Ontario Community Newspapers

Watchman (1888), 25 Feb 1892, p. 8

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E Barleyâ€"There was no movement re- ported. and the enquiry seemed to be ratfer less active ; but extra. N o. 3 on the spot was usually valued at about 49 to 50c. In the absence of transactions, however, Oatsâ€"Quiet: but firm; mixed on the spot was held at 340 with buyers not inclined to go over 336; and this latter figure was bid for Manitoban to arrive at North Bay. Wheatâ€"Seemed 1n fairly good demand, but probably the turn easier; white and red lying westward sold at 870 standard; and spring lying on the Midland changed hands at 90c straight. On the call-board 940 was bid for No. 2 fall on the track ; No. 1 hard was offered on the spot at $1.05 with $1.03 bid ; No. 2 hard, to arrive at North Bay. was offered at $1.01. Flourâ€"No movement reported, but mlllers would appear to be steady 1n feel- ing at: about $4. 20 to $4.25 for straight rollexs and about $4 to $4. 05 for extra. Outside news to- day was Beerbohm’s despatch which describes Enghsh markets asquiet. This fact seemed to tend to make the local market dull. Mixed Chop. . l . ........ 1,1,0“? éO Screenms 90 tolOO Alsike Circer. ............ '7 00 to 8 00 Red Clover .............. 3 75 to 4 25 I‘imothy Seed ............ 1 50 to 2 00 Corn Chop . . ............. 1 75 to 1 85 Cat Chop ............... 1 20 to 1 30 Pea Chop ................ 1 20 to 1 30 Fall 'theat per bushel, old. $0 84 to 0 00 Fyfe do do ............... O 00 to 0 89 Spring do..... ............ 000m084 Goose do do ........... 00 to O 75 Flour, new process. ....... 2 20 so 2 4O Flour, mixed, rolls. . . . . ...-. 2 40 to 2 60 Strong bakers. . . . ......... ’32 45 to 2 65 Barley, per bushel- ........ 42 to 0 55 Peas, do ..... . ..... . ‘0 00 to 0 58 Peas, large do .......... 070 to 0 90 Oats. do .......... 0 00 to 0 28 Potatoes per bushel.. . . . . . . 0.25 to 0 31 Butter per Tb ......... .. . .. 0 16 to O 17 Beef ................. .. . .. 0 O5 to 0 0’? Eggs, per dozen.;..n.. . ,, 0.16 to 0 17 ‘Salt, per barrel“ .. -0 00 to 1-50 Straw, per load. . . . . 3-00 to 6 00 'Wool...” ............ ‘018t0020 Hides. ................ 0-00 (30-030 Wood .................... 2 00 to 4 00 Bacon .......per‘fb.. 009t0010 Mess Pork, per b‘b].. . 0 00 to 17 50 Hay. per ten ........ .. . -6 00 to 8 00 do extra Prime. ......OOOtoOOOO Shorts per ton ............. 17 00 to 19 00 Lambskins ...... a ....... .. . . 0 50 to O 60 Sheepskins. pelts ......... 0 50 to 0 60 Live Hogs, “ “ “. .. 0 00 to 5 00 Flax seed per 100 ......... 2 00 to 3 00 Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. 4.50 to 5 00 Rye ............... 000t0075 gran pet: ton ............. 16 00 to 18 00 A M, AuAsv “U ooooooooo Oats. do .......... Potatoes per bushel.. . . . . . . Butter per 1% ......... .. . .. geef ................. .. . .. , per dozen”... . -. ‘Salggtfpetbarrel... ......... Straw, per load. .. ..... . ..... 'Wool..... ............ Hides. - ‘Wood .............. . ...... Bacon . . . .per‘l’o . . . . Mess Pork, per b'b]. . . Hay. per Sen ........ .. . Every weeks steamer brings us newgoods, From Belfast, Ireland, From Manchester, England, OFFICE 01" mm LINDSAY VVATCHMAN. From Halifax, England, Crossley’s Celebrated LINDSAY. 02m, Feb. 25th, 1892. LINDSAY MARKETS. Toronto Markets. Feb. LINENS, LE LINENS, WEES AND TOWELUNG. -, , u'}. 0f} Union an :1 i MAGDEBURG, February 23.-â€"A man named Fritz and his fiancee, Dorothy Bunstock, have been arrested here and :harged with murdering servant girls for the purpose of robbery. These murders resembled in most of their horrible details the Schneider murders in Vienna recently, the victims being . :1 fl, _______ bvhllvl, “ UL": 110 doubt caused by the outer and mner edges of one of the colt’s hoofs.-â€"[Ga:=:ette. weuo over to put: the five stock in the stable. and while they were trying to get the colt in its place it suddenly struck out with both hind feet. Archie’s right cheek has a. long cut down to the bone, and about three-quarters of an inch below it is a ragged wound which will probably leave a worse mark than the cut. The hurts, being so near rosether, were no On Sunday last Archie Campbell, aged about 11 years, second son of Mr. John S. Campbell, was severely kicked in the face by a yearling colt on Mr. W. Isaac’s farm in Feuelon, the house on which is at present unoccupied. Archie and a. boy about his own age, son-cf Mr. Thomas Isaac, who lives on the adjoining farm, went. over to put: the live stock in the stable. and while they were trying to get +l‘n ,.,.‘L 1.. Mr. Earnest Sharp had his foot badly smashed on Monday last by a. hay press, which was propped up, falling on it. A doctor was summoned and the injured limb was promtly dressed. The Midland Circuit of Spring Assizes will be held before His Lordship Judge Rose on the following dates:â€" Barrie, Tuesday, lst March. Hamilton. Wednesday, 9th March. Belleville, Monday, 2131: March. Picton, Monday, 4th April. Whitby, Tuesday, 12th April. Lindsay, Monday, 18th .April. Peterboro’, Monday, 25th April. Cobourg, Monday, 2nd May. Eggsâ€"As before; sales small today, but the best cases on the spot selling at 210; with limed and stale down to 15 to 160. we would not recommend confidence in thlS valuatlon. Peac~f)u1et and apparently the turn easier, with sales on the Midland at 600, and nothimr reported on other lines. Ryeâ€"Firm; and sold, lying eastward at 99c. Many Servant Girls Murdernd Accidents. 1a W001 Carpets, Beautiful} DUNDAS 82; FLAVELLE BROS THE WATLHMAN. LINDSAY The Gazette goes on to angrily dis- pute the theory that the foot and The American veterinary surgeon, who by the kind permission of the Government is allowed a free run of the Deptford market, is apparently not Content- with disputing .the existence of disease in American cattle when the existence of such disease has been decided by the officials of the Board of Agriculture, but he is now prepared to teach our veterin- ary expert how to trace the origin of foot- and-mouth disease. This is exceedingly gracious of the enterprising Yankee. The Government is very ill-advised to permit such an unheard of precedent as the presence in our ports of a foreign official veterinarian. the only return for the courtesy being oflicious and ill-formed criticism upon the action of our responsible oflicers. tion to the action of a. certain Anieri can inspector, who has been giving his opinion of this 1mportant question The Gazette says: â€" LONDON, Feb. 22,â€"The appearance of the dreaded fOQt and mouth disease among cattle in Certain parts of Eng- land is causmg great. apprehension, and rthere is no end of discussion on the subject. Apropos of the theory that the disease was introduced through the medium of imported rawhides, a theory which Mr. Henry Chaplain. president- of the Board of Agriculture, took occasion to throw discredit upon in the House of Commons today, the St James’ Gazette tO-day states that it Voices numerous complaints in objec- +:A_ LA Ll -, Appearance of the Dreaded Foot and Mouth Complaintâ€"Government Precautions, invuiglod to their fats by means of bogus advertisements. The police have already discovered the names of two of the victims and are at work on the other cases. \Vhen the police descended upon the culprits the clothing of the CATTLE DISEASE. Mr. Montagu, when recently interview- ed as to the murder of his littlegirlby Mrs. Montagu. could only say in extenuation of the horrible act that his wife entertained Mr. Wainwright, of the Grand Trunk railway. referring to the rumoured amalga- mation of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific, said the statement was absolutely untrue. Edward Coy, the negro who criminally assaulted a marned woman living! at Texarkana, Tex.. was captured on Frlday and burned at the stake in the presence of 6,000 people- The Pope has adressed an encyclical letter to the French clergy, in which he says that any form of government is good providing it; tends towards furthering the public welfare. A German nanâ€"commissioned officer qt Ulm has been sentenced two years, Imprl- sonment for drilling recrqlts clothed only in their shirts. The Ulstei members of the Iml )eiial Parliament have imparted to Mi. Balfour their approval of the Irish Local Gmeru- ment bill. F or: Sudan, in Upper Burmah, which is garrisoned by British troops. 1s sur- rounded by 500 Kachuns and is in great peril. Mrs. James G. Blain, jr., has obtained a decree of divorce at Deadwood, S. 1) with custody of the child. " During the recent storms many vessels were wrecked on the English coast, and much loss of life of life is reported. The foot and mouth disease has appear- ed in nineteen districts in Schlesmg- Holstein. The Prince of Wales has decided to close his connection with the turf. -_ -~â€" “Jul-ILKNIIIVU, tkllhl it is understood will shortly be extend- ed to Spain and Portugal. The obvi- ous idea is to enhance the market value of English farmer’s cattle. Numerous opinions have been announc- ed by unofficial British experts favour- able to the raw hides oxigin of foot [and mouth disease, but the oflicial mind seems unalterably opposed to such a. theory. The Liberal members of Parliament are inclined to look favourably upon the idea of appointing a. committee of enquiry into the whole subject. mouth disease is traceable to imported raw hides. If this origin of the disease were proved it would deprive Mr. Chaplin of the pleasure of prohibiting the importation of live animals. It is undeniable that there is no disease among cattle in Holland or Denmark, yet the prohibition against importation from those countries is maintained, and THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1892- NEWS ITEMS. The Government Reports for years past show that the :ETNA LIFE has paid to living policy holders IN CANADA a lar ger sum in settlement of MATURED EN BOW MENTS than that paid by Cana- dian and British Companies combined. No better evidence is required of the value and popularity of the :ETN A EN - DOWMENT‘Policies. Cash Dividends paid Every year "JOHN D, MPGMUROHY General Agent. 1 SURPLUS, (by Canadian Standard) 7,600,000 INCOME, - - - - 5,796,322 DEPOSIT AT OTTAWA, - 3,000,000 POLICIES IN FORCE - II7,656,38| NEW POLICIES, l890 - 2I,206,702 ASSETS; THE ETNA HETTGERâ€"In Lindsay, on Monday, Feb. 22nd. Mary Hettger, aged 91 years. BRO\VN-â€"In Lindsay, on Tuesday Feb. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Andrew Brown of a daughter. In memory of Mrs. Catherine Carrolan, beloved wife of James Carrolan. died De- cember 20th, 1891, aged 56 years. Oh, let us weep, since words can’t tell The loss we now deplore, Since our dear and loving mother Is on this earth no more, And in that lonely chamber We'd ever linger nigh, And watch that pale and grief-worn face My brother Tom and I. Her gentle voice no more we hear, So loving true and kind, Her loving words no more will guide Her orphans left behind. But we will meet her once again ' _ Upon a happy shore, . ._ . A \Vh ere sorrow can not enter in. \Vhere pain will be no more. The Quebec Nationalist press is using the Government victories in South Ontario and East Hastings as a. cry against the Quebec ConservatiVes. The picture representing the sitting of the Alabama Claims Commxssion.a present from America to the Queen, has arrived at XVindsor Castle. After an existence of eighty-five years. Montreal Herald, insolvent, was sold at public auction yesterday for $11,350. sfromr opinions of the training and cor~ rectiun of children In Life Assurance Company. ENDOWNMENTS BIRTH. DIED. mes $35,993 002 â€"A Lady. I'.‘ u , l 0f the Luboa Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted [either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men. young fold, or middle-aged, who find themselves’ nervous, weak and exhausted. who are .broken down from excess or overwork, resulting from many of the following symptoms : Mental depression. premature old age. loss of Vitality. loss of memory. . bad dreams, dimuess ( t sight. palpitation lot the heart. emissions lack of energy, i pain in the kidneys, headache. pimples on the face or body. itching or peculiar sen- sation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs. diaziness, specks before the eyes. twitching of the muScles. eye lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness. deposits in the. urine, lossof will power. tenderness of the scalp and spine. weak and flabby muscles, desire to siecp. failure to be rested by sleep, ccmstipatiou. dullness of hearing. loss of voice, desire, for Solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes sur- rounded with LEADEX (mew. oily looking skin. etc . are all symptoms of nervous debility' that lead to insanity and death nless cured. The Spring of vital force lliaving lost. its tensxou every function waresin consequence. Those who through abuse comnutted in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. ?Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells. purple lips, numbness. palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart quicker than the’first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no pay. Send {’0er- Address M. V. LUBox, 24 Macdonell Ave- Toronto, Canada. wiL' cure you or cost nothing. a Ask ., your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 c134 octs. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or k lame. use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster.‘ 2; as; allel in the history of medicine. All dmgéiss are authorized to sell it on a. positive guarantors! a tat thatno othercurecansuccssfully stand. Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Group, or Whooping Cough use itpromptly, and relief is sure. If you ad that insidious disgase CONSUMPTION, daq’tfail to 1156 it, it This GREAT COUGH CURE, this sum” fig CONSUMPTIONACURVE, is without a par- THE HEAD SURGEON SHILOH’S CONSU M PTION ‘ CURE. in the old world nyonr in! _. lulu-Eu 1 L1 DUI Icamed. ‘ ddrcss at once, “mum. nun. 2 mark by John R In any part at home. 3 ments on 1y my SIRE 1 Lindsay, EXTRA 'hkh Toron NE AN vhn dgwn ENT’S FUE JUST Seed seed Whel Storc February

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