Ontario Community Newspapers

Watchman (1888), 28 Jan 1897, p. 1

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d usi of all l the price-peg goes do. ‘ing has been attained 1 filicd to overflowing wj 7ONE~we emphatic: rs, Driving Coats, Winl Trade Fool Canadian Tweed Suits, $31 Vest EngXand Tweed Suits: $9 r Yorkshire Tweed Suits, $4.75 b Tweed Suits. 56 00 {00] “'otstcd Suits, $7 50 ins, $16.50, worth $30.00 alcitc Caps, Jockeys, 50c. ummion Scale": Caps, 75¢ ion Caps, from 19c to sor L‘Yedges, $290, worth 5 JVOOI .1 Suit Frieze l'lsxers, S3, worth $3. ‘ of sec Buy; Cape (helm in pricc fmm 4.00 to 7.00 tot-gm PEflPlE, CY ON: ENS SUITS. 5 FURNISHINGS. :rican Night Robe; with em: Is, 3!. worth 1 <0 5 AND FURS. gee Silk Handkerchiefs. 53c y () K Wooi Underwcat, EDâ€"Into the premige! eniuncd‘ E -Lnt n in the 4th 0'1 )wnshix-r :‘1 ”:1er m: or about “1‘ one {meear- old SL;;_. The 0'51 p n' t’ p" ywrh‘ 1 :u ex W83 ; Dl.\CA.\' Mc:.\.\l., W '5 All-“'00! Cardigan Jackefl; "Mm-d W ‘ L0: 1 ". in the 9th 0‘”- unfit den on 0'- abou' the first d1 It. two 2m» year-uh! Stécrfl. :II to prune prupv‘rty my an!” lay. mus TEA-LL kirkfiezd, 20-. an! Satin, F Inniel with white spozs. Wing prowrtv and payi “8‘53. 33!“: unitesâ€"l- 3 D4??? ther pmm‘z“? D â€" Came into :he undevsigned. lot 28. con- ‘1 ‘. Sovemher lat two two-y a id Heifer wred gmd gray in m :d to pro-e property. pay up“ any. A.an¢J.BKUCK.W3 mines of the undersigned W.) W on or about. Dec. 13:, Two SF“ Jot. OVner is requested tow Lpenses 3nd take the same at”? UND.â€":\ young liver-‘7 Rubber Rug. (flier can 86 n: this oflice, provmg property confinement â€" ‘2. EIBRTII DAY OF FEBRIL ’ape ()vcrcoa Twin Conon’xigh: Robes‘, OVERCOATS. v ~ SALE OF REAL ‘ THE VILLAGE OF DY'NSWI nets vested in them. the M I Church Mame propeny in I i being put of Lot number 1"!" lion 0! the Township of Verdi Victoria. will ofler for we ll :Aucticn. on the premises, on cck in the “humor The“ “W“? a {rune dwelling boil e purchaser to enming “firth For further punk-ultra and col '0 PETER N. IURDOCK. I F’s-m Dued an. on: dam CALV‘ES ._ 5m: ln Lindsay, about the; nricrwear, me, worth 25c All-wow] Underwear 3! 1 Satin, Four-in-Hand :5c, worth 25c each ugwood (Moves, 25c, ‘ Embroidered Silk "an Beater Ail-“'00! Socks, la for Watci Oven the most Ii W88 ketchiets, .1 éuzts, $7.50 in or check, $5.90 coats, C - 9 10 30". I, worth $4, so, ( Retreats, _2.; Uwr er can see! of: Owner” 3;;ng for hemstitchd. mm: X. Number :1 their stock of Cottons, Sheetings, 81c. during this month. VVE '1'.\11\ 11ith a grand abSOTtm nt of the best values 1n the trade in in C<tt0ns5hectings,“h1tc and unbleached VV hitc Cottons, VLottona, all widths, circular and plain. Tickings, Cottonades in all the best makes and qualities. New Sheetings, guaranteed 11:er fast colors. Qualities fliwht, prices, the lowest in the trade. on ey to Lea st Mortgage from 41-2 t3 6 - - percent - - . H SOOTHERAN, lust Opened. 4000 yards New Prints in ,JNayys. dates. Terra C» ttas, Cherries and Cardinals. Newest iDesxgns, i‘y suited for Dresses and Wrappers . . . els, Blankets, Furs, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Heavy Dress Goods. Ready Made Clothing and Woollen Shawls. (4.; im Jinn haxf regular prices. MEN’S FURNISHINGS to be critic-“<1 at prices never bz-fnru heard of. Now is the time to get Fun and Men’s Furnbhlugs‘ at a clear saving L-i huh” of former pricg s a~ we intend to sell . everything 1M: month . . . i Fur C(iixtt', $8.00, $9.00 .‘thI ”)0. Qumt'y Grey Lamb Caps $1.95. I: (igpusum Caps, $2.00. ‘Qualxty Alaska Sea! Caps, Quzllixy Grey Imitation Ca», at L" am. $12.00 up. "run J ataua, 516.50 up. Joara ‘315.t_,0_up, 3114.in bealette Caps, 50 cenza THIS IS THE KSND OF WEATHER. :aa’ity' §llr§ia Caps, $2.50. our Windows with our Low Priced - Ticketed Goods. - (:01. at the Saluple Price List. IRWEATHER 8: I; 00., NUFACTURING FURRIERS, TORONTO,:PETER- BORO and LINDSAY. Alany Early Buyers ine of WINTER 60004 at SweepingT Reductions, and have some lfig Bargains to offer . . . mar yt thmg to 1):} Sold at We. 76 and 7S KENT STREET, LINDSAY. IN LINDSAY. 'TO MAKE ONE THINK ABOUT‘ LINDSAY IN FACT â€"Men’s Woollen Gloves (leather faced) 50;. . Men’s ‘Navy Blue Shirts, 50 cents â€"Uumuudrled White Shirts, 350. ~b‘m; Tues, three for 22¢. ~Lmuu Cullen", three for” -56. â€"M.6u s \\ oulleu Mltts (leathor facad) 2.5a. . 8 11. Men’s glow; Gray Flannel Shuts, $1.00 â€".\l'u‘a White Shirt: wmth $1.25 for â€".\.l nuol Underclotbing at half regular prices. Gold Mining Stocks sell from 100 per share up. Algoma Coal Stock 300 per share. Samples of Coal and Gold Ore at No. 8, William-st, Lindsay. ...Applyto... 3H ..... 3 Am. .. 3 Blind... We beg to advise the Public that we have been appointed Agents . . for the sale of . . We also sell the Stock . . . of the . . . We handle only the stock of mines that are known ..tobegood.. Algama Coal Mining Go. MINING STUCKS NO CHARGE FOR FOOT OF KENT ST Of coarse Spectacles will be of no use to you; but if you've got any measure 01 sight, however im- perfect, we would like you to consult US, as we are prac- tical Opticians . R. G. CORNEIL, 0r ROBT. NMLOR. LINDSAY. EXAMINATION LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY, 28th, I897. . f the office just. as well as he c- old. 1 lie had served under able wardens but he would nun hope to transact the business of {hm . flice wituout the hearty co-operaticn The venerable county clerk. Mr. Thos. Matchett. then called the meeting to order. when he read the returns from the d:fi'erenc ramming ulliCcra giving [he names of the successful candidates, whum he had already declared elected, and as they had taken the declararinn of office .3 was pleased to see them all present. “1'. Malchett lhen explained that their rir t duty would be H.) sl-lect some one of their nuymher to the position of warden fu- the ensuing: )ear. TH E \VA 1: DENSHIP. Some minor discussion followed on whether the sysgempE open v ting or J. J. WHHEWP District No. lâ€"Messrs. F. Shaver and Johnson. Mmecf by Mr. SwitZer. second. (1 by Mr. Shaver. that Mr. James Lilhguw, be warden of the county of Victories for the year 1897. The New System of County chern- ment wiIl be Given a Fair Trial. The first session of the new comm council was held in the county council chamber on Tuesday afternoon. The ful- lowing members were present from their wsyn a-tive distncts :â€" vo-ing by bailoi ehuuld prevail in theâ€"sel- ectiml uf a warden. but the 5; 0d old lashioned way rprervmlcc}. a A vuté was then taken and resu‘ ed in the election of Dr. Wood on the first division. Dxalrwr Nu. 2vâ€"Mcssrs. ~tubt. Brynn: and Jag. Graham. District No. 41:â€"Messrts. Jas. Lithgow and John Austin. Dr. Wood was then escorted to the civic chair by hrs move: and seconder, and in 4 clear manly Way thanked the members uf the council for the honor they had con- ferred On him. \There were other mem- bers present who’ cuuld perform the duties Omanzm E>zom >75 mm<<_7.m 2.31.23. Any MAKE Desired. One Price Only. The members of the new councii having taken the customary umh of office then proceedvd to draw fur rhuir seats. cumin: year‘ THE NEW BOUNTY SGUNGIL. District No. 6â€" Dr. \\"00d and Mr \Vm. Camorun. nf all the members in the disclurue of his duties. They were few in numbers, but te felt that by united action they would he able to transmt the business of the ctiunt, m a Satisfactory manner. With he and of the council and Mr. Mnlchett md Mr. McNeillie he hopcu to make the , ear 3 benehcinl one to theniselvea and to the (onuly. He pmn ed out that by the change in the law many good men ban gone down and there were municipditiee l” the county that were not renrmenred. tnd these municipalities were looking tn the members of this cunnml for justice. He asked them to look upon ever) (10:58 non in a brond spirit even though i. «heuld cost their respective municipalities 1 little inure, and consider everything in Ihe brOrsd interests of what W38 besu ft)! the whose enmity. He urged them to gr! away from the narrow, selfish views of lhe old sysn-ni and Work unitedly fur lbt whole county. He again thanked th- DlstricthNu. 3 ~ Messrs. S. J. Fox and W. C. Swuzer. Muved by 'M'r. Jae. Graham, sec- nded by Mr, John Bailey. (ha: Dr. W- 31 be wndeu of the county of chtuna t r the Um. <<OOU O." XEXEMVU mrmOd m0 émemZ. District No. 5â€" Messrs. John l’milcx and luhn Ellis. ' numbers for the 11mm} dune him. aftm wuich he took the declaratinn of “3506. COUNTY AU DITORS Moved by Mr. Br} ans. seconded by Mr. Graham): that Mr S. Irwin and Jas Lithuow be nppuiuted audiwrs for admin- mlruliuu of jusfice accoun's â€"â€"L tut. . n H. (HOP-kins be appuxuled Judilors 0| udmin‘stratlon of justice accounta.â€"Cnrâ€" tied. The warden then appointed D. Eagle- son county auditor. TO 1mm THE COMMITTEES. Moved by Mr. Shaver, seconded by Mr. Graham, that Messrs. J. Ellis, B‘iley. watzer. Lithgow and the mover and the seconder be a special committee to drafi the standing committees in the year 1897. â€"-Carried. » Moved by Mr. Bailey. aacunded by Mr. Bailey. that Mr. John Kelley be appoint.- ed auditor of county council accounts. â€"â€" CArried. for fifteen minutes. ‘ TEE STANDING communzs. The council than resumed, the warden in the chair, when the report of the spe- cial committee to draft the standing com- mittee: was on motion of Megan. Shaver end Lithgow, received and read n first time as follows :â€" Finance and Assessmentâ€"All the mem- bers of Council. ‘ ‘ Roads and deqes.â€"-All the memben of L council. 77â€"erde 1);: Mr. Austin; sect nded In Mr. JuhnsOu, that James thbgovx and E THURSDAY, JAN. 28th, 1897. E!‘ e Watchman. ‘FOR‘ Ccunty Rates, x896.... $23035 00 County of lIaliburton $1430 00, interest . 3:4 4} ........... I77 Co xmy nl l’clcrbomuqh 35 Govcmmcnt, adminis- Council resumed at eleven o’clock Wed- nesday morning. The warden in the chair. Members all present. Minutes of previous session read and approved. numsmcm’s STATEMENT. The warden then read the treasurer: s-ntement of current lxabihties and assets as full‘ms :â€" Liabilities. Bank of Montreal. . . . . $26500 oo .\'nn resident taxes, dash and percentages due nmnicipulities... 1352 57 Redemptinns due tax sale purchases... .., 9 65 Balance at mu.- h r val- uation of cmmty . . . . 750 00 tr-umn ofjutliCc Cash in bank. . .. Moved by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Bailey, that the fullowina membeza County I'l‘l)[J('TI]/.â€"-:\ll the members a! council. mp: ire the advism-y commirtee, mumly. Hrs-31's. Shaver, Lithgnw. Bryans, Fox, Ellis and the mover.â€"Carried. Deficit [st January, 1897.. $2462 54 RAILWAY sxsKING FUND. Statemtnt of assets on account of the milwayawking fund. 13: January, . Assats. Pd.” of south half of east half lot 30 concession -, chlam, 38 acres subject to taxes. .. . . .....$150 00 Referred to the committee on timuwr and assessment. C. M)! UN ICA'I'IONS. The warden then read a number of communications. reports, e:c., which on :nuxiou were referred to thenr respecting committees. From the municipal council of the township of Ops. praying that the county enuncil assume and rebuild the East Cross Creeks bridgeâ€"Rams and bridges. A LOCKJJP AT COBOCONK. I Moved by Mr. Bailey, Seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the committee on finance at d asseSsment take into consideration the advisabiltty of building a lock-up at: the village of Cnbuctmk.â€"Cnrie;i. MUD LAKE mutton. Moved by Mr. Cannot-on, seCUnded by Mr. E-lis. that the standing committee 0:. loads and bridges take iuzo cunsideratiun and tept-rr on the adxisnhility of making a qptscml grant of $50 tnwatds repairing he bridge terms the narrows of Mun Like, Calden â€"Carried BURNT mvnn Bruno-E. Moved by Mr. Austin. seconded by Mr. Lithgow, that the Standing Cummittee t-n nude and bridges consider the udvtsabii- ty of granting the sum of $200 toward» the construction of u bridge across the Burnt miter, near Watson’s crossing, on rhe G.T.R.. on the coticensxon Known as Byrnes’ line -â€"C.rried non) MACHINERY. Moved by Mr. Graham. seconded by Mr. Bryans‘ that} the standing CummiltOr Finance an‘d Assessmentâ€"Mr. F. Sltétv’rl‘. Roads and Bridgesâ€"lulu I. Bailey. C'mmy Properlyâ€"Mr. Jas. Graham. Education--â€"Mr. Jns. Lithgnw. Printingâ€"Mr. \V. C. Swit’wr. Appointments to Officeâ€"Mr. Robert Bryans. Au roads and bridges be iusnucted to rake nro Consideration the advisability of pur- chasing improved road machinery, viz : steam roller. grader and rock crusher. with the View of having same used by the d fi'erenr municipalities of the county as may be deemed udvisxble.-â€"Csrried TWIN BY ~LA W8. Two by-laws confirming the appoint- ment; of auditors for the administration of justice and county council accounts were on motion introduced and read a. first time and passed through committee and finally passed. .vith Mr. Lithgnw iu the chair, aflel \hich thur rupurr wr‘s rpm] 3. third film. md finally 1); seed. SELECTING THE CHAIRMEN. ()n mnlinn the council stoud adjnurned "at {mean minutes in order that the cum nittees might select them respectiw ”Mt-'m-n and whzrh resul'od as fulloxs : Council then adjourned until 10 o ’clock on Thursday morning. ' Highest ............. Lowest“... Wanmest day, mean of. Coldest. l. 0‘ ~ The week . “ ()n ma'inn the council went into com nittee uf the whole on the second reading The council then adjourned until 11 a. u. on denesday. Report for week ending Saturday night, Ianuan' 23rd, x897. Appointmmts to (Winnâ€"All the mem- ers of council. Education.â€"All the members of Coun- Printinq,â€"All the members of coun- ighest .................. 4D. 5 Sunday. ~ awest. . . . . ........... â€"12.6 Tucsd1y ). anmest day, mean of ..... 36.05 Sunday )ldcst “ “ ‘ . ...-4.6 Tuesday. ac week . “ .... 18. 23 PRECIPITATION I N IN CHES» Greatest fall of rain in one day 0.53 Sunday. Rain fell on I day. Greatst 1111 of snow in one day 4.0 Fri. Snovi fell ons Ton! lain fall sandymcltcd snow 1.4x. Wednesday Morning. A DVISORY COMMITTEE. TEMPERATURE. The Weather. PETITIONS. Asseb‘ . 3SI 75 Tnos. Bum. $26149 68 $28612 22 We had, through the heavy {all of snow last winter, quite a number of our horse ‘chlc hmkcn down, which we had to rebuild, 3.154: repaired the sheds and put up rt new building. all of which cast us nearly $100, but ouing to the increase: of gate receipts your dircctOn h he Ineen able to rcnluce’ourindebtedness tn $2 0 )3 having paid interest in lull and $100 out tlu prinCtpcti. We have yet a. balanc: on hand of nearly $200, and we have also succeeded in getting the intexest on Our mortgage reduced from 6% to 5%, per ccnt., which will be quite a saving to the society. Rl-ICEI 1'1‘9. To bal. on hand as per last annual report ............... .. . . Legis. grant, $380, municipal:5 "ram $200.. . ...... . ............ Mv 'nlvcrs sulwcriptinns, $2 43, dona- tions$248.65. ..... .. Adnussiun lccs to exhibition, $1,605 28, rent of grounds, stalk, clc‘, $206 79. ...... . . . . . Michllaneous uunm receipts, en- UICS............... ......... We were fortunate in having extremely fine weather during the three days of our exhibition we were highly honored by the presence of his excellency the governor-gereral and Ltdy Aberdeen to open our exhibition, and there were representatives present from nearly every part of the province and surrounding country, shswinsz the increased interest in out progres- sive lair. Mr. Janus Keith. secremry-treasurer. :ln-u mad the fulanhg fiuaucxal state- ment : In surrendering the trust which you hue placed in us, we cannot leave you without ten- dering our thanks to the county council and town of Lindsay for their very liberal and con- tinued assistance, and We beg to express a hope that the same lilwralty and Cuurtcousv may be extended and continued to our successors for the coming year. GEN'X‘IJCBHZNrâ€"WVC, the directors of the South Victoria A'vricultuml Social), !e* in re; on that th: year 1896 n1 1y be {atrly chum-c tcrized in may way a successful one. “u have much pleasure m rcporung that there hm been :1 large Increase in the number of cntric and class of exhibits, in fact the largest since the establishment ot ot1r county centrai. SOUTH VICTORIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the South Vic- toria Agricuituml Sucwly was held on thr l3th inst. in the cuuncil chamber. Lind- say The attendance was fair. The chair was occupied by Mr. John C(mnnlly. Mr. Ruben Bryans. president, submitted the following annual repurt: Total receipts ........ . . . . . .S EXPENDITURE. By prizes :mnrdcd at the annual ex- hibiliun, held in 1396: Nurses, $491.50. cattle $196, sheep $147... ..$ 834 50 Pigs, $76, poultry $63 50 dairy products, $83.25 222 75 Cnfin , 'an41._59¢d5,~ _§7lg Muncy paid for prizes awarded in pre- vxuus years .................. . 2X 25 Purchase or grounds,erection of build- ings. inn-rest and insurance.. . . . 53S 85 Rent. lighting, fitting up, etc., of buildings and grounds. . . . . .. . . 344 72 Prumuuug cucumuun ul agricultural, horticultural and mechanical per- iodicals ....... ...... ........ 32 50 Printing, $r97.r 5, gale keepers and ticket sellers, $38.10, stationery $445.. ............ 23970 Working expenses, including servrces of secretary, treasurer and assist- ants... .. .. ............ Ioooo Miscellaneous minor expenses, judges caretakers and dinners, $159.55, postage, $18.49 .............. I73 34 Total expenditure. . . . ...... $2907 86 Balance ..... . ........... en 76 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election of otficcrs for 1897 Um. ux.k place, and resulted as fulIOwa : Pr: .~ dent, Johuainn Ellis: vice-pg-emdmr, '1‘ “BIN, dUuImum Luna. \Auc-pxcmux In, L H. McQuade: 2nd vicwpremdent, W. M Robso": dxreclurs. Wm. L-~Wnshrnu_-h \Vm. Thmndlkv, E, H. ankms. J. D Graham. Euuel-c Shyne. \V. D. Hun ex 131103. R-vbmtsun. 'I‘. Cunlmuy wnd Ruin! Bay-us;a.uditors, D. C. Truw and J. H Hupkinu. 0:) [fiction of Mr. W. M. Rwhson. seconded by Cant. W. D. Hunter, the dates of the annual Central Fair at Lin .. say were fixed for Sept. 23, 24 and 25 On motion both rep wrts were aduyte as read. On motiun M Mr. Thos. Bea". Sr'cende- by‘Cnp'. W. D Hunter, the queuhun m new classes, Introduced by Mn. Eustm- an kins rrgardmg Certain ciasws Wa> reigned to the new bond of dirrcmrs for 1mmedw e action. Uu mutton of Wm. Thurndikv, second- ed by E Shyne, Mr. Jas. Keith was appointed secretary-treasurer for the current year. as thiusual salary. “ ‘Iv I ON TUESDA\, FEB. 91h.â€"-By Elias Bcwes, auctioneer, farm stock and implements, the roperty of Mr. J. L. Jacobs, north half f0: Ié;con.14, Maripasa. Sale on the premises, at one o ’clock sharp. ON WKDS'ESDAY FEBRUARY roth. -By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, {arm stock .implements sud household furniture, the property of 'Mr. Wm. Douglas, 10:8, con. 3. Penelon. Sale at one o’clock. next. The meeting then adjourned. At the close of the annual meeting a meeting of the new directors was held wi h Preaidenr Ellis m the chair. Try Our Job Department ruuts mk‘blher"fizyed crops, $31.50 ....... . Orchad and garden pro- ducts... . . . ......... Implements and general manulaclurcs. . . . . . . F me arts $ ,5, ladies’ wonk $6975...... All other objects on exhi- bition, plants and flow- CIS FINASCI AI. STATEMENT SALE dEGISTER. ....... $3139 64 ....... $ 1.45 92 102 so 1:4 75 7S 5 X432 ' JO $389 64 1812 07 491 580 00 H0 00 91 KENT-ST . On Approved Indorsed Notes for any term from 3 to 12 months. Aloney to Loan J, H. SOOTHERAN, FARMERS INSTITUTE.â€"Pos-‘ers are out announcing a visit of the Farmere’ In~ stitute to Cambray on Wednsday Feb 3rd. Meetings will be held at 1.30 and 7.30 o’clock. A good programme consisting of music. readings, etc, will be given at the evening meeting. As this is Yhe first 'ime Camlvrav has been favored With 'hese mvetit :. a we ”'qu that everybody will turn out and make them a success. Those interested in farming or stock raismg cannot spend time more pro‘irably than by attending thes meetings. OYSTER SCI’PER.â€"â€"The members of the Pleasant Point; C. E. held an oyster supper at the residence of Mr. John Hay on the evening of the 25th. whc re an en- jovable time was spent in singing. play- 'n2 warm 3 and dancing until the wee sma’ hours, when all departed, trusting another would soon follow. SENT To Tm; Hosmnr‘.â€"Jobn Knott, a laborer. who was empioyed an the Trent Valley can-4‘, an d who liv 5 here, was sent m th-~ general hospmfl. Toronto, for treacmnnt last week. He w~xs suf- fering from a fracture of the leg. which he received by being s'ruck by a rock while blas'ing on New Year’s day. MATRIMOSIAL â€"-The matrimonial fever has appmred in this locali'v, snme cases atrewdy prm‘ing fatal with indications of the disease spreading. Get your wedding invitations at 'I‘Iu: “’A'rcrmas. (_)1:ITL'ARY.â€"Anorher old resident pass- ed away last week in the person of Mrs. Rachael Alger. Deceased had been ill r'or newly ayenr previous, so her death was not unexpected. The funeral took place on Mvu.day,25tb.to Eldon cemetery and Wad very largely Attended. THE Ronniâ€"The roads are in a very bad condition owing to the recent severe storm. Special to the Watchman CHURCH Non-:5 â€"â€"Anuiversary services an euxmectiun with the Presbyterian church milkeheld on Saturday next. ReV. G. McKay of Sunder-Land will preach mnrning and evening. Special to the Watchmn. PERSONAL. -Mr J Walker of Rfissmore spent last Week with his sister, Mrs F. J. Anderson . . . . Mr. M. Beacom of Gal: has been visiting relatives here. GELEQT AND THE NORTH. Special to the Watchman. REPORT FOR 18!)6.â€"â€"A part of the I}. T. R. Co. report may. prove interest- ngfo some. During 1896 the increase 'n freight; forwarded over 1895 was 2387 rons. costs on which amuuuced to $3,426 33 ; on the exyress outward there 'here was an increase of $137 05; on passenger traffic. an increase of 8119 25 ; nu baggage forwarded an increase uf 230 Meet-s; on cars forwarded an incnase HOLYWOOD -FENELON Special to tho szchman. Scunsx Baumâ€"Annie Cowan, a. young wuman of Stanhope township, took ~ick with inflammation of xhe bowels on Saturday night, the 23rd inst. and died an Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Much *ymluathy is felt for the reladus in xbeir dld LOSS, PERSONALâ€"Mr. A. Clarke made his reguiar Visit to the north on Monday and Tuesday. . . .Mr. F. C. Gillis has rented the house of Mr. M. Morrison, and will move in a short time. . . . . . Mr. Veml, Superintendent for the York Co. Loan and Swing Co., spent the last Week in “linden on business. This company now .umpsms a neat little business. and is always advancing. m F I: {ERRVAVL â€"Tlfia funeral of the lace Hugh Lningstone,wh3 died on Thursday, rho :2].~t inst. ., took place to the cemetery f Gelext SPECIAL MEETING. â€"Rev. J. R. Peakc ls hmdiug renval meetings in the Methoâ€" dist church ho re. during {his Week. Gnmxa READY FOR MANITOBLâ€"Mr. Mark Morrison, who returned from- Southem Manitoba the week before last, is preparing with his son to leave abouc 'he end of February. Mr. MorrieOn has an excellent farm in Minden. but has been, up to the present, unable to dispose of it. He has, however, rented his house and expects to rent the farm .130 if he- cehnot sell it. WEATHER.â€"A cold snap struck this vicinity hiss Saturday. The thermom- eter registered over 30° below zero on Monday mot-mug. A high wind conâ€" tinued all day.» and the snow drifted considerably, but. there is not enough to cause any nLaterial hindrance to trafic. Canazo Humanâ€"Mr. Wm. Sohnder In: week purchasgd 100 ms of well wooded land from Mr. Wm. McIntosh of’ Bcsmass â€"T«mes are lively sinee the sleighinu came. Wood is coming into rhe yard in large quantities every d: 1. Among those who have large quantities to deliver are Mc-ssrs. Mellett, Sharpie: Schrader. and several others ..... Thos- S inSon 6:80“ of Hindu: shipped three carhpads of fine hardwood lumber to To- mnto. They are busy drawing more. to he rgady fur shipment. Newcastle. The price paid was $240. 1" -. STAHE ROUTE â€"Mr. J. Munsey of Pe-erburo inst, Wednesday bought the nurse and which of D. J. Hartle, the 'urmer mnl earaier between Geiert and inuden. Mz. H rile continued :0 make xis reguhr mp9. and the new company v-uuuht him uur as the cheapest way of .Ivuu the (hfli “ul .3. as Donald is so well knowu‘ and such a model stage driver, 'hat he comiuued to carry nine-tenths f vhe pus-~- gym and freight. Mr. Hurtle received $750 far his stage outfit. pu};nt ODDFELLOWS.â€"Rcv. Mr. Farncnmbe -f Feuml-m Falls wxll preach speciuily to he ()ddreil W8 in the English church, \lmden. (at: Sunday 3lst inst. Rev. A. Lureuce w.ll Occupy Mr. Farncmube's ...... Mr. Wm.r McKclvey stifled an -pE-)sitinn smug last. Satuiday. 75 Cents per annum KIRKFIELD CAMBRAY. Lxxnsn'.

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