all Si?‘ of 1133‘ What I L but! my it: mama Bob“ .I ha†what’s Yen m “'35. 3;; School Boots db??? ............. I ha" R. NEILL’S 'O--.’-O- have a1â€: me, de- in Fancy Eiderdown Flannels, in plain and ï¬gured, we put hem at 47c. ives in Flannelette, at 12c, 10c, 8c, 6c and 5c. Ey selection of Shoulder Shawls, in cream, blue, pink and red, pur price for these commence at 50c. home Fascinators and Clouds, Children’s Toques, Wool Hoods Ind Caps, Children’s Velvet “ Tams†and Caps; lovely lot of lamel’ 3 Hair “Tams, †in plain and fancy colorings. easy to say, save money, but hard to earry it out in We seek to make this store an aid to you for your rti ular requzrements in reliable goods at easy prices. 5' covert Suitings, Cloth Suitings, Priestley’s Handsome Blacks, ’riestiey’s Ottoman Cords, Priestley’s Armure Broches, Priest- :y’s handsome ï¬gures, beautiful Twilled Serges coiorings in meltons at 20c and 2 5c. [range of Boy’s and Youth’s Undershirts and Drawers, in bion, Light \Voo}, Scotch Woo), Arctic F leece-lined, at 400. rlves in Unshrinkable Flannels. Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goods House. Fal land Winter Underwear 1n ï¬ne W0 1, Union and Fleece- Blankets, Draperies and Carpets FALL AND WINTER e I{.\Ib HINGS, fresh and new, constantly arriving. New 'Ie Collars, Cuffs, White and Colored Shirts. ts in fancy colorings, stripes and plain frilled, 50c, 31.33, 1.73 and $2.00. Black F1gured Top Skirts, all sizes. acezlin stock, a special range of Flannelette Blankets in Grey 1d White, special size and values, at $1.,oo 85c and 75c. fab in White Wool Blankets, 2 .25 and $2 50. ens, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Jackets and Wraps, aishings, Ready-Made Clothing. Flannels and Save a. big bill and buy your School : Boots from Robb. Neill. ‘ ANTLES AND JACKETS pr, 1 ' . 151113815 m Plaids Ch , ecks and Stri Pes, 35¢, 28c 2 , 2c, 18c in \v gt “3 place to buy your School Boots for your ...... Children . . . . . . â€â€™â€œï¬‚ks and Valises Misses’ School Boots, 65c, 750, 85C, $1 and $I-IO BPY’S School Boots, 80c, 906, 95c, $1. $I-10, $1-15 'YOuth's School Boots, 70c, 90c, 95c and $I . "Children’s Schcol Boots, 55c, 65c, 75c, 80c and 856 L. W. MCGAFFEY <10 @QQGQQMGQoQMm R. NEILL’ DR ESS GOODS %s’TH E ,WATCflMA ER \Nhâ€" f I"! Number 41- l-------' The newest and most charming styles that dame fashion is showing Mentles and Wraps New Fawn Mantles New Black Mantlee New Blue Mentles New Capes ' New Nurâ€"Linedï¬weulars LINDSAY FOR SALEâ€"3o h. p. Engine and Fire Box Boiler; 30 h p. Return Tubular Boxler, 25 h.p. Engine; 25 h.p. Horizontal Engine and Boiler, 15 h.p. Horizontal Engine;6 h.p. Vertical Engine and Boiler; 2% h.p. Vertical Engine, Yacht Engine $25; 50 h p. Engine, Return Tubular Boiler; Steam Fire Pumps, one 7 x 6 x 5, Air Compressor ï¬t for Mining or Fire puposes. suction 2% x 2,; discharge; one Cyclone Hand Lever Force Pump, 1% suction and discharge; Two Shingle Packing Boxes. new; Inspirators, Projectors, Fittings, Saw Mill Fittings, Mill repairs of all kinds. J. McCREA, William-st. north, late Makins’. â€"39-3mos. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"In the matter of Alexander Watson, of the Town of Kinmount, in the County of Victoria, and of the Town of Gooderham, in the County of Peterborough, General Merchant, insol- vent. Notice is hereby given that the above named insolvent has made an assignment to me of all his estate and effects for the gen- eralbeneï¬t of his creditors, under R.S.O. TOWN OF LINDSAY ASSESS- MENT NOTICE. â€" Take notice that FOR SAgE__0R TO_ _RENT.-â€"â€"Lot 2, FOR SALE.â€"I offer my choice farm of 200 acres, all under cultivation, to rent or sell. This farm joins the Town of Lind- say, where there is a creamery in full blast, and the best market for everything a farm can produce. There is a ï¬ne bearing orchard of nearly 1,000 trees, and three never~failing wells. A brick house, also bank barns that are not beaten in the coun- try for capacity. Apply to THOS. FEE, on the premises, box 353, Lindsay.â€"J7-tf. DISSOLUTION OF' PARTNER- SHIP.â€"The law partnership heretofore subsisting between John ,McSweyn and Donald R. Anderson has this day been dissolved. Mr. Anderson will continue the practice of law at the ofï¬ce of the ï¬rm, opposite the Daly House, on Kent Street. All parties indebted to the ï¬rm are request- ed to pay their accounts to Mr. Anderson without delay. Dated Oct. 2nd, 1899. D. R. ANDERSON.â€"4o-3. RAM LAMBS FOR SALE STRAYED.â€"Came into the premises of . the undersigned, Northwest quarter Lot 20, Com. 8, MaripOsa, on or about Sept. 11th, One Lamb. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and remove animal. DAVID DUNDAS, Oakwood P.O.â€"39-3. the Council have passed a By-law in pur- suance of Section 58 of the Assessment Act, adopting the Assessment Roll made in the Town of Lindsay this year as the Assessment Roll for the year 1900, and that any person desiring to appeal against their assessment, so far as the same affects next year, must give notice in writing to the Clerk on or before the I5th day of October next, 1899, and their appeal will be heard by the Court of Revision. Dated this 2nd October, AD. 1899 F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerk, Lindsay.â€"â€"4o-2. WANTEDâ€"A teacher for 8.5. No. 17, Mariposa, male or female, Third or Second Class certiï¬cate. Applications received up till the 13th of October. THOS. HONEY, See-Treas, Glandine P 0â€"40-3. FOUNDâ€"About three weeks ago, on the road between Lindsay and Little Britain, A Gold Watch and Chain. Owner can have same by moving property and paying expenses. MISS TILLIE HOUGHTON, Lindsay P.O.â€"39-3. cap. 124, and amending acts thereto. A meeting of creditors will be held at In) ofï¬ce, 23 Scott street, Toronto, on Friday, the 6th day of October, I899, at three o’clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving a statement of the affairs, appointing inspec- tors and ï¬xing their remuneration, and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate gen- erally. Creditors are requested to ï¬le their claims, duly proven, on or before the day of meeting, and after the 23rd day of October, 1899, I shall proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, havin g regard only to the claims of which I shall then have received notice. RICHARD TEW, Assignee, 23 Scott-st., Tc‘ronto.,â€"-4o.2. con. 5, Emily, containing 200 acres all cleared except 15 acres- I 50 acres in good state of cultivation. On the premises are three good frame barns, under two of wl.ich are stone cellars. Good comfortable dwell- ing with all conveniences. Driving shed and hog pen. This tarm is situated about two miles from Omemee. Also for sale or to rent, lot 3, con. 5, containing 50 acres, all in good stateof cultivation. There is a good trame barn and a good log house on premises. For further particulars apply to MRS. THOS. ROBINSON, Omemee P.O.â€"36tf. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN OAKWOOD â€"House two storeys high, frame, one-third acre of land, with good stable and fruit orchard. Apply to G. B. RENNIE, Oakwood.-4o:4. TO LETâ€" The flat ovei the store now? occu- pied bs Messrs. AllanCo. It will be ï¬tted up to suit tenants. William street entrance. Apply to H. J. LYTLE, Man- ager Ontario Bank.â€"36tf. LOST.â€" On September, I6Lh, between the town wharf and my house. or in Mr. Guni- gle’s cab. a pair of Gold Spectacles. One dollar reward to the ï¬nder. O. BIGELOW.â€"4o-3. HQUSE AND LOT FOE: SALE. FOR SALE â€" Blacksmith stand, (En; about $80 a month. Price $200. Must be sold. Easy terms. Apply I. E. WELDON: Hamilton’s Block, Lindsayâ€"39'3- FOR SALE.â€"-Brick house, with one acré of land; good stable; young bearingr orchardï¬ good water; location centralj [Apply to C. CHITTICK, Lindsay.â€"3I-3mos. FOUNDâ€"About twdigonths’ ago, on the road between Lorneville and Hartley, 9. sum of money. MISS MARY KELSEY, Woodville, Ont.â€"4I-3. undersigned has for sale a number of well: bred Leicester Ram Lambs. The price will be made reasonable for cash. This is a capital opporufnity for farmers to secure young stock. Apply to PETER MORRI- SON, Argyle P. O.â€"39-4. One and a half storeys high: Esme, % a-cre of land with stable. Apply to IOHN Mc- GIBBIN, 5 Division-st, South Ward, Lind- y.â€"25-tf. ï¬rm 3hhcrtisrmmts. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th; .â€"The The annual fowl dinner in connection with the Methodist church here will be held on Thursday. October 19zb, Thanks- giving day. Dinner served from 4 to 7 p.m. Roast turkeys, geese, ducks. etc,‘ with the delicious pies, cakes and other good things that the ladies of Valentia know so well how to cook, in abundance. Good program, short: addresses and a happy time. Come and bring your best girl. Tickets 25 and 15 cents. OAK WOOD T. B. Sbaples and wife of Peterboro are visibing Oakwood friends. Dr. John Anderson of Cleveland, Ohio, paid a flying visit here last week. We are pleased to hear that he has a successful business there. This is another proof of the fact that: the Oakwood boys usually succeed in the world. The annual show is now among the things of the past. The weather Was quite unfavorable, yet the receipts almost equalled those of previous years. Had the day set for it been one or two days later the receipts would pro- bably have exceeded any previous year. CAMBRAY DThreshing is the order of the day among the farmers. f OUR GORRESPONDENTS The Watchman-Warder DER â€"On account of failing health, I will receive tenders up to the 20th October, 1899, for the following properties: Two Brick Veneer Dwellings, corner blenelg-st. and Victorir ave, in good repair and well rented to good paying and respectable ten- ants. The greater part of the purchase money can remain on mortgage if desired. The South Half of Lot A2, East of Lindsay- ---L-:_:_- - 1/ FORWSALE 13m TAKE NOTICE that the Fourth meeting of the members of the H the Aged Society, Lindsay. will be the Council Chamber, in the Maï¬a intz. at the Town of Lindsay, on l1§hdgâ€"-1n_1,. _ _ 7‘- v . “An-\I-Ilâ€"l’ ' st., containing 2% acres, more or less. The North Half of Lot A2, containing 2 % acres. On this parcel is a good, warm. comfortable dwelling and all necessary outbuildings, a ï¬rst-class well and pump, and both parcels are stocked with good bearing fruit trees and small fruit. The land is all thoroughfy drained and in good state of cultivation. All tenders must be in my hands by or before the last mail of the above date, and must state terms of payment, part of which may remain on ï¬rst mortgage. This is one of the best opportunities ever offered to secure a desirable homestead, and is just the place for a retired farmer or a good gardener. Address tenders to J. PEARCE, Box 283, Lindsay. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, but no reasonable ofller will be refused.;â€"4I: SALE BY TENDER â€"Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Satur- day. ISth October, for his house and lot on the corner of William and Glenelg-sts. The highest nor any tender not necessarily accepted. P. G. PILKIE.â€"4I. Mr. Harvey Rogers and his daugh- LADIES’ BICY High-Grade Eng] Good as new. $: at this oflice.â€"4I. FOUNDâ€"On Satnxday, the 7th inst., near Graham’s Church, a purse, containing a small sum of money. Owner can get it at J. B. GRAHAM’S, Lot 24, on the 2nd Con., on paying for this notice. â€"4I. W.mcu cxccpl 10 acres; 150 acres in good state of cultivation. On the premises are three good frame barns, under two of which are stone cellars. Good comfortable dwell- ing with all conveniences. Driving shed and hog pen. This farm is situated about two miles from Omemee, TERMS AND CONDITIONS - A marked cheque for $100 must accompany each tender, which will be returned in case the tender is not accepted. The terms of payment of the balance of the purchase money may be ascertained upon application to the undersigned. Tenders must be on forms,‘ which will be provided by the undersigned on application and which ‘ wrll contain the full conditions of sale. The highest nor any tendernot necessarilyaccept- % ed. Dated at Lindsay this 10th day of} October, 1899. I. E. WELDON, Solicitor‘ for Mrs. Thus. Robinson.-â€"-4I-3. ub‘uu‘vâ€" V aluable Farm Property. Sealed renders, addressed to the undersigned, vrill he received up to 12 o’clock, noon, of Saturday, 4th day of November. I899, {or the purchase of that valuable farm property, v12: Lot 2, Con 5, Emily, containing 200 acres all cleared except 15 acres; 150 acres in good state of cultivation. On the premises are three good frame barns, under two of which are stone cellars. Good comfortable dwell- ing with all conveniences. Driving shed am] hnn nan 'l‘Lr, : THURSDAY, OCT. 12th. 1899 “um .uu‘L'LUfli that the Fourth Annual meeting of the members of the Home for the Aged Society, Lindsay. will be held at the Council Chamber, in the Market Build- ing. at the Town of Lindsay, on Friday, l3th day of October, A.D. l899, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Dated this 9th day of October, A. D. 1899. THOS. STEWART, President; E. h SHARPE, Secretary.â€"4t. , a- ..__._.... 'LUGL valu‘dUlC xarm situated at the North-East Quarter Lot 8, Concession 7, Mariposa, containing 50 acres, more or less, in a high state of culti- vation. Good buildings, with two ï¬ne orchards; well watered. For terms and other particulars apply to W. T. SHEARER, Oakwood.â€"4I-3. gï¬tm 3hh£rti5£mcnta L r'Ufl. SALE. ~That valuable farm (1 at the North-East Quarter Lot 8, ssion 7, Mariposa, containing 50 more or less, in a high state of culti- . Good buildings, wiih two ï¬ne ,1_A , LETTERS FROM VALENTIA. BICYCLE FOR SALE.â€" e English Wheel, Royal Enï¬eld. w. $25 cashâ€"a. bargain. Apply â€"Valuab)e Liana-Col Hughes, M.P.,is expected to pay us a. flying visit about the beginning of November. His many friends here will give him a. hearty greeting and a good conservative shake. The boys need the sight of his welcome face again. Mrs. M. S. Swanton and her two children came to the Falls last Friday from Port Perry, and will reside here for the future. Her many friends were glad to welcome her back. Dr. Neelands, dentist, Lindsay, will be at the McArtbur House, Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday, Oct. 17th. Come early and remember the date. On Tuesday Mr. J. R. Graham re- ceived word that his son William was dangerously ill at Pittsburg of typhoid fever. Mrs. Graham left on Wednes day morning, and deep sympathy is felt for the family in their time of suspense. Mr. and M rs. J. Austin Iefb last: Thursday for New York to meet their daughter Mrs. O. Klean, on her return from Germany. Mrs. Mann" and children are the guests of Mrs. A. Cz'ark. Mr H. Campbell and M38 J Campbell of Kirkï¬eld spent Tuesday at the Falls. The fall fairs are over and our village has certainly held its place in them especially in the horse line. Mr. W. Fanning has certainly a winner in his speedy mare Eventide. She-has won ï¬rst money in every race she has gstarted and has never been driven to ‘ her limit. Hc-r winnings are at Lind» rsay. Woodville and Sunderland. Her name, no doubt, will appear among the very fast ones next year. Dougal Gordon has a loyely span of greys that have swept everything before them inl the carriage line, eapturing 1st prize at \Voodville and Sunderland and his best mare Vetta carry'ng oï¬â€˜ ï¬rst money in the “free for all†at Fenelon Falls. We have besides these several smaller shrs will make a showing next year. Oh our village is at the front. FENELUN FALLS Fishing was good last Saturday. Mr. A. Smibheram spent: last Thurs- day at Ihe Falls. Mrs. J. W. Wood and M188 Wood of Kirkï¬eld, spent Monday at the the Falls . Mr. F. Sandford is placing 5n his mill 8. very large new water-wheel. Mr. R. Eyers and family moved to Lindsay last week. A meeting of opr village council‘ was held On Monday night to try and make an agreement thb the Electric‘ Light. Heat and Power Co of Lind say. No agreement) was arrxved at with Mr. Snewart, the representative of the company, and a. commitiee con. sistmg of Messrs. McArthur, Martin and R. I. McLaughlin was appointed Cinnamon 8; Everson, the new hard ware men, Lindsay, are doing a rush- ing business in stoves. They are making sales every day, and no won der. Why, you can buy a stove there and save enough to almost buy your winter’s fuel. Just try them. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henderson of Toronto, editor of the “Canadian Teacher,†and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sowes of Yonge-sb., have been the guesb of Mr. Alex, Cowieson during the past week. The entire community will be sorry indeed to loose Rev. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie from our midst, as they were much beloved and pOpular with all classes. Miss Eyres has been re-engaged as junior teacher in our public school, This is Miss Eyre’s third year and she is doing good work. ' Mr. W. F. Bentley of Lindsay spent; Sunday here the guest of his friend Percy Rowan and family.‘ Fred is always a welcome visitor inj Miss Lily Irwin is visiting Miss Hannah Rogers. Miss Lula McKee is the guesb of Miss Eva Wilson. The Rev. J. A. McKenzie will preach his farewell sermon in Cambray at 11 am. on Sunday, Oct. 15th, 8Dd€ Oakwood at 3 pm. ter C L urg . Sue 1e are visiting friends in Cobo in marriage to Mr. W. C. Camhbell of ’Cleveland. The marriage ceremony was performed in the drawing room, which was profusely decorated with palms, ferns and cut flowers. Dr. Louis Albert Banks of the First Methodist Episcopal church ofï¬ciated, assisted by Dr. ’1‘. H. McMichael of the First Presbyterian church. The bride entered, the drawing room at 6 o’clock sharp, on the arm of her uncle, to the strains of Mendelsohn’s wedding march, and looked charming in a gown of white taffeta silk. She was there found by the groom and his best man, the Rev. F. W. Davis of Collingwood, Ohio. The bride was attended by her half-sister. Miss Louise Baia of Lindsay, Out. The marriage was strictly private and was witnes=ed by the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. J as. Barker. Williams, librarian Kn ox College. and Rev. P. W. Anderson of. Mt. Pleasant, brother of the bride. The groomsmsn was Rev. D. Bruce Macdonald, M.A., son of Mr. J. K. Macdonald, manager of the Confederation Life Assurance Company, and the brides- maid was Miss Hetta Crookenden of To- ronto. Miss Ada Mowray of Gravenhurst played the wedding march as the bride entered the room, escorted by her brother Mr. D. R. Anderson, barrister- at law, of Lindsay. She wore a handsome gown of cream satin, with a long bridal veil and a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Crookenden, wore a gown of organdie over yellow satin of effective design, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The house was beautifully decorated with foliage plants and cut flowers. After the cere- mony a dejeuner was served, at which over ï¬fty guests were present, and at the fconclusion of which some very felicitous- ‘and congratulatory speeches were made and replied to in, most appropriate terms by the bridegroom, and songs were sung delightfully by Mrs. Agnes Forbes Heyland and the Rev and Mrs. P. W. Anderson. On their return from their wedding journey Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair will reside in Port Hope.†LuuUWlug guests: Mr. and Mrs. J as. Barker, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. McMichael, Rev. L. :1. Banks, Mrs. Fred Ta) lor, Mr. John E. Ashman. Mr. Harry Nichoeon, Mls: Jennie Barker. A wedding supper Was eerved immediately after the ceremony for the bridal party, and was followed by a recep- tion from 8 to 11, about: 50 gUeaLs respond~ ing. The young couple lefc Dhc eame even- ing for their home an 684 Bough Ave., which was all in readiness, and will be at home to friende after Nov. 155.†SINCLAIRâ€"ANDERSUN. The ToronLo Globe of the 7m insc. has the following: “The home of Mrs. b‘. Andersen, 80 Bellevue avenue, Was the scene ofa Very plenty Wedding on Thur:- day, the 50h inst, when her )oungeec daughter, Miss Clara L. Anderson, “as married to Rev. Archibald Gordon Sinclair. M.A., Presbyterian minister of Port Hope. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. vâ€" â€" u an In“: residence of Mr. and Mrsljus. Barker, 18 Linwood-st. Cleveland, Ohio, when their niece Miss Welhelmina Baker was united in marriage in M... w n new ,. . _. AVELINE-McARTHUR. On Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 4th, a very pleasant event took place at the resi- dence of Mrs. McArthur, Kirkï¬eld, when her oldest daughter, Mary, was united 1 in marriage to Mr. Haley Leon Aveline of Toronto. by Rev. B. M. Smith of Kirkï¬eld, amidst a few of her intimate friends. The bride, who looked charming in a gown of cream serge trimmed with cream satin, lace and ribbon, was given away by her uncle, Duncan McArthuri The bridesmaid was Miss Katie McArthur, cousin of the bride, while Mr. Neil McMillan supported the groom. After the reception the bridal party drove to Lorneville, where the happ couple took the evening train for their As stated above Mrs. Sinclair is a sistu' of Mr. D. R. Anderson of this town, and wili be remembered by a number of youâ€; people of this county who attended we Oakwood high school with her a few years ago. The Watchman-Warder oï¬â€˜ers hea'rty congratulamons. Last Saturday the young son of Mrs. Mebsy had one of his ï¬ngers removed and two others badly injured by an ax flying from his brother’s hand. The injured hand was dressed by Drs. Graham and Gould and the little fel- low Stood thn aft-n1.“ __II 1 ~ - _ nurse. The many friends of Miss E. Hand will be pleased to hear that at the re- cent examinations in the General hospital, Toronto, she passed with honors During her three years train- ing Miss Hand has proved herself to be naturally adapted for a ï¬rsD-clasn to confer with Bay on Friday. r stood the strain well and i well as cculd possibly be e: w of her intimate friends. The looked charming in a. gown of e trimmed with cream satin, bbon, was given away by her an McArthur. The bridesmaid Iatie McAthur, cousin of the 2 Mr. Neil McMillan supported After the reception the bridal Hymeneal 75 Cents per annum s. The Leader’s notice of the preltlest autumn :e on Sept. 27th at the ‘heimmpany in Lind PAGES 5 T0 12 1n, the Rev. F. \V. Omo. The bride -sister. 311:8 Louise The marriage was. wibncSaed by the '. Campbell of a ï¬rsu-class is doing expected.