Ontario Community Newspapers

Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 8 Nov 1907, p. 1

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rm There is run other education worth as much. Any young man or woman with mmitinn and a suhd Business Education,â€"either Bnokeepmg or Shorthandâ€" prefwrahly buthawill surely succeed. They are needed everywhere and in ugreat The applications received at . g ‘ many cases caunr'. be had. ”.53, Have heen greater than could be filled poailinns lwfure completing their Course. months at [his relmblc schunl. Peterboro, Ont "M Ymmv 1 curra n! mks. BEFORE STARTING OUT to sun coma )ARHISTEXLS, N loun a! lmflcal {ix-o \\'_'I'a\'lul’s when 1. member chry Monday I .‘XI‘,GI:0. l'uvlur 7qu RECOMMEND Our inxtruction in Bookkeeping, Short hand, Typewriting. etc., is practical, up ' Him- and individual. Smdents "my enter on any school day (Mr students are successful. Write or can for particuiars. 3'; 1 Hum mums, mmEmms, .a- DEATHS Remdcnts of Bobcavzeon, are hnn‘hy notified that m-glcct to register Barms_ Mm‘niugvs a; Draths within at davs x'xbjc‘cts u).- off-'nder to a Fun: of $20 and costs tor mun ofleme. the instructions 0! the Dvpxu‘tment we to proaecute in every $4556 . 7 4,__--. . “m If you want Paint‘ szll Panel- or Fancy £14m“ of any description try us. The_h}r2 at Walt Paper House outside the cmes, "-3! will their equal. PICTURE FRALVUNGL uh (Y-mnty n: \‘wtmm and lfze- B'mk 0' Mum M, Mom-v tn Luau on Morlgua OM Iowa-t ‘rrent rates. Uxficcs, Wulium St" Lindsay §A"'|S'I‘ERS. etc. Sohr'itnrs, for the F. A. MCDIARMID ‘ARRIS'I‘ER. Etc Feuclon Falls 1 Moncv tn loun W A LT H A M LIEVE THEM TO BE THE BEST. OUR STOCK |§ LARGE AND WELL,‘1 5* SELECTED. % BECAUSE WE BE- 1 “Rage prices. ENNISTOL’N, PECK, ‘1', KERR . Suw Ant Lxxnsm' 31mm, DEATHS, 7x1) MAamAGEe A nmsrm, sax {egistration Ponce. Remb-ma m the Township of Vex-clam, 1?“ hvrv'u) ncnfxvd um nrfllec‘) to register minim, (Maths, Marriages within 30 days subjects ll)? ofleudcr to a fine at $20 xnd cosh: ror rnch uflence. The instructions 0! :he Dcpanment are to pmseate in every CRIB. LINDSAYW rs DE RAL BUSIN ss â€"â€"COLLEGE- Sobcayieon 9.0 If you have a house to paint or paper, write us and we will show samples and give figures Have (~in artists do your work at Registration Notice. STEWART 62', O'CONNOR 413 “(star 8% Moons E'atem Medicine and Jewelery S R! \A’, ATCI: “â€" Kent an Fall Term is now open Bonowrrs arristcrs 6': Solicitors 31001:. E J ACKSUN .h o WALKER 'W'ABNE BROS it til mh, NOTICE [EGRL DOLLAR A YEAR CHAS. E. smwam, 1 York St, Lindsay. L. V. ()‘Cuxxon in; u non-:1 â€"â€"-â€"â€"_â€" The Peterbom Business College A. m. HOUST‘cp Fall term begins Tuesday Sept. 3. 1907. Write for pmticulars to :Lurrower. ()mccs No 6 Lmdsny, Dunno. u. H 1109mm, ion-n, for the Ontario no luau at lowo-st rah-a G. w. TAYLOE, mu-ivs, kc Monev u, turn-u! mtes 'l‘rrms Ufiin-sâ€" U!) \Vnolcse'1-1é 5; Retailer nuld he filled, and studentq are constantly going int _- theirwurae. You cmmot du better than spend a f: ALEX. 4 ACSA‘ l\ BUSINESS I’Emnnoazr’ A Specialty Pfincipa! FOR YOURSELF BE SURE TO GET Registrar ' 3mm: Specials This Weekâ€"- Thomas Electic Oil, regular 25c. 2 for 25¢ Castoria, regular 35c ............ 236 Old Dutch Cleanser, regular 10c . . .. 8c Wampule’s L. C. Oil, regular 1.00. . . .650 Dutch Drops regular 10c, 3 for......... 10¢ Butcher-Juniper Pills, regular50c for 256 Tooth Brushes, regular 35c for ...... 180 Every day a bargain day at The Patent Median? Store w. u. (moss, EN HST, Lindsay, Out, All work mechanicnlor opcmtive, done in the mum. .ppruwd manner. and wax-muted. Store combined, Peterboro. ' ’ BUBUAYGEON Ofiica hours 9 ln 5 , 1 C H ARUES MODERATE. 'ZVTIST, Fendon Full. Graduate of Toronto L'uivericyund Koyul Call-g9 or Donut Bur @0113. «11 branches of Dentistry flannad \ccnrdim: to: a but“: Improved «nods M. Modaruto L'Lcoa. UFB‘lxikl- over Bargcyno'a store. Colborno St Dental Parlors (.vo-r Gregory’s Drug Store. Garner 0! Kent and William Scs. \1 B. ASNIS, D. 0., 1' Eva Spavuus'r. LINDSAY. Successor to Dr Milne Olfice 92 Km: 5:, over Neills Shoe More , xamining and trcuting the eve with proper lenses it reâ€" qn‘m-d Laura-fl, Eyeglasses, Spectacles etc (and and mljufled. finals 9 ("5 pm, Suturday evenings and by appointment S'wcial attention given to c U . , , mm. wsrr runs“ 1:, LY mar AND ramp mam: mow 'rdn: mom'n AT Smrsox Hock. Coxscnunoxa EYE, EAR, THROAT 8: NOSE. nectarâ€"10 a. m. to4 p. m. fixer. 166 BROOK STREET, Pewboro iimdnnll anal gcons 0! Untsnio PRU ITS f Fine Ale Porter -â€"â€"â€"' Brewers 0 When you want good Ale ask for CornnelISor Lindsay‘iz Leading Confectionery LINDSAY ~DENTIST.â€" Honor Grmluuw, ’l'uroulo University. THE CORNNELL NEELASDR IRVINE. DESTISTW LINDSAY Luscioas Pears. High Grade Oranges. Delicious Pcaches Plums, Etc. MCC L’ LLOUGH A. B. TERRY WM. PRINGLE A, FALLIS J. SIMS, DENTIST, All at reasonable pfices; See our assartment. . W A L'l‘ERS. thgow's ston- -.â€"â€"q DENTISTâ€"- l Cullvgc of Dantal Sur- DEHTlSTBY. 1- RN 51.4023 FALLS- PRICIPAL. Uflice ovgr Mr LINDSAY I This handsome new Bowl is fitted up ‘wilh Llccmc Light. Bathroom, hot and [001‘ water and .11 modern lmpnm-mnnts. Lgflxguwggd mom-nimt co'nlin-rt‘iu'l rooms. ‘60:»! Smhfcs Particulur nncnnou given lhu Bar l‘ho Bill 6! tare, lhe best. to be procu red . A vAIwI-nm ”Charlotte St.Peterbo . New Honse,with nu modem convanlon Convenient to Station, and the centre 0 e Town. The most comfomble $1 50 a da SNOWDEN HOE L n I unvv‘l-vvc Undue now mmagmefit. First class an menu. Steam . electric lighu. fir w lump]. roam-.119 Loading town oIS Tourists. Ho'bczyseon poop pie and vicinit be wanted with articular attentional: idnnuon. Fm Sun to and from an Tr Rates 82 a day. The largest on the Lakes. The phco t9 spend Happy kiohdu. -â€"â€"â€"- Newly built, newly furnishvd. Beautiful Spring water fountain in Iron: oi the house. ’i‘ne best bass fishing in tin- \voxld. Bunting; Bathing, Tennis Golf Links, Bus: Bull are to be obtained. '1‘crms-â€"$l 5') to $2 per day. Write and Secure accomoaation J. HU_NTE.R, Hake: Square overlooking the Otonabee. Four miles from Bobmyaeon. on Pigeon lake. Boats to hire and guides urrunued for. Tub'e supplied with everything in farm products. Everything done to make an enjoyable holiday. Rates--$l a day up {0‘5 dqys pver I’m}: rated M.$5 a. week. “awn-J” v.-.. Gasoline hunch 1n connemim). Bobcny neon. N CROWE. Prop. BE ORIENTAL, This fine [8138 house always welmmas the lmwllim: public and new attention is given to gueals. GOOD SI‘ABLEB, GOOD ACCOMMODATIOX and 60013 MEALS IMPSON HOUSE, Gnod farm of 100 ncres tour and a half miles from Petexbnro, 80 acres in him: stem- of cum- vatlon. go 6 Brick House. ‘3 large Bank Barn? and other OI-tbnildmL-u, good eumk and arafn farm. pnce 54.600. Will hen shock md muhm- axy if desired at cor-act, price. CHEESE FACTORY Cheesn Factory in goal: section of country with frame dwell-m: and 34 able. Superstor and all venom-try sp‘pliunnea for Case 9 and bum); making. Ptico and full pnticular on appu- canon; J. T. O’BGNNELL . 80. 03106 136 Hunter 8:. ”IT. OCKLAND HOUSE ERUuAM ’l‘owxsmr CLERK, AXD Registry of Births Dx- all": and Mar- riagas Al 061cc over the Post Office, Bol- caygeon chm for London“ Lnncnshin- Life Am: (My. Conveynn. 3g done. Notary Public Business always attended promptly 'UTEL BALMORAL ‘ Formerly the Nation PETERBURO. A Farm House Summer Resort Tourists. \‘-“---‘-‘.---- - --- - I BE WINDSOR GisI THE BESI‘, 1T PAYS W. J ELLIOT, Principal C )1: Young and Alexander 5:: Attend the Popular and Progressive and be thoroughly educated for busi ness life. All graduates of this school are absolutely sure of getting positions The demand is considerably greater than the supply. Now is an excellent time to enter. Write for catalogue TORONTO. ONT. HOTEL ROYAL SPECIAL OFFER BOBCAYGEON THE CEDARS GE! L W; TAYLOR. ELLIOTT WM. snownmfgmp. BUCKHORN J. A. mwmzss. $0? G. LA‘VLESS. Pnormmo'x Ix. PEARSON, Prop BOBCAYGEON. rETEKBORO Proprieior for w JOSEPH MEEHAN. AUCTIONEER ,â€":LI-NDSAYâ€" Something new in a Raspberry. The \éest Red Raspberry tested here” writes rol'. Macou'n, Ottawa. “The heaviest. rielder among all Red Raspberries writes Prof. Butt. Guelph. We have the only large supply in Canada. to offer. 6 Plants $2.00. Express paid. Agents wanted to introduce this new specialty. . BROWN BROS 'P. 0,â€"Browns Nurseries, Ont. Cullnnd nee quick and perfect wbrk’ done by Eluclric power and get our low pr-ces before pUIch‘~sil|g' All work gum-weed. Electrical and Plumbing Our Mr. McPherson 0F PETEEBORO Will be in Bobcaygeon on and after Monday, October 14th Prepared to undertake all orders for Electrical and Piumbing Wuxk. Remember when in Lindsay â€"TO CALL ATâ€" Mortong for Ice Cream, Lunches Hot Meals Fine Cakes Fruit, Etc Arrlngamenu by Toiepbone can 155 m.- ~40 with SPRA'I‘T KILLEN, Unduy [3 ‘23 George Street GENERAL INSURANCE RGENT Largest and best Stock in Connty. SASH, DOORS FRAMES. MOULD NDSAY MARBLE WORKS INGS. NEWEEL POSTS, BALUSTERS. STAIR RAIL, ETC Custom Planing. numbing mu Moudlucklng don. oi: Shortest. Notice. KEXT STREET, HAIR WQRKS [keep on Stock and Make to Ohio: all kinds ma atyle of Clearing prices in Embroidery and Laces, Collars, Lace Ties, etc. fiERBERT RASFBERRY TABLE COVERS TABLE CENTRES Bo BCATGEON .ND VALUATOR PLANING MILL Mrs Erma Something entirely nevi in‘ HAIR ORNAMENT‘S swrrans comas, Etc' Esrauanxn 1883 W. ]. READ ROBT. C‘H IxMBERS Paopmx-zroa. "nun 'â€" _ wine flavors is really good for you. Ask your gmcer for a pack- age. Any of 15 differ- ent flavors. Pics: 10c. BOBCAYGEON ONTARIO ARCHIVES MON ED. ABNBERG KEY TO L0 5N NADA. FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1907. PETER'BORO TORONTO LINDSAY . Thyme and eyebright pave the Downs to-ydn Hard red yherr as load the hawthorn Dough, .Honvier than aimished snows of May While the pale mix-moon s o s u glow- , worm light, Merry and blithe of heart they come and Owls go huntingin the gal-1y n _ - Huntingcallinp laughiq t au‘ ro; Hark. ainz‘s the robin.Wint.ei' stalks anem- StarkAWigter in ' \Golf and the Bishop . The captain of one of the big ocean grey hounds tells this story about an Episcopal Bishop, somewhat over v‘veight and a novice at the game who went out on a golf course in northern Scorland. He had has is caddie a little sandy haired boy. a plaid muffler around his neck and a plaid cap on his small round head. They came to the first tee. The caddie prepared the ball {or the clergyman and then drew a driver from the bag and handed it to his em~ ployer. Bishop Blank meant well and he swung hard but the ball never mov- ed. Once again the Bishop took up his position. whirled the club around his head like a hammer thrower and swung wildly_at the hall. But it nev- er moved. Ten square inches of Scot- . tish turf wen: flying through the air ‘ instead. The good Bishop was begin- \ ning to get interested and so was the lcaddie He didn’t like the stick. so the boy gave him an iron. This time 1 the Bishop dug a nice furrow on the other side of the ball. And inciden- ltally broke the club. But the little ball still rested peacefully on the mound I of sand. It seemed to be glued fast UI auuu- -. â€"- ,,,,, to the cart The Bishop had_ six sticks and he tried them all. Once after an exceptionally hard drive he lost his balance and sat down rather unexpectedly. This only encouraged him to a greater tfftrt. That pesky ball clung to the earth with the tena- city of a leech. The BishOp was per spiring freely on several times between breaths he mumbled} incoherentl‘y; But he was still game. ‘ I?__O His 36mm 5! the wood. "VIEW-rm; buy what do you advise 7 asked the tired Bishop. “Give it a clout with the bag sir.” ftplled the caddie without the Sign of a smile. There is an ancient mwh that tells of a magic skin, the possess or of which had the power to acquire anything he wished for, but at each gratification of the desire it shrank. until finally it crushed him. Supreme selfishness is the qualification for the thirty-third degree in the Royal Arch ‘ Demons. and plenty of men are dili gently shaping for it. A' home sick- ness for the lodge rocm‘is written in some of their faces. When a man gets so he can’t think of anything but him- self. he is nothing but a moral mummy whose remains are only fit for the wood pile of the interno. i It will Kill yo'u Household Helps In baking cakes before tak ing them out at the fin. set the tins on a. damp doth for a few minutes and the cakes will slip out easy without stir-king. A piece of charcoal thrown into the pttwhich onions, cabbage. e!c.. are V . ...- -, , _ bi i1 -d will absorb ihe unpleasant odor. Ahandful of salt thrown into the tepid water with which straw matting is wiped .up will make it. look extra fresh and clea‘n. A reasponnful of turp‘entine put into the b filer with white clothes will aid the whitening. Fish may be scaled much easier by first dipping them into boiling water for a minute: . . r ,.,,-_ -.‘IJ-A A- The Suns Last éhédo‘vé IUI at nun-nu...- A teaspo'on‘u! of su2ar added to pancake batter will make the cake: a golden brown; Along. smooth. round glass bottle, such as grape igice comes in makes l5“A long. smooth. roum: such as grape Juice co an excellqnt rolling pin. d." cnyy-u...‘ -v. ”a An indispensible too! for the handy woman is the plier costing twenty-five cents and ranking neitt to the hammer Secure those having a wire cutting arrangement in the side. so there will be no temptation to uhe séissors for that work. . ‘ ,7 ‘747‘ LL‘-__ LIIGI n v- After washing decanters turn them upside down and allow water from the coldmaler tap to run over them. In about five minules’ time they will be beautifully dry inside. and if the outside is carefully wiped‘and rubbed they will sparkle beautifully.. POETRY. ‘l'ng through . Of all the words in the Eng- llSh language “don't tell" are paid the least attemion. The only :muble with experience as a teacher is that the knowledge she gives comes ‘tno _Iate. F The_ i§3fiblewith thg hverage father being prepared for a rainy day is that his daughtex’s wedding day gets him rn'tK tivate that habit of looking it mama! ’worry about. You may some day have your search re- fiardvid. You must not imagine that yoursis the only baby on earthâ€"there are others. It's time to stand from under when the man who knowi it a]! stafts to fen yor- all he knows. 3on5 and whiekev fnrm a com- tion calcuhted to put almost any happy home out of éommission. ,_. v-vâ€"r, Ifa man would know himself thor- nu ghly. he hasn’ [ much t me to wane wing to find out things about his Pbinted Pardéra‘fihé the knell of parting day ; the groucHy herd wifids siowly o’erthe lea. They failed to guess, as sporting people say, which was the shell that hid the little The old lady who distinguish ed her pies; by tpgrkiqg them with a 'T." signifving “’tis mince” and taint mince,” has been outdone by the cul- inary expert ofa little hotel among the Green Mountains. The chance guest had finished the serious part of a whole some dinner, when the cook, who was also waitress and landlady. asked him it‘ he didn't. want some pie. “What sort of pie have you ?’ he asked cxpecfiantly Ocyl\'1 gun-v- -..r-_v “Well we’ve g2): three kinds." Paid her hostess. “open'faccd, cross-barred landkiveredâ€"all apple.” A Vafietfi The mtlerâ€" Mia-inform. Engaged girlâ€" Mis-tak en. The heavy-weight - Mis lead. Ballet-girlsâ€"Mjs understandings . The heiressâ€"Mis-fonune. The hustlerâ€" Mis-do. Gullible girlâ€"Mis believe, _ The grafterâ€"Mis-appropriate.‘ Well-bred girlsâ€" Mis-behave. The gossipâ€"Mis tell. The liberal giri â€" Mis-read. “Bridge" enthusiastâ€"M is-deal. Leading ladyâ€"Mischief. Chewing gum girlâ€"Mis-choose. The robust girl-Misfit. Woman’s rights girl â€" Missâ€"repre semed‘ Clean Character Roger Bresnahan and Frank B'uwerman. the New Yuri: ball players. were jostling each other at pinocle. Frank melded a. thofi'séind aces and Roger said : A Bevy of Misses Mr Bowerman, you are a low bego't ten. bog-trotting, fly-blown. maggot eat en, pie-soaked, soul-spavined, cocoa nutted robber. _, VFrénk looked at Roger for a moment with a grin. and remarked : Well. outside of that I’m all fight, ain't I ? A youth with untouched face i walked slowly past a barber shop, then 9 back again. then passed and repassed. 1‘ each time drawing nearer and nearer.‘ Finally. as though he had just reached a determination, he turned in and handed his hat, coat and collar to the officiating shine. When it came his turn he got into the chair with an air at assurance which was rather out of keeping with his haunted eyes. Hiir cut ? asked the barber. Naw, shave, said the youth. Just once over. and be kind of careful of the neck whisker. LIIC In \ n u" The barber put his hand over his face to hide a grin and went to his Lather cup. He turned on the hot water and passed a wink down the line until ever barber had his eyes that way Then with pondrous care he lathered xhe fare and cooly began shafiinz his rusmmer with the back? of the razor. Dag-she pull? he asked after a bit, A lectle raw. said the cus'omer, with fine decriminauon. Got a. wire edge hasn’t it The barber replied by strapping his own hand violently then resumed shav- ing with the back of the razor. How’s that? he said. Fine as silk. said the customer. now grown veteran. I will tell you it's all in the stropping. Jack; That some people make room on the top by pu§hing other? 9ft} :1:th lo'tsl of V mén and things seem easy till you try to “6?”. them. That betger a. word in seas ah hour’s lecture out of season His First Shave Do You Know ?. “mien toll§ §+ me 3.1312; ay; the grouchy a folded :rthe lea. They girl tum urting peeple say, gn'ogr,,an hat hxd the link-I when .. I“. ‘h ‘ in B'win'uL { in the 4 than wâ€"f 1 "5' known! Stearn Navigation 00.. and “had for an mterview with the man. A w'd’lrector. The request wee ,at= 9992 granted, end all smiles the ofii-l gal led .the gray into his private cab- met. but reoefied‘something of a shock when his charming visitor promptly . locked the door. V VThen she told him that she had. come, on the part of the Anarchists. " to demand that the school for chil- dren of the company’s servants should be conducted in a better man- ner, the children must be treated more hugdenely, and fed as well as edu- "Enough, of this nonsense," cried the director, and reached towards an electric bell-push. but a peremptory "Stop!” from the girl and the pro- [duchon of a bomb from under her‘ immfle stayed his hand. “If you raise an alarm for my arrest you and I, end this oflice will be blown into the gin Here is the mandate iron”; my ommittee. Give it your immedi- rate attention. or you die !” Flinging a folded ape! on the carpet, the ' 1 turn on her heel, unlocked the dor,_and left the office by the from entra'ime, showing no unseemly haste. “Then the director had recovered } If' ,‘h"- astonishment be rushed to 1 a“wniobw and Eighth to .- purL: I in the courtyard to stop the young person. This the porter attempted tr, do, but as the girl approached him she transferred the bomb to her leii : hand and drew a. revolver with he! ' right. Being a wise man the porter ' stopped aside, and the girl reached 1hr l outer gate, where six male compan» ‘ ions, all well dressed. and armed with (I revolvers, awaited her. They drove : away, unmolested. Mr“; Startling tntorview Whfi Lidy Anarchist. Yox 'ag, pretty, and tastefnlb dress- ed there was nothing alarming about. the r‘peersnce of the lady who re- Sand; enbred the head office of the Reward For Capture of Murderer From the Antipodas. A close search is now being made in London for the murderer of Bern- ard Bauer, 3 Londsm and Melbourne diamond merchant. Scotland Yard has received news that the criminalâ€" !or information leading to whose con- viction $5,000 reward will be paid by the Victorian Govermneut -- has reached London, and it; now in bid- ing there. ~ 7 urn I-AAunx. The murder was committed on June 7. Mr. Bauer. :x member of the Well- known firm oi Bauer Shaumer, of Audrey House, lily Place, Hattvmgar- don, was found in his Melbourne ni- fic‘c. Modem Chambers, Collins street, with his skull smashed, and the mur- (lcn-r escaped with a wallet contain- mc m-arly $20,000 worth of diamunds vnd :1 gold lmutpr wulch worth $5330. The watch bore the initials "B. 13.," and had ab'mc cnnfimylcd face. ,I, AL-.. “1‘11 “nu It, Ian-u. ., 7,7, Hai'ing dismwrc-d clues which they believe point 1., the identity of the nr-zamzain. the Mvibourne police have ciruwn up a damned description (if the min suspected. and an international qrwst iI-r him is proceeding. Mr. Bauer was one of the best .ltnam diamond 43.58.16” in‘ Landon and Mulboume. , ' On the victim's desk were his dia- n-onzi-weighing scales. 0n them the policr saw :1 single small stone. That gave the clue from whichlhe murder could be reconstructed. It was plain that an unknown man had rained ac- (‘05:8 to him on pretense of being a b-‘jror. isn‘t had struck him down while the victim was selecting stones to be weighed on the maqhzn'e. ~¢nnfi'\v .n \u w. "‘05"-.. -.. A piece of the assassin’s weapon lay in the victim’s bloodâ€"a bit of heavy iron tubing. apparemly broken from. : gianter length by the force of the films. new fiafiway Projects. . A recent Canada Gazette container:- notice that application will be made next session to: an act to incorpor- ate "The Weshlm a! Canada Railway Co.," which proposa to construct a railwa’fi from; the United States bound- ..LA4_ A- flnlnnvw lnLqu’ L-vm -..\. ary at a point in Alberta. to Calgary. and also from a point on the middle branch at or near its junction with the Livingstone River, thence to a point in the Rocky Mountains west 0! ,Gould's Dome; thence southerly dow’n the valley of the Elk River to a 'unction with the Canadian Pacific ilway at Michael. The Canadian Pacific Railway will apply to Parliament {Or authority to construct a branch line from Kilian: to Stratbcona, Alberta. The Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. Peace River and Dawson Railway will seek incorporation with authority to Operate a line of railway and tele- phone a'nd telegraph lines from Sas- katoon northwesterly through the Peace River district, Eritish Colum- iiiâ€"Iniihé The Bishop of Ottawa, in a. recent. sermon at All Saints' Church, in con- nection with the dedication of a chime g of bells, urged that the marriage cere- ! many should be celebrated in the qhurch. Too many wanted no he mu- ned in their homes. If the ceremony was right, it should be celebrated in God's house. It. would almost seem. hp said. u if sometimes all was not nght. He deplored the presenvdey tendency of keeping to so large an ex- tent the courtship and engagement of young people 3 mm“ '1'th was unbecominsl having the marriage bells nng um . out the whole community, as 18 was better to have the people crowd to the church of God_ to witness quch ____â€"nnn .Baconâ€"They say that onions make a person breathe harder. Egbertâ€"Oh. I sum it only seam GIBBS DARING ACT. HIDIEG IN LORDON. Weddings in Church- ylc c- w-V'“ ' ‘ unbecoming. and did not in the purest and highest? He certainly approved 0‘ - “.14.... balls rim: ont UAa us Iva. .. ..... Yukon to Dawson City. in a. recent Time changes anything. Except a $20 bill. ch 1E at 13 changed in no Eime. §o Smizhcrs is going abroad ? Y--~s. 0n the advice of his doctor ? No Hts lawycr. The cost of living IS so highâ€"Eh P That there is an cyan chanceâ€"G ) on That ere another fear rolls by Yes P The cost 0! bonding will adsance I hope you won’t insist upon a long engagement, dearest. he 531d tenderly No, Schlbeart, I won't. You haven't; money enough lopnake one enjoyable. she answered praczicaliy. ”Mrs. Henpc altâ€"Those who are un lucky in love:Pe are Said to be lucky at cards. Hen eckâ€"_If you ’d let me out ni ghts, dear, - think it would be a good thigng fox In: to play poker. The guest in the hotel diningroom let out a laxge openlaccd sigh. Any thing roggsiir ?_ queued xhe waner On no, ”repli‘e‘d lhé guest. I was only wondering if I would live to be as old as this chicken. Then wealth hasn’ I made sou happy ? Naw. But there ts .your beautifullz txle girl. Yes; and: few years from now she may be marrving a foreign tashion plate with a name that s cros-ed between a'hiccup and a sneeze. The moral’s good,l guess ; Leam it. Don’t try to win success ; Earn it Didn't you hear the thunder storrr last night '! Tnunder storm ? l dndn t Enow there v. as one You didn t“ . Where on earah do )ou sleep P Now ‘where on earth. I sleep within three feet of an elevated railway track. I My head bookkceper, the eifiinenl ibankcr. wants to marry my daughter , l s’pose I’ll have to consent. fl‘here’s Ione'ronsolation about it He loves fihér. How do you know um 1’ L )0]: lfill him yonder. staring into vacancy, gfiith his mouth open. Miss Ethel, he began, or Ethel, I, mean, I’ve known you long enough v: drop the Miss, hafien't If! She fixed her lovely eyes upon him wnh amean- ing gaze. “Yes, I think you have, she said‘ What prefix do you wxsb to sub- stilute ? First Strangerâ€"Excuse me but you are a. physican, I believe? Second Strangcru You are mistaken, sir. First Strangerâ€"But I overheard you say you (o‘Jowed the medical profes- sion. Second Strangerâ€"And so I do, I’m an undertaker. ! Gee. 53"? :11 ‘maH boy to the bald- headed H; _ I wish I was you. ;'\\ l y " asked the man Because I ’ic0u1u :0 swimming whenev er I wanted I to and ma couldn't get next by running ’ her hands through tn} hair to see if it 1 was wet. Big Sisterâ€"Dick, I with you ‘wnu1d go and get Mr. Niccicllow a giass of water. Mr. Nzcefenowâ€"Yes, my boy and here‘s a dime for you Link Brotherâ€"Thankyou I'll 2}) pretty soon Mamma said I shouldn’t have the parlor until she came back Welhad to shove! off the grass Awhile ago. And i: will so' '. m: time, 3115, To mow (m.- smzw. Vol. 38. No. 40. ‘es. And yet 'the tears fined on lCan nothing s'o on them > he asked! ibrcalhlessly sad No, she murmured I’ts hay fever. you know. But go off i with the treatment. i The Gentleman Farmer (anxiously) i â€"-What in the world Uncle 1 "otterly. do you suppose is the matter with my ghen); ? Why this morning I found six . of them lying on their backs cold and stiff, with their fcetsticking up in the air The Ancient Man (after a suit able season of cozitation )â€"Yer hens ‘iis dead, Mr. Cittily. Let me kiss those tears away '. ht begged,tender1fr. She fell in his arms and he was busy for the nex} few _minut They had been dlscussinga hard. fisted and apparently impecunious old fellow in the neighborhood. But he has barrels of money‘ just the same put in one who knew the man. He E Got monev! exclaimed a surprised member of the group. Well, I'll be shot 1 He can hold more money in‘ solution than any body else I ever saw ! Hiram ( just returned from a trip to the city )â€"I‘d just like to know th’ meanin' of th' word skiddoo. that I heard pretty nigh everywhere I went, when I wuz up ’t town. Farmer Hayin weatherâ€"Son, I’m ashamed of ye 2 Iu’s the name of the: castle over in Scotland. where simplifined Andy Car. negic’s been spendin’ most of his time, hyur lately. There was truth in the advertise ment that a young man answered one day. The advertisement said : How to win the girl you love. Full and ex- plicit directions sent in sealed plain envelope on receipt of $1. ‘ this yuung man, who loved a girl madly and hope lessly sun on a dollar, and the answer came to him bv return mail. It read. How to win the girl you love; Câ€"c‘.’ $1,000,000 and letg h" lonk at i?

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