Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Jan 1891, p. 1

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e15, , ”g, *. r= (4» q,- ‘o‘A ' . ’o 1‘6"¢. xl-‘Ji. ; . LINDSAY, ONT” FRIDAY. JANUARY 23, 1891. ‘1' ”"TT‘; . '.1".\‘o“"" m... ,1- - . W11 0111' Purim Ha DURING- TIIe Twelve Mani/Is Just Past. AN PlANO,VOOALMUSIOsnd m6 roams. will mammal-gonad Fiona and w _fiâ€"-â€"_â€"_â€"â€" SERVANT GIRL WANTEDâ€"Apply to MRS. NIELANDS. Hudsay..lan. 82. 1891.â€"374. NOTICE TO PAY UP. - Portico owing long ovm'duo printing or otheraocountstotheundorsigncd aronotificd thatifnotatoncepaidthosocounmwillbo handedtosolicltorforociloctionondcostswill boincurred. C.D. BARR. LindsayJamo. 1891.â€"35th CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY or VICTORIA. Notice is notary-given that the In the first couple of weeks of the new year business men generally Municipal Council of the Corpor- do a “heap” of thinking; the methods of the past are brought under ation of the County of Victoria will meet in the review, new plans for the future conned over, and a resolve is formed by W mm m m cm not”, all to strive to make the coming year more prosperous than the last. We’ve been thinking. ourselvesâ€"with a deal of earnestness, too. We recollected that we started out some years ago with the avowed mt,“ intention of supplying the people of Lindsay and surrounding country “I”. on Tuesday. Jan. 27th, 1891. at Twoo’clockinthe afternoon. pursuant to T. MATCEETT. County Clerk. County Clerk's Cities. with Furniture, and we have prided somewhat upon our ability to do was”. no: Jun 1891.i'â€"362. do so, perhaps a trifle cheaper than most dealers. Have we succeeded? We think we have, as regards the latter at It takes time to work up a large business, and we do not claim to have sold all the Furniture that left this town during the past twelve months, but we do think we are well within the facts when we say we disposed of the major portion. Prices will tell; we have not entered business to sell “at cost,” the bait so often thrown out to gull the public. all events. RARE OPPORTUNITY. mmMmmm FOR SALE. Sealed. Tender- willbereceived by the undersigned up to Monday, the 26th January, 1891, What we do claim is that at 12. noon. on forms which can be obtained with our facilities for manufacturing many lines upon the premises, sucâ€" n-omMR. G. H. HOPKINS. Banister, Lindsay. for the purchase of that valuable property cessiul competition in the same class of work is rendered impossible. knownas Those who have bought from us in the pastâ€"and we have shipped THE T1108. FEE FARM goods to every point of the compassâ€"will bear us out in this statement. adjoining the Town of Linda”. containing 200 acres. more or less, and being composed of ' Call in and inspect our fine stock; our Warerooms are near the loot”. C01:- 4. “”119 “1'0me 0' 093, market. " Lindsay. Jan. 8th. 1891. P. J. Mea her. “NI CE.” We have no very nice window display of Goods, the reasonfor such being that we have not had time to devote to such work. Our present stock of CHOICE 'LY GR ER - is guaranteed Fresh and Cheap as the Cheapest. A. choice lot of “HMS Alli! FLORIDA ERAHBES just mined, to be sold CHEAP. NOTICE. A number of outstand- ing accounts have been placed for COLLECTION. Balance of accounts; un- less soon settled, will be handed worfor W‘- ANDERSON,NUGENT 00., HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE MAN WHO [ET HIS WATGH Rllli DWI! EVERY HIEHT TO SAVE WEAR. OH 0F AKOTHER WHO ALWAYS TUGK [0H0 STEPS WdEH WALK- IHG Til SAVE SOLE lEATHEH. I -vâ€"- ...wâ€"-â€"â€"â€" ndmmmsssnmn q“ ssvmalthstsssasswollmsslll. , Co. Victoria. This is a rare opportunity for any person wanting a first-class farm in a goon locality, close to town, as the farm must be sold. Each tender must be accompanied by a mark- ed check for $200.00 which will be returned if the odor is notzaccepted. WALTER S. m . ‘ .Loan a Savin Co.. BIZ ttOII. BIOS. M53593.“ Western Cage Churgti1 street. pronto. my . : A N A‘DlAN : FURNITURE DEALERS. men-'51 c. ‘ EOPLE’S I=nPULAn us giants British Columbia That was pushing economy to an ex treme, wasn’t it a? We dont know much about it from a leathery point of view; but the fellow with the watch must have been a little wanting in his upper story. And yet, out of those WASHIEGEO: I who would deem such actions ridiculous. and i "I 8 instead of economical, how many there are Gregor. a 0 who act iust as irrationally in the care of Leave Toronto 11 men Fridays, their Watches. Many are as unreasonably 83 an 01': careless ssthemiserlyonesareunreasou- JANUARY9y23’ ‘. ably careful: There is a happy medium which it is well to attain ; and a few remarks on the proper care of your timepiece may not be mis- pMed. 1391 FEBRUARY 6, 20,; 1991 MARCH 6, 20, suuumc Tammi m Vancouver Insect cums he and all information, Inordertogetthebestresultsfromany ForBert machine it requires attention. An engine apply to nearest C.P.R. Ascot. or a self-binder wouldruneasier, last longer III. C. MATC’ .- 3 EDT, and be more satisfactoryall the timeif it is Agent. C. P. B... Ofiice in Petty’sIJewclx-y Store. mossy. Lindsay. January 1. 1891.â€"353. I. Whitesmith, .‘d’anflla. ESTABLISHED 1867 ,_ REMEMBER It will pay you tocall at 1. WHITE THU .MANILLA. beforcpurohssinganythingintho Watch. Clock or ileclwlate Line. Ihsvo o completes-summit of Gold and Silver Watches. JeweleryandElectr-oplasod- cleaned. properly oiled. and. as far as pos- sible, protected from dust and bad weather. As any part becomes worn or broken it should be at once repaired or replaced. Apply the same romping to your Watch. remembering always that its size and the mlnuteness and delicacy of its parts make greater care necessary. The Watch. too. must go continually and with regularity. otherwise its chief purpose is not fulfilled. The average man lets hisWatohgounat tended sslougasit willrun. andwhenat lastitwillrunnolonger hotakesittothe “doctor” andlssurprlsedtoloarnthatithas sustainedconsidcrahiedamogc. A {little common sense (of which he has plenty to apply to larger objects) will show him thathisnegloct has haditsnatural re- sult. Like all other machines. Watches 88 broken, worn and injured in the connect time; outwith care much trouble and an- noyance may bo:prevonted. and a good Watch will last a lifetime. Manypcrscns suppose o Watch requires no attention when new. but ally when it peoomosoldandnearlywornout. Now._it isjustthonegleotofthoWatoh whounew andperfoctthatwearsitoutsoqnlckiymnd necessitatesexpcnsivorspoirslatmou. HaveyourWstchcieanodstloutoncos year. Thsquntityofoilsppliedissovsry smsllthatitoften dricsupentiroiybsfmo the Watch is again cleaned. When this happmssncsssivowoarondsdcusdsnsso hmcsshytherssult. mmmmmmmyd osmium and dugwillboappsl- Tobesrodyourvwdh mass. m 2(.’, androlerrodtothostroet and mitteetoroportupcn stnextmoeting. make a few remarks, Notice to SubScI'ibers. â€"_â€"â€"â€" B- mumm Iv.- “Mahmoud ”assaults-assaults: m’ohmmm closes-downw- “PM "mlfldsmososhooph. WWW!!! a.” sales address aro opomsny mammdddpostoflco nswollastlolew post ollco ad- “ “will mum time “.mublofnhnnungnpnnmos. my.“ in arrears and all aIotlmors W warm! gnu-[Doom promptly. min munchies final. Wilts I: will. - - mums. Lumen? TOWN COUNCIL. TAKING m nrcunnons AND ”POINT ms commâ€"m WIRING 88' SIGNâ€"COMMUIIOL'HORSâ€"A SHORT SB- stow. Monday morning at 11.30 the chosen of ‘hc'people assembled at the council chamber to subscribe to the declarations of qualiii- cations and oflice bolero Mr. Fred Knowl- sop. town clerk. Whenthls had beendone Mayor Walters took the chair and asked the members to appoint the several special and standing committees for the year so as not to take up time at the evening session. Accordingly Don-rave Brysns read a list ofnames that, after a few amendments, proved satisfactory. Mayor Walters took occasion to remark that his experience taught him the advisability of appointing small committees-five on each would be sufficient; in that way a quorum could almost always be counted upon. Follow- ing are the committees: FIRE arm Warmâ€"Downs" Kylie, chairman; Messrs. R. Brysns, G. Crandoll, Wm. Kenny, J. L. Winters and R. Cshill. Srsms up Eamon-Reeve Fisher. chairman; Messrs. T. Connolly, R. Touch- burp, J. L. Winters, Goo. Crondell and G. Bryaus. Personâ€"Conn. T. Connolly, chairman; Messrs. W. Kenny. G. Bryons, M. O'Hol- lcran and J. Armstrong. Town Paoraarv.â€"Dep.-reevo Bryans, chairman; Messrs. R. Kylie, J. C. Arm- strong, R. Touchburn, B. Cahill and Wm. K n . airmaâ€"Conn. Wm. Kenny. choir man; Messrs. M. O'Holloran, J. G. Am- strong, R. Kylie sud Thos. Connolly. Laorsnanvnâ€" Conn. G. Crandell. chair- man; Messrs. R. Touchburn, J.L. Winters, J. 0. Armstrong. 1’. Fisher and W. Kenny. Faunaâ€"Conn. J. L. Winters. chair- man; Messrs. B. Kylie, P. Fisher, T. Connolly. R. Brysns, W. Kenny and Geo. Crandell. Appom'rmraâ€"Coun. J. L. Winters, chairman; Messrs. R. Bruno. B. Kylie, T. Connolly. Wm. Kenny. P. Fisher, M. O'Hollcrsn and R Cahill. Mayor Walters, in virtue of his office, is of course, a member of all committees. Council then adjourned until 7.30 in the evening. The members mmblod at 7.30 sharp. when the clerk road the following com- munications : FromT.B.Dean,onbehalfoers. Millie Martin, asking for o remission of taxeaâ€"Laid on table. From D. Esgleson, applying for the posi- tion of sodiumâ€"Laid on table. From R. A. Douglass, applying for the position of fire warden and sanitary in- spector for 1891.â€"Monet! to committee on up lntments. m A. Cullen, asking the council to remit the amount of water rate charged to him on Madonnaâ€"Referred to fire and water comu ittso. From Mrs. Hannah MeCabo. asking for an extension of loose of lot 10. south side of Kent-sh, queen's square. (Referred from council of 1890.)â€"Bcfcrrod to town property committee. From T. S. Grsham, Co. of Simcoo. ask~ iug the council to appoint a deputation to press for the completion of the Trent Volley Camiâ€"Laid on table. From the secretary of Lord Stanley, governorgonsral. informing the council that the petition asking for the pardon of Clow Baldwin had been received and for- warded to the department of justicc.â€"Re~ ceivcd and fylcd. From Michael P.L.S., odering to supply a town magâ€"Referred to the finance committee. From J. Comatock, tax collector, recom- mending a number of remissions aggregat- ing Sidâ€"Laid on table. From the some official, asking for an ex- tension of the time for the collection of taxes for ismâ€"Laid on table. loamy commute uproar. ChiefBoll’sropcstforthomonthof December was read. The fines imposed amounted to 863.8), which had all been collected, besides $31.65 due on old cases.â€" Referrod to pollcocommittoo. m mom's sums. A long report from Bowman Bron, late townon covering the entire expen- diture on roads and bridges during the time they had held once. was ted dgo com- OOMORATULLTIOII arm ADVIGI. MayorWanrmhuotookoccosion lnthocourso i $89.8 in andolote Toronto to volossonsonthopisuoorornn. in both the public and upon Mr. Dale of Uxbrid ing‘s place. and Mr. Miss Hall. Mr. Ganglion is well known heroosbolngvorysuccessfnliu the teach- ingpsofessicn,inwhich he has had large experience. Mr. Dale comes here highly recommended. aner.J.J.thsler-wsssgoiutho olthcoouncii. OnmoucnochunaKmroudKrmx, thoSmoIorthosoturnofthoroii was ex- WDWMMMJQL A com 0! BY'LLWS. On motion the council went into com- mittooofthowholson By-law No. 620. to tahigh school trustooinplacsof . John Konnody,wbosc term had expir- ed; and By-low No. 621. to appoint a local of health ...... Mr. Kennedy was E 1 following citizens constitute the board of health :â€"East wardâ€"Messrs. George Mills, W. Stewart and Thos. Walters. South Ward-Messrs. S. Irwin. Wm. Duffus and Col. Deacon. North Wardâ€"Messrs. S. Camel]. J. W. Wallace and Joe. Keith. . . . The by-laws were put through the usual routine. and received a third reading. m WLTIBWORKS comers. Conn. 6mm, alluding to Mayor Walters’ remarks about a system of water- works. thought the town could build its own system and make it a very profitable investment in time. He had obtained a deal of information from on expert. and was confident that o svstom covering six- aud-one-half miles could be built for from $5M!» to $6041”, rm: cum WILL ran: a HOLIDAY. On motion of Den-rave anws, second- ed by Coon. Conxonnrfihe clerk was grant- ed two weeks,holldsye dating from the 29th lost, on condition that he leave some responsible person to fulfil his duties ...... Mayor Walters explained that Mr. Kno wl- son desired to go to Winnipeg with Mr. Flavollo. who had decided to again try for the curling supremacy. and the permission given was unanimous. The council then adjourned. LOCAL. NEWS-LETTERS _.__ ELDON. [Correspondence of The Post.) Cannon Commaâ€"The new church built at Manse Grove. Eldon. this past summer. and which was announced to be opened on Sunday. 4th January, will now be opened on Sunday. 1st February. Rev. Dr. Mowst of Kingston is to conduct the services. The tea meeting which was also wuounced will take place on the following Monday evening and promises - to be a grand success. KINMO UN ’1'. [Correspondence of The Post] Osmanv.â€"We deeply regret to have to rocord this week the death of Miss Eliza Dett'nan, youngest daughter of Mr. Frederick Dottmao, who departed this life early on Monday morning. Jan. 192:. She was the only one of the family that lived at home, all the others being married and away, consequently she was the comfort and help of her parents in their declining years. She wassn estimable young lady and was loved and respected by all who know her. She will also be missed in the Presbyterian choir. of which she has been a member since it was first organised. She passed away trusting in her Redeemer. The funeral on Tuesday afternoon was large. Rev. Mr. Oke. Methodist minister, cflciatod. Mr. Oke will preach the funeral sermon on Sunda next. Dnawmo Bumâ€"Mr. has. Cohan. the popular rceve of Galwsy, has had a draw- ing has to draw brick from Norlsnd for his new house. A Baas STORY.â€"Tho men who are cutting logs for A. W. Psi-kin Sou On the old Trouncc limits at the mouth of Crogo's creek. had qultcon adventure with a bear the other day. Bruin was disgust ed by the rocket the men mode and was leaving his comfortable den when he was soon by the men several of whom gave chase without success. The hunt was kept up next day. but no boat's meat rewarded their exertions. The men are dreaming of juicy steak, and are looking out for another viola BRECHIN. Correspondence of The Pcst.l Bosmnea- O'Boyle 8: Malone are doing a flourishing business in general dry goods and groceries. Their trade is largely increasing. Tacomaâ€"Owing to the large increase in his trade Mr. Joe Brady has removed to larger promises, in the rear of 080on d: Mslone'sd general store. flaunts an Al cutter an guarantees a good MUSICALâ€"Mill Florence McDonoll of Lindsay has accepted the position of organ- ist in St. Andrew's church here. Miss McDoneii is a highly cultured musician. pll of F. W. Torrlngton of the ego of music. She is prepared has been made to schools. takes Mr. Hutch- .Gsughansuccsods on SouooLaâ€"A change Fanms' imamâ€"A meeting of tho formurswasholdhoreonMonday. and quostionsoftho most vital importance to successfulurmlng ottondaucewsslsrgo. Thooveningmest- ingwsssloowollottendod. Anuuoctlvo musical program was mderod. Gomo- .bridgoandBrochin choir wcrodiscussod.Tbo W directors of the agricultural society will be held next Monday evening to consider a circular from the secretary of and arts, re prlxc medals that are sacred for the best kept farms in the township", which have to be recommended by the agricultural societies. annual meeting of the teachers of West Victoria will be held at Coboccuk on 12:11 and 13st: February. Mr. J. J. Tliloy. cir- octor of toochers‘ institutes. will be in attendance and will deliver a public lecture on Thursday evening. Subject, “Success in Life.” All the teachers in this inspectorato are expected to attend. have some of our old friends with us again, among whom we notice Mr. J. Jcfil'cy of Woodville. Mr. A. H. Fen-in 0f King and Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton ...... Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Hamilton. who have spent the Christmas holida s at the homestead, have returned. Morton. has had several of his wife‘s people with him for a time. fill d was... maxim .. gave two theband ofthisto millwss l succmsouolisides. Weoreinan - tionof sistsncoof Edshhlnstituflou will boom. Imus-Mr. J. Sheridan has taken a. .... a ”3.3%. W” "‘ mowers will mu 3 andothsr machinery. Jim motthobusinoss. â€"â€".â€" MILLINGTON. locum-loo d The Pd] Emu-Wednesday, the 14th inst. willovorondalwoysbs the most memor- abio day to Miss Annie '1‘an and Mr. John Taylor. who were united in holy wedlock on that day. Omani-tic“ woro many and hang, to than almroody ”:6“ng ad Jour quota wit: fsrvon hope their our-nay hrong lih‘omdmgjbo blossodm “:4”. gatinuol rc oy, cos pros ty. Pmonanâ€"Mr. J. Gsughan of Toronto is spending a few weeks with relatives Siemensâ€"Then is considerable sick- ness on main street. CANNINGTON. [Oman-deuce of The Post] Smrmo Pompom. â€"Buvcrs are paying big prices for potatoes bore. Five cor loads wososhippodcnodoy last week. Burma lionessâ€"Jam Cowon is again in the market buying horses. Jim always pa sagoodprlcofortherightstock. mar. Boonâ€"Dr. McPhoo of Orlllis hos ups dental office in the Mo- Phsd on block this week. We bespeak the Dr. a good practice, as a permanent dentist is much needed here. A Goon Summonâ€"Dr. Blugham we: appointed chairman of the school board at the first meeting of the new board. We venturoto say the Dr. will not only fill the choir broadly. but intelligently. as his pas e once on the board has proven. Loomâ€"It is getting rumored freely in the town and neighborhood that our pushing merchant milor, Mr. Clark, 1- glving great b no in his line of busi nous. Not only cos he soil very cheap, but any one buying the cloth by the yard from him gets it out free of charge, which is a great saving. OAK W 001). [Correspondence of The Post.) Osrruanv.â€"Wo are sorry to have to announce the death of Henry Rich, second oldest son of Mr. Richard Rich of this vicinity, at the early age of twenty-four years, after an illness lasting over two years. Previous to his illness he was one of our stoutest and most active young men. do was converted some years ago and has since lived a v devoted and consistent Christian life. e died Thurs- day, Jan. 15th, and was buried on Satur- day in the Christian cemetery. Little Britain. A large concourse of sympathizlog friends and neighbors showed their esteem and respect for the deceased. Rev. Mr. Curbs conducted the unless in his usual impressive and instructive way. The family have the sympathy of the neighbors and friends in their great sorrow. He leave: the consolation that he was ready and willing todepart, retaining his con- sciousness up to the last. Only a few minutes before dying he said to his sorrowlug parents he was just about leaving them. Buss Baumâ€"Tho people of this town are under a great obligation to Mr. J attics. Thorndyko for his adorns in procuring the instruments for our brass band, and securing the grant bargain they get In the instruments besides giving a liberal subscription to the fund. They have a full set of thirteen, including small and big drums. Premiumâ€"Miss Kate Corks arrived sofelyin her now home in North Carolina after a pleasant trip. She takes the position of head teacher of music in a ladies' college then. The weather she report: is likoearly October weather here. WOOD VILLE. lOorro-pondcnoo of The Post] _ VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Tho village couucle met on Monday, pursuant to statute and made the necessary declarations. Mem- bers present: James Stuart. rceve; Wm. McLean, J. R. Prior and L. L. Patterson. councillors. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The rollowlng officers were appointed: A. McKinnon. assessor; G. L. Smith. constable; P. McIntyre and T. W. Dcdds, auditors; Messrs H. Mc- Kinnon. J. McEachcrn and H. Ferguson. along with tho roevo and clerk. bard of health. The license fee for hotels was fixed at 8150 each. There is a big kick against it by the hotel keepers, although they are let down easier than any other village or town in the county. Osman-We regret to have to announce the death of Arch. Spence. J obn Spence‘s oldest son. He died very sudden- ly of inflammation of the lungs. The funeral on Mondav was very large showing how deeply the neighbors sympathise with the bereaved parents. Mons! Lupineâ€"Money seems to be scarce wirho great many people, but no one need be hard up in thispartasMr. Gilchrist is lending money at from 6 to 7 per cent. according to amount, and his was orowory low. A Mosrou. Tamraâ€"Tho Presbyterian choir were invited to sing at Sandrlpgham school last Tuesday and gave great saus- faction. Bass Kan-r Faunaâ€"A meeting of the agriculture Tsaonmm' CONVENTION.-'-Th° semi- LH'TLB BRITAIN. [Couospcndcnco of The Post! Pmsonanâ€"We are quite pleased to Prouse of ..... genial postmaster. Mr. T. H. Raucous Saxonsâ€"The Methodist pent WWW ions. 21stverse:“For tomato veisCh sndcodle isgoin." Bun Conantâ€"Tho ven by mu. :3. .... ondwas ingthcrcsidencevscatcdbyEWills. Mt. Yerex came among relatives and friends and it is quite certain_he will feel at home among us. Pchrr Excmonâ€"The Rev. Mr. M. A. Spence spent Sunday and Monday in Omcmec. and Rev. Mr. Semith was taking his place on this urcul' t. DON'T Foxes-r the bargains at Weldon's, look in and tat them for yourselves. â€"â€".â€"- M’ANSE GRo VEâ€"ELDON. [Correspondence of The Post] Pour-r Norrisâ€"Tho new St. Andrews church will be dedicated on Sunday. Feb. 1st. Rev. Dr. Mews: of will oficiato. Rev. Dr. Mc’i‘svlsh of Con- tral church, Toronto. is expected. 0n the Monday evening following a social will bo given by the ladies of the congregation. After too all the flcrgy cf the Lindsay presbytery will cd less the audience. For other particulars see bills. Franâ€"0n Friday of last week the dwelling of Mr. William Burton was totally destroyed by fire with all it contents. Tho lire originated from a defective stove-pipe. We learn that Mr. Burton's loss will bo 81,000. No insurance. We hope the pub- lic will lend a helping hand in giving food and clothing. Everything will be received thankfully by Mr. Burton and family. â€"â€"â€".â€" JANET V1 LLE [Correspondence of The Post.) Smousnr ILLâ€"Mr. David McGiil is seriously ill at present and very little hopes of his rwovory are entertained. SuaVchaâ€"Rav. R J. Faiiie is holdln revival services in the Janolvllle church an succem is attending his labors so far. He does not intend closing the services short of one month. Mr. Fall is a very earns-t worker in the vineyard. SCHOOL Adam-The eretville school has got into goon working order under Mr. T. C. B rchard as head teacher, with [Miss Mothot as assistant. Mr. Blrchsrrl :s an experienced and successful teacher. Our school is the larg- est in the township. averaging 56 pupils. “in?" Leashâ€"Mr. Japan Johnston lost a cube more is y. ewas drawing wood ,aud seemingly nothing was the matter with her. but gustatter draw. ing the load ups. short hill she dropped down. gave a groan. and died. OBITCABYsâ€"We regret having ro rv cord the death of Mrs A. Anderson. relic: of the late John Anderson. on the 10th ins: . at the age of 70 scars. Sue surviucd her husband only one month aftera long illness wh‘wh she MM with Chrisdan fortitude to the lam. WEDDING BELLS. â€"We are bunny In an- nouncing that our young friend. Mr. Moses Crlcrrie. once of (his place but now of Chicago. has taken to himself a wife in the person of Mm- Alma Ashton. douxhrcr of Mr. John Ashton of Epsom. The ceremony was perform- od by Rev. Mr. McQuafle of Ponupeoz. We wish Mr. Chorus and his young bride a long and prosperous union. . S UNDERLAA‘D [Correspondence of The Posh] FUNERALâ€"Tile remains of the late Wm. Carmichael. formerly of Pnedtle. who died in Toronto on Friday last, were i: tsvred in the Wick burying-ground on M . play last. Service at the grave was corducod by the Rev. Mr. Currie of Sonya. Ramadaâ€"Miss Parrish of Brandon. Man- ltobmwas in town a few days la.-t week, visiting her cousin. Miss Lizzie Bretbour....Mr. Hugh. Heston has moved to Braccbrldge...... Mr. A. l-‘.McCuliy spent Sunday in Toronto... Mrs. Ham Wadeell is visiting friends in Barrie. stmr SALE. â€"Mr. Wm. Bun: has advertised his farm stock and implements for sale on the 28th inst. Mr. Bunt, we understand. intends retiring from farming. Ax Masseuse Dsssrn.â€"Wr are pleased to note the prowess of our temperance lodge. which now has stout seventy members. 0:: Friday night they enlivened their meeting by debating the following: "Resolved that novel reading is not really beneficial." rho afiirmstive was led by Mr. T. R. Vauantyne, and the negative by Mr. A. McCully; after a lengthy debate the negative was declared the winner. COUNCIL Maurineâ€"Our new councu met on along”. They are a‘! new men except Mr. A o Pcucuasmxâ€"Mr. Christopher Swl'zer has pnrchneod the beauu‘iul house of Mr. Frankish for a handsome cum. New STOCK.â€"M7 Chas. McPhadcu has open. ed out a grand stock of goods in the store recently occupied by Mr. Neil McPhaien. We wish Charlie success. annrrnnux Marina'sâ€"The Presbyterian held their annual meeting on To stay and appointcdofiicers for the enculrg war. Mon- ogers. Mcesre.J.Tocbe:-. H Baldwin, P. Baker. T. H. Glendenning. A. Turner, H. v. couch and 'i‘. Pangman: secretary and treasurer. T. H. alencenning; auditors. J. S. Bahama and H. Tochcr. vasa Tasmania's is new the order of the day. Mr. Wm. Coomb is renamed as doing good word with his Victor clovar mill. made at the John Aha-ll Works. Toronto. Mr. Coomb says that clover 1e vieldisg poorly this season. PI'LPXT Normsâ€"Mr. Wm. Johnson of Knox College occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. preaching bp'h morning and evening to vpreclative audiences. MISSIONARY . Karmaâ€"The annual meeting of the missionary society oi the Methodist church was held on Mond-arovening. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Meats. Snowdon, Hill Y“. Til Possible, that by purchasing a one pound tin of the Charm Baking Powder you may get that been- tiful DOMINION ORGANthat is Ir. my window. It may be worth your while investing in a one pound on. The powder is warranted good and only to be had at W. M. Ronsox's. dealer in general groceries and provisions. Kent-st. ween, Lindsay.- 364. General Sporting Notoo. â€"Lon Myers has backed out of his series of races with Darrin. claiming that his physician has ordered him not to run. â€"Hogh MoCormack. the St. John skater. last Saturday sailed for Liverpool. He goes to Sweden to skate against Hangon. the Swedish champion. -'l‘wo yoarssgo there was not ostsllion in the United States that stood forever can. Now there are threeâ€"Arte". 2 12: Allonou. 2.13}; Nutwood. 2.18:. whose services are each sum. â€"'i'he past year was the banner year on the running as well as the trot turf. 0f the li horses who are credited wi linsigl’iilmolossthaneight made the record in â€"A mee persons will held Saturday even next to further consider the question of insult-mile track. Allwhoareinterostcdshonld notfali to be present. ' running a mile of horsemen and other interned. â€"In oshootingmotch otOrilllo on the 15th inst..forstskesof810aside.at bluerookbirds. 25 birds. Jake Gouuaur. the common. shot so to M. J. Herbert's 18. which. couidm'lngtnesnow- storm. wosprottygood snooung. â€"In his xocontly issued catalogue Mr. Robert Bounmsays: "As merchavo boonmontyheon'ouc- oousststomon ubiie mar-ding price thotlpsldch. h. oswcutomherethatlgaveulmomrheoâ€" for Send. it may Thootmnflcnofoorrmdmsismiiodio tholargslistofprlnssgivsninconnocflcn withtho Ladies'Journslso subscribes botwomnowandMarchfihfcscoi-soct onswemtothsmiiowingqusdcuszwm iuthsBib‘ouothsioilowingwcrdslsss found:lst.Mcnsy:hd.0ml;8sd.Wood. Queen’s college

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