THE JOURNAL. Oakville-Trafalgar, Centennial Issue, June #7, W87 Former Mayors Helped With Town Problems DR. F . M. D E A N S C H A R L E S V . H IL L M E R -- 1947 - 1948 TH O M A S B L A K E L O C K 1929 1941 - 44 L A C H L A N M cA R T H U R 1954 - 55 JA M E S R. B L A C K -- 1949 - 53 Though Not Famous As Paris Or Rome Berlin Gets Russian Fashions Business By OM ER A N D E R SO N ON TH E SI DE By E. V . D U R L IN G TRY and STOP ME ! By B E N N E T C E R F Berlin-- Soviet bigwigs tell o ff the United Nations and they talk big about blasting any foes o ff the map with guided missiles, but what do they do when they visit their East German satellite on busi ness? Discreetly, and with not a little embarassment, they dispatch a flunky from Communist East Ber lin across the line into free West Berlin. F or what sinister purpose? To buy the missus back in Moscow some new dresses and gowns. Several W est Berlin fashion de signers who visited Moscow recent ly laughed their heads o ff at seeing the wives o f the Krem lin's masters strutting like peacocks at official functions in West Berlin cocktail and evening gown creations. So many Communist bigwigs clandestinely purchase for their wives from W est Berlin's smart fashion shops that a gentleman's agreement has been reached with West Berlin custom officials on this illicit-- theoretically -- traffic. Customs guards on both sides o f the " little Iron Curtain" dividing Communists from free Berlin look the other way when the messenger with the unmistakable parcel cros ses the line en route back to East Berlin. A fem ale can add six inches to her height by featuring high heels. So, a young woman o f five feet, two, can becom e smart and impressive as a tall girl in appearance. A man can add to his stature with heightbuilding shoes. However, he can only make himself appear two inches taller. Still, if a fellow measuring five feet, seven had a girl friend five feet, eight in height, he could becom e talerl than she by wearing height builders. Then his girl could look up to be kissed good night instead of having to reach down. That is, if she wore flat-heeled shoes. F lo w e r Language Is lettuce a flow er? It must be. It is included in the official " Lan guage o f Flow ers." It means " You are cold-hearted." So, young fellow , if some girl gives you the brush-off, send her a head o f lettuce. Speak ing o f the " Language o f Flow ers," do you know the message conveyed when a young woman is sent a bunch o f daisies? It means: " I won't t tell." Campus beauties you'll remem ber: Miss Alabama, daughter of a famous cornet player, who was educated by a private tooter . . . Miss North Dakota, who was fired from a 5-and-10-cent store because she couldn't remember prices . . . Miss Arizona, who left this note on her door: " If I'm studying when you com e in, please wake me up" . .,. Miss Kansas, who declared that the opposite of " misery" was " happiness," the opposite of " sad ness" was " gladness" , and the op posite o f " woe" was " giddy-ap" . . . Miss Rhode Island, who sighed, " My boy friend not only starts things he can't finish; he starts things he can't even begin." An Important / MESSAGE FOR OWNERS OF 1953 - '54 - '55 Miss W ellesley '59: W ould you W ell-D ressed Men rush to my aid in distress? F or warmth the fancy vest should be revived. A sweater, worn with Mr. Amherst '57: Darling, I a business suit, has a tendency to make a man appear elderly and in wouldn't care what you were wear need o f extra protection from the weather. A brightly colored vest, or ing! waistcoat as w* say in Brooklyn, gives a man a youthful appearance. " I never drink anything stronger Makes him look like a lively fellow . Also improves his standing as a than pop," declared his new date well-dressed man. dem urely: then added quickly, " but Pop drinks anything." U n con sciou s S elf-A dm iration 30 YEARS AGO Mayor of the town from 1925 to 1928 was W ilson N. Robinson, now judge of the County Court. W orth remembering: Edward Sheldon's " God will look you over, not fo r medals, diplomas, or de grees, but fo r scars." And Swift's, " The best doctors in the w orld are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman. Man and w ife eventually grow to look alike. The similarity o f their environment, interests and thoughts brings about a similarity o f ap pearance. So, it is frequently alleged. Nothing to that and if you know any young w ife who is w orrying about getting to look like her husband, tell her to forget it. Still some married couples do look alike. That, how ever, is not the result o f living together. They always did look alike. Some people are so intrigued with their own faces they unconsciously fall in love with som ebody who looks like them. " They told me it was a deluxe cabin," pouted a secretary back from a vacation cruise to Bermuda, " so what was the idea of a washing machine on the w all?" A M atter f o r C onnoisseurs What, sir, is your idea o f the ideal fem inine figure?. The British consider the ideal figure to be bust, 34; waist, 23, and hips, 34. Height, M odels D isplay S om e o f the P op u la r W est B erlin F a s h io n ! five feet, 10 inches. The British go for the long-stemmed, slightly flatat a Show ing chested beauties. The French, and keep in mind I am speaKing from The wives o f some important gowns began to be taken seriously the male viewpoint, prefer women who have the follow ing measure East German Communists even by German ladies o f fashion. The risk their husband's wrath by sally Franco-Prussian war cut o f f Par ments; bust, 38; waist, 25, and hips, 37. Height, five feet, seven inches. ing into W est Berlin on personal isian haute couture imports, giving F e w W ord s o n S eriou s S u b ject shopping excursions. These wives home-town designers their big Henry Ward Beecher observed, " W ell married, a man is winger; face only one disadvantage-- they chance. can't " charge it." W est Berlin Today, W est Berlin's 350 fashion ill-matched, he is scheckled." Publius Syrus said, " Mind, not body, shops w ill sell them aily elegant firm s em ploy 45,000 sub-contract makes marriage lasting." Calderon said: " A woman needs a stronger gown they like-- but only fo r cash, ors, seamstresses, ironers, manne head than her own fo r counsel-- she should marry." Robert Louis Ste quins and clerical help. meaning W est German marks. venson said, " If they only m arried when they fell in love, most people A ll o f this Communist fashion Most o f the firm s are now in the would die unwed." hanky-panky points to West Ber process o f m oving into a newlylin's astonishing rise as a world built " fashion sity" at the end o f On Thfe S u b je ct o f D iet fashion center. On the Continent, the Kurfuerstendamm, the Berlin Every wife, who wishes her loving husband to live to a healthy and W est Berlin now rates ju st behind Broadway, near the " GedaechtnisKirche (M em orial chu rch ). pleasant old age, should know som ething about diet. How is your w ife's Paris and Rome. And W est Berlin, believe it or Despite its profitable pre-occupa knowledge o f that vital subject? Ask her what eggs are easiest to digest, not, sells m ore w om en's fashions tion with the hausfrau, Berlin's raw, fried o r boiled. than either Paris or Rome. By wav fashion industry turns out its share Designers ing on the carriage trade and con o f stunning creations. R uns In F am ilies centrating on the sturdy, middle- such as Hang Oestergaard and Ur In Kenosha, Wis., live triplets named Jackie, Jerry and Jimmie class hausfrau types, W est Berlin sula Schewe are taken seriously has built its fashion industry into even in Paris and Rome, where Hastings. Their father is a twin, M ultiple births run in his fam ily. That the Iron Curtain outpost city 's sec Schubert, a transplanted German is usually the situation in the case o f twins. I f a young woman marries ond biggest business-- just behind designer, has made a big name. a twin, she has a very good chanceof becom ing the mother o f triplets. As a W est German fashion ty the production o f electrical equip coon chuckled, " W e don 't get the Especially if h er hu6t>and is o f Irish birth or descent. ment. Last year, W est Berlin's fashion publicity and fame that Paris and C on tin uan ce o f L ov e output topped $200 m illion. Fa Rome do; we just get the busi Seventeen per cent o f marriages in the United States end in the shion deliveries to W e s t Germany ness." amounted to $112 millions, and divorce court. Most o f the divorces take place after five years o f mar West Berlin fashion houses export riage or less. Twenty per cent, o f the couples remaining married do so ed to nearly every country in the fo r reasons other than mutual love. F orty per cent reach a state o f mind world, including Canada. Principal o f liking or,respectin g their mates but not loving them. Only 23 per customers are Holland, Belgium cent o f m arried couples continue to be in love with each other. So, a and Switzerland. A stray cat in Suffolk Park cost checking on life among the married is alleged to reveal. How are you In fact Berlin's fashion industry is not a postwar phenomenon. It Bill Brush,- o f the Oakville and doing? dates back 120 years to when Jew District Humane Society, a collec ish artisans from the east intro tion o f bruises and abrasions Sun F irst Cars On T h e Road duced the art o f tailoring to the What does your automobile dealer know about the history o f his day afternoon, when he was sum German capital. It was not until 1870, however, moned to rescue the animal from business? Ask him what w ere the first 10 gasoline automobiles on the market. The answer, in order named, Duryea, Ford, Franklin, Haynes, that Berlin-designed and tailored a tree at 421 Brookside Drive. Mr. Brush clim bed 60 feet up Knox, Old, Packard, Pierce-Arrow, Stearns and Winton. the tree, secured the animals and dropped it into a waiting blanket, er, and Agent Brush is healing but lost his grip on the tree and nicely. slid the w hole distance to the ground. Most o f the present residents o f The cat was given a temporary Haiti are descendants o f the slaves home at the Society's shelter, imported from A frica by French pending word from a possible own- settlers. " A re you quite certain, Mrs. Jones," the doctor asked, " that your husband whistles constantly " They told me it was a deluxe through his teeth when he sleeps?" cabin," pouted a secretary back " Am I certain!" echoed Mrs. from a vacation cruise to Bermuda, Jones angrily. " W hy, this morning " so what was the idea o f a wash when he woke up there w ere a ing-machine on the w all?" dozen dogs jum ping on his chest." " The trouble with being best T he late Fred Allen always In man at a w edding," complains Greg Bautzer, " is that you are sel sisted the surest way to get into dom afforded the opportunity to television was to make an atro cious movie. prove it." AUTOMOBILES Right now Y o u r car has its H ighest tra d e -in v a lu e o f th e y e a r at O A K V IL L E M O T O R S . CENTENNIAL PANADE MONDAY, JULY 1st, I9S7 Right now Y o u c a n m o v e u p to a 1 9 5 7 M e te o r -- a n d save enough fo r a h o lid a y b y tra d in g in y o u r '5 3 - '5 4 - '5 5 m o d e l. DRIVE METEOR FIRST call All organizations and manufacturers desiring to enter floats or displays in the parade, who have not made arrangements. Please Phonu VI. 4-3273 Oakville Motors Ltd. 150 Colborne St. E. MERCURY -- SALES LINCOLN -- METEOR SERVICE Mercury Trucks Slides Sixty Feet After Rescues Cat Telephone - - L. A. JONES V I5-4269 V I5-4260 V I5-4474 Excel Glass Co. of Hamilton TO THE JOHN . WILKES PRESS o n th e o c c a s io n of the Congratulations EXTENDS CONGRATULATIONS to the GRAND OPENING of their N e w Building ON THE OPENING OF WE ARE PROUD TO TH IS HAVE TAKEN PART IN D E C O R A T IN G JOHN WILKES PNESS IT W A S 6 U R PRIVILEGE T O S U P P L Y ALL TH E G LA SS IN C A N A D A 'S M O S T M O D E R N B U ILD IN G . THEIR N EW BUILDING Complete Electrical Installation provided by M ODERN STRU CTU RE LAWSON H. VERY P ainting & Decorating P h o n e B ron te 5 5 4 2 1 5 T r a fa lg a r St. N. B ron te BROWN ELECTRIC Co. Limited Ul V I. Phone A 39Q 1 8 Dunn St. S. O a k v i l l e EXCEL GLASS GO. 59 K IN G ST. W E S T H A M IL T O N , O N T A R IO JAckson 7-2342