i" Prints ! Prints! Dress Materials! Ordered Clothing. Children’s Suits OAKWOOD. In ï¬nest qualities, and very choice selection of patterns. Large range in Black and Col- ored Henriettas, Fancy Dress Goods, Tweed Costumes, Etc. For Spring Clothing we are showing some choice patterns in SCOTCH SUITINGS, FANCY Won. STED SUITINGS, C xx ADI AN Tw mans, SERGES and Cnvao'rs, and are offering SPECIAL VALUE in Suits to order from Heavy Tweeds at. $13.00. Ab Cut Prices. Every Suit well made, properly trimmed and a good assortment, in all sizes, to select from. Reduced from $54.00 to $3.00. $3.00 to $2.50, $2.50 to $1.7 5, all made of good Tweeds. Ask to see them. Hone Bans. . ,_______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" /__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""'â€"__â€"â€"_â€"â€"\ TRMRHNARV SME OF I MUSE} . AN IMPGRTM? . Lug -.....n.-- ... nmmu mane Imnuv mmuzgg % .0... , _ . . . f G ou h Bros. Co., who have so successfully carried on an extensive business in Lindsa f ' r . The: “ell Lnown clothing firm 0 2d b M B J Gouorh the active resident Lindsa member of the late ï¬ h y or the past ï¬ve yearS, has been dISSOlVEd by 61111510“ of time. The busmess has been entirely assume y r. . . . 2: ,ï¬ f G h B l y . rm, W O has purchased‘the StOCk and good-W211 and assumes the entire comm] of the business in futur e. Although. the old and reliable rm 0 oug ros. no onger retains any share or interest in the Lindsay store, the business under their successor ill continue to enjoy the superior buylng advantages possessed by the large syndicate of stores of Wthh Cough Bros. 8: Co. are members and participants V i , Mr. B. J . Cough, W muc {<2J EJISJ .151 [C7] [hi-<2 J [5 0J mor- L if Sudden Demise of a Well-Known Prac- titionerâ€"Heart Failure the Cause. The Peterboro Review of Monday sayszâ€"The citizens of the town were shocked this morning when they were apprised of the death of Dr. Kempt, and on all hands regret was expressed for the grief-stricken family, the husband and father having passed away without a moment’s warning. ~ 5-. Dr. Kempt had spent yesterday after- noon as the guest of his sister. Mrs. R. Fife. a short distance from town, and returned this morning, He had only entered his residence on Murray-st. when he was taken suddenly ill and fell upon asofa in the ofï¬ce. Dr. McCull- ough, whose ofï¬ce was in Dr. Kempt’s residence, was Called. and he at once declared the doctor’s condition serious, and several other physicians were sum- moned. but all efforts to revive the patient did not succeed, and in ï¬ve minutes after his arrival at his home death had claimed the doctor. Heart failure was declared to be the cause of death. Dr. Kempt had not been enjoying good health for some months. He settled in ‘Paterboro nearly a year ago and shortly afterward he began to sufler severely from a trouble With his eyes. and for some time his eyesight had been gone. He consulted With some of the best known specialists in Canada and the United ‘States and only returned last week from 1 New York, where he had been undergo- ing treatment, but improvement was not noticeable. Ownng to his eye trouble the doctor had not been able to conduct his practice for some months. AL- L,i__L3_. r-â€"â€"_---- __ The deceased was born in the township of Belmont. near N orwood, over 60 years ago and after receiving a common and High school education he entered the McGill university, M )ntresl, and graduat- ed in medicine. He settled in Lindsay and practiced there until his removal to Peterboro. 1n Lindsay the doctor was a. much esteemed citizen, respected by all classes. Dr. Kempt married Miss Ms- cauley, of Trenton, who with six children survive. The sons are Walter, who resides near New York, and. George, who is at home, Mrs. (Dr.) Kerrigan, New York, Misses Helena, in the Inï¬rmary hospital. New York, and Grace and GeneVieve, at home, are the daughters. Mrs. Robt. Fife, Smith; Mrs. Burgess Belmont ; Mrs. Pettigrew, N orwood, and Miss Kempt, Norwood, are sisters of the deceased. The late Sheriff Kcmpt of Lindsay, was a brother of Dr. Kempt. Dr. Kempt was a man who gained the esteem and conï¬dence of all whom he came into contact. In professional life he was acknowledged to be a clever practitioner. diligent student, and kind with his patients. The doctor was a most genial, affable: gentleman. and though popular with everyone never took an active part in public affairs. That JunketiTg’ ExBedntIon to Ottawa. To the Editor of the W atchmaq. SIRâ€"As a ratepayer and a citizen I am ready to pat you on the back for your‘ article in last week’s issue on “that civic deputa‘ion to Ottawa.†You are the Only man who has had the courage of his °°nvictions, and moreover what you say has the advantage of being true and the Ratepayers know it. and I regret to say l‘hat they know it to then- cost. DEATH OF DR. KEMPT. -Made Clothing, Spring .u about the high class character of the stock. Mosc of the goods are this season’s}: :SPrmg Importationsboug‘ht .with all rhe advantages which the large lffOfd in securing loweSt prices. No such opportunmes have occurred 1n Lmdsayfor )ears for securmg l\.cw oprmg (.lothmg of sterlmg quanty at prxees value The selling will be easy once you know the prxces. The sale ynll be contmued StI‘lCtly 1n good falth wuh the publlc, and buyers can conï¬dently rely Mm' ., .mn cm the ROYAL BARGAINS to be secured durmg the llml'tod tune allotted forjrhe sale. Come and Reap the Beneï¬ts, and Come A -u-__._,J ..:,.L; A“ will be inaugurated, v GHANGE IN GOHGH BROS. LINDSAY BHï¬iï¬ESS. It is a lamentable state of affairs when a town the size and importance of Lind- say is obliged (against its will I admit) to accept the services in a representative SAL-) Jun-‘ï¬nQ-h-xn HDU‘l'U lllv uu---"~ 7,, 1 capacity of a self-appointed deputation composed of such meagre business talent. and to make matters Worse, not a. single member of this famous junketing expedi- tion took the trouble to inform himself of the merits or demerits of the question at issue. Luckily an opportunity did not occur for the junkotera to explain or make an attempt to explain, what they went there for. I 1,; "vs-v \..v.' - Unfortunately the mayor, who had gone to a great deal of trouble to make himself familiar with the requirements, was unable, through illness in his family, to accompany them, but Mr. J. A. Barron and Captain Crandell, the other two members of the legally appointed deputation. took the precaution, as business men should, to inform them- selves with facts and ï¬gures which enabled them to successfully accomplish what they undertook. With their know- ledge at what was required they with the assistance of Mr. Geo. McHugh, M.P., Mr. H. O’Leary. Mr Jas. Graham and Mr. R. J. McLaughlin, were able to con- vince the minister of railways and canals that the work was an absolute necessity, and resulted in Mr. Blair instructing Engineer Rogers to examine the river and make an immediate estimate of the cost. so that the amount necessary cculd be placed in the year’s estimates. in the face of this the iunketers had the audacity to stand up in council at its last meeting and claim the credit of such prompt action on the part of the minister of railways and canals. They had not the suflicient gumption to perceive by the treatment accorded them that they were an unwelcome addition to the deputation; the fact that not a single one of them was asked for any information regarding the matter and that none of them were asked to speak in reference to it, ought to have; been suflicient to prove to them that they were admitted under sufl'erance, and their presence was more detrimental than ‘ otherwise. If the town council had been the pro- meters of the scheme there would have been a reasonable’excuse for their action, but they were not; they had nothing whatever to do with it, but being the otiicial body of the town they were asked to memorialize the government as the representatives of the ratepayers and to pay the expenses of a small deputation to Ottawa. To this they consented agree- ably enough, and received the unanimous approval of the ratepayers for so doing ; but when they undertook to thrust them- selves forward and attempt to steal the credit of the grant from the actual pro- moters they exceeded their duty and for so doing their action in this respect is not above suspicion, and is very 'properly condemned by the ratepayers at large. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for the me of the valuable space taken up by this communication in your useful and widely circulated pawnâ€"Yours _singerely, We have a few of last season's Milchoows,¢ Jackets which we are oï¬orlng for SI. Export catth $2 and $3 each. Any of tho Jackets Bumhm’cho are worth from $5 to sin. Bubchen' 01 DUIDAS FLAVELLE BROS. tattle cw LADIES' JACKETS. THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. THURSDAY A. Pnouonn. Hats and Caps, Gentleman’s Furnishings. Eta, E’cc. Ladies’ Leather Belts in all shades and widths. These start at am: up to 50¢. Colors, Russet, Myrtle, Oxblood, Tan, Black and White. Novelty Belts at 75c, SI and $l.25. â€"Men’s meeting Sunday at 4. I5. All and boys cordially invited to attend, -â€"An “At Home†is to be given at Dr. Clarke’s residence on Friday, April 30th. under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A. There will be an excelient program given bv the best town talent. and games and refreshments provided. Admission 15c. â€"Bnys’ Bible (glass meets Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . Fyfe Wheat do do.,. . . . . Spring do do . . . . Goose do do..... COARSE GRAIN. Potatoes per bag......... 035 to MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY rnonucn. Chickens, per pair. . . . . . Ducks, per pair ........... Geese. per lb ........ . . . . Butterper ib............. Egge,perdozen........... Turkeys per 1b. . . . . ....... Hogs, lwe weight, per cwt Lamb, per 11) ............ Dressed Hogs ............ Farmen’ Hams per lb. . . . . GENERAL. Hay, per ton ............ 7 00 to 8 00 Honey per 1b.. ........ . 0 06 to 0 08 Cream per qt ........... O 20to0 20 Sage per bunch. ......... 0 05 to 0 05 Lardper lb............... 09t0010 Straw per load ........... 1 50 to 2 ()0 Timothy ................. 1 25 to 1 86 Clover, Alsike, per bus. . . . 3 00 to 4 50 Clover.Red.... .......... 400to480 Hidesâ€"Beef ............. 5 00 to 6 00 Woodâ€"dry: beach and ‘ AML-‘M maple 2 ft. ..... Tamarac long ..... . . . Tum-ac short ....... . ‘ Soft wood ........... Sheepskins.........l Mow ..... . . . . . . . . . Toronto Live Stock Market. Mflchwmmh.......$20 00 to$35 00 Export cattle, per cwt. . 3 75 to 4 25 Bumhm’choicemtflmowt 3 50 to 3 75 Bnhohm' 0rd. togood mttla c“............ 300“) 3 25 Plants for Sale. Strawberry, Raspberry and Currant Plants for sale. Best varieties. Prices as low as good plants can be sold for. Some kinds at $3.00 per thousand. P. I. ‘VllJ-CINSON, Cambray.-â€"15-4. by ................. r, Alsike, per bus“ r.Red ............. lâ€"dry. beach and maple 2 ft. .......... no long ..... . ....... acuhort ....... . ..... DUNDAS 8: FLAVELLE BROS. LEATHER BELTS. Lindsay Markets. Y.M.C.A. Notes. VEGETABLES. \ necessitates a perempory closing of the affairs of the old ï¬rm, and to this end an unreserved ’ realization sale has been decxded on}; ,The store has been closed for two days tor the pupose stock, and commencing 50p490575 8 45ml 1702m0 00030040650 mmwmwoooooo , tttttt "wwmmswmmwmmm 00000040540 mmmmm% 423200 wmmmmw wwmmws 4.23200 APRIL 22ND. 1897 men Unmatchable values will be offered in stylish “ CLE ‘7 ELAN D,†1103;954anle5852 gnï¬d. 5: PERE. 6‘ WELLAND V ALE,†an “ STEXXRNS †« FINISHED WITH EXTREME CARE and completeness. Triumphs of the 0 0 Engineer's Art. Every bicycle is fully warranted. All have good references in I Consider who is the maker; also consider the possibilitv of so going to take two days or two weeks to get them. We have ['21 thebest value for the price. Call and examine our lines. \Vc'l Be wise in purchasing a Bicycle. wanting repairs, and.whether it’s reliable makes and can give you Bulls. per cwt ......... Feeders per cw: ........ Stockers per cwt ....... Sheep, per cwt ......... Lambs, per cwt ....... . Calves, per head. . . . . ‘. Cholce bmn hogs. cwt Thick fat hogs per cwt. . Light: fab bogs, per cwt.. Sowa. per cwt ......... Stags, per cwt. . . . . . Boers, per cwt ......... yen to ride free at Wheat, wmw .............. w n -- “ red ........... 00 75 to 00 00 “ goose .......... 00 63 to 00 63 Buckwheat ...... '. . ’. . . .00 3241: to 00 00 Rye .................. 00 31; to 0000 Oats .................. 00 22 to 00 24 Peal...‘ oooooo o ....... (â€40 @0042 Barley ......... . ...... 00 25 1:000 00 Hay.... ....... .......1200 tol400 Straw ............ .....600 to 700 Dressedhogs .......... 525 to 630 EXAMINE OUR $50 BICYCLES. Hur'roxâ€"In Lindsay, on Thursday. April 15th, the wife of M1. Frank Hmmn, enzt ward, of twins. . _ â€Wyn-â€WWW,“ â€W4 ANADA’S SUPERB BICYCLES‘. BIRTHS tHeDSkéting Rink . . . CLENDENNING.â€"In Lindsay, on the 18th inst., the Wife of Mr. Edward Clen- cleaning, of a. daughter. MARRIAGES. CARNEGIEâ€"LAURIEâ€"At old St. Andrew’s church, Toronto, on the 14th April, by Rev. Dr. Milligan, I. II. Carnegie, Esq., M.L.A., of Indian Point, Coboconk, to Bessie, youngest daughter of Alexander Lautie, Esq, Toronto. FLETCHERâ€"ADAMâ€"On the 14th, at the muse, Bobaygeon. by the Rev. Bryce InneS, Samuel Fletcher to Martha Adam, daughter of Daniel Adam, all of Harvey. Békn‘Yâ€"ANDERSONâ€"én the 14th, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Hugh Anderson. by the Rev. Bryce Innes, John Beatty of Harvey to Maggie Anderson of Verulam. â€WOODâ€"LYLEâ€"At the residence of My. Wm. Lyle, the bnde’s brother. Vemlam, by Rev. Bryce Ipne§,_ on Wednesday, April_ 7th, Mr. Etiwaxd Wood of, Penelan 'Falls' «3 Maxgaxet, daughtcx of the late \Vm. Lyle of Verulam. DEKTHS ARCHERâ€"In the township of V'erulam. on Monday, April Izth, Selina Archer, eldest daughter of the late Joseph Archer, aged 19 years. 5 months and 23 days. . TULLY.-â€"In Ops, on Friday, Apnl 16:11, 1897, Peter Tully, aged 42 years. THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN %H< 99 MODELS 27 and 28.5 ...MODBLS 22 and 99 “PEREECT,†" GARDEN CITI’ and "DOMINION. Bicycle Supplies of all Kinds MCINDoo.â€"-In Mariposa. April 16' Matgaret McLean, beloved wife of Mclndoo. March 27th, Mrs. Murchgon, relict. 0 John Murchison of F cnelon townshxp‘ years and 1 month. ASTURE.â€"I have Pasture is: One Hundred Head of Cum 3! so cam! ‘ a uni he‘d per month. Come and see the ranch. AUGUSTUS SUDDABY. Burnt. River no.4“ O\\'Exs.-â€"At his late resndence. ship of Minden, on Sunday, I nhi Owens, aged 73 years. Setting of 13 Eggs. 50 cents. Apply†THOMPSON, Onmbny. â€"16-3. FOR SALE. CREAUEB r. cures: newer 113â€," any, csurmruau 003m; “calm unheated Under Patent 53.9" â€"- MB“ nude to order 3nd W‘- qu-n-iun mmmmww-ï¬â€ uvn,188t. .Lindny. 303535†:.ness Triumphs of the Cycle axe good references in Lindsa} sider the possibilit) of sometime 1get them. He ha1e the most examine our lines. W’c 11 t Mcxcmsox.â€"In F lon. on Sunday arch 27th,. Mrs. Murchxson, relic! of the f“ thn Murchison of F cnelon townahip, aged 9I OR SALE. PLYMOUTH-300K EGGS_- YELLOTV FELLOW.‘ 1137 T!!! _.E ï¬llâ€" in the 1‘ mm. 1597' of MI- .1" 1i a heavy C 31 beet workil ’3, Misses 31 [LK THREE were fortun . samples ad These good LADIE : C. Sgteen sold for 81 celebrated I heavy line hncl Kid G 10‘ :f 10c ‘ use of range w PW ME of of