Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Jan 1891, p. 4

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mnsnr, FRIDAY. JANUARY 30, 1891. We trust there mybeahrgegathering Lindsey tomorrow and that ahrge ll representative delegation will be ap- rinted. The north riding convention tribes of the organs against closer trade stions with our neighbors are to be cast thewinds. andSirJohnistogowthe ntry as an advocate and supporter of iprocityâ€"reciprocity, that is, as he sud NIP. people would like to have it m LIBERAL CONVENHON. othe story goes, and whatever basis penny befor the my rumors it is lentthetsomething’s up. Sir Charles bperisscnrryinghomemOttsweonsn mrseer,snditis reported that he is ondnct the coming campaign, it one is and upon, this time with guarantees > the premiership that willheprompt- milled. Wedonot tnke much stock Tara’s McGreevy revelations 3nd Sir p59 Caron, the prabty minister of .ndSir Hectorhuputhilfootdm thoultimtmnthatSirAdolphammt 1;. Sir Hectornodoubt would dear. to to spply the same rule to Mr. hamâ€"andSirJohn mmtaharo‘tho belinginagmtardegreoâ€"buthir, habboWulforflmn. Mr. mmmfihafihfiu mg and growing feeling for recipro- -, sndthatheproposes to swim with tide and not against it. The hostile Bastions of the ministers and the rdiuansionaintheeabinetisqnihe v. SizHector Inngevinhutraced The date of holding the liberal conven- bnin Toronto has been changedtoWedâ€" day and Thursday, Feb. 18th and 19th, account of the halls being engaged for aprevioua days. The proposed gather- ; is being heartily supported :11 over the a reported retirement of Sir John public life. The Old Men will hold power,and the cue must be dee- BANK OF MONTREAL wince, end large delegations are being minted by the riding associations. A y Inge and enthusiastic convention y be looked for. my Vlcwm my sale] I! 0‘10. mpomthanmflm terrible indictment-y EVhend Iotaftheeom’l. Mr. Wnim however. mun-act such a. for the “conservative mm! W to the W dim Notth Victoria. for the commons!"1 moduli; endSirJohnhnnaelf havebcenlstely. "mm. ”EILEEN Governor. Deputy-Governor. F. C. TAYLOR, an. Ira-£35 Scotsâ€"“8M â€"M'“ m or m mums.” LIME-u- Gslmmm. 1031mm. Ammm- G-Emm' mumm.m. 1:05.qu- DnEBosn-rsox. El): manahiau iant. can VENT! 01V. A reform convenâ€"ti'on will be held in asverton on Friday, 5th Feb.. next, mmencing at one o’clock p.m., to ap- nint delegates to attend the convention Toronto on the 18th and 19th Febmry. d to transmt other impoth business. hrge representation is expected. he air is thick with rumors of nearly fixation of parliament. The story goes Six-John Maedonald is afraid of the 103m VICTORIA REFORM Lusiastic meeting may be looked for mummcem W Cm.“ Paras. mmmmwuumd B. 8. PORTER, thrioh. Choira‘ A mm COLLECTION. R UHORED DISSOL UTION. indeed thatwouldweakenhisreao- FIRE AND MARINE; A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Agent. land-ay- ROWN ANTHEM :Bank of Montreal. inst; and Hon. Mr. Colby Fenelon Falls on Wednesday, A. P. D. MGGAOHEN, omo .0000. ~- F- 0'. Ta: 101': 8.8.1’01'“; med 1838. ,.I§cno. nowever. emu-act such a. tender *{ggud fox-A thy :‘eoqgrvstive 1101;111:0910: -n "a the “feelings of anemia; The 31-35; that the latter has had to consume since the “little affair” of. last June have been worthy East. Victoria. tea-seemed“. in the settlement that the ter hae little respect for the. “motive nominee 0! North Victorin for the commons.”end thuhehastheeonrage notto conceal his feeling in this mag The member I: Eat. ictoda my y guilty the terrible indictment. m Eeho._ haweyert contract such of the latter zentleman appeared so “previously” in the columns of the Echo on the 6th of June last. has again wakened up to matters political in its former choice and lively tone. The sight of the G. O. M. of East Victoria is evidently not “ ‘d for the core can” of the Echo man. ndging from the gentle touching up of last week. The latter has “nursed his 5:801:01:th North natural». [From the Lindsay Watchmanâ€"Junior Tory The Mlnden Echo, after having remained silent as the grave about the existence of the worthy representative of. East Victoria, ever - since the political obituary Empire insists that unrestricted recipro- city means annexation straight, Mr. Chapleau, a member of the Dominion cabinet, goes canvassing for an advocate of unrestricted reciprocity in Napierville. Mr. McCarthy informed his constituents that he intended to oppose the govern ment’s policy on the dual language ques- tion. and the conservative convention of North Simcoe unanimously endorsed him, thus condemning the government. While Sir John Thompson poses as an advo cate of reciprocity in natural products, his colleague, Mr. Colby. declares that that sort of reci rocity would utterly ruin our farmers. nd Mr. Tartc, editor of a well subsidized Quebec tory per, charges Mr. ‘ McGreevy. M.P.. and ' representative in the cabinet with wholesale boodling. ‘ Oh, yes, the most perfect harmony prevails in the tory ranks. It certainly is a ve charming family. exceedingly happy an harmonious in its domestic relations. It is no doubt on account of this extraordin ary felicity that it is so suspicious of the dogfic cligcllilmstanges of its liberal nei r. opes y pryin into its neighbor’s affairs and slan ering it generally that its own family disturbances may escape notice But the ruse won't work. It is now patent to the world that nothing but the ‘cohesive power of ublic plunder’ keeps the tory family toge er. “Behold the wonderful unity of the Canadian tory party.” says the Ottawa FreePress. “While Mr. Sol. White. the tory M. RP. for North Essex, was preach- ing annexation in Detroit, Mr. Dalton McCarthy, another oracle of the same po- litical stripe, was shouting loyalty to Great Britain at Stayner. While the The provincial bye-elections resulted in the return of Messrs. Charlton and Car- penter in the two Norfolks. In North Perth Dr. Ahrens was defeated by Mr. Magwood, the conservative candidate by a small majority. A conservative sat for the constituency in the last assembly. Mr. Campbell was elected for East Durham by ‘ 69. t is expected that North Buce willbe‘ carried by the reform candidate. Hon. Mr. Gibson is confident of election in Ham ilton. Mr. Mowat’s majority on meelinp: the house will be nineteen or twenty. counting Mr. Campbell as an independent. Mr. Meredith is very much weaker in the ability of his principal supporters. He has no man of even second rate parliamentary experience and ability. Though the new warden, Mr. Stabback, reeve of Eldon, is one of the youngest men in the county council, he has had extended municipal experience, and has the ability to make an excellent presiding emcer. The election was conducted by ballot in a. quiet and "expeditious manner. Dr. Vrooman, reeve of Mariposa. made a. close run for the honor. The doctors are more numerous and influential than the lawyers in the county council. reeve of Burleigh. warden of Peterboro. Mr. S. H. Glassford. reeve of Canningbon, was elected warden of. Ontario County. Mr. Wm. Hattie, reeve of Lutterworth. warden 0t Halibutton. Mr. AleXuFergu- son, reeve of Millbrook, warden of North- nmberland and Durham. Mr. F. Elmhurst, Vindicator. The Whitby Chronicle says : Mr. John Lurks of Oshawa has been appointed Do- minion census enumerator at asalaryof $2.000 per annum. This is denied by the N. P. soup kitchens are infull blast in Toronto, Hamilton. Montreal. and Ottawa. It is said the Old Man intends to hold the general elections on March Forth. 0‘ 6“ ‘b £‘ ‘5 u Astotheprobsbilityof an earlydisso- lution considerable prominence is given to an article in the Montreal Gazette, whichssys: “Whetheran appeal to the “ electors will bemsde beforeauother ses- P“sionis, webelieve a matter which the §“governmenthasnot considered, but in “respectofwhichadecisionmust neces- “sarilybeshortlymsdeknown, [that is, “ by calling parliament for the dcspatch “ of business]. There are ample prece- “dentsbothinEnglsnd and Canada for “ a dissolution of the commons before the “ natural expiration of the parliamentary ‘ “term. Thepopularideahas been that “ the present parliament would run until “afterthetakingof the oensusin April, “ in order that a redistribution of seats “ might be made before another election “ occurs, but we my explain that, con- “ trary to a wide-spread belief, there is “ no need of a second election after the “ census should be determined! on now. “ It is not diflicult to imagine circumc “ stances which would make delay in giv- “ ing increased representation to the pro- “ vinoes entitled to it a grave injustice, “ but unless such an one should arise there “ is nothing to prevent a parliament “ elected a few months hence running out “its term before the redistribution of :‘ seats occurs. Meanwhile we repeat that "'no decision as to an immediate dissolu- “ tionhas been arrived at.” istohkethawen’dncyof Hwoouncil. Quitemextendveahufieueemstobein Wandvhenitiaoompletdmhfir her: will namely be sble to recognize themselvesmdtheircolleegnelin their EDITORIAL NOTES. .......... gamma. www.m' "ii'iiééifibia ‘‘ Pm. """ in: w“ er '1' Sour! 4 piece. gum,:‘becuflml:t.‘840 ) mm 8840 Next Five. Each 3 Genflemnfi'i'niliiiig. Cue Gold-filled Watch, exm heavy oases. beautifully mud. noun mm. Welthun movement. tullje - ed. union net. stem winder. .. . ..... 8250 Next Five. Each I. Flue warden 125 Noam Dre-a, M1: Dom: ............ i .. s mares! ext: lull . . 1%ng Mama" £3.53 "5 _-‘-_..,_“-_. "v.- “V“... wuuu. kind coodjnmpet will follow a lady like 'a. lap-cog; hat a good traveller not stain or myth . Valued n. . Next Five. Each alafifi (in. Gold- a..-‘ n_A.‘k ‘ Inthenextiuue o! The liadlss’Journal the editor of that popular monthly will announce a new com tition. The questions will be as tollowezâ€" ere in the Bible are the following words firstteund: yMom. 2. Cost. 3. W001). {31" mm“ fifxérhfigrmfmmé" “v? pe on s w pop . 0 can recommend the Ladies’ Journal and these vrizestoourreaders. They will find them all that is re ted. The list at rewards enumerated below is as large and attractiveas in any of the former competitions. which have given so much satis- taotion durlng the pastnlne years. To the‘ sender of the first correct answer received at oflloeof theLadies’Journalwillbegiven number one of these rewards, the SADDLE Bones. The sender of the second correct answer, number two. one o! the Gold Watches. andsoontlllalltheseilrstrewardsaregiven away. ................. BIBLE COMPETITION Red Fife flan.........2'- White_Fif¢ Wheat......_.. ..... 31:47me Huston .withaaleaof 33%“: tosnston. Sgwwnatso 1021009631: 87 to 87.50 for bundled. Dressed hogs unchanged at $5.75 to 86.â€"[Globe or Thurs- ” mm mm P110... Toronto Stratum . Thereoeipu otcraln on the street Tuesday were moderate. with nrloea generally unchang- ed. Wheat firm, with sales of 400 bushels at 95¢!ortallandredwinter.nt85010rsndnzud 3343368020093. Barleyunohnnged,2.000 bush 9011111282520 to 560. ommmu: 200 bush 1891. Oman or 'rnl Oman: Pear. Lunar. “11.29.1891. rmuvomm 'Thomdmnthowmoammkothu Mwmmmmmm lunhund ”than. Mathew wmoflhredmloodl ‘treahuooknndsmtove: tmm lut mm- ‘dudhgaboutmaheovudhmbamdmhm Thomnkotanmndwum.audmytor chdoabutohen’ catfiqwhlohwmtranlficto “momma-'0 Osttloâ€"Allcwdbutohen'catue cadre-d!!! and the apply was not sufldent for the de- mand. Formedmmudintedorutnflthom mmmewhstdmm.hutowln¢tothe scarcity otsbomrqnnutynurlymm taken. Pdoamgedhomsaotofiotoroholm. swaotormodlummdflotosotorlntorlorlnd bulls. Someealeswere: 21 WLM H.837 Del-head; 20 M9101». Mmhead;5do.. WMWWIMWGO. Lannie.” var hand; man; 1.050 lbs, super headgzsda 1,050 lbs. 843 ‘ whatlomwlhaflswhead. Sheep Indianaâ€"All crude: of honvy unbound shoe demand and were film. W! “are ht upward ten 0110!. Sales were. 76 lambs. 95119. 10 our 11 shoe 140m, «permsomulo? p' “I whoknawnothhg (and hadnothinztodo with-[gm or M.-Yomtmly, Sm. W.Sn'rn, _ mammotnhovo lodge. wmthénntnnyti And-oh? m. lama-an Natl: VMImh- formed“ . fading was sought to be MinnaBm’umm Whlmbydnnhflngthomtm hehndmtedwthol‘mmum lodgossuhzor the banner which they Mam'amm themtym oudonhmsyeuormIm. Idon’t kmwbownchnmmumoouldbo unedjo thy 1.91313!!! _m-. Bug-ton; pat _I COMMERCIAL NEWS. Linda” J“. 22.131. comp my. A eat..‘.......... .... - §z 'OuP'uooc-o THE LADIES’ JOURNAL The Ladies’ Journal flamingwlth v... ...................................... in Nazi; Fifty. .11 I‘ll m m I mnrrfirmbfi.sx.sfl..............315 NextSlx. mulling Quid-mule 811m 5:33 Mada-“.1? one 62:13.: "notched-.813 .......... . ...... . 87! ‘ 411W competinn magnum“ mweraone donu,florwhlch The India» Journuwmnemuuatomuldn-uu nu. ThoJmuhuheduhu-flwm- 018m m tad-4 landfill-It m M‘ mun“: mot “Mm Months h~mq Mk Whmwhmdmw. Mot-old.“ waMu-umb‘ 0t . ma. Mam? runny 81b wnh mom-dance. maps, awaiting“ diodsolgary. m c M. ........... ngfiys fin Quadruple m 1‘8! 00168011110! REWARDS. “515179.330!!! Elna Rack Coded m sifiiiiuuifliho.‘ .... " .. . T. ...... " . am Totheaondorotthommectmd the whole can postman-m when mulled. not latex-3m March. ml. will ho onepreoea mbutmmdlo on. fidugo ard- till all these ”Mm oventhorealduuonhemo-t distant Rm 1111‘ hue as mgood u opportunity to that ....... u...- swagmm'? -â€"-__ u- _.___ "ma“. '0. Nu: Nu't'T-wtfityt-éauuch'm 'I'vfifiié min “ nickel strdzht lino lever Gouno- Espcl}. Tmmghwpllmw Nexst than. Each o 13%;: rag o! am too! Sch-on. no ............ Noxlt‘mve. 36:11 a ’Hondnnglgl Bound an croooo vex- mg o. Boon - fully Illustrated. con thho Rovin- g!“ Mgogwcommenm ioflonuy. . o ......................... ... on Ten. Each a. Lady's or Gentleman's Com sun:- stoh. with good now N ”1:13:45 con-com. 815.. "(Hi vs. Each 3 n chased. QWIoPlgygaunmwum-o 63“... Inefficient of emu , comprising Chasm m m. which will be oold’st'low prices. Christmas and New Years Cakes made and decogaged to order, ALSO SERVED BY THE PLATE an II “T STYLE. 7.â€".â€"â€" . u._â€"vâ€"‘w_ Dre-swath. 8251..."..3 ..._.... ..._ 8125 .L m- _,_L , . FRESH OYSTOERS OFFICEâ€" Mdoorwenot them Post omxmmmmm. Lindsay. D-o. 11.1890.-31. Inga-Jar. tullymuggmtég. con “Di the Revie- n. nunentery cannery. etc.. on. $15 ........................... 8 75 “'1‘ Ten. Mandy 'eorGenuemm'e Com Silver Wench. with good now meat-a correct time-piece, $15 ........ 8150 Itl‘lve. Each: beenurnllychued. full QuanlePthSAunrmwum Suva-l. 810. .............. ; ..... _8 50 -. orw AA; 7 , n mmm “@me .nw WWW hm WWW.“ ”WWW Wmm “mm. 255?: the Mind m' an mum-mm.” mummdm Lenin mammal-nun 5'55} Kn. mi" 7' Rib 'ma; Hommmum m Non-um“ HOBNAGE DOUGH: m sow. mmmwndmm “I: m""" 3%.: m In. Immmmmm II'FIRE M UFE um um: Propgfiwmm HONEI‘I'OIDANOWBW LUNCH“ A! m nouns. Mrs B. F. Jewett. Pro perus- _forRent. mummmnmyou Farm- for Sale. MRS. B. F. JEWHT. a specialty. J. H. SflflTHERAN. 1891. 8 75 Full Clot/ts, Yam, Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Hosiery, Corset; The Stock is well assorted in Fall and Winter Goods and consists of Grey and White Colfax, Cottonades, .Slzzktings. Ticking, gig WHOLESALE PRICES FOR CASH. 3% Has engaged in other business and is Giving. UP the D_ry_ Goods trade in Lihdsay: Overalls, Bed Comforters, Wool/ea Blaxkets, Hats, Caps, Ga Remember everything is moving during this month, and Lindsay’s Leader qf Low Cash Prices has never been nndersold yet. He leads the wan still, and for everything in Dry Goods that you will require visit as in the NEXT THIRTY DA YS and secure these bargains. - - E. E. w. MGGAFFEY, May. Nov. 13th. nanâ€"m. WehavebeentalkingaboutMen’sWenrâ€"wewillnowturntothesideof thehousedevotedtosclling Ladies’ War. We have noticed in other years during the month of January there is a larger percentage of Wedding Outfits bought in and around the vicinity of Lindsay than in any other period of the year. To meet this increasing demand we have decided to place our large stock of 51%;, Satin: and Fine Dress Good: at prices that will make these goods come within the reach of the most careful buyer. It issurprising theMautle Millard]: Clotbwearestillselllng. Westill have a very nice stock to select from,which will be offered along with some handsome pieces of Sealette at about one-third less than ordinary prices. We have the facility for making Sealetle Mantle: up in a very handsome style. Orders left for Saddle Caps, Maj}, Collar: or Mitt: will receive prompt attention. Itisbutthirtydaystillthecarpentergmasonsand plasterelswillbe overhauling the CITY STORE tomaketheprembesmdyforomtemwalthae. Duringtheintervening time we must sell as muchas can possibly be disposedof. andwewouldseyif you havenotboughtyour Winter Oven-coats we would ask you tolook atour$4.oo ULSTERS, (tweed lined): If something more dressy is required put your tragicforminto oneofour$s.oo WORSTEDS. Youwill find there is a. decided break in all prices of CLOTHING, which embrace Men’s, 303’ and thk': Suits, Pants and Garcon“. We have about twelve FUR COATS in Men’s, about eight LADIES’ ASTRACHAN MANTLES, and about three dozen MEN’S FUR CAPS, which we are going to make.every efi'ort to dispose of. Profit is not the con. sidetation with these goods ; turning them into cash is of more consequence. ' ANNUAL CL EAR/N6 SALE and Small Wares, and many other lines too numerous to mention, all of Black and Colored Dress Good: in Mellow. Cashmeres. Hmn'ettas. Deming Ducks, T owek and Towelling, bleached andfllgred Table Linens, Lindsay. Jam 8. 1891. He is offering the Whole of his Fine, Stock of STAPLE and FORE FEBRUARY NEXT. Sages, Silks, Flushes, Velvetem, Mantle Cloths, gaudy-Made Clotkiag, zzns, bucks, 1 was and 1 owemng, ozeacnea and colored I able Linens, ‘ ”AC ”DIEM. DOWN" Hollands, Prints, Dress , Linings, Fancy, Grey and Navy Blue Flannels, mm?“ X." ,to g1". » agate; migrate- CLOVER SEED. S. S. RITCHIE, ALSIKE, RED GLOVER SPRATT 8: WHEN. TIMOTHY SEEDS, which must be sold and the Store To Show it to us before Selling f80. 189L It Will Pay Those Having FANCY DRY GOODS at --AND-- Spratt 3111911. 1'. EL One Door East Simpson House, Lindsay. Hm find a the Sun-hm ”.789"- L Ianâ€"mu. \ T0 FARMERE. Dnndurlsvellenros. lg; Nachos», “monument”! a ‘ LOWEST PRICES. AMERICAN Scxssons, CROSS-CUT AND BUCK SAWS, AXES, AXE HANDLES, Cow CHAINS, HALTERS, , HORSE NAILS. HORSE SHOES. m mutt-human from Mam: export- -.a ho omndent'y “Mm a very 13m “$011011:me ot mnduy And the - Hohnowprenu'ed waiveleooonain WWI.“ hummus and“. Round ‘ m 0 You“ Ionian-u M, m m 1W3: 7. an. 'ommmm at £30. on. meludausnymdnm . Mace mach roan Bound Duootheflmlauonuinfi'ngg the kflnflIhM-fi' 7;â€" '5 E 'l 3.31 Estatefigndlnaumce. Wedding Presents ”LURE * WWII, ENGLISH AN_D PROF G. GAIN. ”amputations-unease” hfiomgtglungwmmabovp DANCE? G AN D DEPORTMEN T. BHINA HALL “WWW hold-a0 nan-15mm”: “accountancy “mm ”Annuity In booms anoint: death. provides mama WWW :1: {in on, can on, SKATES. SKATE STRAPS, CARVING SETTS, BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES, muons, POCKET KNIVES AND BUTCHER KNIVES, SILVER KNIVES, All Kinds of M and Heavy Hardware“ mmnmcmm Scranton 00 AL Sign of the Mill 8an 0111 CE, William MCLENNAN (10., 8.3.35". 31., LLB. -- Aunln‘nn MEstate, Insurance Ketch of In: M final-.7. Nov. 8. 1390â€"29 Delivered at Lowest Rates. My. Dec. 3. 18m. New Advertisements, 0. L BAKER KN O WLSON BROS. :lcclure Unwin- SOUTH SIDE OF KENT-ST. FARMERS. McLennan. 4: Go. am “P03! cum '3. n.“ Foiucs AND Spoons, ', WHEAT, [8.04119 ‘ POTATOES. Pomboro B Agents.

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