘ WATERPROOF MW to preocï¬‚ï¬ W. M W incited durable. I Sold EBBâ€"when Wolff: Acme WBié'éï¬ï¬ï¬E3€aPEF3 LINDSAY. FRIDAY, FEB 13, 1891. «mm as mwusmm l EVIDEIBE. ‘I rose early this morning intheexpecta- of a busy day. Dr. Daincom't called Saturday «rem as I had expected, narrated to me the result of his in- ' 'es respecting_ Mabel Butland’s jew- A _ _.:_.. -AA- nun-{Oh u - _ y. Amonzit therewasaringsetwith tqnoises and diamonds, which had been ex: to her by her mother and which she re constantly. Dr. Dninconrt had re- ved from Mrs. Rufland further in- “Deep as was her love,†Rutland I] said, “for Mr. Layton, there is in her re for her brother an element so absorb- that she would not hesitate to make most terrible sacriï¬ces for his sake. poor Eustace! It is weeks since I saw and I have no idea where he is. He t altogether to blame, doctor; he has ' of the exquisite joy we drew from and of the heavenly happiness they tons, itseemstomethat I mustbe r the influence of some horrible that things have changed so!" 1'. 9:30 o’clock one of my conï¬dential is, Fowler by name, made his appear- BE “"85! ms nu) $3035 DRESSED m8 be (Emahian fast. IEVER BET HQRD AND S'flFF, "â€"- uni-'9 mefl to me. Who?†I quickly asked. [as White. Living at Brixton. The ring rooms. Quite sswenin hex-way, u .u-“q -- ~v 3i}, and me {am 0: the Derby alotwher.†she bet, then?" ore is not nmch doubt of Mt, air.†ow did you diagovegtr': , -â€"â€"Aâ€"â€" A. w!vv “nu Jv‘. ~.._M.- h. 0:1!in enough. We have ways of own. Why. air, when I found out ï¬ght where she lives. what did I do or «(toward but. present. myself to ndlmly of the home and ask her or me could let me have room for e or hm? I didn‘t tell you there W38 In hcr window, ‘A Mimom to lot to e young mun.‘ Well, it luin‘c n yunmz mun. what. In that to do with Iyâ€"vxcrpt my wtrer I’m a soft. I chap when I â€kc. and before the ly and me are together an minutes ad and glow with her, and already a favorite. So I take hex-room 9 there law: ï¬ght, and the ï¬rst the morning down stairs I am as we door when the postman comes 01mm. . We‘d, sir, would you be- . he delivers ï¬ve letter. and every than (or Miss 103 W‘ I, open- door {or the postman. aka the let- m him and hand them one by one landlady, who comes pulling and up from the basementâ€"she weigh "5..-â€--- -â€"~ 7“ 7 v :1 stone it she weighs an ounce. an White,’ says 1, giving her the wt. ‘Miss Ida White,’ says I, givb r the second letter. ‘Miss Id: says 1. giving her the other three, one. ‘Why, 1!. is quite a eon-b ce!‘ All those letters are tron e, sir, from betting ï¬rm I hem, by thei; outsideS; I believe c 7 ‘1‘ __‘n IMDM‘ v: uuâ€"Vâ€" vâ€"“V, um know them bi 'the smell. Lsir, there’s something else. My What kind A.) my... .â€"v._,v meet mrwcréxontother is; 1633mm has received an! orthemsincesheunemï¬w in I, rum-mm. the ï¬rst thing he on]; ____._,____i Maï¬a certain, sir.†V ‘QsEOuId like toseetho hausoflpnflsl Ida. White 11m in, Fowler.†_ ., , V “Nothing easier; but I shouldn‘tg) as I am, it I were you.†“Why not?†“Well, you.†she had a pretty 191:3 Wu 1:: courtattheIAytuntnfl, time. Shehas den 5 mt.†“Youare 118m- Imbetmn“ go.†“I don’t see why you W,“ it you let me ï¬x WERE†‘ ' let me touch you up ubit, and your own mother wouldn’f. kpow you,†~ â€"._12 _‘Lna| Y â€Joule; vvkuu .- ....- . I doubted whether she would when I looked at myself in the glass after carry- ing out Fowler’s instructions, and in less than a quarter of an hour we were riding in a. four wheeled cab to Wu. We alighted within a couple of hundred yards of Miss Ida White’s lodgings, and Fowler took me boldly into the house, requesting me on the way thither to try and discover the men working under him who were to discover them. “Then you didn’t see me give the omoe 111501: a smuwv __ ,.W, , , thing is being neatly done. Miss White is in the house. It she Were not, my men wouldnt’t be in the street. Did you hear the snapping ot a lock down stairs?†C (No. 1 9 -- - 3A_ -4 u"... to them?†“No,†I replied. “I did, though, under your V That is 3 Wk? ‘0, 3°“: 51“. "A‘U. We were sitting at the window of Fow- ler’s room, which was situated on the second floor. It was the front room, and. we could therefore see into the street. “It was the key turning in my lady’s room. She is going out. There’s the street door slamming. You heard that, of course 9" “Yes, I heard that.†‘ “And there is Miss Ida. White crossing the road to the opposite side of the way, and there, sir, are my men following herr“ without her having the slightest suspio ‘ cion that she is being tracked.†My sight is strong, and I had a. clear view of Ida White. She was stylishly dressed, and was certainly good looking. “It is my opinion,†said Fowler, “that she feathered her nest when she was in Mrs. Layton’s service; but I don’t ears how much money she may have saved or ï¬lched, if she goeson betting on horses the book makers wiIl have everypenny of it.†There was nothing more to be done, and feeling somewhat illat casein my disguise I prepared to leave. “I will see you out of the street, sir,†said Fowler. “It happens often enough that watchers are watched, without their being aware of it.†Before I bade Fowler good dayI im- pressed npon him that no money was to be spared in the business I had intrnsted to him, and that he had better engage two or three men, to be ready for any emergency that might occur. He prom- ised to do so and I made my way home. I cannot refrain from writing one sen- tence. Success has crowned our efforts. There is no need here to minutely de- scribe our proceedings on Monday and Tuesday. Sufï¬cient to say that I was in constant communication with Fowl -â€" who is amost trustworthy fellow, and shrewd to the tips of his nailsâ€"and that I had occasion on Tuesdayto againas- some my disguise. On Tuesday night I saw Dr. Dainconrt, and was glad to learn from him that there was an improvement in Miss Rutland’s condition. “Due," he observed, “in a great meas- ureto certain assurances I imparted to her in a voice so distinct and cheerful as to impress itself upon her fevered in). aginntion.†. W“ n 7 __.-.1 “Van- om ‘( Fix me up?†7 U“That is good news,†I said. “You are naministering what she requiresâ€"medi- cine for the mind." ‘- , , A4__A .‘ cme 101' but: uuuu. I come now at once to the account of one at the most exciting daysâ€"the Derby day of 1885â€"1 have ever passed through. Fowler was in my house at 7 o’clock in the morning, and brought with him a. suit of clothes which he wished me to wear. He had forewarned me that he had intended to make a change in his own appearance, and I was therefore not surprised when he presented himself in the guise of a well to do farmer who had come to London to see the Dex-bx.“ L, to L- ..1.1 Wyn-r 'Ea"'ii"x;"fm§¢mm that a)» would not recognize me. I have upiooo’ o: satisfactory lnrpnpatiog {or _you. It. is 7, ‘4 __A C v. W§Iflï¬|u~uvn _y -â€"-v. .__-_-_ an even be: that baton thii‘ d3: 15 out I bring you taco to taco with Mr. East-no Rmhmd." a u I vumun "I! you do," said I. “you will lose nothing by it. Bring me into the same room as that. young man and I will wring 1mm him What I dodge t9 WE"- “ n‘t get excited. gamma Fowler. “Keep cool. You hevehad a good night‘l rest, I hope!" "Yes, I slept well." “That's right. Make a heartybrenk- feet, as I am golngto do. We shall need all our strength. It is going to be a heavy day for us." “gym does Ida. White start from!" I “I mn’t tell you, sir. I pumped the landlady ot the house, but she knew“ nothing except that a. new bonnet had arrived for our lady bird. Mien White is as close as wax, but that newbonnet means the Derby, it it means anything. She can’t very well starts before 9 o’clock, and we shall he on the watch for her not later than 8:30. I have six men engaged in the affair, sir. _It will eostsomething.†. -. . 113A 1- hut w. v; “Miss White is going, sir,†he said, “and We are going, too. I have been 11v- lpg In the page .yvlth her these last. two A__-_A..._n ‘Ln‘ .5. u“;\.‘ever mind the cost," I said; “it is the last thing to be considergd.’_' â€":*’fi;£.tvi’swihe way towork to success. Manyiaiship _i_s spoiled_ for a ha’pqrth at p ‘Q 9, A__.__‘I. a“; ï¬zzï¬aï¬'cgfngéï¬t hi this Erinmph- ant‘ or my name is not Fowler. (W ï¬at mark! COMO! m0. Anoldphyddammflredhomprscï¬mham hsdplacedinhishsndsbymnaatlndh W the formula. of 1. Simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pe ment can of Consumption, Bronchigtia. Wk. Asthm- tad ‘ A _ __..I“.-- umauuym r-_-, , V dlrhroscudLmAflecflmalmapodï¬ve mdradhdcm to: Nervous nobility and m Nervous Complaints. amu- tuning tested it. wonderful curative powers in thousands at mmtatit'hisduty comsk‘it known to humane“ Actuatedbythinnotive andsdzslrotorelievehnm mfl’erinxJ will undireoofchugewdlwhodedm it. unsu- mgmemmh or Englishman - Â¥ _.._| _.lâ€".- ht h- Before commegéihg an agcount of what 13 ‘ been done. and what discovered, THE DAY AFTER THE DERBY. 'he asked. †Isaid. “You age your‘ WE! PM Ll- Snbjdnodkmcddreu «1011me 3.7. 3.3mm». B. Ana“ the monthly Momma W.C.T.U.inthoY.M. 0. Amount. “:79me 13mm Wbyreqwtotthow.0sfl‘. U. pres-commune- “munâ€"37., mu -. 1 rates: an accepted truth what: In: um CW love their land. More that once has this love received modal expression. Were a foreign foe, greedy, wooden: sud cruel, to invade our shores. AL - M‘- n, ruawuu- w“ “"W " "’ oudseektoonslsve theme“ not a true country's help, and go gladly to the front to ï¬ght to: his home nnd his native loud. The dsy when such invasion would be possible ie,we trust, pest. but there one toes of our land more crafty then any of the dusky sons of the retest, more cruel then mmnding Moor or savage cennlbsl. 0! one of these toes I speak tonightâ€"s ioe,thst. l! he gains possession of our land. will not hesitste to our: on' his work or destruction by every instrument of death that can be imsgined; s foe thst will have re! hood, the gentleness o! manhood, no: the heirs of old age; a. fee that will my analyze the â€ma shatter the nerves, 3A__._ 5‘â€. ."Mt‘flï¬- leave a Banana "v. .. - __-__W“ children, it is the work 13: mothers if they would preserve pure the sanctity of their women in the vigor of youth, it they with their freshness and strength would serve their generation. Have I oval-drown the picture? I will leave metaphors. 0! 10.597 persons brought before the magistrate in Toronto in a single year, 5,209 were charged with bolus: draft ye", {LKW "DIV Unusauâ€" -- ~_ ._s," and disorderly; of these 765 were iemsies whose srrest marked an advanced stage in their degradation. The governor of e county goei stated that of 4.128 persons received in one year, 3,094 were at intern- perste hsbits, end he clased hie ststement with these words, “drink hes simcst everything to do with the commission of crime.†‘ In the genersi hospitsl in Toronto in one year. smong e host of csses brought there by drink, there were trested 114 osses oi delirium tremens, 14 of the sufferers being women. Oi lnmetee c! the Centrel arisen in Toronto during the out thirteen yeere. 79 per cent. heve been victime oi intemper- .1109. Gredetone’e word! on thin enbject ere well worn but ere worth "peeling “lotomperencqie theceneeoi more enfl‘erinn than the combined ovlle oi wer. peetilenoe end iernine.†With each ieote before us. end etiil more etertllna iecte before ue which connot be out down in flunree but ell oi ue ere more or leee fully iemilier with ee we come into dell: ocnteot with the world, to be indlfler- out to thie greet ueetion eeerne to me nothing leee then or minel. The qneeticn. remember in e netionel one; it in e oueetion oi the {lie or deeth oi our «tote, end ee each I refer it to you. I Cenede will not eley her ein thet ein will eley Cenede Juet ee their nine elow tho netlone ci ent'quity. Let the been of e netlon grow corrupt with iniquity end her deg) endudeoth will oneodiiy icliow. nâ€"e“ __.u.l. eLlâ€" -nm.- 0:" w; -â€"\- -wâ€" 7...- ï¬ve -, _ Where.then,te the ï¬ght with thSe tam-ee- elve toe to commence? With the indtvtduel. Tonal abstinence for the individual in the rim poultlon to be mauled. There con be no noun-once or personal may without ebb, nor can there without It be hopeful "ï¬rmware“: four, however. from the __“ I... ï¬-.-‘ -LJOIâ€" “plow-v- .. w... __.._,_ q-. anon o! portend eatety, torel obntin once becomes the bounden duty of ovary one wholoves hie iollommen. I! you, my brother. hove not edvenoed beyond the stage where you eat the question whether you moot teko your occasional alone of wine without poreonel danger or without actual sin, let me tell you you have not yet Mean to learn the A, B. C of the gospel o! J «as Christ, for if the: gospel teaches ony- thinn it teaches sacriï¬ce for the coke or others. Especially ehon‘d this be looked for on the part of those who hold any pool. doc of influence. Porente mlize but mtle thelr responsibility who not before their children on male, which it folio w. M, my lead to min. The: mu 1 hold to h utterly unworthy 3 position of public . mu who, by hie mum's, would lead , ,,_ ,7.-L 1,-A_n_o_n,,, young men to mnper with lmoxlcnrina dflnko. The mm or womsn In nu worth! of gmddoonnderm pnblloccnool gym-m who by word or enmplo would teach the boysvnnd girls placed under them suy'h'ng but mammal-m to the system of mom-r t,- ddnkina o:- to the nation: of 1W3 am. These .29 strong words but nut too ugromc; to the day of turn conflict we have a right to at mum-o who own? confluen- or trust and mummy thou d be may '0 throw their whole inflame: upon the side at M and ï¬ghhonums. The church. too, must not be Maud. She must who to master earnoainru In no man. The ï¬ght of the Church 0' 0mm: had up hmdgifllï¬hol qua: {nine nun iii momflmilbh nyputm “an. inn vellum: bunt-t n y of mum ugh}, _“:.he time of that Monaco , ‘_ -__..._-.A-olu AUIII Wunsuu no uuu uvvv ~v.â€"..v _---._ - V where to repent.†God forbid (Inf the church should be tonnd animal in the m :- when the ï¬ght again-t the kingdom of darkness is qt It; flex-0853. LA 2â€" El.- â€"n.0 uurnum In Du us- uâ€".w--. The state also has work to do. She must be aroused t3 itagqmpuurgg to protect her own life. Blinded by gold she now eon- sente to allow men to draw from her heert’s blood. In return for the payment of some ï¬ve millions of dollars she allows them to scatter pestilence. disease and crime. not to speak at the squendering of twenty millions of dollars. But when I speek ot the state remember I epeek of ourselves. We are the eteieâ€"the irenchise is ours; it ' is ours to say who our lswmekere ought to Q be and therefore whet the lawn mode ere to be. These laws we desire to be tor‘the prohibition of the mine in strong drink; difï¬culties may he in our wsy towerd thet goal which we seek. but in the way oi license there lies deal hâ€"deeth to our happy homes, death to our free institutions. death g)! our civil liberty, death to our religious e. Let the state not be 3 party to her own ruinâ€"i! die she must, let it be by the hand of an open toe. and not by the sting ot e serpent warmed in her own bosom. “Once to every parent! nation comes the Alan-v, c..- --.__ winked at but uni égingnsndeth everyone n ,L.’ AI.-. 5|.- ï¬ï¬gz at the seat of dimculty, is uncom- ed by the sure and steady aim of r. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Don’t fool around with 9. nor 9. “Flint-lqck,â€_ ypen mm “Win- chester†is within reach! Dr. S s treatmentof 0103131111 in the Head ish far superior to the ordiâ€" nary,and when directions are reason- ably well followed. results in mm nent cure. Don’t longerbein erent to the veriï¬ed claims ofthis Remedy y. moment to decide. In the aux-us or Truth with Flushed. not the good or evil side ' Some great cause. 603'- New Menuhin m each the bloom or blunt. Put: the angst-11999 the 1mm 3nd tho-hoop Emmy. Its mild, soothin, cleans- mg an healing pmperdes ectsper- feet and permanent cure, no matter upon the I: And the choiqe’gn: upon Inc nun-u, And the choice on tome: 'twixt um duk- neu and man. But thou ohm. O my peoph. on when m thou uhdt. and. In the doom gram 1:- won; mm m the â€Av Illllllvvâ€"u- vâ€" -â€" .. r mt. scan-t. our Ind v ' 7 Though the uu-o 0! av“ WW. n! ’tll m __-_,._ _- -___.7~ . done!- tron Amman-hem?“ gmoumstnowlmm Tron "the “hm men-mad p10 “in use]! not Bukwu-d look norm the nu. sad the m "'"tiio' 'mmaioamr Not n u:- n com or union to: the Ion. (or honing cry Of those omen. God'n m minnows. team when he: euth‘l out! mnwfll. New thou the oholoo momumu an the 131mm“: hub W by. We no dimly in the "awful“! ll mull Md win: 1: mt. Slow goings. hggg‘nku In I!“ mm W 1:. But ï¬g; soul In all! 02mm! amid the with a. me the 01111409; Item whine! tram tho W10 , u . n.c.“1‘1‘i‘3°£‘ux'3’o: some nut conduct. in: cave main: 7 fl â€enslave their children'l .31 .’make comps-0mm mu: mun. if you have discomfort £13 buffering; take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, or Anti-Biï¬ous Granules. ghey’re made bent me BTOP AND THINK- A DEAD SIOT w 133 a. medicine that allows them to tune such' a méaicln “An advertlslnï¬ false†you say. Funny,isnÂ¥ ow somepeopl people pm 'fer sickness to heath when the remedy is lave ad the guarantee absolute. 333â€. t 6888 Eyelet-$500M†of Catarrh which they cannot ‘K “a.†And “hiring†doesn‘t P8?- giv'e' Man, or your money returned. You only pay for the good you 89" ' Can you ask mgre? tocome no non-or. that have been dashed by this decelvor. Thou- tpptita for liquor has grown with menu-o. while to at it they: _hud_ gluing- hue been Knit-1m bu- dang An appeal to Women-em W W non Wanton-tho mm “m? For the children's calmâ€"1‘0 woman is largely eouirnmnd the are of children In those ï¬rst years of their llvee. when inure-v atone torgoodorevflue emailyreeelnd and hnblta anally termed. During this time principlee my be ï¬rmly lmbedded In thetreeheouthatehsllgroweoheehedge against evil. end prove n hen-let between them end wrong In the coming yeerl. ..... Mothere mm; 0! your responsibility in . .4. .LI .1... -“ 9|.- .1!!- MOHIOI'I unu- Vb IV-‘ _ _ alumna. Item-children use them glu- on the home “No, in the sldoboucd. at our evening turtles, will they not think whom-[nuns right nodal ad will†ed to 51,0 iiiâ€"Solver :6 my now with him about taking we much w de'1Mothor,Jon know I la: ‘71â€" A LA-- mun-v- a homo.‘ A far I‘m Little troublu m mun-bully the anal thst came the most you}, wanna and , ~ A. .A._.- Rim». But whut at W oonddorod limo mp1“. it left to thun- - ., _..-L .â€"ll- Win-luv- “ -- u-uv ulvol. soon mun!!! Into and will. produolna (lustrous mules. This :- especlolly true of oold In the hood. The Indore: looks upon it u o trifling unnonnoo that mode no mm. ad will mood!!! pup “toy. This u n can - _- _-L.-_L .- “I vauâ€", y..._ 7 _ minute. There is not 3 one o! esters-h In extreme the: did not hue u- oflaln In neglected cold in the heed. end the leaner the trouble tune the more eeflom the mum. Cold in the heed. develoflng Into eaten-h. render- the breech fan can. e lo» otthe seneee chute ma perm! datumlum hm content hewklgc end naming. end In 1â€" “-mnmnflnn mg] the - “0n may'. â€a“ 01' ghoul Fugue“; aver] honâ€. Sold W Bonn m 83.81591. _A Comfortable WW 2‘! W001. Ms Patent Feed-Box, â€"â€"â€"-_~ FOR HORSES. hWWWWO/t able Imago. They are cheap. W- and TM prevent all 4:wa aim and waste of food. . †Cont- MIL]: {mcnmnn 1 . JOHN MAKle, Breech oi: your Soodl and Thoroughbred and Farm Stool! Insured at very Low Rates. A/sike Clover, fled Clover and - Tinmtlzy Seed, - Potatoes and Dressed Hogs, FOR WHIGH WE WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PBIOES. HOGG BROTHERS. 'to hear the rat complaint. Parties in Mamba. Mus lcaandauoverwmlforu. um OI 8|!!! IT WON’T BURT ANY MEALâ€"TRY IT. ‘â€" ‘A WILLIAM-Stu LINDSAY, m Founder and. Ma mmor “mammalian" mum! ms. KEITH’S, WILLIAM STREET. .80“ :. lose-11 HIGINBOTHAM, Druggisb. OVER SEED wanted, for which - the HIGHEST PRICE new MWQEE “$01418 n LARD OIL Swen Kenn. Imram Comm- .5†50m OLD ENGLISH CONDITION POWDER. a the! 9261f"! 99!! [lo-.TBY [To 8 for $14 PURGER W. A. GOODme NEWS OF THE WEEK. m up 1033101113118 01!-3 ma m- m cm» an n- -â€"A.ll mum-.9 vâ€" m Q Doqolnber 1_2 killed twelve poi-sin! md L--nj-- Ant-avian - “mwu â€""_" 7 ' ' and mm. boulde- deou'om O anomalyâ€!!!- ,AAA_A_LI__ Ln -nv Mins_lrom mini: hie viewe, ceheenwettempuhndbeon â€oddly an already mode to undermine the ï¬rm We d the empire. â€"John Zimmer, who committed exten- dvetorgeriee end embezzved. a. [ergo unm dmoney in Wm W.T., leer. Aunt, and who he been hiding in Mnniwbe. ie new under urea: in Winnipeg, evening troop of mounted gendermee lost his head and ordered e chemo. The gendermee rode down the crowd, ï¬ring their turbines right and left, wannainx mnny person. An investigation is demanded. meme lens of ï¬ve hnebnnde. Her M known! died two years ago oi the ndvnneed nae of 154 years. â€"Tne deem our on the through welt- honndexpeoeeonthec. P. R. was thrown Mme tuck Friday b ebcoken ale www.mzhem e Superior nec- , n._AA_- Che (Emailiau ï¬at. an! Scbnlber, on the Lao 5am nec- flon. Thaw was thrown on: s bridge and an over am loot u: the ground. Ten â€can were injured, tour of them “body. but. no mu results no toured. ._Rlnlmn's college. in connotation ylth Moon. The to have to haunt. “gunman mmgï¬ is restored. The . 4.“. MA 1-1. I- lnllu nnr‘nfld “I! Wu- wv wâ€" - not. no “nicknamed the lymph to tween-two children, only one of whom named toimprove. Mid the Improvement In am one won only temporary, while u lumber beam wane undo: comment. Ho ho More stopped experiment. with flu lymph. â€"Ayonusaniiohm-.n had his leg broken will. chopping wood on Pooh: Point, In. an companion ran to coma ior “knee but while he w» you 3 me! of wolves Wed the Englishman lowing All- A 1“: hence ..... Ancihor horrible .11 u tow none! ..... Auvuwt mu-.- tron: Bow. where two lovers. on hung a wslk. were “tucked by than nunono cmtureo. The wu om to climb a. tree who the but“ use-chad the .ld i3 § dam he: cums upon. The Manama» the young man whom» thousand and vs: use W. -8cnh Cum . need 21 you. secur- od:po-monus Manon-om vm nod. Butt“. Slx moon:- dw- magnum communes: of helium unwell. Sucxpadoncod specnuuunu- “In hot cup. whlghfhojdocm could _ _n_‘. -hg â€Wu-“wwvâ€" â€"â€" ....... 0 u not moan: tot Wedoeadoé night she W to no to her home in uyboronxh. m morning c «leg-3m wu received mail: the girl. dean. A post- m held. nvesled that-ct mother “a unsung by 5 Eagle emu-tum the _.__II __‘\ I- hum of u and bull "king nonunion «gnu» “(chasing Indmly upon the mm. Every start to km or subdue to Animal pm“ tutu: until nun, so W. mom mu. cream that wows, one-sod In a count»: with the hunt clone quanta and succeeded In ten- llun with a. blow ofclumuar. Noone shoot the on" for tea- ‘ot him “not thaweengenoronolonl of the I The delayed p- oeum can. my that. quite bmly Mahmud a It 1». -L London «me am: : The cast victory ‘ RE! i ' bu pm. (real: life into the â€don. Tu snout maniac did not ! “towedchmmthmumducuon 01‘ .HI to" muses-Icy, bee-nae everything “all comm the chances at the M «Mum It has been smashed “the mum: atoms mo! that the Punch min- tdtenstodme-vmehomo 9W. __ â€lamp-1213. “.3: $13013le (s and! 013:) I- but" been â€allowed by the In flood. -â€"MoonthoLondon. Oh‘thsm‘k Dover nun-cu! won omdod (or three hours lug Scan-99y. w Imam, Eng. .. i 13:5: V". wulvu .- In" mv um: Channel-mom. big :1 at the gum: election the die-en- ! man be «on back. The In; ban: rsptdly aflocwd I um ago. but 1: Av†umpdv check- E W2. m 0510-1214†1’“ 4.39m Wot-h 7‘ Am I Fainmt. FEB. 13. GOODS a Specialty ALTâ€" lam