â€"â€"Extn Grade, Oak Tanned Leather Belting Rubber Belting. guaranteed quality â€"-Pa.tent Buck Lace Leather â€"Rainbow and No. 1 lumber Packing â€"Ga.tlock Spetal -â€"Hetnp and Asbestos Packing -â€"-Cotton and Asbestos Paclung â€"-Eclipse Gaskets. Magnolia Metal -â€"H0yt’s Rab‘oett, Melting Ladles, Plumbago, -â€"Castor Machine Oils â€"â€"Thteshets, Mitts, Knives, Goggles, â€"â€"â€"Pnte Manila Rape, Single end Double â€"â€"Pully B ocks, Iwn and Steel Bars etc; The latest and newest goods always to our stock makes this store up-to-date lines of Hardware. Sarnia Coal Oil Whirds m Yum Life Boots and Shoes madp Trunks and Valises.â€"- PBRRIN’ The most rel ab‘e remefly in the market for COUGHS AND COLDS. S. PERRIN, Druggist, 73 Kent-st, Lindsay, Sole Proprietor. 5 DROPS 5 An Internal and External Remedy An absolute cure for Rhwmatism in he m my forms, Scia'ica, Neuralgm, Nervonmc‘a. Sleep- lessness. Nervous Head xcbcs, Netvous Dys- pepsia. and Nervous aï¬ccunns of every descrip- tion. Also for Asthma, Brunchitis, Catanb, Hart Weakness, etc. PRIGE, One Dollar Par Bottlï¬ iâ€"sâ€"gientinYnmShues! H. GORDON HELM, Confvctioner and Fruit Dcsler, four doors West of Gougb’s, Kent-5L, Lindsay The undersigned is prepared to loan money in latgn: amnums on good Farm or Town on. perty at 4% per cent. per annum. Smallc lows slightly increased rates. J. B. \Veldon M ARXPOSA TOWNSHIP CLERK. Littic Britain, - 0 Insurance Agent for the following Companies: WHOLESALE LIFEâ€"The North American. . FIREâ€"The Gore Mutual, The Equity. The Victoria Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Co. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ofï¬ce at Oakwood â€"- Monday, Wednesday and Friday. MOXDAY, Nov. 13â€"By Elias Bowes, auc- tioueer. Credlt. sale of live stock, the property of Mr. Benj. Burtchell, lot 28, Iron; range. Somerville. Sale at one o'clock and without reserve. Sae posters. S nlicnor, etc., ILunilton’s Block, Lindsay. wln Omemee every Mondayâ€"37. onveyanc-ing in all it's forms Sold everywhere. -SOLD ONLY BYâ€" Sale Register . WHITE and RETAIL l. E. WELDON. to order. :added 3 in all ent. sleep; . Walk tiptoe through her chamber, she waken! Her children faithful watch above keep, While she with slumber sweet is: taken. Not long ago a thousand tender ferns Spread over her their wealth of dew- And nestled close rest, How noochingly the little slender grasses Threw all their soft. green arms across her Ne wintry blast 811811 toucu um. no .v passes! The maples watched her with a beaming smile When proud October covered them with glory. And gladly dofl’ed their colden robes, the while ‘ With them they made her bedâ€"the old sweet story 1 And yesterday all day the longing sky ‘ Bent lovingly and wistfullv above her. While soft white kissesâ€"oh, so tenderly ! Came down and covered herâ€"who could but love her 1 where burns The ï¬re that. kindles springtime‘s sylvan DEFENCE The Hamilton Times, British Whig of Kingston, and other liberal papers besides those of his own party, have taken the side of Col. Hughea in his shabby treatmenn at. the hands of General Button. The Whig says: *- kann annuaoa says. “The liberal papers have been accused, wrongly of course, by the Brockville Times of insinuating that the conservative eol' diers were cowards. and it is alleged that many ungracious things were said of Col. Hughes because he was a conservative. Col. Hughes has his friends and they are not conï¬ned to the lei' ical party with which he is afï¬liated. He may have been criticised for his irregular proposition to organize a regiment for foreign service, by that not having presumed to do what be' longed to another- But no one has accus- l ed him of cowardice. Col. Hughes simply erred in judgment, and as a result of acting impetuously, of giving expression to his emotions without taking their effect into account. His blun- der seems to have cost him the displeasure of the commandant. Major-General Hut' ton, who barred the way to his appoint- mnnr. m an ofï¬cer of the Canadian contino tired Mother The public demand is for a yellow- meated and yellow-legged bird, in this} country; hence we must breed for this demand, if we wish to make readv sales. There are just two breeds that till the bill as all-round Iuonev making fowls. They are the Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes. The former are devided into three popular varieties, Barred, White and Buff. As to choice of these it is a matter of fancy. They are alike, according to breed. The Plymouth Rocks ate a trifle better ‘ layers, in my opinion, but the (inference is not material. Both breeds are hardy, easilv kept and good Iomgcrs. They require good average care, bug do best with the best of care. The chicks grow rapidly and evenly; the latter is a great consideration. The pullets lay almost immediately at maturi- ty, which cannot be said of many breeds. Their eggs hatch well in incubators or under hens of the same breed. They are good mothers; their chicks thrive wonder- fully in artiï¬cial broaders. They make the best of brmlers, and cannot be sur- passed as masters. Either breeds will stand all climates. Their general popuXarity throughout. the country is their greatest recommendation, and once their nature are understood, they prove breeds. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quimne Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, 2 5c. E. W. Grave’s signature is on each b0x, The Kind of Fowl to Raise blast shall touch her as it. Asleep. slumber sweet is over- the best two money-making FAPERSâ€"A STRONG warm heart. above her gone ', lest: -spun In: par For autumn and winter me the cran- berry is the most whOlesome of fruits; possessing medicinal qualities of rare value. In cooking cranberries always use an earthen or porcelain dish. It cooked in tin, iron or brass the acid of the fruit will dissolve some of the metal. Cranberry Sauce.â€"Look over and wash one quart. of berries, carefully removing all stems and defective fruit. Cook until ben- der in a closely-covered dish with one-halt pint of water. When nearly done add a pint of white sugar, let boil ï¬ve minutes and set in a cool place to harden. Cranberry Pie --Ta.ke an heaping cup of cranberries cut in halves and place in a. dish. Add one cup of sugar, one-fourth cup of flour, and one-half cup of water. Mix well together and ï¬ll the crust. Dot with small pieces of butter, put. on an upper crust, and bake in a quick oven. Cranberry Rollâ€"Roll out rich biscuit crust, one- -fourth inch m thickness. spread with stewed cranberries, roll the edges together and press them well. Sew a floured cloth around and boil for two hour. Serve with cream and sugar or any good sauce. Cranberry Blancmangeâ€"To one quart of berries, add one pint of water and one pound. of suaur. Cook until nearly tender, then thicken with cornstarch rubbed smooth in a little water. Boil ten minutes and turn into a mold to cool. Serve with whipped cream or cream and sugar. Cranberry Shortcakeâ€"Make a. crust of one quart of flour. one-fourth cup of butter, and two tablespoonfuis of baking powder; bake in cakes. Split open with a hot knife and butter, as soon as they are taken from the oven. Fill with well-sweetened cocked cranberries. and serve with cream and sugar or sauce. â€"Inapector Ballard of Hamilton repnrta that: out: of 7.000 public school pupils 418 are short-sighted. -â€"Forty-ï¬ve citizens of Napanee were before Magistrate Dely one day last week charged with having procured liquor dur- ing prohibited hours All local hotel- keepere were summoned as witnesses against them. All the parties were ï¬ned $2 each. ‘ â€"Mre. .l’red. Lingham of Believille gave a silk flag to the Canadian contingent for the Transvaal and promieed the Bellevnlle men who placed it on the walls of Pretoria goal, where her husband was 1 conï¬ned by the Boer: during the Jameson 1 red, the ï¬nest gold watch pnrchasable :11 Canada . â€"At 8 o’clock Thursday nlght the stable of Mr. John Ross. who lives two miles and a half south of Hallaud Land- ing, York county, wens seen to be on ï¬re and on arriving at the stable the Sad news was revealed that Mr. Ross had perished in the flames. It appears Mr. Ross went out with the lantern to attend to his horses and cow for the 1 night. and that in some way he upset the Hauler-n and in trying to extinguish the tire he lost his life. His horse and cow. besides the buggy and Waggon and other rigs were burned. Deceased was an elderly man and leaves a widow and daughter, Miss Russ. who teaches in the Newmarxet Model school. â€"Tbc agitation to form a pork packing ecublhbmenc st Stouï¬'ville bu succeeded. Nearly 370.0001)“ been subscribed, and building: will be erected at once. â€"-The Burk’s Fella Arrow of last week contained the following pathetic appeal: Loot. one black Thames cat, middle ego, respectable hsbiul. wears thinkers and. turn in manner. and w anally full of fun end mice. Kindly return to his sorrow- ing owner, Mr. 0. Booster.†â€"Peterbor3 town council should at once | place themselves in communication with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, as they hue evident- ly been overlooked in the distribution of favors in this “The Growing Time." Here is what the Times has to say last week : With 17 «any stores in the heart of the town and 300 vacant houses. Peterhoro is in a bad way. â€"-Mrs Joeh Weyper. Wife of the cham- pion bird shot of Canada, accompanied her bu’baud and e p-my of Hespeler lupurta to the Moon River district, Mus- koku, on their annual deer hunting expe- dition. Before going Mrs. Wayper pur- chasul a deer license. the only one issued to a wOiuan in that section of the coun- try, und left with the expectation oi' Ibringing heel: with her two deer. Mrs. Wayper shoots a rifle very well. Thie‘ will be her ï¬rst eXperience with big game. â€"-Mr. George Curran, son of the pro. prietor of the Urillia News-Letter, arrived at D .wwn City on October 2-1, probably. Writing from White Horse Rapid: on the 16th. he expected to reach Dawson in ‘ eight days. He eeyezâ€"“The fare from t Lake Bennett to Dawson is now $200, freight $10 a hundred pounds. Two men, * Laidlaw of Seattle and Johnston of Eng- ’ land. were drowned at White Horse to-day. their ecows striking the rocks and going to pleaeo. There is no sleeping accom- modation here so we had to bunk out, and meals cost $1 50 eachâ€"poor an that. The cold is increuing the farther north we gob. Scows are selling for $1,000 each an Lske Bennett. There is going to be a great rush to Cape Nome, about 3,000 having left Dawson already for \here, an there hwe been rumors of ‘blg ï¬nds. Atliu, well boomed, has turned out poor THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. 0N1 News of the Week Cranberries. District Notes and hundreds of men are lowing that district duly. Wonderful ohwgoa buve taken place In this country since we were has 15 months ago.†'â€"-'l‘he Peterboro Examiner gives the following particulars of a terrible mining accident on Oct. 2130 no Cameron’s mine. Jack’s Lake, North Peterboro. and which reaulted in the sudden and Horrible distraction of one life and maim- ‘ ing {or life end blinding of another. I Just as the miners were getting ready to} put: in the last blue for the night, Peter Weeee, one of the employeee. we: in the blacksmith shop warming some dynemlte for the ï¬nishing up of the daye’e work, bus in proved to be the ï¬nhhing of his life, for the dynamite exploded. killing him instantly. His body was horribly mutilatedâ€"both hands were blown off, his eyes blown out, his right leg torn in a horrible manner, and his body fearfully lacerated. Peter Weese had been mar- or tried only about ten months, and his g‘i widow, bereft of her husband, in sucha n shocking and sudden manner, has the C sympathy of the whole community, and his sï¬iicted parents and sisters and bro. thers share in the public sympathy. The 1 foreman of the mine, Mr. Galbraith, I had one eye blown out, and the Other blinded. His hands were so badly in- jured that Dr. Kelly and Dr. Harding of Goo Hill, amputated one hand at the wrist and the other at the ï¬rst joint. He 3 has been removed , from his boarding , place at Mr. J. A. MtCall’s to Goa Hill, 1 where he will be more convenient to his 1 medical attendants. He expects his wife and son from Massachusetts as soon as the journey can be made. The foreman had his senses all through his terrible experience. The shock of the explosion Split} the building in half, hurling one side one way, and the other another. Fingers, bones and shreds of flesh lay in all directions. Weese’s horse in the stable, a short distance from the shop, was blown, stable and all, a distance of 15 I. feet, and lay till the men were taken care ’8 of. When the horse was helped to its d feet it seemed crazy for a time, and is still deaf, but is able to do light work. l9 At the time of the explosion Mr. W.‘ 3‘ Daniels was going out of the front door, ’9 and was blown a distance of two rods 38 without any serious injury. However he “8 was dazed for a time, and was deaf all m the evening. His brother and Peter ’19 \Veese’s brother David were in the .shaft. Both Were terribly shocked. .â€" 9 TO THE DEARâ€"A rich lady. cured of her Deafness and Noiaes in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artifical Ear Drums, has sent £ 1,000 to his Institute, so that deal peOplc unable to procure the Ear Drums mav have them tree. Apply to Department ATP: The Institute, "uongcott," Gunnerbbury, Landon W., England.â€"22~1yr. Selectio. 0! Runs. It is a good time now to select your .am for next season's use. A change ls indispensable to keep up the stam- ina of the flock. Xiznzts to be kept on should have the best. attention and care from now on to the breeding time. Improvement of condition is a slow process and should be begun in good time. American Sheep Breeder. oJriiï¬Jsay Yard Bantams all that; is ne- cessary in Barn Timber, Lumber, Lamb, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould- n is; etc. ‘ ment of the best quality for Stable or Cellar Floors, Walks. em. TOWN OFFICE - 77 "Ill. OFFICE - 78 The Ra thbllfl COmpaI Parties integdigg cq bpild yin. ï¬nd that GENERAL AGENT. TELEPHONE VICTORIA PLANING Wims E31439 :95 14“.; Try one pound. That will Q’CZZ‘JIIICC \ “’hen buying ask for ViCtOI‘ Chop. you only by E- Tea, Tea, TeaI My motto : Also BICYCLES, KNOLL WASHER and TYPEWRITERS i: 513:}; BRADY’S New imported Japan all Others at 25C. e have just received a ton Chop, which is the ï¬nest 25c. Japan had in the market. "a: z; I G. H. M. BAKER, W. W. LOGAN : Best Goods, Lowest Pxioes and Easy Terms. WHOLESALE AID RETAIL DEALERS. LINDSAY These mills are running steadily 0 make a specialty of Matched Stuï¬, 535}? and all Building Material. That 011r P“ 15 proved by the volume of buSincss Patronage solicited. Work guaranteed- Victor Chop “Milling; L VVetherup, I: -- llllllli‘u" . LOGAN, THE VICTORIA Pianos, Organs and ing Machines in the market and according to quality. I70 Kentâ€"St W est, Lin He pays cash for all his goo best discounts and can gh Chasers right prices andbes (0: sale at my new Show Rooms, . . . .and Peel-5:5... PIANUS, UHBAHS SEWING MAE!!! TELEPHONE SI. BOX SELLS THE BEST em, NOTICE -â€"A full stCfl: LIED“!