Ontario Community Newspapers

Watchman (1888), 4 Jun 1896, p. 8

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we; , MAMMOTH MANGEL SEED VVbafs the US€@ V Special to the Watchman POI.ITI(‘AL.~â€"'l here was quite a political ow-wow on Wednesday of last week. Jghere was a. full house. Great interest was shown in the political doings of the country. The speakers were Mr. George Graham. who gave us a demdedly religious talk. and Mr. George McHugh. who ex- Blained very fully his pOsition, and what 8 intended to uphold. The third speaker was Mr. Thos. Stewart, of Lindsay, who gave a full and conmse history of the past 17 years. There was no oppOsition, so he could say what he liked. A6001) \V‘ORK.â€"-0n Saturday last the members of the Presbyterian church. masculine and feminine, turned out and made quite an improvement in the looks of the church property, both inside and out, by the building of a new fence, laying a new platform and cleaning up things in general. Ishink others ought to follow the example. .-. 177‘; LO '2 \ EXC‘I'R>h).\'.-'Ti;c 12th annual excurqion of st. John’s 5.3} will be run to Wash- burn's island on Tuesday, 9th inst. per Str. Cmndella. A good time is expected. Come along and enjoy the first excursion 1mm this side. See. osters for particulars. ADVICEâ€"I say. ‘red. don't get dis- cour wed: your show may be better ne\t tmxe. Runwvnber the old adage, “If at first vou dOn‘t succeed. try, try again.‘ NO 9â€"OPS. THE 24TH.-â€"A large number of our voung 3 eople passed the 25th in Omerm-e and i’eterburo. Several enjoyed a drive home on the 26:11. PERSONALâ€"The Misses Cuthbert. Levy and Miv‘cheil, and Messzs. Davies and :McArthur, of Lindsay, Attended the queen’s birthday celebration in Umvmee. ...... Mr. R. G. Corneil. of Lindsay, passed through here on his bike Mondav last ...... Miss Tate Thurston and Mr. McWatters, of Lindsay. passed through here on Monday on their was to Omemee. Well, Tote, we hear you brought a box of hot bans to feed Mo“ abet-s ...... Miss B. Moore, of Hebron, spent Monday wit Miss Pngue. . Miss Mary McGeough spent Sunday and Alonday in the Queen City. ,3 L__.‘_ fir st 3’0“ Eggsâ€"act 1V Inpaovmums.â€"Mr. Arthur N. Pogue -is laying a. stone foundation under one of his commcdxous barns. Mr. J. Beatty is doing the mason work and no doubt. it wi'il be a complete job. . . .Mr. Silas Rea has: completed his gangwav. which 1m- prov es the appearance of his barn Very much: , PRIMROSE. Ebe ‘flfllatcbman. ~"“""'J ,__._ ...... Mrs. H. Shaw has returned home after spending an enjovable visit with her daughter, Mrs Hinds of Peterboro ...... Miss E. Pogue1 teacher, enjoyedthe 25th under the parental roof. -- n GELE RT AND THE NORTH Speciai to the \K‘Iatchman. 133.!th F RL’I'I‘. â€"Strawberries are ripe. Several persons plcked a few before May was out. There wxll be an abundance of delicious berries this season. Finis DAY. JUNE 4th. Tm; HAY AND (3:me OBOEâ€"Last week was a week of rain. So far the sea.- son has been exceptionally warm. The rains am! cooler. weather of the last ten days will almost insure a good hay crop. Grain crops are logkjng well, and fan-mars ha-ve been engaged during the past week gutvEng in potatoes and com. - DIPHTHEBTA. â€"We are pleased to be able, to state that the cases of this disease in our vicinity are out of danger. Harry Cla'kw, whu was vexv ill a week ago, is rapidly recovering, under Dr. Curry’s ire-Limezlf. None of the rest are in dan- 012.419, who was vexv 111 a week ago, xs rapidly recovering, under Dr. Curry’s treatment None of the rest are in dan- ger. BUIL1>x.\;c.â€"Messrs Robt. and Tommy LICEIWain are eructing addiuons to their barns. The frame work is up and the builflings will be completed during the summer. Nothing like having all grain and hay under cover. POLITICALâ€"The first meeting of the campaign in rhis dietrict was held on Thmsdg evening in the interest of Mr. McLaughlin, the reform candidate, Mr, Delamere, the indep' n‘lent nominee, also being present. Mr. Peel, seeietary for Mr. McLaughlin, opened the meeting by briefly noticing three of the main ques tions, 1s!r Bfibery and coruption, ‘2nd the tamfl', 3rd. the school question. J. H. Delafixeré folÂ¥owed, 3113 in a neat speech occupying three-quarters of an hour stated his views Mr. Delamer‘é seemed to have a considerable number of friends in the meeting. and was warmly applaud-. ed. R. J. Mchuvhlin, in a speech occupying about one hour and a quarter. ‘ CAL NEWS-LETTERS of planting seed only grow you as gel when for money can buy C 1y selected T1‘ is seed is specially grown for us in England, and for years has given perfect sa- heaviest crops. Don’t make any mistake this year-â€" plant our reliable seeds. omer Drug Store. DUNSFORD D you asmall man- for the same L buy our specialâ€" that will 1596. recited a. few of the misdeéds of the pres- ent government, putting special emphasis on what he designated as the corruption of the conserative govemment regarding public works which had been let out to friends of the ruling party. Mr. Mc- Laughlin in the course of his remarks Stated that Mr. Delemere’s platform seem- ed verv sixnular to his own, both being opposed to coercion, and at one in condemning the actions of the present gov- ernment, and that Mr. Delamere had better join forces and help him to carry the election. Mr. Delamereâ€"“That would be nice for you.” Mr. McLaughlin made the speech of the evening. Neither Major Sam Hughes nor a representative of his was present. It was evident to the meeting that Mr. Herron was for Mr. Delamere. Mr. A. Donnelly occupied the chair. The meeting was very orderly throughout. ,_ _____ A -£ L111Uu5uuuy. PERSONALâ€"Miss Edith Curry, of Omemee, is visiting friends in Minden and Gelert ...... Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Miles returned to Cleveland, 0., this week. Mr. Miles had quite a successful s-sle on Friday last, to dispose of farm implements and household furniture. Messrs. Rubs. and Will Ritchie commenc- ed work on Howrv db Co.’s drive last week ..... Mr. Robb. Grigor arrived in Miziden last Thursday evening, on a visit: 10 his mower and sister. Mr. Grigor, who has been living in Chicago, shortly sails for “Eonnie Scotland,” his native land. where he will Spend about three‘ months renewing old acquaintances. . . . ‘ Mr. S. Devitt. dentist, representing Dr. Neelands, of Lindsay, spent a few days in Minden last Week on professional busi- ness. . . .Mr. Archie Scott, who recently returned from South Africa, met with a slight mishap last Tuesday. While re- turning from Minden the horse suddenly swerved to one side, and the rig Coming into violent contact with a boulder Archie quickly found himself on the road. Fortunately, beyond a few slight bruises he was uninjured, although the buggy was badly used up by the time he succeeded in bringing the horse to a standstill. Mr. Scott returi s to Africa in July to wind up his business in connection with the mines. after which he will probably settle ‘ in California. (IUUUD LLII‘I Ullnly w J v..- . -The air is full of election, talk and a general belief exists, that all politic-ans are devoid of wings and are more inclined to grow boots and horns of late years. This belief tends to deVelop a. number of Mugwumps through the township. and it ‘ will-be almost impossible to induce them to vote unless a composition of pure gold dust in large quantities or its equiva- ‘ {amt is xhook within the threshold of their doors before election (lav. To think of the circa; a few grains of the glorious stuli‘ t would have is simply intoxicating. -â€"\\'e have read of a farmer called Hoax Jagley. who had a hen that laid two eggs per (la\' for six dams and three on Sunday. This~ we cannot vouch for, but we can assert for a. fact that Mr. Albert Peel, who lives near the boundry 01' Ops and Emily. has :1 Lung shim which prepares a. piece of fruit every day as large as nnv goose. with- out. crease or crinkle, and piles in three yelks and every one a Whopper. ,H _...... Anuvn ruvn thph â€"â€"Mosqui*os are about, through present- ing then-bills. which generally fall due about Lhis‘ time a yea!) ‘1- ,. ‘_ J CIA“ "an; \. V ,.J V..- v . - â€"A freight engine ran down two sheep that were inspecting the track near Cun- ningluun's corners on Friday lafit. TheV had a. brisk run, and held their own fairly “ell till they attempted getting oil‘ the Lion It was then the engine caught them and brought ’_'.l1(:lll up on a. round turn. ”The two young daughters of Mr. Hugh Gunn, \\ ho were so badly injured by the runaway on Saturday last, are still under the doctor‘s care and showing signs of improvement. Both of the young ladies received a bad shaking up, and one of them sutl'ers from an ugly cut on the back of her head. Mr. Gunn would like to know the young man who run into him, and it is mest likley he will make his acc- quaintance before many days. This being the second fatality to one of our neighbors, the people are a little nettled over it, and all are unanimous in declaring that the bike should be placed under ground with electric wires or on ‘t‘he1raillroa’d‘ track, 81nd Clcuulu n llvv v- -_ a civil war is talked of. To mehbion cinder paths is taking a. heavy risk on oneself, and I doubt if they don't use it at the municipal election in January. Soecial to the Watchman POLITICAL MATTERS are just beginning to Warm up. The meeting in the town hall on TUesday was well attended. The. speakers, in addition to Hon. Oliver Mowat, were Messrs. McHugh and Bar- ron, of Lindsay. The chair was occupied by Mr. Wm. Lownsbrough. Both par- ties are confident of suCCess, but in my humble opinion the man who gets the most vowel-Will be elected. Considerable grain was brought intol town during the past week, but the bot-1 tom has evidently fallen out of the mar-3 ket. Prices for all kinds of grain are‘ down several notches, as will be seen by‘ the list below. The wocl market is dull. In Hamilton the price stands at 15c to 16c, and in Toronto 17c to 18c. In Lindsay, owing to the strife between the buyers, the price has been well maintained at. 18c to ‘20c. Faimers are consequently re- ceiving more for their wool on this mar- ket than if they sent it to the city. GRAIN. Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . O 68 to 0 68 lefe Wheat do do.,. . . . . 0 68 to 0 68 Spring d0_do 063to063 Goose do do..... 050m050 .(IOARSE GRAIN. Buckwheat ....... Barley, per bushel Rye ............ Oats, ............ Peas, small ....... Peas, Mummies. . . Peas Blue ....... Potatoes per bag. . , ....... 0 20 to 0 25 MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Chickens, per pair. . . . .. 0 30 to O 50 Ducks, per pair. . . 2 -. ...... O 45 to~0 60 Geese, per 1b ........ . . . . O 06 1:00 07 Butter per 1b ...... ........ 012 I300 13 Eggs, per dozen ......... ., 0 09 to 0 10 Turkeys per 1b ........ . . 0 08 to 0 10 LINDSAYLMARKETS No. 6 Ops. OAKWOOD. VEGETABLES. 0500666 3242444 0000000 mmmmwwm 0666 %m2444 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 la LU: on: monthfi. Real I: add on comm: '5 ”(11,319 on short nc soOTHEBAN’ Banker Lmdsa)‘ mm'muII'I'u'lri'lvmImmmmmumwuuumuunnmmu m. llllllil’:1i|\|ll.|1lH““M ~ THE WATChMAM LINDSAY HOgS, lxve weight, per Lamb, per 11).. . . . . . . Dressed Hugs. . . . . . . . Beef................. Hay, per ton ............ Honey per 1b. ........ . Maple Syrup per qt ...... Cre 1111 per qt ........... Sage per bunch .......... Lard per 1b....... 2.. .. Straw per load ........... Woo], washed ........... Milch ééfi, each ....... $20 00 to $30 00 Export cattle, per cwt. . 3 75 to Butchers’choicecatble,cwb 2 90 to Butchers’ good cattle,cwt 2 50 to Bulls, per cwb .......... 2 75 to Stuckeré, per. cwt ...... 2 251-0 Feeders, per cwt ...... 3 25 to Sheep, per cwt ........ 3 00 to Yearlings, par cwt ...... 4 00 to Lambs, per cwt. . . . . . 2 75 to Calves, per head ..... 2 00 to Cho’me bacon hugs, cwt 4 10 to Store hugs, cwt- ........ 3 75 to Thickfat and light hugs cwt 3 90 to Sowa, per cwt ......... 3 00 to iStags, per cwt. .. . 2 00 to 400 00 7 5 25 50 50 25 00 25 00 wwhmpfiwmwwwwww pâ€"I c. 82588 The Price of Beef m England. Last week’s cables as to prices for beef in Liverpool were the lowest yet, and it looks as if the Canadian trade is all going to pieces. The prices at dressed weight were 41, as against gkd this time last war. Australian mutton sells as low as 175d per pound. BIRTHS. WHITE.-â€"In Mariposa, on Friday, May 29m, the wife of Robt. White, ofa son. GRAIIAM.â€"-In Omemee, on the 24th of May, the wife of Mr. I. Graham, of a daughter. â€" ‘ \r BI.OXOM.â€"â€"In. Omcmee, on Tuesday, May 26th, the wife of Mr. John Blown), of a daughter. SYER.-â€"At Toronto, on Friday, May 29th, Waiter Syer, son of Mr. Thos. Sver, of Manvcrs, aged 24 years. L. enelon road 'as the basis of a. ukw bridge 13K$§amcmmiéns of the same may be seen at the cterk's office, in the jAoademy of Musm. -_ â€"-A , ,_A...__:I._ -nanht4.) Rocaksfâ€"In Lindray, on May 28th, Thos. Rogers, aged 20 years. Ull‘ Ulcln u VIâ€"uv' -_ -___ The lowest or any tender notfi'h e' ces 381‘. ted (By order of the Ops Council). 51’ 3W9?!) , , w. F. O’BOYLE, MONDAY, JUNE 15th, 1896, Stone Culvert at Hopkin’s Creek, Datod May 27. 1896.-2i’.2 BRIDGE TENDERS CALLED FOR. 'ml The Wonderful Cheap Men, Lmusay, I'CLSI'UUI'U Etii'u‘. (UH flb IINHHIIIII'illllllllllllIlllllnlillllllilllllilIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllilllhllllllllllllIllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllHHHIHIIIIHIIWHH .LHJ’ Milli/H Tenders 1oronto Live Stock Market. Tuesday an (1 Thursday Bargain Sale” on Saturdays 3 unwashed.......... Last two Saturdays were served. We said the at not being able to get all fOrtunates who did’nt get 2 put Our'new departure ts a great we; gun t Me Feel... slaughter goods was a revelation to . we’re not at the end of our tether. We’ve sold goods cheap before the light goes out. OUR GRAN D FINALEâ€"For the next two week me in and see what it means. Come 1 “lo mean it. Just co fthe people of Lindsay. deserve well at the hands 0 $2.00 All-Wool Pants for $1.50 Pants - $8.50 Suits - $7.50 Suits - I5 per cent. off all Boys’ and C} will be received by the undersigned till for the building of a large OUR BARGAIN on the table to dear < GENERA L. .< m rs- : @OH NEW“: “on“ 619 DIED uts all over c w t 800m 800 007t0008 O30t0030 OQOtUO 20 000t0007‘ 1turdays we’ve had trouble. said the prices were for thos< :0 get all they wanted at the 3 (N) tn 3 T)” U 05 t0 0 0“ 4 00 to 4 '50 3 00 t0 5 0‘) "ulna .v. . - 89c - $5. 75 $4. 50 ’and Childrens’ Suits. From 11 to 12 [ TABLES are groaning with the out instead of putting with Stock. 5 .D 0 0 5 7. 2 5 5 2 230u33 , V a chance at our bargams, the store. EUR. . THURSDAY. JUNE 4TH. 1896. f! nan:Illilll'lifl‘lfl?I3I!|i|‘.lii|’.|ili|}liliIllzllilil'ill'illl[I'll‘aIEl'l‘lllilllilll‘lllillililllil'i'l'lll‘lil’l VROUMAN TRENT VALLEY NAVIGA- 'I‘H’\\Y nn\ll).\\’\" lT.I\n’1‘lCl)\ Arrangements can be made on very favorable terms for excursions of (mm 100. to 200 persons, on regular trips 0'! the boat. ‘»'F6r t‘erms npp‘y'by letter addressed Sacreta '13 REV. (30., Bobcaygeon, ry J. W. mum, Putter. ' M. LANE, Cam The Steamer ESTURION L‘FFumily Tickets and Excursion Tickets duced rates can be procured at. the POST I BOBCAYGEON. and on the boat. will run as follows until further notice : Leave Bobcaygeon at 6.40 a. m., and 3.10 p. m, Arrive I‘Andsay ” 9.00 “ “ 5.30 “ Leave Lindsay “ 11.30 “ “ 5.45 “ Arrive Bobcaygeon “ 1.46 “ “ 8.00 “ Excepting Saturdays, when the steamer will leave Lindsay at 8.25 p.m., (Instead of 5.45 p.m.,) upon animal of Toronto train. Sinsrle Tickets. between Lindsay and Bobcaygcon, 75c, return tickets, $1 . Singlé Tickets, between Lindsay and Sturgeon Point, 350, return tickets, 50c. Single Tickets between Bobcaygeon and Sturgeon Point, 40c, return tickets. 60c. HIGINBDTHAM’S COMMENCING ON MONDAY, JUNE 1ST STURGEON POINT catbig go. The people who have come in and dealt with us are astonished. The my 11 to the myriads of customers who went away wondcnng What Gough “'Ogld Ga” ‘3’ 3'91» 5‘ We’ve sold goods cheap the last few Tuesday5 and Thursdays. “ C”, O“ 133'“ SPmTE FLYING BETWEEN LINDSAY AND BOBCAYGEON CALLING EACH WAY AT 98c TION COMPANY (LIMITED) I894 TIME TABLE. DRUG STORE. ,rouble. Too many people to want on. .The hours tor spec1a1 pnces were up new for those hours, and we do as we advertlseâ€"so scme of our very good friemh M :d at the ridiculously low prlces we were askmg- However, for the benefit Of 11"“ -mr bargains‘ we’ll centinue the sale for two weeks longer. an’t name them and George McHugh will both tell you that when you want to use Paris Green, Insect Powder or Hellebore, buy the very finest that can be had, and we tell you that the finest in the market is for sale, in any quanti- ties at SNAP No. 2.â€" mg with the weight of a great big pile with Stock. They bang Banagher {01 POST 'orr'lcé, all. Don’t be a clam. :s on Tuesdays and Thursdaysâ€"goods at axe to us. We have knocked the prices in txxo in at re- 1 Days and our “Special Hour a Howling Success. From 12 to 2 p.m. i‘a ilEI'EIZIiiEIYIEITIEIélil?lililililiElElEIEILIilllIlllilSH1|?“Eflilflifll‘lifl'llHilillfl'lfl'l HI I H lliililliillimmp E. E. W. Mcflaflell A blind man could pick out a suit 0‘! Clothes, from $2. 65 to $15 00 at our store cut so well, and he has our uord lor the “carol the goods. The usual customer wants more â€"style, shape and (all wool) fit alterwardi But we assure you everything. 50 Odd C0315 for Men. Good Tweed ones for $356391L Everv Coat worth $5.00. . Our store is an emporium tor 30.“ Prices under cost in some suits. Come earl? thlS week if you can, and get the first selectiof: of those dainty lV’Iuslins.Dimities, Prints.Ch31 lies and Lawns for Summer Dresses an Blouses; Silk for Blouses, that are lovely In deSIgn and moderate in price. We keep in stock the celebr; to: 1:6: Corset, Bicycle Corsets, Maids Lor- Childrens Corsets. and in fact the 1‘ makes of the different manufacturers. 1 Bicycle Hose, Sweaters Cape bhms. member our Carpet and Housemr Bargains. The correct Spot for Mcu' Straw and Feltâ€"also one of the plete assortments of Neck Wear, Underwear in the trade. .lw’ The hours fOr special prices were up before a‘ Lindsay, Peterbor ilc of New Goods, just opened out, Which W for style and wear. and pound prices to 310m Be wise. Come in and Bu; BOY’S SUITS SNAP No. 8.â€"A11 Day. CORS ETS 35c Flanncllette Shirts for 10:: Sox for - $1.75 Hat for - Sweater $1 0.50 at exact cost. No humbug,‘ two in this town. We surely‘ “’aterproof THURSDAY mu VI. d POPE Hopilms, Frillings, Belti: and General Small ll! IIIHHHHHHHH OSE $5.90 Ur.- 1n P-TO-D A very large stock consis Whites, Cream and C01! ,and Silk, Blacks, Cream :r lot just to hand, the ONE Y 2‘0 L0! 7 only the best makes a ge of sizes in Blacks an :"Our blacks are the o ranteed absolutely “ {3,51 L very complete assortm re Hosiery in Ribbed or dcannot be approached [ssorted and complete offer in ladigs’ and chi TOWN, VILLAGE and W at lowest rates class companies. our New Van disc 01' CONVEYAN 1N, “i No, Town and Farm Pro very complete assor‘ able. E INSURA ,adies’ White a 5 All. OVER THE IN FBOTWEAR G. GORNEI 1'0 LOAN munnnmnnnmmrs Gloves. adies’ and Number grooved notes, at. :63- ;,for any term Bed 58mm dozen differen SPECIAL LIX 50¢ per pair. fission. notxee. ...... ST GLU

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