Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 19 Jan 2017, p. 4

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www.insideHALTON.com |OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, January 19, 2017 |4 L E X U S O F O A K V IL L E .C A Correction Several Town of Oakville budget-related sto ries published in the Oakville Beaver con tained misinformation regarding seniors tran sit fares. The articles, Transit fares ready to rise in pro posed Town budget and Town set to hike taxes in new 2017 budget published Friday, Dec .9, 2016 edition, as well as Property taxes going up with Town' s 2017 budget, published Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016 incorrectly quoted the cost of a group of 10 Oakville senior tickets. The Town ceased selling paper tickets in 2015. The fares referenced in the article only ap ply to special purpose tickets, available from the transit office only for Care-A-Van and so cial service agencies. The Dec. 15, 2016 article also incorrectly stated Oakville Transit fares would increase as of Jan. 1, 2017, but Feb. 1, 2017 is the correct date for the hikes. The Oakville Beaver sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience these errors may have caused. ^ u soioiu m E a?Beaver www.insideHALTON.com Spotlight Health Beaver Trails 6 Arts 42 Sports 4 3 Classified For home delivery & customer service 45 47 50 A sh leyF u rn itu re, M etro , 3 fo r1 G lasses, I D A , L astm an ' sB adB o y ,K itch en&B athIn c., R o n a ,R eal C an adianS u perstore, N oF rills, L o w es, F o o dB asics, S h oppers D ru gM a rt, O a kC ityP h a rm a cy, 2001A u d ioV id eo ,H u d so n ' sB ay C o ., F o rtin o s, J Y S KB ed&B a th , L eo n ' sF u rn itu re, L L ste nU pC a n a d a !, T h eS ou rce, W a lm a rt, L o n g o ' s, S taples, M a ritim eT ra v e l, C en ten n ia lW in d o w s, B est B u y , L C B O ,H o m eD ep o t, C a n a d ia nT ire , M on asteryB a k ery, S ears, R ex a ll P h arm aP lu s, M cK esson ,S obeys, F resch C o call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 , 5 3 0 0 Harvester Rd., Burlington NEw suBscR ipTiO N s call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 or subscribe online at www.oakvillebeaver.com *All flyers not necessarily delivered to all homes F-SPORT SER IES 2 Shown PURCHASEA IN Y O U ^ s ^ Dr. M arisa D 'A n ge lo Dr. S h iv a n i S a g g a r 2 0 17 R X 350 A W D l AND RECEIVEA CASH PURCHASE CREDITS OFUP TO$4000. AW D C redit w ill be d e d u c te d fro m th e p urcha se/le a se p rice a fte r ta xe s and is availab le on th e p urcha se/le a se o fs e le c t new 2 0 1 7 L e x u s RX 350 A W D m o d e ls ($2000 on su ffix A only). Lease e xa m p le is based on a 2017 RX 3 50 sfx " a " on a 40 m o n th te rm at an annual rate o f 1.9% and C o m p le te L exus P rice o f $57,985. B i-w e e kly lease paym en t is $279 w ith $ 1 7 7 0 d ow n paym en t o r e quivalent tra d e in, $0 se cu rity d e p o sit and first b i-w e e kly lease paym ent d ue at lease in cep tio n. Total o f 86 b i-w e e kly lease p a ym e n ts required d uring th e lease term . Total lease o b lig a tio n is $25,985. 4 8,0 00 km a llow ance; ch arge o f $ 0 .2 0 /k m fo r e xcess km. C o m p le te L exus P rice in clu de s fre ig h t/ PDI ($2,045), EHF Tires ($29), EHF Filters ($1), A /C ch arge ($100), and O M V IC Fee ($10). O ffe r e xpires Ja nu ary 3 1 ,2 0 1 7 . We offer full Family Dental Services in our new modern office in a calm and relaxing environment.We are a paperless office and use digital x-rays.We welcome kids, teens, adults and seniors. NEW PATIENTS are welcome and we will accommodate your dental emergencies. We will directly bill your insurance company and offer convenient evening and weekend appointments. 2525 Old Bronte Road, Suite #130 Palermo Professional Centre (g ro u n d floor) ·. Dundas 8t. W. * N 04d Bronte Rd. 3* Una www.reflections-dental.ca 905-827-8700 Pine Qian Rd. LEXUSOF OAKVILLE 1453 NORTH SERViCE ROAD, WEST OAKViLLE, ON L6M 2W2 AIR E ONE MADNESS SALE! U P G R A D E Y O U R F U R N A C E FOR O N L Y Starting from · 10 Year Factory Warranty *Call for details 905.847.8400 · 1.866.LEXUS.66 FURNACE DIAGNOSTIC SPECIAL HEATING & COOLING FURNACE CLEANING Call for details. B O O K YO U RS TODAY! Call for details. C A LL NOW , QUANTITIES ARE LIM ITED! 9 LOCATiONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER www.aireone.com a + r a t i h g (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -4 9 9 8 1-888 -827-2665

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