Ontario Community Newspapers

Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 19 Apr 1907, p. 3

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Ibo place for beef I bulk. The good 3 in: butter, cheese rd apples. '0') the E715. :u‘. Ie‘s lather. Haul-v the Rev. Mr W'x' A hundred down. giairying and Vthat ‘rc at rid UV ‘I‘Elll . And MR1- wmcn that Mur the 18.): day of Mn. A. h. mm. m» ssid John Bick wm pro- 2 read to distributn the nuts of the said decou- , 9.1 amoaz the ratios entitled more to luvim: , rogud only to tho claim: of whizh he shall : than have notice. and tbu ho Ah." not be] Hshlo for flu nssau or any “pm that”! so nia- : fributod to any ponon or venom (-1 whose ; claim ha «ha?! not cxan hwe I Inch” L: flan tune or the distribution manor. Danes! It. Lindsay this man dsy of Apr.) 1307. McLAL'GHm.\" PEEL I: HELIOS. 3 \ Linduy. Solicitor: lo: the afiddo’hlr Bwk . B )buygmn Ollie»; In U90 W. '1") 10:: zoom: ' 0mm ouny Monday. ' 1 { to send by post prepaid or d-linr to the under mgnod. Solicitors herein {or John Rick. Execu- tor under the wall of the said Williun Dovipt. . r to George W. 'l'uylor. Bobcayzooa. Dunno. the}: ch'wcian and nummes. addresses and occvsaflon. and fun panicnlm of their claims a: the my me at me socuxityil any hula by them A ‘ ., A“ .. .. __ .. \‘o:ice is hereby given that all persons hav- «nu nnv daiwn or demands mains: the Inc ‘»\ :Ilmm Devin who dxel on or nbmt the \‘mateenm flax-:4 February AND. 190:. at. the 'l‘owushm or \‘oruiam. in the County of Victor- :a, an- required cm or before the 13th day of May, 1907 Nu better instruments made or sold in Canada. EASY TERMS OF PAY- M EXT. Inspection invited “Hist, at I) yfl'lun‘ni u: i':1bhu\\'urk~'_ ana naux. ' .\ " .. ‘ . N U n“; “a“: 30 13% . lho (,cmpany Wishes to have cut from "“"‘ “‘ "‘0 " W” 0' “mm! APRIL M an .11 LY In about 4mmion \ r n. s. mm: if n .- _\' inscxt “ithout authority feet of Hemlock Timber. m.” m D- mutmcnt ; n .- 1 1 'n' A‘sâ€"ante 'AM nr I m1 '11" THE gobmggwu @udepmflmt )Z:I)LA.\'D COt'Z'Efll-IS HERALD. CASADLLV GAS POWER 5 LiLNCH C0 LIMIL‘ED u’erf n e Townslfip of “mum in the County 5 »1 Victoria. meer, deceased. Central Music Store '1'4' tun-s 0! 30m! Hnrvlwoal Bush. on In? 2‘5 t'uu. 1?. Harvey. 5290!! [lunch when ntfipuiud ++++++++++++M+++¢HH+++$ )2- ? LOCAL NEWS. 9 'l‘n-as might he called away and it: wa‘nid he well to have some one appointed to take the book» ir the event. of his leaving. Mr John Conn A}; was accordingly ap infi ml to take 'hu hanks should Mr. Vat: [rave before the annual meeting. which will he on Monday the 29th A hearty vole of thanks was pasecd to Mr. “hat for his service“ as Secretary and in response Mr. Watt regretted that more interest “us not taken in the Board. Good Work had been (lone, but. more might be accom' pushed. It wns agreed to have a list. kept I-)' the qm-remry or partiei- having nceom mmlntion {or touris‘ts. It was found very Int-(u! last year. A full meeting of the :ourd 3x hoped for on the 29th. MAs‘xxxnxmz Flsmxu.- Rod tmcl Gun. iur April, published in “'undxtock. gives :1 val-ii \\ rittcn um! inn-ruling urticie entit- 115d Thiru H'm-‘nlm u! Mnskinonm- Fishing: in}; Mr \Vliu Hivkson It is illustrated. and nmkm very clear that the skillnl fisher mun mu find \plcmiid sport. in cur Kn- wnrtlm Lakes Mr. llit-kwn inn \‘ulued muIrihntnr to Rod and Hun, and is one of the prominent sports-um!) of our Province. His advice at the Fish and (lami- Protec- t.\':- (‘onfs‘rsrcc was largely acted won. and much of it has been incorporated in the m-w Fish and Game Ac: just lizvscd l-V the Locni Legislature. Lint season Mr. Hickmn ti~hcrl fur maskinonge six Unit‘s. the greats-q number at one outing “as thrmunnd the least one. Beginners :Irv: givvn the tip. that when the Wind ,is from the south or wed. sport may he loci: mi fur. but when it is from the north or rant, they will nioxt like-[V lmVP their one am: inrtln-ir pains. at lcn~t that. is the min Ltid Iiuwu in an old rhyme common .ii):IXI.j.:|’i -rn.en. , , , , ~ K ~ Mu of wan-r. and T or 8 acres! charm}. For Mm Mr! particulars Apr-H to mvnvr WARD Baku-z Hi. Du m-rin S: rue: +++++++++H+$++++++++++~bbi Itdi'rnygeun P. 0 H $200,000 9. .722 Motor floats A u a'Tq‘rIt-"l nyabh‘ tn the “ma: 1‘ 0! PM In the matter 0: the Estate of .\H sizes from 16 tn 40 feet. Lam-st (It-signs in plt'asun‘ :unl sum-d models cmnplttc hunts and engines with equipment of our aux-n manufacture. Spm-ml pricuq in hunts nut uur nwn 3..”an hut equipped with our up-ru duh: rvlmMc mgnws Also onlins‘ Mouth Organs etc. Sheet Musico ankmds DOMINION n‘c OJY‘I tn :zmz - um Iii: l\l : lu-ml mr thv swwvu ti -l\' l l filly lr-zu! :z-ldi .23 or From $10.00 To $1500 l’\“"l’l‘l{;\!ili UN MU ISLAND ,\‘| )‘rlr'r: ‘l'n CREDITORS Write for “lush-Med Catalogue ALF.” ”ll;.\ Du'is mhlrnfitvd 2n the; "Hm-r431. «I, and o-ndmm-d “fender! :.~Hrvilz.- um: Hill." will ho rvwived‘ {:s .-l‘.‘n-(- nu‘i! Wedm-Sd.“ April 2),i , Int'lll.~T\‘vlT {.n he 21%th pin Dxill ' a: l‘uIL-vltv, Unt, Mending to n] my! qucztivutinn h) he soon at 1hr: \V’. H. ROEN IGK. Bundmutor of Sylvester mad Lind.” Edison Phonographs Pianos and 0rgans 1’24!qu Arm. 1!), 1907. m \V. R. Aylsworth. Esq" (2, E. Hr, (mt , and a the Department of “Kn-M, (”Luna ‘vre win not he considered unless »n the prinlcd 1mm supplied. and mm Ihv :m-ml signatures of tender William Devit’c, ~rv-pt -.1 x th'w on a chartered Mnki in LE.» mdur 0: tin.- Honuumblc the 1' u! Fuhlh: \Vnrki, rqnul to ten p r v p‘ r. . m the nmmmt o! the tender rumpmn‘ uflcll (under. The chrqm: furtvn-wl it the person tendering dc v rontrnct "r tail \0 ccmph‘tu the mtmctcd fur, and wi.l he I'm-tamed m n.m.:wu-p!ancc of trndu-r_ )rpnruucnldocs nnt bind itself to the luv; :st nr any tvndcr. ‘4' order The best in the world. I"! FR SALE ”0550 ll 1:!) Y D L‘U'Y :v'mzn GI‘ILINAS' Luz-l at $2 00 1mm! 01' Men-ht 5”“ .‘ all n! Sccmtau' Toronto ; conquLvs 1 THE CAVENDISH LUMBER COMPANY LTD. ; 4.000.000 ft Lumber to Cut BREWING mum {‘0 LT!) Contracts from 1-, J5, or 1 million feet will be let. The small con- tracts of 1- million preferred. For further rticulms and prices apply to the \Vood.~ gaperintendent. Halls Bridge Brewers of Fine Ale Porter Contracts In for cuttinz “unluck Timber by the thousand this coming seasun Contracts will be let to cut only or cut and skid. Also to cut, skid and haul. - A Sylvester Iron Force Pump, in first class order, to be dispcsrrd 0:. Apply to H V Cosh, Main St, Bubcnygeon, A comfortable House on in good repair. Apply to E. omce Bobcaygeon. Buiklinz Lot on Bolton Shoot between tho Cam and Taylor blocks. Mac Home an! no: on Prince Street \V. McCAXCS NIH and sec m} Stuck of MEX \‘and LADIES \\‘.~\'I'CHES. (-OLD F1I:LED and PLATED CHAINS, LOCKETS Etc. M I L LI I NOTICE MISS MITCHELL calls special attentiouto her ~â€"â€"â€"â€"'\\'ill ln- at~«â€"â€"- MR. JAS. HAYES, Bobcaygeon Saturday. April 20th, 22nd, 23rd. I. WHITESMITH influx! 5L 3nbcnyuc0n Delicious and Whole- some Confectionery. Fruits, Etc. ‘ “" The above gnnds rm- vxceptional good values. Always pleased to shmv gnods. All work warranteed. Re- member the place and date MmJaa. Hayes, .-\ pril 20th. 22nd, and 23rd. afternoon and evening. Call My. THE DELICATESSEN THE CORN N ELL It is show day all the time. In point of style, variety and assort~ mem. Miss Mitchell aided by the clever Artist Miss Jamieson, whose millinery has reached the most exacting standard. Our prices are well mitten reason. A variety of French made flowers, and blooms and quills, Latest Style. HOME MA DE .\.\'D MYFF‘INS E. J. Wooilard Drug‘giet BOBCAYG EON Sotuinz more impnrhut tn fur. nwrs. ]{uvn- m-lwtml 1h" CHEAT of the “BET. nn-l ULARAN 'I‘EED (U h.- h'u‘ hum u” WILD SEEDS \\'hen )‘0u want gcod Ale ask for ‘ FORCE PUMP FOR SALE. --_'__.__._ I. WHITESNII I‘II GOVERNMENT TESIED BLGVER SEEDS MISS MITCHELL. ()r Cavendish Lumber Co. Ltd. LAKEFIELD, Ont HOUSE FOR SALE TRINNED MILIJNERY ()F LIX DSA Y A 1.31m; L‘Lu \‘E {m- L‘u w 1-11: IN )BCA YO. EON Tm-vrm .\L|".\Ll-‘\ L‘Luvmc FOR SALE H” mm {Cream and Milk Cans on hand >I NEE Y Jem-lcr. Manifla Ont Rz'uw'nmhk' WM. BRESWEll Wale/(maker MRS- PHILLIPU BREA D‘ ['1 ES Jeweler Lindsay; ()n: Bolton Street I. Junkin Post l'myrietress ELECTRICAL FIXTURES A FINE BLAST IN TINWARE B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Deposits of $1 and upwards received; interest allowed at current rates and paid quartcrly. The dcpositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of thc :posit. LINDSAY BRANCH THE CANADIAN BANK ' OF COMMERCE Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England Bobcag/geon - 0.9999090399300030 63333039309330:o A. E. BOTTUM .00:90000990000090.0030: 99:03 33:03:23. t.fl7O/L. .5 . HEAD OFFICE. TORO‘ATO A GEE Deal with Us It will pay You We Lead THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES ASL) MISSES â€"- Spring Coats, Suits find Shirt Waists SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 NEW CARPETS FOR SPRING If it were paiotnd with an appropriate color it‘wouid not show dirt near as quick as it does. We have the colors at Quick drying. made especially for floors ; also have paint. in all colors, for the Woodwork, Ceilings and for a“ purposes. NERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED Hemlware THE DRUGGIST, Bobcaygeon 4:0(2 A. QUART THE BUSY CORNER STORE B‘AliER New and Fresh Groceries FULL ASSORTMEN T 53!; n\‘ sew A‘ M Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - â€" 5,000,000 Total Assets, â€" 113,000,000 W. C. T. MORSON, MANAGER D. D. CAIN Others Follow maggoacmémow Ioften looks dirty through {no tnult of the housewife ‘she cannot spend all her rnme scrubbing it. THE KITCHEN FLOOR ESTABLISHED 1867 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . Lisbsu L1 ‘53 ‘1... A: ‘2‘1 :9 h a r ’ 3 -- F‘.‘ WCfihOUGHAL'L, General Manager Market Square wah‘ve Sterling Bank of Canada. WE ENVITE YOUR DEPOSIT QB SAVINGS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES * +4++++¢+++~z~z~.:«:-~:-+++-:.+:-+-:~:--:-+ MMfii-MM-z-M+-:«:-~z-+-2-+++M~-i From Lifo. or Copied and En- larged of? ()1d I’icturvs Family Gmups, Schuuls, Choirs, Buildings, Stuck, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED r; WILLIAMSON fiM++M+++++~Â¥++++++M+++++ $é++€~H+++++MM+++Fr+H+§ HEAD OFFICE-~18 TORONTO STREETâ€"TORONTO. Incorporated by the Purlimm-ut of Canada, and authonmd by its Chartfir' as Well as by Act of Lvuiskuure 01 Ontario, 63 Vic-(criz', Cap 129,10 receive Dvpusils 'lw-i 3%; Bank of British North America + INTEREST 312% HALIBURTON Per Annum Compounded Twice a. Yong. A general Banking business transacted. Accounts "my be Opened and conducted by mail with this Bank. Edison‘s Electric Light Lamps Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates, and added to‘ principle 4 times a year. PICTURES TAKEN E. BROOKS“ - DEPARTMENTAL SHIRE fimDEPENDEIE BOBCAYGEON BRANCH Bobcaygeon ".HEAD' OFFICE 50 YONGE STREET, TORONTO -ALL KINDS OF- Always 011 band at. CANADA PERMAN ENT SAVINGS BANK DEPARMIENT "HALIBURTON BRANCH’V‘ PHOTOGRAPHER All Past [flaming Sales Small Under on Savings Accounts quarterly instead Half Price and Less, Authorized Capital, $1,000,000 of Semi Annually as heretofore Until further notice will pay interest with corresponding particutura of any other Oma- dinn Financial Institution accepting Bauxite. Proportion 0‘ Cash and lmmmiintely avail , able Asscts to Amount held on Ui-posit 170 Capital Paid up ....... S (3,000,000.00 Reserve Fund .......... 2,210,000.00 Investments ........... ‘.’.' 241,111.55 YOU MAY DEPOSIT BY MAIL Sale now on in full Swing. Mortgage Corporation COM PA RE TH E FOLLOWING We challenge anv store to produce equal quality at the price we offer. Hundreds of the very Finest and Newest Overcoats and Suit-s at Bobcaygeon Was never so large, and for variety it is unexcellcd. It. also includes other precious stones in combination with the Diamondsâ€"'making our stock the most attractivclwc have ever placed before 0111’ cusmmers. Reliable Watch-maker andcheller 391 (ieorge Street PETERBORO 0- W. BOBRETT. Manager Diamond Rings, 35.00 to $300. ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENCES ()L'lt STOCK ()F MOI’NTED SCH NEIDER’S DIAMONDS G. D. WATT W. I). HART. [nspecto 170pc Account. 2 Manager ANY SU M CPW ARDS RECEIVED PROS! \Ve haw: completed giving our 47th Spring Opening, md you who were here w 1:1 agree “1th us that it was a 511cc: 5s This wéqe turn out thoughts to Alillincn and Remix to wear Garments. MILLINERY The Victoria Loan Savings OPPOSITh ‘ ' mm (mummy Lixusn JAS. Law, DUNDAS 84 FLAVELLES You cannot get better or safer Invcaz meats than the above. Place Your Money Here 3 I-2 percent, allowed an Deposit 4 p. c. paid on Debenture of n1: money handled by the Com- pany is invested in First Marta-'31» (:5 on Real Estate, Municirai and School Debentures, and the securi- ties are in our vault. Dundas é: Flax'clles Ltd. The most fastidious pc r5011 wiH find sOfl‘xeihing in lhh Millinery Stock to pleaseâ€"there's :1 great 51101?ng nfal! 1m- latest in Hats and Trimmings, \\'e‘havc stylus from Paris- London, New York and Chicago. We Invite («wry lady in our town and surrounding coumrv to visit us. ~ ADAMS 133.08. THREE LEADERS FDR FANCYJERSEX CR \NBIZ RRII'Z: , new goads. sound (run, to c (1! PURE JAM. large iancy3- ijars regular? 05 c at 25c CANNED SOUPS, Vancamps assortck, re'rular 15c, at 3 {or 2:», WHOLESALE Oflice Hours ‘LO 3. m. to 4 1:0 p. m Manager O’LOUGHLIN MCINTYRE ADAMS BIUJS. SPRING-- Dress Goods This department of on: msir 035 was never m better shape to supp!) )our needs than it is this season. OUR 47th SPRING OPENING A spicndid range Taficta Ribbon. 31 black, white. and per yard. Fancy, Staple and Highvclass Groceries. Vigoreux, Tafi'eta. Blk and White Checks, Heuriettas, Venetians, Wool Batiste Reps, Panamas, Empress Cloths. Laces. Embroideries Ribbons. Purcnh Knew the w. .7 me of good durable ‘i Schc 0| ('1 Ulhc.‘ B. d. GOUGH NFWTOS SM A LIZ BOYS SCHOOL SUIT SALE ESTABLISHED 1863. ‘ SUITS MENS’ CASH AND ONE PRICE Assistant LI N DSAY PHONE N0 6. of Chiffon finished -2 mche; wide, 3 all colors. for 15c ‘ Finished Stock-Taking G. MCFADDEN LI N DEA? WALL I‘AHSR KEV; LINUX“ Asa consoqneccc we Lave cams upon a rumbcr (1 REM. NAN'I‘S and thaw I are ll('('U sol a<idu er imam-:diuta NH“ M) asto Icaw I00“! 107 Swing Shipments Ilouickerrwra and Iandlomk “ill find l!:i< :1 monrysaring nhazu“ Tic patterns :m- (lmicc iu factfome of uur best palms are represcmed. Lindsay L] X DSAY THIS WEEK RI'LTAH

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