Oxford Downs Aged ram: John Anderson, W. L. 'Charlton; ram lamb: John Anderson ‘W. L. Charlton; ewe: John Anderson J], 2, and 3; shearling ewe John An- derson; ewe lamb: Anderson, Ander- son, Charlton. ’ Following were winners in the ‘Wethers and Pens class: John Ander- son, G H. Mark Son. J. Cullis, R. Junkin, G. H. Mark Son, J. J. Cul- lis, G. H. Mark Son, Bert Robert- scn, R. Junkin, J. Cullis, Anderson CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK PRIZE WINNERS VERULAM FAIR PAGE TWO “Ontario’on the whole is en- joying an excellent year. Begin- ning with agriculture and ending with industry progress has been greater than in the past seven years,†Sir Edward Beatty, G.B.E., K.C., LL.D., Chairman and Presi- dent. Canadian Pacific Railway, stated alter a recent inspection of the Company’s properties and of agriculture and business general- Canadian Pacific President Tours Ontario Aged sow: John Anderson, W. Thurston, 2 and 3; sow. one y.:=,‘,l': W. Thurston, 1 and 2; sow 8 months: W. Thurtson R. E. Thurston, W. W. Thurston; Sow with litter: Frank Crowe, C. L. Junkin, special T. H. Martin, W. Thuston,, R. E. Thurst- on, Wallace Thurston POULTRY Class ZEâ€"R. M. Brown winner in by representative citizens, and are here shown on the station platform at Sudbury after being received by W. E. Mason, presi- dent of the Sud-bury Board of Trade; J. H. Simpson. acting mayor of Sudbury, and Mayor E. A. Collins, Copper Cliff. In the picture are seen from left to right: Tamworth: Jos. Wilson won all the classes in this event. 1y throughout the province. Sir Edward, and the members of his party. were everywhere welcomed Anderson. Yorkshircs AP! classes here were won Ly W31- z‘i-‘c Thurston. Grades SWIN Pi L. B. Unwin, vice-president of fin- ance and treasurer; Aitken Walk- er, general freight agent; George Stephen, vice-president of traf- fic; Mayor Collins; Sir Edward Beatty: H. J. Humphrey, vice-pre- sident and general manager, east- er-n lines; Thomas Hambley, North Bay general superintendent; Mr. Simpson, Mr. Mason, and B. J. Quilty, superintendent Sudbury division. Timothy grass, half bus., Chas. Walker. A. Kelly, C, J. Junkin,. Corn six cal-:1, whiteâ€"C. \Vetpber, Corn. six ears. yellowâ€"C L. Junkin, T. Martin, Corn six ears, sweetâ€"T. H. Martin, Jack Smith. Corn, golden Bantam. J. Rob-eï¬son, T. H. Martin J. Falls. Sheaf fall wheat, E. Mar- tin, A. Kelly, C Webber, A. Kelly. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Class Z. G. Six mangels, J. J. Robertscn Six Carrots, short J. J. Robertson. Six Beets, turnips, Mrs R. Swartman. Six beets, long J. J. Clover, red, half bus, A. Kelly, C. Webbcr, Beans. large, half bus., C. Wehler, A. Kelly, J.J. Spencer. small, half bus., J. J. Robertson, A. Kelly, C. Webber. Small white peas, one bus., C. L. Junkin. Oats, white, one bus., G. Weber, A. Kelly, C. Junkin, Buck- wheat, small S. H. one bus., A. Kelâ€" 1y. Chas. \Vebber. GRAIN Class ZFâ€"Fal] wheat, one bush. W. R. Kelly. S. Martin, Chas. Web- b01-, Spring wheat, one bushel, A. Kelly, G. Webber, C. L. Junkin, Bar- lec, oneb ush-el, C. Webber, E. Mar- tin. 0. Cosh: heaviest oair turkeys: Wm. Fulton, J. Anderson; champ bird: W F. Anderson. '. ............... Poultry Specials ................ Champion Female bird: Wm. Ful- ton; champion male bird: Wm. Ful- ton; best pair raised on chick starter W. Thurston, Mrs. R. Swartman; heaviest pair cockex'els; W. Thurston heaviest pair geese: W. F. Anderson most classes. Others were: Allan Mann, Orval Cosh. Thxcs. Cosh, J. C. Murphy, Wm. Fulton and .\.;:. Swartman. fourtesy of the Sudbury Star. BOBCAYGEON INDEPENDENT ONTARiO ARCHIVES Special Edgar Martin; special, F. Nichols; Special, Wm. Fulton; Blue Ribbon special, N. Thurston. Special, Jos. Oliver. Special, Edgar Martin. LADIES’ WORK Class ZIâ€"quilt, Mrs. W. J. Web ster; quilt, Mrs. L Bryant; quilt, Mrs I Lowe; quilt, Mrs. W. J Webster; bedspread, Mrs. J. J Spencer; bed- spread, Mrs J. J. Spencer; couch cov- er, Mrs. W. J. Webster; lady’s deess Mrs L, Bryant; buttOn hole, Mrs. L Bryant child’s dress, Mrs. L. Bryant work apron, Mrs. A Kelly; sweater coat, I Lowe; scarf, Mrs. L. Bryant; darning', Mrs. E. Martin; patching Mrs. L Bryant; floor mat, Mrs. L Bryant, floor mat Chas. Webbe; pull- over, Mrs. I. Lowe; table mats, Mrs. I. Lowe, Hermmng, Mrs L. Bryant; wcrk bags Mrs W. J. Webster. BABY’S WEAR Carriage cover, Mrs. L. Byant; .baby pillow, Mrs. L. Bryant; jacket Mrs. A. Kelly dress, Mrs. Dr. Scott rompers, Mrs. L Bryant; collectionâ€" I Class Z. H. donated by socety and i for largest and best display of ap- ples, 5 of each variety, special T. H. Martin, Mrs. J. Brittc-n. DAIRY AND DOMESTIC Class ZIâ€"Crock of butter, over 10 pounds Mrs. L. Lowe, 5 lbs butter (in roll). Mrs. W. H. Hamilton, But- ter, 5 lbs. in prints, Mrs C. L. Jun- kin, 2 lbs home made bread, long loaf, C. Webber, 1 dojen buns, F. Martin. Pint Maple Syrup, J. Oliver Honep grculated I Lowe. 4 lbs. hon- ey, h’cney comb, I. Lowe. 4 lbs honey extract, W. Lowe. Best display of friut b100m J. Webber, 2 lbs. bees wax, I. Lowe. Pint mixed pickles, N Thurston, Pint bottle catsup, C. L. Junkin, Pint pear preserves, N. Thur- ston. Pint peach preserves. C. L. Junkin,. Pint plum preserves, E Martin. Pint raspberries, R. Swart- man. Pint strawberries, C. Webber, ‘Pint red or black currant preseves, C. Webber. Pint Jelly, R. W. Watts. Pint beet pickle, A. Kelly. Pint cu- cumber, pickle, N. Thurston, 1 lemon pie, C. Martin, Pint cherries, R. Swartman.. Pint crab apples, N. Thurston Pint huckle berries, A. Kel- ly. iPnt canned peas, C. Walker, Pint canned beans, J. Britton I pint canâ€" ned tomatoes, R. Swartman, Pint canned corn Jos. Anderson. Doz. fresh hen eggs, white, Roy Robert- son. Doz. fresh hen eggs, brown, W. Fulton. Best display cookies, 3 , varieties, 4 of each, G B. Moore. 1 ‘ chocolate layer cake, ced, Roy Rob- ertson. A. Kelly, Half gallon plums, blue, N Thurston. Six varieties of apples, 5 of each named , A. Kelly, FRUIT Class Z. H.-â€"Applase, Snow, plate of five, C. Weh‘ber. Apples, 'l'ollmon Sweet, plate of 5, J. Oliver, Apples, Gano, plate of 5, A. Kelly. Apples Greenig', plate :-o»f 5 T. H. Martin. Apples AleXanders" plate of five,, J. Oliver, Apples, Wealthys, plate of 5, Mrs. G.\Martin, Apples, Yellow Bellflower, plate of 5, Mrs. J. Brit- ton. Apples, Pewaukee, E. Martin, Apples, Ontario plate of 5, N. Thur- ston, apples McIntosh, plate of 5, Mrs. R. Swartman apples, Russets plate of 5, E. Martin. Apples. “St Lawrence, fall, E Martin. Apples Mil iwakee, Cosh. Apples, Stark J. Anderson, Pears, plate, C. Webber. Six bunches of grapes, N. Thurston. Half gallon crab apples, Mrs W. H. Hamilton. Half gallon Transcendants The best collection of vegetables, not more than six varieties, donated by the Bobcaygeo-n- Independent, spe- cials. Jack Smith, N. Thurston C. Webber. Clarence Junkin, for the heaviest 30 potatoes, any variety by weight, must be at least three entries â€"J J. Robertson. Class ZKâ€"ll-qt basket Irish Cob} blers, J. J. Robertson: 11-qt basket si xweeks, Mrs. T. Adam. 11-qt bas- ket, any other variety, A. Kelly. 11- qt. basket Dooleys, C. Webbev. 11- qt basket Green Mountains, Jack Smith. 2 Pie pumpkins, J. J. Robertson, 2 squash, J. J. Robertson; 2 Hubbard squash, 1, J. J. Robertson, vegatable marrows, A. Kelly, 2 watermelon-s, J. J. Robertson, 2 citrcns, J. J. Robert- son 1 dozen peppers, J.J. Robertson, J. C. Murphy. 1 lb. hops, Jack Smith Half peck red onions from seed, Frank Crowe, Half peck yellow on- ions from seed, J. J. Robertson. Half peck multiple onions, J. A. Falls, Half Dutch sett onions, Ray Robin- son, 6 large onio.< from seed, J. 11 I. ?c:.son. Collection vegetables, 10‘ l varieties, 2 of each, Jack Smith. Robertson, Six turnips, Jack Smith. Three cabb’ages, white J J. Robertson Three cabbage, red, J. A. "Falls. Three caJiIiflowers, Jack' Smith. 3 celery Thos. Cosh. 6 tomatoes, R. Robertson, 6 cucumbers,, green, Mrs. T. Adams, 6 cucumbers, ripe, J. J. Robertson. 2 Pumpkins, J. J. Spencer TORONTO INSECT DAMAGE With a few important exceptions insects have been somewhat less in- jurious during August than usual. coiling moth has been the most de- structive pest this year so far and in- ;creased greatly during August as a result of the continued warm weather which led to a large second bro‘cd. The European corn borer survey which is new under way indicates that the borers are going to be more numer- ous this year than any time during the last four or five years, the season having been favourable to them in1 most countries. Cabbage worms have increased greatly in number and I brand; specimen textile painting Mrs. L. Bryant; lamp shade, any new de- sign, Mrs. Hildenbrand; novelties from crepe paper, flowers favours etc Mrs. W. J. Webber; specimen of art- icl-e in sealing wax, Mrs. L. Bryant; pen sketch, Mrs Hildenband. Wood Carving Chip carving frame or tray, Mrs. Chas. Webber; relief caving any use- ful article, Mrs. Chas Webber. Miscellaneous Specimen st-encilling, Mrs. J. J. Spencer, specimen basketry, hand- made, Mrs. Wm Fultoin; specimen book cover, oilcloth or linenâ€"Mrs. plain, Ms. Hildenbrand; specimen leather work tooled, Mrs. Hilden- Fred Aylesbury Bobcaygeon, First class work-Prioese reasona-le Agent for Washing Machines, Fri- gidaires and Electrical Fixtures I am in a position to do all kinds of electrical work, House wirin‘g, Water Colors 16, Mrs Bryant; 17 Mrs. Bryant; 18. Mrs Hildenbrand; 19, Mrs. Spencer; 20, Mrs. Hildenbrwnd, 22, Mrs Hildenbrand; 24 Mrs. Briant; 25 Mrs. Bryant; 26, Mrs. Bryant; 28, Mrs. Bryant 1C. Moore, cut flowers Mrs. W. J. Spencer; plants, Mrs, Frank Crowe. OILS Portrait, Mrs. Hildenbrand; scene, Mrs Hildeindrand ; landscape, Mr. Hildenbrand; fruits, Mrs. Hildenâ€" brand; vegetables. Mrs Hildenbrand; single work, Mrs. Hildenbrand; paint- ing, Chas. Webber; painting L, Bry- ant Class ZKâ€"Photos Mrs. Hildenâ€" brand asters, Mrs. G. B. Moore, dah- lias, Mrs. J. Webber; gladiali, Mrs W cer; needle point, Mrs. L Bryant; em- broidery,, Mrs L. Bryant; thread ‘work, Mrs. Dr. Scott; bead work, Mrs. W. J. Webster; tea cosy, Mrs L Bryant; centre piece, R Robertson centre piece Mrs. L. Bryant, centre piece, Mrs. i. Lowe MiscellaneOUS Towels, Mrs Thos. Adam; tow- els, Mrs. G. B. Moore; pan holder: Mrs. I Lowe; dusters, Mrs T Adam. device, C. Webber; novelties, Mrs. Ber-t Morrison. - Table runner, Mrs L. Bryant; table runner, Mrs. I. Lowe; table runner, Mrs. W. J. Webster, buffet, set, Mrs L Bryant; buffet set, Mrs I. Lowe; pillow, Mrs. J. J.‘ Spencer; pillow, Mrs. I Lowe; breakfast set, Mrs I Lowe luncheon set, Mrs W J. Webster, table cover, Mrs. W. J. Webster. cut work,, Mrs. J. J. Spen: LADIES’ WORK Crochet Mrs. G. Martin, tatting Mrs. A. Kelly, crochet, Mrs. W J Webster, d-oilies, Mrs. Geo. Martin": Crochet, Mrs. W. J. Webster, pillow covers, Mrs. E. Martin; pillow cov- ers, Mrs W J. Webster pillow cov- ers, Mrs. E. Martin dresser cover, Mrs. W. J. Webster; dresser cover, Bert Robertson; dresser cover, Mrs. I. Lowe. Pin cushion, Mrs. L. Bryant tOWels Mrs. W J Webster towels, Mrs I Lowe, towels, Mrs. L. Bryant; tow- els Mrs. W. J. Webster Runner Mrs W. J. Wester MEN’S WEAR Shirt. Mrs L. Bryant; mitts, Mrs. C. Webber; gloves, Mrs.. W. J. Web- be; socks, Chas Webber; socks fine, Chas Webber. LADIES’ WEAR Night-dress, Mrs L. Bryant; slip Mrs. L. Bryant, scarf Ms. I Lowe; bed jacket, Mrs R. W. Watt. Apron W. R Kelly Mrs. L. Bryant. Repairs, etc. CONTRACTING q..â€" '11 ‘151 -w: r- ~33: . » , 33% THURSDAY, OCTOBER m, 19r- ~-..-7 Ontario. Divine Serviceâ€"everyï¬nndé Except tho second and last in the month It 2.30 p. m. Holy Communionâ€"second Sunday at 11.00 a. In. St. Alban's Church, Vex-clan: Diving Servieo. Lu: Sunday in tin Month at 2.80 p, m. Rcv 9.10. Howud, Renter. tomb)! â€yinâ€"every Sunday (ex- Rev. M. 3. Gillian, Pastor 10.00 mumâ€"Bible School 11.00 tamâ€"Worship 7.80 nuts-Gem! Service Pnyu- Moo Thundty and Sat,- urday Evening: 8 pm. ovum Serviceâ€"even Sunday at 7.00 BOBQAYGBON BAPTIST CHURCH 7.30â€"Mid: H. E. MOFFAT’i‘ TINSMITH. Eavc Trouzhinz, Plumbing, Repairing All orders receive prompt attention JMRKET SQUARE BOBCAYGEON FROST FROST Barristers. Solicitors, ConveyancaEtc ....0FF!GE TEMP-LE BUflaDING. Run 1nd Cambridge Streets Lindsay, Ont. â€" Phone 41 Branch Otficoâ€"Bobcaygeon. over Woollard's Drug Store Tuesday Afternoon L. M. FROST. K'. C. C. G. FROST BB. K. G. SCOTT Dentist 03in over Ion. Griffin's B: Shop Hours: 9-12â€"1.30-5.30 Emingc by Appointment BOBCAYGEON â€"- McLAUGHLIN. FULTON, STINSON ANDERSON Madam, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc. Ofï¬ce: at Lindzay and Fenelon Falls. k. H. Fujton. 3.18., T. H. Stlnscn, KC. 1. E. Auction. K.C., Crown Attorney, Homing Sankaâ€"~11 Raft â€" Evening Service, 7. pm. 8. S. and Agult Bible (7119.55 10 mm. :Go To Church; On Sunday Bibi. Studyâ€"Thursday 1t 8 p m. We Welcome You TRINITY UNITED CHURCH R". 3. Lunch. Pym The Home of Friemhhip Servicéâ€"ll a. In. {I where no spraying: or dusting ha.\ been carried out they 'have‘7 played havoc with the foliage and heads at cabbage and also cauliflower. ‘ 8t. Jahn’l Church. Dunsford Local Representativeâ€"2 K. A. NISBETT Funeral Director Phone 1 FINEST GRANITESâ€" -SUPERIOR WORKMANSHII’ â€"LOWER PRICES Phone 2892 MONUMENTS MARKERS s :- Comatory Work Everyone Invited J. PIRiE, Decal Eards 7'1 Cresent St . Peterbox-o :9 be: ONT. THURSDAY, OCTOI From a summer caygeon comes a St motor trips, am. the Which Samuel C. 3n Servf LLOYD A. LINDSAY Seeing Sp 6 Wi Comp 0PT6MEI Prospects f< are unusn ada this fan. I thousands 01 wilderness ac: Pacific Railwz of game and for hunting. 1 across the c more reserv: parties. both the United Std had for years.1 376 A A: To! Pi The 51: in the is a n‘ costs : Provin Better. This a for ni‘ ment greah Thus news-1 Hydro hottesi There happe Ontari Today best {i ‘fl