Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 2016, p. 49

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Three individuals were presented with special awards when Sport Oakville held its ninth annual Sport Awards recently at the Operating Engineers Banquet Hall. Olympic sailor Lee Parkhill did double duty as award winner and special guest speaker, relating experiences from his start in the sport at age nine to competing in Rio for Canada in August. Following the ceremony, guests were invited to take photos alongside Parkhill and the bronze medal he won at the 2015 Pan Am Games in Toronto. Also honoured were Wayne Moorehead, the past president and development grant committee chair of Sport Oakville who is a former coach, trainer, convener and executive member with the Minor Oaks Hockey Association; and Cathy Watt, the current organizer of the Sport Awards who is a former board member of Sport Oakville, holding the positions of director, president, secretary and treasurer. Parkhill, Moorehead, Watt honoured at ninth Sport Oakville award ceremonies 49 | Thursday, November 24, 2016 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com 2016 Sport Oakville awards for 17 organizations · Oakville Girls Softball Association: Nicole Lemieux, coach; Oakville Angels Big Sister Coaching & Mentoring Team, Ria Kalra, volunteer · Oakville Gymnastics Club: Terry Lister, volunteer · Oakville Hornets Girls Hockey Association: Oakville Hornets Atom AA Team; Brent Christensen coach; Pat O'Kelly, volunteer · Oakville Little League Baseball: OLL Minor American League Rays; Jerry Thornhill, coach; Peter Hundeck, volunteer · Oakville Titans Minor Football League: Tanner Guy, athlete; Oakville Titans Spring 2016 peewee team; Brent Kilborn, coach; Heather Wilson, volunteer In addition to the three special awards, a ance and dedication of Oakville's athletes, sport development, performance and contrigroup of individual athletes, teams, coaches teams, coaches and volunteers in the areas of bution to the sports community. and volunteers representing 17 organizations were honoured for excellence, dedication, performance and contribution to the sports community. Chris Mei, morning host on the Weather Network, was master of ceremonies. "We were thrilled with the continued support of this event from our sport group members and sponsors," said Philips Benjamin, president of Sport Oakville. "This was a record year with over 280 awards presented on behalf of our 17 member sport groups." Sponsors of the event included Oakville Hydro, Corbett's Source for Sport, Canyon Creek, Foot Tools, Oakville Little League Baseball, National Sports, Panera Bread, Pizza Pienza and Soccer World. Help us recognize the Sport Oakville's recognition awards recognize and celebrate the excellence, persever- Celebrate Incredible. Awards · Bronte Harbour Yacht Club: BHYC Junior Race Team · Burloak Canoe Club: U19 Women's War Canoe and U19 Men's War Canoe · Halton Field Hockey Club: Madison Workman, athlete; Rachel Spekking, volunteer · Oakville Aquatic Club: Tessa Cieplucha, Matthew Mac, Rosie & Mabel Zavaros, athletes · Oakville Basketball Club: Jeremy Jones, coach · Oakville Cricket Club: Ehsan Kharal, athlete; OCC Premiere Division Team and OCC First Division Team; Manik Bhan, coach, Nasru Syed, volunteer · Oakville Minor Lacrosse Association: Chris Dong, athlete; Lady Hawks U13-2 field team; Lexi Doherty, volunteer · Oakville Speed Skating Club: Electra Halushak, athlete; Ian Welsby, athlete; Dave Dryden, coach; Stacy Maynard, volunteer · Oakville Thunder Volleyball Club: Steve Udvari, coach; Danielle Walker, volunteer · Skate Oakville: Jordana Dryburgh, athlete; EDGE Novice Synchronized Skating Team; Brian Shales, coach; Ken McCowan, volunteer · Special Olympics Ontario (Oakville): Bingo Riviero, coach; Bob Kelley, volunteer. junior citizens who make our communities better. Nominate someone age 6­17 for a 2016 Ontario Junior Citizen Award! Learn how to use sociaL media and search engines to grow your business! Annaleise Carr, 2012 and 2014 Ontario Junior Citizen, Simcoe, ON At 14, Annaleise Carr was the youngest person ever to swim across Lake Ontario. Two years later, Annaleise swam across Lake Erie. Combined these efforts raised awareness and hundreds of thousands of dollars for Camp Trillium, a family camp for children with cancer. Her book, Annaleise Carr: How I Conquered Lake Ontario to Help Kids Battling Cancer, inspires others to take on great challenges and help their fellow citizens. Do you know someone who is involved in worthwhile community service, is contributing while living with a limitation, has performed an heroic act, demonstrates individual excellence, or is going above and beyond to help others? If so, nominate them today! Nominations are open until November 30, and nomination forms are available from this newspaper, and the Ontario Community Newspapers Association at www.ocna.org or 416-923-7724 ext. 4439. Sponsored by: The Oakville Beaver is hosting 2 FREE INFORMATION SESSIONS for local businesses to explain how they can take advantage of the Canada-Ontario Job Grant to get certified in the fundamentals of Digital Marketing. Sessions will be held at the Burlington Post at 5046 Mainway #2, Burlington, November 29th at the following times: 9:00 AM 2:00 PM Guests can Pre-register at www.Canada-Trains.com or call 1-844-990-6111 for more information. CEO of MacRAE's R0014095130 HugH Owen Special Guest Speaker All registrants receive a free SEO assessment! Presented by The Oakville Beaver ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN AWARDS

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