Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Aug 2000, p. 13

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Sunday, August 6, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend ci Sfoecial feature to the Ask (he Pro! s OAKVILLE - G O L F HALTON Positive Changes Hypnosis 123 Maurice Drive Oakville* CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. | 1661 L a k e s h o re R d. W. M is s is s a u g a (2 block east of Southdown Road in Clarkson) 905- 337-3700 Rob Sokolowski PRO G O LF Certified Hypnotist SUSAN CHORNEV 8 2 2 -4 2 1 1 F R A N K R A IM O N D O Or. Is hypnosis safe? Hypnosis is com pletely safe! You a re in control · a t e v e ry m o m e n t and c a n te rm in a te th e hypnotic sta te at any tim e. H ypnosis is not sleep. You cann ot get "stuck' in hypnosis. You can n o t be m a d e to do som ething again st you r will. Hypnosis is unique, relaxing a n d results gen erally h appen a fter the very first session.W ith co-operation and rea s o n a b le com m itm ent, you can e xpect excellent results with w eight loss, stop sm oking a n d stress reduction. " Q: Does my lawnmower need service? Q: W hy would I need a trouble wood? fa m The new trouble woods have the lowest possible centre o f gravity. You can hit the new trouble woods from the rough, a tight line on the fairway, from the tee, out o f divots, and they are wonder clubs around the greens for playing pitch and run shots. You get five uses in club! Oakville Town Centre I (Dorval Drive & N orth Service Rd.) A Q . Oakville (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -9 2 1 0 M ost p eo p le cann ot tell the d ifference b etw een a hypnotized state an d a "w aking " state! S o m e p eo p le feel relaxed a n d lethargic, o thers feel light, s o m e have tingling in th eir fingers and so on. If you a re a little skeptical don 't worry. M ost of our clients w e re a little skeptical a t first. W h a t too k th eir skepticism aw ay? T h e y noticed inexplicable cha n g e s in th e ir d a ily h a b its a n d b e h a v io u rs inclu din g im p ro v e d s le e p in g , re g a in in g m o tiva tio n , d eterm ination a n d confidence. A. How will I know that I am being hypnotized? : » By now the excitement o f cutting the grass every week is wearing a little thin. You have been using your lawnmower for almost four months and will continue to use it until mid to late November for both grass cutting and fall cleanup o f leaves. Your lawnmower still has a lot o f work to do (and so do you) before it gets a winter holiday! It's time for some mid season maintenance to make sure your lav ues to do the job for you. First, have a look at the blade or blades. If you've been mulching,it will be time to get that blade sharpened. (Wt e can do that for you while you wait.) Next, check the oil and tl the air filter. T he oil may need to be topped up or changed. The air fil ter probably needs to be cleaned or replaced if ir's too dirty. Spray or squirt some penetrating oil on the control cables to keep them operating properly. Check for loose nuts and bolts, on the handles and engine, and tighten where needed. Don't forget that gasoline has a shelf like o f 30 days or 90 days if you are using an air-cooled engine fuel conditioner. Check your gasoline supply for freshness and to ensure it has no water in it It s been a tough year for your lawnmower. All the rain and continuous grass growth means you lawnmower has been work ing extra hard to keep that grass under control. A litrle tender loving care for your equipment at this time will make your life a lot easier as you continue to cut the grass, stop by at Current Power Machinery to pick up oil, an air filter and get the blade sharpened. While you're here, we can show you our leaf removal equipment that you will need very soon. Till then - Happy Grass Cutting! A Current Power 822-4211 Atelier s a l o n 3 0 1 Robinson S treet ADVANTAGE I P L U S Realty Inc. 100 Bronte Rd. Suite #11, Oakville MIKE MORONEY Real Estate B roker (905)845-1911 RITA B ILCKE 844-4444 Q I'm a thirty year old man and am getting more and more grey hair. I don't like it, and am thinking about colour, however I am concerned about it looking unnatural. What are my options? I f a solid colour is too severe for you, consider having a "com b on" technique. T h e colour is literally com bed onto the hair an d some o f the grey still shows through. This technique is done after your hair is cut and looks very natural. a We were supposed to close our home sale at the end of last month, but the mortgage company is delaying the Closing. The purchaser's loan was approved, but apparently the husband had co-signed for his brother on a business loan. The business went broke. Now the lender Is after the husband to pay them back, before the mortgage is approved. However, the purchaser wants to move into our house since he is already working here. Just in case something goes wrong I am reluctant to let the buyer move in, but the agent thinks it would be all right. W hat do you recommend? D o n 't let y o u r b u y e r m o v e in b e fo re th e s a le c lo s e s . T h e re a s o n is th a t th e b u y e r m a y find re a l o r im a g in e d d e fe c ts in th e h o u s e to b e re p a ire d b e fo re th e s a le c lo ses. N o h o u s e is p erfe c t. If th e b u y e r lives in y o u r h o u s e b e fo re o w n in g it, you c ou ld w in d up p a y ing to fix e v e n th e s m a lle s t o f d e fe c ts b e c a u s e th e b u y e r h a s m a x im u m le v e ra g e o v e r you b e fo re th e d e e d is re g is te re d . A n o th e r p ro b le m c a n o c c u r if, fo r s o m e re a s o n , th e b u y e r d o e s n 't c o m p le te th e p u rc h a s e . T h e n you h a v e to evict th e b u y e r fro m th e h o u s e b e fo re it c a n b e s h o w n o r sold to s o m e o n e e ls e . In o th e r w o rd s , p re v e n t tro u b le b y n ot letting y o u r b u y e r m o v e into y o u r h o m e until th e s a le is reco rd ed .- S1 3 0 1 Robinson Street ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 - 1 9 1 1 I f you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: A s k T h e P r o fe s s io n a ls c/o The Oakville Beaver - 467 Speers Road, Oakville L6K 3S4 or fax to: 337-5568

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