Ontario Community Newspapers

Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 7 Oct 1937, p. 1

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MBER 9 01 and w I; J. Anderson, J' Cums, Anderson. son. Cums, Amie!" thin-es nd J. J. Robertson fiat S IS next week) 123021 ,9 . L. Charl- to )te :inan Volume 65 VERULAH BOY WINS FIRST IN GRAIN CLUB Mr. Wallace Martin son of Mr.‘ Thos Martin, reeve of Verulam, was the winner of the Victoria County Grain Club Competition at the Lind- say Exhibition. Wallace won first prize with a total of 759 points, his nearest competitor having 738. Wallace went to work on oats, of“ which three bushels had to be sown last spring. These were judged in the‘ field by a Dept. Representative, andi‘ then the grain had to be shown at! the Lindsay Fair, where he also had: to undergo an oral examination, .. where he again took high marks. he ' also had to give notes on the opera- tion of his plot. He also took first priZe in the judging competition. Congratulations are in order Following is the fist five winners, and their marks. i lst, Walace Max-tin, Verulam, 759; 2nd, Peter Kirley Little Britain, 738; 3rd, Robert Parkin, L'ttle Britain, 733; 4th, Allan Chrtis, Lindsay, 707; 5th, Roy Parkin, Cameron, 695. CBRUNATION TO BE PRESENTED HERE BIG HIT SHOW 3N TOWN HALL WEDNESDAY OCTOfiER 13lh On Wednesday October 13th, the Advance Film Service present on the local screen the Shaw of the season. This is not the sum company that was supposed to Show: here recently, and the Advance Fiim heads say, We have not disappfntozl you yet and A STORY PACKED WITH THRILLS LAUGHS AN ALSO CARTOONS COMEDIES AND SHORTS ALSO ON THE SAME PROGRAMME Wings of Adventure Admission: Adults 25c Tome Early $3.00 to $5.00 England’s Coronation anti Wag: in Ehina PHONE 30 0N GUARANTEED has Victoria Trust agfigvingsfloqpany I van run-ant:- _ THIS COM PANY THE WINNIE WINKLE SHOPPE Naturelle Croquinole Permanent ASSURES HAIR-COMFORT AND BEAUTY For The Summer Advance Film : recentiy, 5 say, We 1 yet and No 33 â€"EXECUTORS and TRUSTEES-â€" ASSETS $9,267,042.74 CAPITAL RESERVE macaw.“ A Complete Trust Service at Your Dis‘pua! Including- EKECUTOR AN D ADMINISTRATOR MANGIAIL AGENTS A MOSPIQRY FOR TRUST FUNDS A PLACE TO INVEST YOUR SAVENGS Where safety is the first consideration â€"DIRECTORS- W. FLAVELLE Pregnant, HJ. Lytle, T.H. Stinson, K.C. Vice-Presidents J. B. Begg. Wesley Walden,_H. J. McLaugh- lin, K. C., W. E. Reesor, C. E. Weeks C. E. WEEKS. NEWTON 8w Manager, Lindsay. Asst. Manage. DID NOT DISSAPPOIINT YOU ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Anniversary Services will be he.d in the Bbbcaygeon Baptist Church, on October 10th and 11th Mr. Carl Harvey cf Washago and Rev. W. E Atkinson of Toronto will be our guest speakers Special music by the choir Special music will be rendered by outside talent Services Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pm. Everybody welcome S :15 pm. PLOWING M ATCH The Annual Plowmen’5 meet for Victoria County wiil be held Tuesday October 19th 1937 on the farms of Chas. D. Logan and Clayton Taylor, This has Always been an important match and one should not miss it. BORNâ€"To Mr. and 1‘ ilton on Mcnday, daughter. \u. don't intend to start now. and to 7 {love this they have brought to the 1 local screen as the main picture : Wings of Adventure, starring Rex ‘ Leese, Clide Cook, and a great sup-w porting cast" ‘VVngs of Adventure, ‘ s packed full cf laughts, thrills and ‘1 \rcmance with adventure galore, with cartoons, Comedies and musical. lshorts. Another feature of the shows lhighnght will be the Coronation pic- :tm-es, something you will always remember and educating for the school children. Surpise No. 2 will be l“The Hindinberg disaster, scenes of the actual explosion and fire, one Of ”the most recent dramatic news shots never made. Something everyone should see. . Actual pictures of war in China. ,‘ This company uses Ampra R.C.A. :‘hig-h facility sound equipment, which his used for best results. See posters. Service Presents EVENINGS é LAUGHS AND ROMANCE INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLING AND CUTTING By APPOINTMENT M. PARKER Mrs. Fred Ham- Sept 20thâ€"A 2 g Q; amaromn, Children 15c Don’t Miss It The Annual meeting of the Bob? caygeon curling club was held in the rink of Monday night, with L. B. Shorey, nresident occupying the chair The minutes of last meeting were Lread. Moved and seconded that minutes be adopted as read. i-) l.-. Moved by R. W. Watt, seconaeu Dy Fred Cullen, that A. E. Bottum be Hon. President. Moved by Mr. Thurston, sec by W. V. Mark, that L. B. Sh'C-rey be pre- sident. Amendment â€"~Moved by R. E.‘ Thuptson, seconded by H. J. Murphy, that W. V. Mark be president. The ‘original motion carried. Moved by F. Cullon, seconded by M rewis. that W. V. Mark be vice- Moved by F. Cullen, seconuea M. Lewis, that W. V. Mark be vi president. Carried By R. E. Thurston, seconded by R. Seymour that G. B. Moore secretary. It was moved .by J. Henderson J- by M. Thurston, ‘that the executive committee be President, Vice-Pres. and secretary. Carried Moved by J. Henderson seconded by W. V. Mark, that R. E. Thurstdn, and ‘Morris Welsh be district represent- atives. The Dist Representatives were in- structed to try and have Tankard games played here this year. Moved by R. E. Thurston see by] J. Henderson, that all dues must be paid before going on the ice. Moved by Cullon seconded by H. J. Murphy, that the curling club re- ltain ; per cent of dues to buy prizes for winners of the schedule. Moved- by R. E. Thurston, sec by R. W. Watt, that we elect our dis- trict and tankard skips. Moved by Henderson and seconded Moved by Henderson and seconded by W. V. Mark, that tankard and District rinks be allowed to choose their rinks before the schedule rinks are chosen. Carried. Tankard skips nominateduM. Thur- on, Fred Cullen and L. B. Shorey. M. ‘ThurstOn and L. B. Shorey were el- Iected. Warren.‘ Moved by Mr. Anderson seconded by W. V. Mark, that Fred Cullon‘ and H. J. Murphy be games committee. The meeting adjourned to the last i Monday in October. APPARENT HEAVY POLL AT BUBBAYGEON in the morning until the present as we are about to' go to preSS there seems to be a very heavy poll being taken, very few if. any votes are being missed :by either party. Scrutineers are busy making sure through the entire village and many a heated argument has already deâ€" veloped, and the day, as a fellow would say “only a pup”. But each party is very certain that that their ‘party will be victorious. Scrutinisers are everything possible their party. Les. Frost, Conservative Candiéfité seems to be a very popular winner, over Mr. Newman, Liberal Candidate as far as public talk goes. But this paper is published several hours be- for the local returns are all in. A full report will be given in these columns next week. VERULAM COUNCIL The regular meeting of Verulam Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Bobcaygeon on Wednesday Oct. 13 at 10.30 a. m. NOTICEâ€"The time payment of P011 Ta not paid- by Octgber lected by stress. CARD PARTY A A card party eph’s Church. Win lhome of Mrs. Lee: Admission 25 cen come. B. Thurgton, seconded by H.' our that G. B. Moore be moved .by J. Henderson sec. hurston, that the executive ONTARIO. read. W. Watt, seconded by Constable Hardy Tax collector mty in Aid of St. Jos- will be [1211 at the Lees, on Frida; Oct. 8, cents. Everybody wel- axe has expired for Tax. Any Poll Tax CANADA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7th 1937 busy making sure is being done for 15th shall be col- “BUSHER”: IKCKSON HAS NEW MASCOTT On Saturday morning, the great “Bushcr” Jackksonl, of professional hockey fame was seen walking down the street, with a baby pig under one arm and a baby’s bottle and a nipple under the other. ONTARIO ARCHIVES At present the little pig is doing fine and believe «met-is quite a pet, if One goes near the pen, there is a great hullabloo until you give it the bottle, then peace perfect peace. There is no question in the World but that the little porker can thank Mr and Mrs. Harvey Jackson for its life today. For their kindness, we bet the little pig is hoping the same as thousands of people, and with all sin- cere thought “Best of luck Busher” “‘We hope you have a great year”. With a few important exceptions insects have been somewhat less in- jurious during the month 'of August than usual Ijhe'codling moth has been the most destructive pest this year so far nd increased greatly during Au- gust asf a result of the continued warm Weather which led to a large second brood. The European corn. bor- ‘er survey yhich is now under way in- 1dicatea that the borers are going to be more numerous this year than at‘ any time during the past four years‘ the season having been favourable to them in most countries. Cabbage worms have increased greatly in num- bers and where no spraying or dust- ing has been carried out they have played havoc with the foliage and heads of cabbage and also cauliflow- ed. Complaints have been received of severe injury in Middlesex to turnips _foliage. PRELIMINARY, ANNOUNCEMENT ! ‘r ANNIVERSARY SERVICES .............................. 0F TRINITY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY OCT. 3191: PREACHERâ€"The Rev. Prof. J. R. ‘Watts. D. D. of Queen’s University Kingston TORON INSECT DAMAGE one became William The hoa had umn £10 on was pe ing; ard. Tb ,ac- by Mrs hes” The i1 it by her ’im’ a gOW] y at carried ,--A aple BROWN â€" THUSTON A Charming Autumn wedding took place (11 Saturday, October 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Thurston. Bobcaygeon, when her elder daughter 'I .1 _iJ vulva." O . became the bride of Mr. Archibald William Brown, of Dunnville, Ontario The house was decorated with Aut- umn flowers for the ceremony, which ,was performed by Rev P. G. How- ard. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Howard Pammett. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Hall, was lovely in 717-41. at..- Wedding-Bells The bride was given in marriage] by her brother, Hall, was lovely in1 a gown of Empire blue velvet. She carried a bouquet of pink Briarcliff roses. She was attended by Miss Amy Graham of Lindsay. who wore blue l printed crepe. ya. .uuvu Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served to about forty guests. Later Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on a motor trip through Northâ€" ern Ontario. For travelling the bride wore a navy and rust ensemble with matching accessories. On their reâ€" turn they will reside in Ingoldsby,3 Ontario ’ Among‘those frorn a distance who attended the wedding were the groom’s mother, sister and brothers an "A -1 and Mr. and M1 Ken‘ora, Ontario. Butter Makers Hold Successfull Meet The Kanartha Buttenmakers’ Club held 'their regular monthly meeting at the Central Smith Creamery on Wednesday, Sept. 22. Mr. Kenneth Murray, who is the manager of the ‘ -eamery, treated the Club to a isplendid supper in banquet style. . AL..-“ urâ€"vre 7,. Dan McQuarrie, Conuty Registrar? for Victoria County was guest speak-‘ er and entertained the Club by giving a splendid address describing the dut- ies of a registrar and pointetl out the necessity of very carefully giving all accurate details in describing pro perty before such property can be registered. His address was “f great value and exceptionally instru- ctive. s SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Public Buil-fing, Bobcay- geon, Ontario” will be received un- til 12 o‘clock noon, Friday, October 22, 1937, for the comtruction of a Public Building at Bobcaygeon On- tario. lPlans and specifications can be ’seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect, Depart- ment; of Public Works, Ottawa, the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario and at the tario. Tenders will not be considered unâ€" less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein n .v-- v--- Each teniigr mfist be accompanied by a certified: cheque on a chartered Y a certmeu unequc VII. 4, v“..- --_-, bank in- .Canada, payable to the order! of the Honourable, the Minister of Public works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian. National Railway Company and its constituent 00m- panies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dom- inion of Canada, or the aforemention- ‘ed bonds and a certified clique if required to make up an add amount. Noteâ€"The Department through the Chief Architect’s office will sup- ply blue-prints and pecification of the work 011 deposit of a sum of i $10.00, in the form of a certified bank} cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works. The de- posit will be released on return of the blue-prints and: specification within a month from the date of re- ception of tenders If not returned forfeited. Department of Public Works. , Ottawa, September 30, 1937 usual cream and Butter judg- lzéét’ Office Bobcaygeon, Onâ€" mm ml. nut-q Mrs. Ernest Sharp of By order, :. 'SOMERVILLE, "'0 v v 7, C. A. Davies, Creamery [Instructor for the Peberboro and Lindsay district; The boys did splendid wok in judg- ing which is an indication of the keen interest they. are taking in their work SUMMARY OF FRUIT AND VEG- ETABLE PROSPECTS Weather conditions have been gen- erally favorable for deveIOpement of tree friuts during the past month. Moisture supplies have been ample m all sections of the Province except the Bowmanville-Newcastle district only scant precipitation was received during the past six weeks. Heavy showers however fell in this district on August 19th. Apples are sizing better than last. 2 year and present prospects indicate an increase of 32 per cent in total pro unn .-.'â€" -â€"~' , duction in Western Ontario over last year. and a reduction of 20 per cent in the orchards east of Toronto. The :total production for 1937 is navy estâ€" imated at 731,500 barrels as compar- ed with 703500 barrels in 1936 Where intensive spraying has been practiced been fairly well controlled although been fairly well conrtolled although in a few areas there is now evidence of scab infestation. Side-worn injury is showng badly in many orchards. ; Early varieties of apples are being harvested adn are reported to be of good quality. Buyers are now becom- , LL- -- FOR SALEâ€"â€"-Drop head sewmg to Machine with all~ attachments and in ed good condition. $10.00. Steel bed Ly- and; springs, $5.00.â€"â€"Particulars ap- 5"“ 1_-_,, - ing active and affew sales by the cr- chard have been made. ' . unw Anvan'rum FOR SALEâ€"1 set 11wa Sleighs, new; 1 waggon; set double heavy harness; cultivator; harrows; walk- ing plow; whiffletrees, etaâ€"Apply to Geo. Newman. Bobcaygeon. - WANTEDâ€"15 tons of clean straw. Also for sale Dry four hardwoodâ€"Apply J. Smith, Bl geon, or Tel 32-12. HELP WANTEDâ€"National organi- zation bffers exceptional opportun- ity to resident of this district to earn large profits through spare time work --'An “"a~ . Man or woman with previous sales expeience preferred. Connection of- fers opportunity for pebmanent and profitable district agencyâ€"Apply Box 17 The Independent. LOT FOR SALE-West half lot 21, con. 11, Harvey, quantity of hemlock and other timber, plenty of water suitable for ranching,â€"Full particu- lars, apply to Jas. McL Oliver, Bob- caygeon. _m WANTEDâ€"“Ambitious Dealer wantr ed to handle built-up route in Bob- caygeon and Fenelon Falls. Good earnings assured on our increased commission plan. Fuller Brush iCompany, Peterbopo” FOR RENTâ€"Eight Room house, lakeside, hard and soft running water garden, fuel and Telephoneâ€"Apply Jack G. Smith, Bobcaygeon, Phone 32-r12. MEN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX, Tonic Tab- ' lets, contain raw oyster invigorl- tors and other stimuhnts. Ono dou UNITID CIGAR “0|! P063 up organs, glsnds. If not do- lighted, maker refunds price paid. $1.25. Call, Writs, Woollard’s Drug Store. at this office. Let us Supply Your Needs. Smokers’ Sundries L. CUNNINGHAI PERSONAL head sewing four foot

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