Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Feb 1891, p. 4

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The reform convention st Fenelon Fslls at Wednesday. Feb. 11th, called for e purpose of nsming delegates to the >ronto convention wxll, now that there is dissolution, no doubt nominste Mr. J. , Barron for the commons snd adopt ergotic plans for the campaign. Mr. men has an unscrupulous opponent, s In who, while a reckless slanderer in his pet, is s cunning intriguer of dark and vious ways. An efi'ective organintion 1! hard work will, it is to be hoped.give uopulsr verdict against the defunct. It has been evident from the utterances of the subsidized tory organs and from sundry ministerial declarations during the past week or two that Sir John Macdon- ald and his colleagues were endeavoring to create the impression that the United States government had been informally asking for reciprocity negotiations and that the Dominion government were dis- posed to consider the matter and were likely to sanction some minor arrange- ment for the free exchange of raw mater- ialsâ€"some plan that would maintain the N.P. in all its glory and power and yet secure some of the advantages of recipro- city. This was a transparent attempt to deceive the people, but it might have had } aconsiderable amount of success if the little game had not been properly exposed. It is well-known that there is no prospect whatever of a renewal of reciprocity on the narrow lines of the old treaty; that the measure must be comprehensive in scope and liberal in character: and that consequently it is moonshine and humbug to talk about reciprocity in natural pro- ducts only as certain tory organs and politicians are now inconsistently doing. A few weeks ago they were denouncing reciprocity of that or any kind as “ruin- ous to the farmer; ” but now they have no hesitation in advocating a narrow reci- procity that would secure the manufac- turer in all hislocal monopolies and expose the tanner to all those competitions with the American farmers which they have declared to be ruinous without providing any compensating advantage whatever. Theredparlorman is to be protecwd; his interests are to be jealously guarded; butthefsrmeristobeleftwithahalf loafâ€"and very light, dishonest weight at 1 that. The farmers are, we expect, too intelligent to be deluded an transpar- M’ami'owfidwf .....'n:. entdeviceofthekind Madam he’s Ottawacorrespendenttelegrapb: bytheministerialistsandwhichthgyhy. 3W‘¥“Wmfim 13008 WW II him" and! im-out and return the honest advoch id supporters of the change that must we. _ NOR TH VICTORIA. The reform convention at Fenelon Falls ixt Wednesday. Feb. 11th, called for e purpose of naming delegates to the >ronto convention will, now that there is dissolution, no doubt nominate Mr. J. Barron for the commons and adopt ergetic plans for the campaign. Mr. irron has an unscrupulous opponent, a in who, while a reckless slanderer in his per, is a cunning intriguer of dark and vious ways. An effective organization (1 hard work will, it is to be hoped,give popular verdict against the defamer. Nearly half a dozen leading North Vic- ia conservatives from difi'erent parts of i riding met in town Tuesday for the rpose of discussing the situation and anging some plan for throwing “Slan- ring Sam” overboard. The latter, how- ur, had secured and “cooked” the “con- Ition,” and was there “to stay.” It is ibtful even if he could be bought ofi'. deputation of the dissidents or Anti- ns was sent to Ottawa Tuesday night interview the “chieftain,” but it is very Ibtful if the Anti-Sans will succeed in ting the “incu ” thrown overheard. 5 Lindsay junior toryorgan, in anarticle Where printed. predicts a storm in the lib Victoria tory campâ€"a veritable See in pet, and makesa cutting refer- etoRev. W. Inganinawaythatwill up that powerful political writer. .'he Mail’s Ottawa correspondent tele- flu Wednesday: “A. delegation is here nNorth Victoria to invoke the Old n’s aid in side-tracking Mr. Seq: 3h“, who,tbeysay,willaothaeethe we», 11:. Blaine’slsttsrwaswfitteninnply‘ rpoee of discuseing the situation and anging some plan for throwing “Slan- ing Sam” overboard. The latter, howâ€" It, had secured and “cooked” the “con- Ition,” and was there “to stay.” It ii Ibtful even if he could be bought ofi'. deputation of the dissidents or Anti- no was sent to Ottawa Tuesday night nterview the “chieftsin,” but it is very uhtful if the Anti-Sums will succeed in ring the “incubus”thrown overboard. iLindsay junior toryorggn, in anal-tide where printed. predicts u storm in the Hh Victoria tory compâ€"e veritable Bic in pet, and makes: cutting refer- etoRev. W. Ingminamythatwm up tint powerful politicll writer. ’he Neil’s Otten correspondent tele- flu Wedneeday: “A. delegation is here nNorth Victoria to invoke the Old n’enidineide-tnchiugflr. Sqn udden dissolution and the short campaign refore polling day; and therefore we trust 11 the delegates, alternate delegates, and amany other supporters of the reform olicy as possible will be in attendance. Yhe occasion is one of great importance. Ky judicious and prompt action and hearty rork all along the line the riding can be Irried by a good majority. The influ- nces that prevailed in the last contest ave lost their potency; and the farmers ad all other: interested will now have an pportunity of giving a vote that will :ange and materially change the fiscal olicy that has been a heavy burthen upon Iem. The outlook in most hopeful and The executive committee of the South Victoria reform association have called a :onvention to meet in Lindsay on {Durs- iay next, Feb. 12th, for the purpose >f placing a reform candidate in the field. .‘hereisnotimetobelosginviewofthe has boeen opened in connec- tion with this branch. In. lounging for the liberal petty and >licy. The wisdom of that policy in Midi-bed by the attempt of Sir John hedonold himself to appropriete 3 put 1' it with the hope of deceiving the people xto believing that he has the whole of it. at Sir John in power after the 5th of [arch would only be too ready to burke ciprocity, end the best plon in to put an out end return the hone-t advocate- nd eupporten o! the chnnge the: must BANK OF MONTREAL. an mIsoLML 7 in“! #137395: 8'. I. Emotions. Esq. Jomc Luvs. Beq- Avmxrns, m. Gun. Sm'rn. Esq. non. Wu. CAM. Esq. Tana. [man-q. D3. H. Roma; [May Nov, 15. luâ€"zs. Incorporated 1838. Bond Dace-British American 8 mrmtmsmmn. Toronto. 30m 0' DWBS. Bflflsh American Assurance m. @112 (Emahian afloat. LINDSAY, FRIDAY. FEB. 6, 11. thrich Choirs. A SPLEI'DID COLLECTION. FIRE AND MARINE M. Jan. 29. m-as. A SAVINES DEPARTMENT Rudmeev.Xr.Dawqm '. C. TAYLOR, Bank of Montreal. ROWE ANTHEMS BO UTE VICTORIA. A. P. D. MAGGAOHEN, 1P. 0'. Taylor. 3.8m SIR JOHN’S LITTLE GAME EX- P0830. While the dissolution has been by many expected for days and even weeks, it was the general belief that another session would be held in accordance with the solemn declarations of ministers made in the house that no general election ' would take place until a new voters’ list : had been prepared and revised and a re- , arrangement of representation made on the basis of the census to be taken in April. These official declarations were strengthened by the fact that conserva- tives generally did not expect a general election to take place upon the lists pre- pared last year. The step now taken inflicts a gross injustice upon thousands of voters who are in every way entitled to vote, and who are disfranchised in con- sequence of the action of the Dominion government in passing their arbitrary, expensive and useless franchise act. If the law had not been changed the ordin- ary municipal lists prepared in a thorough and comparatively inexpensive way would have answered the purpose, would have saved great annoyance and expense, and would have been satisfactory to all parties. This is one of many discreditable acts for ‘ which the Dominion government should ;receive popular condemnation. 0n the 3 other side a similar tyrannical measure to perpetuate the republican party in power ‘ by giving the federal authorities control of the lists and the elections has been prac- tically defeated in the American Senate ‘ by the democrats with the assistance of a :‘ number of public-spirited republicans. ' Fancy our senate defeating a measure that Sir John Macdonald had determined to put through for the benefit of himself and his party ! But the die is cast. There will be a short and sharp campaign. The liberal party enters upon it with spirit and deter- mination, and with bright prospects of carrying the country. The time has come for a change, and the people are every- where recognizing and demanding it. 1 good-humored scorn; and the mixture is a firm as transparent as an attempt to com- bine oil and water. Any intelligent elec- tor can see that monopoly and reciprocity will not combine and work together; but Mr. Elaine’s letter has exposed Sir J ohn’s wily game and left him standing and shivering on very thin ice. neighbors. He has been craftily endea- voring to mix the red parlor monopoly and a kind of stunted and dwarfed reci- procity which he knows, and everybody knows, the Americans would reject with threatened complications and McGreevy revelations, and with the certainty that he would have to take a. “red parlor” stand against the wide-spreading demand for the largest freedom of trade with our Finding himself between the devil and the deep sea. Sir John Meodomld has disregnrded the strong and all but unani- mous protests of his parliamentary follow- ing and has dissolved the commons. He feared to face another session with its The delegates while in Lindsay ought to have told Mr. Dobson and Mr. Hughes where they were going to. Mr. Hector Cameron’s appearance in this movement looks peculinr. Wine next ‘I A DESPERATE APPEAL. Lincoln? From what Mr. '1‘; tesays it is ciearthattherehubeenn rowin the cabinet between Sir Adolphe, who is accused of hacking him. and Sir Hector. Ur. Chapieauaidin aidinthgwi the minister at "In“ H- Mr. Torte. says in Le Canadien that the torypnrtyinQuebecisin annwkwsrd fix. The Domnion government was afraid, in his opinion. to allow parliament to probe the McGreevy scandal. The facts brought out would have told heavily against it at a general election. Even as it is the best menin the are ashamed of Uncle Themes and s more so of his intimate connection with the public works depart- ment. Uncle Thomas will run agoin in Quebec west and why shouldn’t be after Mr. Rykert’s triumphgntLre election in! ‘I’I_MI_ o 11.-.. ,7 A cable despatch quotes the London Chronicle as saying: “A high authority declares that the government has exercis- ed no pressure on Canada in regard to pending nego tiations. While it would re- joice to see Canada and America again commercial friends. thus inducing a different spirit from that engendered by the fishery disputes, it does not desire to part from the policy of allowing the colonies airee hand in commercial matters. Nor is it right to imply any intention on thepartot Canada to make' a reciprocal agreement the basis of the settlement of ‘ such questions as those involved in the Behringseamatter, which must be deci- ded on their merits.” Dr. McKay, M.P.P., authorizes us to state that the absurd rumor in circulation to the eflect that he has accepted the vacant registrarship of this county (or that hei s an applicant) 3 untrue and absolutely without any foundation. It is thought the Ontario lezislature, which meets on the 11th inst, will adjourn after receiving the address until after the Dominion elections are over. The red parlor monopolists entertain a holy horror of the very name of recipro- city, and we can fancy that when he met the disgusted crowd in the famous room the other day Sir John worked off on them the venerable story he is fond of telling on occasions parliamentary and otherwise. The story is to the effect that in palliation of her misfortune the poor girl explained that her baby was a very little one; and Sir John can stand ofi' the reproachful and indignant red-parlor men with the truthful declaration that his reciprocity baby is a very little oneâ€"very small indeedâ€"so small that it could be easily stranqled after the 5th of March, and then, to change the chestnut and the simile. the hogs under the oak tree need have no fear of not growing fat on the heavy harvest of acorns in due season. will no doubt nominate a candidate to contest the riding in the reform interest in the parliamentary elections. North Ontario has been badly gerrymandered; but still if a candidato is promptly placed in the field the riding can be redeemed- We are confident our friends in North Ontario will have the energy, public spirit and enthusiasm to take up the challenge. Wmmors youâ€"référ to. There are no ' whatever on foot for a W t with Canada. and you be we. ”mm msm'mm m ionooxrnmb r0 NATURAL Paonucrs will be entertained this vernment. We know nothing of Chares Tupper's coming to Washmgton.-â€"Very truly yloz‘rsis G. To Hon. Charles S. Baker. The tory organs are very angry at the exposure of the principal card which Sir John hoped to play in the campaign now opened. It is not surprising that they are angry. It was a capital game; a crafty plan to deceive the public with a pretty story that was surely good to last for five weeks ; and after the elections on the 5th of March the Old Man would have no difficulty in finding unexpected obstacles in the way of negotiating any reciprocity treaty that would not be satisfactory to the red parlor brigade. The Montreal Witness in discussing Mr. Blaine’s letter says :â€"“It will be seen that Sir John “ Macdonald’s government have not the “ slightest chance of negotiating such a “ treaty as they have attempted to mis- “ led the people of Canada into thinking ' “ they have been encouraged by the gov- “ ernment of the United States to believe “ would be accepted. The people of “ Canada should therefore not allow them- “ selves to be humbugged into believing “ that partial reciprocity or reciprocity in “ natural products alone will be accepted “ by the United States now or at any “ future time. If they want reciprocity “ they must declare in favor of recipro- “ city which will extend in some degree “ at least [in a very large degree] to man- “ ufactures as well as to natural pro- “ ducts." Itis for the people and especially the farmers of this country to pronounce upon the issue now before them. If they want tobe humbugged, if they want to play into the hands of the red parlor monopo- lists, they will give Sir John a renewed lease of power, and with that they will give a renewed lease to the McGreevys, the Rykerts, the Carons, the Bobillards and the long list of incapables and corruption- ists who batten on the revenues of the country. NORTH ONTARIO REFORM CONVENTION.- The North Ontario reform convention to be held to-day for the purpose of se- lecting delegates to the Toronto convention I â€"IIIL.IIH---l-.- roar-“fl “ITS A. VERY LITTLE ONE.” awam '53“ '"mum' "Fig“ 3%}?! and ot samurai mditis that Chagml'li‘nnnerison my helping commis- um nun mull-mam“;â€" -- ._._.-_ .__V Qhatles Tapper is on . alone: to negotiate for such modulation to our unit. Iwould be very glad it you would enable me to answer my constituentsâ€"Very mm mm. mamm- weplaeeitbeforeonrreadera: EDITORIAL N O TES. Wma'rox. D. 0., Jan. 29. 191. J, :1, 390mm, Real Estate, Honey ‘ngning and I Sub-Division of the South hf of Block G in the South Ward, Town of Lindsay. Buy a Lot and pay for itâ€"then I will furnish you the money to build at six per cent, with principal and interest payable monthly which will only amount to a trifle more than you now pay out for rent. Eight years will suffice to pay both principal and interest. The following Lots are for sale and should be snapped up at once, as the price is below the value. Home, Pianos, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Tee Services, Chine Dinner Set. Silver Dinner and Tee Knives. loge eeeh rewards and eooree of other prime. Send ten cents in stamps for ample copy of Ladies Jonrnel contemlng these um In full, orbetter, send onedollernndenewere end get Journal for 12 months. Adda-I, Editor. Ledln’ Journal. Toronto. Cennde. Provide Yourself with a Real Estate and Insurance Vllublo m on. Am. The attention of enrreedere is onlledto the lemolietof prizes giveninoonnootion with the Lsdiee’ Joanne! to nub-outs! between now and Much 25th, for correct enewere to the following questions: Where in the Bible are the following words that found: let, Money; 2nd, Cool; 3nd, Wood. Thereuethree largeustlof vnlnnbie prizes. consisting of n mmifloent Seddle TUESDAY. Fob. 24mm â€"37 manna-n. “cumulus wmmmmu and hon-showman «no. JohnMoCnolg. Mtym1.m on thopremlseootono mmmm NuamHâ€"Onthshdromm lot con. .10. Mome mum: Alex. m‘mmnulogm Jenn. MnAlex'N' “anomaly mun-inmuiui. Deeplymuodbyshnadm Amâ€"MchLâ€"At the m 01' “1° bride's Mot. onthoStthJfl-MRW- gum. Johnston. 3A.. Juno: mm mm. magnum an.. otJnnotvflle. Bumsâ€"In m.m1mmb.m Into othJ.Barnea.ot gm, LINDSAY STREET. greeteet umodyrorthdweoulbrdlmenh yetdloooveted. Theeo pull anthem otenelmoetme manual on e oath nerve mo and blood build“. film theelemente neoeeeeryb enrich theblood end trmetorm pole. allow or m complexionstotheolnkend slow alpa- toot health. These pill-men whines cure for nervous debnsy. pelplhtlon at theheert. loee of ”petite, heedeche end ellthe “regularities otthe tend. lyetem that entail so much mm end an... Every enflerlng women ehould live them unal- roman by sweaters. «.2111 In Home of Your Own. JAMES STREEI. Enam-fignngsfo; the M M. n_tho 13- “mam. outta-mam” “will than flu-n In mm M to CREDIT SALES. . . . . HA0 DONE]. 00W It may not fit in with the views ofsome to have two such weighty matters engagmgpubha ., w W whgnqugzww attention at one and the same timeâ€"but we were not consulted, and our Sale must go on. 219‘? W Mica-Irm- To the Honest Electors of Victoria County. The DOM/Illa!) E leaf/ans and ABC”. GIMPBELL’S gngggfi. :figgtgg. $0384.33 305. 251a 983 1nd- .7, fl! 9U... #33". in! i 3”! P54 Remember everything is moving during this month, and Lindsay’s Leader of 7 [.020 Cash Prices has never been undersold yet. He leads the van still, and for Realz'state, KW everything in Dry Goods that you will require visit us in the NEXT THIRTY Financial Agents. DA Y5 and secure these bargains. ----- “I m M and Sold on and E. E. w. MGGAFFEY, mam-.2.“ mum-smasher!” We have been talking about Men’s Wearâ€"we will now turn to the side of the house devoted to selling Ladies’ Wear. We have noticed in other years during the month of January there is a larger percentage of Wedding Outfits bought in and around the vicinity of Lindsay than in any other period of the year. To meet this inqeasing demand we have decided to place our large stock of Silks, Satin: and Fine Dr“: Good: at prices that will make these goods come within the reach of the most careful buyer. It is surprising theMantIe MMantI: Clothwearestillselling. We still have a very nice stock to select from,which will be ofi'ered along with some handsome pieces of Sealette at about one-third less than ordinary prices' We have the facility for making Salem Meatb- up in a very handsome style. Orders left for Sealed: Caps, Mufi, Collar: or Mia: will receive prompt attention. ‘ ItisbutthirtydaysfiutheeupmtugmasonsandphsmrerswmbeomhmdingtheCITYSTORE tomakethepremisesradyforourremovdthere. Duringtheintervening time we must sell as much” can possibly be disposedof, andwewoulas’ayiiyou havenonmghcyw Wm Overcoats we would ask you to look at our.$4.oo ULSTERS, (tweed lined); If something more dressy is required put your tragicformintooneofour$sooWORSTEDSr Youwil! find there is a. decided break in all prices of CLOTHING, which embrace Men’s, Bo}! aad Yaw: Suits, Past: and 0mm. We hate about twelve FUR COATS in Men's, about eight LADIES' ASTRACHAN MANTLFS, and about three dozen MEN’S FUR CAPS, which we are going to make every efi’ort to dispose of. Profit is not the con- sideration with these goods ; turning them into cash is of more consequence. Had-3y. J nanny 8. 11. WNl/Al CLEARING SA LE HANGING MATTERS OP SERIOUS IMPORT! CLOVER SEED. DINNER HINA 'I‘EA SETTS, ALSIKE, RED GLOVER SPRATT 8: KILLEN. Great Sweeping Sale of Crockery. THREE LINES WE OFFER RARE BARGAINS IN: "wishto have the unable TIMOTHY SEEDS, To Show it to us before Selling l 3. 1.391. It Will Pay Those Having Arch. Campbell. --AND-- J. I. m ”08%;. Spratt a Kilian, One Door East Stimson House, Lindsay. I SETTS, ‘LAMIE’S lines away. Jed and 4mm and We: ,To 1431:3125: . -OABded statesman-hm “Jen-LIMâ€" 7-11. V '15 confidently induce.â€" a v int-o 3m, a“: "w m 23"?“ “a: ' I 0 now VG w”. thug-mm «Wmmm Round ‘ C I am. .13. WWflfibpdmmxumodu-lm ‘- A-â€" PROF. G. GAIN. lawmaueemmmm.m sugammmmm-mummn DAEOING AND DEPORTMIENT. mm¢mveuekros. kg Wmhouo, Simuwmwmq mmnmcxmnum Scranton 00 AL All Kinds of Wf and Heavy Hardware“ AMERICAN SCISSORS, CROSS-CUT AND BUCK SAWS, AXES, AXE HANDLES, Cow CHAINS, HALTERS, HORSE NAILS. HORSE SHOES. ENGLISH AND MCLENNAN Co., SILVER KNIVES, mmmmmJ .provideounlnoomelnoldago. Md Invement. Ram 15 to!) percent. was. than Annuity mm Pulleys!- Mummoondncencyo n be MI I. 0117 CE, William Street, , Delivered at Lowest Rates. m a 1w.,,, ,, Represent the 000m LII. Ml.- ”dTog-gnwL This 001nm! Wyoming mâ€" _._mw_- _'1'3'1§."m' "Wind'- mono mmunmmo. no I'm m a.“ Minor m m. Anon over 350,000,000; Paid cbougsasoo (p0. _ Twp_ or meg-m mficmz'gém" m " mm; " 'T' We rel ”en! cam-r 1‘ m 0 high m: “wanmmumm Mumummum SKATES. SKATE STRAPS, CARVING SETTS, BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES, LAzons, POCKET KNIVES AND BUTCHER KNIVES, Real Estate andInuu-ance. North of Ian: Strut. My. Nov. 26. 1890â€"29. KNOWLSON BROS. law Advertisements. LOWEST PRICES. Wedding Presents MCGUIRE UNWIN, Best Canadianat18c. pergal. ' meant-admi- GHINA HALL. 8m OIL, GOAL OIL, a. 8. BEAH. 8.1., as. ALEX. gunmen, Peterboro’ FARMERS. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTH 8IDE 0F KENT-87. KNO WLSON BROS. L£Y, WHEAT, P348, OA 1'8 and POTATOES. HcLennan a: Go. '14:ng 4!: Uann ulna. 8. Ianâ€"35. chum FORKS AND Spoons, min: ’t’oxperll -

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