Ontario Community Newspapers

Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 16 May 1913, p. 4

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\V Frox any 21:»: Orpi nu! for this Buff Orpington a: B Minorcas Babes) g V _ Is an Idea 1 CLd Firs: light VYceks 1 {Huh SA‘H‘LYS 110“ swam Milling $0., Ltd. TORONTO BABY CHiCK FEED 3; rs kept for the Massey Cleveland Barred Roch 5WLeghorns ‘3 ‘ and Perfect Bicycle. Barred Plymouth Rock ‘mu fur Saleâ€"Setting 13 for $1 .... 1 zuud laying \tmin, (Id: otwritc E. J. \\'00LLARD Bubcaygeon \ fur hatching, $1 per setting from Winning Stock. l-‘uwl can be seen the d brim: tyrrs ALE UQli .ucl: ng per setting for Buff? $1: and fur Minot-cm 81. 3 a and com! table f0\\1.Thc! arr rmhidcred the best. fom‘ ram t :mme. CLAUDE K. BOTTL'M; KART i'UL'LTRY YAR Goes A-riding. Catch my winged fired him to the green. 4 LR steering; gear: :Rc'm‘nt will always serve .:r x mm: be he ethe buy “1 finds paper. Adds like are inc. r each insertion 1c; mpmw c ch order. line IA: ('APSTICK , prcugcon vrals gathered uzrwn of them mt party and 3.5111 they had 1, with them. ,‘\ c if! . 4 E-‘uturc P the: simu- , the debate 3:, rumba Lt year and n probation commmeo: in enough mm .tarLz-m rm: sswions him sum: ‘1 wouldn't 'n we Buliuh L fierc- 1905 New Spring Stock of ; Bicycle Suppliesâ€"Dunlap I'l‘raction Tread Tires, Tubes. i'x'u.; ps, Bells, Everything in ' the Bicycle Line Reliable Wank-maker andjcwener 39x (Eeorzc Street PETERBORO Slmfia! Articles F o r W e d d i n g s BICYCLES Horse Clippers Sharpeued, Sewing Machincs. Guns I.gglc_s;c3_c,,â€"Regai{eg nives sharped UL W. SHEPHERD’S u illiam 5!. Norm Next Pout Build’g 1.1308ng Fruit hats in Silver Depositwu’e m new and Arabesque Putter!“ SCHNEIDER’S New Dwigus in Bnnuur Agent for the Massey Bicycle ’wrry Bowls. Sugar k Cream sets. Bnn Bonn Cumpons Water Stu :wm Was Made 235 s; For You CUT GLASS ONTO HAM! TOR WINNIPEGuoa This Lobe! is your mun-a of xotirfadory Mb '0'. ~ALSDâ€" m 1_ "or- {3 ECALL SEE iOUR FINE Summer Furniture for the Cottage or Veranda Display0 Furniture Undertaker and Furniture Dealer an Ad in the BOB IND. And your wish will be fulfilled Advertisjgg Pays See our Handsome New Suits and Overcoats. 2a £33 £2an .35 .3 13...? a: 3 =3 m 3. .880 $330 068 oi A «3 oz. ha b5 :9» “4;. ~30 Jug-U 2F .32 3 s 12 z. .81 .3. bag". a mo .383 mamasvoa hfilfiuauu .0 £59 0A. to. 2 bangâ€".3830 1:88 .383 2: .06 our 06w all «A. .4, figuoémoifi 3. a £3 3.2 0.3. E. . 3.128 .80 521 305.23. mamâ€"=2. um «85 35 3 0: 485398 8. «moonâ€"£333 gnu 808:3 «$432043 833.695 Bi ‘8‘ 5F afig 8a .3 .6380 .3.» a. So .85 05 33: £03 a mount... oi Humanobuoo on. 3 0.633 15 :8; 58.3 0% 39% 3 5383 30 3* 3.518 2% 3 03 130133 33 um 8.15 Sm .3125 3.5 u£n§8>£ a .83. 0:8 8 15 898.1 088 Emma 04 “8030:. an ”>5an 3 Havana; 8 52a .33 808:3 on: 2.30... 04 t5; was 9643 So 1am B 535%. mass 3. we stnfi .383... . 3a. 2 .8 143a “.3 .53an "B. 33%.. a. I NTIL n few years ago faunas considered concrete axazhu mestetiommaml. thatcouldbemeducceaduflypnlyby experts. “cybewdmtuponthcquafityofthemt dependedwhdthemmqfcmaetcwork. Thcybadno wdlmmLMUbismflwwIPbYJDdaocould whemdiuqmfiy Yet them add concrete. He wu kept from using this but madman! economical of material: by 1. Lack of knowledge of how to mix And place concrete. 2. Lack oi u brand of cement upon the quafityofwhichhc could abodutely :ely. Sign of the Golden Horseshoe We have the cream of the country's foremost productions MHIMMMhY-ulhw 1/ you hm no! dandy do»: so, zm'tc [hr 11:: boat " Wild: :1): Farmer can do with Omcntc." It is Fret. Men’s Fine Clothing and Furnishings Cunt}: Cement Company Limited Montreal SPRING OF 1913 We can show you Values that will surprise you. Canada Cement All the Newest Up-to-date Styles @E8 ('3. BYEG‘ Peterboro THE BOBCAYGEQQ‘AHDEPENDENE If Nou waif? to buy. Sell ' I Exghange anything, insert Corner Gcoxge and Hunter-s Bobcaygeon CAM size: of InSOIes. Black and tan Laces Luce Leather and Dubbin for making your boots Water-poof. ledvm» m Ihe Tuwnship a Venn-m, ar- h: rvb) llClthd :hn neglect to registur Birthl, Deaths, a Marriage: within 30 (In: subject: the uflunder to n fine at 52': and coal: tar each oflence. The inutxucnuns oi the Depuunent are to creased“: in every WISE. _ a. w. mm»; mum ,' mums, A‘D u-..m..un..~ BIRTHS. MARRIAGES,' DEATHS r Besxdents of l‘mbcuvgeon, are hereby notifim that neglect to register Births, Marriages: Deaths within 30 daw- subjects the offender to a Fine of $20 and coats for encl; offence. {‘ho instructions of thu Department are to proaem.e in awry cnsc CHAS. E. STEWART. Bobcnvzeon P. O GET YOUR Barrigans, Shoepacks Rubbers, 62 Leggings Shou opposite Fire Hall Bobcaygeon Boots made to order Watches Jewellery, and all Sorts of Trinklets Call and see him SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General. will be received at 0t.t:l\\'u until Noon, on Friday the 201 in March 1913. for the conveyance of His Majesty”; Mam onn propOscd Contract. for {our years, three times per week Over Rural Mail Route No. 3 From Bobcaygeon From the Postmaster-s Generals pleasure Printed notices containing further information as to con- ditions of proposed Contract may be seen nnd blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained, at the ngt Oflicqs of Robert:- ' neon. Silver Lake And at the Otfice of the Past Office Inspector at Kingston. G. C. ANDERSON Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch Ottawa Jud May, 1913. A large Stock of all sorts and description in Leather Work, Harness, Horse Collars Horse Blankets and Dusters. Trunks, Yalises Suitcases, Hand Bags. Registration Notice. Registratlon Notice. Repaired at BIGLEY'S MAIL CONTRACT Prices Low and High for all sizes of Pulses 22 South William St.. Lindsay. BAKER’S, ' the 1:141 known ow gives all his an: nuon lO repairing GET YOUR SELF A Good Set of Harness Now! H. H. HARRY JAS. N. HILL REPAIRING WATCHES SPECIALTY Repuirgng done. CHAS. BIGLEY Superintendent In paint, figure it’s tz'mz, ‘it’s 12' a, first. How many years of wear? Depends chief- ly on paint’s first essentia1--- White Lead. BRANDRAM-HENDERSON What quality 'White Lead ? How much? Time lzas prov- en the quality. For a hund- red years and more, Brand:- ram’s B. B. Genuine White Lead has been World’s stand- ard. And the quantity is un- z'quely 1argc--- 70 p c. guaran- teed-"in Come in I Toâ€"a’ay is the hme-«éefore you paint or let a con_tra:t. We have an eye- opemng booklet for you. FOR SALE AT Ragisu‘nr Heailtur Old stand opposite Skating Rink Bobcaygeon “amuse? PAINT lmyono aiding ; skater; ind deacrlguon may quick! uurmln our amnion free 1' other :1: lumnt qn !I 91-02:)!pr b!o.mpommnn1cn. -nn -_ n-.-..._ L immortal, mum-aw! weakly. Luz": dr- eam-Ion at any “lemma warm). Ionm In: (‘ urn a: .- ‘1. "d gangs-9:“? .mnpapu am by fiyflmgflgmmflewhrk r t. Wuhlnnon. D. C. Invention ll prohlbly awnrnmo. Commumm. uom outctlyconadont M. HANDBOOK on Panama um. nu. Omen: agency for occunnz patents. Pm ukon c ro I Mum Co. twelve "(gm noun. without: use. Int 0 S'c'iétitifi'c Hmerican. BOBCAYGEON. Ham ang Eggs 2 Hum Sandwiches with ' LIN.” \‘L' 091nm: Exchaffc-y lxegu'nr lunch PM}: and beans with Bread and Bauer um; Meat pi us Shoppers Attention Ask the Widow who wears open-work hose Whether display Adâ€" vertising Pays. Comes in Three sizesâ€":m-JU and 50: tim Guaranteed by the oidect and largest makes of reiiabie Varnish in the Chip: of Boston and Montreal. See Holders for colors and Instructions ge ncy at. FURNITURE, -â€"â€"l“I.OOKS BOATS â€" ANI) â€"- CANOEb What Is It? and how to save mane- by the use of the oldest and news Finish For ”'3? KYANIZE§ 236-243 " McCALLfi " 2‘93 GAZINE \\ hen in I .ndsay call at Bates Bakery, a few doors \\ est of Post Office and get a {rial of our Famous F or Women Have More Friends than any ntizcr magazine or padcrr ~. BIL-Can's is the rcFablc 2’3. nion Guide monthly in um: million one hundred thousand homvs. “tn‘i :3 show- ing all the latest designs 0:” Rig-C311 Patterns. each :ssw is ‘nrimful of sparkling short stnrics and helpful infcrmation for women. Sam- Money «:4 Keep in Style by scribmgfor .‘Jct'a ’- ‘ cult-hrc. Cum only 50 cents a \"‘\“. in. ‘v .3 any om; LI the calcbnzcd Met..." 2mm”: me. McCJH Pnttcm: L».- St, simplicity, vuw» n 3107: drnlcr' '-~‘ “It" other‘wwrv , 15cm", in McCaii’s Hagazine and McCaéi i’aitems SUCCESSOR TO A. B. TERRY W. BATES Wall paper and Frame shop Next Sunpson House, Lindsay Ont or CUfl'ce Wm. A. Gdodwin 150“: 15019 “Ms buts 5 Bone.“ more 'M l . i Insure wuh the ‘ Emma sou muhs Montreal to Bristol Royal hdward May 211 June 17 July15 glmyalb‘curge July 1 July27 Aug23 HOMESEEKERS EKCURSIONS Each Tuesday until October 28. inclusive Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Edmonton and Return 48 00 Proportionate low mtes to other points. Return limit two months. Tickets are on sale via. Sarnia and: Northern Navigation Company Full pmticulars and reservations (rum Grand Trunk Agems or write ignhcaygcon gamma, SAhmn by Virginian ' Victorian from ._'S2 {)0 up. Cnsican and Tunisian from $72 50. Second Cabin $50 to $55 and yourself and Family is at once Protected. Montreal to Liverpool Empress of Britain May 15 June 1' Empress of Irnland “ ."9 " 2 Lake \quitulm May: 5 June 25 Ju1y25 Tours to Eurvpe. 7 Summer tours Comprising ’I‘uurs dc Luxe, long and shot vacation murmmxd special Canadian (our Inclusive fares $150 to $1,270. I’M-paid Tickets issued from any pa: uf Britain tn any part of Canada. Third Chas Liw-rpmil,Lundon,Glusgv,. Brimul, S31 27 and 832 :30. Tickets and all information. nu canyon be expected to' 25th 1; 5:136 every Show “at ' reporting it in A 3223.3?“ tho 3! 0:90” o! an. reroiting’ it iiiâ€"fi'igu"m'~ ‘“ Cw. 15 Sum.“ , - V"... mud; n 1"”, a) rumor" society. “dream to'oloctor _ a cacao". ‘nofira- ineeruon. Ind 5c 1. line “Mucus nut zion. nonpuefl menu. I! 3 report of a. Shout I: am, «acumen: '- miaaion should be m: “the once. TM. ion! “£92991!!th to?” 25: m 3 Wm All business commnu adolesscd to the manage: C. E. HOR\ING, UHPA. nion Station Toronto. Ont. This journal 1. 60nd 'â€" yneetimz its fiebts. ma mtg“: t1}; pm? 9: xmagme :: m beingm u‘ ”I 1-K 09 Libel Suits and in ' article" any be .5 m” I: Who wrote tbn it. is has: not w .e Pro Proprietor! bun-WI: fi‘mni ”taxi-up on the Tmmciont notice. ancient. adv-n... on'figflz.“ “S“.AOOTPOWE‘”. ~- .W‘lo Subscriptim $1 50 m ,f - - car. 81 . pmd m azimuth, 1‘. y ' . $150 in advanm. ° “m cm“ 5”“: 3 Cal Bobcaygeou . All information gladly the different Policies. 2 PR EMPRESSES Ihronzh Pullman Tourist. Sleeping cars are operated to \Vinni without change via Chicago an St Paul lewing Toronto 11 p. m. on -ahm’¢~ date Hameseekersé Excht’éldfi V/mnipeg and Return - $35 Edmonton and Return - $43 HOMESEEKERS‘ TRAIN leaves 'l‘or()[nlzL:2.ll) p. m each Tuesdm‘, MAY LO AUGUST inclusive Each Tuesday, until Oct. 25 inclusive Bobcaygeon MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN 0mm Poms xx Imoroxmox Confederation Life OCEAN SERVICE MLAN LINE mummy; BGYM. LINE STEWART BROS WTH 2â€"â€" R. J. GREEN @mmnniaumshcamm STEWART Enos givm of Agent l y! 825 35

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