Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 2016, p. 44

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| Thursday, Decem ber 1 ,2 0 1 6 | 4 4 C anadian D o g W h is p e r e r Cure A n y M is b e h a v io r! Private In-Home Sessions "I Guarantee you will have a new dog before I leave your home. You can enjoy living with a balanced dog...forever." OakvilleBeaver A l o O C l f 1 A f l f i · :metrolandmedia W I f l w V I I I C U W t n ^ ifip rk tocalWorkca workopolisTM L <^tarem.com Connected to your community® 1 ---- I C T U 3 Y O U R B E S T S O U R C E FO R L O C A L J O B S canada-s biggest job site H CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! 1 DEADLINE: F o r d is p la y a d v e r tis in g , p le a s e a llo w f o r an a d d itio n a l d a y . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAYMENT: V is a , M a s te rC a rd , A m e ric a n E x p re s s b y p h o n e o r c a s h o r c h e q u e in p e r s o n a t 5 0 4 6 M a in w a y , U n it 2, B u r lin g to n Contact: Bruce Warrington 905-681-0423 www.canadiandogwhisperer.ca bruce@canadiandogwhisperer.ca Tuesday at 12 noon fo r Thursday edition. EMAIL: classifieds@ metroland.com 1 PHONE: 905-527-5555 · 1-8 0 0 -2 6 3 -6 4 8 0 1 FAX: 9 0 5-526-6779 · 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M . - 6:30 P.M. E v e r y e f f o r t is m a d e t o e n s u r e t h e a c c u r a c y o f y o u r a d . P l e a s e c h e c k y o u r a d t h e f i r s t d a y i t a p p e a r s t o e n s u r e i t ' s a c c u r a t e . M e tr o la n d w i ll n o t b e r e s p o n s ib le f o r a n y e r r o r s a p p e a r in g a f t e r t h e f ir s t d a y o f p u b lic a tio n . C a n c e lla t io n s m u s t b e m a d e b y t e le p h o n e . Thursday at 11 a.m. fo r Friday edition. www.insidehalton.com | O A K V I L L E B E A V E R Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com Articles for Sale WHEELCHAIR, MANU AL, good condition, used indoors, Roho air adjustable seat 16"x16" , washable cover, angle adjustable foot plates, seat to floor height 17" , $295. obo. 905-847-9602 Apartments for Rent 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting from $975 190 Kerr Street Apartments for Rent THREE BEDROOMS IN WATERDOWN. Town house, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Heart of Waterdown. Very clean. Mod ern open concept. One car driveway and guest. Walking distance to amenities. Easy to High ways and Bus stop. Available Dec. 2nd. 2nd and 3rd floor with en trance on Main Floor. $1,700 Per Month plus utilities. sujeefonseka @gmail.com Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Mortgages/ Loans Mortgages/ Loans Articles Under $100 Articles for Sale Musical Instruments --GUITARS NEW--1 from $99. Over 20,000 musical items in stock. Absolute Music 945 Upper James St. Hamil ton. call 905-318-7447 www.absolutemusic.ca CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT 905-845-1777 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 1265 Sixth Line CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE Tow nhom e | $ 1 3 0 0 /m p lu s u t ilitie s TOWnhOme (W ith G a r a g e ) I $ 1 4 0 0 /m p lu s u t ilitie s C lo s e to B u r lin g to n M a ll, S c h o o ls & T r a n s it · 4 appls.^ Eat-in Kitchen · Basement · Parking HOME EQUITY LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE!! Bank turn downs, Tax or Mortgage Arrears, Self Employed, Bad Credit, Bankruptcy. We are creative mortgage specialists! No proof of income 1st, 2nd, & 3rd's up to 85% /g o v ro w : p a y : 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca 1 BEDROOM apartment, Bronte area. Available immediately. $875/mo. plus hydro. Call 416-540-1219. Burlington Towers NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bdrm Available Jan. 15th or Feb. 1st Located close to the Lake. Indoor pool, sauna and fitness centre. Utilities included! 905-639-8583 Please visit us at www.facebook.com/ burlingtontowers DUNDAS & Trafalgar Brand new 750 sq.ft. 1 bedroom and 1 den condo, stainless steel appliances, washer, dryer and access to all a m e n i t i e s . 416-457-1038 FACING BURLINGTON Mall. 1 & 2 bedroom. Brand new kitchens. Seniors discount. Call Bob 905-639-8009 or Don 905-681-8115. $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ........... $ 105. 40/m th $ 5 5 ,0 0 0 ........... $2 3 7 . 11/m th $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 ......... $4 7 4 . 21/m th $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 ......... $9 4 8 . 42/m th LARGER AMOUNTS AND COMMERCIAL FUNDS AVAILABLE Decrease monthly payments up to 75%!! Based on 3% APR. OAC Houses for Rent OFF BRANT STREET: Beside park, 3 bedroom bungalow plus den or 4th bedroom, 2 full bath rooms. $1385/month. 3 LEVEL SEMI 3 bed rooms. 1.5 baths, rec room. $1375/month. APPLEBY MALL 4 level split, 3 bedrooms plus den/4th bedroom. 1.5 baths, rec room, garage. $1485/month. Call Albert Mc Donagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage 905-632-5690 3 2 7 0 P rospect S tre e t, B urlington 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -2 6 0 1 Articles Wanted ^ Articles Wanted (888) 307-7799 Ontario-Wide Financial (F S C O Licence # 1 2 4 5 6 ) RECORDS, LP stereo, nice condition, large se lection to choose from, 10 for $100 firm, 905-332-0413 BEST CARPETING Deals! SAW, MILWAUKEE saw- 25 yards Pad/ Install $385. All types/ Colours. zall reciprocating saw, re-stretching, quick lock blade clamp, Repairs, hard shell case, like new. cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. $100. 905-815-8111 We w on't be undersold! SHERWOOD STEREO re ceiver with remote, 5 channels, nice condition, DIAMOND ENGAGE $100 firm, MENT Ring, 10 carat 905-332-0413 gold band with 1.28 SHOWER DOOR, 5ft center diamond and .64 additional dia wide, bronze frame with monds, appraised at mirror, $50, $3,500. Asking 905-336-3100 $1,200 o.b.o. SIX PANEL play yard 905-465-3391 with foam floor puzzle animal mat. $45. Call 905-582-9419 SMALL ROCKING chair, w ithout arms. Petit point padded seat and back. DINING ROOM table and $15. 905-634-0092 six chairs, china cabinet T-FAL ELECTRIC grill & and buffet, Duncan riddle. Great as a Xmas Phyfe, excellent condi ift. Good condition. tion, $1,200. $45. 905-332-8067 905-802-8240 TOWER TYPE one meter tall electric heater, Bo- ESTATE SALE - lots of camp, $50, items! Portable air con ditioners, washer & dry 905-844-9138 er, new dishwasher, TREE STAND. $5. bedroom dresser, corner china cabinet, new Lazy905-332-6548 boy recliner, PianoTYPEWRITER, ELEC Henry Herbert Mason TRONIC Smith Corona, Risch. 647-701-3243 very nice condition, $65 Milton firm , 905-332-0413 WAGON, STEP 2 canopy wagon, $40. Call 905-582-9419 WALKING CANE, 4 prong, like new. $35. 905-637-5323 Tools & Equipment WOODWORKING TOOLS- Radial A rm , 10" saw, $75. Table saw 10" , $75. 30" planer, $50. 40" Router table, with plunge router $75. High volume, low pressure, spray sys tem, $25. 905-845-1389 TENOR SAXOPHONE. Looking for an interme diate model Tenor Saxo phone, call or text me at 905-902-1345 Classic Vehicles Musical Instruments BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls www.ontario-widefinancial.com ~ Let us HELP, ask for Lee ~ Articles Under $100 BELLA PANINI grill, brand new, $20 firm, 905-336-7549 BLANKET /PAD bed cov er, used. large size. $10. 905-689-2804 BLOCK HEATER for car/truck engine with cord, 400 watts, $20, 905-844-9138 BOX OF VHS tapes. 300 in box for $70. Popular titles. Delivery possible. 905-520-4025 brevetti Toaster convection oven, $15, 905-333-0904 CABINET, CORNER. $75. 647-701-3243 CANNISTER VACUUM, with crevice tool and guide book, excellent condition. $315. 905-631-9442 CAR SEAT, Chicco Infant (4 to 22 pounds), $50. 905-582-9419. COMFORTER, BED skirt, shams, valance 92w, 16h, cost $400, asking $99/all. 905-634-3655 CROCK POT 4 QUART, never used, 3 option, dial, white base. $40. 289-828-0069. DENI CONVECTION ov en, table top, $40, 905-333-0904 DOLL CLOTHES, cute hand sewn, fits 18" dolls, great Christmas Gift, $10. Call 905-315-8366 DRESSER For bed room. $75. 647-701-3243 DRYER, ELECTRIC full size, excellent condition, $100. 289-337-1328 FIGURE SKATES, ladies white with picks, used twice, size 8. $45. 905-333-1416 GOLDTONE BLUEGRASS Banjo, lefthanded banjo, like new condition, all 1980 CORVETTE T Roof, accessories, $749. Call Blue, $12,500 as is. 905-635-6493 905-876-4278 III WE BUY IT ALL! C h in a, Silver, C rystal, C o in s , G o ld & C o s tu m e Jew ellery, Art, D o ulton s S w a ro vs k i, A n tiq u e s, C ollectibles, D o w n s izin g & Estate E xperts C all A p p ra is e rs : Joh n /D arcie/K rista 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -2 4 7 7 Articles Under $100 FILE CABINET, 3 draw ers, black, good condi tion. $50. Call 905-617-9459 FIREPLACE, ELECTRIC wood grain finish. $80, 289-861-1206 FIVE PIECE cookware, glass, Corning, baking, brand new, $40. 289-828-0069. FLOOR LAMP with glass tabletop. $5. 905-332-6548 GREY BISSELL, 3-in-1 vac with attachment, spare bags and guide book, excellent condi tion. $15. 905-631-9442 HAMMERED STEEL glass fireplace swing open doors, free stand ing, $75, 905-844-9138 HOOD VENT for kitchen, white, 2 speed fan, light. dimensions 30"x18" .8x6" . $45. 905-333-1416 HP WIRELESS printer, 4500 series, prints, cop ies, scans. b&w and col our inks included. $25. 905-635-8647 JACKET, LEATHER black,, medium size $40. 905-637-5323 JOLLY JUMPER w M stand and play mat, $35. Call 905-582-9419 LADIES COAT, Brown all weather, full size fur lin ing, size 10, $100, 905-332-3466. lad Jes Large 3/4 length dark brown faux fur coat, excellent condi tion, $20, 905-336-7549 MIRROR, SOLID wood frame, 18 in. wide x 40 in. high, medium brown. $39.99. 905-634-3655 THREE 15", 5 bolt GM rims, $30, 905-844-9138 Christm as Townhouses for Rent 3 BEDROOMS, Centennial Drive, Burlington. Family complex. $1400./month plus hydro. One parking spot only. Available De cember. Call GUELPH LINE, 5km north of 401. Spacious, 905-319-1869. 1 bedroom apartment, clean, on main floor. l APPLEBY MALL. 3 bed arge closets, Fridge, room condo. 1.5 bath stove, laundry, eat in rooms, Rec Room, kitchen parking. $650+ $ 1320/mo. utilities. No pets, De- EAST BURLINGTON 4 cecmber 1. call bedroom, 1.5 bath 416-781-9410 phone rooms, rec room, gar calls only will be an age, $1375/mo Albert swered. McDonagh Ltd. Real Es Brokerage MAPLE/ LAKESHORE tate 1 bedroom available. 905-632-5690. Utilities included. Park ing extra. Indoor swim BRAND NEW, large 3 pool. Well maintained bedroom 3.5 bath townbuilding. 905-632-5258 home with finished basement. Dundas/6th Line, many upgrades, Martha Terrace driveway. $2390+ Apartments utilities, Oakville. December 1 Phone 2 bedroom. Clean, 416-669-6501 no pets. quiet, well-maintained building, located in beautiful downtown BURLINGTON Burlington, steps to Very Large 4 bedroom Spencer Smith Park. 4 Townhouse. appliances, 1.5 baths, Available January 1. central air, heat & hot Includes 5 appliances, water included, gym / single car garage, park social room. Call today like setting (905) 592-1635 rentaltownhouses.ca marthaterrace.com 905-681-0070 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom PINEapartment, low rise BURLINGTON, building, steps to Bur DALE, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 lington lakefront, quiet baths, finished base building in great condi ment, garage, no smok pets, C/A, tion, $1050. + hydro, ing/ available Jan 1st, no appliances, $1550/ pets/ smoking. month plus. Immediate. 905- 634-6889 905-681-6915 w w w .t jt r a d e r s .c o m in q u ir ie s @ tjtr a d e rs .c o m Townhouses for Rent ^ Domestic Help Available Trees CHRISTMAS TR EES CHOOSE & CUT 6 D IFFER EN T VARIETIES A N Y SIZE $30. Vietrees Farm, 8730 Tw iss Rd., Cam pbellville (1 1/2 kms south of 401 & Guelph Line Exit - Campbellville Rd/Twiss Rd Intersection). O pen 7 days a week 9-4. 905-854-3857 $20/HOUR CLEANING Service. Great Rates. Professional & reliable. available. GEORGIAN COURT References Please call Olga for an ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane. Large, estimate 905-997-1917 bright, spacious 2 and 3 or 416-994-7090. bedroom townhouses, hardwood floors, full Articles Wanted basement, private patio. Utilities included. Park- ALL TEAK furniture like-setting, outdoor wanted, antiques, watch pool/splash pad, wading es, paintings, silver dol pool, tennis courts 24/hr lars, gold, sterling silver, on-site management. Doultons, jewelry, Swa2 8 9 - 3 4 8 - 1 5 5 3 rovski figurines, old georgiancrt.ca toys, musical instru ments. We buy it all. 905-979-4447. Office/ Business Space for Rent/ Wanted jllsiyiiiHsi SJAIAJI! EXTREMELY GOOD Pricing! Whole house sale, furniture, small appliances, and much more! Moving from Canada. 647-460-4563 Articles for Sale 60 MATCHBOX dinky service DHY models new with boxes, $400/ all. Seven original dinky diecast models, $100/ all. Wheelchair, $15. Raised seniors toilet seat with arms, $10. 905-639-2300 **A1 MATTRESS FAC TORY DIRECT, delivery available. All sizes including custom split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20 year sets starting $240. 30 year tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop & `Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, end-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020 905-681-9496, 905-563-6903. KING, IKEA Sleigh bed frame (black), paid $750, asking $275. 2 single size airbeds, new, 30x75, $35 each. Can deliver. Call Brian 905-681-9496 SMALL BUSINESS of fice, in Burlington, with services. Call Bud 905-464-0516. L Q 0 K Mortgages/ Loans REDWOOD 2.37% 5 year VRM. Also, equity mortgage programs regardless of income or credit O.A.C. Call Robert anytime. 905-274-4801x1 #10288 redwoodmortgage.ca find us online at yourclassifieds.ca WANTED ANTIQUES China Coins Gold Silver Costume Jewelry Watches Royal Doultons Tea Cups Lladro Sterling Flatware Moorcroft Furniture Toys Waterford Much More!!! ESTATE CLEARING DOWN SIZING MOVING ? Give Us A Call Will Make CASH Offers on All Quality Antiques Collectables Call-Text Email: silverspoon174 @gmail.com Kathy 905 920 9137 I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) CARPET Madeira Farms CHRISTMAS TREES CUT-YOUR-OWN AND PRE-CUT Spruce, Pine, Fir Wreaths. To book your classified ad call 5369 Wellington 27, Rockwood 519-856-1009 905.632.4440 or fax 905-632-8165 Steve 905-633-8192 MOVING SALE, er/dryer set, Stove, $220. $175., Washer, Call 289-337-1328 Wash$375. Dryer $225. Oakville madeirafarms.com Beaver To book your Lifenews ad call SEWING MACHINE, Singer machine in cabi net, very good quality machine, like new, rarely used. Asking $150. Call 905-634-0532 905.632.4440 or email classified@metrolandwest.com

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