Ontario Community Newspapers

Bobcaygeon Independent (1870), 14 Feb 1918, p. 1

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Volufne 48. ‘ The regular r meeting of life ‘x'Vumen's Ins't‘itytg “as held at the home of Eli's. McIntyre on Tuesday _.. u..-. ' ‘ne meetingr opened bv singing he married Mifis Hewie of thati "O Canada" and praver bv the place. He came to Bobcaygeoninl Exes Heat. 7 1859 to enc‘r hage with his brother W;- 'ile minutes offi’rs last meetinu' B. Read Laterhe startedagener7 ‘i‘v'LT’e read .md add c and their}! store business for himself, and en- Re Call was givenfl ’ .joyed a. splendid trade in the store: :\ bill for prin'imr was presentedgmm occupied by Conwav Bros. “w tlicS . ee ret;.r\. and ordered to be 1 While interested in the business life, ~. Lid. ‘0‘ the communit}, Mr Read sen ed Mrs \emress gu 'e a «food read-lthe Village as Reeve. He also ;. r enmicJ lhe H eroic \Vomen of! was one of :he oldest menibeis of France," 5 hm nu: ho“ nob!) andgthe Masonic lodge here, and a life s?~.-;er:‘ul‘:-.- ~iw- lh-en-gn “on en are long Conservativein politics. x-. . ‘ . l A =z-.- gi'cn? 5:1crizices so; Mr. Read was also engaged in i ' ' v ‘ ‘. ' i I ‘.‘,‘!‘wnk: \\'u:‘..1 nns‘ gamed :itc‘nensix‘e farming operations, and ~ u. m N‘ I. I M r r ;».:-.f. :~ ‘3‘. ' idle . thiie xvomzm- Y the splendid farmsnow occupied by K ,t ": :.e_ {Messrs D. Hct‘nerington, Gerald . \ . ~, Waii !3' singing Murphy and Law Anderson, “ere \' 3.; fun-ti :1le :1 Yul: of largely improed by the direction of , , .‘xirs. .‘\l::lnt:.r;: john l.. Renl. About fifteen men , ' :‘ lnsaze. Were neCeS arr to C'UTV on the work Q I 1 1 3 ‘m- ‘nehl m 1‘. Read “21‘ ril-mning and doin0 ) [DC DCUICLGI:‘ uuu vuw aid. Mrs. Ventress gave a g 13' entitied “The Heroic} ‘ rrunce," showing how hceri'uily 1}}: French “ v O mun: lbcn‘ 3.1mm sac Ow} : attendance H 0U Sealed Tenders, ; Postmaster General, at Ottawa until m the ist March. 19 veyzince of His Ma 3 proposed contrac six times per week RuralRoute No. .‘ vine) from the Ist. Printed notices cc information as to c nosed contract m: posed comm“ . blank forms of Te mined at the Post and Downeyville z the Post Ofiicc Ir 51h. stume, lad) Post Office Inspe‘ Toronto, january mxc COS 1V 3.11an 38H :n 11 n f O‘NID The Bzfiu-ztvgvn at Dunsfcrd on t‘l‘lll igmeh’s Institute ' to extremely coÂ¥d weathe H] MAIL CONTRACT vxx fm numygvnn train was derail- Fnrd on Samrday night and 1) walk part wav to town, what. wv :u'v paying $600. x for. each vear. 1 until noon, on I‘rlle), ‘ arch. 1918, for the con-; 7 His Muiestv‘s \"Iails, on;i :i contract for four \e21s, 1321‘ week on the Lindsay 1 L 3 ute No. 5. (Via Downey-i ithe 151. April, 1918. 1‘ noticcs containing further E m as to conditions of pro- } ntrztct may be seen and: v.5 of Tender mav be ob-i ti.e Post Offices of Lindsay » no} \ille and at the office of: Dtiicc Inspector, Toronto Carniva! was: not so Mtge as A. SU'I‘HERLAND Post Office Inspector. [nx‘neCtOf‘S Office, Inspector's ors, addressed to the nnral “in be received \v \ m nnnn. on Friday, ncy costume. gen- :g any war lord, ‘osmme, couple in Admission. to all, 14th1918. bull from Mr Jrrow (Friday) offered for the chiid in fancy on bus? as pun trtcnds nt ) n \V' 'd ‘5' t the week- hint. Sund ch nrnivnl rtson lint OOI ll\ ID [0 10hr: Lfindmx 'Read has'pass‘gd 1o ithe greater fi'fe,.af‘f.er a lengthy ill- iness at his home here: He‘ Pas {horn %n Adgusta townShip, '.near. ‘ ‘ ‘ ;Br( ck vine, of L’.E.L. parents: In ; 1830 and thn a Young man came {from Nap mee to Keene where he Li Tile Kissing of John L'Réad He rather! from actfie business fourteen yuan-2 :ugo spending his timv, no: id}, but in cultivating as fine :1 garden plot as one could wish to see in a days travel. He was a valued member of the Board of Managers and :m Elder of Knox CHCK, UCOrgc :mu l.\\ FAY. is one of Bobca chants, Fred. has just ‘ Prinup Albert where some Yfi'dl‘fi ll was a .vliSS Amnng thaw “ho zutcndm funeral from Knox Church on day Were: Messrs. John and ‘ium Read 0 Peterbm‘ough; \1.\u\‘r< \\';xrncr. of Must nephews: Klussr nguge Baiiieboro. 9r. Nesbitt Takes {Ever ' F. F. Dental Practice rmcc d Indsav in infanc mt Local Agent Wanted BOBCAYGEON AND Disrmc'r to seil for THE OLD REIJABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES Splendid list of stock for FALL PLANTING 1917 AND SPRING PLANTING I917 includi 1g manv new varie- ties which we alone control. Send for new illustrated cat- alogue also Agents’ propos- ition. Handsome free out- fit; Exclusive Territory. Liberal Commissitms TORONTO \mc DW Lmemox m The Fonthil. Nurseries (Estabfished 1837) and M rs. jOS olnt; Mrs. {FUND rncr, travel. He was a of the Board of :m Eider of Knox him rig} 1 {fully be- host 0’ titles-~an : was married three FSI 21H \\ ho attended ti‘ .\lx f 0 r ::_ '~-.“.'«-’f r‘ ‘. ‘ VW' " fl. Ream i'rcmue tounsts, but the great nanmcap ram-2.: two daughters. lawns the luck of railway facilities. \wltich whom be m of stock for fanny. \. Fisher, reer, ONTA R10 and v. ire xrccr Lstm‘ I: \\'i1- The m C NI: Chapkes Thugston haw 3‘1 -.‘SV"0r. Rec. Secs-~H. Brown. elected Deputy Countv Ma‘gwr " 153% County Orange Lodge’at the {new - . War Fin. Sec.-]. G. Vout, ing'gerd mLmdsay last 'mek. fDunsford. Therflfficer's eleCted ai'eh- if ‘1. or lreas.~â€"-VVm. Thornbury, War. ,Gounty Masterâ€"LDr. V“ 00.}; It‘ih'dsa} Lindsay .. Ch . Tl =r‘ 1:: \‘ or. D. of C. â€"â€"Wm. Thurston, _J_ 1;. I ‘3 ‘5' 0" 1):? Master a K a i tnsford. ion, Robcayaeon 1 '.~ _...- -- x TU.“- I nn+...-arc,,-1ac Nnvlnr, “701'. Lindsay}; The Minden Railway Project Appears {'13 0 Be A Live Issue northern municipalim terested. The proposed route '~17\ern111 ent tl1e11ece~<st'1_\ 0111114131“ mknw the 11 01k at 1111 earl} d; 111: as possible M1. Jordan 1efe1'1e cl to the resources of the north sour 'r‘y.‘ and 111;: 111 enue 1‘1 commerc: whm'n would he opened up. 1'l1e sectiun ferred to had great ranching and \‘1‘001‘1‘lz111d, besides mineral resources which only required development .â€"\5 a tourist centre it had no equal its natural scenery and its chain of 1.111%, teaming mthfish. being: 11:17 riv'zllcd in the world. 13211142” 3-? zipcgciurs. “If: C 3001“: 1-." Y! ”i0 [1 171‘, 11flk1ls\1-01 C' )\1\'U\ £‘\L ‘ H“ ..<XI 1 ,. t a, :5 -. i ULLx-hg’m, 1 , v1 _2 G The C 1 iii flies Thaw! Deputy ¢ Surprise Party for Mr. and Mrs. S. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fletcher wn'e surpl‘iSPd by about thirty friends from town an Monday evening when they were presented with a beautiful pm- ‘ lour table and chail, upon their (18' , purine fo1 Eldon township wherci! thev have bought, a. farm. 151111;- Fletcher’ s wit and wisdom did not :'1llow him to be taken altogether off gumd and replied with a mi1;thful speech. Lunch was sewed and enter; tainment continued for the balance‘ of the on" 1ing. i Dea1 Friendsâ€"W’e have learned with regret that )ou are about to remme from our midst During ‘Eyour long 1esidence in this vicinity Independent and Post Correspondent Under Fire from Fenelon Gazette 21p. E, W.- Moore I or ONTARlO ARCHIVES TORONTO Jute}: had EAIEQE‘K'COUNTIES HERALD Boh-v there now is not the 01d Trent Vul- Lind- Icy team, and though the Gazette wpcry “editor" claims for them the title of the the “cleanest and fastest type of Guz- t hockeyists ever produced in Ont- : Elected gter County Orange Y'mx'incial Government in Thursday, February 14th, 1918 ~\ifi'orr. Lecturersâ€"J as. Naylor, atom and L. V‘Viiliams, Lindsay. ario," it is probable that some major or intermediate team could be mustered to have given even these a close run for their money. The Gazette admits that our boys were sports and made no Complaint of the treatment they received. Sure! There the sport showed up in them. Their opponents would have gone up in the air had they re- ceived that treatment. \Vhile thu Gazette may have an expert hockeyist at its helm, it is interesting to note that there were actually two whole columns of local news (including the “criticizm”) in the issue of Feb. 8th. No doubt he was studying the rules of hockey as played at 19.17. (‘ O U n 5 “cre losing their charm )gou have ever proved yOurself to be I kind and obliging neighbors and i trustworthy friends, so we are metl here tonight, to show in some tangi- ble way, our appreciation of your many kindnesses. \Ve would thereâ€" fore ask you to accept this chair and table, not on account of its intrinsic value. but on account of the spirit that prompted us to give it to you and we trust that you and yours may long be spared to continueyour kind acts in the locality to which you are soon to move. Our prayer i‘ is that God will ever bless you and that happiness will ever be your lot in your new home. II. Stin‘son also addressed til in rcfcxencc to the pro- lii‘nurfon was unrivchd as centre. The N ippissing tourists, 0 \w n g I in a {Levy-E .PT]‘:.\V.BI{0TH"R-STUN 'flVho has been tu'rued down how any ‘ddresged Efux'fhvr duty at] the firing line and is ) the Pr0_{sv1'\‘ixlg in the ASC. as :L clerk. -- a HS 21 the 3:3 mm m " mun m: THANKS It. I dosiw- ‘m vxpresx my thanks :0 iCmn't Bobmygonn, 6'27, Canadian EOrdm' 0f Foresters for pmluptmrsx land kindnoss in cmmmztiou with the I 211â€" Insurance of mv husband 1’10. Albert ttc Hm, killed in action. 506.1 « ’1 (i ‘ h gLézt‘E-IN - ’V “V.‘ . . unto one “0911 xi.“ W: -31 and his .asackxatxon-and many wt?_‘ to he the owner of the highest priced animal. The man who was hmking fur a bargain was not; there. Eve“ lumpitality was extended Canadian gmrkmzm while at thv big salon Ea r1 is on UN: way to Bubcaygoun :11 the presvnt. The fullowing name: shon' with the contributors 10 Hospital. Out of The Iiring Line M 1‘. Henry Harris passed away on Saturday, the 9th inst. at the agoé of seventy-five. His wife pre-deceas- : ed him twenty-nine years ago. He is survived by two sons, one a resident of Dun :ans, B.C., and Mr. Hollis Harris, of the village, and one daughter, Mrs. C.E Edgar also re- sidingr here. The deceased has been a. resident here nearly forty years. lHe was born at, Port Hope where . relarives still live, later he followed l his calling in Ithaca, N.Y., and Cin- icinnaii, Ohio, at which latter place he 'as married. He moved from“ there to Lindsay, where he was ‘a: member of the firm of Harris Bros., i painters, decorators and paper-hung- ; H's. He was also a member of the; Harris orchestra, of which his brother ‘ was leader, a band of some thirty in strume‘nts, and which had a. more than local reputation, the brother:E being leader also of the 45th. Regi- : imental Band, The late Mr. Harrisl was a. fine workman, and exceIled as a sign writer. He has been in failing health for two years, but cheerful withal M rs Hhowughbred Hereford At American Sale .J :Lmes Death of Henry Harris Mt H.110hm‘ts $1 ‘1'“. "_1 X \lills 1 Miss \I. Mills 1 rs» Stun. \Vright Mrs. Murdock Mrs. \V. Lyle .mes Bardeau AYE???“ Rose A. L, Hill. should he included 5 to Dr. 30yd’s MGRGAN 1 Huh LIZ ROD DERTSON’S H l' \‘u ahlkf the 1n.r:;“{\,amng Stories .;.u.r511“¢§t 553?” 00 00 00 { An excepiienal treat ””1‘ for our readers 11w - 1 b\ r We have secured ff} pub‘dcation rights to The Submarine Lieuc. “Spud” Hunter has landed in Canada. and 'ive expect that the hero of the 13b. Contingent will Smut be in Bobcaygeon receiving the wvi- come of his old friends and acquaint.- ances. He won his honors on the field and is the holder of the military medal. He has had 27 months in Franee. His brother B’lajor \V. H. Hunter is 'also on this side ofthe Atlantic, but, we understand, has gone to \Vashingzon. “Spud Hunter ' Arrives In Canada “ 1 From Darkness and the Depths E Fifity Fathoms Dawn , Salvage ULSS sir-E EiGYEE Each story wifi fill six csiumns All eyes are on the sea WATCH FOR THE FIRST STORY T0 NON-SUBSCRIBERS : $1.50 a year in advance (Cut out sign and mail) ii} a'a Yam!

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