| OAKVILLE BEAVER |Thursday, October 6, 2016 | 16 'm inviting everyone over. JEAN PRESTON, AT CHARTWELL SINCE 2012. If y o u 're like Jean, you never miss an o p p o rtu n ity to g e t to g e th e r w ith frie n d s and have fun. T h a t's w hy y o u 're all in vite d to o u r w ee kly O pen House. Join us and learn w h y our residents feel so at hom e at C hartw ell. CHARTWELL.COM www.insideHALTON.com Almost 35,000 students and teachers in Halton will bite into the Great Big Crunch challenge on Thursday, Oct. 13. | submitted photo Students ready to bite into cause by Julia Le Oakville Beaver Staff Nearly 35,000 students and teachers across Halton will be taking a bite into healthy eating Thursday Oct. 13. School communities -- 24 in Oakville, 22 in Milton and Halton Hills and 22 in Burlington have risen to the Great Big Crunch challenge, which encourages participants to take part in a "synchronized crunch" into a locally grown apple, then share photos of it through social media by using the hashtags #greatbigcrunch, #healthykidsburlon and #nostudentsgoeshungry see Crunching on p.20 FITNESS. GoodUfe B urlington's 2nd G oodLife Club is NOW OPEN Join Canada's #1 Fitness Club G et into the BEST SHAPE of yo u r life. Ar CHARTW ell 2 8 9 -6 4 4 -2 9 6 0 O AKVILLE retirem ent residence NO JUDGEMENTS® EveryBODY Welcome Proudly Canadian Since 1979 M ake us part o f you r story. Appleby 24/7 Co-Ed Club 180 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville 2525 Appleby Line (at Dundas) 905-332-8580 g o o d life f itn e s s .c o m oo@ C o n d itio n s m ay apply. *W hen joining, you will be required to pay a $ 39 .99 enrolm ent fee based on th e purchase o f a one year, one club m em bership. $18 biweekly paym ents will com m ence based on your start date and valid at Appleby 24 /7 C o-E d Club. A pplicable tax applies. Limited tim e offer. O ther conditions apply, see club fo r details. Please c h eck goodlifefitness.com or w ith club fo r hours o f operation.