. . The way we have of disposing of Winter Stock at the end of the season comes from the Will we have of re: ducmg prices, no matter what the 1088. Nothing succeeds like success, and our ROUSING MID-WINTER SALE is a; sample of it. It’s a chance to be lucky. » it Another month of this weather will relieve us of our Winter Clothing. GOUGH’S Sensational Bargains of he day is to prepare for Spring Goods. That’s the motive. There’s no room for argument about the wisdom of buying now for future wants-=-the prices we quote prove it conclusively. v Regular price Regular price Regular price Regular price Regular price $2.75 Suits now... .$1 90 $3.50 Suits now. . . . 2 40 $4.00 Suits now. . . . 2 90 194 50 Suits now. . . . 3 4:0 N VERLASTINGLY AT I Is our motto. We are going to keep 9' it until every man, woman and child is convinced that no place even compares with Gough’s in stock, rats KEEPI G E and prices. Our glothmg is madeto d( U]! duty, to give full service, well put together and shapely. Everything offered at this big sale is positively our regular stock. The necessxty for reduction 15 our only reason for such a paring in prices as is now going on. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER 0F STANDARD HIGH-GRADE CLOTHING KIRKFIELD Mr. T. Ernest Godson, barrister, of Benetton, will be in his Kirkï¬eld ofï¬ce (Crosby’s Hotel) the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in every month. 10-lyr. GELERT Mr. M. Harsison renamed home from camp last Friday. He would not have come home so soon but: that he was sick and required medical aid. The Methodist tea here on Feb. 16th was sgreab success. It. was a. lovely night) and quite a. crowd drove from Minden and took part in the program. Also Rev. Mr. Hapkinstrom Gooder- ham gave a. short; address. Last. Sunday was a. very rough day and blocked the roads terribly. The snow plough from Lindsay came up lash Monday. to clear the track for the ï¬rst time this winter. W'O 0D VILLE Dr. C. Bowerman will be at the Queen’s hotel, Woodville, the ï¬rst. four Fridays in March (all day). Gas ad- ministered for the painless extraction of teeth. Arbiï¬cial sets made, and natural teeth preserved. Prices mod- (rate. Malcolm McPherson, an old and highly respected recident of our village, died at his residence on Thursday of bat week- The funeral took place on Saturday morn- ing at the Presbyterian church, conduct- ed by Rev. J. McD. Duncan, where a large concourse of friends had gathered. The funeral took place at Manilla. He was in his 67511 year, and was bailiff of the ï¬rst Division Court of Victoria county and also county constable. Mr. John Braden has been very 11!. but. we are planed to hear that he is now recovering. The heavy snow-fall of last Thursday and F ride} neaï¬y paralysed businessâ€"- even the members of the camp had to lie OUR GORBESPONDENTS LETTERS FROM $4.50 Ulsters, now ............ $5.50 Ulsters, now ............ $7.50 Ulsters, now ............ $8.50 Ulsters, now .......... $105 and $12 Ulsters, now ...... BDYS’ 3-PIEGE SUITS Sizes, 28 to 34 Breast Measure. MEN’S ULSTERS CAMERON. $5.50 Overcoats for .......... $3 90 $7. 50 Overcoats for .......... 5 25 $8. 50 Overcoats for .......... 6 75 $10.00 Overcoats for. . . . . .. . .. 8 00 $12 00 and $13 Overcoats for.. 9 50 $14 00 and $15 Overcoats for.. 11 50 MEN’S BEAVER .‘ OVEROUATS‘ Regular vhue $ IO. 00, Regular value $12. 00, Regular value $15.00, Regular value $16.00, Regular value $18.00, Regular value $20.00, $3 00 values now. $4.00 values now. $4.50 values now. $5.00 values now. $6.00 values now. MEN’S BLACK SUITS YOUTHS' OVERGDATS $5.00 Suits now. . . .$3 90 $6 00 Suits now.... 4 40 $7.00 Suits now. . . . 4 90 now...~.$6 75 now.... 8 25 now....10 50 now....11 00 now....12 00 to order.15 00 Mr. William Bryson, son of our post- master, has gone to Ashland, Wisconsin. William will be greatly missed. We all wish him success. girls I actors. A cloud of sadne-s seemed to envelop the village when the news came that so many of the brave Canadians were killed and wounded at the Modder River in South-Africa. Many hopes are expressed that The war may soon terminate, and that'Wlthont further loss of life. The Kickapoo Indian Co. have been holding forth here for the past week in the Orange hall. Since that nearly every boy and young man, and some of the up. We‘ expect torrents of water after little. Some real estate has been changing hands in our burg. Mr. James Ingram has bought: Mr. Israel Goodhand’s house and lob. -Mr. Goodhand has rented a farm, and will be leaving the village about the ï¬rst: of March. Mr. John. H. Copeland, too, hrs rented his farm and is to be a resident: of Cameron. He has rented Mr. P. Perrin’s house. VALEN TIA. Miss Robinson of Lindsay is the guest; of Mrs. C. W. Parkin. Mrs. J. Stokes one day last week had her elbow put out of joint by the fulllng of a ladder. A very pleasant evening was spent last Tuesday at Mr. R. Taylor’s. Lots of taï¬'y and heaps of fun. The tafl'y poll was quite interesting. Mr. J. K. Perkin had a good share of the pull. The oyster supper on the 13th Feb., glven by Court Valentin C.0.F.. proved a decided success, notwithstanding the very rough evening. The hall was well ï¬lled. The proceeds amounted to $45. On Tuesday morning Mr. Wm. Found had a narrow escape from belng killed. He was kicked by a horse just: above the eye. which left him unconscious. Dr. Hall of Little Britain dressed the wound and Will is doing nicely. Quite a number of Velengia people are going to the west this sbring. The choir will feel the loss or Mr. Hobbs. He was leader for several years. Joe. wants to take the choir with him, but as yet only one voice was heard to say, “I will go." m%wm% 12234. 625 have been embryo Kickapoo $4.00Men’s Suits redu’d to $2 40 $4.50 Men’s Suits redu’d to 2 90 $5.00 Men’s Suits redu’d to 3 25 $6.00 Men’s Suits redu’d to 3 75 $8 50 Men’s Suits redu’d to 4 75 $10 Men’s Suits reduced to 5 75 $1 1 Men’s Suits reduced to 6 75 $12 Men’s Suits reduced to 7 '75 $13 Men’s Suits reduced to 8 75 $14 Men’s Suits reduced to 9 75 $15 and $16 Men’s Suits .1. FA MEN’S TWEED SUITS $100 Trousers for ...... 800 $1.25 Trousers for ...... 740 $1.50 Trousers for. . . . .. 950 $1.75 Trousers for ...... $1 10 $2.00 Trousers for. ..... 1 37 '/2 $2. 50 Trousers for. . . . .. 1 65 $3.00 Trousers for. ..... 1 90 $3.50 Trousers for...... 2 25 $4 00 to $5.00 Trousers for ................. . 2 95 Regular value Regular value Regular value Regular value Regular value Regular value Gloves Men’s Lined Kid and Mocho Gloves Regular pxice 50c, now ........... .. ............... Regular price 75c. now ........................... Regular price $1, now ........................... Regular price $1.2 5, now .......................... $1 {educedYto ............ 1 1 50 MEN’S TROUSERS ' CORNER KENT STREETS, Boys’ Reefer Overcoats $2.00, now... . . $2.50, now. $3.00, now ..... $3.50, now ..... $4.00. now.. ............... $4.50 and $5 00, now.... ...... On Tuesday evening next, March 6th, Rev. C. O. Johnston of TOronto will lecture on the subject “Briton and Boer†at the basket social to be held here under the auspices of the Y.P.S. CE. The subject is a timely and m- teresting one, and Mr. Johnston is a. clever platform orator. See posters. We are pleased be hear that the sick baby at the home of Mr. and Mn. Cyrus Crozier 13 every day improving. The oynter supper given by the 0.0.F. here was a grand success. The proceeds amounted to the handsome sum of $45. Mr. Fred Crozier, formerly of Scngog Island, has become a citizen of our town. Sougog’e lone is our gain, an Fred is a general favorite.especially with the ladies. A basket ecclel is to be heldzin the Methodist church here on the evening of March 6th. We expect the Rev. C. O. Johnston of Toronto to lecture on the evening of the same date. Mr. W. R. Swain, one of our most progressive farmers. has recently pur- chased a cream seyarator for use in his dairy. We understand it: gives good satisfaction. A quiet wedding book place at the resi- dence of Mr. John Swain. jr.. being the marriage of his sister, Mien Maggie Swain. to Mr. Joseph Hobbs. Your scribe joins in wishing the happy- coupie prosperity through life. We noticed an item from your Little Britain correspondent that some of the inhabitants of that town had turned Boer. Now, Mr. Editor, although we are 90 per cent. Irish, we have no Boer sympathizers here. A talk with Mr. R. Suggitt is enough to convince all that Britain is ï¬ghting for a just cause. OAKWOOD George Hicks has been busy all week nlling Hogg Bros. cold storage building with ice. You ought) to see George’s bay nag hoist ice 3 he beats any machine yet. invented, both for speed; certainty and safety. Messrs. Hogg Bros. have completed stock-baking, and report the business done last: year as the largest in the history of their store. This speaks well for our village, being so close to THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT. ooooooooooooooooooo 350 50c 75c town, and goes to show that the ï¬rm areprogressive and up-to-date in their methods. It is certainly a great con- venience to have such a. large store carrying almost every line of goods, with a. stefl’ of competent salesmen, right at our own door. Let us support our own business interests in the village and not send our money away when we have it and only go to the local stores {or goods when we want credit, as some are inclined to do occasionally. "Spend your cash where you get your credit†is a good motto. A very pretty but quiet wedding took place on Tuesday, Feb. 20th, at the residence of Mrs. J as. Thorndike, it being the marriage of her grand daughter, Miss M. A. Cunnings, to Mr. J. F. E. Brass of this place. At precisely ï¬ve o’clock the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. (Rev_) Phelps. The bride was charmingly attired in a suit of caster ladies’ cloth, trimmed with liberty silk over white satin and carried a bequet of bridal roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss P. L. Cunnings of Port Carling, who was also becomingly attired in a costume of brown cloth, trimmed with Duchesse satin and white chiï¬'on, and also carried a shower boquet. The groom was ably assisted through the trying ordeal by Mr. Jas. H. Moore of Oakwood. The knot was securely tied by Rev. L. Phelps. At the con- clusion of the ceremony the guests re- paired to the dining-room, where an elaborate dejeuner was served, after which the bridal party drove to ‘ Mariposa station, where Mr. and Mrs. iBrass took the east bound train for lPeterboro and other eastern points, followed by the good wishes of all. On the evening of Friday the 16th a merry crowd assembled at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orson Weldon to welcome home Mr. and Mrs. N. Wel‘ don. Mrs. O. Weldon received the gue‘ets, who were also welcomed by the $3.50 values now $4.00 values now $4.50 values now $5.50 values now 200 Boys’ Odd Vests, special. . 100 Men’s Odd Vests, special. 85 Men’s Odd C0835. special. Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Men’s 3-ply Linen Collars, regular price 15c, sale price ...................... Sc Engiish Web‘ Suspenders, xegular price! 2'5c, sale price": ...... ...' ..... _....150 (’3 Men’s Black Sateen Shirts, reguiar price 40c, sale price... .258 Men’s Black Sateen Shirts, regular price 7§c, sale price. . ..500 Men’s heavy Leather Mitts, lined Men’s heavy Leather Mitts, lined Men’s heavy Leather Mitts, lined Regular values 25c. now. . . . . . . . ....... Regular values 3 5c, now ...... . ....... Regular values see, now... . . . .. . . . . . . Regular values 7 5c, now. .. . . ...... . . Boys’ Two Piece Suits YOUTHS’ SUITS AND PEA JACKETS Gents’ Furnishings $1.50 Suits now 1.75 Suits now 2.00 Suits now 2.25 Suits now 2.50 Suits now 3.50 Suits now 4 oo Suits now 4 50 Suits now Men’s Odd Garments Boys’ Short Pants r. . . .$2 25 $6 00 values 7. . . . 2 90 $6.50 values 7. . . . 3 40 $7. 50 values 7. . . . 3 75 $8.50 values $ro.oo values now. . . .$7 25 Mitts , regular price 35c, , regular price 50c. , regular price 75c, $6 00 values now. . $6.50 values now.. $7. 50 values now. . $8. 50 values now. . fair bride, who received in a silver and pink shot silk waist with a boquet of pink carnations and ferns. A delicious supper was served in the diningnroom. The tables being presidâ€" ed over by the charming daughters of the host and hostess. After supper the hours were quickly passed in games, music and songs until the “wee sma" hours of the silver morn, when the gay company dispersed after thank- ing Mr. and Mrs. Weldon for an exceedingly pleasant evening. Mrs. Geo. Russel has been very 111. but is a little bet-tex- now. COBOC’ONK Mrs. J. Sheldon is convalescent. Mrs. J. R. Phillips has gone to Toronto to visit friends. Mrs. Miller filed on Sunday. the 18th Feb.. and was buried In the cemetery here on the following Tuesday. Ofï¬cers of the Salvation Army conducted the funeral, whloh was largely attended. Mr. Miller and family have the sincere sym- pathy of all in their hour of bereavement). Mr. Chas. Bowlns and Mr. J. Wakelin drove t‘wo loads of people to Norland to attend the L.O.L. basket social recently. All enjoyed the drive and entertainment. The members of L.O.L. here are having a basket social on the 6th March and N or- land people will doubtless return the compliment. 0A MBRA Y Miss L‘zzie Jackson entexbained a number of her friends last Thursday evening. Mr. W. B. Feir talked very nicely in the Presbyterian church last Sun- day morning, the minister failing to gab here. The postofï¬ce has been moved to ins new premises in the north end of the village. I think, Mr. Editor, if all of your several local correspondents from our village wOuId make it a point send all the news together it: might: tend to keep down a gxeab deal of unneces- sary exg ense. .. . . . .. 19c ....... 250 ...... 35c ....... 50c 490 .$1 75 for {or for .3435 .475 .575 .635 ...25c ...35c ...59c 250 'CORNER KENT AND WILLIAM STREETS. LINDSAY clear at ................ » ........................... Boys’ Imitations Persian Lamb Caps, wedge or band 332;: in black or grey, reguIar 50:, your choice for. . . . V A lot of Boys’ Cloth Caps to clear out at ................. Boys’Aor Girl’s Grey Persian Lamb Caps at 60c on the dome: $3. co for ....................................... Boys’ or Gul’s Grey Persian Lamb Caps at 60cm on dr1. lat, $3 50 for ................................. Boys’ or Girl’s Grey Persian Lamb Caps at 60c 0n L 16 do} lar, $4.00 form . . .A ........................... Men 5 Electric Seal Caps, wedge shape, worth $4, $4 50 (D and $5, to elm at ........ . ...................... 275 Men’s Bokara Fur Caps for ....................... | 25 Men’s odd lines of Hats at less than half price, all the be: American and English makes, Battersby.1{emy Cara, Wakeï¬eld, Wilkinson, Stanley, Hailey, $2 and $2 ‘: {7 SI 06; $2. 50 and $2.15 for 3|. 25; $3 ands; o‘nr 5159. Lower prices at equal value. A lot of Boys Knockabout Hats 35c, 45c, 50c and 60c, your choice for ....................................... 25c Shirts and Drawers, regular price 35:, now 25c; 45¢, now 356; 75c, now 500; $1. 00, now 75c. Men’s Ties, regular 2 5c, for ................... Men’s Ties, regular 3 5c and 40c. {or ............ Men’s Tics, regular 50c and 75c, for ............ About 800 White Unlaundried Shirts, all linen fronts and batés regular price 38c, now 25c; regular price see, now 35c; regular price 7 5c, ‘now 500. bands, cloth or leather peaks, regulax Men’s Underwear Men’s Neckwear will consist of readings recitation; etc., but the drawing card is the initial appearance of our local band. The boys do extra. well and you should come and hear them. Admission 13:, children 10c. The ladies of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society will give a social and concert in the Methodist church next: Friday evening. The program NORTH OPS The annual meeting of the No: th Opi cheese factory will be held at the fan: or: on Wednesday. March 7th, at 1 p.111 , for the purpose of letting the milk routes lo? the season and transacting general but? neat. A full attendance of patrons i3 requested. An antertainment in the form of 81 raffle was held at the residence of 3121 S. Sanderson iast Thursday night‘ The event brought forth all classescf men from a common horse trader to the sanctimonious man who wear“ pious faze on Sunday and any thing at all the remaining six. Freely the? talked and sang, indulging in mm merriment as they took off their lemon' ade like more men and went the how3 one better :every round of the giasses' The gramaphone selections were well received and was a great auntiliar.v towards the night’s frolic; Entered the dwelling late on in the night ' sharp eyed stranger from West GPS with lots of the glorious oozing from holes in his trousers, who played it nice on a quarter and captured the prize, which at one time might but"? been called a horse. Time will 110‘ permit us to dwell on the many 659’ sores which fought for supremacy on his battered frame, but we must er†drawing to a close condemn raffles 85‘ means of furnishing either pleasure 0r amusement. The rising generatifln would tend to elevate society by say pressing suchia method of making merry and permit this sport, ‘whicb has taken its quietus many years back: to remain an alien to our fair local“ White Shirts MARCH 1 ST Hats and Caps.... Men’s heavy 13%}K Caps with 5mm bands. Cloth 01 leathtr peak regular Price 35% DOW ....' Boys’ heavy Peak Caps with stem u 25c and 30;, to â€096.7 oar 3‘ o W ebste gebbing 8 num‘ Our