Ontario Community Newspapers

Watchman Warder (1899), 9 Nov 1899, p. 12

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EEUHBMY and BUMWRTM The Watchmanâ€"Waider It is marle of substantxal material and is elegant in fit and finish. You save money when you buy it, but not only that, you help your strength. your patience. your feet, and, ofcnurse, your comfort. We“ it and prove these claims. We have just receivei a large consignment of Rubbers, to be sold at 0H prices This is the place to save money. Come and inspect our stock and learn our prices. WOOD VILLE Don't fail to call on Dr. 'Nee’andl‘ dentist, of Lindsay. at the Queen’s Hotel. Woodville, on Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Remember date and call in forenoon. Robinson 81 Ewart. Cinnamon 8: Everson, ohe new hard- ware merchants of Lindsay, are gaining custOmers every day and no wonder, when they are selling hard- ware, stoves p aints. oils, glass, etc., so much cheaper than other dealers. Try them. Good bound for sale. Enquire ah the Elliott house. MO UNT H ORE B Farmers in this section are through with their root harvest. Mr. McFarlane takes charge of our school during :he ensuing term. Mr. Blackwell goes to the Normal. We wish him success. The stoves and ranges that Cinna- ~msn ti: Everson, the new hardware men of Lindsay, are selling require so little fuel to keep them going tint their customers will not require to buy near the quantity of fuel they have been accustomed to for their old stmes. OUR COBRESPONDENTS The creamery will start: up agein next Monday, 13lh inst” to make bnhter. Milk will be taken in at 8 o’clock I}. In. on Monday. Wednesday and F ridey «oh week all winter. An ofl'er has been nude for the November make of butter for expert at 20 cents per lb. Thle la n higher figure than dairy butter can be sold at. aim: deducting the cash of mak- lug. A OAK WOOD It pays to buy your hardware sup- plies at. Cinnamon dz Eve rson’s, Lind EURSDAY. NOV. 9m, 1899 LITTLE BRITAIN You can save from $3 to $10 in buy- ing a stove at- Cinnamon d: Everlon’s. Limisay. L588 Sunday Eld. Gal-butt preached a sermon from the text: Hebrews 13 :8. “Jesus Chris: is the same yesterday and today, vex and. forever.” Hie disconrle was full of hope for the children of m an. He exhorted his hearers on account; of theirGud-iike nature to give God their hearts. never to forget the exalted nature‘ of humanity madein the image of Godv and surrounded by privileges, greet and inspiring. He also announced that next Sunday, 50v. 1211:. at 11 o’clock a. m. be woaid preach a sermon of the “one body.’ Ephesians 4 :4. we look for 9. clear definition of the church of God. If oneâ€"and one onlyâ€"the. scriptures must define it. ' ‘ 12 74 Kent PF N ELON FALLS .4 It pays to buy your hardware supplies at Cinnamon , Evexaon’ 3, Lindsay. Mr. P. Suva moved with his £311in to Fleehiiton, last week. Was the promise kept on bozh side“ down on one. ~ Mr. Robénn returned home lash week after epéuding the summer at. French giVVfi t, t i We are phaéed to state than Rev E C H, sex-2cm: is rapidly recovcring from moon: bnd midst». Are combined with great ad- vantago to the buys; of our $2 Shoo for Men and Women ..RUBBERS.. LETTERS FROM large_ consignment ' 11:; J. Aldous’ pretty little blgck howe “Leonid,” bioko from the stable and en- joyed quite 3 short tin befnre it was 059 tired without: the lam injury. *A --- n‘ fiho Ic was with ngl'eo that: the new: or me deatuation of the Presbyterian church I: Bobcaygeon by fire. was :eooived in Fen elon Falls. . c L f In)..- till he}: the Tvomq Ham dny next. Nov. 14th. from 9 I cnfi‘n‘ GD, uv‘t‘. E‘Vv- â€"â€"._v p. m. Wraqulrmg first-chat dental watk Ihould nuke a note of the date. 010 was played in? school on g ‘L‘ D.._ mhnfl 8 no. The lecture given by the Rev. Thoe. Manning. B.A.. of Linden}, in Fenelon Fells on Monday evening wee well eaten dad. and all'who attended; speak in highest terms of the talented lecturer. The lecture was a celebration of the Gun- ‘L‘ Ann-sin" powder Plot. and later in the some choice spirits made the at} sound with fog-horns and othe sounds, whilst they burned Guy in effigy. N0. 6 QPS Mrs. W. Palfrey is still under medical treatment and slowly recovering. _A ___1 n From an attack of brown ague we a severe cold Mr. John McGaughe-y it tucked away in good warm blankets. Mr. T. Corrine of North Ops spent Sunday last visiting at the home of Mr. S. Perkins . Mr. Harris Miliigan had the index finger of his right hand badly torn while making some change on Mr. T. Downey’e chopper at Reaboro on Saturday lash. The many friends of Mr. Robt. Mont. ggvmery express deep sympathy for his eldest son Wesley. an exceedingly clever ‘boy, who met with a painful accident on ‘ Suurdav night in Lindsay. Mr. Jae. Connolly, district agent for the Deering 00.. paid the locality a business visit lazt week and succeeded in taking m-my orders for binders and mowers. Mr. Anthony MoGlynn a man who was Mr. Anthony McGlynn a man who was never sick during his lifetime was forced to cancel outside engagements lately, and spends much time reading the. latest almanace on the cause and cure for rheumatism . [us-1'7 IV'Iv“.â€"n went: do am. There nu Wan men by many of the gentle ones who prnnounoed him "just spifl" a: they fanned thelr eye;- on the athletic form of the his: fellow from the nei;hborlng bownah'p. He was asked to come back in daylight for examination and if up to the arundud will likely make unpllcmi ‘n for s cert fi- cste permitting of his j Ming the sufier- lug nutty“; of the hen-packed brigade. Iuy Wm In Which the Useful. h “The Angora goat.” says William R. Pavtzc, me well known dealer in mo- hair and goat skins, “has only been cul- tivated in this country about 50 years. F’Sfi' maple know its value and fewer still know that mohair is the fleece of this animal. The Angora has not yet obtained a szzs in agricultural jour- nals. "r‘t ll is one of the most valu- qf-‘au of: animals, for its fleece. pelt and carcass, and one of the easiest and cheapest to cultivate. There are in the whole country now probably about 300,000 head of Angoras including all degrees of blood near and remote. Of these probably not over one-third can he railed ‘hizh’ grade even by cour- be called ‘hlghf grade even by cour- tesy. 0! pure blood there is none. ex- cept possibly a flock in a remote re- gion, which has been kept intact from cross breeding. but has been inbred since 187 6. 0t imported animals brow Turkey since 1849 there have come in- to the country, so far as records show. about 850‘ Angora rams and ewes, many of them of doubtful blood. Of. really high character and grade prob dbly not over 80 ram-s, all told, hawa come from Turkey. “From this foundation has been bred up the present stock. Between cross breeding and in breeding Whatever pure blood there was has been pretty ANGORA GOAT PRODUCTS. invel! eliminated, and the c! ying need now is for good. pure, sound. first cl ass fresh bucks a registry farm and a new start. It needs some brains, energy and money put into it to make it one of the best paying Industries there Jig Unfortunately the caustitucncy behind the Angora in the United States today has not a large vote’like that back of the sheep. Up to date it has been treated like apy old goat in Shanty vim +113 not Worth the stone that is thrown fit it. " It is impfiésible to get animals from Turkey without .a strong pressure ffom‘ govergnwne ’. and diplomatie 801311128“ “The most important product of the Angora is the long Silky. W3"? “we? used either pure '01' in connectionm'i‘rlu wool. silk, lin'e'n brrcm‘ltou in a- variety of'fzibri'cs for hou'Se turnishing'nnd 1n,- dies‘ goods, brilliantines. llnings.]bmid. plushes. astrakhan cloth. furniture ("av .erings. curtain mnterial. knit goods. fancy effects in shawls and dress goods and 'nume’rous other textxles. Its .valuo ranges for foreign 'f-rom 45 to 50‘ (“my ‘a'pound and“forflomesflcfi'rom 27, to 3! 'ctfnrs‘ Then-9, are consunwd V’f-"‘."'”""‘" “an... ‘-. nnnmm to 1.12.").(11‘11‘ \~u‘-. max-11* a6<fiiif1munxmu to leanu; pounds. or <'\‘{'h1t-h' the bulk 1:119: m bx t)‘ finpo'rted.‘ aémxliy about 25mm» w ”3.0:. 000 pounds of the domestic product are Walton. dental“. of- brown agne and a John McGuuRhey “h in the evening the streets re- 3d other sweet .d Guy Fawkes new! of the n church In kets. lap robes, rugs. carpets and th‘ goodé (causally. but ~Wen then 83 worth more per pound than m’ost sheep WOOL venting from 10 to 21 cents. The use! for mohair are increasing every you, and new outlets are being iound for it ”as manufacturers are advancing h a. variety of their products. “Angola skins properly drugs“. are used white or tinted to manufacture runs. rdbes. éasriage mats. tut gets to: childpen, trimming for Me: an . and also tor clusters, horse head eels. 5311 hair anq wigs. They um um 1y imported raw from the Cape of. Good Hope and Turkey. and mug. in value. duty paid. from 1.50 up to $3.50 each. undgessed. Do estic skins are In very Limited supply and are worth from 50 cents each for kids up to $2 each for large full fleeced pelts. wv *â€" -_V_ The low. cross bred. commoo skins and short pelts not suitable to dress are used by morocco and glove leather manufacturers and are worth from 15 to 18 cents a pound for large sizes. down to 10 and 11 cents for small ones and kids. "The flesh of the Angora is said to be excellent mutton and pronounced as good as Southdown. It is quite largely eaten in the west and in the east also, if people only knew it. There is a prejudice against the name of goat meat. but those who know say it is very good. The horns can be utilized in a variety of ways. and not a part of the animal but has a value. "We may add that the climatic con- ditions and food supply of a large part of our mountainous country is admir- ably adapted to Angora ranges and there is not a state in the Union, east or west. in which they cannot be grown to good advantage. Another point is that notwithstanding the in- breeding, crossbreeding and inability to ”get fresh blood, American ranchâ€" men have improved the stock they had to work with. just as they improved the original Merino sheep. and believe it gives them the material to do with and they will in time produce a better animal. larger and finer, than the or- iginal stock with nearly 3,000 years of history behind it.” The “'beut Market \Vna Strong. “’Hhin Narrow Range, and With No Special Featureâ€"Quotations. (hicago, \ov. 8.â€"â€"Therc “ere no special features to the “hunt, market. Vesturday, but, it ruled strong: and closed at. 691/80 for DcL. and 73 Sc for Maw. Ln'crpool Nov. 8.-â€"â€"th:1t futures are strong, closing 1,-’~d to 3 (1 higher than on Monday. LEADING “1116.11? MARKETS. P'nllowlng were the closing pricos at important. wheat. centres jester- ulav : Chit-ago . . . . New York .. Milwaukee . St. Louis St‘.‘ Il)‘i_l_sw 7. I V. r V. D O O O i I I 0 a) 0 “‘34 0 74 'l'fllt‘dn .............. Holiday ‘u Dvlroit, red ..... 0 69% 0 70% 0 wit Detroit, White ........... 0 69% . . Duluth. No. 1 North. 0 67% 0 66% 0 703’; Duluth. No. 1 hard... 0 681,32; Minneapolis . o 6594 (Sam 0 (my. L1wrpwl~€lose-Wheut fuwrcswâ€"stqum “1'0. 53 ll‘Ad, March (is 14‘]. May 69 734‘. Spot corn quiet. 33 0d: futures firm. Dec. 3:4 mm. Jan. 38 (mu. Feb. 35 614d, March :53 6d: May 33 5%(1; floor 193 6d. nucnsru ST. LA \\ unset-z MARKET. Grainâ€"- 0 Wheat, white, bush . . . .30 70 to s. . . . " red. hush 0 70 " fife. bush .......068 " goose, bush ..... 0 7‘0 9 79! Barley, 111111511 ........... 0 43 0 ~17 1'1-111-1, bush .............. 0 11151, 0am, 11111111 ..... . . ....... 11 :11 11:5: Rye. hush . . . .......... 0 54 . . . . Rye, bush ......... . 0 54% - Buckwheat, bush .. 0 50 Beans. per bush .. Seedsâ€"- Red clover. per b11511 . ..1.»34 'tosi 00 Alslke. choh 1' to fancy. . 6 7-0 7 Alslke 1:01:11 V11. 2... 3'1 00 6 ...‘o White clover. pm' bush. .7'00 8 00 Timothy. er bush 1 00 1 25 Timothy. 1111911 .......... 1 50 . - - - Hay and Strawâ€" Huy. per 1011 ........... $13 00 to $14 00 Straw, 11119111. per ton ... 8 00 9 50 Straw, loose per ton 4 00 5 00 Hairy Produce- ’uttor, lb. rolls .........$0 1510 $0 25 Eggs new laid 0 20 0 5 Poultryâ€" (~‘11i1k1'ns p111 pair ....... $0 41) 111 $0 75 ankmms per lb. 0 09 0 11 D1. 31:1 111'1'111'111 ........ 0 50 0 m) 010% per H1 ...... . . O 00% 0 07 Fruit and \exetubleuâ€" Apples per 11!)! ......... $1 01) to $2 00 “names. 1113111113....” .040 050 Potatoes. per bag . 0 4o 0 50 “11.0519 LIVE slag“. Toronto; N0\'.'8.â€"-Th,e run of live stock Was light. yosterdug, 56 car- louds, consisting of 859 cuulc, 1,176 lwgs, 1,500 shocp amT lambs. with 10 calves. With at (cw excwtiuns the quality of I'm. Ljattlc was pulfly mud- ium, too many. unfinished and not enough good, either butchtk‘s 01‘ "OK- porLur-s coming fnrnard. ’tradc dull, cxccpt‘ing for the bust qualities which are readily picked up at Quotations given.1“ullv 01 L-huli of Mn: gale on the nmrfict yesterday M ‘rc feud- (rs and, stockers, the umzkc‘ bci'np; firm for the former. Export cattle choice ...... $4- 0 to $4 33 14mm“ Lutue light . .. .-. .. . 4 “' ‘44 m .L nLL-‘s (-uttl‘ pivkml luna- ~.‘-, 4 40 “ medium, mixed .. 3 '3 50 “ good .......‘3 ‘37:» " mmmon .. . . . . . 2 - 3 12V; " inferior . . . .. .7 2 2 '90. Miich 60 {9, â€"c:lt;h Bulls .14.1\\,_vx3 quality ..... Bulls 1111-11 11111.1’311111‘1 . .. . 3 {U 3 1.30 Loads 1:01111- butchers' 111111 1 , c\p1111crs 111mm} .. ..... I; \ll. 1 m- 1's; ) P‘ec1lc1s,l1e11”\y 0"" I‘m-111113. 11.;111 ............ 3 '.‘1 . I: 41) Calves. each .. 4 :0 "10 00 T1111». 11111 1W1. 5'» 0 ' X 1:1) S11cefi,hucks p01: 1:“ t. ,2 t1) 2.,7-‘1 1mm s,b1‘1cks, pm (:‘Vt. 3 5 3 75 hugs, 100 111' -00 lbs. c.1011 . 411235 3- ~- 11:11: ..... 31:. ‘ . . “ heaxy tats .....{3‘5 _ “ 00111 19d 3 L5 '1 '3 57% “‘ sows .. ............ 3 3 ~ 1 E1151: 11111111.“. 0 04111.1; 1 1111.1111- Eust Bufl’alo, Nov. 7.-â€"«Oattl There was only,arbo1lc 11 load on sale. '1‘11 market was qulet and generally uncharged. ‘ Calves nomma'lly unchanged, wllth 11 once of suf- ficiently large gecelpts .1101! a (potable mar- .ket. ‘ ‘ ‘ " Sheep and lambsâ€"The «o xinga ‘were eight 109.681: The demand was 111mg 111-111 0, «ma the oflenlngs cleaned up‘ at atrongm prices. Lambs were q’uotuble‘ chol’ec to ‘extra;- $5.00 ’60 $5.;10 300111110 whom;4 $4. 75 , to $5£0. Sheep, choice to te 1'11. .25 to .34'401 good to choice, $4.09 LA -A WATCHMAN-WARDER :‘ LINDSAY. our cc .. .. 069 s... .0...'I:0) ............. Ho THE MARKETS the former. t tile, choh c . . . . . .$«i vie light . 4 « :lttlv. pivkud lulu medium min-(1.3 50ml ....... o‘ muuuou 2 .. inferior .. .. 's, Latch .. ...... 2b“ " my, wxpurt, guou ‘ ................. 4 (Hum. Lfiport 3 uldmu-hers‘ and s, mlxud .. 3 ..... .. 1’. heavy III-.0..II‘IOI 8., 5 ‘3' mm- ............. 3 " nch .- ‘LOIIIOOOOOI 4 51" th;....I'....'.‘. .‘fi cits! pea; cwt. .... 2 uck’s ,per c‘Vt no mums. each. ht wad u....~'lua¢, ivy fats Lu ted W8 0. IOO‘OBC'Q‘QIOO wanu+ idothflm AV. utmn ....-'v IV u hush . . . .. . 0 70 bush 0 68 50, bush ..... o 70 :u ........... o 43 ‘6 ‘4." :nsn. Dec. 771mg, “an.“ LIVVD r-â€"v - . . $0 69% $0 73% Ilqliday 0 70% 3).. 90» U! ) 12% C30 Mxx'rnonNâ€"CRABTRm-On Nov. lst. at Princeton, Ont... by Rev. Geo. Carpenter, assisted by Rev. Mr. Miller and Rev. Mr. Caz-mill, Mr. Sherman W. Minthorn, Spokane, Wash. to Miss Maud Cmbtree, daughter of S. W. Crabt-rea, Bobcaygeon. EvAxsâ€"BALLmam.â€"At the residence of Mr. R. F. Whiteside, Little Btitain. on Nov. lot, by Elder T. Garbutt, Joseph Evans and An Elizabeth Ballinger. GRAIN. Fnll Whoatpor bashel.... 000 b00655 FyfeWheut do do.,..... ooowoss Spring do do 000:0063 Goose do do..... 0001:0065 WARS! GRAIN. Buckwheat. . . ............ Barley, per babel ..... . . . Ryan .... .... Oat: ......... .......... Pa“,.mi!ll..l:.‘ IOOI...~I Peas. Blue ....... . ....... Blackoye pmwm... VIOIMJLSI. Potatoes per bus ........ HEAT. roams“! AND DAIx Chickens, per 9011'. . . . . . Duckl,'por pair... ..... G~oese.‘perlb........ .,.. Butterpar Ib.W.. Egga,perdozeu........... Turkeys per human”... Lamb. . per lb.,.......... Hogs )ivé we'ghb per. cw!" Huge dragged par out ..... Beef. 00 ‘0 . o o o 9;. o 01.. q . “3-9; a 5.3 98 to 0 10 beatengo‘}.oooQ‘otiolbc. ‘I Farmed H‘m P815”... 5 Iiideaé-Beef............. 9 H3Y.perton............ ‘OOto 700 Honeypot lb ....... ... . 006w006 Cream per qt: ....... 010t0020 Sage perhnuoh.......... 0205:0005 Lardner lb.............. Wtufim atraw‘per load........... 150 to}?! MILKEBfi A‘ND CALVES Gods. eachooc~oflcooooauov 25c Cdvea,esch............. 20 HOGS Choice hogs, per cwt. . .4 12§~to 4 374; limfvwm Manufacturers are Advancing Prices in Staple Dry Goods IHUWIEMWWEMWFHHlelmazz 9.35%alnggznllg..§uu.§§%£unnu~r .r THIS STORE, always on the alert, anticipated its wants for several morths an: bought liberally before the first advance in Canadian Staple Dry Goods. Hence there will 13be no advance of prices in this store till after our present large stock 15 3); name: We are provided with M in abundance. Lindsay Markets Marriages You “71'11 be “rise to consider this opportunity GENERAL mm mm! Pmmvca. 0 35 to 0 45 0 45 to O 60 0 ‘56 L0 0 07 OIOOOI... 017t°020 ......... 015m015 0.09m!) 10 about"... o...ooono,' ()6t00OU per. cwh. 00 to 4 on owt ...... 000t05‘50 ........ 400 to 5 25‘ ; SUTCLIFFB SONS 025 Bales of Factory Cottons Cases of Flannelettes Cases of Blankets Bales of Yarn Cases of Underwear Shirtings, Table Linens Towellings, etc., m“? 88 v. ...... :5 you .52. “Sam v ...... to “a any; Dag Slippers, per cut. ........ $4 00 :04 50 Butcher, choice do. . . . . . . .3 60 to 4 00 Butcher. medium to good...3 25 to 3 50 Butcher. inferior. . . . . . . . . .2 25 to 2 75 Stockers. par cwt .......... 2 25 to 3 25 SHEEP AND LAMBS Ewes. per cwt. .......... $3 00 to 3 4O Lambs, per cwt ........... 3 30 to 3 75 Bucks, per cwt ............ 2 25 to 2 75 Agent for -' - Adm Block Toronto Live Stock Market MONBY‘TO LOAN on Mortgage at Lowest. Rates. Notes Discounted. EDY a: Block ‘: bueet Money and Insurance. The Imperial Life Assurance _ Company of Canada The Scottish Union and Nation- " a! (Fin) '. The Union Assurance ‘Ebciety of . London Gino.) “ All exceptionally strong Com- panics. CATTLE. l . Yum-e mule Him“ 3 quantity of Loans "i 3 y. P...- Cent- Xnterest. l mu. the W W“ CORPORATIO _ ‘7 Notice is hereby SI" Council of the Con?“ Vicious will meet ‘13 1h Tuesday, mew“r ‘ he 93” TAYLOR L .31“:me E w

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