Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 8 Dec 2016, p. 26

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www.insideHALTON.com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Thursday, December 8, 2016 | 2 6 O N TA R IO E N E R G Y B O A R D N O T IC E TO C U S T O M E R S OF E N B R ID G E G AS D IS T R IB U T IO N IN C., U N IO N G AS L IM IT E D A N D NATURAL R E S O U R C E GAS L IM IT E D Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., Union Gas Lim ited and Natural Resource Gas Lim ited have each applied fo r approval to recover the costs associated w ith their cap and trade com pliance plans. The costs o f the proposed plans w ould raise natural gas rates by $6 to $7 on average per m onth starting January 1, 2017 fo r residential custom ers. The exact am ount o f the increase will depend on the am ount o f gas you use and on yo u r gas utility. O ther custom ers, including businesses, m ay also be affected. Learn m ore. H av e y o u r say. U n d e r th e G o v e rn m e n t o f O n ta rio 's n e w g reen h o u se g as em issio n s regulatio n e a c h of E n bridg e G as D istribu tion Inc., U nion G as L im ited and N a tu ral R e so u rce G as Lim ited are req u ired to d e v e lo p plans to m e e t th e ir c a p an d tra d e c o m p lia n c e obligation s. N e w co sts w ill b e in cu rred by e a c h of th e n atural gas utilities to c o m p ly w ith th e reg ulatio ns. T h e O n ta rio E n ergy B o ard w ill assess th e c o s t-e ffe c tiv e n e s s o f e a c h o f th e c a p an d tra d e c o m p lia n c e plans filed by th e n atural gas utilities to d e te rm in e w h e th e r th e gas utilities can re co v er th o s e co sts in th e ra tes th e y c h a rg e cu s to m ers. THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IS HOLDING A PUBLIC HEARING The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) will hold a combined public hearing to consider Enbridge Gas, Union Gas and Natural Resource Gas' requests. We will question each of the gas utilities on their cap and trade compliance plans and on each of their cases for a rate change to implement those plans. We will also hear questions and arguments from individual customers and from groups that represent Enbridge Gas, Union Gas and Natural Resource Gas' customers. The OEB will assess whether the compliance plans are costeffective to determine whether the recovery of the cap and trade costs from customers is reasonable. The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency. We make decisions that serve the public interest. Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides you with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost. Evidence of their life together disappears continued from p.10 her heart, was placed, along with her own wedding ring, her husband' s urn and other sentimental items, including a picture her daughter drew of the three of them together with the family dog -- the last thing he had in his hands -- in a niche at Glen Oaks Memorial Funeral Homes & Cemetery' s mausoleum. It was Corey' s request. McNeely said each time she visits her husband' s niche in the Oakville mausoleum at 3164 Ninth Line, the rings have been a reminder of her commitment to move forward. with the families involved, police and security partners. "The cemetery is a public place and it' s appalling somebody would do this in what we consider sacred grounds," he said. "This is a sacred place and our hearts go out to those who are impacted and we're doing everything we can to ensure this doesn't happen again and to ensure the people responsible are caught." Although McNeely is pleased with the extra security measures, she questions why it took so long for them to be put in place. She says she only received a phone call from the funeral home Friday (Dec. 2). "I'm appreciative of the phone call, but I still have a number of questions," she said, noting she wants her husband' s resting place safe and secure. Moving forward "It was hard for me to put them away, but it was comforting to see it there because it reminded me that I could move on, that I was able to put it away," she said with a shaking voice. Not so, since she discovered the wedding rings, her husband' s childhood locket and her daughter' s drawing have gone missing. "It was the last picture he had in his hands," she said. Her mother-in-law made the discovery Sunday (Nov. 27) and McNeely confirmed Monday the items were missing. "I am heartbroken," she said, questioning how something like this could happen. The woman who lives on the Mississauga side of the Oakville border, said it' s supposed to be a safe resting place for her late husband. McNeely isn't the only person affected. Christine Hanley told the Beaver her mother' s wedding ring and her father' s signet ring went missing on Nov. 27, too. Hanley said she was shocked to learn it wasn't the first time an item went missing and raised concerns about security to the funeral home. Halton police confirm five thefts occurred since Nov. 3, but are not releasing details. Gary Carmichael, vice-president of Arbor Memorial, which owns Glen Oaks Memorial Funeral Homes & Cemetery, says it' s believed the thefts took place over the Nov. 26 weekend, as well as a month ago. Since the last incident, security measures at the Oakville funeral home' s mausoleum have increased. Access codes have been changed, more security cameras have been added and there is round-the-clock security, said Carmichael. He added Glen Oaks is working Through tears Through tears, McNeely said the items in the niche are among the few items she has left of the life she had with Corey. Over the last few years, the family sold many belongings and property to pay for Corey' s medication and some items that were saved were damaged in a flood after an ice storm. "I don't have material things that I can hold on to, to say I remember this, or furniture that reminds me of a life that we had." McNeely admits she' s questioned whether she should have abided by her husband' s wishes in the first place when for two years, "it was safe and sound in my hands and around my neck," she said of the ring. "It took me almost two years to gain courage to bury his urn and the belongings he asked for. And in less than a year, it' s gone. Little by little, I feel like my life with him has become a dream. There' s less and less evidence of our life together other than the memories that I have left." BE INFORMED AND HAVE YOUR SAY You have the right to inform ation regarding this application and to be involved in the process. · You can review each of Enbridge Gas, Union Gas and Natural Resource Gas ' applications on the OEB's w ebsite now. · You can file a letter w ith your com m ents at any tim e before the end of the OEB's hearing, w hich w ill be considered during the hearing. · You can becom e an active participant (called an intervenor). A p p ly by January 9, 2017 or the hearing w ill go ahead w ith o u t you and you w ill not receive any further notice of the proceeding. · A t the end of the process, you can review the OEB's decision and its reasons on our w ebsite. LEARN MORE Our file num bers for this case is EB-2016-0300 (Enbridge Gas), EB-2016-0296 (Union Gas) and EB-2016-0330 (Natural Resource Gas). To learn more about this hearing, find instructions on how to file letters or becom e an intervenor, or to access any docum ent related to this case, please enter one of the three file numbers EB-2016-0300 (Enbridge Gas), EB-2016-0296 (Union Gas) and EB-2016-0330 (Natural Resource Gas) on the OEB w ebsite: www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/notice. You can also phone our C onsum er Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727 w ith any questions. ORAL VS. WRITTEN HEARINGS There are tw o types of OEB hearings - oral and w ritten. The OEB w ill determ ine at a later date w hether to proceed by w ay of a w ritten or oral hearing. If you th in k an oral hearing is needed, you can w rite to the OEB to explain w h y by January 9, 2017. PRIVACY If y o u w rite a le tte r o f c o m m en t, y o u r n a m e a n d th e c o n te n t o f y o u r le tte r will b e p u t o n th e p u b lic r e c o r d a n d th e OEB w e b s ite . H ow ev er, y o u r p e r s o n a l te le p h o n e n u m ber, h o m e a d d r e s s a n d em a il a d d r e s s will b e r e m o v e d . If y o u a r e a b u s in e s s , all y o u r in form ation will rem ain p u b lic. If y o u a p p ly to b e c o m e an intervenor, all in form ation will b e p u b lic. This h ea rin g will b e c o m b in e d p u rsu an t to s e c tio n 21(5) a n d h e ld u n d er s e c tio n 3 6 o f th e Ontario E n ergy B o a r d A ct, S.O . 1 9 9 8 c .1 5 (S c h e d u le B). Daughter's hand-drawn picture Even more difficult to come to terms with is the picture her daughter drew of the three of them together with the family dog that has gone missing as well. McNeely says she doubts she will ever get those items back, but hopes the increased security measures will help keep her husband' s niche -- a place meant to honour him and his memory -- safer. She and her daughter visit every week and she says she wants desperately to keep his memory alive while they move on together. Ontario Ontario Energy Commission de I'energie Board de I'Ontario

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