Ontario Community Newspapers

Watchman Warder (1899), 27 Jul 1899, p. 1

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{’4 Circulatic'jg, . 4.500 3 mm¢l.x.m h bFI’V I‘ I’vv‘p I _..__..â€"-â€"â€"â€" " W~â€"â€"â€" -7 75 Cents per annum ' Number 30- ' ‘ LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1809 m“-..- '. Glle/al/Cash Store TRADE m ' TELEPHONEs'unsettlirsss‘“:“13.532221: chlse to the Dell or any company shall LlT'l'LE BRITAIN They Were Discussed by the make a motion to that effect so that we '- B ‘ can vo e on it. ' "WA 0. card 0: Trade ‘ Mr. R. J. McLabghnnâ€"now is it that /-\:" _ ' THE TRADEE‘CCURSIONSWILL lh 13°11 ' d f on] . BECON. e - company is assessc or 5’ Sugars, Geno Grocerles TINUEDâ€"THE NEED OF wanes $1,000 . .. 5. ' __,__,_.__.â€" â€"EXPERIMENTALTRIPS THIS YEARl Mr. Soctheranâ€"It has been allowed to £ .113! goes a " long way at this AIIJONG TALK on THE TELEPHoNs 5 stand at that figure for ,8“ an rpm“, to stOz'e' Try 115- , _. 0 ADVICE T0 (El-VB thejudge would result in its being cut in 31f. .____. .Two matters of local importance were two. The G.N.W. telegraph company was '- ' ‘ d 11 Cn discussed at a well-attended meeting ofiassessed for $800. Mr. Stewart, their 91 O; u o the Board of Trade on KVednesday night - solicitor, appealed and .the iudge granted " «t THC Britain Cash Store. “18:33 Week. These were the trade ex-gthem areduction to $400. That is follow- ; . ‘ its 5”“ cursxons and the request of the Victoria ing the celebrated “scrap iron” decision at- , ,' ' /" "’ Telephone Company for the privilege of Hamilton where the properly of these sidered in this connection. It was an off worth apart from a running concern. It . coming to this town. A possible arrange- companies beine on the public streets was iLflRE ment With the Bell people was also con- held to be assessable only at what it is l I i o l night for the Board. The questions dis- was shewed in the G.N.W. case here that We bring business by giving you prices that Will make your 0999 cussed “ ere Of the most difficult nature their poles were worth only $21. .. «uhgvbisseason 01mm and cam“, in themostimpossible ,ms CO, DemPWe do“ wan, to give an, is? dunes and dollars count. Don’t waste your money paying exorbitant 5253;; 2.5m Our styles are so that the net result was very small.- A absolute control at any rate. We can’t ’. . f 4_ . . ' ' . . . I prlces or clothmo: There is no necessaty for 1t. The rule Of this T313313“, ,, 1.330010 them not few trade excursions will be run as an.tell but with the rams hone or some- -. a _ g P this motion. Speaking to it Mr. Sootheran explained his position as follows:- Last February Mr. Rogers was in my oflice and told me that the town of Peterboro got ”1,3,;3, and the prices are the experiment this year, and no suggestion thing else we ma shortly be able to hear 3,3, . f ~:‘y_:;‘;'.;:cw, “‘1‘“! values offered. Ii Was offered council regarding the tele- the dulcct tones 5:3.” Sir \Vilfrld Lauricr or 1 house 18 to glve the very beSt’ value for the very leaSt money" we “.3330 31115 ‘3, ‘f‘u pay you to phone matter. Sir Charles Tapper. ~ . . ,ani:,£.ROUSERS Anon wrlanrs MnMcLaughnkm don'tnced them guarantee to do It. The spec1aloffers here are the best you will find Lisl'ffff, f'r'ousers cut by me The secretary read a letter from Mr. colonel; we have you and Capt. Crandell. in thlg tOWI} 5?" : 3.2.3. don“t bag at the knee. Frank Crandell regarding the construction MI“ Sootheran said that for the sake 0‘ ‘ k . ~ ,. ~ , . " " r. of wharfs at various points along the discussion he would move that the town ',’ . "MW"""°""““"'"‘" ‘â€"‘ .; 21CI‘I chain of waterways within the trading council be advis.d to accept theofferof the 5; 1 ' " l. I ” limitsof Lindsay. This letter reminded Bell company. M?- Edwards seconded ME %, ’ , ~'~'" llll . i S; BUY 3 AND YOUTH S SUITS]!!! .2; "‘31.: Tailor, Little Britain the town of the amount of money it had A expended on wharfs, and recommended that the municipalities touching the l a LOT 1 . LOT 5 Gill: water from the FOrt to Port Hoover be- 5 ,0,“ ents ? requested to construct wharves at which pay from the Bell company for the p1ivi_ ‘5: ’ .. . I mp“ “ ‘ excursion boats could land without the 1939 Of putting Up 90185 there. They are g2, _M‘:"‘ 5 I‘m“ Imported Eng-1gb TWEC‘] SUIiS. single/breast- â€".\Ien’s All-Wool Imported Clav V7orsted Suits Sacoues or. , . '53 .935, MAsSEYllARRIs danger now attendant on trying to take Ofl‘ getting $105). I left word at the local : ‘fid,’ S“We 51W}? Bark 15'9““, 1152333“ mm“: Wilh Skirt Coat, silk stitched edges, best of {aimers3 satin Cultivamrs, Drills, Mow- passengers. Appended was a list (if places elite for the inspector to call and see me '35, Elm 0Y6.” 3,“: ‘fSl'le‘SS Cl‘m‘ _llnl‘7§5, an $853101 lininga, well interlined, sizes 36 to 44, this suit is ' the mxr time he came to town. lle came. 32 tum: sun, “2‘5 39 to ‘4’ 0“” $3 00 worm $10 0‘” P569 $3 .r,. in: ailing; U I ‘1»; ....-., 3133135. and Bind- at which these ought to be buift. and the ....,.l_ ' .1 ‘ . ‘ "J 0* P‘OWS and unproxzmate cost. It was as follows: “'t r I asked‘llim why we should not get pay as LOT 2' LOT 6 ., i L“. l” itii’ns and Torcnto On 13kg and river Scuggg, at Port Hoover, well as Peterboro. He said they were not Slffl- . .. '7 e '1- . ~ ) ° 1- . accustorr ed to a in towns of this size. â€"-Men’s Ser e Suits in Nav~ Flack and ndian c a 'l _ ' L ' IiOC‘d 5’ “1”,. Pine ‘lOl-Y1l', ‘) . i) h . ll 1p .y-c i.) .c ., 1 . . . H, \vel' llg'l’td'm :mr’ ‘rim‘ryzil' J'“ c'no’ OI (l-b' l‘ésl‘rbre’ 4‘} Y' ‘ 1“ 9 5" A '- .r,. C ‘” ::C:Ei Shop in c0nnec_ C398,,‘rea. $100: “abhburns $10; 131”“! Uta e “0U (. 5)! lb Ladlbi le Illlltld-IQ). Kt t 1| ‘0 L( A t; A. l.‘l; Ul ~1llhic T .lld ML .{:a~i€.,, â€"' .JJ hb “)3 3.: ‘ur V3‘3')’ ‘ a - - . . ‘ v ' l- - n- __ ‘ r . ._ _., -v a ', .,- V .. “5.4.135, Pfik, Sausages, 1 Point, $100: Ball‘s, $50; McGlll'S. 3100. Soon af er I got ll. letter containing the 3?; 5 Y C: $- 25. $2 ’5: $3 ~02 $3 50: v4 2.1: $3: .3 /3 X (’qu macntfy? “I? as a”MO-‘S"° save 71033:" “1'91” ”‘0‘ ,. , ) . . fl , .. , _ . . ,~ 1 'r - 5 xx (31 ers are anc- we are us a: arxzous to . , "Ll- . , '_:.'.;:c.1ase elsewhere. somerv's $150, Harvev, $100 . Chase‘s council. It went before the committreand "if L: .l. 3 without saying Irlrre’s an as ance , f» e‘ ,5}. 3‘ ” 1‘ ~ ’ ~ 3 ’ ‘ ‘ u L w I L. -l. . . ..â€"- , . ~ «I it was thouaht best to acce t the Oller. . . . . "Vii” t"). On Cameron lake, The hurt NCO: \Iemlwhile I'the Victoria congpany erte -â€"â€"Men’s Canadian Tweed Suits. m fine colorings, made ‘ ' strong. in light and dark sharing, for $2 2;. $2 75, LOT '7 R sedale, $1C0; North Fenelcn, $100. “ii; Lillie Britain This proposition chr- Crandell‘stouch- “king “3 ‘0 6° “thing “‘1 they could $3 25. $350. $425,$-l 75. $5 23- $5 so..$6. 5.7.- vlu "-. ““t,» ' 4 . we: was}: Ml mazes . . I 3 Ed the great difficulty before the wh.le amcarbeforeus. After severaldisappoint' â€"Youths’ Suits Knee Pants single-breasted 53! rue sha'e -â€",-â€"-'”â€""' e ~ exwrsion business on the waters adjac ntl “19““ they came 35 3'0“ liClW. 3 f6“: all?“ LOT 4 qud of ,Light Brown’and Grey, 3113,57,), 5 033.3523, .3 ,3, 5. n ?” to l.indsay,and led to the discu'ssioo c.0380 Ml“ were heard bl'aiomt mectlmsz . . . . . Tweed, best Italian cloth linings- {ya/ad 'rimmings, 3 2 5‘; 27:3 3?! trade excursions particularly. A com. council and this Board. Lol. Deacon said - W e fall sprcml attennon to (our Black- Worsted Suit: , , aslzcscS to 33 Chest, regular pncc, So, our rrrce, $3 75 . ‘ .. :4. g :2 b m mittee of the Board had previously tried then that the council had no authority :0 3:, â€"-Mens Black Clay Vlcrsted Q’Jli‘S, Saque OI Skirt Cozlls, â€"Boy ,5 Sulls‘from 71,1: to S.) -. are c ' 1 ' f il d. Mi. new» the Bell peOple's ofi‘er. If the 1 eff Sum; dumbed edges, 2““‘1 SW" ”‘75 36, to 44' m“ â€"\Ier;s 51" ‘x 0‘31 Tweed Pants {mm 55¢ UP . to ar. am“ a ‘erleh but had a e , l . 3, line 13 Worth regulrrly $5 31, our once $0 5U ~83" s knee Pants from lbs to 5;: y - ‘ . Kncwlson had run one from the Indian have not “'1“ he tell us who has. (at r J .- 5“; gm PLE Village and brought in 100 p€0ple, but the Col. Deaconâ€"I did not say ti at ldo .5} Vilma; _. ’W‘Wflfl ’ “‘3' Board realized that wharves HIUSt come oppose the principle, T esecretary $861118 :2; W . 5 before excursions. ito have. been acting for the COUUCil-I f”, . . . . f; a? '1‘; § n 311‘. I‘. C. Taylorâ€"Since the enterprise is don't, knopv9 [boy do things so quietly g: , I n n , ' ’1 r 7‘“; a 3’ ll ‘ 3 a before this Board we should look into the nowadays. butl will move. seconded bv "T; ' '8" S dmm8[ [unis lugs n Bfweaf fig ige i“ }l t\ “Q E“ BIS ,1 b " a” matter and further the suggestion of that Mr. McLaughlin, that no action be taken. ‘. 9 l ' 5 l V! b :13: 9 “ . -' annot le all 'use town funds . _ . . , , _ . ,St. 3 r” a“. :32 iztbilildi‘hz; “harm: bit we can disengs “Maggi-31533:: aginm'tfjét 2H¥§1515r :3 to be sold on an average at half price. Summer goodsâ€"and so early in the season. hinl: Of , , B a? a. the matter with the various municipali- agricultural implement works than SS}. the months ahead of you for wearing such goods and then consider the littlcness of these prices. , “ ties affected, and by pointing out the veflerls shall come here. 1,5. We carry the newest and latest 1n Tics. Call anu‘see them. ’ l ' . r, . ,5, 1p advantage; to us pith hmaynifidglcle 1:311:11; Mr. Sootheranâ€"The telephone is dilTer- 3:; . 5:. ' a“? " 5%; i to build W, alve» ”I kph ’ cut. The Bell people aregiving us as cheap 5“,- WW WV'VVW 5 :3. ,.S 3 good many fine) be got. _ h a service as we can get. If we have to put '5"? MEN, DRESS SHIRTS M r9 1' , g 2, ‘l ..- . misgiizsssrgrtsmast":ts: . - .. Ell ALL-WOOL SOCKS - a? i ,5 g “ED excursions. 1 have mislaid my written 1‘9- realel‘e shall be imposmg a tax on our- ii; 350 , 450-, 650 , 850. and $1 004m Z 0111;? 9 cents a Pair, worth 15 cents. .7 in it: a :9 U port, but may state that our efforts to get “ " . . f ' 5», the steamboat men to take it up were not fill/Ir: Eiggulgtltllbnâ€"ii‘dxthgifi‘lhscizifiigyt 1: . . ., m , , ,, fl. . , 0 arm 1 a. ..s .- n l .1, ~ 7,, i3 r {i g“ 8 Al!- :EZJiiiimiiufeift'ctgiio'crgxieneiiig too low. In an appeal the instruments pi; Dressy Hats i'Or Men, Men’s Stiff and Soft Hatsâ€"an assorted lot, fine quality, English For ’3' g '3’": 2" indt say definitely at that time. Mr. they have in Privatefiouses ffmld n35 Felt, Zephyr Weights and unlined ; colors Black and Brown or Toboc ; Stiff Hats run large in if, Knowlson would run to Indian village for 0°?“ “‘1‘?" {he scrap‘lmn’ “60‘5”,“ “'3 ,é Size ; Soft Hats, regular Sizes, worth r"om $1.50 to $2. our price, $1. ,,z 5' 5?"; 9t? 13“! , a bonus of $15, but since we could not Efiztbglzzdteaengyiiiegg55:13::ӣ3: No trash at aanrice. From t': 5beginning we’ve insisted that the best was none to $-03, g. U: .. "- v.3 , SUDDTF the other routes We did not accept they are not (”faring enough _for absdlute , for our trade. Buying as we buy, 11 large quantities, taking;r quick advantage of special Opnor- "f5 ‘3' "A" his terms' The lac}; 0E Wharvés. was per, control for five years, ‘ 3,, tu'nities and saving all cash discounts, enables us to sell first-class goods below the market. That .: 5 :5 7? . 32:35:13?“ for the unwnllugness 0 Mr. T. Stewartâ€"If the Victoria company 5:. is largely the case 30:. ,wa goods of ,every'short are coming to us at a. big discount iron: rcgu ar 5‘; §t; f, m E Af'er waxine' congratulatory over the wants to come it; is not our duty to protect r“: prices, and WC an i. C s‘avmg over to )OU Vvl. OUiE I'CSCI‘VC. 83511 In mind that “'6 have Cil;_-,' C- 12 it 1: i: 2 ‘ I 9 Ogtaiva vote of15 $5.900 for river improve. their subscrillrrs. They can take the new ,3 price, and that we treat all customers the same. NO SheCl‘ly busmess here. 3?: ments Capt. Crandel spoke 3, follows; instruments or not as they Wleil “de all ‘5 _ , ,3. "l .7 3.57 \Vhrn the dredging is «lone and our new . 0th: r risks. By refusing the Bell oher we '5 .» ,3" 1 ‘ it ' d g E wharf is bUilt we shall have a nice channel. 105% $500. bl“ that 16‘ better than tying our it = v' ‘3 2” ~ . ‘Wc Hitlrb try and get these other whzlrves builds for “‘79 years. ';'¢ ,3; "“" 1’ "1737557???sz built. A personal interview with the Mr. F. C. Taylor â€"The farmers are to be 5 IT' 11 r . . councils of these municipalities is thel henefitled by the new line. and we should i; :2 ii? 5“: -. 1 properthing. They will all be willing to do nothing to stand in the wayoftlleir 5, £3 i ii; i 2 i d U give grants if.a committee waits on them. convenicm e. 5 7",. .3 4. «.â€" l i 1 '2" As far as the excursions no I con (1 not Mr. Jag, GrahamwThere seems to be an '1", 2 DOOI‘S trash B83501} 110L189 f ' . say when the committee asked If”, but I impression that Mr. Sootheran has been n : 1 ~ ‘3,“ have since offered to run e’ght trips to the dealing with the Bell telephone to the dis“ ‘4‘ in flws Indian village for $10 each. That would advantage of the townâ€"(Vo’ces no, no). i be better than dmppins 0‘” for a week Very well. This is a questiou of business and then starting again. I have dope my on one side and sentiment on the other. 1 T" they)“: (”8556? part. If we accept the Bell company‘s offer we I: '1'“ 5 “"1 women SI \lr Ry LIcLaughlinâ€"Lindsay ought to get $800. That's business. If, for the ‘ ' sake of the farmers we sacrifice the $800. it“ ‘17.»: stylesâ€"as usual, ,, ’t' n on the " . . . take adva..tage of her pos. IO , . . . _ ‘ ' “. 2.: .«_ meet SCléCt lme m finest stretCh of inland waters in Canada. that is sentiment. Butsentlmentiswortb There has been a grant made for the something and m this case it IS worth hi: Tou buy your Shoes work between Balsam lake and Simco. more .than $800 and I will move that the ‘3 wip- ’(u know that Our water connections will not only aid Victoria. company be given a five-year ‘ if}; gpjaid too much our retail trade but greatly help the diStri' “web!“ If they become responsrble for H .ri\C - ) ' ' ’ 'dents from their wires. - b tron of all our products. Mr. Crandell s accr ' for them' that they are the letter is on the right line but we must Mr. Bradyâ€"The argument of Mr. Staples Corma- style; and that they be able to tell the municipalities that the about another railway is not parallel. If iriif'illi‘tfiidilrf'eiiiximtstdflfislWhiw’mfiesfit"2‘51:'F‘a’k'i.“ #‘fli'fi. Jwi’fiflfirfiie-“uiwfl. ' ,. s fifi‘l‘ifiifll’fw? ‘â€" any slurcast on the council by asking the consecutive days, with little or no snow l Tamar-ac afifl umac advice of the Board of Trade. on the around, caused the roots to be ' _‘_‘__ “ “t "' Mr. Sootheranâ€"I am sorry the mayor frozen. The trees leafed and blossomed as Mr. Thos. Southwcrth of the Provincial takes that view. The council is a smaller usual in 11185 ring, and then ined awa Forestrv De artmcnt Toront: has \‘r‘ r ' " 3' I) , . . 3.4.8.. l l l l l body and Lam glad to get. the opinion of and died. The landscape about Leaming-' t0 the Imperial Institute, Louder, Eng, this board Of business men. ton and Kingsville now looks as if a, V‘Vith a view to obtaining inIOsmation as to Pres Flavelleâ€"Mr. O’Leary is right, blight had visited it and killed ofl‘its trees. a market in England or other old world ' ' Hundreds of acres of them stand leafless, lands for raw sumac, ‘a product used in i and yetI would like to seealimit put to . . . 5 . . the franchise if possible so that it could a most disheartening S‘ght' Yet a few tanning. At present it is brought into not be speculated on. To Mr. Walters, 'I may say that we are acting purely as an advisory body and do not wish to usurp escaped and are apparently unhurt. The the raw material exists in abundant quan- crop on the remaining trees, which is a ' tities in this Province. particularly in the very small fraction of what previously 3 northern districts, it has been suggested existed is a failure, but a few early peaches ' that it might be sent oversea. for m anufact- _, will “‘62:. r well. will call if they build the wharves. we had to pay two freight rates in case of . , . , 1,1,9 -: . , b01323. Flavelleâ€"Probably we can only another road it might be. The talk about any “memo“ 0f the council. were shipped from Leamington on Friday ure. A peculiarity about sumac is that it ‘ ._ eaé'i'if-ii'fi'f: P3135. on b d t ils this year. having farmers on the line is not practic Mr. Jacksonâ€"I do not see how more last. The'loss of the Essex farmers L- ‘ 1.0“. - d'~t . , .‘ , . , 1 cl, curprcsent arrange t e e a . . ld b . , . b dd d t e ts The . 3’ g S In is riots where agriculture 15 ; mess. MLB. Sylvesterâ€"Bun some trial trips able. There wou _e no hrlvacy unless Wires can e a e on our s r e I. t reason of the frOSt Wlll be very heavy, andlusually carried on under difiiculties, owing 9 ' ' foreseen? ',;'_-r)Ple in town this year. You will be in a better post- centrals were established in the north statute demands that the lowest be 33 fee will be the more so when judged by last to the unsuitable nature of the ground 5‘30‘33- y tion to ask for wharvea. . country. I favoer.Grahamsresolution. from the ground and there willbe trouble year’s crop as a standard. One farmer Could a. market be found for it 'man”, Lute in snow gocds. It was moved-by Mr. G. H. M. Baker however, for it won t do to refuse the re- if they are put too close together. If the , made 325,000 out of his peaches last year farmers now barely able to' make ends 1 ‘â€"â€"â€""" and' seconded by Mr. Edwards, that quest ofa local company. Victoria- compary only wants to run a in south Essex. but this is of course an meet would add greatly to their source of single “"1" "“0 L'ndsay and not to engage ‘ unusual occurrence. As soon as the kill- income - Information is 8-180 being sought l dc to run six weekly Mr. McLaughlinâ€"We won't lose $800 L WHlll‘. lime?” “m“gememmm ' - - -- - 1 b st in would be eas , I ’ (:3 Us L’Ir. herr was sure anyway, 10: ‘nis dIPClISSI’TI “-111 result in In g€nera u. fleas . y ing of the trees was discovered [Dash of from the institute as to markets far 1 Shoe been trips this summer. . the season was too far advanced. What, raising the “55958111800 0f the Bell (3001â€" enough. . the farmers began pulling them out and tamarac. used in the manufacture of Rum. ' S "MAM‘ was the use trymg to do now What the pan“ '1') quebec the localtelephme 855- At Mr- McLaughlin’s suggestion the destroying them. Now they are busy re- Which enquiries have Shown to he plenti- d to do in the last tem' is working in many places. Mr. question was left to the council and the planting their orchards, in order to lose fulthroughout the pmvmce- 3 '1 1 L‘ ‘ committee had faile . . ‘ i. lib, month. The motion carried. 1 Sootheranvs motion to accept the Bell offer meeting adJourned. no time in getting into business again. It THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE was lost. Before Mr. Graham’s motion . . will be five or six years, however, before Peach Growing 1n Essex the trees are able to bear. Some difficulty â€"Desplte strenuous efio ts to secure a reprieve, including an appeal to the l, was put Mr. Hugh O'Leary, Q.C., said: . . President Flavelle gave a brief outline , . "b d . _ . . . l'l'ln’ _ ' ‘ ‘ - - i h both the Victoria That moton 18 a sur . What use is It to has been'experlenced in getting enough \, 031’ hr: ll H ealm g Zizblgslfgl‘jilefihfili “cgmpanies. The Bell say to a copwagy you may put down poles As aspecirnen of the abiding faith of the trees to replace all those destroyed. One 3:16;:eyffymfigrzrifnszll, 1:110 was . .. lie c. -ment company were willing to give $100 8 7831‘, and plant 13:1: :1: years and {“5 the end 0f fruit farmer in his crop, the peach trees of man last year cleared $7,000 from his inmate of an insane asg‘unfr b5 3:819:11?“ i m a”: for pics; heals every kind of two free instruments and the use of the that time d net em out again. No com- Essex cpunty may be cited. As is already peaches. This year he lost all his trees her person ed cake 'wns’h‘an ‘ed in Thur‘sg- 1 takenmmm pimple to the most ‘0 arms of their poles, for an exclusive Deny W331 t 8 er; t? such an offer and“: widely known,la’st winter‘s frost proved and has spent $6,000 in replacing them day at St. Alban’c‘ England The crime 1 "my irfnchise for five years. their assessment Will be! e 0' ma et. - disastrous to the peach trees 0f the gravel With new ones. This condition is the for which Mrs. Aileen was executed was i z, 25 CENTS A BOX to stand at $1,000 during that time. The Mayor Waltersâ€"You may leave the belt to the south of Windsor: There are more annoyingrn view of the fact that a commimd for the purpose of securing . ‘â€" Victoria company on the other hand was matter in the hands of the council. We. zsaidtohave been winters With days ten small precaution of scattering a little the pay ment of life insurance money. l arequrte capable of dealing with it and degrees lower in temperature than any of straw or manure around the base of the The murderers had obtained a. policy ' 1 50 bring their line to . upon the life of her sister, giving 3 falls ‘ TS .. - lesion . WAXTED to sell Paxam’s ”kmg perm ' takingcare of the town’s interests. If not last season, but the fact that the ther- trees would have saved them all from this “R PR“? . . , o , E Ammo-W Pemns DmgledsaY- onâ€"TO bringthe matter to a we will resign at once. We don’t want mometer was below zero for seven expcrure and death. descrlp‘ioa. . '1,- ., 1 . s. . ' " _. ' E ‘1 ' ‘° GWgh’s. l 001. Deac ~. ~ \ o l

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