â€"Prof. H. E. Dean, the newly.gppomm proteeeor of detains ot the Ontario and. tunl college, of which he is a. Monte, tee paying for milk scoot-ding to Its contents in fat. To determine that he mend: the Bobcook test no rapid, oc- cnnte, simple and cheap, six or eeven showing the vane at scientiï¬c howled“ he recently mm two American Mme". one of whom, by min 3 prover}! «on-trucked food. mode 3 t of 831-00 lygreper headoutot hi. can then the -Wmlun Hommun, a hermit and minor, who lived in the utmost squalor and half- starved himself, has been killed in the but which he inhabited agar Argentige, gran, manual liberals nnd conservatives are groupedaga last the bill, while we centre and Madame portions favor it. no is supposed to have owned about 820,000 In each, but no money can be found, no there are suspicions that he was mur- dered and robbed. â€"'1'he«headlees body of a major in the Boumanlan army was found on Friday in the bath-room In the Carrol hotel,Cuetend- 3!. Two orderlles, who were detailed as themejor’a body servants, were arrested on suspicion of having murdered the ofï¬- cer. One of the orderliee confessed, and raid they had hurled the dead man’s head futhe and not far from the hotel. Be- venge for m-treatgnent received by the orderzlea at the much hands is supposed to be the oenee of the murder. â€"Mejor Pond expects to make from $75.- 000 to $100,000 out 0: Stanlev’e lecture tour. The explorer is paid $50,000 for ï¬fty lec- tures and his travelling expenses in addi- â€"Wii1iam Bell. a driver on the Interco- leniai railroad, jumped from his engine while it was in motion at Petit Boche, N. 8.. on Saturday, slipped on some ice. and tell beneath the wheels. He was instantly in: with his patents in New York, was pieying with a. lead pencil last Monday, when he slipped and tell. The pencil en- tered his left eye and penetrated the bnin. He was removed to the hospital, where he died in two days. â€"The bill for restoring the stipends of Catholic priests, which were conï¬scated during the knlmrkunpt. was debated in thoGermsn teichsug on sum-ti". The 5E5, for murdering his mother.â€" â€"'].‘he subscriptions to the Balfour-Zet- hnd fund for the reliotot distressed people in Ireland have reached £396,000. :At N aehville. Tam, during a heavy snowstorm on Saturday, countless numbers of small ï¬sh tell. They resembled carp. â€"Wllllam Marshall, who was born on the Tam O'ShanOer farm in Ayrshire, Scotland. has just died near Brlght, Ont†aged96years. w"‘"- â€"Archbiehop Ireland, of St. Paul, Minn., has issued a letter to his clergy forbidding lotteries and All games of chance in connec- tion with church fairs} â€"Wm. Foulks, living at Laurel Station, Po" during a. religion: frenzy, emptied the contents of a double barrellcd shotgun into his wire, with foul resulte. -The New York state commissioner of ï¬sheries has srrsnged to place in the waters of Lake Ontario next spring 13.000,- 000 whiteflsh, 4.000.000 ciseoes and from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 well-eyed pike. â€"'1‘here is a strong antiChinese move- ment in some or the towns of Oregon, and thoChiness are being driven away, in some cases with great violence. â€"'rhirty-two counties in the western part of Nebraska are in sore distress. and an appeal is being made to congress on behalf of the enlisting people. the father xemonflmted m. conduct. _ â€"Wflllazn Foulks, 'nvxng at Laurel sm- tion, PL, during a religion: frenzy, emp- tied the contents or a double-barren“ shot gun into his wife with total results. â€"'.l.‘rouble has uieen between the coke workers and their employers in Pennsyl- vnnuover the question of wages, and a long struggle is said to be in prospect. â€"Mrs. Hannah Riordan, awldow, was murdered by her dissolute nephew, Thou. Clark, in New York last Monday. The woman’s throat was cut from ear to our. â€"â€"The British authorities have been advised of renewed activity in the ranks of the dynamite party in America, who are said to be actively preparing to resume operations. â€"Michael Kelly, aged 70, was shot and probably fatally; vyguuded by his drunken fl__.|__ _I_LL hmn-n NEWS OF THE WEEK. zen um 103319111318 or F -â€"A Pads paper has announced that John L. Sullivan 13 a son of Sir Arthur Sullivan, the English musical composer. LINDSAY. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30. 1891 m vxcronu com: Ion I00! PAPER and PlL'l‘URE FMS _13 ATâ€" @133 dEanahiaIt V 33051. Wm HEADQUARTERS “HARVABBEI â€"Pntrick McCarthy, page"; 019,11:- '. A. 60013me Publuhert Notzce. V O A. GoodWm. arrested a_t_ 338113112101. 10mph ï¬nd I!- John "an: uuulvuu, â€"v_ ._ _ the Greek art-he'd; church out of the house. In coneequence of this and other cases which have been brought to the notice of the anthoritiee, they have deter- mined to take energetic measures to check the further extension of ealvationlem. â€"The Perle Siecle publiehee an inter- view with Gen. Landord, the czar’e confl- dentin! court chamberlain. The chamber- lain is quoted as saying that Russian! and Frenchmen have so many afï¬nities of character that the former sympathize with France and have profound antipathy tor the people of England and Germany,whoee characten are diligent. Bneela, accord- ing to the chamberlain, can only reap ad- venture horn contact with the French. menial d and hopes â€develop her com an industrial relatione wlth France. The latter country. said the chamberlain. had recently ahown thather wealth was even greater than ever, and it was gratifying to know that the two nations were no elceely connected by loree of circumstance. and similarity or interests. Finances were most manner-one in Russia- France: he A. cmuvu... --v....v since a painful â€Moi: he ceased in autocratic circlee here by the action of the Princess Serglue Gaza-me, who it will be remembered wished to have the religious moat proaporonn 1n nuuu. :nuw. as added. could but! he m m without tan d W anhjch was name one with covers! other pow- ers. like?‘ your mod 9““ 3°“ the success at min and Fauna assured, Ind mmmndmmimnadblomd W Europe. Therefore O clout â€"A St. Petersburg cable sa szâ€"Terriflic snow stems have preva ed recently throughout the south-eastern portion of Russia. Deep drifts have been formed in many localities and whole villages and buried in snow. The railroad tracks are entirely useless from the piles of snow number of isolated houses have Men almost resting upon them. The inhabitants are suffering from the bitterly cold weather. Numbers of people have been frozen to death, and it is feared that as the snow disappears further loss of life will be re- vealed. The city oi Kharkoy, the capital of the government of Kharkoy, is com- plstely isolated by snow, and the only way of communicating with it is by telegraph. Kharkoy has 200,000 inhabitants. It is feared that it its isolation continues there will be terrible suï¬â€™ering owing to scarcity of provisions among its poorer inhabitants. â€"A St. Petersburg cable says : The salvation army in Russia is doomed. The imperial government views with extreme disiavor the continued propagation of General Booth’s ideas, which have of late taken deep root in various parts of Russia, rinclpaily in Finland, and also in St. etersburg‘itself. It is only a few days A'AA __-_ ‘A_-AJ ‘â€" wuuwurvuwuu mw-"wâ€"" - walled“ nndRudn. Rum: W Gamma: “303mm the hamRussian benign and W to 7-- :- L...- has baa - as a masherlox'lome time, hsiaamanouamily. â€"In Judge Grinnell’aoourtat_ . on Monday a jury awarded Stephan Young $7,m00nhisolaimilo2815,m dam- ages against the Gnnd Trunk way. The suit is one of a numbel out at the railway accident at Junction cut, Hamilton, a layouts ago. Anumber and many injured, -Thetan house of the coal mine near Evauston, Wyo.. was bumed last Friday attomoon. This destroyed the means of supplyingireahalr to the twohundred men working beneath the surface. The rushot the frantic men was something awful. Until well into the main entrance, andonly exit, they grew weeks at eaoh step, gasping for breath. It is thought they all escaped. â€"Misa Rivers, daughter 0: Mr. Richard Rivers, a (armory! Walkegton neighbor- LAAA .- - â€"It is rumored that the Prince of Wales is deeply in the ï¬nancial toils of Baron Hirsch and another distinguished Hebrew. to whom the prince pays special attention. He borrows their money. it is said, to pay when he pleases, and they take out the interest in the way of social recognition. The prince’s course in this respect is attracting attention in all the courts of Europe, and is the subject of much com- ment at the cluhs. â€"Lieut.E. P. Turner, son of Admiral Turner of the United States navy, shot himself four days out of Vancouver on the Abyssinla from Caroline islands, on her way to San Francisco. He left a statement giving an account of the killing of his cousin in a duel. He was observed to he in the habit of taking drugs. Turner ï¬red two shots while in the cabin and exnired immediately. The body will be embalmed and forwarded to Jersey City. â€"Drs. Bulin and Piccï¬of the Nantes faculty recently injected fteen grains of goats’ blood into the muscular tissue of the thighs of two patients suflering from tuberculosis, and they assert that curescan be wrought by renewing such inuections every ten days. ...... Prof. Schnibler of Vienna on Monday exhibited a patient suï¬â€™erin from tuberculosis of the larnvx, who ha been treated with Koch’s lymph. The patient’s condition improved under the treatment, but tubercuiar swellings developed 'on his nose, which reached an unprecedented rize. -â€"Secretary Blaine says that the recent war excitement in England in connection with the Behring sea matter was caused by a Philadelphia despatch to the London Times, stating that the American naval force on the Paciï¬c was to be increased to 23 ships with 113 guns and 3,000 men. The navy department has informed Mr. Blaine that the naval force on the Paciï¬c is smaller than at any time for the past ten years, consisting of only ï¬ve ships with 31 guns and 856 men. Mr. Blaine thinks the correspondent of the Times owes an ex- planation to the American people. It is stated at the navy department that any one making enquiry there could have received deï¬nite and accurate information on the subject and there was no excuse for sending erroneous statements to Europe. was standing at the aide of the animal animal buckling a strap the brute suddenly turned his head and bit Mr. Knight in the bee. Mr. Knight’s nose was as completely bitten off as it it had been cut by 3 mar. and a. great portion at the right cheek was torn sway. hood, wee stepping over the shaft of e horse-power which was workin in the yard, whsnherskirts ceught in eehait end she wee instantly wound under it and one of her legs instantly crushed to e jelly. The limb was emputated above the knee, and the young lady is in a very low condi- on. â€"While at work, Charles Carpenter, en employee of the Bristol rolling mills, Bristol, P5, was pierced through by a red- het iron bar. The ber struck him in the email of the back and passed entirely through his body. Friends snoceeded in withdrawing the iron with blood pouring from the wound. The men was taken to the ofï¬ce of a doctor. who pronounced his in ury fatal. â€"Edward Knight of Dakota, while visit- ing hie brother-in-law in Hamilton, Ont., went out to herneee up a horse with the intention of going out toga drive, end as he _- AI.- __l__I ovum moved of tour rib. o! e eet And W eminthenoeeotemledy. museum!†them-e. The bone- 01 the noeewere decayed endwere removed; â€"A eeble from Algiers eeye: Communi- eetlone between Al and the town or Medeh. forty muee here. be beeacut ofl'by snow. It In impossible to continue the men eel-vice, end the supply of prov!- elone et Medeh In very m. Advice! from Guelme, in the department of Con- stantine, etete that there-1e eon-idenble :10th among the Atebe of the mounteln :‘333553 :3? â€"Dr. J. B. McConnell, of the Weebern hoepltel, Montreal, hes returned from Berlin with n smell quentlty of Dr. Koch’s lymph. "I an convinced,†eeld the doctor to e Star reporter, “thet every oeee Eatâ€"651:: or lint: duos-u. the new curated experiment- woro moat Inca-ml, Masada-01m QWMW' Anna on... -- _â€" -v--- to be u remsrksbly strong argument. Among the chief festures of the book will be the isc-simile of s prescription for since wash which Mrs. Msybrick testiï¬ed sbout. but which could not be iound. Both pre- scription sud draught have been found since the trisl.snd it isssid that their evio deuce, could it hsvs been secured in time, would hsve brought sbout su scquittsl. About three hundred of the one thouesnd necessary subscrlnticus hsvs been secured, including the nemes ct snumber of pro- minent English peonle. â€"A. Berlin cable cum-At the charity hoepitei Thundey Professor Somehow exhibited a consumptive patient whom the doetoto ind cut open so the: Koch lymph might bginjected in the covity in . ._,___ _-n.‘ .L- _-u-_e- â€"hn fllvu avvvsvuu u.- v- w..-â€" agents in America that the dynamite section is actively preparing to resume operations. The headquarters are said to be in Philadelphia and Kansas City. The authorities are increasing their vigilance and detectives swarm at Queenstown, Liverpool, Southampton and other ports. The police guards have been increased around the public buildings, and the authorities are considering the advisability of issuing orders for a closer examination of the bagga of passengers arriving from the United tates. which was stopped a few months ago. Hugh King was found at his residence Sunday evening and said to a reporter: “No Irish party is mixed up in it in any way. Though oeposed to such methods, my interest in the cause and my wide uaintauce with the party leaders is such t I am kept pretty well informed as to what is going on. Of course some crank. even two or three of them, may have some train of their own laid. but you can not control every individual Irishman. I am sure there is nothing more in the story than that." â€"A London cable says: An amusing though not polite scene occurred at a patomime down at Brighton Friday night. In a sort of supplementary act an actor be- g: to make topical okes and nuns. His extended to the arnell-O’Sbea matter. Hardly had he mentioned the lady's name when the audience became convulsed, rose in its seats to jeer and hoot with laughter. The funny man on the stage bowed pro. foondly, thinking he had made a sat hit. Judge of his consternation, owever, when he was made aware that Mrs. O'Shea was at that moment in a box with a party of friends and had been compelled to listen to the ribald merriment. The instant she could get out she left the house in a state of just indignation. A humble apology was sent by the manager of the house. in- timating that these topical affairs are chiefly the creation of actors on the spur of the moment. He could not foresee the actor would name her. The funny man also endorsed the apology; that it was part ofhis business to try to pun on prominent topics and personages, and he had no in- tention of offending, etc. The aflair has made a good deal of gossip. was Wag-guy-.â€" _ -â€" lung. The professor said thé patient, who was inan advanced sham o! the disease. pm toward death ho use!“ was duo to the Koch method. The float. Prof. Gusset says. was sufl'erlng m a tuberculosis aflectlon. but. the dgsgasg was_not in an ad ,.-_ _- n_-a n ..... 0 any use tum n... -v- stage, end in the opinion oi Proi'. Gusset the men who would doubtless have lived I long time if he had not been inoculsted with the Koch lymph. -â€"A London cable ssys: It is impossible to exaggerste the joy end enthusiasm oi the Gledstonisns osused by the victory oi their osndidete, Mr. Fumess. over the liberal-unionist esndldste st Corning just before the re-sssembling of perilsment. sud just stter the Irish contro- versies. the victory hes cheered GIsdstone’s followers to en immense degree. Mr. reply to e correspondent st Esrtlepool who wired his_ congrstulstions: “The election , ,-___‘-_-“ unne- r- n, , , _ V _ full meaning, but all must see that the eimple ï¬gures of the poll reduces to duct and ashes the declaratioue oi Lord Salie- bury. Sir Henry J amee, Mr. Goechen and the Duke of Weetmineter upon what they call ' recent evente.’ †â€"A London cable can : ,There is another dynamite scare among the authorities, who have received igtorunetion irom their A LL- 3â€".-.nlb- â€"Another strenuous eï¬â€™ort is being made to have Mre.May brick, the American woman who is conï¬ned in prieon in Lon- don, Enz.. on the charge of having poin- oned her husband, released iron: custody on the ground that she wee wrongfully convicted. It is said that important evi- dence hae been diaeoyeredgince the trial W, , 1- I.â€" tending to bear out the denial made by Mrs. Maybtick on the witness stand. Alexander William Maedongal, a London barrister. has written an exhaustive trea- tise on the Maybrick case. It is a review of the circumstances and evidence. includ- ing that reesntiykdis‘eo , and it is said _A___.. -mm--. m CANADIAN POST: AD wuNu-mâ€"vâ€"- __ i2. fromI the time and circumstlneeo. by hr the most important since 18%. The limits of p £9193;qu prgqlPde giving my â€"‘_ Lk-‘ 6i.- the pttient, wno hygienfl a o! the dunno, which toward ' law-spartan“. , which a patient may viththnknitoior m; u; to lymph....Prof. cholera. 2.1 h.‘ q"u'.."':, 3:3 Ewe 12‘. Inch!- uklll ‘38 I . WW" "m Mumdualvuonnflhdlo the deceased he unwound the .dvortuo- mout. Tho identm'W‘i W00. Ind W oghpgdnygognpled the “have. «no. ,._-l_- A-‘ tub tLA-u BEE mama-n. .1; _BerlIn_ able an: “Further donu- A-.I A. 11“. VMH'. Av- myï¬mhsmhm n1 amped. sadly-11mm“!!!- mâ€" â€" â€"_‘..7 hygienic mum on. The renerchee which-remanded onwleh the new remedy ere “tended with ooneldenble We. “named tint ï¬ve mm the! teeth“ W nlender beclllue. end the: three medial men working on the cholera. microbe subsequently snared tron e violent “took at the dleeeee. It is explained the: Prat. Koch end hle eeelet- ence owe shell mum from eiekneee to the inflammation: they tote while nnrenlng th experiments." 1“, WWW†--â€"~__ son. who with his brother Junss (slso s physician) its: present in Berlin, studying the Koch treatment- Aissr dsscrlbing the facssssoi inocnlstlon with the inn h sud sflsots on vstions persons, Dr. ssys :-“ Wishing to study the notion of the lymph more fully. sud tooling thst I might have contacted tubsrcnlosis by being menu so msny oommptivss, 1 submitted myself to one o! Kgoh’s assistants for inocnlstion. Hs injected double the amount used in soonsnmptlvs in my bsck nndsr the skin over the right lung. I went directly homo sod stsysd in my room sll glsyngskina my pulse and temper-stars svsry ,. AL- .I__ __. -A -0“. an perfectly tree from mooreulu bacilli. and making more evident 3.9 no its unsur- _. .IJ-..-__l- manna-main , opou- mu luv- 50. in man at bu- m Mn out who :1 e :3 E" 5:; ES: 25 E E I'__ iii-gums mdi'exwummu- ...Dr. Butler of Inndon. Ont, received 3 very ham-cum“ mm from Dr. G. B. W11- -.l Ll- Lâ€"KL-.. 1-...-- l-I-n - Through the kindness of the British smbssssdor end Sir Chsrles Tapper we have received s supply of lymph, with the promise or all we require to: both hospital sud prints use. no expect to be home by the 24th 0! thin month.†ot'h'c dab); vslus ss {Mot disgusts. pssssd Through, the paging of the British â€"Mr. Gilbert Rose of Tyendinscs town- ship tell deed in his house lest Thursdsy night whilst walking scenes the floor steer returning from s tee meeting. Deeessed wss 65 yen-e et sue. â€"Mr. Robert SW. 5th eon. oi Clerks. whose house wss burned on Sundsy lest, sud whose child wss incinerated in she flsmes, hes lost his eyesight through sonnet with ï¬le flsmes. This nniorsmse resultottheuul ï¬re is greedy to be regretted. â€"Mrs. cum. Cross. susident of Berrle. stsrted out in couch other sou Juneswho -A London cable says: Kochism in Eng- land has received a severe blow from the publication oi the opinion of Dr. Symes Thompson, a leadiuc physician, from his study of cases in the King’s college hospi- tal and the Brampton hospital. in which he has been investigating the streets of the lymph on consumptive patients. He proves. according to his conclusions. that the injection of the lymph often arouses baccilii of tuberculosis which have lain dormant in a soar in the tissue of the lungs which had before successfully resist- ed the attacks of the bacilli, and revivifles an active form of the disease. converting the first and curable stage of it into the third stagein the short space of two or thrseweeh, rmdedng the malady incur- able by the lymph or any other agent that is known to medical practice. A number of homoepatbic practitioners, who natural- lv take to any homoepathic remedy like Koch's. have written to the newspapers claimin that Kochism is no novelty, and that emau cured diseases by similar morbid products. A remedy. they say. called tnbsrculinum, directed to the remo- val of tubercle, has long been known here and in America. It must beccnfeeeed that these later statements do not in the least vitlate Prof. Koch's claims. but they have a dampening efl‘ecton public opinion. â€"A London cable says: There is the very best authority for stating that, even before the death of King Kalakaua, England was preparing to secure the transfer to herself or Canada of the political and commercial preponderance heretofore held by the Am- cicana in Hawaii. The British are aux- ioue to have control of Pearl harbor,whieh will soon be one of the ï¬nest in the world, and which the present treaty gives to the United States. The British foreign omce A.,A_ Una-ve- ecuâ€"mu ._v V ,7 has, it is said. received representations from Hawaii that there is s strong feeling there, especially since the of the McKinley bill, which deprives waii of the sugar importing mono y. in favor of transferring to Canada on?“ existing treety arrnngements with Americe. and that there isapowsrfnlfaction in the islandstha: wishes to snnnl the treaty It once. on the ground that the sugar importing privileges have been virtually abrogated by the act of the Americm congress. His death has aroused a feeling of satisfaction in Eng- land. and theen'oris to get possession of the Pearl of the Paciï¬c are being renewed with greater wiser than ever. The Eng. llsh are said to have on their side Col. 0. W. Ashford. who is virtually in command of the small militsry force of the kingdom, and who had expressed himself as advo- cating a transier of Hawaiian interests to Canadian control and the annulment of the American treaty, which stul has two yeers mum; 0131310? 10288. . 3732?me "5th5““ “I 25° Korma“ thoni 011713., nanny, JANUARY so, 1891 u the m an 13'an , e duthhu um. on who oi MONEY T0 1 The Enz- VBY 1.0" is Col. 0. We eaten command hmmonmotu For or taunt. u nut-ch- 150 can an). nurlmovfllginthe Townshlpot Eidonmood buildings: well wasted: Deanna arch-m: - unnamed con mega-Ion 3}ng For further mum __ Lâ€" I-»-_ o- n Ila. 3.. log umï¬xwtnmow 5:.on 12x26!:..lo¢ mmxm, with trune kitchen uxm Fortune! particula- nonl’on the mutual. JOHN MARK. Cameron PO. mum-ow: CRIWON. Lorinville. Oct. 14. lamâ€"2w VALUABLE PROPERTY mcxwurna r05 wâ€"g i xOOD FARM OF 200 7 ACRES. IN OPS. FOB SALEâ€"For sole.“ thug-In. Lot No. 7. Con. 8. of the nu- em of One; 200 m; about News! cleared en under cnldntlonunne never-bums stream of living meet me when. {masking It one of the best unwed term- for stock in the country. nu wrongdnmdj.“ 85'4“; CHIP“; ' -_ g5- Farm for Sale or to Rent; nblo Elwin-d ï¬ve miles from tho town of ongood road. For mm. m O'LEARY O'LELRY. m. . Sept.6.18.65-lf MONEY To LOAN. mam mm A: VIII LOWEST com um We umwnltbmwc. Also. hmmtdmtmnd-mmon um- “c'ï¬nqw CHEAP MONEYTO LOANIN suns m_!m:fl‘w_jwouthu ._A.-__OI.- PRIVATE firms T0 LOAN at 5!. “mgwmgmv‘lnï¬b mtâ€: nwm" ï¬m"w'.d'd.'""m' 'Ttbï¬ 7531335063; LIN. Bum-ten nonhuman Ail-â€~13â€- wvâ€"‘v- wâ€" _._. m ' _" annexe-AIM um tor-"Ill 1.06m 0°me -- -- A_-_._. Inâ€" Llâ€" - Mn.“ Conlp’famm Mosziuitq 3‘5: 80%.? HI ‘E Inflmma I‘fniï¬f'mnitii REEU§£isuaTSImII§S BE su .OIl'LE WIIFIBU .; PER Luoxsï¬ifmflsg' WE ARE NOW LOANING MONEY «ms» {rec-#93994"! 'v nnmmum [MI-y. Nov 19. masâ€"i OLEABY O'LIABY. Lind-y. N07. 14. 1887. “no. BRYAN SON. Emma munum ARE CHANCE. i’nn CENT.-â€"â€"We u. now logging mumewvwmgmw mt and security. INITYBE STEWART. mm mm“. oE'B '55.? 6’1); : "we, “Jamâ€"2m. Mum In Luau Pond’s Money to Loan. 1.09m. EL mfl - ï¬lm-CH!!- G. I norm Architects and Survezon‘ ELIAS BOWES AUGTIONHR DOB “a. m m P. 0.. on. OWMAN BROS. Mumdpdud'rownm 8mm Wm «use Flounder-dean tom-star Clues mm was. Pwmm “4 MW nbuccn or - mwmmnhfd. Allwork -_A .mnnnw goo-mind an AI. m: A m. V M 3m- V CONSTB OTION SUPERINTENDED. 17$. Sewerage. Hosting slid Ventilation. a . 02.1mm. Working Details. Enhance nodVdundau {mainland : Measurements umt Levelling- m. on Communion made 0 mm ot_ frag-gs. Archâ€. Baum. Glrden. An.-- ..A ___l Clerk'- _01 afloat: 0m Clerk! _Ofloe._ qvor Whine “In-3b“ ILLIAM DUFFUS. menu]. new. mammuanmhmdm unL _ ingtylgootArcmuotumWooden fly :5: 7 my O’LEARY, BARBIB- ms. m at kw 8cm In M,mmmmï¬1oox.m m O'LIARY. flaw NJ ' {163891111 a: JACKSON). â€"m mm on once. Wuhan-1L. um «rumâ€"Inna: m mar-u. “.mathom JoIIIA. manoch. nanomm My. 74113.6. wanâ€"cm hotel |.u’unflm overheat i=3.†nowhewellr:uedu MW van-3e. Excellent 3W mummmuuaowqm a--. *k‘... -ï¬_H- mam on'rnm HOTEL, mom, , MW. g. M W. -L -‘__L A?! FRANKLIN HOUSE, MAIN-813., awnâ€"gm In. «5 “MI.- aâ€" ï¬nal-IA Had-7- 3'"- 1. INFO-1’. HONEY_ TO LOAN. r. D. 11003:. “all". E87 an. Mâ€"S. mummrm LIES DIOKBONA 1.1611303. m IE. WEEKS, ‘0 3533:3113qu ‘ iimï¬ummam. ABRON, MOLAUOHLIN, G. OAVANA, P.L.s., ma Dominica » .1»: m wï¬m;y_%3 'oonn “058th Quay-9r.- to 'cARTEUB 7 30031;, _ immanent ,. g__ L44- LAYIBY. Auctioneer form “Amount. 2.0.4492,“ SMITH 81:31am Cam. Ban-13 tars. Etc. Hotels. J. NEELANDS'. manta-M teeth. He Is now “Multan“: op hula: vlaittoN “m m 31:06“. He motNQWYOI'k. ww- woos-I MW gammy no mum-mg um manhunt um nmuyloottooce the inventor of cu m:- u- Mngteoth. whohuuimitmmm mudnoummooe under 0508'. â€Sou-.0 In dd of the now By udxmmand he M3. NEELANDS use. Burs Inc-1 Am‘ 81 WNW Mm odd shape tom-and cola. old room can luvs man may that‘s no Vlmur WW at baccarat-ul- um 8609â€"8558830 63â€"85 anonâ€"v fhbflfluhqvguï¬guiana 3 3a.!dn3-a098553 guékflgoflgï¬agt {V bum sndby tbs must: mnplluoeo tor than- rem umber: of person no won-II. mm. byné. Noel-Batman! .333 murmured repdn. Price. my“) to“ torunpperor under not. Pm bug‘s distance “61mm: and ore coming. . nearly opposite Congreg- [And-:7. Oct. 24. Baaâ€"72. w 1.3.3.." out. DENTIST. LIN DS AY GOLD AND POROELA/fl CROWN/I18 approved methods nnd principles for seem-inc perfection of m. contort. asetulness. dot-chum and bet .on Gold. Silver. Celluloid and the Artistic .cntinncns Gum. Also in all the bonnie: oentni Rubbers. and st the lava! living prices. All sets of teeth ï¬nished end nttedtothemonth by Mr. Gross himeit. a under his supervision, which will Ir count tor commotion given by his work. lstest coolinnces for the administration I VITILIZED AIRsnd GAS. enables linem- to announce constantly inc-easing mecca h the use ct these anaesthetics. no min. no no- ddennnototngmccnseqnentiynom Thebestmethodsctprescrvingthenm teeth]: flllingwitthldsndothet-rciinhls hnsbeenmuesstndyflor THIRTY YEARS by Mg. Gross. and attention not! cnreis invenhy him tothh brnnchot hishnsiness. Nonnneceusrynnln without whoa). pnodced 19 MR. GROI ('11.! mt: “Winn to I 0 number Don’ttulmcall â€Gmuhuofloom Mam, Kent-st. and seem“ WIDDES ARMSTRONG, 0mm. BITE-DEBS. b. a w. H. (mags, 1.13.1. ..Rflnfl mu. r. monnow, ABY SURGEON. mm d (h- mm Hoping 7K6?! 'Yéi-il" ï¬niéLWflm' â€,3 “do. oodvflle. Mn 19. 1888â€"50-11!- mwihï¬ï¬m' 7’ ’ '00 R. E. S. WILSON, late of the Boyd Inï¬rmary. Edinburgh. Sooflud. mflotglilnh’h 911':th 01“ng 9. we south ot_ Que Victoria Hotel. Enema. C- L. COULTER. W Health 0- Baum Surgeon. mm 10.80am. York-It (moo ham. 9 to 1.31:0:an 7:08am. on†and moves Russell-on. went EYE, m AND THROAT. DR. 0. 8. EM]. ï¬MMTWWPN-hem __At -g- mmwmwm; MY. Mn! 2. 1889. nodsâ€. Juno mu. mamâ€"05. New Advertisements. B. DIGRASSI, PHYSICIAN, SUB- gymm. m. wmim 3-)?“- KEMET: 9- 3.1-.- M19195†176 terms :7 S urgeons. qam._u D._._c. M» M- _c. I." 038. GOULTER SIMPSON. L. HERRIMAN, IL 1).. M. 0.1’. w. 1‘. BROAD. DENTIST, flyflczans. Denflatzg, 3352 K N 4‘3 in: 5 3.4 L M . 4 . G. 1 0:0?» 6m F 1i""m‘ It, ' " ' "' 135mm: Jig-uh! Guano}; of Unkn-