3 styles ing for They’ll vs gets If your Zhild, 9‘" vs him Dr ' for the iy from token 'owrlcf 3 best m4 hirts, :1: to 30b3,! W KIRKFIED n, dentist, has discon- sto Kirkï¬eld and has go to \ ictoria. Road instead. eat. Chirpaw’ 3 hotel regular- e.Thursda.y the whole year 90thwa ROAD WOOD VILLE Dr Bowerman, dentist, visits hotel. \Voodville, regularly k W Friday in each month except) last Friday. He will be there the flu three Fridays in September. meting and ï¬lling teeth done, also A. and sets of teeth at lowest The annual {all fair of the Laxbon end May Agricultural society will be held at [arlmd on Saturday. Sept. 2921). The dzellata are now in the hands of the meet. and wlll be ready for distribution “few days by the secretary. Mr. J. F. {35911. The directors are endeavarlng make this by far the best show that myetbeen held under the ausplaee of is mlety. JA NE T V1 LLE The services in connection with the up meeting continue to grow in inbereet niproï¬n each day. It is expected that my will be brought to a close next Mach. the Mb. 011 this date Rev. D. licCsm< of Cobonrg will preach ening and address a mass .3!!!an mi 9:? Mr. R. W. Asselstine of Kingston, the 1m principal of Kinmount Public School. mived on Saturday last and commenced teaching on Tuesday. We whh him â€I bbath. the Shh. On this date Rev. D. . 113C «mus oi Cobonrg will preach )mlng 311'! evening and address a mass aedng of the children in the afternoon. Kr. and Mrs. Lindsay of New York ‘11 assi‘at in the song service. All are erhlly invited. Constable A. Train amended at the PO‘ lite court Lindsay, on 28th Aug 9 when John Stone charged with forgery “'99 “3* for hearing The prisoner was honor- ably discharged. MILLER SMITHâ€"EMILY. Messrs. BIcKinnon and J atdan paid a Visit to Mr. Alex. Elliott on Sunday last. ‘ Mr. Geo. Gerc‘ey suflered a severe shock from a runaway lately. He I: able 3056 going around again. ‘ The Misses Arnold and Henley and â€1!.le†of Lindsay, were the guests 0f Mrs B. Parker on Sunday last. _ KINMOUNT New amvsl at Mr. Fwd Dattman's, a .7. Congratulations Fred. Miss Wellstood, Miss Seward and Miss ‘03 Seward paid a. visit to Minden lash Mn. Scmcham of Port Baton, Mich" '50 has been visiting with her sinner ms. 3. Pukar, has returnod to her 1101!“ 'ct0fi9' Road regularly every d3 ,Cbirpaw’s hotel). All arefally done. of dental work 0 m. Hugh Elliott. the ex-hemher of W Public school, in now attending the Mm“ School st Octawn. We wish Hugh me best of success in his new woxk. The l5611001 re-opened on Monday, 2713!: inst» With a decided improvement in the interior of the building. The work refleets; much credit on the contractor. Kr, Jae. Courtney, who is always noted f“ Perfection in accomplishing his under- “kilns, :58 surrounding community Ag 15 now the order of the d‘Y- The Simdemon and McGlnnis brothers report 200d Yields and in is unanimously thought th‘Whe crop this year will surpass any Haiti for many years past. ‘ 31'- Ra‘oers White has leased the farm “39d 5? Thomas Collins, consequently We are pleased and sorry ; pleased to “N that Mr. White is to remain in our 38°30“ Bud sorry to learn that Mr. cm“ is to take big departure for Peter- bomugh in the near future, where ills ‘ “011: will be somewhat chm and of Oakwood are busy open. oods boughb this week in _, 0. Hogg. Bargains 1:: Look for particular: next now almoab ï¬nished in LORN E VILLE Howe-ting in xenon] in about over. The crepe are nnexeelied by that of many years beck. Preparing the soil for the next crop. threshing. and attending fail fairs now occupy the attention of our farmers. Mr. D. McDougeld, Brentford, paid a flying visit to this community last week, lemming to the exhibition on Monday. Miss: Donalda McKinnon, Niagara. Falls, and Mrs Mitchell, Toronto, are this week the guests of their friend Mrs. R. Memo. Mine Mattie Smith, who has been home for the midsummer holidays returned to reenme her duties as public school teacher at: Midland on Monday last. Mr. Hugh Grant, our popular grain buyer, we are pleased to note in back to the old stand again. Stick- to it Hughie and we will stay by you no long as you give us as good prices and weight as can be got elsewhere. YEL VERTON Mr. Ridge will soon have his shingle mill in running order. M135 Lottie Headers of Port: Perry 13 the guest: of-Mrs. Barry Headers. On Sunday many of the Yelvertoniane attended the camp meeting at Janetvllle. BMI. D. Cope of Toronto spent a. few days with his couslr, Mrs. R. B. McGlll, recently. Miu'Maud Britten of Port Perry is visiting her sister and other friends at J anetville and Yeiverton. Mrs. Adair of Toronto and her danghber Mine Ida Adair of Philadelphia are visit- ing their many friends here. VMlss Coe and Mrs. Whitï¬eld of Coven, also Mrs. Coe of Toronto, paid a flying visit to friends here on bundsy and Mon- day. School has again opened after the sum' mer vacation. We are pleased no see Harvest ln thls community is almost ï¬nished. People should be very thankful for the bountiful crop. Barley averages from 35 to 45 bushels per acre, wheat: 25 to 30 and other grain equally as good. [Arrived too late last week] MAN SE GROVEâ€"ELDON Mr, and Mrs. Black of Grimsby are visiting at Mr. H. Reid’s. Mis; Campbell of Canninghon is visiting at) Mr. C. Anderson’s. Miss Mattie Sminh left here on Monday to resume her duties as teacher in Midland. Mr. Andrew Annie has purchased the farm formerly owned by Hamill Bros. We wish Mr. Annie success. Rev. N. A. McDonald, the newly inducted pastor of Sn. Andrew’s church, has already made a very favorable impression upon his congre- gation, his sermons being interesting and very practical. We hope that ‘great: good may be accomplished through his instrumentality. A. number of bbe young people of this vicinity attended the marriage of Miss Efï¬e Gillanders and Mr. B. Stacey on \Vednesday. Aug. 29th. The bride and groom are both very highly thought of in this community, anod happin upon them. all joini in wishing them every ess which this life can bestow A]: G YLE The marriage of Miss E. Gillanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gilland- Sa‘ ere, Argyle, with Mr. R. Stacey of 8- Lifford, was solemnized at their resiâ€" 1' drnce and lawn on Wednesday. Aug. wedding march, which has accompan- ied so many bridal processions were 9‘ rendered by Miss M. McRae, the ‘1 bridal party took their places on the lawn, the bride leaning on the arm of her father The bride was charming- . ly dressed in cream corded cashmere ti : trimmed with cream satin and all-over lace; the graceful veil which crowned c trimmed with valenciennes lace. Little May Campbell, robed in white embroidery and carrying in her hand an immense sheaf of flowers acted as maid of honor. The groom was ably Mr. O’Stacy brother of The bride received many handsome and costly presents showing the high H. [esteem in which she was held by the the community. - PLEASANT POINTâ€"FENELON Miss Willina wagmï¬ is to be con- gratulated On her success in the recent: exam. School has again reopened the able management of 1 Pedler. Mr. Geo. Mulligan, who has: 1 ailing for some time, is able to areund again. Mr. Jae. J uckson is gradually covering from 9. severe shock rece‘ some time ago by a. runaway. Mr. Thosâ€" En'dicobb loabia valuable horse on Sunday lash frOm the effect) of a rusty nail lodging 111 one of its feet Mrs. Francis Breen has been suffer- ing from the effects of a spider bite on the lip and was compelled to consult. a physician. The farmers of this vicinity are re- joicing over their abundant harvest irrespective of the intense heat, which at times makes it almost unbearable in the harvest ï¬eld. Peas are greflbly ; rushed this year and are yielding from 25 to 30 bushels an acre. Dr. John Hay and wife are at pres- ent) spending their holidays under the parenhal roof. We wish the doctor a. merry time during his short) stay. Pleasant Point is the scene of much merriment during the past two weeks. Every evening the shore is lined with campers and a ï¬ne bonï¬re lights up the surroundings. In the meantime a gramaphone under the management of‘ Mr. R. Morgan gives amp! e entertain- ment for the occasion. The point is fast becoming the favorite resort of the Kawartha lakes. MOre cottages are to be erected by Mr. Hay and things nromise to be still more progressive be erected by promise to be next. year. OAK WOOD Quite a large number from here have gone or intend to go no the exhibition now in program in Toronto. The junior football team have again commenced practicing in good earnest. Onher teams desiring mahchea can make arrangements for such by applying to the captain. J. Thorndike. -- "I Our esteemed pastor Mr. Clare gave two soul-refreshing sermons lash Sabbath to average congregations. In the even- lng an excellent: discourse was given from atext selected from the last: chapter of Revelations at the third verse, “And there shall he no more curse.†For preserving you may require new jars. Hogs; Bros. have large stocks of pint, quart: and bait gallon sizes in best quality gem jars at: close prices. l‘hey are cIesrlng out stock of stone fruit jars with corks at one-third off regular prices, quarts 10:, halfâ€"gallons 150. gallons 2 gallons 402 each. (‘1 â€" 2..---- 7L School report for August: Sr. 4 hâ€" ' Ellwood Keyee 99, Ida Hogg 91. Reggie Rennie 87, Ebhel Martindale 72, Goldie Dickie 71. Roy Gardner 48, Phila Adair , 45, Wm. Rlnn 43, Emerson Coed 37, Llllie Webster 36, daud Copplestone 35, Harry Perrin 34, Maud Thorndike 32, Vera Tall: 26, Fred Lake 8, Chan. Walters 4. Sr. 3rdâ€"Leonore Cameron 97, Cecil Rennie 97, Pearl Weldon 87, Stella Philp ‘81. Eocie Walton 49. Garï¬eid Falls 48, Roy Soanee 45,Laura Connor 10. Jr 3rd â€"â€"Florenoe King 90, Leta Phiip 83, Pearl Thorndike 80, Catharine Rinn 74. Maud Marbindale 70, Gladys Hugheon 69, Mabel Rlnn 68, Almena Coad 68. Clara Bell Falls 62, Pearl 003d 54, Sarah Savinac 51. Arnold Coad 36, Horace Goad 8. Sr. 2ndâ€"Katie Copplesbone 97. Pearl Irwin 80, Louie Pantereon 68. Morlev Goard 64, May Coad 63, Hazel Richard- son 48. Harold Hogs: 17. J r. 2ndâ€"Lmra ’ Lake 86. Ira Rina 85, Ida Webster 76, ' Eddie Lake 70, Roy Phllp 50, Willie I Coppleetone 47. vvrrr , Friday last was a very ï¬ne day, very ï¬ne indeed. So thought the wide-awake people of that lesser Britain, for it was their annual civic holiday. The commit- tee had arranged everything very nicely and the parts of the programme regularly succeeded each other like the scenes in ‘ some engrossing play. And then at last r the football match between Southern i Mariposa and Oakwood was loudly pro- ‘ claimed by the “committee.†Alas ! alas ! that “we the committee†should be so shortâ€"sighted as to dare to place the wearers of the white and black on a stubble ï¬eld that apparently had under- gone the ravages of some recent violent ‘ earthquake. Therefore ow‘ng to the dis advantage of the pit-falls the O.kwood ’ Ironsides could only hope to hold their i own against the easiest of craven-hearted ; foes. Finally, I say. if the pig-skin , kickers (and their actions, committee in' E elusive. suggested the stubborness of that _ animal) of Southern Marlposa have bsck- ‘ é bone and manliness in sufï¬cient quantity to play a return match in the Agricultural 3' grounds here. they shall pass through an 3 experience which shall live in the annals s of Little Britain’s history as the greatest 1_ physical shock its youth has ever expen- m enced. . rannmrï¬â€˜l? r51. â€"La.rge orders for supplies for the Imperial and Indian troops in China are being ï¬lled in Canada. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER= LINDSAY. 0N1 aned under 0 has been able to be W: 8‘ 8‘ G5 8‘ 8‘ 8‘ received my 1110er e regularly scenes in then at last i Southern ondly pro- Alu ! alas 1 ould be no place the black on a E'E'EE GEEEE EEEEEE ESummer and Autumn 'Q'Q‘fl" Just [1 W o[t_|_ about Hardware standard. A Cloud- Burst“ the Mightiest Values For Men, Youths’ and Boy’s THIS WEEK, as a Grand Finale to our Summe“ Clearing Sale, unequalled and unparalled are the values we turn loose in g Hardware, Stuves, Etaniteware, Paints, flils, Housefumishings. Every price stands for a surely great You can buy any Colored or Silk Front Shirt in our store for 650 We have been selling Hardware in Lindsay trade (although we try to deserve it), but continually growing. Our customers 2 with usâ€"and reader, if you have not etc, Summer Suits and Summer Furnishings The New Hardwar'e Men. , is complete. OUR GOUDS THE BEST; OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. all and see us whether you want to buy or not. You will be made welcome. been selling Hardware in Lindsay now for over a year. We hive not done all the although we try to deserve it), but we have done a gOOd deal, and our business is nually growing. Our customers are all satisï¬edâ€"satisï¬ed that it pays to deal th usâ€"and reader, if you have not yet dealt with us all we ask is GIVE US A TRIAL. We will do our best to please you and guarantee to SAVE YOU MONEY. Fall Goods come toppling in, but the weather’s too warm yet to hope to make peOpIe think of buying even medium-weight clothes, But we are ready for you all the same, even though you may not be quite ready to make purchases. You’re just as welcome to come in and inspect our Men’s Suits and Overcoats as if you were going to buy “When you want ï¬rst choice you’ll buy soon as you can' 'Ne’re in a position to please you better this fall than last. Every one of GRAHAM’S New Fall Styles is up to the rely great saving. Don’t forget that GRAHAM’S great sale of bhirts still continues. OUR STOCK OF Kentâ€"st, Lindsay