Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Feb 1891, p. 3

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‘A_ca.blo from Wmsw an: There are 2“."‘108 rumors cum-n: In Pallnh any... . wunmx me “an 0: one man 117k], 33 N‘wc‘a’gm". surpflud 9!: no- 11061281335111”: 35:11:13“an 5510111 0,. “EUR OFFICES m I'ACTOBY drn ' _ .. . . .. - . u: evere hum-loom may others. The turning home 1”: squads] to tho manta-Info eflect If the dine-o be not A" d u n WI. '0‘. “m. n m “cm“? i‘ 18 Mid. was owingooomiouke h 1 ' ‘glgn f boat the too for odmood.’ We 5! on operator st Kinnton. pm? °s°f§dp3c§§2a on $3,115.0ka 1“ mtgllo'lnn i' “'9 “'3'” undo b b. m mumuhmfium “d M m ‘Acoble from Warsaw can: There are the door. The ofiaollotooilmmwfllna. Sir Haul! Maxie: ThoK lymph 1- j moth. «1:qu mmm 01 must Ill all “M ”m we: wanna current In Polish elm!” She made her w. to the rooms of her ottho New Double who formed!!!”- Mhbthoofl‘ooothu-Bm litmus lmdpamundw Methanol. Md,“ . 1'“ mt' mp'é‘onrlnfl for another poflticolmnrdor Mrs. W cm W. In: no (comma of the ab“: moni- ‘ -» husband, 1: ° , ‘ ‘ % {no man ovum-unto:- re .the punk ofthe band. He duo mu m}: m I, “I”, the “mm...“ ~' ”contention are“, d to «an; wu Wists] o ”m °t the ~ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ "'"W Mon-flan. lam. daze GOWnMWchufimto mu 2 ’Mr. hood menu: shoal-enema I. deadly .. .- , '. m m and. ”'"l' mm 3mm. '11: ' mm no ' I“. Thom MG: *1“ ““30“ 0" “"1“!“ 0|“.- ' -' - - I 01-: W “bib*lwvw.'tu “swim to a. eddfilil ' . Shel s VIM mm b 3m" 0' m “L ‘ ' ’ ”m“ wfiwngéngumgsgw.doflvn doodtorhoigrs. sax-.3333: Mann. my mgzuonltvmhwgm ' .. II": M ~ ‘0 f w ‘ haul. m, M m ,, . "9-“ . P'filtwworld are sold bdbnnflngm Mfl ’ 9‘31):thme “than“ him" 2% H" “ ”fit ~ ‘k'dhema u 4 mm m anal-as and Tho'flde - m-‘mi-. a. moral. auJJ.”.:¢°° gmflmngmnxg‘mmmmm“ “mm"..m ’me _ W- mum_m ~ wane rumors cunentltiiniloh clrcfia my ‘hionolro. thu- Boar Juana? em a oranothor ulnar r. The 13 h 01' Much, the “flown! °f the 1.. 11h: ‘31”??3'9" Alumna. 1: aid to u-r- u, p ”I?! cum VMH- me’u gangs, “30:: ten miles from mint-an. A couple 0! from!“ truino ran into web other when u g high rate 239?“, capqlmz the do: at one an -_ -_v "ea-v.1 nave... van-ave; A. Miller, is believed to manage the Can- adian end of an nndemound railroad that has been carrying Chinamen into the United States by the wholesale of late. â€"Mr. St. Pierre, Q 6., who appeared the other morning in the Montreal police court, We: called a liar by a prieoner whom he was prosecuting. He appealed to the court, and on the judge telling him he had no power to protect counsel Mr. St. Pierre laid he would then have to preach hun- Iell. and struck the prisoner in the face. -It is announced by the phyeiciana Benin and Plcq of the Nautea faculty. who recenuy injucted 15 mum of goat’s blood in-o the thighs 0 two ps'iente. that the me of both patients there has m m abatemez-t or the fever. One of them, ayoman. who-e tempera“!!! Prior to, the hut-ciao was 102, ehoweT'decllne of two EEO. l â€"Aeerlous accident occurred on the Ga 3;“an Sringay mm It 0 M callem -S:x China-non find two white men were created In Buffalo on Wednendoy night, charged with violation of the Chinese ex- c‘lusion act. 0?.» of the white men. Jayne; rvvr v, -v--_-_ said: “You gave us beet every twelve deep». That was good; but now one best Booster eighteen sleeps for thirty people and our chudren starve.” Thle le queerly put, out 1t tella the tales of Indlsn wrongs in s torclble msnner. â€"The body of Robert Wilson. sSouth Doubles farmer, wee found the other dsy In the cistern In his own house, and it we suppose-d that he had committed sui‘ cide. Circumstances sttendlng the case. however. hsve caused suspicion, end the colonel-’9 jnty orderedâ€" thst the viscera. be sent to Toronto tor analysis. â€"A chief of the Dakota Indians, amt- ingtha grievances of hjs people, reoeqfly .An;, ‘1‘ â€"The United States secretary of agricul- ture has issued an order directing that ell live stock from Canada shall be inspected end quarantined at Lockport instead of East Bufislo, the betterto carry out the not to prevent the introduction 02 contag- ious diseases among cattle. â€"An attempt was made on Saturday to establish a republic in Portugal. In 0901’- totwo regiments revolted and seized the Hotel de Ville, but were quickly brought 1 to time by the royal troops, who besieged them. There were some lives lost before the insurgents surrendered. Zulus. -The British government has refused to re-tore to their native country the ban- ished Zulns who are now in 85. Helene, on Ihexround :hss the repatriation of these gmefs yould dleznrb the «Minuet-[rege- â€"Charlotto Scott, the colored woman who contributed the first five dollars paid toward a uncommon: for Abraham Lincoln in Waehinazton, and whose name is on that account inscribed in bronze on the base of it, died last Saturday. -1'he colonies of Australia have asked the home government to accord them the vileae possessed by Canada of negotiat- commercial treaties with foreign coun- files under the sanction of the foreign â€"E ljah Burma 0: the 4rh con. 0! War- wick, nest Susan-0y, fell from a. ladder on Thursd.y last whiley fixing an eavetrong h on hls barn and was instantly killed, hav- ipg struck the stone brldge in Iron; of the â€"The annual report of the New York state assessors says the farms in the state are constantly depreciating in value, sales as Infrequent, and the men-tones are tre- qnently to the full value of the farms. â€"_-â€", on Tuesday by knocku'uf 750% C. W. Bunyingo, his confidential agent, who, he lays, played him false. â€"Milllonalre Mackay created a sensa- 99013 “’9 Nov“. 3-919 59 Fray-2. powder. â€"Despatchea from Gteece say an aval- anche rolled down upon the town of Atha mun. Twenty-five persona Were killed outright and many were injuxed. Eighty houses were deatroyad. ha- been formed to mt12flififd§ HcKiniey bill. â€"Foreet, Ont, hes the oil fever, and the promising territory just went at the town will be full of holee within a short time. â€"In Minneapolis leet Snndey Rev. N. Penning, Congrmflonel minister, had 'uet finished e sermon on “Ie Lite Worth hing?” when he tell down end died at nyoplexy. -â€"A men nrreeted in Tipperery the other day charged with illegally oerrying urine, was found to have ooneeelggl uponhie per- : HEADQUARTERS Imuod Iron no 20188119! 3nd I:- (on AND TUBE] ON I ”HS 01' NEWS OF THE WEEK. ARTISTS GOODS a. Specialty. W. A. GOODme m VICTORIA COUNTY '03 ”PAPER and HM FRAMES LINDSAY. FRIDAY. FEB. 6, 1891. wufp”: “mg_ #1 3% between the government and the -A syndicatqot Boston commercial men EEK-"ind ginâ€"jg .pyngrmgg auxin. W: Notice. W A. Goodwm. - r-â€" a. foot long filled Giff: gun- Wu" Agency â€"Mr. Srayiey of Wolfe Island WA: driv- inz a loan at hay with nnothe: unloaded behind it no Data-lord” Mimi!!!“ Sunni”. Thapolontthowotthoflnt doiah was mwdad rub-«ban» , Three, among them Eddie Davis, eight years old“ were daring enough to com. between the twoloada and ride on theâ€"tune of the nu sleigh. Davie lost his balance. Ho “taunted to crawl out, but the“ phased over him, killing him instantly. â€"John C. McNabb has been appointed clerk of the Barrie division court. made vacant by the removal of Allen Loyd to the Southern S: ates, where he has gone for the benefit of his henlth. Mr. John Campbell MoNabb was born in Beaveraon. Ontario, in 1802, and is the eldeet non of Andrew McNebb at Bundon, Motto, “one time merchant in Buds. .7 , . â€"A Bellevillo denmtch an: The mun arrested at Bremen, Gummy, .0 Chester Yorex, the tamer, has been Identified by Mr. Szox-k, the local manager or the Bank of Commerce. â€"1‘he deductions drawn from the result of the contest in the Bassetlaw division of Northamptonshirs have been refuted by the bye-election at Hartlepool. At Basset- law in 1886 the liberal-unionist candidate had been returned without opposition, and. therefore. materials for drawing a decisive demonstration of the drift at public opinion the nominee of the unionists won by over 900 majority. 0n Wednesda of this wet-k the unionists drew to the lot box 922‘ more electors than they did at the last ‘ general election, yet their candidate was beaten by nearly 800 votes. because the Gladstoniaus brought out a reinforcement of 2,184 electors. whom, in 1886, they had been unable to control. If bye-elections have any significance, the remarkable re- versal of majorities at Harclepool must be held to prove several things. In the first place. it indicates that the temporary dis. cou ement caused among the British libe s bv the schism in the Irish party has passed away. and that the Gladstonians are now as strong in England as they were three months ago. It signifies that the liberal abstainers of 1886 have returned to their old leader, and that of the new voters placed on the registration listsâ€"some 2,000 were so placed at Hsrtlepool -3 majoruy are assured to Mr. Gladstone. It also shows that English non-conformiets appreciate the course pursued at their dictation-by Mr. Gladstone with regard to Mr. Parnell, and that they are resolved to rally in full force to his support. The disclosure of their feelings is timely and imporsaut, because the tories have been trying to arouse religious alarms and antipathiss by pointing to the influence exerted by the Catholic priesthood on the North Killrenny election. Go the verv day when the voting was taking place at Hartlepool, Lord Salis bury, in a speech at Cambridge. dwelt upon 4: the unlimited power which had been 1 recently displayed by the Irish Catholic a clergy, and he invited his auditors to say whether they desired, by granting home rule, to place Irish Protestants under the heel of such aruthless organization. He knew very well what answer to expect i from university dons. but he got a very , dlflerent reply from the dissenters in the c northern counties, who. asit turned out, . could not be wrought to either fear or g] hatred of Catholic ecclesiastics because the e latter will not tolerate a breach of the it 7511 commandment. n fillia MELAND DISTRICT Hons. ‘ among the floating ice into the rapid: and dashed over the falls. Hie body will likely lodge among the huge masses of ice at the root of the tails. ...... The N! am Falls suicide turns out to be Carl seven: or Bnfl'alo, who lived with his parents at 85 Whitney-place. Carl was only 20 years of age. He lately complained ot a severe pain in his head, which was probably a forerunner of some brain disorder which suddenly developed and led him to dee- troy himself. to a mastheTTié .‘x‘JEo"xiéi' three times. and he shows no signs of madness. It is believed he will recover. â€"A man who registered at the Spencer house, Niagara Falls, as C. E. Stanley, Cleveland, Ohio. sniolded Sunday last by ‘umping otl' Goat island bridge into the lagers. rapids, and was instantly swept over the American tells. Reservation Park Policeman Henry Highland saw the man climbinn over the locked brid states. When he reached the man he was all way up the island hill. He saw Stanley was intoxicated and took him by the arm to lead him back to the mainland. They had not proceeded tar when Stenleybroke away. Just about the middle of the bridge Stan- lev mounted the railing, jumped over on the anchor ice below and lay apparently stunned. The constable summoned help. when a man named McCloy fastened arope about his waist and made his way towards Stanley,who had risen to a sitting position and sat shivering and ahakinc. Another second and he would have been secured, when StanleLy rolled_over_int9 the rapids __j _-_ A death, so am hii'hhc'fi-‘uliohâ€"hffi'w'fii‘é him out of his muggy. The boy was tgken ‘- ‘ â€"-J~A~~ -__ _ ,ww _._..â€"u,,-v. w 6 neck. This seemed to make th Jock more ferocious than ever, snd grabbing the lower part of the stellion’s neck in histeeth he tone onthis wind-pipe. But the high- mettled stsllion did not give up. and before tolling he kioked the jsck’s Mt hind leg. breaking it not below the hook. He then tell desd. hejsek uttered s ionglaud brsy snd went into his stable. He Who covered with _blood and_ gonnded unto :_-AL __ AL ____v.vâ€" ‘elue, man whom 531;,“ u find: its victims. 3 “3.30).“; am ”*1 “Sufi noun , nil mu: mu #“T'mm “as: o to m. n nicer. A few den before a and dog bit Thanee’e little boy and the mum. Sun- ghey she 11:11:. went med, sad. kicking down e 00: o ejeek’eete “muting him. The jack retelleted, and lot fifteen minutes they fought. using their teeth, heel: end tone-teen. Finally the jack tore ‘ the etellion’e left ear with his teeth, and the stallion thenbito piece {gem thejeck’e 1 nnAL ML}- _--__-1 L, was size: may _llghfé{né r9915!!! _4L_ n-4An_ _ n :16 up “is uthlog'hm than nuoml noMLWQ mansions m we in mongol-gate elect If the an... be not [A MAN um war: on: LUNG our our. Them than, at theKocgvlymph seem to be M dines-ea along. or got-nuptial: it muaxm mu applied only. This, however, Sir Moron Mnem- Sir Morel! Mackenzie believes that the lymph has a true elective afinity for tn- bercie. Neither on cancer or on any other disease has it any enact et all. Koch does not ssy that by this remedy the baccili are ‘ destroyed. but the tissue in which the are imbedded. Break up the nidus an the one will not be nested. "In some parts the diseased tissue become ‘necrotio’ and is thrown 011’ ‘as a dead mass;' in others it seems to melt away.” But the baociii do not perish. They may live in the dead tissue, and “may possibly enter into the neighboring live tissue.” Only, then,when ‘ disease or a tuberenione ehareeter is on the ‘ surfaeeoan the dead mass be thrown of without the aid of surgery, and this eon 1 etltntss “a very serious limitation of the curative power of the new remed'y.” What Koch tells us of the eifect of the remedy should be perfectly understood in ord :- to dissipate false illusions. If the lymph be injected. the average dose being one centiaram for the healthy person, it produces no efi’ect; but if the patient be suii’ering from any form of tuberculosis “it causes fever of greater or less intensity, with the usual accompaniments of such systematic disturbancee.” The remedy has "a specific action On tuberculosis processes of every kind, which shows itself in the form of what is practically an attack of acute inflammation of the affected parts.” Now, we know from the careful studies ‘ made by our physicians in the United ‘States that the eflects of the lymph on those sfiilcted with lupus are visible. What was absolutely taking place on the surface of the human body and discernible could not be visible inside the patient, but we would be entirely justified in our belief that with the same cause the identical efl’ects were being produced within the lungs of the patient. What ‘ Koch insists upon. and what he must be credited with, ' is that the lymph is “an indispensibie aid to dissuade,” or, as Sir Morel] Mackenzie aptly puts it. “No reaction, no tubercle.” It is probable that Dr. Koch worked with the bacillus, not in man or the lower ani- mals, but with germs oi! his own cultivat- incin his glass or porcelain receptacles. Dr. Koch found that a large number of sub stances, such as various ethereal oils and compounds at cyanogen and gold, arrested the growth of tubercle bacilli. What might be available in the glass test tube, destroying the bacilli and leaving untouch- ‘ ed the vessel, mlgnt have been dangerous when administered to the man. What he did no one knows as yet. Probably when ‘ the exact methods be employed are told we may all cry: “Why, this is Columbus and his standing an egg on its end once more.” What he does say is that using his lymph on guinea pigs, creatures wonderfully sus eeptible to tuberculosis. the baccilli were killed and the guinea pigs were in no way inj_urious_ly afi’ccted. 7 {'8 internalaurface of.theeayityisan '0 active ulcer by which the lung ‘is further 10 exmated,bt.h‘: diffraction of “:30 Ithat” is go on R 1‘ 1 mm . y e amount oi purulent material oxnectersted. Any blood-vessels that happen to he in the wayare laid open sea leadeupipeienib- bled by rats; hence the blood spitting. which is so alarminga feature of the disease.” This is. then, the typical course of tuber- culosis disease. It may be less actively destructive and symptoms vary. It was not long before it was discovered that diseases of a tuberculous character were not strictly confined to the lungs. In the Koch treat- ment we are now fairly well satisfied that for lupus the lymph exercises the most beneficial results. The public reads about lupus and is uncertain as to what lupus is. Lupus is the Latin word for wolf. because it is a disease which “knaws the flesh”and attacks visible parts of the human frame. “It is only within the last few years that the inflammation of joints, so painfully familiar in children’s hospitals. has been traced toita truesource, and it isonly the other do that the lupus (which gnaws the parts it xes on like a well) was identified as consumption of the internment. Many of the manifestation of 'that constitutional taint designed by the vague term scroiula are now known to be really tuberculous, and, indeed, probably the best definition of scrofnlathat could be given would he that it is a condition of the tissues which which makes them fall an easy pray to tubercle if they are exposed to its‘ attack. Althouah the pathological features of all these maladies are identical, 1 some of them do not appear absolutely the same in their nature, lupus of the larynx being a disease which difl’ers from throat 1 consumption both in appearance and in the I course it runs.” wna'r KOCH Has DISCOVERED. In 1882 Dr. Koch showed and isolated that microscopic neganism the bacillus 1 tuberculosis, that tiny parasite which measures .0001 of an inch. Its action is like . that ofamoie. It burrows and throws up its mound of “stray granulation," and these little living rods multiply with great rapidity. They can only flourish in suitable soil. What Koch showed conclu- sively in regard to this bacillus was: (1) i that it was present in every case of tuber- culous disease; (2) that it never was found except associated with such disease; (3) that if cultivated outside the body and injected into a healthy animal it would invariable engender tuberculous disease. “The cause of the disease having been ascertained, it was natural to expect that ,3 the discovery of a remedy would follow as n a matter of course.” an :‘onaoahfit'a'ffi- Fl vgvâ€"VI wâ€"na‘.‘ Q30 Hanan nu Slant-loves: Manama rm; mt. 018m, my, 113511432 6, 1m 7| - Wm comm m. = $1: Moron-on: “Consumptionh on. d 3 group of 'dihuaoo which, differing wildly mmmmmhoacwndm m IlanI,’ how this onopotnt in- mun-n, that they on on of tuberculous origin." Tho tnbomloloonewgrovnh, which lam-t": tiny nodule. gray In color and of o outflo- nonm hardness." Ito manuals slow. In «no. It degenerate: and to chatted-to o flaw. “"° “dummm” $.13: . or c any to. any intern. thick, curdy fluid, ond lowing 3 chronic Abacu- whmmorovnnn tumor. The lost mentioned process lo the ordinary oonnoo! tuba-elem tho the lungs. Then to first the deposit, no It is often coiledâ€"s more strictly, the first gnu-mung or new growth-An the lung.v.unnlly at the upper part or that org-u. rm. We In em till-mow! oocnmnlnuon of gratu- or loan oizo to formed. TM- is the stake of con-' ooudouon. Flnonyr tho tuberculous mono pronto downpd o cgvlyy is found, The : mammal? 12::me .mumhi-gsfieuqummi memfigfibubdm uncut int-noting m which can be hail? .mpodbythoaumul public; Dr. Mao- konxle'o'uflclohumidoom «leopard hmblofam mantlwiththalynphcm-ont Mud mum: Moron mom... who stup- t_bo mounting: 39.1-11.1} of!!! mute Vunoooolo Gem Dobmty lpuopoy or mu m Trouble- Psalm- !uomnh spun nuan- mm Gunman: nervous Comm mam Duo-u nanny bloc-oo- m Complmt- snot-u magma. CHALLENGE. We challenu the world to ahow on Electric Bolt whom the current. in under the control at thpltlentucamloul ”an. Woe-n moth. unobdtonu: t. won-eonoghntby imply Mudng the number at cells. The ordinary bolt- on not no. (fuller Belt.- pan been in the market.- bravo “mum: name of the Chat Ito n: dun. 8:. Wm 10m lib-pond... sputum)". gen-tunnel: unpotgngy _ force, thet an take the'pleee of nervous force, or an correct the denngemunts of nervous force. Hundreds hue been cured by the application 0! the Oven Bolt when “It. use 0! druzsmled entirely. Send to: Ilium-nod Cations. The followine ue anon: the disc-sea cured with- out medicine by the use 0! THE OWEN ELECTRIC lugs, mvocs zones, and muse 00th the disorders. It u‘ell known tut um. Electricity is the only known force than: gny _ny resemblesponom -___ AL,A ,, hOs'l' ”HOOD. In!» is pie-eminently a» nervous dieeue. The nervous symptoms dweyn predominate. There in 1 loss of nerve (one. or e disorder of nervous force. '_.l'he successful acumen must supply flint.» Ah {Ick- WOMEN. The Owen Electric Belt is par excelleneo the woman’s friend, tor m merits no equal as I pre- ventive and curative {or the may troubles pecan-.2 to her Iex. It. will tone up md strengthen the whole Iynom. It. in mmre'n cure lute degree. replsco nerve force in some of its functions. Electricity an certsinly do this. Our treatment is 3 mild. continuous gnlvnnic current, as generated by the Owen Electric Bcdv Eatery. which any be npplied_dlrectly to the saected puts by the pctient hlmael! or en nttend- nt of ordinnry Intelligence. To Restore Ilnnheed or Womanhood. As man he: not yet discovered all of Nsmre's hws (or right living. it lollows that everyone hes committed moreorless errors which hsve left visi- ble blemishes To emu: these evidences of pest errors, there is nothing to equnl the Owen Electric Body Baton. Rest sssured my doctor who would try to accomplish this by my kind of dru ls Inctuinc s most dangerous form of chnrls em. hisls n cleaning thnt the Owen Belt confers thnt is lneetlnnble. se the Electric Cure md shun the N IURALGIA is either 1 loss of, or adonnzement of nervous (one. Electricityis the only KNOWN {one tint in 9y "I! mmblgs nerve lqroe 5nd m, in ‘3 It beertflnly not pie-nut to be compelled to re- fer to the indisputable fact that medical science in.- utterly hiied to mom relic! in rheumetie ones. We venture the enertion that although electricity has only been in use es s remedial agent for a low years. it lies cured more cues of Rheumatism than ell other means combined. Some of our lending physician. recognising this bet, ere u’eilln them- selves of this most potent o! nature's forces eup- plying detects and correcting irregularities. is u diam coextensive with the habiuble world Itis Jound wherever mm is found. It. does not w spec: no. sex. color, an): or occupation. 1 Belt end Appliuiwc, which we covered 1: Punt: in the United sum, elude. hnd en Contin- entn! Europe, and pronounced 1) Dent exports to he the bound only Electric Be t them will reach the nest of disuse. These belts and npplinneel nrc invnlunble to those who no in a week, nerv‘bus end debilitated condition, or who ere snflerinz from acute diseases, bounce of the movable dish. patented by Dr. Owen, mu need b him end him clone. the mooted unseen be reed: y ruched. Belts with disk! on that no not movable cannot be used in tint my 1nd willdomoro bamthnngeod. A trial will convince you. W! ““18 till! All) IEVEB FULL". DELL om utter you: of expeflmnt Ind stud bu solved the mystery in the production or the nu Electric pelt \nd Applmnwo, [hie]! sre_ coyergd by_ Pneuu you should use electricity I: become you cm be cured without medicine. 7 The medics! amenity o! the world “know- ledge this not, but do not know how to apply it. Eminent men in .11 countries not only endorse but recommend me use of elecmcity In their “1110mm hu come when scientific truth must gun to by phi property 01‘ 'fho_!9_w, who}! It must bgwoven into the common life of the world.” 71 King St. West, Toronto, Ont ELECTRIC BELT And App_li_a_noe Co’y. Haul cam-01mm. m. Moron Mutants loos 1.3:, m the an: 8!: ram. In ancient them at m mo potency nqr dou- nnvona I .- 10¢. man-nun" how -v â€"r_ «mMmfi'm who» um “til at. ’9‘“ 1001"- Gt'io-fi-uhsn mm G. C. FAME”. totem. [mm] (DR.A.0WEN.PmudGen.mn. Owen Electric Belt. TH] ”5801‘ WHY BHIUHATISH and Jun 17:13. 1887. with I cm: cm 0! 359.000.“. THE OWEN lent term 61’ repayment. Stosperoent. Imallorlnrge to!!!“ bor- A largo mount of Pri- vate Panda and Trust .L adamantwm ”Mtâ€":3,- gflmaugobono” or Default”, an" we: Inn mmmthoutnmw ifi’fioiuflnfl Témfâ€"‘wm' viiâ€"ET .. RIVATE FUNDS TOLOAN It 6!, ”mammtnmoMlnnm mun. J. 0. 0m. P. H" Woodvmo 1.0 am Is the agent form and-um Po. BRYAN a; son, MIMGWBS AID BUILDERS. BI'BAIGH'I.‘ mm A! my LOWEST cm um mantle enrol-ms to suit borrower. Also; Mommtottmattundstolomon Mm- G. n HOPKINS. nth-om 5:0 Ora-Confionzoodl‘am and Business Propertiesâ€"on otner good Occur!- tlea at . owes: Current Ruben. Mm Ind notes negotiated. BARRON a: MOLAUcBo LIN. Barrister; etc" Lindsay. Aug. 21. 1899 â€" I! b. PER GENEâ€"MORE Y T0 LOAN AT SIXPECENT onGood Fun Pao- M or othercood security. (I reasonable. No commission. Apply to Wm. ngERON. Woodv'mo P.O. Ont. Nov. 18th. WE ARE NOW LOANING MONEir “from 5:9 8 Pumtnnflond hm Hum. Nov 19. 1888.-24. NHEAP mom T0 LOAN IN suns Unduy. Sept. 6. 1889.â€" vo tom the road. For mm. ms: 01.543}! wood to egg?! 35’..- ‘met’m â€" or ,0 C autxa7.0on.s.ormown- oh! :200 acres; shout o! 09- 90W cleared and9 under culdnflonn nae never-tuning mum of living mm rune thwaghthlstaktng It one of the but taunted tum: for stock in the country. Itla also well adsptednfpr (my; C]: __oou._oomon-- -hl- L-llal__. at very Mollie rues. For further calm an tome owner. JOHN RODD. . or to 801mm minute. nom- TYRE STEWART. many. â€"s7-tf. V BLACKWATER FOR SALE. â€" Being Grain Wuo-houne now used by Menu. Whit- hw a; Go . Grunbuyen. also a 8m occupied by Jun. Ruddy Much-n and Fm Ian on which stood a W and: wfllbodhpooodotmuly orin ngnuoxnblo rues. Foetal-the: madly or by Iona-to PD. Mc- 0%51 345° . mnevuIAOot. l4. lamâ€"2w. .13:- mumflmtfie To w;shlp 01:0 Eden. good a v ‘ buildings; wen wasted; beet-Ins orohsrd: oom‘ union: to school and churches. Immediate possession given. For further unionist-s RARE CHANCE. Puma 10173319 or to Rent. 'ONEY T0 LOAN. mums STEWART. mm mm!. Get). Em «9 Son. PER CENT.â€"We no a; Purin's EXTRACT 6mm 76 FIFTH AVLNEW‘IDRK. ‘ moneyntmmatuperougloootdmsto mount sud security. Female ’ Complaints ququito Bites Sunburn 3:2 Inflammation RErUSE SUBSTITUTE ' ‘ . FOR . Insect Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feet None: 10 valor. 9-1: .nurAcmnso OILY av Money to Loan. Wanna Pond’a Extract. O'LEARY O'LEARY. 1001) FARM OF 200 ӣ3“ 3%; W! 33 FRANKLIN HOUSE, MAIN.8T., mumâ€"John x Am a Wm mmmmmmzur. Badman-“IE: In. mom Mural-had. ethos mundane “510%.hub: Mmmm lob. Ema-11. mom . Themploroomamottho mot. Mmmwm Madman Mahmndmumflm Good 11m “New NOBLEINGRAH. ' 1:. 0661 'fia’ifiih'm’wm' am to m Jug}. 1887.â€" m m 0 WM Tunan-oméii. iiiâ€"HRS“ “am and clean. I‘m d dry can rooms. Wmonmxyodmmpdglt: unborn-tunes. Goodmbluudmuvo Ila-don. Jmmimâ€"fi-u. NORTHERN HOTEL, KINMOUNT 0mm. w. s. 800113 Mom. m MONEY LENTon mm m and Notes mama. smut Iowa 3: per cent. Moons a: new. Lu aUDspmaauctx’w: _________ swam on; om. Wm: ‘15.) M?“ Mada”. opposite the pubs. Jon A. BARRON. Q. 0. R. J. Nahum. Linda”. 4112. 8. 1883-8“! M GORE JACKSON (successors {o BUDSPETH a: J ACKSum. _n.n-Im nekoflnod. - 635.000 of 'Pufito Home. :5 Loan. Cmningtqn. Oct. 12. 1889.-7l-lyr. BARRON, McLAUCHLfF, C. n. W E E K 8, mm ”“0110 m mum 3' Once next door to Kinny. hardware “on. 11000wa at lowest current m of In £22.93 M 2229.??? 0.131399: Adm pgnN-q Bonn, qmmarorf; ARTHUR O'LIARY. HUGH O'LEARX. QC. pm 30031:, copnw§m _._ __‘__n_-j ‘_._“_ in,” MY O’LEARY, BARBIS- m M, at 1‘ 801mm b enumjto. mm'mm ' Jun...- Madam. M3! 20. IBMâ€"2. F. D. Moons. Ami. JAcxs'ox. u. mu; nopxx'ké' summed etc. Ofloes. “Valium-st... lndny.0nt.â€": LUMAN HOUSE, lflNDEN. Ellie. Quantities. Working Details. Estimates and Volume furnished : Measurements nnd Levelling. token. nod Computation mode of swoon): or Tmueo. Aachen. Beams. Gil-don. Column:S Foundouone. etc. omen no real- tAgnoeM'umnal: Stun 80m; Lindsey. afi‘ivâ€" vwevw-h munâ€"wage. "m CONSTR OTION SUPERINTENDED. Sewerage. Heating und Vendindon. - M_Ioâ€" céRTHUR H_OU_SE, FENELON v n m‘ “1WD. “Gammon-m mor- ' Mahmoud-Cam). Mnldpdmd'rownl’ht Surveys Wau- oerBow PlansudGradeSn- mucus...“ 'ownn. 9mm and 8mm for public and other . Works furnished. All work I and ammu amended to at reason: m. Emu g!grk’_s__0f!ice._qw_ar W111!“ .... A--- A" , 7 WILLIAM DUFFUSQ mencu. mm. not wand-o! Buildings in Modern film-3n! 8:11:00! Architecture. Wooden __ .._.j___ - “. mi Iii-wâ€" A_N_SIQN HOUSE, FENELQN Architectgisnd Surveyors. Had-1. 30“- 1. manâ€"am. Barri-tern. Ems sown. monomn ma vadMnflmmu-n ‘OWMAN BROS. my; a. LENNON, AUGTIONEEB. m India-d Stu-mu. W m: uddrc- a. OAVANA, P:L.§.,_snd mum; MONEY TO LOAN. :. Hormnsdwmr'to m n. A â€"-___ Ban-1; tars. Etc. '. GWEN of tho_7_tb ”44-, 0.3-.” Bum”- Cards. Hotels. LIN, BARRISTER, 80m. . Conn Crown Ana-nay gym-3 Ont. om m: -_A Mortgage.“ 1! I. §§rflaht_lo_au st iEifiEE “Had.“ WE mm BUILDERS. to. MM”. Jame-durum“ 53:0”. Ham mm b mmeJu.fln WE mum J mm J mm on. WIDDESS ARMSTRONG, .‘_7!'!""-l';:_£44-3Y $133397. 57.4".“ 9! On: OB PRINTING of 3!! Railway Surgeon. Office and residence Russell west of York-at. (mice hours. wanmud “089.111. ormmunléadon. . s. 0; and to : Victor-h. ' Uni Mtg'll‘lbegofCollegedPhym mdsm Wine or Post Guam 800mg“ New oYori. Galaâ€"Woodvfllo, (h- nrlo. Woodvma,May19. 1889.401". \ DB. WM. KEMPT, 0. IL, MEDICAL Romania Imam Olli- find Sum to the Grand Trunk 1311'». 1‘11!”de 1!de a... a... “- u Romaâ€"mismmmoem- m Surgeon tothe Grand Trunk Baum. {Linda-ct Wfimm atom a y . as an m s. nndutozaon.m.lnd7m9um. Telemann" (If Him-In... u.â€" New Advertisements. ”Mm. Jun. 10th. 13m teeth filling with Gold Ind other was. mm hubeenmenatudymnelrb THIRTY YEARS by 111-.qu cud oped-I nuenuonmdmuzivenbyhim totin- bunch of his business. mailman-undo In mung. c. L. comma. amusemendonflllfi and. bean .021“ Gold, Silver. cumin and the Artistic .onunuoua Gum. Also In all noun! Rubbers. and st the Iowa: living price; All can of teeth finished and mwmomomhbym.em a under pawlrnmvl-h- -“4 â€""' ’ m runny: GOLD AND PORCELAIII momma 1.3.8.." 03‘, DENTIST. LINDS AY “Mm. May 2. 1889. Wanna Mr. 04mm maternal-1:8 nan. teem. mumummum Romano Ines: approved not all, “meme-a. gamma.“ mootNow Yahhthg macaw-“cite“. tu- u- Mngteoth.w o .3 van out” madmuhulcau. In. NEEMNDS men 3011'. I“ An. 0/28. GOULTH? SIMPSOM w. P. BROAD. @LF. MBBRBW. â€"â€"-III' I.” U]. III New York 0310... Woodwna,May19 1889- WWMM Mum. DENTIST, m THROAT. B. RYEBSON. Dentistry. Graduue of Unwan- Ity of Trinity Toronto: Member College of Flam and Surgeons , â€"- â€"â€"vâ€"â€" VII“. hm} i’hyaiciu: to Rock. ford All! 111mm

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