{Luï¬'ï¬ blower' pwfllnot Itckne khxnn bnï¬nuet claé BA W AND 3H8 mm mm are 0 Marc As a oer. , Bil! Land 1 rd Ct ration. '08 81/5 any. '2 UP I and ‘ he re} Ionth I in ( lined Mabea and v rith 'DEA ‘rTh 003 l aide: anbj. ttinfl.‘ 'mthe n the robn 912 bay fl f M) wait. W) :ay b punt} rd» 4: f0 LIA ‘ 0 up: Ear; L he OP» 'etin :ber Let Jon? Ill Typewriting, e..c., afl‘ords the best means for advancement to young men and women. Arithmetic. Business Forms, Com’l Law etc., is essential to business success. A thorough training in ...... to acquire this training and knowledge is at the ........ HIHMO HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto. Ontario. Sand for handsome Circulars and mention The Wntohman-Warder Things we want to speak oi this week and it’s important that you should know these {out thingsâ€"at least we think it’s TO YOUR AD- \‘ANTAGE or we would not ask you to read the following. WEST END NEWS HEAD OFFICE Savings Department Money to Loan on 1‘3"“ 39" Town Property at Lowest Rates of Interest on terms to suit borrower. Being a. home company our expenses are small. Davidson’s Mill, near Little Britain, is reï¬tted and in good running order., Chopping done every day. Came ea: 1y and take your Gmsr HOME Wrra You. tf. D. CHRISTIE CO The Victoria Loan and Savings Company â€"-Pure Linseed Oil Paints. â€"-l.atest Artistic Shades in HOUSE VILLA Paints, prepared for immed- into use. â€"Best in the Market. and MGLENNAN 8: 00 CANADA PAINT GO. giobe-shaped (an entirely new thmg-) a toller chain, which is an acknowledged novelty. and see it. ' Also the RAMBLER and IDEA... One Door West _BUCK\\'HEAT F LOU Râ€"anot h e r ' seasonable article. We handle Ire- land’s Self- -Rising in package, because it’sthe best. 2 packages for 25 cents. Try it. __A portion of our NEW SPRING ' -SHOES has arrived. Drop in and see whzt we have and compare our goods and prices, that’s all we askâ€"the test we leave with you. THERE ARE JUST FOUR Vi Money taken on deposit mthdtawable at any time. Interest allowed at 4 per cent. Other investment features made known on application. _The STARCH season is approaching, ing and we are anxious yau should use the best Starch â€"RUBBER STARCII. It’s not necessary to buy a packageâ€"ask {01' sample and try it. Our REPAIR Department turns out the neatest work. We will prove it to you if you give us a chance. Don’t forget us when your Shoes need Re- panting. Authorized Capital $311),000000.00 Paid Up Capital ..00$1 ,600 600.00 THE “SINGER" The “ PRISM †Brangl CARROLL'S BOOKKEEPING Thorough Knowledge of The Best Place SHORTHAND NEW MILL. JNO. MAGWOBD. . RDBSON, of the Benson FOR SALE BY‘ Will be fashionable again soon. The HANDSOMEST, UNIQUEST and STRONGEST among them will be. . . . Spinning Wheels llNDSAY. ONT House. MANAGER MINDEN COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.â€"-The Mind- en township council met in the council chamber at Minden on March 6th; all the members being present; the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and c0nï¬rmed. Mr. H. 1 M. Hicks was allowed three days’ road ;work chargedtohim. as he had per- ‘formed the same on the boundary between Minden and Snowdon. Mr. ‘Jas. Mortimer interviewed the council with respect to the purchase of a lot on Milne-st. by the Orange Order, but the matter was left for further con sideration. Mr. A. McIntosh asked to have the sidewalk on Milne-st. in front of his property put in prOper repair. The council thought it better to wait and have the sidewalk levelled and put in good repair. On motion Mrs. Herbert’s taxes on part of lot 20, c0n. 2, were ordered to be remitted. Moved by Councillors Sisson and Gilbert. that the treasurer be instructed to pay out the general school rate in strict accordance with section 66 of the Public School Act, provided that days that the schools} are closed on account of the illness of the teacher, or by order of the Board of Health, or attendance upon Teach- ers’ Association, or for the purpose of holding the departmental examina- tions be accounted as days that the schools have been kept open ; and that the public school inspector be request- ed to furnish the treasurer with the necessary information as to the days the sohools have been kept open. in each year 3 and that this resolution be acted upon for the years 1897, 1898 and succeeding yearsâ€"Carried. On motion the auditors’ report: was accept- ed and 100 copies ordered to be print- ed. The auditors’ account of $6 each was ordered to be paid. A by-law appointing pathmasters. poundkeepers and fenceviewers was passed. On motion John Anderson was allowed to do all his road work on the side line between lots 30 and 31, con. 3, and W. S. Scott was allowed to do two days’ work on the same line. The collector’s time was extended until June lst next. Council adjourned. F. S. STINSON, clerk. LITTLE BRITAIN CoRRECTION.â€"Mr. Editor, will you inform your “divil,†that Mrs. does not spell the same as Mr., and that in my last I said “Mrs. Hooper had purchased, etc.†They moved into their new home on Tuesday. 110! For: THE WES’Lâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Oliver started for Manitoba on Monday ...... Messrs. Leslie and Newton Shaver left on the Tuesday Morning train for Manitoba ...... There were many ready hands to help load, and many more on-lookers, on Tuesday, when three cars we packed full containing the goods and chattels, two of them of Mr. Geo. Webster of Valentia, and the other of Messrs. N. and A. Webster of Mari- pOSa Station. Loaded with lumber horses, cattle. grain, hay, farm im- plements, etc, but little space remain ed for the caretaker. However, when the train moved out, George \Vebster was in the ï¬rst car at the door way working for dear life to shape goods so as to give him sea-room. The second was manned by A. Webster who had even a smaller space; and the third by Mr. McCann, brother-in- law to the formost man. Their dest- iny is the Webster neighborhood, near Cal-man City, Manitoba. Their families will follow in one week ...... Mr. Strung left With his cargo of goods on Weincs lay morning to. em]: a fortune on the great wheatgrowing v.- vâ€" â€"_7 OBITUARY.â€"-Th9 wife of Mr. D. McKinnon, hotel-keeper, Bethany, died on Tuesday, 14th inst. The de- ceased had been ill for some time, but the best medical skill and kindest nursing could not save her. She was known to be one of the most generous. hearted ladies in the vicinity, a friend to the poor, and held in the very highest esteem by all who knew her. The remains were laid in St. Mary’s cemetery on Thursday, followed by a large number of sorrowing friends and neighbors. Mr. McKinnon and family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. LU‘C. HYMENEAL.â€"A very quiet but pleasant wedding took place in our vicinity on March let, the contracting parties being Miss Etta. Stewart and Mr. Walter Sharpe. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. MruCoone of Cavanville. The congratulations of the friends of both parties were hearty. The presents were numerous and costly, and all of them useful. The bride and groom went to their new home, followed by the good wishes of all their friends. - ‘r T\ FRANKLIN now prove to it: is the Opinion 0 y look is very poor ...... thaw of the 11th and 12th made some of the swamp roads impossible. swamp road, better known as “Moses roadâ€, was never known to be so high before. 8 _ A. k.. 4‘ LETTERS FROM {EST ._The heavy is ggagn glven us â€The fall Wheat T hxs SHOW may Now is the time to have them put in shape for the season. Come early and avoid the rush. All work warranted. W. Webster, Maha‘nical Expert, 25 W illiam-st. north. â€"â€"llt.f. N oresâ€"One of our esteemed citizens Mr. John Sanders with his family have left for Sudbury, where Mr. Sanders is employed in the nickle mines. We wish him success ...... we are informed that already most of the cottages in Ethel Park have been rented for the coming season ....... .. Mr. GeOrge Veal ï¬nds his summer hotel in Victoria Park entirely inade- quate to accommodate his influx of health and pleasure seekers. To meet this emergency he is going to build an addition to his house sixty-four feet in length and three stories high. Few tmer pleasure resorts are to be found than here on the shores of beautiful Lake Simcoe, with its inviting shady groves; the sportsman can indulge to his utmost his piscatorial art ...... We learn that Mr. Thomas Doberty will this spring build a ï¬ne residence on Main and Mara-sts ...... We are in- formed that we are to have a resident ï¬shery inspector in the person of Mr. John McKinnon Under him he says there are to be ï¬ve deputies stationed at different points on the lake. That the Hardy government is to provide him a pleasure steam yacht and four hands to assist him in his labors at patroling the lake to see that his subordinates do their duty. Mr. McKinnon will locate on Thorah Island, where a house is to be built, but by whom he says not. but in all probability it will be done by the government. In that case the govern- ment can include all these expenses in in their surplus of assets. Mr. Mc- Kinnon has, it is Siid stated his instructions are that: none but grits are to be employed. To the victors belong the spoil. We are not inform- ed how much the emoluments of the ofï¬ce is to be. Under the corrupt tory regime there was but one ï¬shery inspector for the lake, and his salary Was small for the labor he had to per- form, and was required to furnish a boat for himself, also a tent, or else. lie down in the open air on the coldl ground when not- seeking the nightly1 violators of the ï¬sherie’s act. l Special to the Watchman and Warder WILL m; NAE COME BACKâ€"Some people in Little Britain having learn- ed that Wm. Cildwell of Pleasant} Point has left the place unceremone- ously, think possible he is in search of Joe Brown, and conclude if they strike a gold mine, they may return some day and beneï¬t: the friends they left behind them. NEW MAIL CARRIER.â€"â€"Mt. Jenkins ha; obtained the Contract of carrying the mail to and from the station. He is to enter upon his duties April the ï¬rst. “Joe is a splendid social accom- modating chap and will make a most obliging bus driver,†is the general verdict. Ford. prairies of Manitoba. Among many others leaving for that great country are Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Broad jr..rwho recently sealed a. compact, and have gone to make themselves a home in the distant west. ' , r the place purchased from Mr (Crowded out last week). BEA VERTON BICYCLES P. J . Murphy, 10 Jno Brady, 11 H. Mc- Kay, 12 J33. Hogan. 13 H. Ceracadden. 14 Jno Moloney, )5 Wm. '1‘. Reid. 16 Jun thtle, 17 Jno Calvert. 18 Wm. Rea. 19 Jno Fair, 20 Jno Peel, 21 Alex. Petrie. 22 J as. Kennedy. SCHEDULE c-â€"lPOUNDKnPERs 1 Willie Curtis, 2 A. Marshall, 3 Alex. Pebrie, 4 Juhn H. Blackwell. 5 R. J. Patterson, 6 P. Csrlln. 7 Jan. Farrelly. 8 B. White. 9 Wm. Hagan, 10 John Con- nolly. 11 A. Cunningham, 12 W. J. Moore, 13 John B. Graham, 14 Jae. Johnston. W. F. O’BOYLE. clerk Noteâ€"The above ofï¬cers will please call at the c'erk’a cflide‘ within 20 days to take the necessary declaratlnn of ofï¬ce. W. F 013. 1 D. Coughlln, 2 Alfred Brook. 3 J88. Murphy. 4 Willard Curtis. 5 J no O'Rellly. (iJgsxlfuac‘h, 7 Rd.Daxjke, 8 T. qu_lln_sl 9 'v_â€"vâ€"â€" ‘4 'v-I‘c van... v. " 59 Thoe. Deyell, 60 Eph Pogue, 1 Ed. Burns, 62 M. Brady, 63 D. Reid. 64 R. Thorns, 65 P. Hogan, 66 Chas. Collins, 67 Alex. McArthur, 68 Jae. Patten, 69 D. Towhey. 70 Alex. Burke, 71 D. McGlnnle. 72 N. Smale. 73 Jan. Murphy. 74 RB. Agnew. 75 Joe MoAI- lister, 76 F. Costello. 77 Jae. McLean. 78 Wm. 1. Reed, 79 D. 5. Res, 80 Thoe. Graham, 81 H. Patten. 82 Wm. H Hodge. 83 Thou. Cufl, 84 Wm. H. WI! son, 85 Walter Curtis. 86 Alex. McKay, 87 John Deyell jr.. 88 M. Turner. 89 W. Endicott, 90 R. Shaw, 91 H. Cornell1 92 M. Wilson. 93 Thoa.'Roblnaon, 943m. Hogan. W. Jackson, 47 Joe. Feir, 48 F. Hick. son, 49 Geo. Smith on, 50 Wm. McCul- lum, 51 H. Brooks, 52 Jno. Burnett 53 B. McGough 54 D. Corneil, 55 Wm. Uorueil. 56Jaa. Nellie, 57 W. Guinea, 58 Beat No. 1 J. Green, 2 D. Farrelly, 3 Geo. Payne, 4 D. Cayley, 5 Wm. D. Graham. 6 W. Tyrel'. 7 J. Henry, 8 Thou. J. Ray. 9 F. anigan, 10 H. Graham, 11 Issac Moynee. 12 B. U’Con- nell, 13 Willard Curtis, 14 D. Fitzpatrick, 15 Joe. Twohey, 16 T1103. Paul, 17 F. Carlin, 18 Jan. Greemn 19 J 38. Mitchell, 20 J... Corley, 21 E. ii. Hopkins, 22 .1. H. Darke, 23â€"-24 P. J. Clancey, 25 M. Moriartty. 26 Chas. Kellett. 27â€"â€" 28 Jae. Skuce, 29 Joe. Reynolds. 30 S. Jemieson jr., 31 L. Mllllgsn. 32 P. Penroee. 33 Thou. Hardy, 34 Thou. Hardy, 35 Wm. Skuoe, 36 Wm. Jones, 37 M. Fox. 38 Wm. Brown. 39 B. Zealend, 40 J00. Hogan. 41 Geo. Robinson. 42 R Reeds, 43 Thou. Wil- son, 44 N. Hall. 45 P. Corrlgan, 46 H. The following bills and temporary orders were nexc examined and were on motion passed and the usual ofï¬cial orders issued in payment: thereof : Thoe. Metchett, county tress. refund re atone crnehlng $3; J. Greer, supplies to L. Powers and Wm. Gould $7.74; C. S. Blackwell, supplies F. Clark. $4.22; W. F. 0’Boyle,'clerk, postage. $2; P. Time. shoveling snow. $1; W. Pogue, for 10 cards atone. $12.50. On motion by Mr. Canine, seconded by Mr. Byrne. the councxl adjourned at 5 30 p m. to meet on April 24th prox at the usual hour. By-lsw No 548, conï¬rming the appoint- ment of ofï¬cers, and by-lew 549 pertain- inxz to township charity, next received the usual readings and were duly passed, signed and sealed. THE TOWNSHIP PRINTING The tenders for township printing were now carefully compared and thnt of The Post. being the lower. was on motion by Mr Byrne, seconded by Mr. Hickscn, duly accepted. Mr. D. Cayley, pathmaster, of road beat N o. 4. and Mr. Robt. Naylor, joint- owuer of lot 3, con. 3, addressed the council in reference no statute labJr. Mr. Cayley contended that lot 21, con. 1, should belong to beat No. 4, which ex- tended from the middle line to the Oak- wood road, con. 1, and Mr. Baylor asked that his tenant and others be permitted to do their statute labor on 3rd con. line south of let quarter line, which is now used as a winter road. After the council had carefully examined the map of each locality Mr. Hickson moved, seconded by Mr. Byrne, that that part of the 3rd con. road allowance south of 1st quarter line be added to the list of road beats given in by-law No. 453 as best 94; that lot No. 3, E pt lot 4, and S E pt lot 5, con. 3, and N W qr lot 3. W pt lot 4, and S W pt lot 5, con. 4. belong to said heat 94 instead at to beats Nos. 7 and 12. and that lot 21, con. 1, be detached from beats Nos. 69 and 76 and added to beat No 4.â€" Carried. Tenders of The Poet and Watchman- Warder for the township printing for the year beginning May lat 1899. TOWNSHIP SUB OFFICIALS Mr. Calvert moved, seconded by My. Currants, that pathmaaters. fenceviewera and poundkeepere be appointed as named in schedules A B and C respectively hereto appended and that a by-law be passed conï¬rming the same, and also a ny-law relating to township charity.â€" Carried. From Mr. Farrelly, lot 18, con. 9, expressing a desire to build a wire fence along the ucrth aide of the Downeyville road in conformity with the by-lew, if the usual grant be allowed him by the council. COMMUNICATIONS â€"ACCOUNTS â€" LIST OF PATHMASTERS, POUNDKEEPBRS, AND FENCBVIEWERS The members of Up: council met pur- suant to notice on Monday, March 20th inn, at the usual hour; 311 members present. The clerk reed the minutes of the last regular meeting, which were on motion adopted. After an item referring to atone crushing on the Dowueyville roxd had been corrected the clerk read the foilowing communications. COMMUNICATIONS From Department of Public Works, Toronto, re approaches to the swing bridge south of the town. From Jan. Simona, requesting that a culvert be put across the road east: :f his land, lot 16. con. 7. OPS COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SCHEDULE Bâ€"FENCE VIEWERS. SCEE DULE A. - PATH MASTERS . A STATUTE LABOR MATTER A COUPLE 0F BY-LAWS BATCH OF ACCOUNTS ', ONT; -A_special Job Lot going as $1.00. -â€"Men’s Fine Boots in Box Calf. Dongola or Tan Vici Kid, 31! with Grodyear "Vclt, a stylish thick-soled \Valking Boot, very Special $2.7 5. N.B. --\Ve have opened a Bargain Counter and its contents will surprise you. ~Plow Balmorals at $r.oo. -â€"-IA)ongol_a-Bz}lr_no:als at_$1.25. WOMEN’S SHOES. A Piece of The Bluthes Line. 8.. J. PETTY BEFORE THE BATTLE MULLET’S ASCOT TIE . L. WHITE, STAN D~ UP COLLAR IS THE HOTTEST GOING OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. MEN’S FOOTWEAR; -â€"Dongola Balmorais special at $I. 15 â€"Dongola Oxfords at 7 5c. â€"Trilby Tums at $1.00. â€"Every Day Boots for 7 5c. THE JEWELER. That is BOOTS and SHOES, and they are a. very important piécc o! it ton. of Stocktaking, which corn- mences in about a month or six weeks, we purpose giv- ing our customers such Bargains as we never at- tempted before. We will not' quote any articles or prices, but just say that all goods are at Bargain prices. We carry one of the largest stocks in the county and do the Finest Engraving and Repairing. We wish to thank our many friends and public generally for their liberal patronage during the year 1898, and solicit a continuance of the same. We are selling Boys’ Boots at cents. NEWEST ..THE.. 3A1. PM!!!†Furniture and Undertaking Charges Moderate _ . Opp Ben§6n HOuse. - my Also Chester'WHfte and Be! shire Boar {or Service â€caucus†5305.. MM The above are all good stock and ‘ worthy the immediate attention 0‘ those requiring such. A Hnbitml Constipation, itdlspels Colds. BxliousE achw and Fax-era. It relieves Piles and all SIM Kidney and Liver Troubles, such as sour 5w! heartburn, belching. fullness sud distress antral loss of appetite. etc. It cures also I“ trol arising from impure blood, such as pimples.‘ exuptions. blotches, bkckhoacs. etc. Helms: Dickenso Agents, 83 Kent-St. OPP- Daly House, LindsaY- an FENELON mus EVERY SATURDAY BULL CALVES, (‘I‘horougl bred Shorthorn Durham. Also CHESTER WHITE PIG for sale at all times PROMPT. Beam it is the highly conceal essence of the most curative agents known. SAFE. Becinee it does not contnm any! axingslugcoholic, ogumr poisonousxalI at p y vegets e non-purgam- SURE. Because taken intexnnih it acts dirtd the blood ctbe supporter of lifeâ€"and not 0‘ food eaten. Applied externally it is at! directly into the acne centers, them distributed to 511mm of the bOm. CHEAP. Because 3 bottle cannins 31 d0 internal treatment for 300 an} s. In one tint not only removes all bile and for! nutter from the system. And leaves the bowls! halthy natunl oondxtion, but one that does note 11 launtly md sleken the stomwh. or a griping dpuin. In the Swanson P111 you hm Ideal utic pill. UL'XHIJICLUI: LU Mull V! U“. ‘ Amer great difficulty and study, a yil in: found that is effectch in permanent?y ox'ch‘mS ix tightened and diseased conditzons of the lcueli. is so mild and natural in its ‘zion that i: cal taken wi h perfect freedom by men or “one: sick and the heaitng. Especially when u: 56 .C‘ course of medicine for some speciï¬c (159355.: neocssary to assist hamre, and as an ad \. '. . great rnmedy, “Five Drops ‘ the Swarm; PE“ most. valuable, aiding the custom in thro “i2: 65 disease germs. killed by that searching 612C :.. The SWANSON PIL? Itls admitted that not. only those sciatic: habiunl constipation, kidney and liver muble gestion, piles, etc.. are in need of 31mm: that. the health of every one is stimulated and ‘ ï¬tted by the occasional use of a good cathartic system, yespecially of the more robust and mu accumulates. through the miety of food we foreign mute: and“g bile, which it is unable and completely to “KS." oï¬. The Swanson Fill in a pie-ant. prompt and P! Cuba-tic, caning a hetltby um mum-:1 action 0! the SIXTY DAYS TREATMENT 25 C We have them in different sizes. Kidneus. Livsr and Bow» W.G.WUUD The Hot Weather Stove is the STOCK FOR SALE An Ideal Cathartic Pill Milk Bans, Chur r,ns Washing Machines, andé Wringers AND 5 DROPS. “Blue Flame†Wickless Oil Stove KENT STREET. 5 DROPS [S ‘ 7“ Kant Sm anghGY!l T It Cures momm 621mm,: Drags Prints