Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Jan 1891, p. 8

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â€"Dr. Gamnger, the new United States senator for New Hampshire. is a Canadian, a native of Cornwall. He was a printer in early life. Canadians can compete with Americans on even terms in any walk in me in the United States, and yet cowardly oombineecer orme inauzt their country- men by asserting that Canadians would not be able to hold their own under recipro- hneed to Bemilton. The Hamilton police have been notified at the eflair, but as yet he treee oi the burglars bee been found. e rings end a gernet set was the only rty as fee as can be learned the: wee by the burglars.- -Leet Monday et Deneronto while five en. George Buhnee, Jamee Aeeeltine, Worlev Marks, Robert Millim and J. G. at were about to tranefer a load of a lumber, containing about 4.000 feet, a on to the dry kiln of the Rethbnn my the lumber tumbled over on The cries of the men brought a nmbetotpeonletotheeeene or theecoi- 3. who quickly removed the lumber. r. Bnlmer’e heed was crushed. He wee ‘ekento hie homeend medieeleidenm- ‘eoned,bnt without even, ea death eeme Ohio reliei’in About one hour efterthe beident. He leavee a wife and two child- en. Worley Mai-he’s left efionlder was Relocate-i, and be eneteined severe brnieee. {mes Aeeeltine’e left ehonlder was dislo- .A London coblo syn: The Scotch strike u made the occasion of tho only interest- 13 deboto that has taken ploce In the LINDSAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1891. and. his hip bruised 3nd he duo recaived had cut over his lousy e. He was uncon- sious for some time” after the accident. begging-Ewe were only slightly bruised ”332x32, the sound radical mamber Tor ”mm-humor“ armlntxon, and Lpportog itlnapovorhunndeonflnclng calling upon the baud of trude to 3mm for limiting the hours of mo! runny workmen. Seven] tones mung lndustrhl constituencies aka In but of- the {20018600. bat ”Pen minus entered the house of Jno. Heelep. own treasurer of Ancestor, who lives ibout one mile from the village and near hiphur Springs, and were making a search ormoney and other valuables when the id man heard them and arose from his ed. One of the burglars, who was armed pith a revolver, sho; Mr. Haslep in the cart, killing him instantly. The deceased res aged about 75 and and lived on the omesteed with his wife and daughter. 'he burglars left the premises immediately nex- _the_shogt,ing. ghe_burglars were @112 Gianahiau firm. New Advertisements This Week. â€"4t an my hpqr Ineaday 1991111113 three Local , ~11. O'Hallann. To Rentâ€"W. A. Goodwin. Moe-Consumer‘s Gas Co. Low Prices-J. 8. Edwards. New Seed Oatsâ€"Nathan Day. Crown Anthemsâ€"R. S. Porter. Stallions for Saleâ€"Robert Oxby. Teacher Wantedâ€"A. M. Campbell. Judicial Saleâ€"McIntyre Stewart. It is Money We Wantâ€"N. McPlnden. New Werehonseâ€"McDonell a: Cowdry. People’s Popular Partiesâ€"T. C. Manhatt- Winter Dress Goodsâ€"Dundee 85 Flevene Bros. Bustoll’s Equlecurrlcnlumâ€"Brndburn’a Opera EVENTS OF THE WEEK. St. Croix Soap M’I’g Gig: January 29th. 189Lâ€"38-2 We are ofi'ering our Entire Stock of WINTER DRESS GOODS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, and SOME LINES at and BELOW COST. Fine New Stylish Goods Lower than the same Classes were ever Ofi’ered at in in Lindsay before. Call and see them. - - - - - WI] ,,,,, fi' 530! T0135“ mu”, duet. tau-mum am" "Add mafia; war" Efifil“: crew’s church. St John, N. 8.; St. John’s church. Isl-mouth. N S.: Cantu! church. Gut. and St. Andtow'l church New Westminhter. BC. The ‘ xenon! informsuon furnishedâ€"such u calen- ‘ mmm-mmmsmmw o d 0:311 with post ofl! lag-us of var, was as. ea midsum- nnd an alphabetical list at “magen- muggy: mpmuAfltogother the Pros». ohmhmetnbu-o navel] no to m non m. Shem-loobgsoum. All“ the 8R 3M " ' Hind mam. " Pfifinééimé'hfi: . D. Armstrong, a. A, Ph. D.. Oman, deal; with the inmntnIfleet 9t gum Gag". A_ __ "1AA-_I -LA‘Al, .. - __ Moderator, Rev. John Leing. D.D., and on Heine Missions by the editor; on F Mis- sions. b Rev. A. M. McClellan}, M. A. .C.L.: on the oint-snx-Trsmbles Schools. by Rev. R. H. Warden, D.D.; on Missions in Western Con. ads. byofis‘g. Jsmgggerquhgrsoo. Pilot lgound. m; e Con on an Plum 0 Pg“. in the Province of Quebec. by Rev. Wen: gmwgfimmfi'm 9." 3.99499 'lvvvâ€"v_ Bil“ *m ivéyjiuwfe'aiknow 't. Til-em“... Robert umy. Halifax, wflteless’xizost {mafia- ot “Thirty Years A50.” Rev. RRBnrna, D. ,,daoribecthenela and openthng oLthe LA) -1 AL- l-__nu__ “.4-.,, I'ho Presbyterian You Book. Thisuaotnlmannfltorlssl has justbeen re- ceivedAtronirthe ofleo of “The Canada Presby- Stock Notes. â€"Mr. James Coates of Cartwright last week sold to Mr. Peter Mouton of Michigan a two- yeabold colt. for which he received a handsome sum. Theoolt wash-om his prize-winning drought brood mare, and sired by Royal Den. This is the fourth colt Mr. Castes has sold tron: this famous brood more. with two more left to dispose of. and he estimates her progeny will muse nearly none ...... There is nest-eater boontothetarmer thusgood brood moral! she is only managed properly. Farms have been paid for. moi-teases have been cancelled and luxuries have been enJoyed through the taithlni, honest labor otagood mare or two that. to- nether with doing a full share of the form work. raised eacodooiteach year. Goodhroodmaree onthetnrm are broad winners ittheyare ,.,JA,ALA_AL~A\) LA Was they should be. iiiâ€"13:1? ‘ ' night’to’ théRiiJnYEf pain“ 'Fefi: states to So nerves. soothes them into niet- new, and affords prompt and permanent or. Quack Advertisements are a nuisance and we think it behooves pub- lishers to examine into the merits or many articles pufl'ed up in their columns. We do not deny that many meritorious remedies are pro- perlytobe classed under this heading. Take the hundreds and thousands relieved from severesufi'ering by the use of Polsou’s Net-vil- ine: would it not be unreasonable to expect them tooondemn that tar-tamed remedy? Now we know for a fact that Poeon's Nerviline is with- out exception the most powerful. pleasant and certain remedy in the world for pain: Itcannot Hope ........ .....242 mmagsfies and provisiois, Kent-st. wést., You, in Pontble, that by purchasing a one pound tin of the Charm Baking Powder you may get that been- tiful Dommox ORGAN that is in my window. It may be worth your while investing in a one pound Inn The powder is warranted good and only to b‘e had at w. M..1_zonso__zg's,_ dealer in {our promptness in sendln it; I never missed t one week in twoyemâ€" guts respectfully. From the Panic Coast. [To the Editor of Tm: P0312] VANCOUVER, Jan. 17th. 1891. 818,â€"le find enclosed $1.00 fox-my aub- notiptlon tor Tm: Pos'r for 1891. which is past due on the first January. ’91. Thanking you for Vlctorln County arouse Lodxe. The annual meeting or the Victoria county Omngelodgewmbeheldinthe lodgeroomot LO.L.557. Uneasy. on the first Tneedayln February. at 11 o’clock, atm. District mutate ore requested to have the annual returns from their several districts forwarded at once to the county secretary. John Kelly. Box 287. Lind- mjci-ity for Campbell. 63. Mum The centre] charity committee has to no- knowledgewiththnnkathegirtotntonotooal to the.home tor the aged from Mr. Joseph Meander. Any gifts made to that institution are very thankfully received by the inmates. "A Burro! run or Money." is a good thing to have, but what's it good to: if. your health is poor. Preserve your health by using Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. purchase of railroads, socialism and other dreadful things; but the radicals, encour- aged by the tory dissenslonsand bya breezy speech from Sir William Harcourt, pressed the matter to a dlvlslon, and a government defeat was only averted by a narrow majority of seventeen. About flying Up. Examine cadres label on your copy of Tm: Pos'r nnd remit amount due with one dollar to: this year. Do not neglect: this matter. _.....{12332235311 East Bum Mention. TOWN JOTTLNGS. f-Majofitiek Campbell. 00111138. 855: Cm' ‘ V iii; GREA TL Y REDUCED PRICES. TER DRESS GOODS BAmnâ€"Gnma.â€"On the 22nd last" at the re- : sideaoe of the bride's father. by the Rev. John . McMillan. Mr. Robert BairdtoMlas Jun . Aldmt finnolnm- -0 n- n-_:_u n_,. .- e! Mrs. James Dix. Brockstrsot. Kingston, Ont» saws: buffered with an inflamed throat sud bsdconah for seven months. Wu trotted by hysicius without success. when six doses of 35111ch Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil cured me. It's a! valuable as cream. For Bale by A. __ -_. . .â€" -u-u...’ mus, 1031. Mr. Alex 33:199. 339de years. PA'I'mnsox.â€"In One. on January 'a'lnd, 1891, Iguana M., third daughter at Mr. John Pat- old éiifiéifiéi‘tb;woinfiufigfial Reach township. MARRIAGE DORAN-Fmonâ€"On the 18th inst. at Ennis- more, by the Rav. Fr. O’Connell. Mr. Francis Domnof Emily to Miss Catherine M. Flood, eldest daughter of Mr. John Flood of Ennis- dnnéfli}. Cmaam.â€"In Emily. on Saturday. January gm. the wire of Mr. Patrick Callaghan. or a anohtnp Hmm.â€" In Ops. on Friday. January 16th the wire of Mr. J. J. Keenan. or a son. , CALDERâ€"In Omemee. on Thursday, January 22nd, the wife otiJ ohn A Cnlder at a son. LENNONâ€"At Lindsay. on the 2131: inst” the witeot Mr. J: H. Lennon, of a son. â€"Bnfl'alo Commercial: The oflioials or the late Toronto lnternation Baseball Club are quietly awaiting action by their American brethren in Rochester. Syracuse, Bufl'alo. Detroit and To- ledo. They are not on the anxious seat. but, it an international league was formed. with a proper salary limit and a strict guarantee that that limit would not be exceeded. they would have no heei'ation in joining it. They have the grounds. suits. are. and only need the players to an out. If a fair salary limit was made these would be easily obtainable and the project would have cordial suoport here. â€"The rain interfered somewhat with the Newcastle races last week and made the track ‘ correspondingly heavy. The attendance of both spectators and contestants was large. The 2.50 race was won Hambletonian George; two-year- old trot by Mattie Cowan; while the “free for all" requimd six heats to decide Mayflower the winner. with Jimmy 2nd and Volunteer 3rd. â€"The Port Hope winter races this wees drew alarge number of entries. and the difl’erent speeding events were hotly contested and re- sulted as followsâ€"Three minute raceâ€"l Clara K.. 2 J. J.. 3 Sunrise. 2.30 classâ€"l Jimmy. 2 Fay. 3 Volunteer. Named raceâ€"l Bell Mackie, 2 ‘ Ormus, 3 Gray Jumbo. 2.40 trotâ€"l Paddy. 2 Bellflowor. 3 Daisy D. Free for all-1 Cyclone, 2 Minnie Moore, 8 Maud S. bums. Jamâ€"In Cam. on January 19th, 1891. Mr. lav Jo... and no mu... â€"'l.‘he Cannington trotters Maud S. and F. O. P. took a “breath " spellin Lindsay Saturday last. They were 3 the av d route for Port Hope. where they participa in the races this week. A large number gathered to inspect the . â€"3lÂ¥arrlie Mitchell has emulated Sullivan'and aimed a contract to go on the e. . . .Mltchell will likely fight Slavin with bare nuckles in a short time. It he should defeat the Australian he will challenge the world. giving Sullivan the preference. â€"R. N. Harrison made a poor eho with Dennis Gallagher last Saturday night the mixed wres on: match. The first two bouts and the match was won by Gallagher in 5b and 4;» minutes. It is claimed that in the first fall Har- rison had his shoulder badly injured. â€"Mr. George Curtis of Cross Creeks farm is ‘ campaigning the little bay gelding Jimmy over the different ice tracks. and is meeting with goodsuccess. Itisacold day it Jimmy don't get up amount the leaders and secure a fair share or the silver shekels. Keep in the proces- .n-_ A _.__- or more thai: five years: to hi'eBHzeE that state. either with or wi out gloves. lished inthe Australian pers the day a'tter the race with Kemp. Megan says he will not 1 come to America» â€"The Tecumseh boat club of Windsor. Ont.» are endeavor-ins to get the Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmen to hold their annual re- gatta here this year; â€"Horeoe Hamilton, a well-known cricketer, who will be remembered as he visited America with the Gentlemen of Ireland team. dropped deed in Dublin recently. â€"The sex-lee of matches for the chem chem- pionship of the world. held in New York last week. resulted in favor of Stelnitz. who has held the title for twenty-live years. â€"Mr. Arthur Cameron. lately of. Oriliia. is now a'l'orontoman. He will row single thisyear Last year with Curran stroking the boat, he won the Canadian and United States champion- ships in double sculls. â€"A billltpefgled theu'll‘sghssglengteilgt Saturday making a any p a. e y prisonment in the state pepitentiarytor; not less than two grmore than five ygars. tot coming season. _'l‘he players will be out only in the spring. â€"Messrs. Luckwell a: Douglas of Woodstock, Ont.. won first prize in the challenge class for cooker spaniels with Black Duke at New Or- leans last week. â€"0'Cennor's chnllenge to McLean was pub- lished lathe Australian papers the_ dny_ utter Gena-n1 Sporting Notes. â€"The Word-Cambridge boot race will teke placeebont the middle at Much. â€"'.l‘ho tom number of horses now In the 2.3) lllt in 5.8894346 trottere and 1.243 paeere. â€"A0nlgorryonrler. one of the ski of the club in that town. bears the mumpgnme of client-we will_ooo1n ‘In 12qu Ontario. the THE CANADIAN l‘I’OST LINDSAY, ”FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1891. Dundas . Flavelle Bros. It Does It: Work. Music. BIRTHS. A number of outstand- ing accounts have been placed for COLLECTION. Balance of aocownts, un- less soon settled, will be handed werfor immedi- A choice lot of LEMONS AND FLORIDA ORANBES FAMILY GROCERIES Fresh and Cheap as the Cheapest. We have no 've'ry nice window display of Goods, the reasonfor such being that we have not had time to devote to such work. NOTICE. Our present stock of Ne argument is new aired to satisfy those whose losses have no: I: paid by the City Mutual that u all ht difl’ereneo in the rate 0: premium is o s secondary matter. The possession of o solidooshos plhltobock pthe company 's contracts should pbe the first eoosiderstion when purchasing Insurance that “N ICE.” The Royal Canadian of Montreal. The Hartford of Hartford, Conn. The London Assurance Corpora- i'fibwtéffiiui-é Eben: 'prapmy" ’ " Ever man'â€" "In one orothet ct thotollowlng mot companies. It the policy holders of the now defunct C! Mnjmflwfill nofltz me I will all on them _wl_ CHOICE mused um resound on b the once" ml ":33: the Inna-aging.” msunman co. or LONDON, An offshoot of the London Mutual, THE CITY MUTUAL Dudes a; Havana Brothers. P. J. MEAGHEB, - is guaranteed Opo. Benson Home. tion of London, England. sold CHEAP. P. J. M eagher. 91:6 11;) In button. S. 00111911. S. CORNEIL. ”mbbmmwdinm MRm-tmnddthmwmbo mamummmm Wedding Rings elven kept an hand. Quality Guaranteed. mambo-damn mean. A My dAanmhagwuon! clamp” m 3: mm. and mammal-Io. Gold and mm»- “Watches, Jewelery and Electroplated- ware ; also Toys and Fancy Watch Black or Electronlate Line. “and. GD. BARB. [haunt-.5. W ' I. WHITESMITH’S Had-uncut“ REMEMBER We give Special Value and Close Prices in our Teas, By the CHEST OR. OADDIE. Clearly the best lines of Teas ever shown in towni We will have a NEW ASBOBTMENT next week. Wait for them before Buying; Other newlines ARRIVING EVERY DAY. and all sold at Holiday Prices.“ OTIOI 1'0 PAY UP. 119w Advertisements. .In GLASSWARE and CROCKERY 11 Whitesmith, Manwa. ESTABLISHED 1887. “an noomplotemm ot l. WHITESMITH Lind”. January 15th. 18% It will pay you tocall at MAN I LLA. beforepnrchaalnganythlncintho NEW GOODS JUST TO HAND Our New Cheap Japan Teas. Our New Bright Sugars. Our New Prime Fruits. Our Fresh Table Groceries- Our Biscuits and Smoked Meats. 'A. CAMPBELL, FAMILY (BI-ROGER. AND GOING OUT OVER OUR COUNTERS. ”Honâ€".300 pflodflrflflflo. a, I. b. ‘ a... .625 silk... fig p. i... a 58055;”??? “58.; MOUNTAIN DEER 5' E 8 E. 2 tbs . plbmu prom“ WO REGISTERED STALLIONS tarsus-um-nho prom ox- alumna: as of mums!!!“ sec Climbers. will “Y m nded bout the hen Every auditor hold! the came before me 3: china. mathemtureot theeecnrlflesuf en orln douult thereof they the town of Lindsey. on the them. corny m in Sixteenth Day of February, 1891 WWW nuulw pulvohtu, 11.“:me wwu day eoonmy vaeqnhe deceased. v'vhodlodm «than: tune month at MayMMWhohnvonotuready aentlntnn pudenlnnotthelroldmtothemd con-puny qr they 301}de up. on ggjgefora m9 ”In PURSUANTto-n orderot the Blah Gaul-t of Justice, vaiei made in the mam-0t them ”of ADAM HUDBPETH. deeeeeed an action “The Toronto dOompeny vs. HudeDet-h."tho mag-0L Adm Hudmty, June gage toyn New Advertisements: Arch, Campbell. V'vm""wflna"“im’§'m“ 'hawnw' a “pg-«nu. “mm...“ “mam _Ymmn0mrmou} In the County at View-Is. on l'hmday, 5th «hr of February,~ BENSON HOUSEJOWI 0F “"08" FARM PROPERTY; .l. ms.s.No 7.3mm Township. 4996" ANGUS M. CAMPER JCII. fl. 1891.43. LLEldonm l .3 EACHER WANTED. â€" tors. s. No 7. Eldon Townshl A. CAMPBELL, Also Nervous Downy Danna: of Eight. Loss of Ambition, Unusual to Mary. Stunted Beaumont. In: at Power. Night Emissions. an in Urine. 80min! Lou-u. Slocum. Aver-kn to . Unfit tot Study. Excessive Ind on. em. Eva-v bombs"!- IP ,, ammo-«mu. Addressin- HAZELTON’S UC'I‘ION SALE ERRORS at YOUNG and RH] New Aivgrtzsemen ts. J. E. HAZE LTON, Bryant. ans Yugo-at» Torontopnt. .0! VALUABLIâ€" gmfiunm W! VITALIZER SEALED C whthopumpueot etch. orally. armada w. w. DEAN. Esq m mm or run I! .I M‘mflm a to a m mu: otter 17131}: $0116”: bfumotmdlyuocepned -ot new money out. | bud Duppxy any a: nu. than those in I “mwgfie min: condm m,___m lull-um: to THE TOR --___..â€" *â€" wwâ€"Eowrgvv mmnsg; mossogupampreoflmw wuers _._- w... -vv-Umu' Auto. m WIN!" ma men the south aide In the tow ship of BEXLEY. 'Hoh u humd hounded as follows : com- “when: post has been planted at the Washer lot 1. oncheaonthsldeof Road. thence north 11 degrees, 30 out. 10110th the limit between and 1mm town mauve. 9 chains. 501mg. (I'm. to the north-m male of the south uddtpynra-fygthgnepâ€"thn the l 9. E? Baden-power etude confined in a. cox-min III-mood um Am, 1877. lo: 27, concea- I- Y. “mm or loan; about 30 “a M; no buildings. PARCEL 31 Outlet-mot sue contained in coax-tam mane. dated m Novemogr. 1878. can conch “A A. .L- .A_ Y.65acreoin_oreérleaa_ m3 “homunculus. In”. In the m concession. DIGBY.131 maria-cs shown-cream: no FM”. AMMO’ W27. fill the lot mien. PARCEL 19. he south flotsam 18. can. 4. EIIKILhY. 100 humor ; acres saved; 08 0388. In and cables; coin clay loam. PARCEL 18. I‘m oon.8.0PS.oonmnmg"30wlu. more no was cleared; good cluy lam eoi‘: 18:28. with frame kitchen 14:24; fume buns 38x66 and 36x60 respectivel). 3!: none masonry toundntions with aubuny r 35' lot 9 on the north side of ‘Welnncton street. 56x198 feet. more or less. In. which Is erected a. double rough-cast two FARM he E wast muss nuance Son 06! the south side of 6 inches by 198 feet. 1’ males. This In svmnt lotsndsvery mm ti" ‘W gusto: bull ding rum 1.. mmtotlotSon thenorahnldeot street. 68st feet. more orlees. iaemcuedctwo smrybdch house on north side of Ridout street. 27x50 feet. ”Wham in a hon house22x24feet erect- An undivided half lamest in broken lo: 28 filed in th Tn c Mann V. made b '81. of the E Victoria This panel 5 registry y come into the market. In the Town of Lindsay. PARCEL I. Mlmdzonthomthddeof Runners-eat cannot son the out side or Undaay street con- ummmqmofnn acre. more or less. In which I. mend a. substantial two-scorer ”homo! unseat-coma, the residence of “Item Hudspeth. TORONTO GENERAL 1'. NewA JUDICIAL SALE VALUABLE I ask comparison of Wm; in all respects. Best Horse Hails. $2.00 pe: Ton; Stove, Nut and Egg Goal, : Best 4feet Hard Wood and DoomSash. Locks, Glass, I told in proportion. gagkr lot V. In tho_town of_ “nanny. copula- m: aqua. qumont 7!: gm. A110. 1 Ghopp mg.;A.xe,55c 55amd65aper foot, (all wax Hind Paint, $1.15 pe;rgalLI worth $5. 00; Pickle Castor, $1 Butcher Knives, 10, 15. and 20c and in MI will Chm LY 48H Terms, and and {vs a ewof the new will e so in future :â€" BUSINES Owing to the Wmnty nus-w. Feb. «h. when FROM 1st VOLUME XXXII. BASH In the Matter of the Estat‘ low that my caster: advantage of pa: PARCEL 3:. TOWN P WWW???

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