Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 20 Aug 2000, p. 22

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22 articles wanted WANTED All-China. Silver. C rystal, cam era/ audio equipm ent, sewing ma chines... D oulto/i, Moorcroft.Quilts. Glass. Watch es, dolls, paintings, collecti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477__________ PAINTING S, A ntiques Wanted: Furniture. Glass. China, Silver Ring Boxes. Addison radios. Estates purchased. Karl (905)6816939-Burlington._________ Cl NO Fee! C areer Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. Funded by HRDC. For infor m a tion / to registe r call Grace (9 05)333-3499/ (905)878-1240 RESIDENTIAL Cleaning Service. Oakville. Requires Part Time help, 2 - 3 days per/wk. Car required. Must be bondable. W ill train $9.50/hr + Mileage. (905) 465-0691______________ PRODUCTION S taff needed im m ediately by fast- paced local special event company to move/ in stall various sizes of props, etc. Must be 21 years of. age. Ability to drive 24' truck defin ite asset. Hardworking, team players please apply! Tel: (905) 844-1300. Ext.238 ENERGETIC people needed to work in an automotive detailing shop. Full-time positions and able to start immeidately. Some experience preferred but not essential. Please drop off resume to: Halton Autocare, 1410 Speers Rd., #4. Oakville, or call 905827-8607______________ JUBILEE Fruit Market re quires full-time & part-time Produce Clerks. Customer Service or Produce experi ence a plus but will provide on the job training. Apply in person: w/resume to Don or Katherine, 104 Allen St., comer of Allen &Lakeshore, Oakville. NEEDED Im m ediately! Part-time may lead to full time. Outgoing, mature & responsible person in store atmosphere. Wage nego tiable. Train on computer ized cash. Apply in person with resume: Esso Tiger Express. 875 Appleby Line. Burlington EARN $200.. $300., $500., or more per week. Assem bling product in the comfort of your own home. Send a self addressed stamped envelope to: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St., W.. Suite 541. Ref: 628, Mississauga, Ontario, L5K 2R8________ RVT required fulltim e for busy small animal hospital in Oakville. We are looking for team oriented individ uals with a minimum of 2 years experience as a tech. Fax resume to Ginny Demeny: (905)844-7351 LANDSCAPE M ain tenance/ Construction firm requires both maintenance and construction personnel. Experience required for both p ositions Call: (9 05 )8 4 9-5 5 5 5; Fax re sume: (905)849-5565 W AREHOUSE Staff needed from SeptemberJanuary by fast- paced local special event company. Must be able to lift 50lbs. Safety boots required. Two shifts available: 6am-2pm or 11am-7pm. Fax resume to: (905)844-1778________ CLEANERS- Team spirited re sid e n tial cleaning company requires full/ parttime M-F Day staff. Also, mother's helper, 3 days per week, full/part-time. Call Caroline 905-336-7901 STOREFRONT Servers re quired, fu ll or part-tim e days, paid training, free uniforms, valuable experi ence. respect. Apply Tim Hortons, 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville AUTO Detailer: Fast paced body shop needs F/T selfmotivated detailer. Must be a team player. Valid drivers license required. Great wages & benefits. Call (905) 689-9812__________ CLEANERS -Part-tim eDay and evenings needed immediately. Oakville/ Bur lington areas. $7.50/hr. Call Jaime after 1 pm (905)561-9990, or Fax: (905)561-8224_______________ FULL-TIME- Days- MonFri.. Weekends off! Reli able & mature. Benefits/ training/ transportation pro vided. (D.L. required). Call Molly Maid. 905-681-7484 Not suitable for students. WAREHOUSE person with valid clean driving record required im m ediately fulltime. Start $9/hr. Apply to Box 6234, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville. ON L6K 3S4 DONUT and Muffin Bakers required full-time nights & days. Paid training, bene fits. good experience. Tim , H ortons. 386 Iroquois Shore, Oakville__________ CARPENTERS- e xp e ri enced finish and frame car penters for an established Oakville Residential con struction company. Fax: 905-335-5286__________ WAIT Staff, for luxury re tirem ent residence in Burlington, daily 8am-11am. (some w eekends) Fax resume to: Diane Young. Manager, Food Services: (905)333-0596 Oakville Beaver Weekend I jJ V I medical, dental NEED Part-time Income? Warehouse positions avail, preparing Book Fairs. Will suit Mom's of school-aged children. Call Brenda 905336-4003___________ _ HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage Own car an asset. Days only. (No students please.) (905)3361489__________ GENERAL/ Counter help required by Oakville print shop- Full-time. Experi ence an asset but will train. Fax resume: 905-825-8313 PRESCHOOL Van Driver required in Burlington Sept. 1st, 2000. Approx. 25 hrs/wk. Call (905)336-2036 or fax (905)319-0851 GROUND M aintenance person. Required for gen eral duties at private golf club (Oakville). Call 905844-5796 _____ ORDER Desk/ Business adm instration, 40 hrs/ week. Oakville Ceramic Tile. Call 905-845-8288. Fax: 905-845-0299_______ OFFICE cleaners needed. Experience with cleaning floors. Must have car. Brant/ QEW area. $8/hr. (905)469-8084__________ NEEDED P/T clean up per son for Auto Body Shop, ideal position for students, must have drivers license. Call (905)689-9812_______ LARGE Garden Centre in Oakville requires personnel for nursery duties. Full and part-tim e positions available. Ask for Leslie 257-3577.______________ MAINTENANCE Person. 20O' unit highrise in Burling ton. All skills required. Must live in. Call (905)334-0392, M-F. Noon- 8pm DRIVER wanted: Own a cargo van or pick-up. Need work in Burlington area? gall 905-308-4408._______ MAKE $500. to $1500. per month, part time. For Free info call 1-888-928-8867 or visit www.daretolive.cjb.net LOOKING for work? Out of work & school? We can help! Call YMCA (905)6811140__________________ KENNEL help. Realiable, mature, own transportation. W eekends a must! Call 257-5927 Sunday, August 20, 2000 v x r s hospital, D A TA E N T R Y CLERKS Qualifications: Accurate typing & spelling, MS Office, ability to meet dead lines. Hours: Mon, Tues, Thur, 4pm-7pm; Sat/ Sun (alternating) 8am4pm; holiday & vacation coverage, as required. Send resume: K.Morgan Fax: (905)847-3421 or kimm@callslream.com RECEPTIONIST/ Technical Support Dispatcher- a Soft ware Developer with international presence (located in Mississauga) is looking for a highly driven, talented individual with excellent w ritte n/ verbal skills and telephone manner. For details on posi tion requirements and appli cation procedure, please visit: www.helpstar.cpm LEGAL Secretary- Small Burlington law firm requires experienced legal secre tary with matrimonial litiga tion and computer knowl edge essential. Will pay competitive wages. Please call Dennis R McEniry or Stacey at 905-634-3424 or fax resume to 905-634_______ 9180 FULLTIME Collector posi tion available downtown Oakville. Hourly wage + benefits. Successful candidates will be mature and experienced in accounts receivable type collections, Windows 95. WordPerfect 7&8 a must. Contact Ted or Dianne at (905)815-8303 _______ OAKVILLE Honda currently has a part-time position as shuttle driver/ clean-up per son in its Service Depart ment. A clean and valid drivers licence a must. Ex cellent opportunity for a re tired person. Apply in per son to Mr. Mo Ally, Service Manager (905)-844-9831 ADMIN. Assistant required for busy, small office in Bur lington. Computer literacy an asset. For afternoons 4pm-10pm, Mon-Fri. Send resume 1534 Randor Dr., Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 3E7___________________ LEGAL Admin Assistantmin. 3 years current experi ence in fam ily law. MS Word, Qivorcemate. Sole practioner in South Missis sauga. Fax resume 905278-5805______________ RECEPTION/ Order Entry for Margarine Co. Must be able to start end of August. Hwy 10 & 401. Fax resume (905)890-1964 All Burlington Stores Hiring for the following positions: Overnight, sales floor, cashiers, customer svc. desk, restaurant Fill out applications at: **+Cm**» NOW HIRING MANAGERS & FULL-TIME STAFF (Downtown Oakville) 4 Lakeshore Rd., W & ( Bronte Location) 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W Assistant M echanic Pinsetter Attendants Apply in person: 111 vendors wanted 0V > 777 Guelph Line Indicate desired store "TCBV" BRO OKLYN B a r & G rill at Burlington Bowl MUSIC Teacher required Burlington/ Oakville. ORFF "M usic m akers". Perm Part-time. Start Sept.2000. 6 hrs/week. In-class paid training. Advanced music background/ teaching ex perience essential Estab lished 33 years. Children 39 years, grouped by age. Send/Fax resum e: 887 Nora Dr., B urlington, L7T.3E6, Fax:905-6343291 BILINGUAL E.C.E. teacher required for O akville daycare centre. Preschool program. Full-tim e. Call 849-3614. D ELIGHTFUL bright 3 year old girl and SAHM are looking for a couple of sim ila r age frie nd s with whom to spend our well structured play group oriented day. (905)469-9241. LOVING daycare available before & after school in my smoke-free. North Oakville home. 905-845-4884 MATURE responsible Mom will care for your child, my home. E xcellent refer ences. Walkers/New area. 333-6379 E X P E R I E N C E D professional daycare has 2 full-tim e spaces available August 28. Loving, safe home geared to fun and learning. Babies welcomed. E xcellent references. Receipts. Guelph Line/ M ountainside Dr. Carol 905-336-7989 CARING ECE MOM with 20 years teaching experience offering full time childcare fo r 3+. Large, secure yard, hot nutritious lunches, stim ulating activiities. Hugs are free. Will accept 1/2 day morn ings, SK at Tom Thomp son, 2 blocks away. 6390794 CARING Mom has after noon openings for child ren 3+. Will pick-up JK/SK children from St. Mark's/ St. G a b rie l's. R egistered H.C.C.R. References avail able. Brant Hills area. 3191314. LOVING estabilished day care has space for 2 yr. plus S.E. Burlington. Re ceipts. References. 6392183 EXPERIENCED daycare, fulltime, 6 months +. Lots of TLC. Snacks. & lunches, references, receipts. Headon Forest. 319-9604, before 9pm. EXPERIENCED daycare a vailable, in my home. N ew lands/ Palm er area. Babies welcom e. Call 332-9568. LEARNING Playhouse. Registered home daycare. E xperienced ECE a vail able. Appleby/ New area, 6mos. to preschool. (905)633-9166._________ STARTING September. M other of 3-yr. old girl available. 10-yrs. experi ence. Excellent references. Loving, caring fun environ ment W alkers/ Hwy#5. 319-8837. BABYSITTIN G available immediately in my home for 2 full-time. Ages- 1 year +. A ppleby Mall location. (905)333-8519__________ ECE and 2 children seek 1 playmate to join loving en vironment with daily activi ties, walks, backyard and nutricious meals. 1+, Bur lington. C all Stephanie (905)331-4651__________ MOTHER of 2, Brant & Ester area offering lots of TLC. Nutritious lunches, CPR/First Aid. 905-8277096 FORMER Nanny (now Mom) starting home day care for September. Full/ part-time. Mapleview Mall area. (905)333-9874 DAYCARE available in my home, full-time or part-time. Walkers/Hwy. 5 Burlington. Call Wendy. (9 05 )3 3 2 0939 DAYCARE available in my home. 20 years experience. Excellent references provid ed. Walkers/ Fairview area. (905)634-6384. KID'S Korner Daycare has 2 spaces available. Fun, loving, educational envi ronment. Burloak/ New St. area. Please call Allison, (905)333-3553 PRIVATE home childcare; established 17-years. Qualified expert care We love children. Full days, af ter hours, evenings, night tim e care, overnights & weekends available. 6328575, 632-5735 FULL time opening for 18 month + Oakville. Third Line/S peers. N utritious lunches, snacks, indoor/outdoor activities. Immediate. 469-1649 , QUALITY home daycare available Mon, Tues, Wed. Experienced. First-Aide, non-smoker. Excellent ref erences. Committed to ex ceeding your child needs & your expectations. Dawn, 331-5426. CALLING all Crafters! We need you for our upcoming shows. Call Karen today for details (905)627-8505 C y / l ] pets, supplies C HIHUAHUA pups. 2 weeks old, female, long and short coat, first shots, dewormed CKC registered, m icrochippped. vet approved. 634-0052_____ GERMAN Shepherd puppies, ready to go. CKC registered and shots. Males and fem ales. 2 5 7 - 5 9 2 7 __________ K R Y S TALM AR 'S Academy- basic dog dience classes start 5. O akville arena. Helen (905)845-7435. cars for sale BACK To School?? Ideal car for student or wife. 1989 Sonata, one retired owner, low mileage. Must be seen and driven. No triflers or dealers please. Asking $2,899. (905)845-9494 1995 ESCORT LX. 2 door hatchback, 96KM, Auto, Air. Cert. $6,300. Phone (905)842-9118 1992 PONTIAC Sunbird, new brakes, rad & water pump. Good condition. $1700 Qbo. (905)257-4752. 1992 Mazda Protege LX. 142.000 kms, 4-dr. 5 spd.. white, p/w, p/s, p/b, p/dr, p/ m. cruise. AM/FM cassette, cretified, emmissions test ed. $5295. (905)637-5388 ____ or (416)207-5771 1994 VW Golf GTI. black, excellent condition, roof, 8speaker stereo, power locks, alloy rims. 147K. reg ular servicing, 10K left on power train warranty. $10,900. 905-319-8169. 1989 Crown Victoria. Driven by elder. No rust, clean, great condition. 166K $3900/obo. Chris.(905)3318949 1988 Toyota Supra- White, autom atic, loaded, im m aculate. one owner, 100,000km C ertifie d . Rare opportunity. $8,000. 905-469-0699 1995 Neon. 4-door, auto, air, 'a m /fm , 79.000km, excellent condition $6995. certified. 335-5784_______ 1994 Dodge Colt- 2 door. Standard. 119,500km. Certified. Emission tested. Great condition. $4000. 905-847-0386 ____ 1995 Ford Windstar G L $9500. 1984 Viking hard top tent trailer. $1900. Call (905)847-9003 ___ 1988 Nissan Sentra XW 2 dr coupe. Best offer as is. . Call Mike (905)689-6106 1997 MAZDA Protege SE 5-speed, air. 45.000 kms., all .work records, $11,400. Catt (905)827-5521. 1991 Topaz, rebuilt motor. New rear struts. $1,000 Tony 257-5548* I 1986 PLYMOUTH Reliant, 100m original K, 4-door, «?jUto, air, certified. Emis sion tested. $1500. Danny, 336-1258___________ 1993 Mercury Topaz- auto, 4 door, air, certified & emis sions. $2700. (905)3329198 K-9 obe Sept Call Pinchasers & Cust. Service Full & Part-time Training Provided Retirees Welcome! C all Ruby or Rob (9 0 5 )6 8 1 -2 7 2 7 or drop off resume: Burlington Bowl 4065 Harvester Road Burlington, ON Pharmacy Technician P/T Works well w/ people, good communication skills. Hard working Apply to: 550 domestic help wanted Cooks · Fulltime & mature part-time: Wait Staff Cook's Assistant Buspersons Call Moira, 2-6pm for appt WANTED: cleaning lady with references for Burlington home. $15/hour. (905)335-5504__________ H O M EC leaners/ H om e makers required for light duties in seniors private homes. Would suit early retirees. Seniors for Seniors, 572-6162.__________ CLEANING person & or ba bysitter required for North B urlington home. Prefer middle Eastern. Call Kayla 319-1445 HOUSEKEEPER re quired 3 days per week, 10am-6pm. (905)844-5802 after 6pm. 6 8 1 -1 0 0 0 30 Positions Open Landscaping and Maintenance Oakville Parks Must have "G" license Pay $9+ Apply in person: Monday-Friday 9am-1pm THE LITTLE GROUP 7 2 0 Guelph Line Suite LL10 4, B url., Ontario Oakville's Premier Salon & Spa requires P/T ASSISTANT Duties inch cleaning, assisting staff and reception. We are looking lor a well organized, reliable, pleasant individual with computer skills. Please call Judy for an interview: 338-3333 777 Guelph Line (905)681-9819 or Fax: (905)681-7086 WAIT STAFF required part-time (All Shifts), mostly weekends to join bur friendly team. Apply at 1 15 4 Sixth Line, Oakville, or call 905-845-1222 CATERING company in a hotel setting requires m ature people for the following positions: Ban quet Servers; weekends (P/T), Breakfast Servers; weekdays & weekends (F/T & P/T). Excellent pay. Fax resume to: (905)632-6959, Attn : Suzanne BOSTON Pizza looking for full/ part-time: Managers, Servers. Bartenders, Hosts/ Hostesses, Kitchen Staff, Delivery Drivers. Apply in person: 2011 Winston Park Drive, Oakville or fax re sume: (905)829-8375, Attn: Debbie PURE Gold needs imme diately: Bartenders. Wait/ Shooter Staff. Doorman, DJ, Bus person. Apply in person:2630 Royal Wind sor Dr..Mississauga, 2pm6pm (905)822-1525______ PEARL St. Cafe. Talented FT/PT Cooks & PT Day time Server. Experienced & quality conscious. Positive attitude required. Call Brett or Martha, (905)639-9450 FULL-TIME Line cooks and preppers. Apply Q .B.'s Sports Eatery, 4460 Fairview (Appleby Ln). or call9 05 -6 3 7-9 7 9 7 Ask for Steve COOKS & Wait Staff want ed for Deerfield Golf Club, Bronte Rd. & QEW area. Experience preferred. Call Lynn fo r appointm ent: (905)847-5555__________ MATURE part time Wait Staff required, weekend shifts. Also Short Order Cook. Apply in person at Harvest Table Restaurant between 3-4 p.m.________ TOAD & Firkin looking for experienced Line Cooks. Great wages & hours. Please fax or drop resume to: 905-333-9051, 4490 Fairview St., Burlington. FULL-TIME mature relatble persons required. Days/ afternoons. Apply in per son: Tim Horton's, Oakville Place Mall, 240 Leighland Ave. SHORT order cook/ wait staff/ dishwasher/ for new casual Italian restaurant in O akville. Call 905-4694566 or 416-231-1733 COOK, kitchen prep, help and dishwasher required. Experience preferred. Call 6 3 4 -8 8 13 or apply in person 437 Plains Rd. E. BARTENDER - part-tim e w eekends. C all Berme after 3pm Tuesday. (905) 338-0804. BIG Star is accepting app licatio n s fo r an experienced Sous Chef. Apply in person, 1250 Brant St. (at North Service Rd.) Burlington RNs, RPNs & HCAs R E Q U IR E D IM M E D IA T E L Y . S e n d re s u m e to BETA HEALTH CARE Tel: (905) 842-4762 Fax:(905) 842-6425 RPN- Busy 3 Family Physi cian Burlington practice re quires Full-time RPN. Re sponsibilities: Patient man agement, ordering medical supplies, immunizations, relief reception and ap pointm ent scheduling. Successful applicant must demonstrate interpersonal/ organizational skills. Fax CV to 905-333-6467, OR Deliver Suite-220-A 672 Brant St., Burlington, L7R.2H3 DENTAL Hygenist required for GP in group practice. 8am-5pm, Tues & Thurs. .Experience preferred. Ap ply with resume to: Trafal gar Village Dental Group, 125 Cross Ave. Oakville or fax 905-844-2311 EXPERIENCED Dental Re ceptionist required for parttime hours, Tues. Evenings, 4-8, every Friday and every other Saturday. Must have dental computer experience (Able preferred) Call (905)827-6102__________ M EDICAL R eceptionistFull-time position available in busy multi-practic6 office. 35 hr./w eek.E xperience necessary. Fax resume stating salary expectations to (905)-845-0981________ PERSONAL Support Work er/ H.C.A. required parttime for luxury retirement residence in Burlington. Q ualified applicants fax resume to Regina Holmes. (905)333-0596__________ R.P.N. required part-time evenings (to cover maternity leave) for luxury retirem ent residence in Burlington. Qualified applicants fax resume. Mary Turnbull, General Manager, (905)333-0596 EXCELLENT opportunity available in Oakville office for CDA/PDA. Full time, 4 days/week. Fax resumes to (9 05 )-8 4 2 -1749 or call (905)-849-1944 PHARMACY AssistantFull-time and or Part-time. Shoppers Drug Mart- Bur lington. Call Adele or SoYoung 905-632-4477 or fax resume 905-632-0530 DENTAL Assistant, (Level II required) full-time in North Burlington office. X-ray certified. Fax resume to: 905-332-5240 RN'S & RPN's to work regu lar scheduled part time hours. R equired imme diately. Call 637-3481 or fax resume: 637-7514 DENTAL Receptionist re quired for bu9y Burlington office Dentrix computer knowledge an asset. Fax resume to: 905-332-5240 DENTAL H ygienist re quired full-time for Burling ton office. Fax resume to: 905-332-5240 DENTAL Assistant required in South Burlington. Experi ence an asset, please fax (905)681-6823 C LEAN Tw ins! 2 E uro pean women. 10 years ex perience. References. New ·powerful vacuum. Free estimates. (905)822-2636. EXPERIENCED O akville based cleaning lady avail able, good rates, references available on request, call Rose (905)339-0437. HOUSEKEEPER + before school care. Lome Park, 3 mornings per week. Ma ture, experienced, nonsmoker. 905-274-0190 POLISH C leaning lady availa ble to clean your home, apartment or office. Call Eva. 467-1579. CLEANING lady available for Burlington & Oakville area. Good rates & refer ences. Please call 6 3 7 2016. TELLERS Part-time OAKVILLE BRANCH No exp. required train ing provided. Excellent written/ verbal English skills. Varied shifts including weekends. Forward resume: 682 HAY/ Sleigh Rides, Horsedrawn. Groups, Birthdays, Families, Party Room. Un cle Porky's, 1/2-Hr. from B urlington. 1-800-2039093. O A K V ILLE 'S Prem ier Salon & Spa requires an experienced R.M.T. Please call Judy at (905)338-3333 APPRENTICE/ Assisistant wanted fulltime for career in the hair industry. Contact Linda or Sheila at Atelier, (905)845-1911__________ PART-TIME Receptionist wanted for Oakville salon Days/ Evenings with make up/ re ta il background. Please drop resume off at: "Woman* 128 Reynolds St. RECEPTIONIST/ESTHETICIAN required for busy spa. Part time, experience preferred. 332-6262 Ask for Senka 685 SWM, 5'9, 200 lbs. Early 40's, securely employed. Not married. Looking for unattached lady 35-40, U krainian, no children. Non-smoker. Enjoys quiet times, walks, sharing future mutual interests. Open, honest, down-to-earth. Box 1778, Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St. Burlington L7R 2E3. I companions HAPPY, healthy, very at tractive slim blonde lady 58yrs old seeks gentleman with sense of humor, 5080yrs. No m arried men please! (905)632-4851 MONEY MART 198 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K 2E8 Fashion Boutique Oakville MAINTENANCE PERSON required part-time; Mon.-Thurs. 7-11am Sun. 8am-6pm For appt. call: IP *V m nu W e are looking for a m ature SALES ASSOCIATE for P /T position. 6 3 9 -1 0 2 4 COSTUME DESIGNER/ SEWER for very busy dance company in Burlington. Recreational & competition costumes Send resume 1534 Randor Dr., Mississauga, L5J 3E7 DRIVER P art-tim e re quired by Dell IDA Pharm acy. An opportunity to pro vide exceptional customer service to the community. Confident individual will be welcomed into our team oriented store. Approx. 3 shifts/ week, 3pm-7pm. Re sume to #1-4057 New Street. (Eastway Plaza). Burlington MATURE person required delivering medicine in Oak ville . (Suit R etiree or S enior) Friendly, well spoken. Business oriented, know ledge of O akville M o n -F riAfternoons. S tarting im m ediately. Requires valid Ont D.L. Car provided. Mail: 200 North Service Rd.W , Unit 1. Suite 800. Oakville. L6M- Licensed Electricians & Call Anna (905) 845-0655 GROWING..Banking Centre products company requires sales persons. Excellent income. Fax resume: 1-905-684-9349 Apprentices For large construction job located in Burlington PLEASE FAX RESUME: LOST: Grey cat with white feet, white tip on tail, Frances/C edar, Sat Aug. 12. (905)634-2463 M .S. Electric Co. Ltd. (905) 827-7430 75- PERSON technology company based in the Oakville Corporate Centre seeks Accounting Clerk to join our Operations Divi sion and to assist in daily financial settlements for our customers. E-mail resumes to: careers@tcscan.com or fax to: 905-849-1396. No phone calls please. BUSY autom otive shop Service Advisor/ Assistant Manager. Duties involve estimating, invoicing, basic computer skills & knowl edge of car maintenance and repair procedures are necessary, call 905-8422201 Ask for Jim or Irwin QUALITY conscientious company (Milton) seeks de pendable person for assem bly work with good m echanical a bility and experience with hand tools. Wage depends on expe rience. Reply by fax only: (905)875-4729 Technician PART-TIME required for pharmacy in Burlington area, with a focus on providing exceptional health care services to our custom ers. Exp'd Technician would be an asset but not a necessity. Approx. 15-20 hrs/wk, includes 2-3 evenings & every other Sat. Please fax resume with covering letter to: (905)547-1913 Attn: Pat Guitar FULLTIME, friendly, team spirited Certified Dental As sistant required to join our team oriented general practice Fax resume to: (905)632-2442 or m a ilto Maple Mews Dental Office, 1235 Fairview St.. Burling ton, L7S 2H9 100% QUALITY Pro Paint ers = 100% sa tisfa ctio n guaranteed. Interior, exteri or. (905)334-2571 or (416)793-3339. SO-S5000.Reward- Cars. Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D eliveryFree Towing. Licensed Auto Wrecker Auto parts sold also! 905-827-8015 (Oakville) I career training TRAINING position avail able to start immediately 16 Week Live-in program Minimum 18 years old. Exposure to all aspects of a Veterinary Hospital Must be motivated and have a love for animals. Fax resume to: ,Ginny Demeny, (905)8447351 JIM 'S Moving & Storage. Local & long distance. Flat rates available. Call Jim, (905)659-4064, CUSTOM Drapery, Access sories. Installation. Re-upholste ry & S lipcovers. Workmanship guaranteed. R easonable rates. Judy 335-2535 R eferences supplied. I daycare available BR A N T/ Fairview , Tom Thomson P S. area. Full time daycare spaces avail able. Call for details: 6344651. 2V 1 TEACHING position avail able for home schooling program for language de layed 7 year old boy. 30-40 hrs/ wk, no experience necessary. Please call (905)338-6004.

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