v "5"“ E 4 _ W"? 'H'AW' ll WV- ‘A‘ A- "'â€ll VRRREEABH /â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"d . 83nd for circulars and Peterboro’ W s. 8. BEA/l. 3.4., its} W‘ Business College M ' 5. Cornell. McClure cf: Unwm. GOAL OIL, GOAL OIL, THE GITY MUTUAL memos so or tonnes, in 0mm of the lam Irina]. managedand Motion! the oihoesaandagenucdthelattercgpaw putsupbsnuttsrs. Best Canadian at18c.P61' gal» Hm.wu.,mdmmmg KNOWLSON BROS. __â€"â€".â€" Real Estate, Insurance â€"and_ Financial Agents. KNO WLSON 3 5-". S. t the Confederation 1 ~19 Associa- flon of Toronto. This Company .-' . 1:5 policies hoontestable after three rears. tree from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupa- tim- The new Annuity Indownmont Policy af- lords absolute protection against contingency of early death, provides an income in old age. and hagoodinvestment. Rates in to 20 percent. lewerthancrdinaryratss. OFFICE, 1551mm Street, North of Kent Street. Lindsay. Nov. 3. 1890-29 McLennan at Go. Mutuaiwillnotifymelwlllcalloa them aviewtoinsuretheir property over again in onecrothercfthefcllcwing stock companies. '12. The Royal Canadian of Montreal The Hartford of Hartford, Conn. The London Assurance Corpora- tion of London, England. No argument is now required to satisfy thosewhoselosseshave not been paid by the CltyMutualthataslightdiï¬'erencein the f miumisouly secondarymatter. "u†9" .oashcapitaltoback up the company's contracts ould be the ï¬rst oration that 8. 003m. Lindâ€. Jan. 21. 189Lâ€"87. @112 (Eastman 13ml. _____________â€"-â€"â€"â€" LI‘N DSAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 11. TOWN AND COUNTY. DASBES HERE AND THERE. ’Xmas Preset-l; Very Cheap, at Goopwm's Fine Art Storeâ€"3M. Desirable Residence for Sale. I will sell my residence on Waverly-ave. at a bargainandon easy terms. Possession stany reasonable time. B. SMITH. Lindsay, Nov. 11th. 1890.â€"27-tf. “Christianity and Some of Its Iv!- denoea." The masterly address given at Woodstock sometime ago on “Christianity and some of its Evidences’ by the Hon. Oliver Mowat has been printed in a neat pamphlet of 90 pages and pub- lished by Williamson 8?. Co. of Toronto. Toned paper, large clear type and stylish cover make the publication very creditable as a specimen of the art. The public will be pleased to have this ï¬ne address in this convenient and accept- able form. The address itself cannot be spoken of in terms too high. It is an admirable presen- tation of the question discussed. For sale at the bookstores. ______..____â€" Subscribe For It. The Dominion Illustratedfor the year 1891 oï¬ers a literary bill of fare that should make it as popular ajournal as it is excellent. There are new and striking literary features. It is essentially ahigh class journal and is rapidly wing in public favor. The publishers have ecided to distribute during the next six months over 83.000 in prizes for answers to questions. the material for which will be found in current numbers of the journal. The ï¬rst prize is $750 in gold, and there are 99 others. On receipt of 12 cents in stamps the publishers (The Sabiston Litho. 8; Pub. 00., Montreal) will send to any Sign Of the Mill saw, lgï¬â€™umsmme copy; of the journal and all SOUTH SIDE OF KENT-87. LOWEST PRICES. SKATES. SKATE STRAPS, CARVING SETTS, BREAD BOARDS AND KNIVES, RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES Mrs. Hodgson Very Much Pleased. That Mrs. Hodgson of Rockford, Ill. ishighly pleased with Mr.Church’s auto-voce method for stammeringis evidenced by the following ex- tractfrom a letter received by Mr. Church a few days ago. Mrs. Hodgson's little son Willie was cured in August of last year: “I can scarcely realize when talking to Willie that he used to be such a terrible talker. Dear me. it almost seems like magic. I could scarcely make myself believe that he even could be partially benefitted. and here now no one for a moment would believe that the deer boy ever stammer- ed. We shall remember you always." Mr. Church claims a permanent cure under the auto-voce method in every case where the stu- dent adheres to his directions for three months AND BUTCHER KN IVES, after the course has been completed. SILVER KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS, ENGLISH AND _______â€"â€"â€"-â€" Newspapers and Magazlnea. THE CANADA Passavrnnux. a large six- teen page family paper. published every Wed- nesday.has now been before the public for AMERICAN SCISSORS, mamâ€... Duï¬ngthatumeithassecured CROSS-CUT AND BUCK SAWS, AXES, AXE HANDLES, Cow CHAINS, HALTERS, HORSE NAILS, HORSE SHOES. All Kinds of Shelf and Heavy Hardware at MCLENNAN (10., AGENTS FOR THE mm Scranton COAL Delivered at Lowest Rates. Lindsay, Dec. 3 1890. ' New Advertisements. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. PROP 3. GAIN. begs to annou- ce that he has started a class for the purpose of giving lessons in the above polite accomplishments. from his great experi- ence he on. ï¬dent y anticipates a very large patronage from the gentry of Lindsay and the vicinity He is new prepared to give lessons in the latest Blylo of fashionable dancing. Round dayucing a gracing. I! sung en's asses ends and Tu - day evenings at 7 00 pan. y es Chum-en'- Glasses Monday and Tuesday Waning: at 4.30. p In. Private lessons winl be given any time during theday. l willguarantee to teach any person one Round Dance the ï¬rst lesson as I have the latest mndecf teaching â€"36. TO FARMERS. MM: assure. cowam are now prepared to b t th . . “mum e'new G T R. Wheat, Peas, Barley, Oats, Red and Alsilce Glover and Potatoes. rsrcAsu paid at the Store-house. Lindsay. Sept. 4. wooâ€"1m. TO FARMERS. 0. L. EAKEB * ddrss to inform the farmingcommunitytbat hehascpeneoacommodlousssorehouae “bmummmmq BARLBY, WHEAT, PEAS, 0.4 TS , and POTATOES: â€was. - m . mum-u. CAMS†for itself the conï¬dence and esteem of thousands of res. ers in every province in the Dominion. It is now in its twentieth volume. All the de- partments that have made the paper valuable intbe past will be continued; and a series of e America. will form a special feature the present year. Knoxonian. whose racy papers have been so attractive a feature in the past. continues to write regularly; and the list of Canadian con- tributors has been greatly increased. It will be the constant aim of the conductor of the Canada Presbyterian to make it a welcome vimtor to the family circle; and in its comprehensive es old and young will ever ï¬nd interesting. :35. and proï¬table reading. The Canada Pres- byterian, in its enlarged form. is the same size as Harper's Weekly, and one of the largest journals of the kind on the continent. __________ Personal. â€"Miss Addie Tctten of Campbellford is home on a two months vacation. -â€"Mlss Spelling of Islay was the guest of Mr. J. E. Knight for a few days this week. â€"Mrs. J. F. Crowley of Peter-bore was in town for a few days last week visiting friends. â€"-Mr. J. F. O’Brien of Penetanguisheue. son of Mr. John O’Brien. Melbourne-st. is home for a few drys. â€"Mrs W. A. Goodwin. who has been serious- ly indispcsed for the past ten day s. is now able to be about. â€"Miss Perkin of the north ward loft Thurs- day morning for Port Hope. where she will spend a week with friends. â€"Mrs. J. K Galbraith of Bowmanville was the guest of her sintor-ln-law. Mrs. Andrew Jackson. for a few days last week. â€"Miss Ella Stratton. sister of Mr. J. R Strai- ton. MP.P.. Peterbcro. is in town. a guest at the residence of Mr. Goo. Matthews. â€"Miss Madge Terrill of Linden Valley. who has been the guest of Miss Totten for the past week. returned home Wednesday evening. â€"Mr. George Truscott of St. Ignace. Mich. was in town last week visiting friends. Mr. T. is an old Lindsay boy, and was given a hearty greeting by his old acquaintances. â€"Miss Gertrude Gallon. daugherof Mr. Jas. Gallon of this town. was one of a class of twenty-one young ladies who were presen with the :‘iplcmas and medals of the Toronto training school for nurses on Friday last. The ceremony was a very interesting one and was largely attended by prominent oi ugh â€"Mies Morence McDonell. eldest da terof M13 ï¬. McDontglld 2th this â€3'3.†“1.3%: an as acccp c posit organ Andrew's church. Brechin. a McDonell is E mentary reference was ripstop. who was alluded of Blackstouoand‘tholes 9. 3 E El? ti“ 25 i 2;; ll: El ill E ll 2 '2 l! l E i :5 ll specimens of Penmanship. w . m miracle require-amnedays’trlo new inOsydissdallvserlstSsttaaadWorkBanm 89W Mflfludflpcdmawarrowmt 00in. cornu- of Katmai William-3.. lbdsay. 47s. menu-n. OnbsbalfcfthcserssldlngattheWaverly houselhesebychallsngealikemgggm theBensonhousetsairlendlyganeum somenightnen week mum. dï¬ndaaydammm' ' ‘E'u" arr-romance... Prcf.F.C.Edmcndswillintruduoehisnew mmmm Wand. atalargeexpenaehndtakeyouover‘markut Africa'theroute takenby . thegrsat explain Fullsstcfviewsof ationsinDarksatAfrlm. WWW-'5 davJ'rida audSaturday.g nary mdmâ€" a-l. II â€Eh. m phonon-mm“. Thlsccmpany openedaweek’smgagomsnt attbeoperahouseonMonday nightto“stand- ing room only.“ many psalms of the opera house being tuned away. unable to obtain seats. Thsplay was Hartley Campbell's ï¬ve- actdrama"l'ate.â€andwaa putcninauartls. tic manner. Mim Stevenson as “Marcus Wedhsrsolfto beanemoticnalactress of s first rank. and received great mlguse. Mr. C. J. Stevenson as"Harry Grantley. received much applause. andmadehlmselfafavoritswlth tbeaudience atonce. Mr.HarryC.Toddas“MT.Muggs," capturedthehouseathlsvsryï¬rstappearsnce on the stage. His every word and gesture brouhti‘crthla hteranda use. Hols com y one of bestcom that has everappearedinmndsay. Thebalanceofthe ocmpanyarsexoellentandthelrstrongsuppcrt “ml- BoyaPosrad loskfltksabovaâ€"u-l. isnowruaningfull blast. Bring in yourlcgs rightawayandhavstbmm s-tf. IGNABW. â€"fl_ oer.Dyspepsla. ltissdIMwasdr-iveuand iskeptawaybytheuaedlmpcialCreamTan tarBakingPowder. Scldbyall groom-374. â€"TbePort Hops mm “Mr. William Wenddtlmemofthemdland unwashed: WMMQmmhg a...“ no. mantra.“ and had d His 6 be heard of with “Pm by his many m*________ m Moi“. M. Thedutydthehourbto pay up and renewyour W ‘0 Tun POST- Asthepoetsays: “Mastin theliving wesent'andinthatvay “Uveecfgreatmenlllremiudus Wecanmakloourliv-subiimo.u Egg 5% â€"Thethaw whlohsetiasarlylntheweekhas producedatcmpcrarylulllncurllng. andprs- ventedourmenhmngoiniltoWhltby to play helpedinnosmalldegreetomake“Fate' such gum-mums. a pronounced success ...... On Tuesday night “Queen's Evidence' was put on in splendid style. the company attain acquitting themselves as thorough artists. Miss Stevenson. Mr. Stev- enson. Mr. Todd. Mr. Rowland and Mr. Sum- mers came in for the lion's share of the ap- plause....0u Wednesday the beautiful play of "Enoch Arden" was produced. with Mr. C. J. Stevenson as the noble-hearted “Enoch Arden." Mr.Stevenson has evidently made a great stud of thisoharacter. and his scene on the islan and hlsreturn home aftermany earsabsenceto ï¬nd his wife married again. and death scene. were without doubt the ï¬nest pieces of acting in that line ever seen here......Tbe beautifu guitar and mandolin selections by the Steven- son family. and other reï¬ned specialties. are all . Miss Stevenson has a ï¬ne soprano voice. â€"Thisisthewaytbe Manon Indspmid- ent refers to the recent bouspeil:-“All hailto Keene. Next yearif Forum can 3.; a little group made fir itself of Pontypool. Buokhorn and Fowler‘s Corners. and play on .M.°"...:~mwsherr.2r.:.w.m-e 6! getting into the Toronto competition. to be ofimportancewsrediscuseed. Acommittse good which she uses to good effect" . . .The company ppcin council play here the balance of the week. with an en- 32;. “â€3313 as; Wmflxu‘gilll'y of pro- tire change of bill each evening. and we predict crowded houses for the rest of the engagement in Lindsay. Local Brevltiea. â€"It isexpected that Sadler. Dundas a Co.'s elevator will be ready to handle grain next! week. â€"Dr. Simpson has been appointed resident surgeontothe GrandTrunk.insuccessionto Dr. Coulter. -Large numbers of pins and hardwood logs are being brought in by the farmers to Sadler. Dundas a: Co.'s and McNabb St Martin's saw- â€"During the t couple of weeks many oftherocms in 0 Sim a house have been re-papered. Mine Host pson looks sharply after the comfort of his guests. â€"Mr.lll. Woods has completed the work of renaming the streets, and it now Captain Crandell to resurrect his house-num- bering project. We'll be a city yet. â€"The Foresters’ carnival at Peterboro‘last Friday evening was a W success. over 1.200 people being present. s Laura McMillan of Lindsay represented “Ye Olde Folks." perly advertising the town. with a view of en- couraging the establishment of additional fac- torieslnourmldst. Are-oluuon wasalsopam- edexprcmlngthesatisfsctioncfthoboardwi or purpose cfurging upon that body the advisability of establishing; house of refuse with as little de- e. It wasdecidsd to discuss the l as fz’llowmbcmes at the annual meeting of the board on February lath: The town waterworks; the consolidation of the town debt: and the Mndsay, Bobcaygeon and Pontypool railway. Church notes. â€"Queen-st. Methodist church. Services next Sunday by the pastor. Subject for morning. “The blessodness of the walk by faith." â€"ln Cambridge-st. Methodist church on Sun- 1“ day evening next the Rev. G. W. Dewey will preach and conduct the after meeting. â€" Rev. Mr. Baker of Port Hope exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Marsh last Sunday and Breached eloquent sermons in St. aul's church. . â€"The annual tea of the Baptist Sunday school "A meeting °t sportsmen 15 “n“ for eight was held in the church last Tuesday evening. o’clock this evening in the council chamber. The deer question will come under discussion. No doubt there will be a large attendance. The tea was dispensed from 6 to 8 p.m., and about 200 persons were served. While the older persons were having their maths children were â€"The Lindsay octette club intend giving a amusedin the church byamaglc lantern. Ats concert in Woodville on the evening of Thurs- 9.11:. day. Feb. 5th, under Y. M C. A. auspices. We can promise Woodville citizens a rare treat. sharp the program was commenced. and consisted of dialogues. recltatlons. songs. etcl, by the younger portion of the school. Mr. readthe treasurer's report. After â€"Mr. Edward Woods. the well-known Kent- Bwlv than a few remarks from Rev. Mr. Anderson. the st. stove merchant. who has been suffering for mm“ the meeting closed “9.30. all to cling that some months past from rheumatism. is, we are pleased to inform his many friends. recovering. -â€"Mr. Fred Taylor has rented one of the stores in the Adam block and intends removing his restaurant business thereto as soon as certain changes, new rangements. are completed. they had spent an extremely pleasant evening. Society Hates. â€"Lindsay Home Circle. No. 34. intend holding being eï¬ected in the interior ar- an “open" meeting in their ball. over Mr. John Dobeou's store. on Monday, Feb. 9th. An at- â€"Prof. F. C. Edmonds. magician and ventrilo- m... wm ...... .. ........-. «m ..... Stwdmnammw several evenings next week. The program will be well worthy of manage, Mr. Edmonds being very clever in various specialties. â€"Saturday last was a day of days for the town merchants. The exceptionally ï¬ne weather etc. Keep the date in mind. â€"An entertaing and table time is in store for those members the “triple links†who respond to the “roll-call" at the regular meeting next Monday evening. Three candidatu for coaxed “ great many 91° to town. “‘1 they advancement will been hand. which together came with well-ï¬lls wallets. The business done was almost equal to that of Christmas week. â€"Tbe Hamilton Times remarks: “The sites of with routine basins. should occupy the time pretty well. to say nothing of retreat-but the latter is a profound secret and we are not at lib- ertytc say anything about it. Awelcomc is a Toronto bride was auctioned off at Williams- extended to all me mbera of the order. ville. N.Y.. at the wedding breakfast the other dayfor $45. We suppose it was sold at scmuch Arch Chapter. A. F. a A. M -At the last regular meeting of the Royal the follow a yard....Probsbly its value was calculated by officers we... installed by R. “Ex. c“. Ball- the square foot. â€"Messrs. Anderson, Nugent 8: Co. shipped 3rd this week ahandsome parlor suite to a gentle- Pr. J.. G. u. M. Baker; P. . J. 86%; 8. i. G. man living in Bracebridge. who caught sight of Pan-log; B. N.. D. Ray; treasurer. .l. . raham- Sbortly. W. Patterson and B Dingle:-lst Pr. 2.. W. J. Hallett; 2nd Pr. H . R. Sylvester- G 9 it while in town a few days ago and was at once tyler.b. arcbambault; S. s. I..A.Cathro; I. 8.. T. J. . captivated. It is only necessary to show their McConnell; M. of V†goods and a sale is assured. â€"Messrs. Grantham Goldie have leased the grammes in the Keenan block next door to oxley’s stove depot, and intend opening out in the wholesale and retail tea and coffee business. Therearpart of the store will be used as a Bell; M.0 . R. G. Cor- nell; M. S. 0.. J. Sheridan; M. I. 0.. A. Ron; D. ofC., B. Dingle; 8. Sn. J. W. Wallace; J. St... Wm. Brunkcr. St. Andrew‘s Church annual Meeting. The annual meeting of theeengregaticncf m“““°‘°†‘°’ "“1†mm m“ “d m St. Andrew‘s church. mad-y. washeld in the fence. 0 â€"A well-contested hockey match was played last evening (l‘hursday) betwoen a team from spacious auditorium ill Wednesday evening of thisweek. Therewasanunusually largeatten- the “0" 5011001 0! infantry, Toronto. and the ï¬rst dance and much interest was evinced in all the seven of the home team. on the Lindsayost rink. Owing to the early hour of going to prom we are compelled to hold over father mention till next week. prccoedings. Rev. Robt. Johnston. 8. A.. torofthc church. aner.J.B. cNeillle actedas secretary. Devotional exer- cises were conducted by tbepsstor. and during â€"Master Will. Goodwin was “rusticatina' at the evening appropriate solos were leasinï¬ly rendered b stirs A. I'and . Sturgeon Point last week and a portion of this. He admits it was somewhat lonesome and not Duncan M MIL-«The “accent the semion overly warm. but the pleasures of ice-boating read secretary more than compensated for these trivial dis- m. â€.3233, 1; Mflgï¬â€˜: 33.13% comforts. Mr. Fred. Ellis was hlscompanlon a blessings)! bar-n . Mount the time. -Meesrs. W. H. Simpson and Paul O'Neill have gone into the potato shipping industry. They shipped a carload to the New York mar- ket Thursday morning, and thankfulnesa to of the ordinances of the church. - tionsonthsSabbathhaveincreaeedinsine and are still increasing. During the year it if the venture members have been added to the church. an proves reasonably remunerative intend kerping there have been tquty-four remc it up until either the Americans one or not a tuber is left in this district.“’7 ash â€"Hearken to this. ye languid Lindsay sports, still continues “a the I m is still in- and stra htway become ashamed of your selves. T e Kinmcunt racesâ€"seize the fact- will be held next Wednesday and Thursday when purses aggregatin close upon $150 will beawarded. And still I. e detect the Undsay meeting remains buried in oblivion. tr smear: m.“ errand...†' a use a or tlooalworkand fol-the robemcsof tbechurch. creasing. and this. together with inns-ad interestin the scam etisuf the churchmandt lathe we prayer ves ea or . The dressclcsedlna upgtcfdaen thanking,- noss for the mandamus topefulnese fol-tho future. Interestlngrapons were muted by -M.l'. John A. Ellisof Fenelnn Falls 1! shlp- ‘1]; Wm'. 501““ W . '11,’ quanlideï¬ of lumber to the New mum Band. Jam large um $35: market. and common report has it that he yummy Wm Mu m Association: isrealizlog very remunerative prices. Wb thee-bbatnschcohatd SoulhOps bibleolam. be commenced to ship be had close upon 2 ooo.- The Sabbath schootbsduss maintainingitaown 080feetcu hand. and this large quantity will work. hnraieedoversevsn an.“ m rais- speedily change hands if present ï¬gures are maintained. â€"leadersin low can of Boots andShces.' BryansCo in ertomake room for their immense stock of spring goodawhich willbegin toarriveabouttheï¬retofFe they will sell the balance or their Felt Boon. eavy Rub- ’ affairs bers,ctc..0vershoss. for the next two weeks ata great reduction. Harms s; Co..ï¬rstdcor east of Daly house. Kent-st†Undsay.-37-l-tf. â€"Mr. Geo. Rift-lick. for the years tenant on Mr. H. Monaco! ifs-acre farm. lotlfl. con. l1. Marlpcsa. removetothe vicinity of Port Hope with his family.where bshssrenteda farmoflflaecss: owned by Mr. Rnttledue. As Ia'n evidence of . thehlah min which he neighbors in statethatthoyaretsaming bishouscboldgoodstheentiredistancansma. membrane was fl 5: '. ..:. .. a. .... l ,._.§__ l __l?lit panied interesting ‘ mean-am ros'r, manicure} my: Immawlo . Peterboro Business 0011 e. - 7 3 a “‘,‘ â€a r;g:\ a :3: 4 ‘ .- -L-.-,- 4 -_,- --,... v ~ .. -v â€" ‘-".“ ‘-’ .. v' v v a- - -vv'. -;"';â€;;. ““ - "" F}: t‘ t 63.? ‘ I . ‘ ’ L.‘ t Though our Winter Trade has been eXoep-W tionally good and we are not to be found grumbling, yet we have a few goods we want to sell and the sooner they are sold the better - - we shall feel. - - , Some of our Spring 0000’s are to - - Imnl/ already - - And we must begin to start the Spring Comedy». We Want Room and We Must Have It, .3 (4) and to secure that room we have instituted this cutting tints. We hate to carry Winter Goods into the bright spring time and if price will get them outuout they are going. ï¬lo/I Prizes In 0 vercaats ; Rare Plums In Furs ; Men's Underwear at Half-Price ; Hats, Caps and Furnishings away a’awn. Ihe cold weather is not half over yet and this is the z‘im3 to buy these cold weather Goods at your own prices. WARNER PERRY, The Great Bankrupt Stool: Men,