Ontario Community Newspapers

Watchman Warder (1899), 5 Oct 1899, p. 13

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Mr. H. C. Tremeer is visiting with his brother at French River. Mrs. G. Cookman, who has been visting friends here, returned to Hunter ville on Friday last. GRASS HILL The entertainment held here on the inst inst. passed off successfully. Mr. Jno. Cameron of Lorneville occupied the chair in his customary genial and JOYiai manner. It is now quite mani- test that the talent and genius of this vicinity, though lying dormant and perhaps still in the embryo, contains the promising germs of life. Let the entertainment be at least an annual affair not centennial as heretofore. The financial report of the treasurer is quite gratifying, the organ debt being wiped out with a snug little balance in the treasury. WOOD VILLE On the first three Fridays in auc- cession, in October, Dr. C. Bowerman, aenbiab, will be at the Queen’s Hotel, Woodville, during both the forenoon and afternoon. Instead of a. halfday only, as formerly, he now puts in a whole day at each visit (9 am to 7:23 p m ). (70m8 early. Messrs. H. G Todd and 8. Todd are taking advantage cf the excursion to Port Hope to visit friends at Fenelon. TA YLORS ('ORNERS Report of SS. No. 7, Mariposa, for the month of September. Ngmes in order of merit: Faith classâ€"M. Hardy. Sr. 4thâ€"E Train, 0. Channon. Ir. «tubâ€"L. Jordan. R. Hardy, R. Wallis, N. Robinson. 3rd classâ€"B. Johnson, T. Webster, N. Coad, E. Copeland. St. 2nd â€"â€"G. Wilson, L. Frain. S. Bowes, A. Frain, J. Mackin, S. Min- thorne, 1". Johnson. Jr. indâ€"V. Jackett, M. Jordan, C. Mackin. Part i’ndâ€"L. Woolacott, John Mackin, O. W'ilsoo, H. Copeland. Part lotâ€"G. Channon, S. Bowes, R. James, E. 00811, M. J ames, N. Woolacott. â€"60 COLLEGE-ST.. TORONTO EYE: EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST Mr. O. Glaspell of Fenelon spent a. few days in this vicinity. Shoe Comfort RANDOL PH -â€"TIN Y Mr. H. Bowlea has returned from his trip to Tonawanda, B. Tinney, B. Mchllan, H. McNabb, B. Black. Jr 3rd clashâ€"F. Hepburn, C McMillan. M. McMillan, J. McMill- an, F. Tinney W, Format), W. H. Thornbury. 2nd classâ€"â€"-A. Brown, S. Black, M . Cameron, L. Forman, E, Staples, D. McNabb, L. Black, C. Mc- Millan, R. McNabb. Pt 2nd classâ€"- Ii. Thornbnry, T. McNabb, W. Mc- 47 Kent-st., two doors west of A. Campbell's Grocety . 5. 5. NO. 1: ELDON ' School report for September: 5th. classâ€"N. Logan. Mb classâ€"J. For- man, F. McDonald, '1‘. Thornbury, M. Argue, M. McMillan, W. Thornbury, S. Jamieson, J. Cameron, N. McNabb. Sr. 3rd classâ€"J. Logan, F. Hepburn, OUR GORRESPONDENTS _. G. S. RYERSON, You find it possible to be comfortable in hot weather when your feet are pro- perly fitted. We sell you comfortable shoes, Whether you buy them in high or low cut, you get rare values and rare com- fort here. Every shoe is filled with excellence and satisfaction. We are now clearing out our summer stool: at greatly reduced prices. Examine our goods and get our prices before buying elsewhere. CASH AND ONE PRICE ONLY. REPAIRINGIA SPEOIALTY LETTERS FROM Mil'lu'n,‘ M; Blaék, E. McMillan. 15b. classâ€"M. Gilchrist, G. McMillan, D. McDonald, R. Hargrave, T. Black. BURNT RIVER . There is a great deal of building being done in this neighbourhood and vicininty' Mr. Thos. Hodgson joined the ariny of benedicts. taken for a life partner in Miss Cora Gardner, of Tyrone, Darlington. The “young couple start with bright pros- pects and many good wishes for their future prosperity. Died. on the 22nd ult., William N iehollso aged 45 years. 'Ihe late Mr. N icholls we. well and favourably known in this locality, having come here as a boy about thirty Mr. J. A. Ellis has rented his mill to the Rathbun Co. of Deseronto and and Lindsay for the remainder of the season, and things are being rushed on the shores of Cameron lake just at present. Mr. John A. Ellis met with a. pain~ fnl accident last Saturday, cutting two of the fingers of his right: hand with one of the sews in his mill. He had them skilfully dressed at: once and the injured members are deing as well as could be expected. Our local fair last: week was a pro nounced success, and the “speeding in the ring” was as usual a special attraction. Mr. R. Irvine, accompanied by Miss Robinson of Lindsay. paid a. visit to J anetville Sunday. Rup being an old favorite, we are always glad to see him. In our report: of the Woman’s Auxiliary meeting last week. credit was given Mrs. Koyl of Lindsay for her “enterprxsing” songs. It: should have read “inspiring songs.” We were greatly delighted with and benefitted by the service held on Sun- day evening by Messrs Staples and Peel of Lindsay. The discourse given to young men was one which we hope may leave such an impression on the minds of our young peOple that they may like those young men come up brave soldiers for Christ. After the sermon a very appmpriate duett was rendered by Miss Maud Brndburn and Miss Vina McGill. entitled, "Oh for a clean heart." Misses H. Nevison and C. Edwards returned from Manitoba on Tuesday. The Rev. J. J. Hastie of Knox (Jol- lege, Toronto, will deliver a lecture in Dixon’s hall on Monday evening, Oct. 9th, under the suspicion of the Lediea’ Auxiliary of St. Andrew’s church, and a treat is expected. FINGERBOARD The late frost: in playing havoc with file: and buokwhesb. years ago. He was a member of the Orange and Forester societies. In re- ligion a Methodist. and a Conservative in politics. He had been ailing for over a FENELON FALLS Miss E. Chattin of Midland spent; a few days last week with friends in the F ails. Mr. W. Chrisho1m of Deseronto. book-keeper of the Standard Chemical Co., was at the Falls from Monday till W'ednesday. You can buy a first-class cook stove for $12.87 at Cinnamon 8: Everaon’s, the new hsrdware store, Lindsay. Call and see it; its a. dandy. ‘ On Thnraday of lash week the clothes-reel in Mr. I. Heard’s yard caught fire from some un-known reason and most of the week’s washing was destroyed. How the flames started is a mystery, but the sight of the blazing reel swaying back and forwards in the wind wasa most strange and awful sight. year. He was a progreasive farmer, and was one of those men who are a benefit to the community in which they live. Hie lose will be felt in the neighborhood. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loan. Mrs. Alfred King is able to be areund again after a brief illne'as. JANETVILLE Mrs. ( Dr.) McGill, her children and sister, and Mrs. J. McGill of Midland are the guests of Mr. Hugh McGill over Sunday. Mr. Sam Stinson, jr., who for the last five weeks has been visiting his sister Mrs. Mills of Holland and other friends in the prairie province. re- turned home Saturday night, quite delighted with the trip. Look forward for the great fowl dinner to be held in the Methodist church on the 22nd and 2 5rd inst. Further notice given later. Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M.P.P., of Indian Point, spent Tuesday of last week at the Falls. Mrs} Mormsou Mark in said to be 1111' proving in be m I: slowly. Quite a. large number of our citizens attended Oakwood fair. Miss Debbrah Mark of Zion spent) Sunday with Mrs. James Erica. Mr. James Flannery spent Sunday un- der the parental roofvat' Seagrave. Mi. Joseph Foeter, medical 'etuden‘b of Toronto, called on friends here recently. Mrs. Helen Mouse and daughter Gert- rude of Newcastle are visiting frlende in this vicinity. Mr. Robb. Frile took in the fair at Sunderland he reports a. good exhibit: of things in general. Mrs. J ames M0359 and daughter Miss Gertrude are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. M0180 and family spent. Sunday week with rela- tives in Little Britain. One of those pleasing events that always cause a ripple in society took place at Rev. Mr. Garbutt’s residence on Wednesday evening, it being the marriage ceremony of one of our most esteemed and popular young men. in the person of Edward Glass, and Miss Lizzie Irwin, one of G-landine’s most respected young ladies. The contract- ing parties drove to the Rev. Garbutt on the above date and had the knot securely tied. After the ceremony they returned to the residence of the groom, where they were cordially received and entertained by their many friends. The news rapidly spread. through- out the village and soon the boys were armed with various instruments and marched to the home of the bride and groom and gave them a grand serenade. They were accorded a hearty welcome and received a. fair remuneration. The boys then returned to the Temper. ance hotel to diVIde the spoils. We extend to Mr. and Mrs. 'Glass our hearty congratulations, long life, health .nd prosperity. ' Mr. Wm. Foster, er.. and wife have rd- tumed after spending a few days with their daughter Mrs. Dawson of East; Britain; Lseb Sabbath as our ministers were absent Mr. R. Oliver of Little Britain ably filled the space by giving some good advice to the audience. Quite a number of our citizens went to Sunderland last week and took in the annual fair. They report a. very large attendance with good exhibits in all departments. We are pleased to note that Dr. Hall was successful in carrying off the red ticket: with his beautiful chestnut team from a. large class of drivers. Mrs. Virtue has returned to her home in Tyrone after spending a. few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Bundle. If any person wants to become a soldier and learn to fight. John will give him lessons free of charge. N ow is your time. commence at once. Mr. James Grooms of Port Hoover, who has been visiting his daughter Mrs. Clark at: Mount Pleasant, Mich- igan, has returned home, and is much benefitbed by having so long a vaca. 10D. ginnamon J; Evereon, the new hardware men of Lindsay, are gaining customers every day. Low prices and “good goods cheap" are what the peo- ple require. Give them a call. Mr. and Mrs. James of Zion and Messrs. Mitchell and Miller of Sea- grave spentuSnnday ab divine service at. Pleasant Point]: fld’rmnw-l J'w» Interest) allowed on money placed on deposib with the Victoria. Loan (t Swings Co. of Lindsay, on sums of $100 and anards, withdrawable at) any time. The company has a. large paid up capital, in compssed entirely of well-known local men, and all its funds are invested on mortgage in real estate. Mr. Thomas King of Cannington formerly of this plsce passed through our little village last: week making sale: for the Canningbon marble works. During Mrs. Moase’s absence at Toron- to Mlu Eva Dowson is acting as organist for the Pleasant: Point church, as Miss Dowson has a talent for singing she will ably fill she position. Dr. and Mrs. Henderson of Canning: ton gave their parents a call last) week. Mr Wm. Mark is putting the finish- ing to.uches on the front part of bl; house Miss Clara Robinson met with a pain- ful accident last week at school, which required several stitches to repair the damage. The school bell which wee purchased from 3 United States firm was cracked. When getting another bell the trustees ought to give a Canadian firm a show. LITTLE BRITAIN One of our papular dress-makers, Miss Mullin, is down with typhoid fever. Mr. J obn Richjour unique and up- to-dabe tailor, has moved into his new Olace, Switzer’a old stand. WATCHMANa-WARDER: LINDSAY. ON I'. :. Adam Bloch?1 I u u Kent Street ‘ :1 AV mu'r, POULTRY AND DAIRY Chickens, per pair. . . . Duckn,pergur........... Geese,porl Butter”! “OOOOOOOOII... Eggl,p°rdomnoououuooooo Turkey-permunnnnn lamb, per lb............ Hogs live weight per. cwb.. Beef ........... . ....... Farmers’ Hams per lb..... Hidesâ€"Beef....u 0.0.000 Hay,perton............ 600to 700 Honey'per lb.......... . o oewo 06 Cream per qt.......... 0 10:00.20 Sage parbnnoh.......... 005t0005 Lardner lbmW. 09t0015 stmwperlo‘dlohoOoa-ooo lfiOtOIYO Agent fpr - - Pena,amall...... Peas, Mummies...... Peas, Blue........... Blackeye pou........ vnannnmns. Potatoes per bus. . . . . . . Buckwheat...... Barley, per bushel. . . . . . ‘yeOOOOOOOIOOIO OOOv.O Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . New wheat per bushel. . . . F‘yfo Wheat do do.,. . . . . Spring d0_ d9 MONEY TO LOAN on Mortgage at Lowest Rates. Notes Discounted. Be sure and call, whether you wish to buy or not, We wi Inspect our goods and get our prices. Our Motto : THE NEW HARDWARE MEN DOOOOIOOOOOI‘OICI ll-Wll-Ml-Wl-lm IllWll-M ‘33; a a a. l x 55x5 a a l vwwfimwvfla I I .- $33 I I...- ggz . ._ a Money and Insurance. The Lindsay Markets Cinnamon ' Everson, Eli The Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada The Scottish Union and Nation- . a1 (Fire) The Union Assurance Society of London (Fire) All exceptionally strong Gom- Hardware Supplies, Stoves; Paints, Oils, Glass, Eta, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY do do do do..... com: GRAIN. J. SUTCLIFFE SOA’S “95.0.00... 00 00...... ougoooooo‘g o nooooo\.o 3.0.0000... b-ooooooooo GOOD GOODS CHEAP AND DAIRY PRODUCE. .'......... 036t0040 . ..... ... 045m060 O... O... 005w at LINDSAY’S NEW HARDWARE STORE 0002m0 4.560 mmwm mmmm 0450 55 3o 66 BK 00000 mmmmw mmmmm 00000 045 50 This style inZImported Beaver Cloths; colors: Light and Dark Fawn and Black, also in English Curl, Black, only ..................... . ................. . $4.00 Same style with Braid Trimmings and Pearl Buttons : colors: Fawn, Royal Blue and Black ............ $5.00 In Fine English Covert Cloths ; colors : Fawn. Blue and Black, extra value ........................ $6.50 In Fine English Beaver Cloths, silk lined. .$10 and $12 This style in Imported Beaver Cloths ; colors : Fawn, 3:; ". Royal and Navy Blue, and Black ............... $5.00 :-~ Same style with two rows of Braid Trimming in front and on collar ; and Darlr Fawn, and Black ......................................... are made by a maker in Germany, who makes a special studx e" \. . perfect fitting garments for Children. They are nicer this 3ear the :1 heretofore. In Fxnc Bum Cloth, Fancy Braid in front and on oollax, satin lined, pearl buttons, S Special Values in Stylish 'Mantles.. TO BUY YOUR..=... 9.0.0. The undersigned is prepared to loan money in large amounts on good F arm or Town P10- perty at 4 % per cent. per annum. Smaller loans at slightly increased rates. Solicitor, etc.. Hamilton’s Block, Lindsay ”In Omemee every Monday-37. A Quarter of a . Century in Business. % Per Cen t‘ Our Children’s Ulsters Ladies’ Mantles l. E. WELDON, We he". been in the Tailoring Busimss 2:: more then u. -t long. We axe in it yet. In thtt hm“ we have learned to sui: the “r: carry the largest «wk, keep the most hands win. experience of any L-G'ms in the county. Some c: hnve been with as :1: fly twenty years. Our goods cc :1! chefully'bouzht and are wcrt‘o 3 ask fox them. Nobody can beat us in quality of goals, 3 or stylish suits. Come in and look at om stock. are in it Yet. KENT-ST, LINDSAY OCTOBER ....... '.$6 00 STRI be

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